1. 浙江省农业科学院农产品质量与营养研究所, 杭州 310021;
2. 农业农村部农药检测重点实验室, 杭州 310021;
3. 浙江省农药残留检测与控制研究重点实验室, 杭州 310021;
4. 农产品质量安全危害因子与风险防控国家重点实验室(筹), 杭州 310021
作者简介: 李岗(1973-),男,博士,研究方向为农药应用及环境安全性评价,E-mail:lgxjren@qq.com.
通讯作者: 柳新菊,liuxj@mail.zaas.ac.cn
基金项目: 浙江省基础公益研究计划项目(LGN18B070003)中图分类号: X171.5
Acute Toxicity and Primary Risk Assessment of 75% Tebuconazole·Azoxystrobin SP to Three Insect Species
Li Gang1,2,3,4,Xu Jiyang1,2,3,4,
Guo Haikun1,2,3,4,
Lv Lu1,2,3,4,
Liu Xinju1,2,3,4,,
1. Institute of Agro-Product Safety and Nutrition, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou 310021, China;
2. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Key Laboratory for Pesticide Residue Detection, Hangzhou 310021, China;
3. Key Laboratory for Zhejiang Pesticide Residue Detection and Control, Hangzhou 310021, China;
4. State Key Laboratory for Managing Biotic and Chemical Threats to Quality and Safety of Agro-products, Hangzhou 310021, China
Corresponding author: Liu Xinju,liuxj@mail.zaas.ac.cn
CLC number: X171.5
摘要:为明确75%戊唑·嘧菌酯可溶性粉剂对意大利蜜蜂、玉米螟赤眼蜂和家蚕的急性毒性和初级风险。采用国标《化学农药环境安全评价试验准则》(GB/T 31270—2014)中的4种方法,包括饲喂法(蜜蜂经口)、点滴法(蜜蜂接触)、药膜法(赤眼蜂)和浸叶法(家蚕),分别测定了该农药对上述3种非靶标昆虫的急性毒性,并根据国标《农药登记环境风险评估指南》(NY/T 2882—2016)把这些结果用于该药的初级风险评估。结果表明,75%戊唑·嘧菌酯可溶性粉剂对意大利蜜蜂的急性接触毒性48 h半致死剂量(48 h-LD50)为>105 μg·蜂-1,急性经口毒性48 h-LD50为65.9 μg·蜂-1,对蜜蜂的风险可接受(风险商(RQ)=0.135≤1)。对玉米螟赤眼蜂的急性毒性24 h半致死用量(24 h-LR50)为2.81×10-6 mg·cm-2,对玉米螟赤眼蜂的农田内和农田外喷雾场景风险均不可接受(危害商HQin=1 199>5,HQoff=24.2>5)。对家蚕的急性毒性96 h半致死浓度(96 h-LC50)为596 mg·L-1,对家蚕的喷雾场景下的最外围桑树风险不可接受(RQ=7.47>1),次外围桑树风险可接受(RQ=0.457≤1)。对不可接受的风险,宜采取风险减轻措施,如喷雾施药期间禁止释放赤眼蜂,避免在桑园周围喷雾法施药等,以达到保护非靶标环境生物的目的。
关键词: 戊唑醇/
Abstract:To identify the acute toxicity and risk of 75% tebuconazole·azoxystrobin soluble powder (SP) to honeybees (Apis mellifera), Trichogramma wasp (Trichogramma ostriniae), and silkworm (Bombyx mori), we used four acute toxicity methods: oral-feeding and droplet-touching for honeybees, a drug film for T. ostriniae, and soaked leaves for silkworm. These were based on the China standard Test Guidelines on Environmental Safety Assessment for Chemical Pesticides (GB/T 31270—2014). The results were then used for primary risk assessments according to the China standard, Guidance on Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticide Registration (NY/T 2882—2016). The 48 h median lethal dose (48 h-LD50) of acute oral toxicity and acute contact toxicity of the test substance to honeybees were 65.9μg a.i.·bee-1>105 μg a.i.·bee-1; the risk to honeybee was acceptable (risk quotients, RQ=0.135≤1). The 24 h median lethal rate (24 h-LR50) to T. ostriniae was 2.81×10-6 mg·cm-2; the risk to T. ostriniae was unacceptable for in-field and off-field exposure scenario (hazard quotients, HQin=1 199>5, HQoff=24.2>5). The 96 h median lethal concentration (96 h-LC50) to silkworm was 596 mg·L-1; the risk to silkworm was unacceptable in drift exposure scenarios with first row of mulberry tree in periphery (RQ=7.47>1), and acceptable in drift exposure scenarios with second row of mulberry tree in periphery (RQ=0.457≤1). Measures should be taken to mitigate unacceptable risks to non-target species, such as prohibiting the release of T. ostriniae during application of the pesticide, and avoidance of spraying near mulberry fields.
Key words:tebuconazole/
Apis mellifera/
Trichogramma ostriniae/
Bombyx mori/
environment risk assessment.
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