1.河北科技大学环境科学与工程学院,石家庄 050018
2.北京科技大学能源与环境工程学院,北京 100083
3.北京市工业典型污染物资源化处理重点实验室,北京 100083
4.河北省廊坊市环境保护局,廊坊 065000
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(U1560110)
Optimization of Hg0 removal with H2O2/Fe3+ from sintering flue gas based on RSM model
LI Liuliu1,,YAN Bojun2,3,
CUI Jiansheng1,
XING Yi2,3,
LU Pei2,3,
LI Qianli4,
WANG Mengsi2,3
1.School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Hebei University of Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang 050018, China
2.School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China
3.Beijing Key Laboratory of Resource-Oriented Treatment of Industrial Pollutants, Beijing 100083, China
4.Hebei Province Langfang Environmental Protection Bureau, Langfang 065000, China
摘要:烧结烟气中重金属汞的含量较高,湿法氧化脱除零价汞(Hg0)是当前最受关注的技术之一,但该氧化脱除技术的操作条件仍需优化。为此,以响应曲面法对H2O2/Fe3+氧化脱除Hg0进行了研究和优化。首先参照单因素实验结果,利用Box-Behnken设计(BBD)的3因素3水平实验研究了溶液温度、H2O2浓度和Fe3+浓度3个条件的交互作用并进行分析和优化,发现以H2O2/Fe3+氧化脱除Hg0的最佳条件为溶液温度41.78 °C、H2O2浓度0.55 mol·L-1和Fe3+浓度0.007 mol·L-1,在此最佳条件下Hg0的脱除效率可高达87.28%。最后,在该条件下进行了验证研究,实验结果表明最优条件下Hg0的脱除效率为87.93%±0.87%,与模型预测值基本吻合,表明基于响应曲面分析法所得出的最佳工艺参数准确可靠,对利用H2O2/Fe3+脱除钢铁行业烧结烟气中Hg0的条件优化具有较好的指导作用。
关键词: 烧结烟气/
Abstract:The content of heavy mental mercury is high in the sintering flue gas and need to be purified urgently. As one of the most concerned technologies, the operating condition of the wet oxidization technology used for remove Hg0 from flue gas is still need to be optimized. Hence, the removal of Hg0 with H2O2/Fe3+ system was investigated and optimized by response surface analysis (RSM) in this study. Based on the results of single factor condition, Box-Behnken design (BBD) with three factors and levels was employed to investigate and used to analyze the interaction among solution temperature, H2O2 concentration and Fe3+ concentration on Hg0 removal. The experimental results showed that the optimal condition for solution temperature, H2O2 concentration and Fe3+ concentration was 41.78 °C, 0.55 mol·L-1 and 0.007 mol·L-1, respectively. 87.28% Hg0 removal efficiency could be obtained under the optimum conditions. Finally, the verifying experimental was proceeded under the same condition. The experimental results illustrated that as high as 87.93%±0.87% Hg0 removal efficiency could be obtained, which was pretty in coincidence with the model predictive value. Thus the optimal parameters obtained from response surface methodology were accurate and reliable. Therefore, the conditions optimized by RSM for Hg0 removal with H2O2/Fe3+ from flue gas of sintering is desirable.
Key words:sintering flue gas/
oxidative removal/
response surface methodology.

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1.河北科技大学环境科学与工程学院,石家庄 050018
2.北京科技大学能源与环境工程学院,北京 100083
3.北京市工业典型污染物资源化处理重点实验室,北京 100083
4.河北省廊坊市环境保护局,廊坊 065000
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(U1560110) 国家重点研发计划(2017YFC0210301) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资助
关键词: 烧结烟气/
摘要:烧结烟气中重金属汞的含量较高,湿法氧化脱除零价汞(Hg0)是当前最受关注的技术之一,但该氧化脱除技术的操作条件仍需优化。为此,以响应曲面法对H2O2/Fe3+氧化脱除Hg0进行了研究和优化。首先参照单因素实验结果,利用Box-Behnken设计(BBD)的3因素3水平实验研究了溶液温度、H2O2浓度和Fe3+浓度3个条件的交互作用并进行分析和优化,发现以H2O2/Fe3+氧化脱除Hg0的最佳条件为溶液温度41.78 °C、H2O2浓度0.55 mol·L-1和Fe3+浓度0.007 mol·L-1,在此最佳条件下Hg0的脱除效率可高达87.28%。最后,在该条件下进行了验证研究,实验结果表明最优条件下Hg0的脱除效率为87.93%±0.87%,与模型预测值基本吻合,表明基于响应曲面分析法所得出的最佳工艺参数准确可靠,对利用H2O2/Fe3+脱除钢铁行业烧结烟气中Hg0的条件优化具有较好的指导作用。
English Abstract
Optimization of Hg0 removal with H2O2/Fe3+ from sintering flue gas based on RSM model
LI Liuliu1,,YAN Bojun2,3,
CUI Jiansheng1,
XING Yi2,3,
LU Pei2,3,
LI Qianli4,
WANG Mengsi2,3
1.School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Hebei University of Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang 050018, China
2.School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China
3.Beijing Key Laboratory of Resource-Oriented Treatment of Industrial Pollutants, Beijing 100083, China
4.Hebei Province Langfang Environmental Protection Bureau, Langfang 065000, China
Keywords: sintering flue gas/
oxidative removal/
response surface methodology
Abstract:The content of heavy mental mercury is high in the sintering flue gas and need to be purified urgently. As one of the most concerned technologies, the operating condition of the wet oxidization technology used for remove Hg0 from flue gas is still need to be optimized. Hence, the removal of Hg0 with H2O2/Fe3+ system was investigated and optimized by response surface analysis (RSM) in this study. Based on the results of single factor condition, Box-Behnken design (BBD) with three factors and levels was employed to investigate and used to analyze the interaction among solution temperature, H2O2 concentration and Fe3+ concentration on Hg0 removal. The experimental results showed that the optimal condition for solution temperature, H2O2 concentration and Fe3+ concentration was 41.78 °C, 0.55 mol·L-1 and 0.007 mol·L-1, respectively. 87.28% Hg0 removal efficiency could be obtained under the optimum conditions. Finally, the verifying experimental was proceeded under the same condition. The experimental results illustrated that as high as 87.93%±0.87% Hg0 removal efficiency could be obtained, which was pretty in coincidence with the model predictive value. Thus the optimal parameters obtained from response surface methodology were accurate and reliable. Therefore, the conditions optimized by RSM for Hg0 removal with H2O2/Fe3+ from flue gas of sintering is desirable.