Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61275137) and the Key Research and Development Program of Changsha, China (Grant No. 190102).
Received Date:23 July 2020
Accepted Date:20 October 2020
Available Online:23 February 2021
Published Online:05 March 2021
Abstract:Optical differential operation is the core principle of optical detection of edge images. Compared with the traditional digital image processing methods, the optical differential operation has high efficiency, simple structure, and needless to consider algorithms and power consumption. An optical differential operation device based on anisotropic crystal is proposed in this paper. Omni-directional edge imaging under multi-angle spectral components is realized by using a customized crystal chip. The scheme is mainly based on the birefringence effect of anisotropic crystal. It needs to separate the left and right circularly polarized component of the beam horizontally, and then filter the linearly polarized light in the middle. The whole device is integrated into a straight optical path. Although it has higher requirements for the thickness of crystal, it is simpler, cheaper and more stable than spin Hall effect and super surface principle. The experimental results also demonstrate that the scheme can be used in quantum observation, biological cell and medicine. Keywords:anisotropic crystal/ optical differential/ edge imaging/ birefringence
图2(b)是边缘分化前后的实测图像, 图2(c)中传递函数$H\left( {{K_x}} \right)$为电场强度的比值: 图 2 (a) 光的传递函数演示图, 光源为氦氖激光器(波长$\lambda $= 632.8 nm), 半波片(half-wave plate, HWP), 控制光强使电荷耦合装置(charge-coupled device, CCD)成像效果达到最佳, 双折射晶体分束器(birefringent crystal beamsplitters, BCB)和QWP放置在两个GLP之间, L1 (lens 1)和L2 (lens 2)组成4f系统, $ {f}_{1} $= 75 mm, $ {f}_{2} $= 175 mm; (b) 光斑分裂对比图; (c) 实测空间传递函数图 Figure2. (a) Demonstration diagram of light transfer function. The light source is a He-Ne laser (λ=632.8 nm). Half-wave plate (HWP), controlling light intensity to achieve the best imaging effect of charge-coupled device (CCD). The birefringent crystal beamsplitter (BCB) and QWP are placed between GLP1 and GLP2. L1 (lens 1) and L2 (lens 2) form a 4f system, $ {f}_{1} $= 75 mm, $ {f}_{2} $= 175 mm. (b) Spot split comparison chart; (c) The measured space transfer function graph.
3.实验结果实验中(图3)选定的入射偏振角为$ {{\text{π}}}/{4}$, 选用超薄的各向异性晶体来实现分裂效果. 基于(2)式, 当垂直入射时, 平面波主截面与入射面共面, 那么折射面也将与主截面共面, 在各向异性晶体中o光振动方向沿y方向、e光振动方向沿x方向且${\varphi _1}$, ${\varphi _2} = 0$, 图 3 边缘检测实验示意图. 4f系统中4个镜头的焦距分别为 75, 75, 175, 125 mm. CCD和L4的距离等于$ {f}_{4} $, 待测物和L1的距离为$ {f}_{1} $. 两个4f系统完成边缘检测 Figure3. Schematic illustration of the edge detection experiment. The focal lengths of the four lenses in the 4f system are 75, 75, 175, and 125 mm. The distance between the CCD and L4 is equal to $ {f}_{4} $, and the distance between the test object and L1 is $ {f}_{1} $. Two 4f systems complete edge detection.