基金项目: 陕西省重点科技创新团队计划(2017KCT-19-01)
Adsorption characteristics of protein contaminants in PVDF/GO hybrid membrane surface
XU Yawei1,,ZHU Zhenya1,2,
WANG Lei1,
JIANG Jialiang1,
LI Qingqing1
1.Key Laboratory of Membrane Separation of Shaanxi Province,School of Environmental & Municipal Engineering, Xi′an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi′an 710055, China
2.Key Laboratory of Sustained Development and Utilization of Water Resources,School of Water Resources and Environment, Hebei GEO University, Shijiazhuang 050031, China
关键词: 氧化石墨烯/
Abstract:In order to investigate the fouling behavior of proteins on the surface of membranes,this experiment adopted modified Hummers to prepared the “two-dimensional structure” of graphene oxide (GO).We prepared modified membranes with different amounts of GO addition and unraveled the dynamic process of pollution of bovine serum albumin (BSA) on the surface of modified membranes by self-made coated chips and dissipative quartz crystal microbalance (QCM-D) and so on.The results show that the surface of GO contains a large number of hydrophilic functional groups, and the contact angles of the modified membrane decreased in different degrees with the variational of GO additions,the higher the hydrophilicity of the modified membrane, the lower the adsorpted rate and saturation adsorption capacity of BSA on the membrane surface.The adsorption and accumulation of pollutants on the modified membrane surface underwent two stages in the adsorption process, first BSA accumulated rapidly on the membrane surface and the viscoelasticity of the polluted layer was smaller at the initial stage, the hydrophilic functional groups on the surface of the GO modified membranes contributed the water molecules to permeate into the polluted layer during the later adsorption period continuously and change the conformation of the adsorbed layer, resulting in a significant increase in its viscoelasticity,so the anti fouling performance of modified membrane was higher improved.
Key words:graphene oxide/
polyvinylidene fluoride/
ultrafiltration membrane/
dissipation type quartz crystal micro balances/
membrane fouling.

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基金项目: 陕西省重点科技创新团队计划(2017KCT-19-01) 陕西省重点产业链(群)项目(2017ZDCXL-GY-07-03)
关键词: 氧化石墨烯/
English Abstract
Adsorption characteristics of protein contaminants in PVDF/GO hybrid membrane surface
XU Yawei1,,ZHU Zhenya1,2,
WANG Lei1,
JIANG Jialiang1,
LI Qingqing1
1.Key Laboratory of Membrane Separation of Shaanxi Province,School of Environmental & Municipal Engineering, Xi′an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi′an 710055, China
2.Key Laboratory of Sustained Development and Utilization of Water Resources,School of Water Resources and Environment, Hebei GEO University, Shijiazhuang 050031, China
Keywords: graphene oxide/
polyvinylidene fluoride/
ultrafiltration membrane/
dissipation type quartz crystal micro balances/
membrane fouling
Abstract:In order to investigate the fouling behavior of proteins on the surface of membranes,this experiment adopted modified Hummers to prepared the “two-dimensional structure” of graphene oxide (GO).We prepared modified membranes with different amounts of GO addition and unraveled the dynamic process of pollution of bovine serum albumin (BSA) on the surface of modified membranes by self-made coated chips and dissipative quartz crystal microbalance (QCM-D) and so on.The results show that the surface of GO contains a large number of hydrophilic functional groups, and the contact angles of the modified membrane decreased in different degrees with the variational of GO additions,the higher the hydrophilicity of the modified membrane, the lower the adsorpted rate and saturation adsorption capacity of BSA on the membrane surface.The adsorption and accumulation of pollutants on the modified membrane surface underwent two stages in the adsorption process, first BSA accumulated rapidly on the membrane surface and the viscoelasticity of the polluted layer was smaller at the initial stage, the hydrophilic functional groups on the surface of the GO modified membranes contributed the water molecules to permeate into the polluted layer during the later adsorption period continuously and change the conformation of the adsorbed layer, resulting in a significant increase in its viscoelasticity,so the anti fouling performance of modified membrane was higher improved.