上海市检测中心, 上海 201202
作者简介: 杨婧(1982-),女,高级工程师,研究方向为生态毒理学,E-mail:yangj@sapm-bsal.com.
基金项目: 国家计量技术法规项目"生物降解试验中接种物活性定量测量方法"中图分类号: X171.5
Applicability Check and Modification on OECD Standard Method for Inherent Biodegradation Test of Chemicals
Yang Jing,Chen Xiaoqian,
Yin Haowen,
Zhang Ying,
Yang Xichen,
Liu Yanan,
Zhao Weigang
Shanghai Academy of Public Measurement, Shanghai 201202, China
CLC number: X171.5
摘要:在经济合作与发展组织(Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development,OECD)颁布的3项固有生物降解标准测试方法中,改进的MITI(Ⅱ)(OECD 302C)方法因适用于难溶、易吸附和弱挥发等物质的固有生物降解性评估,成为目前适用范围较为广的方法。但OECD 302C对接种物规定特殊,需周期性采集不少于10个位点、不同类型的接种物进行驯养,采集、驯养和维持成本及操作复杂程度相对高,而OECD 302C方法获取的化学品生物降解率并未优于其他2项固有生物降解方法。因此,对10位点采集并驯养不同时间的接种物及污水处理厂曝气池采集的活性污泥进行微生物学特征比较,采用Biolog微生物鉴定系统及磷脂脂肪酸分析系统研究2种不同接种物的代谢活性及群落多样性,同时比较2种接种物对6种化学品的固有生物降解能力。结果表明,驯养接种物在驯养14 d后,活性与多样性开始下降,与真实环境来源接种物(10位点采集且未驯养接种物,即驯养0 d的接种物)的微生物群落差别较大。驯养1个月后的接种物在碳源利用活性、降解能力上与污水处理厂曝气池新鲜采集的活性污泥无明显差异。故笔者认为,在试验条件下,OECD 302C标准方法中的驯养接种物未达到预期目的,未经驯养的活性污泥更能反映真实环境,未来可以活性污泥作为该方法的接种物进行后续降解方法改进的研究。
关键词: 生物降解/
Abstract:There are three standard methods published by Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) for evaluating inherent biodegradability. As one of them, modified MITI (Ⅱ) test (OECD 302C) is widely used due to its applicability to insoluble, adsorptive or weak volatile substances. However, OECD 302C has its special requirements on inoculum, e.g. different types of inoculum from at least 10 sites should be collected periodically, then be domesticated in laboratory conditions for 1 to 3 months. The cost on collection, domestication and maintain is relatively high and the operation is relatively complicated. In addition, the capability of biodegradation by using OECD 302C method is not superior to other two inherent biodegradation test methods. Therefore, a comparative study on microbial characteristics of 10 sites collected inoculum with different domestication period and activated sludge collected from aeration tank of sewage treatment were performed in this study. The metabolic activity and microbial diversity of the above two different inoculum, as well as their inherent biodegradability of 6 chemicals, were all investigated. The results indicated that the activity and diversity of inoculum domesticated for more than 14 days decreased with time and are quite different from the microbial community of real environment (i.e. 10 sites collected inoculum without domestication, inoculum domesticated for 0 day). The inoculum domesticated with 1 month showed no significant difference on utilization of carbon sources and capability of biodegradation compared with activated sludge. Hence, it is concluded that the domesticated inoculum of OECD 302C do not achieve the desired purpose, and activated sludge without domestication is more reflective of real environment and will be used in future studies for method improvement.
Key words:biodegradation/
domesticated inoculum/
activated sludge/
community characteristics.

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