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生态环境部华南环境科学研究所, 国家环境保护环境污染健康风险评价重点实验室, 广州 510655
作者简介: 刘芸(1983-),女,硕士,高级工程师,研究方向为化学品环境风险评估,E-mail:liuyun@scies.org.
基金项目: 基国家重点研发计划课题(2018YFC1800304,2018YFC1801505);生态环境部华南环境科学研究所中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务专项资助项目(2206030201500040028,PM-zx097-202002-074)

中图分类号: X171.5

Application of Chemical Footprint Method in Screening of Potential High-Risk Chemicals in Electroplating Industry

Liu Yun,
Zhao Xu,
Xiong Hanlei,
Hu Xiaoying,
Wang Wei,
Hu Guocheng,
Wen Yong
State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Environmental Pollution Health Risk Assessment, South China Institute of Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People's Republic of China, Guangzhou 510655, China

CLC number: X171.5



摘要:现代工业化学品带来了大量潜在的生态环境风险。目前,国内对工业化学品的风险识别、评估及管理等严重缺乏。本研究利用化学品足迹理想模型(USEtox),计算电镀行业化学品不同生命周期排放产生的生态毒性影响,筛选电镀行业潜在高风险化学品。结果显示,电镀行业使用的有机化学品中十二烷基硫酸钠的生态毒性足迹(chemical footprint,ChF)分值最高,为2.30×10-2 PAF·km3·a;在重金属中Cu2+的生态毒性足迹分值最高,为4.20 PAF·km3·a。重金属生态毒性足迹显著高于有机化学品(>2个数量级)。因此,重金属是电镀行业主要高风险化学品,也是电镀行业最主要环境风险源。USEtox可用于定量表征行业化学品带来的区域环境风险,为以行业为单位开展工业化学品区域生态环境风险评估提供新思路。
关键词: 化学品/

Abstract:Modern industrial chemicals may bring potential ecological environmental risks. However, at present, the risk identification, assessment and environmental management of industrial chemicals is insufficient in China. In this study, the ideal model based on chemical footprint, i.e. USEtox, was used to calculate the impact of ecotoxicity discharged in the different life circle of chemicals in the electroplating industry, and the environmental risk of chemicals in the industry was characterized and ranked. The results showed that the ecotoxicity footprint score of sodium dodecyl sulfate (2.30×10-2 PAF·km3·a) was the highest among the electroplating organic chemicals and the ecotoxicity footprint score of Cu2+ (4.20 PAF·km3·a) was highest among the heavy metals. All heavy metals had significantly higher ecotoxicity footprint score (ChF) than that of organic chemicals (more than two orders of magnitude), and they can be considered as the main high-risk chemicals and the most important risk source from the electroplating industry. USEtox can be used to quantitatively characterize the impact of the ecotoxicity of industrial chemicals on regional environmental risks, providing a new idea for regional ecological environment risk assessment based on industrial chemicals.
Key words:chemical/
electroplating industry/
chemical footprint/
risk assessment.

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