基金项目: 北京市教育委员会科技发展计划项目(SQKM201710016006)
北京建筑大学市属高校基本科研业务费专项基金资助项目(X18214, X18182)
Discussion on inhibition strategies of two nitrite oxidizing bacteria in nitritation
YANG Zongyue1,,FU Kunming1,,
LIAO Minhui1,
QIU Fuguo1,
CAO Xiuqin1
1.Sino-Dutch R&D Center for Future Wastewater Treatment Technologies, Key Laboratory of Urban Storm Water System and Water Environment, Ministry of Education, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044, China
关键词: 短程硝化/
Abstract:For purpose of maintaining the stability of nitritation, ensuring the efficiency of nitrite accumulation, it’s essential to have insight into the properties of ordinary nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) species in wastewater treatment systems. The kinetic parameters of Nitrospira and Nitrobacter, and the characteristics of the two genus bacteria in the activated sludge system, biofilm system, and granular sludge system were compared. Nitrospira had a lower specific growth rate and a better affinity for O2 and NO2- substrates than Nitrobacter. The former bacteria were suitable for growth in low concentration of substrates, which was considered as the main NOB genus in A2/O and nitritation-anammox process, while the latter ones were suitable for growth in high concentration of substrates. In granular sludge system, NOB mainly existed in the interior of the sludge, and were easy to be eliminated from the reactor due to the lack of O2, NO2- substrates. Through comparing the main control parameters for nitritation, the NOB inhibition strategies were proposed as: maintaining a reasonable sludge retention time (SRT) and free ammonia (FA) concentration in activated sludge system, adjusting dissolved oxygen (DO) and hydraulic retention time (HRT) systematically in biofilm system, sustaining an appropriate amount of residual NH4+-N, and washing out the flocculation from granular sludge. Furthermore, using intermittent aeration based on “cyclic feeding” and maintaining lower ratio of aeration and anaerobic time were propitious to prevent further oxidation of nitrite by NOB, trigger the stability of nitritation.
Key words:nitritation/
nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB)/
kinetic parameter/
autotrophic nitrogen removal.

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基金项目: 北京市教育委员会科技发展计划项目(SQKM201710016006) 北京建筑大学市属高校基本科研业务费专项基金资助项目(X18214, X18182)
关键词: 短程硝化/
English Abstract
Discussion on inhibition strategies of two nitrite oxidizing bacteria in nitritation
YANG Zongyue1,,FU Kunming1,,
LIAO Minhui1,
QIU Fuguo1,
CAO Xiuqin1
1.Sino-Dutch R&D Center for Future Wastewater Treatment Technologies, Key Laboratory of Urban Storm Water System and Water Environment, Ministry of Education, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044, China
Keywords: nitritation/
nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB)/
kinetic parameter/
autotrophic nitrogen removal
Abstract:For purpose of maintaining the stability of nitritation, ensuring the efficiency of nitrite accumulation, it’s essential to have insight into the properties of ordinary nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) species in wastewater treatment systems. The kinetic parameters of Nitrospira and Nitrobacter, and the characteristics of the two genus bacteria in the activated sludge system, biofilm system, and granular sludge system were compared. Nitrospira had a lower specific growth rate and a better affinity for O2 and NO2- substrates than Nitrobacter. The former bacteria were suitable for growth in low concentration of substrates, which was considered as the main NOB genus in A2/O and nitritation-anammox process, while the latter ones were suitable for growth in high concentration of substrates. In granular sludge system, NOB mainly existed in the interior of the sludge, and were easy to be eliminated from the reactor due to the lack of O2, NO2- substrates. Through comparing the main control parameters for nitritation, the NOB inhibition strategies were proposed as: maintaining a reasonable sludge retention time (SRT) and free ammonia (FA) concentration in activated sludge system, adjusting dissolved oxygen (DO) and hydraulic retention time (HRT) systematically in biofilm system, sustaining an appropriate amount of residual NH4+-N, and washing out the flocculation from granular sludge. Furthermore, using intermittent aeration based on “cyclic feeding” and maintaining lower ratio of aeration and anaerobic time were propitious to prevent further oxidation of nitrite by NOB, trigger the stability of nitritation.