1.天津城建大学环境与市政工程学院,天津 300384
2.天津地质调查中心,天津 300170
3.中国环境科学研究院,北京 100012
4.中国环境监测总站,北京 100012
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51308520)
Interference of coexistence ions on arsenic removal from soil by electrokinetic process coupled with permeable reaction barrier
JI Dongli1,,ZHANG Jing2,
MENG Fansheng3,
WANG Yeyao4
1.School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Tianjin Urban Construction College, Tianjin 300384, China
2.Tianjin Geological Survey Center, Tianjin 300170, China
3.Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China
4.China National Environmental Monitoring Station, Beijing 100012, China
摘要:以砷含量为500 mg·kg-1的模拟土壤为研究对象,采用电动/渗透性反应格栅(EK/PRB)联合技术对土壤中的砷进行去除。研究土壤共存离子Fe3+、Ca2+、Al3+、HCO-3、NO-3和PO3-4等的影响下电流密度、土壤pH分布、砷残余量的变化,重点研究土壤中不同形态砷之间的迁移转化规律。结果表明:添加共存离子后,土壤砷残余量增加,去除效率降低,由68%降低到41%;土壤电流密度变化幅度增加,由3 mA·cm-2在24 h后升高到9.5 mA·cm-2,然后在12 h内迅速下降,最后稳定在0.6 mA·cm-2;pH变化幅度增加,变化趋势未发生变化,均是靠近阴极侧呈碱性,靠近阳极侧呈酸性;土壤中砷残渣态由11.98%升高到39.81%,残渣态的升高是土壤中砷去除率降低的原因。
关键词: 共存离子/
Abstract:Simulated contamination soil containing 500 mg·kg-1 arsenic was employed to study the removal of arsenic in soil by electrokinetic process coupled with permeable reaction barrier (EK/PRB). The influence of the soil coexisting ions(Fe3+,Ca2+,Al3+,HCO-3,NO-3 and PO3-4) on the variation of current density, the distribution of soil pH and arsenic residual quantity, mainly on the arsenic migration transformation, were investigated. The results showed that the soil arsenic residual quantity increased and the removal efficiency decreased from 68% to 41%.Soil current density increased from 3 mA·cm-2 to 9.5 mA·cm-2 in 24 h, then dropped rapidly within 12 h, finally stabled in 0.6 mA·cm-2. A general trend of low pH near the anode and high pH near the cathode was found. The coexistence of ions increased the residual arsenic content from 11.98% to 39.81%, which resulting in the lower arsenic removal efficiency. The results reported in the present work will provide important theoretical support to optimizing design of EK/PRB for the removal of arsenic in the soil.
Key words:coexisting ions/
arsenic speciation/
migration and transformation/
electrokinetic process coupled with permeable reaction barrier(EK/PRB).

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1.天津城建大学环境与市政工程学院,天津 300384
2.天津地质调查中心,天津 300170
3.中国环境科学研究院,北京 100012
4.中国环境监测总站,北京 100012
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51308520)
关键词: 共存离子/
摘要:以砷含量为500 mg·kg-1的模拟土壤为研究对象,采用电动/渗透性反应格栅(EK/PRB)联合技术对土壤中的砷进行去除。研究土壤共存离子Fe3+、Ca2+、Al3+、HCO-3、NO-3和PO3-4等的影响下电流密度、土壤pH分布、砷残余量的变化,重点研究土壤中不同形态砷之间的迁移转化规律。结果表明:添加共存离子后,土壤砷残余量增加,去除效率降低,由68%降低到41%;土壤电流密度变化幅度增加,由3 mA·cm-2在24 h后升高到9.5 mA·cm-2,然后在12 h内迅速下降,最后稳定在0.6 mA·cm-2;pH变化幅度增加,变化趋势未发生变化,均是靠近阴极侧呈碱性,靠近阳极侧呈酸性;土壤中砷残渣态由11.98%升高到39.81%,残渣态的升高是土壤中砷去除率降低的原因。
English Abstract
Interference of coexistence ions on arsenic removal from soil by electrokinetic process coupled with permeable reaction barrier
JI Dongli1,,ZHANG Jing2,
MENG Fansheng3,
WANG Yeyao4
1.School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Tianjin Urban Construction College, Tianjin 300384, China
2.Tianjin Geological Survey Center, Tianjin 300170, China
3.Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China
4.China National Environmental Monitoring Station, Beijing 100012, China
Keywords: coexisting ions/
arsenic speciation/
migration and transformation/
electrokinetic process coupled with permeable reaction barrier(EK/PRB)
Abstract:Simulated contamination soil containing 500 mg·kg-1 arsenic was employed to study the removal of arsenic in soil by electrokinetic process coupled with permeable reaction barrier (EK/PRB). The influence of the soil coexisting ions(Fe3+,Ca2+,Al3+,HCO-3,NO-3 and PO3-4) on the variation of current density, the distribution of soil pH and arsenic residual quantity, mainly on the arsenic migration transformation, were investigated. The results showed that the soil arsenic residual quantity increased and the removal efficiency decreased from 68% to 41%.Soil current density increased from 3 mA·cm-2 to 9.5 mA·cm-2 in 24 h, then dropped rapidly within 12 h, finally stabled in 0.6 mA·cm-2. A general trend of low pH near the anode and high pH near the cathode was found. The coexistence of ions increased the residual arsenic content from 11.98% to 39.81%, which resulting in the lower arsenic removal efficiency. The results reported in the present work will provide important theoretical support to optimizing design of EK/PRB for the removal of arsenic in the soil.