1.State Key Laboratory of Laser Interaction with Matter, Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology, Xi’an 710024, China 2.Shanghai Key Laboratory of All Solid-State Laser and Applied Techniques, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 91541203, 91641112) and the Fund of the State Key Laboratory of Laser Interaction with Matter, China (Grant No. SKLLIM1709)
Received Date:08 October 2019
Accepted Date:01 November 2019
Published Online:05 February 2020
Abstract:Tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) is a widely used technology for measuring absorption spectrum. However, the measurement efficiency of TDLAS is greatly limited by the narrow tuning range of conventional tunable laser diode. Exploiting a wideband, narrow linewidth tuning laser source, hyperspectral absorption spectroscopy possesses the ability to provide the overall absorption information over a continuous waveband in a single scan, which would significantly improve the data volume and diagnostic capability of TDLAS. With profound and strong absorption lines of water and carbon dioxide, the 2 μm waveband is an ideal candidate for water and carbon dioxide related absorption spectrum. An absorption line recognition threshold of 0.07 nm is derived for the absorption spectrum measurement of water around 2 μm through theoretical analysis. Utilizing the wideband emission spectrum of Tm-doped fiber, a wideband tunable, narrow linewidth fiber laser operating at 2 μm is built by combining a tunable FP filter with a fiber saturable absorber. The tunable FP filter is responsible for the wavelength control of the laser system, with which a 60 nm wideband tuning range from 1840 nm to 1900 nm is achieved. With a section of Tm-Ho codoped fiber as the fiber saturable absorber which is used for linewidth compression, a static linewidth of 0.05 nm is attained. This wideband tunable, narrow linewidth fiber laser is tested for the hyperspectral absorption spectrum measurement of water around 2 μm. Drived with a 0–10 V triangle wave at a repetition rate of 50 Hz, the output spectrum of the laser spans over a wavelength range of about 30 nm from 1856 nm to 1886 nm. The laser beam propagates about 50 cm through an open air, and then enters into the detectors for direct measurement. The 35 absorption lines of water are recognized after processing the data. Within the 1870–1880 nm range, comparisons with the theoretical absorption spectra at different laser linewidths, derived from the HITRAN2012 absorption database, show that the measured data cannot effectively distinguish two absorption lines adjacent to the strong absorption line at 1873 nm and 1877 nm. And, the measured results can be best fitted to a laser linewidth of about 0.08 nm, demonstrating that in the dynamic scanning process, the linewidth of the laser is expanded beyond the absorption line recognition threshold. Thus, when operating in a fast wideband scanning mode, the laser system should further compress its linewidth. Keywords:tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy/ fiber saturable absorber/ linewidth compression/ hyperspectral absorption
图11(a)中包含5个扫描周期的吸收测量信号, 可以看出, 吸收信号表现出较好的周期性. 可见, 虽然激光器不是单纵模输出, 但依然可以满足超光谱吸收测量的应用要求. 图12为减去基线后典型的单个扫描周期内测量的直接吸收光谱, 可以看出前半个扫描周期和后半个扫描周期获得直接吸收光谱存在很好的对称性, 表明激光器在三角波的上升沿和下降沿扫描过程中有着良好的波长稳定性和重复性. 图12内插图为局部的吸收光谱放大图, 可以看出每个吸收峰其实是由多条吸收谱线构成的. 图 12 典型的单个激光器扫描周期内测量的直接吸收光谱(内插图为局部的吸收光谱放大图) Figure12. Typical direct absorption spectrum in a single scanning period. The insert is the enlarged local absorption spectrum.
对数据做匀化处理, 得到的半个扫描周期内水的吸收谱线如图13所示. 同时, 图13给出了根据HITRAN2012光谱数据库计算得出的理论吸收谱线. 可以看出, 在1856—1886 nm约30 nm的光谱范围内, 水的吸收谱线主要集中在1870 nm附近. 实验中共测量并分辨了35条水的吸收谱线. 必须指出的是, 计算中设定激光线宽约为0.08 nm, 此时, 理论吸收谱线与实测数据吻合较好. 可见, 与静态线宽相比, 激光器在动态扫描下线宽出现了一定的展宽. 图 13 1856—1886 nm范围内水的吸收光谱数据 Figure13. Absorption spectra of water from 1856 nm to 1886 nm
为了检验实验所测吸收光谱数据的分辨率, 对1870—1880 nm范围内的吸收谱线进行放大, 如图14所示. 图14(a)同时给出了理想激光线宽下的理论吸收谱线. 通过对比可以发现, 理想线宽下, 在1870—1880 nm范围内, 水存在约17条吸收谱线, 而实测吸收谱线和激光线宽为0.08 nm的理论计算谱线均无法有效分辨图中所标注的A和B两条吸收线. 这是由于A和B处两套吸收线与相邻的吸收线距离较近, 而激光器在动态扫描过程中线宽展宽使得无法有效分辨相邻的吸收谱线. 图 14 1870—1880 nm范围内吸收谱线及残差 (a)吸收谱线; (b)残差 Figure14. Absorption lines and corresponding residuals of water in 1870—1880 nm wavelength range: (a) Absorption lines; (b) residuals.