1. 生态环境部南京环境科学研究所, 南京 210042;
2. 国家环境保护土壤环境管理与污染控制重点实验室, 南京 210042;
3. 江苏省地质矿产局第一地质大队, 南京 210041
作者简介: 郑丽萍(1985-),女,助理研究员,研究方向为土壤环境标准与基准制订和环境风险评估,E-mail:zlp@nies.org.
通讯作者: 王国庆,nies.sepa@163.com ;
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划“场地土壤环境风险评估方法和基准”资助项目(2018YFC1801100);国家重点研发计划“土壤阳离子型重金属安全阈值研究”资助项目(2016YFD0800406)中图分类号: X171.5
Research on Key Techniques for the Formulation of Soil Environmental Benchmarks Based on Ecologically Protection—The Case of the United States and Australia
Zheng Liping1,2,Wang Guoqing1,2,,,
Li Xuzhi1,2,
Qi Xudong3,
Zhang Ya1,2,
Yan Jiali1,2,
Lin Yusuo1,2
1. Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People's Republic of China, Nanjing 210042, China;
2. State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Soil Environmental Management and Pollution Control, Nanjing 210042, China;
3. The 1st Geological Brigade of Jiangsu Geology & Mineral Exploration Bureau, Nanjing 210041, China
Corresponding author: Wang Guoqing,nies.sepa@163.com ;
CLC number: X171.5
关键词: 生态受体/
Abstract:Soil environmental benchmarks are an important scientific basis for the formulation and revision of soil environmental quality standards, and the evaluation and supervision of soil environmental quality. The key technologies in the formulation of soil benchmarks for ecological protection in the United States and Australia were selected for in-depth discussion. The formulation strategies and derivation methods were elaborated, and the technical points of the benchmark formulation were compared. The results show that there are differences in the soil benchmark names, protection objects, and toxicological data processing methods between the two countries, which are closely related to the specific strategies of each country. China should strengthen the targeted research of soil benchmarks in different regions, establish a national soil toxicity data-sharing platform, and provide data support for the formulation and revision of soil environmental quality standards.
Key words:soil environmental benchmarks/
formulation method/
ecological receptor.

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