1.School of Physical Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China 2.Superconductivity and New Energy R & D Center, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51271155, 51377138, 51877180), the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2017YFE0301402), the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2014AA032701), and the Sichuan Applied Basic Research Project, China (Grant No. 2018JY0003)
Received Date:01 July 2020
Accepted Date:12 August 2020
Available Online:08 December 2020
Published Online:05 December 2020
Abstract:Iron-based superconductor FeSexTe1–x has attracted attention because of its high upper critical field, low anisotropy, and high critical current density. Also, it is predicted to have nontrivial topological properties, so that it is a candidate of realizing Majorana fermion, when the superconductivity is combined with topological features. However, its flux pinning behavior and mechanism in superconducting state with varying Se/Te ratio have not been systematically studied . We use self-flux method to grow single crystal samples of FeSexTe1–x with different x values (0.3, 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6). The structural and morphological properties of the monocrystalline samples are characterized by XRD and SEM. All samples show that they possess the expected crystalline structures and their lattice parameters vary with x value. The magnetic properties at low temperatures are also measured, showing that all samples have good superconductivity. Superconducting properties, such as critical current densities and flux pinning force densities, are extracted from the magnetic measurements and analyzed, and the flux pinning behavior is discussed. The best Se:Te ratio is determined to be nearly 0.4/0.6 based on the comparison among these properties of different samples. By utilizing the Dew-Hughes theory and analyzing the pinning force density peak, the flux pinning mechanism in the best samples (x = 0.4, 0.5) can be regarded as the mixture of normal point pinning and Δκ volume pinning. This work provides important information for the further study of the topological and superconducting properties of FeSexTe1–x. Keywords:FeSexTe1–x/ topological superconductor/ flux pinning/ critical current density
3.结果与讨论FeSexTe1–x (x = 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6)样品的晶体结构由X射线衍射仪测定, 如图1(a)所示. 可观察到所有的衍射峰与(0 0 L)晶面族吻合, 并且衍射峰很强, 没有看到杂相. 考虑到X射线衍射装置的设置, 这说明样品具有很好的单晶性且c轴垂直于样品台, 样品均都属于四方结构, 其空间群为P4/nmm (129). 从图1(b)中可以清楚地看到, 随着样品Se含量的减小, 其对应的衍射峰向着小角度方向移动, 这一结果与文献[18]报道的研究结果一致. 导致这一结果的原因是Te2–离子半径为221 pm, 然而Se2–离子半径为198 pm, 所以Te增加Se减少使得晶胞变大. 晶格参数c随着Te含量的变化(图1(c))也符合这一趋势: 除了FeSe0.4Te0.6样品外, 其他三个样品晶格参数c随着Te含量的变化是一致的, 这也与文献[19,20]的报道一致. 图 1 (a) FeSexTe1–x 单晶样品X射线衍射图谱; (b) (001)随组分比例x的变化; (c)晶格参数c随x的变化 Figure1. (a) X-ray diffraction pattern of FeSexTe1–x single crystal sample; (b) the (001) peak shifts with changing x; (c) lattice parameter c changes with Se content x.
图2(a)—(d)给出一系列FeSexTe1–x (x = 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6)样品解理面的SEM图像. 所有的样品都呈现了层状结构. 但是, 可以看到FeSe0.4Te0.6样品(图2(b))存在一个特别的形貌, 该形貌显示存在双边界分层结构. 这一结果说明该样品中存在更多的晶体缺陷, 这也可能是该样品晶格参数比其他样品稍有异常的原因. 这也说明FeSe0.4Te0.6样品在传输电流方面与其他三个样品可能存在不同的行为, 在分析输运性质时将考虑这一点. 图 2 FeSexTe1–x 样品的SEM图谱 (a) x = 0.3; (b) x = 0.4; (c) x = 0.5; (d) x = 0.6, 其中(b)图右上角为同一样品的另一个区域 Figure2. SEM images of FeSexTe1–x samples: (a) x = 0.3; (b) x = 0.4; (c) x = 0.5; (d) x = 0.6. The upper right corner of Fig. (b) is another region of the same sample.
FeSexTe1–x样品在磁场平行于晶体c轴时的不同温度下的磁滞回线(M-H曲线)见图4, 温度分别是2 K和4 K. 4个样品的磁滞回线均表现出第二类超导体的典型行为. 这些样品适合Bean临界态模型[23]. 根据Bean模型可以确定这种长方体样品的临界电流密度Jc[24]: 图 4 FeSexTe1–x样品在磁场平行于样品c轴时不同温度下的磁滞回线 (a) x = 0.3; (b) x = 0.4; (c) x = 0.5; (d) x = 0.6 Figure4. Hysteresis loops of FeSexTe1–x samples at different temperatures under the field parallel to c axis: (a) x = 0.3; (b) x = 0.4; (c) x = 0.5; (d) x = 0.6.