1. 华南师范大学环境研究院, 广东省化学品污染与环境安全重点实验室, 环境理论化学教育部重点实验室, 广州 510006;
2. 华南师范大学环境学院, 广州 510006
作者简介: 李潇(1993-),男,博士研究生,研究方向为水生毒理学,E-mail:xiaolee@m.scnu.edu.cn.
通讯作者: 陈红星,hongxing.chen@m.scnu.edu.cn ;
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(41807352,41877366);科技部重点专项子任务(2018YFC1801200);广东省自然科学基金资助项目(2020A1515010508)中图分类号: X171.5
Biological Effects of Inorganic Selenium in Sediments on Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri
Li Xiao1,2,Li Dan1,2,
Luo Yixuan1,2,
Yang Jichen1,2,
Liu Hongsong1,2,
Lei Haojun1,2,
Chen Hongxing1,2,,,
Xie Lingtian1,2
1. Environmental Research Institute, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Chemical Pollution and Environmental Safety, Key Laboratory of Theoretical Chemistry of Environment of Ministry of Education, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China;
2. School of Environment, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China
Corresponding author: Chen Hongxing,hongxing.chen@m.scnu.edu.cn ;
CLC number: X171.5
摘要:硒是动物体必需微量元素之一,水体沉积物中无机硒主要以Se (Ⅳ)和Se (Ⅵ)形态存在,而目前有关无机硒对底栖动物的生物效应研究较为匮乏。本实验以典型底栖动物霍甫水丝蚓(Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri)为研究对象,通过测定抗氧化、神经和消化系统中生化指标的变化,分析了暴露浓度(2~40 μg·g-1)、暴露时间(2周和2个月)和硒价态(Se (Ⅳ)和Se (Ⅵ))对其生物效应的影响。结果显示,脂质过氧化水平(以TBARS含量表示)在暴露2周和2个月后,均未受到硒价态的影响,但是暴露2周后,在5 μg·g-1组有一升高峰值,而暴露2个月后,在5 μg·g-1组有一降低峰值。抗氧化酶活性在暴露2周后,受到硒价态显著影响,Se (Ⅳ)导致3种抗氧化酶活性逐渐升高并在20 μg·g-1达到平衡,而Se (Ⅵ)在5 μg·g-1即造成抗氧化酶活性升高,并随浓度的升高恢复到对照组水平;暴露2个月后,抗氧化酶未受到硒价态影响,过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性在5 μg·g-1浓度附近有一降低峰值,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性在5 μg·g-1浓度附近有一升高峰值,而谷胱甘肽硫转移酶(GST)活性没有变化。乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)活性受到硒价态影响较小,暴露2周后只有5 μg·g-1 Se (Ⅳ)导致AChE酶活性升高,而暴露2个月后,随着浓度升高Se (Ⅳ)和Se (Ⅵ)均导致AChE酶活性降低。α-葡糖苷酶(α-Glu)活性仅在5 μg·g-1暴露组升高,且受到暴露时间和价态差异的影响。研究表明,硒的暴露浓度、时间和硒价态显著影响硒的生物效应,这为阐明沉积物中无机硒对底栖无脊椎动物生物效应及机制提供了基础数据。
关键词: 无机硒/
Abstract:Selenium (Se) is an essential micro-nutrient for animals. Selenite (Se(Ⅳ)) and selenate (Se(Ⅵ)) are the dominant inorganic Se species in aquatic environments. However, the biological effects of inorganic Se on benthic animals are relatively understudied. In the present study, the ubiquitous oligochaete Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri was used as test subject. The influences of Se exposure concentrations (2~40 μg·g-1), exposure duration (2 weeks and 2 months), and Se species (Se(Ⅳ) and Se(Ⅵ)) on L. hoffmeisteri were assessed via the evaluation of the biochemical alterations in antioxidant, nervous, and digestive systems. The results showed that the level of lipid peroxidation (TBARS content) was not affected by both Se species after exposures for 2 weeks and 2 months. However, a high and low peak level of TBARS existed at 5 μg·g-1 Se concentration after exposures for 2 weeks and 2 months, respectively. After exposure to Se for 2 weeks, the activities of antioxidant enzymes were significantly influenced by both Se species. Se(Ⅳ) induced the activities of 3 antioxidant enzymes, but gradually leveled off at 20 μg·g-1, while Se(Ⅵ) led to the induction of these enzymes at relatively lower level (i.e., 5 μg·g-1) and recovered to control levels at higher exposure concentrations. After exposure to Se for 2 months, the activities of antioxidant enzymes were not affected by both Se species. The activity of catalase (CAT) had a high peak at 5 μg·g-1, while the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) had a low peak at 5 μg·g-1, but the activity of glutathione S-transferase (GST) was not influenced by Se concentrations and Se species. The influence of Se species on the activities of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) was relatively minor. After exposure to Se for 2 weeks, the activity of AChE was increased only at 5 μg·g-1. After exposure for 2 months, the activity of AChE was gradually decreased with increased concentrations of both Se species. For the digestive enzyme α-glucosidase (α-Glu), its activity was increased at 5 μg·g-1 and was affected by both exposure duration and Se species. The present study has demonstrated that the biological effects of inorganic Se are significantly influenced by exposure concentrations, exposure duration, and Se species. The results of this study provide fundamental data for the elucidation of the biological effects and potential mechanisms of these effects of inorganic Se in benthic animals.
Key words:inorganic selenium/
oxidative stress/
nervous system/
digestive system.

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