1.广州大学土木工程学院,广州 510006
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51778155)
Effect of different electrode materials on performance of cathode nitrification coupled to anode denitrification in dual-chamber microbial fuel cell
WANG Jia1,,RONG Hongwei1,
ZHANG Chaosheng1,
FANG Qian1,
CHU Zhaorui1,
LUO Huayong1,
WANG Randeng1
1.School of Civil Engineering, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006,China
摘要:为解决传统MFC反硝化菌在好氧阴极难以富集且脱氮效果差的问题,通过构建石墨MFC和碳刷MFC以阴极硝化耦合阳极反硝化的方式脱氮除碳,并对比分析2种不同电极MFC的性能。结果表明:在相同条件下石墨MFC的最大功率密度为6.71 W·m-3 NC,开路电压为902.13 mV;碳刷MFC的最大功率密度为5.11 W·m-3 NC,开路电压819.04 mV。启动阶段前15 d碳刷MFC的总氮去除率更高,之后石墨MFC的总氮去除率接近100%,碳刷MFC的总氮去除率在95%左右。石墨MFC的COD去除率高达93%,碳刷MFC的COD去除率在83%左右。相比于传统MFC,阴极硝化耦合阳极反硝化MFC不需要调节pH。相比于碳刷电极,石墨电极MFC可以启动和挂膜同时进行,缩短挂膜时间,且产电性能和脱氮除碳效果更好。
关键词: 微生物燃料电池/
Abstract:The difficult problem that the enrichment of cathodic denitrifying bacteria in the presence of aeration in traditional MFC was waiting to be solved. Here, constructing the graphite MFC and carbon brush MFC in this way of cathode nitrification coupled to anode denitrification completed the goal of simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal, and compared the performance of two different electrode. The results showed that the maximum power density was 6.71 W·m-3 NC, and the open circuit voltage was 902.13 mV in graphite MFC.Moreover, the maximum power density was 5.11 W·m-3 NC, and the open circuit voltage was 819.04 mV in carbon brush MFC under the same conditions. The total nitrogen removal rate of carbon brush MFC was higher in the first 15 days under start-up stage, then the total nitrogen removal efficiency was about 100% in graphite MFC and 95% in carbon brush MFC. Graphite MFC was 93% in COD removal rate, and carbon brush MFC was 83% in COD removal rate. Compared with the traditional MFC, the cathode nitrification coupled to anode denitrification MFC do not need to regulate pH. The biofilm growth time can be shortened by enablement and biofilm growth at the same time in graphite electrode MFC, and power generation performance or simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal were better as compared to the carbon brush electrode MFC.
Key words:microbial fuel cell/
cathode nitrification/
anode denitrification/
graphite electrode/
simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal.

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1.广州大学土木工程学院,广州 510006
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51778155) 广东省科技计划项目(2014A020216049) 广东省自然科学基金资助项目(2017A030313310) 广州大学研究生创新研究资助计划(2017GDJC-M44)
关键词: 微生物燃料电池/
摘要:为解决传统MFC反硝化菌在好氧阴极难以富集且脱氮效果差的问题,通过构建石墨MFC和碳刷MFC以阴极硝化耦合阳极反硝化的方式脱氮除碳,并对比分析2种不同电极MFC的性能。结果表明:在相同条件下石墨MFC的最大功率密度为6.71 W·m-3 NC,开路电压为902.13 mV;碳刷MFC的最大功率密度为5.11 W·m-3 NC,开路电压819.04 mV。启动阶段前15 d碳刷MFC的总氮去除率更高,之后石墨MFC的总氮去除率接近100%,碳刷MFC的总氮去除率在95%左右。石墨MFC的COD去除率高达93%,碳刷MFC的COD去除率在83%左右。相比于传统MFC,阴极硝化耦合阳极反硝化MFC不需要调节pH。相比于碳刷电极,石墨电极MFC可以启动和挂膜同时进行,缩短挂膜时间,且产电性能和脱氮除碳效果更好。
English Abstract
Effect of different electrode materials on performance of cathode nitrification coupled to anode denitrification in dual-chamber microbial fuel cell
WANG Jia1,,RONG Hongwei1,
ZHANG Chaosheng1,
FANG Qian1,
CHU Zhaorui1,
LUO Huayong1,
WANG Randeng1
1.School of Civil Engineering, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006,China
Keywords: microbial fuel cell/
cathode nitrification/
anode denitrification/
graphite electrode/
simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal
Abstract:The difficult problem that the enrichment of cathodic denitrifying bacteria in the presence of aeration in traditional MFC was waiting to be solved. Here, constructing the graphite MFC and carbon brush MFC in this way of cathode nitrification coupled to anode denitrification completed the goal of simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal, and compared the performance of two different electrode. The results showed that the maximum power density was 6.71 W·m-3 NC, and the open circuit voltage was 902.13 mV in graphite MFC.Moreover, the maximum power density was 5.11 W·m-3 NC, and the open circuit voltage was 819.04 mV in carbon brush MFC under the same conditions. The total nitrogen removal rate of carbon brush MFC was higher in the first 15 days under start-up stage, then the total nitrogen removal efficiency was about 100% in graphite MFC and 95% in carbon brush MFC. Graphite MFC was 93% in COD removal rate, and carbon brush MFC was 83% in COD removal rate. Compared with the traditional MFC, the cathode nitrification coupled to anode denitrification MFC do not need to regulate pH. The biofilm growth time can be shortened by enablement and biofilm growth at the same time in graphite electrode MFC, and power generation performance or simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal were better as compared to the carbon brush electrode MFC.