1.Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Beijing 102617, China 2.Institute of Laser Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China 3.School of Science, Guangxi University of Science and Technology, Liuzhou 545006, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11674018), the Beijing Nova Program, China (Grant No. Z171100001117101), and the Science and Technology Innovation Project of Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, China (Grant No.15031862005/298)
Received Date:03 May 2020
Accepted Date:11 June 2020
Available Online:17 June 2020
Published Online:05 October 2020
Abstract:Thermal effect is one of the most important factors limiting the photoluminescence performances of semiconductor devices. With the increase of temperature, the PL intensity decreases gradually due to the effect of thermal quenching. However, the abnormal negative thermal quenching effect has been found in many semiconductor materials in recent years, e.g. ZnO, BiFeO3, InPBi, etc. This effect is generally considered as the sign of the existence for middle/local energy state in the electron-hole recombination process, which usually needs to be confirmed by the temperature-dependent PL spectra.Here, we report the thermal regulation mechanism of photoluminescence in intrinsic acceptor-rich ZnO (A-ZnO) microtubes grown by the optical vapour supersaturated precipitation method. The grown A-ZnO microtube with a length of 5 mm and diameter of 100 μm has regular hexagonal cross-section morphology. Its optical band gap at room temperature is about 3.30 eV. With the increase of temperature, the PL intensity of A-ZnO microtube exhibits an abnormal behavior from the thermal quenching to the negative thermal quenching and then to the thermal quenching. The thermal quenching effect at 80–200 K is associated with regurgitation/ionization of shallow donor, thermal ionization of free exciton, and conversion of neutral acceptor bound exciton. The negative thermal quenching effect at 200–240 K is associated with thermal excitation of electrons in a deep level trap of 488 meV below the conduction band minimum (CBM). The thermal quenching effect at 240–470 K is related to Shockley-Read-Hall recombination based on the non-radiative recombination center of 628 meV below the CBM. The non-radiative recombination center and trap level are far from the acceptor level of A-ZnO microtube, which may be related to the deep-level defect of oxygen vacancy in the intrinsic A-ZnO microtube. This work establishes the temperature-dependent transition model of photo-generated carriers and reveals the thermal regulation mechanism of PL for the A-ZnO microtubes. It provides a novel platform for designing the high-temperature and high-efficiency ZnO-based photoelectric devices. Keywords:ZnO/ photoluminescence/ thermal quenching/ negative thermal quenching
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图1(a)为单根A-ZnO微米管的SEM图, 可以看出所生长ZnO微米管的形貌规则、轮廓清晰、长度达5 mm以上. 图1(b)和图1(c)分别给出了A-ZnO微米管在不同区域的局部SEM图, 可以看出微米管表面光滑、具有完整的六角形截面结构、直径约为100 μm. 得益于光学浮区炉提供的均匀加热温度场, A-ZnO微米管在生长中受热扰动影响可以忽略不计, 其六个侧壁的形貌均匀统一、壁厚基本一致. 图 1 单根A-ZnO微米管的SEM图:(a)整体; (b)中部; (c)管口 Figure1. (a) Overview, (b) side-wall view, and (c) close-up view of the A-ZnO microtube by SEM.
为研究A-ZnO微米管PL发光峰随温度变化的演变机制, 我们研究了各发光峰强度与温度变化的对应关系. 图4(a)给出了FX→NBE, FA→NBE, DAP发光峰强度随温度的变化, 可以看出上述PL发光峰随着温度变化, 经历了从热淬灭到负热淬灭再到热淬灭行为的转变, 这一变化过程可由多能级模型来描述[24]: 图 4 (a) FX→NBE, FA→NBE, DAP发光峰强度随温度的变化及其拟合曲线; (b)FX和FA发光峰位随温度的变化及其拟合曲线 Figure4. (a) PL intensity of FX→NBE, FA→NBE, DAP emissions as a function of temperature, and their fitting curves; (b) peak energy of FX and FA emissions as a function of temperature, and their fitting curves.