Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51574266) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. 17 CX06012)
Received Date:18 May 2019
Accepted Date:12 November 2019
Published Online:20 January 2020
Abstract:Silica nanoparticles (NPs) are more and more useful in many engineering areas, but the dynamic behaviors of adsorption of NPs at surface are not clear, especially when there exist surfactants on the surface. The modified NPs with the nonionic dimethyl silane are partially hydrophobic, and in this paper, the surface behavior is investigated which is determined by interfacial tension and surface compression modulus. It is concluded that the dimethyl silane coverage, the brine salinity and the surfactant would affect the NPs’ adsorption. Higher salinity in brine or higher dimethyl silane coverage causes lower steady state surface tension, which is related to the hydrophobicity and adsorption amount of NPs at the surface. When the cationic surfactant concentration is lower than critical micelle concentration (CMC), the surface tension of mixture system is a little bit higher than cationic surfactant’s. Cationic surfactant can be adsorbed at NPs’ surface to change the hydrophobicity based on the electrostatic attraction, and then some surfactants are dissolved in liquid phase together with NPs, while the anionic surfactant will not do so. In the shrinking droplet process, the surface tension of the NPs with 1.5 μmol/m2 dimethyl silane decreases from ~59 mN/m at the steady state to ~50 mN/m, which proves that the NPs’ adsorption density can be higher even after infinite long time equilibrium due to the repulsive force between the NPs. Besides, the curve of interfacial tension (IFT) versus surface area shows three parts with different declining slopes. In the first part, the relatively low adsorption of NPs at the surface means weak interaction between NPs. Then in the second part, due to the irreversible adsorption, the spacing between NPs decreases with adsorption amount increasing and surface area lowering, so the increasing of NPs’ interaction leads to high surface compression modulus. After that, the IFT curve keeps flat since the NPs assembly reaches to the closest peck. With the increase of NPs’ hydrophobicity, the compression modulus increases up to ~70 mN/m, which satisfies the Gibbs criterion to resist coarsening of the foam or emulsion. However, for the mixing system, increasing surfactant concentration leads to a lower surface tension at steady state, then the surface tension difference or compression modulus decreases too. Finally, we find that the compression modulus order from high to low is as follows: NPs, cationic surfactant-NPs, anionic surfactant-NPs, surfactants. This investigation is meaningful for accounting for the enhancement of foam or emulsion stability with NPs affected by salinity and surfactant. Keywords:nanoparticles/ adsorption at interface/ surface tension/ surface dilatational modulus and compression modulus
图 2 不同改性纳米颗粒(1.0 wt.%) 在2 M NaCl + 0.25 M CaCl2盐水中的动态表面张力 Figure2. Effects of the DM coverage on the dynamic and steady state IFT with 1.0 wt.% concentration in the brine of 2 M NaCl + 0.25 M CaCl2.
33.1.2.表面活性剂-纳米颗粒溶液 -->
改性纳米颗粒表面仍带有不同程度的负电, 由于不同类型表面活性剂带电性差异导致活性剂与纳米颗粒间的静电作用力不同. 图3可以看出阳离子活性剂TTAB浓度低于0.006 mmol/L、阴离子活性剂浓度低于0.004 mmol/L时, 混合体系的表面张力与单独改性纳米颗粒溶液相近, 约为59 mN/m, 这说明此时表面张力主要由改性纳米颗粒所决定, 表面活性剂由于浓度过低而对纳米颗粒溶液表面张力几乎无影响. 随活性剂浓度增加, 阳离子活性剂-纳米颗粒体系表面张力高于同浓度活性剂溶液表面张力, 但低于单独改性纳米颗粒溶液的表面张力, 这是由于静电吸引力作用, 部分活性剂吸附于纳米颗粒表面, 继而溶解于体相, 导致气-液表面吸附的活性剂浓度降低, 同时部分纳米颗粒吸附有TTAB后, 疏水性进一步增强, 降低界面张力能力增加, 并且气-液表面有部分自由活性剂存在, 因此复配体系表面张力有所降低; 而阴离子活性剂-纳米颗粒体系表面张力与单独活性剂溶液相近, 这说明阴离子活性剂与纳米颗粒相互作用力较小, 基本可以忽略, 在低活性剂浓度下, 表面张力等同于改性纳米颗粒溶液表面张力值, 较高浓度时, 表面活性剂吸附密度增加, 表面张力近似于活性剂溶液表面张力值. 图 3 阴、阳离子活性剂与改性纳米颗粒复配体系表面张力 (a) 1.5 μmol/m2 DM纳米颗粒溶液中加入不同浓度TTAB; (b) 1.5 μmol/m2 DM纳米颗粒中加入不同浓度AOS Figure3. The IFT of mixing solution of different surfactant with 1.0 wt.% NPs: (a) 1.5 μmol/m2 DM NPs solutions with different concentrations of TTAB; (b) 1.5 μmol/m2 DM NPs solutions with different concentrations of AOS
23.2.液滴收缩过程中气-液表面压缩模量变化规律 -->
33.2.1.不同疏水性纳米颗粒溶液 -->
为进一步确定液膜收缩对纳米颗粒在气-液界面吸附规律的影响, 对液滴持续收缩过程中表面张力的变化进行了采集分析, 这也可以更直观解释泡沫稳定过程中界面膜性质的变化规律. 不同于表面活性剂的吸附, 由于纳米颗粒在界面的吸附/脱附能一般可达几百甚至几千kT[19], 因此纳米颗粒的吸附过程绝大多数属于不可逆吸附. 在液滴收缩过程中, 纳米颗粒吸附总量不变, 但随着气-液界面表面积的降低, 纳米颗粒吸附密度增加, 因此导致表面张力可以进一步降低. Rusell等[16]和Maestro等[17]发现在纳米颗粒吸附密度增加过程中, 根据表面张力的变化可分为明显三段, 首先是颗粒间相互作用可以忽略阶段(类气体分布状态), 其次是颗粒间相互作用增强阶段(类液体分布状态), 最后是颗粒在界面密堆积阶段(类固体分布状态). 由表面压缩模量定义公式${\varepsilon _{\rm{c}}} = {\rm{d}}\gamma /\left( {{\rm{d}}A/A} \right)$, 可知当表面积变化量很小或者表面张力随表面积变化率呈线性关系时, 可由$\gamma - {\gamma _0} \approx {\varepsilon _{\rm{c}}}\left( {1 - {{{A_0}}}/{A}} \right)$进行近似计算表面压缩模量εc, 其中A0为某时刻液滴表面积, γ0为液滴表面积为A0时的表面张力, 因此可以通过表面张力和表面积的变化曲线定量分析界面压缩模量在液滴收缩过程中的变化[17]. 图4为1.0 wt.%质量浓度的1.5 μmol/m2 DM纳米颗粒溶液在表面张力达到平衡后收缩以及液滴生成后立即收缩两种方式下表面张力与表面积变化率的相关性曲线, 但根据图4(a)结果发现, 两种方式曲线并不重合, 这主要是由于平衡前后纳米颗粒在液滴表面吸附总量不同, 因此以纳米颗粒最紧密排布时的表面积Aw对面积变化率进行归一化, 得到图4(b)所示曲线, 在Aw/A > 1时, 表面张力不再降低, 即表面压缩模量几乎为0. 通过未平衡液滴收缩过程可以看出, 在初始阶段(0.80 < Aw/A < 0.84), 表面张力变化率较低, 这对应于纳米颗粒在液滴表面类气体分布状态, 颗粒之间几乎无相互作用力, 因此压缩模量较小; 在中间阶段(0.85 < Aw/A < 1.00), 表面张力变化率明显增大且基本呈线性降低, 初始及结束均具有较明显的转折点, 这对应于纳米颗粒吸附密度增加导致相邻颗粒间相互作用力增加, 导致纳米颗粒压缩过程中在界面上出现了不可逆聚集和组织[26], 从而表面张力降低更明显, 表面压缩模量较高; 在最后阶段(Aw/A > 1), 表面张力变化率几乎为0, 此时可以认为纳米颗粒在表面排布达到密堆积, 排布密度可近似认为0.91(二维最密堆积密度), 因此表面积继续降低后, 颗粒吸附密度不再增加, 纳米颗粒被挤出表面层, 再次溶于水相. 平衡前后的收缩过程曲线重合证明吸附时间或吸附速率对纳米颗粒在界面的排布规律影响不大, 在持续收缩后均能达到密堆积. 图 4 液滴平衡前后收缩过程表面张力变化曲线(2 M NaCl + 0.25 M CaCl2, 溶液质量密度为1.0 wt.%) Figure4. IFT in the shrinking process versus the surface area change (in the 2 M NaCl + 0.25 M CaCl2 brine with 1.0 wt.% concentration).
表1液滴持续收缩过程中不同改性纳米颗粒溶液体系的平均表面压缩模量 Table1.The compression modulus of various hydrophobic NPs solutions in 2 M NaCl + 0.25 M CaCl2 brine with continuous shrinking droplet.
2.5 M NaCl
2 M NaCl + 0.25 M CaCl2
表2液滴持续收缩过程中改性纳米颗粒溶液在不同盐含量条件下的表面压缩模量 Table2.The compression modulus of 1.5 μmol/m2 DM NPs solutions in various salinity brine with continuous shrinking droplet
图 5 不同体系液滴收缩过程中表面张力的变化, 溶液质量密度为1 wt.% (a), (b) 不同疏水性纳米颗粒溶液, 盐含量2 M NaCl+0.25 M CaCl2; (c), (d) 不同盐浓度溶液, 1.5 μmol/m2 DM纳米颗粒 Figure5. IFT at different Aw/A ratios during droplet shrinking for (a) and (b) NPs with difference DM coverage at the fixed concentration of 1 wt.% in 2 M NaCl+0.25 M CaCl2 brine; for (c) and (d) 1 wt.% 1.5 μmol/m2 DM NPs solutions with various salinities
33.2.2.表面活性剂-纳米颗粒溶液 -->
表面活性剂对纳米颗粒在气-液界面的吸附有重要影响, 通过体系中加入阳离子活性剂TTAB和阴离子活性剂AOS研究了活性剂对1.5 μmol/m2 DM纳米颗粒在超纯水-空气界面吸附的影响规律. 图6实验结果表明在TTAB浓度较低时, 液滴收缩过程中存在较明显的表面张力转折点, 而在高浓度时, 即体系初始表面张力低于纳米溶液转折点表面张力值时, 液滴收缩过程中表面张力缓慢降低无明显转折点. TTAB活性剂带有正电荷而纳米颗粒带弱负电, 因此静电引力可以使TTAB吸附于纳米颗粒表面, 同时当TTAB吸附于液滴表面后, 纳米颗粒吸附于界面阻力降低, 因此在低浓度活性剂体系中, 液滴收缩过程中, 吸附于液滴表面的纳米颗粒排布密度增加导致出现转折点, Meastro等[17]研究认为收缩过程中活性剂浓度仅对初始表面张力有影响, 而对表面张力曲线变化无关, 表面张力曲线变化规律只与纳米颗粒在气-液界面的吸附密度有关, 但图6(a)中表面张力变化曲线并不能完全重合, 可能是由于本文中活性剂吸附于纳米颗粒表面后, 进一步增强了纳米颗粒的疏水性, 从而使转折点处表面张力值略有降低. 而在高活性剂浓度区域, 存在两种可能性: 一是由于纳米颗粒降低表面张力能力弱于活性剂并且吸附速率较慢, 依据界面最低能量排布规律纳米颗粒可能难以吸附于界面, 此时体系表面张力的变化近似于单独表面活性剂溶液; 二是即使纳米颗粒吸附于气-液界面, 但由于其降低表面张力能力低于表面活性剂, 因此在表面张力变化曲线中并不能反映出来, 该分析方法不再适用. 阴离子活性剂AOS和阳离子活性剂TTAB对体系对表面张力变化曲线的影响如图6(b), 结果表明相对于TTAB-纳米颗粒体系, AOS-纳米颗粒体系的表面张力变化曲线转折点更不明显, 这可能是由于初始阶段带相同负电荷的AOS抑制了纳米颗粒在气-液界面的吸附, 液滴表面的较低纳米颗粒吸附量导致曲线类似于单独表面活性剂溶液的液滴收缩过程. 图 6 质量浓度为1.0 wt.%的不同纳米颗粒-活性剂体系液滴收缩过程中表面张力的变化 (a) 1.5 μmol/m2 DM纳米颗粒中加入不同浓度TTAB; (b) 1.5 μmol/m2 DM纳米颗粒中加入TTAB或AOS, 表面张力初始值相近 Figure6. IFT at different Aw/A ratios during droplet shrinking in DI water with 1.0 wt.% NPs: (a) 1.5 μmol/m2 DM NPs solutions with different TTAB concentrations; (b) 1.5 μmol/m2 DM NPs solutions with TTAB and AOS with same beginning IFT