广东省科学院广东省微生物研究所, 广东省微生物分析检测中心, 华南应用微生物国家重点实验室, 广东省菌种保藏与应用重点实验室, 广州 510070
作者简介: 刘桃妹(1984-),女,学士,工程师,研究方向为生态毒理学,E-mail:liutm@gddcm.com.
通讯作者: 曾国驱,zenggq@gdim.cn
基金项目: 广东省科学院建设国内一流研究机构行动专项资金项目-战略性先导科技专项(2019GDASYL-0301002);广东省科学院建设国内一流研究机构行动专项资金项目-战略性先导科技专项(2020GDASYL-20200301003);广东省科技计划项目(2017B030314045)中图分类号: X171.5
Adsorption and Desorption of Several Heavy Metals in Paddy Soils in Guangdong Province Influenced by Coconut Shell Biochar
Liu Taomei,Ye Wei,
Xiao Yijin,
Liang Qiu,
Zeng Guoqu,
Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Microbial Culture Collection and Application, State Key Laboratory of Applied Microbiology Southern China, Guangdong Institute of Microbiology, Guangdong Detection Center of Microbiology, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510070, China
Corresponding author: Zeng Guoqu,zenggq@gdim.cn
CLC number: X171.5
摘要:土壤中有毒有害重金属会造成环境污染并危害人体健康。本文基于OECD 106实验准则,采用批量平衡实验方法,研究了多种有效态重金属镉(Cd2+)、钴(Co2+)和铜(Cu2+)在广东省水稻土中的吸附解吸行为特征以及添加椰壳生物炭对吸附解吸行为的影响,并探讨了pH值、温度和添加炭含量对吸附率的影响。结果表明,3种重金属在土壤中的吸附平衡时间为25 h,解吸平衡时间为30 h,添加质量浓度5%椰壳生物炭可使土壤对3种重金属的吸附率提高11.6%~20.0%,重金属离子在土壤中的吸附为不可逆吸附,具有明显滞后效应,Cd2+、Co2+和Cu2+的解吸滞后系数分别为33.838、1.347和0.972。在本试验条件下,土壤溶液的pH值随椰壳生物炭含量的增加而增大,温度和含炭量对吸附率的影响呈良好的线性关系(r2>0.951)。这表明,在土壤中施用椰壳生物炭能有效缓解土壤中的重金属污染。
关键词: 有效重金属/
Abstract:Heavy metal pollution in soil poses a great threat to human health. In this paper, based on the guidelines of OECD 106, the batch balance experiment method is adopted. The adsorption and desorption characteristics of several available heavy metals, i.e., cadmium (Cd2+), cobalt (Co2+) and copper (Cu2+) in paddy soils in Guangdong Province were studied, the effects of coconut shell biochar addition on the adsorption and desorption behavior were also studied. And we investigated the effects of pH, temperature and added carbon content on adsorption rate. The results showed that the adsorption equilibrium time of the three heavy metals in soil was 25 h, the desorption equilibrium time was 30 h, and the addition of 5% coconut shell biochar could improve the adsorption of heavy metals in soil by 11.6%~20.0%. The adsorption of heavy metal ions in soil is irreversible and has obvious lag effect. The desorption hysteresis coefficients of Cd2+, Co2+ and Cu2+ are 33.838, 1.347 and 0.972 respectively. Under the experimental conditions, the pH value of soil solution elevated with the increase of biochar content, and there was a good linear relationship between temperature or carbon content and the adsorption rate (r2>0.951). The application of coconut shell biochar can alleviate the heavy metal pollution in soil effectively.
Key words:available heavy metal/
Guangdong paddy soil/
cation exchange capacity.

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