1.College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China 2.College of Mechatronics and Control Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China 3.College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, National University of Defense Technolog, Changsha 410073, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11704260, 61775146, 61773266, 11904240), the Science and Technology Research and Development Foundation of Shenzhen, China (Grant No. JCYJ20170818144254033, JCYJ20190808141011530), the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, China (Grant No. 2018A030310637) and the Start-up project of scientific research for new teachers of Shenzhen University, China (Grant No. 2017020)
Received Date:30 December 2019
Accepted Date:15 February 2020
Published Online:05 May 2020
Abstract:We demonstrate a bismuth (Bi) saturable absorber (SA) for generating ultrafast pulse. The Bi SA is fabricated by the Bi film deposited on the surface of microfibers through using magnetron sputtering. Its nonlinear optical properties are investigated. The as-prepared Bi SA has outstanding nonlinear absorption property demonstrated by the open aperture (OA) Z-scan system at 1500 nm and balanced twin-detector method at 1560 nm. The nonlinear optical property of Bi SA shows that the modulation depth, the nonsaturable losses, and the saturable intensity at 1.5 μm are 14% and 79%, and 0.9 MW/cm2, respectively. Besides, the closed aperture (CA) Z-scan measurement is also implemented to estimate the nonlinear refractive index of Bi film. The Bi film shows that the typical CA/OA curve possesses the feature of peak-valley profile, meaning that the sample with a negative nonlinear refractive index is self-defocusing. In our experiments, the parameters of the nonlinear absorption coefficient β and the nonlinear refractive index n2 are estimated at about 2.38 × 10–4 cm/W and –1.47 × 10–9 cm2/W according to the actual experimental data points, respectively. To further investigate its nonlinear optical property, the microfiber-based Bi SA is embedded into an erbium-doped fiber laser with a typical ring cavity structure. Based on the Bi SA device, the stable ultrafast pulses are generated at 1.5 μm with the pulse width of 357 fs, the output power of 45.4 mW, corresponding to the pulse energy of 2.39 nJ, and the signal-to-noise ratio is 84 dB. The stable soliton pulses emitting at 1563 nm are obtained with a 3-dB and 6-nm spectral bandwidth. The experimental results suggest that the microfiber-based Bi SA prepared by magnetron sputtering deposition (MSD) technique can be used as an excellent photonic device for ultrafast pulse generation in the 1.5 μm regime, and the MSD technique opens a promising way to produce high-performance SA with a large modulation depth, low saturable intensity, and high power tolerance, which are conducible to the generation of high power and ultrafast pulse with high stability. Keywords:saturable absorber/ fiber laser/ magnetron sputtering deposition/ bismuth
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4.实验结果在激光腔中, 没有加入SA前, 无论怎么调节抽运功率和偏振控制器, 都无法产生脉冲序列. 然后在WDM和PC之间, 将制备的SA集成到光纤激光器中. 当抽运功率增加到30 mW时, 振荡器开始工作在锁模状态. 图5(a)显示了以1563 nm为中心的典型锁模光谱, 其3 dB光谱带宽为6 nm. 谱线上Kelly边带的存在证实了锁模激光器运行在孤子区域内. 图5(b)为RF频谱, 基频为19.0 MHz, 信噪比为84 dB, 与腔长11.2 m相匹配. 图5(b)中的插图是在2 GHz大范围下的射频(RF)频谱, 连续平坦的频谱图表明锁模脉冲具有高的稳定性. 图5(c)为自相关测量得到的脉冲轨迹, 结果很好地符合sech2函数曲线, 脉宽为357 fs. 时间-带宽乘积为0.323, 表明输出脉冲含有轻微的啁啾. 图5(c)内插图为出脉冲的时间序列图, 可知激光器具有很好的稳定性. 图5(d)给出了输出功率/脉冲能量随着输入功率的变化, 当输入功率为280 mW时, 输出功率为45.4 mW, 相应的单脉冲能量为2.39 nJ. 此时输出功率仍然保持很好的线性增长关系, 斜率效率为17%. 相信通过增加抽运功率与优化谐振腔结构, 可以得到更高的输出功率与脉冲能量. 图 5 1.5 μm锁模特性 (a)锁模光谱; (b)基频为19.0 MHz、分辨率为10 Hz的射频频谱, 插图显示了2 GHz跨度的射频频谱; (c)具有sech2拟合的脉冲持续时间为357 fs输出脉冲的自相关轨迹, 插图是输出脉冲的时间序列图; (d)输出功率/脉冲能量随着输入功率的变化 Figure5. Mode-locking characteristics at 1.5 μm: (a) Mode-locking optical spectrum; (b) RF spectrum at a fundamental frequency of 19.0 MHz with 10 Hz resolution; the inset shows the RF spectrum of 100 MHz span; (c) autocorrelation trace for an output pulse with a pulse duration of 357 fs with sech2 fit; the inset is the oscilloscope trace of the output pulse train; (d) relationship between the input power and laser output power/pulse energy.