1.北京石油化工学院环境工程系, 北京102617
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目 (41601336)
Optimization of thermally enhanced SVE process for remediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soil by response surface methodology
LI Xiaoya1,,ZHU Ling1,
WANG Chunyu1,
WANG Jianhong1
1.Department of Environmental Engineering, Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Beijing 102617, China
摘要:采用热强化土壤气相抽提技术,优化影响烃类污染土壤处理效率的参数。在单因素实验的基础上,以通气速率、土量、水蒸气浓度为考察因素,以尾气中HC浓度达到750 mg·m-3时的脱附时间为评价指标,采用Design-Expert响应曲面法,考察各影响因素的单独变量作用及交互作用对土壤中烃类组分去除速率的影响,建立二次多项式模型。单因素变量、通气速率与土量的交互项均对烃类污染物的去除速率有显著影响。模型优化结果显示,热强化SVE处理污染土壤的最佳工艺为通气速率81 mL·min-1、土量77 mL、水蒸气浓度14%,模型预测最短脱附时间213.58 min,实验验证结果的平均值是224 min,测定值与预测值之间相对误差为4.88%。
关键词: 热强化气相抽提法/
Abstract:Thermal enhanced soil vapor extraction technique was adopted to optimize parameters affecting the treatment efficiency of hydrocarbon contaminated soil. Based on single-factor tests results, the rate of ventilation, the volume of soil, the concentration of water vapor were considered as the influential factors, and the time of oil vapor concentration in outgas reaching 750 mg·m-3 was selected as the evaluation indicator. The Design-Expert response surface method was used to investigate the effects of the independent variables and their interactions on the removal rate of hydrocarbon component from the contaminated soil, and the quadratic polynomial response surface model was constructed subsequently. The response surface analysis results showed that the single variables and the interaction between the ventilation rate and the soil amount were significantly correlated with the removal rate of hydrocarbon component. According to the model optimization results, the optimal parameters were determined ventilation rate with 81 mL·min-1, the soil amount with 77 mL and the water vapor concentration with 14%, and the simulated desorption time was 213.58 min by heat enhanced SVE. The average desorption time of experimental results was 224 min, the relative error between the model-predicted and the measured values was 4.88%.
Key words:heat enhanced soil vapor extraction/
hydrocarbon contaminated soil/
response surface methodology/
desorption time.

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1.北京石油化工学院环境工程系, 北京102617
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目 (41601336)
关键词: 热强化气相抽提法/
摘要:采用热强化土壤气相抽提技术,优化影响烃类污染土壤处理效率的参数。在单因素实验的基础上,以通气速率、土量、水蒸气浓度为考察因素,以尾气中HC浓度达到750 mg·m-3时的脱附时间为评价指标,采用Design-Expert响应曲面法,考察各影响因素的单独变量作用及交互作用对土壤中烃类组分去除速率的影响,建立二次多项式模型。单因素变量、通气速率与土量的交互项均对烃类污染物的去除速率有显著影响。模型优化结果显示,热强化SVE处理污染土壤的最佳工艺为通气速率81 mL·min-1、土量77 mL、水蒸气浓度14%,模型预测最短脱附时间213.58 min,实验验证结果的平均值是224 min,测定值与预测值之间相对误差为4.88%。
English Abstract
Optimization of thermally enhanced SVE process for remediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soil by response surface methodology
LI Xiaoya1,,ZHU Ling1,
WANG Chunyu1,
WANG Jianhong1
1.Department of Environmental Engineering, Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Beijing 102617, China
Keywords: heat enhanced soil vapor extraction/
hydrocarbon contaminated soil/
response surface methodology/
desorption time
Abstract:Thermal enhanced soil vapor extraction technique was adopted to optimize parameters affecting the treatment efficiency of hydrocarbon contaminated soil. Based on single-factor tests results, the rate of ventilation, the volume of soil, the concentration of water vapor were considered as the influential factors, and the time of oil vapor concentration in outgas reaching 750 mg·m-3 was selected as the evaluation indicator. The Design-Expert response surface method was used to investigate the effects of the independent variables and their interactions on the removal rate of hydrocarbon component from the contaminated soil, and the quadratic polynomial response surface model was constructed subsequently. The response surface analysis results showed that the single variables and the interaction between the ventilation rate and the soil amount were significantly correlated with the removal rate of hydrocarbon component. According to the model optimization results, the optimal parameters were determined ventilation rate with 81 mL·min-1, the soil amount with 77 mL and the water vapor concentration with 14%, and the simulated desorption time was 213.58 min by heat enhanced SVE. The average desorption time of experimental results was 224 min, the relative error between the model-predicted and the measured values was 4.88%.