1. 中国水产科学研究院资源与环境研究中心, 北京 100141;
2. 河北大学生命科学与绿色发展研究院, 保定 071002;
3. 中国水产科学研究院长岛增殖实验站, 烟台 265800
作者简介: 袁立来(1985-),男,博士,研究方向为渔业资源环境保护,E-mail:yuanlilai@cafs.ac.cn.
通讯作者: 王晓梅,wangxiaom@cafs.ac.cn ; 杨文波,wbyang@cafs.ac.cn ;
基金项目: 白洋淀水生生物资源环境调查与水域生态修复(2130135);农业农村部渔业遥感科学观测实验站设施系统运行费(20603021);中国水产科学研究院基本科研业务费(2018B002,2019HY-JC0309,2019ZY07)中图分类号: X171.5
River Ecosystem Health Evaluation of Juma River in Beijing Based on Fish-Index of Biotic Integrity
Yuan Lilai1,Wang Xiaomei1,3,,,
Yang Wenbo1,,,
Chen Yongxia2,
Ding Fang1,
Li Donghao1,
Wang Yinxiao2
1. Research Center of Eco-environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Beijing 100141, China;
2. Institute of Life Science and Green Development, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China;
3. Changdao Enhancement and Experiment Station, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Yantai 265800, China
Corresponding authors: Wang Xiaomei,wangxiaom@cafs.ac.cn ; Yang Wenbo,wbyang@cafs.ac.cn ;
CLC number: X171.5
摘要:拒马河是北京周边具有独特生物多样性的河流,目前面临很多水生态环境问题。鱼类生物完整性指数(F-IBI)是评价河流生态健康的重要方法。本研究于2018年5月和10月,在拒马河北京段设置9个采样点,利用地笼和刺网进行调查,共获得鱼类样本2 001尾,隶属于4目9科。根据采样情况,初步设置了5大类21个初选指标,经过对指标完整性、相关性和取值范围分析,筛选得出6个评价指标:鱼类总物种数(M1)、鲤科占总种数的百分比(M3)、中上层鱼种类数百分比(M9)、杂食性鱼类种类数百分比(M13)、产粘性卵鱼类种类数百分比(M19)和鱼类总个体数(M20),构建了适用于拒马河的F-IBI指标体系,运用该体系对拒马河北京段的河流健康状况进行了评价,并将F-IBI与几个主要水环境参数和拦河坝相关数据进行了相关性分析。研究结果表明,拒马河北京段河流健康整体处于较差水平,F-IBI与水质理化因子无显著相关性,与参数“采样点与上游最近拦河坝的距离”呈显著相关。结果表明,拒马河北京段河流健康指数的关键影响因素不是水质理化因子,可能与拦河坝导致的河流片段化有关。
关键词: 鱼类组成特征/
Abstract:Juma River, which supports unique biodiversity in Beijing and surrounding areas, has been facing various ecological and environmental issues. The fish-index of biotic integrity (F-IBI) is an important method to evaluate the ecological health of river ecosystems. In this study, fish samples were collected from nine sampling sites along Juma River in Beijing by using ground cages and gill nets in May and October, 2018. We collected a total of 2 001 fish individuals, belonging to four orders and nine families. Based on the biological characteristics of collected fish species, we selected 21 candidate metrics of five categories for the evaluation of biological integrity. After the stepwise selection procedure based on multiple analyses of integrity, value range and Pearson’s correlation, we finally chose 6 out of all 21 analyzed metrics, including species richness (M1), percentage of species richness in the Cyprinidae (M3), percentage of species richness in the pelagic fishes (M9), percentage of species richness in the omnivorous fishes (M13), percentage of species richness in the fish producing cohesive eggs (M19), and total abundance (M20). The F-IBI of Juma River in Beijing was established based on the 6 selected metrics, by which the river health condition was evaluated. Further, we correlated the developed F-IBI with several major water quality parameters and barrage data by using Pearson’s correlation analysis. Our results showed that the overall river ecosystem health was at a poor level in Juma River in Beijing. The F-IBI had no significant correlation with physicochemical factors of water quality, but was significantly correlated with the parameter of distance to the nearest upstream dam. The correlation analysis illustrated that the biological integrity of fish was not mainly influenced by the measured physical and chemical factors of water quality, and the observed patterns were likely derived from the river fragmentation caused by the constructed barrages in Juma River in Beijing.
Key words:fish composition/
fish-index of biotic integrity (F-IBI)/
river ecosystem health/
Juma River.

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