Chandni Menapara , Zalak Shah , Ajay Kumar Rai , Department of Applied Physics, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat-395007, Gujarat, India Received Date:2020-09-05 Available Online:2021-02-15 Abstract:The resonance state of the $\Delta$ baryon, which exists in four isospin ($I= {3}/{2}$) states, has been studied using the hypercentral constituent quark model (hCQM) with a simple linear potential with added first order correction. The calculated data ranges for 1S-5S, 1P-5P, 1D-4D and 1F-2F are given, with possible spin-parity assignments for all the states. The magnetic moments have also been obtained for all four configurations. The $N\pi$ decay channel width has been calculated for a few states. The linear nature of the data has been verified through Regge trajectories.
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II.HYPERCENTRAL CONSTITUENT QUARK MODEL (hCQM)Hadron spectroscopy is useful for better understanding of hadrons as bound states of quarks and gluons, as well as the spectrum and internal structure of excited baryons. This is a key to strong interactions in the region of quark confinement. The system becomes complex and difficult to deal with when all the quark-quark, quark-gluon and gluon-gluon interactions are considered. This is the reason for using the constituent quark mass, incorporating all the other effects in the form of some parameters. A constituent quark model is a modelization of a baryon as a system of three quarks or anti-quarks bound by some kind of confining interaction. An effective way to study three body systems is through consideration of Jacobi coordinates as
where $m = \dfrac{2m_{\rho}m_{\lambda}}{m_{\rho}+m_{\lambda}}$ is the reduced mass. The dynamics are considered in the wave-function $ \psi(x) $, which is the solution of the hyperradial equation
The potential incorporated solely depends on the hyperradius x of the system and not on the hyperangle [33].
$ V^{0}(x) = -\frac{\tau}{x} + \alpha x^{\nu}, $
V(x) consists of a Coulomb-like term and a confining term, which is taken to be linear with power index $ \nu $ = 1. Another part of the potential form is the first order correction term with $\dfrac{1}{m_{x}} = \left(\dfrac{1}{m_{\rho}} - \dfrac{1}{m_{\lambda}}\right)$.
where $ C_{F} $ and $ C_{A} $ are the Casimir elements of fundamental and adjoint representation. $ \alpha_{s} $ is the running coupling constant. Along with the zeroth and first order correction terms in the hypercentral approximation, a spin-dependent term $ V_{SD} $(x) is also incorporated to sharply distinguish the degenerate states [34].
where $ V_{SS}(x) $, $ V_{\gamma S}(x) $ and $ V_{T}(x) $ are spin-spin, spin-orbit and tensor terms respectively. The quark masses are taken as $ m_{u} = m_{d} = 0.290 $ GeV. The numerical solution of the six-dimensional Schrodinger equation was performed using Mathematica Notebook [35].
III.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONBased on the model and potential terms discussed in the above section, the resonance masses from 1S-5S, 1P-5P, 1D-4D and 1F-2F with allowed spin-parity assignments have been computed as shown in Table1. In addition, the present results are compared with previous results calculated using different models, for available states.
The four-star status assigned by the Particle Data Group (PDG) indicates the certainty of its existence with known properties. The radial states comprise of $J^{P} = {3}/{2}^{+}$, the 2S(1600) mass predicted as 1611 MeV differs by 11 MeV from Ref. [24], 14 MeV from Ref. [25] and nearly 47 MeV from Refs. [15, 18]. Similarly the 3S(1920) mass of 1934 MeV falls within the PDG range and differs only by 1-14 MeV from some references. The first orbital excited state 1P(1620) with ${1}/{2}^{-}$ is well within the range of PDG and differs by 36 MeV from Ref. [25]. However, the 1P(1700) state predicted with mass 1593 MeV (${3}/{2}^{-}$) is under-predicted by 97 MeV from the lower range of experimental data. The three-star states of 2P with spin-parity assignment ${1}/{2}^{-}$ and ${5}/{2}^{-}$ are over- and under-predicted respectively compared to the PDG ranges. The four-star designated second orbital state 1D with ${1}/{2}^{+}$ is obtained as 1905 MeV differs by 5 MeV from Ref. [24] and by 25 MeV from Ref. [16]. The two states with (${5}/{2}^{+}, {7}/{2}^{+}$) have been predicted to be quite low compared to known data as well as other references. Based on the current results, the $ \Delta(1920) $ state from the PDG might be assigned to 1D(${3}/{2}^{+}$) or 3S(${3}/{2}^{+}$) based on the comparison shown in the table. The predicted 1F ${7}/{2}^{-}$ mass of 2037 MeV is 113 MeV less than the lower limit of the PDG range. However, the present study has attempted to predict many unknown states too, which are the least explored by other models and experiments.
IV.BARYON MAGNETIC MOMENTThe baryon magnetic moment plays a crucial role in providing information regarding the structures and shapes of baryons [36]. The magnetic moment of $ \Delta^{++} $ has been precisely measured through pion bremsstrahlung analysis [37]. Theoretically, the magnetic moments of $J^{P} = {3}/{2}^{+}$ decuplet baryons have been calculated through different approaches, including the quark model with QCD sum rules [38], chiral quark model [39, 40], and the color dielectric model [41]. However, none of the calculations account for complicated effects due to valence quarks, pion clouds, exchange currents, constituent quark mass, etc, and are thus neglected. In the present study, the effective quark mass has been considered to obtain the magnetic moments of all four $ \Delta $ isospin states. The baryon magnetic moment is expressed as [42]
The effective quark mass $m_{q}^{\rm eff}$ is different from the model-based mass, as within the baryon, the mass may vary due to interactions among quarks.
$ m_{q}^{\rm eff} = m_{q}\left(1+\frac{\langle H \rangle}{\sum_{q}m_{q}}\right), $
where $\langle H \rangle = E + \langle V_{\rm spin} \rangle$ [42]. A similar study for $ N^{*} $ has been done by Zalak Shah et al. [33]. The result in Table 2 shows that the $ \Delta $ magnetic moments obtained from the present work are in accordance with experimental results. Reference [39] has compared magnetic moments using different sets of data; so based on that non-relativistic quark model, the $ \Delta^{++} $ magnetic moment is 5.43 $ \mu_{N} $ , differing by 0.86 $ \mu_{N} $. The magnetic moments for $ \Delta^{+} $ and $ \Delta^{-} $ are 2.72 $ \mu_{N} $ and -2.72 $ \mu_{N} $ respectively, which differs by 0.48 $ \mu_{N} $.
Table2.Magnetic moments of Δ(1232) isospin states.
V.REGGE TRAJECTORYAn important property concluded from the baryon spectrum is the plot of J, total angular momentum against $ M^{2} $, as well as the principal quantum number n against $ M^{2} $. These lines are so far observed to be linear and non-intersecting for the light baryon spectrum [43]. These plots provide a confirmation between the experimental and theoretical predicted masses of excited states with their respective quantum numbers [44]. This holds true for positive and negative parity states as well. Regge trajectories have been widely employed in heavy hadron studies too [45, 46]. The equations are as follows
$ \tag{11a} J = \alpha M^{2} + \alpha_{0}, $
$\tag{11b} n = \beta M^{2} + \beta_{1} . $
The trajectory in Fig. 1, based on Eq. (11b), shows that the calculated data are in good agreement with the nature of the experimental data, as all the calculated resonance squared masses fall on the linear curve. Also, a few individual experimental points marked in the graph agree with the total angular momentum and spin configuration assigned in the calculated data. Figure1. (color online) (n,$ M^{2} $) Regge trajectory for $ \Delta $ states.
The plot of total angular momentum quantum number J with natural parity P against the squared mass is shown in Fig. 2 , and also follows a linear curve. Figure2. (color online) (J,$ M^{2} $) Regge trajectory for $ \Delta $ states.
VI.DECAY WIDTHSThe observations of decays of baryon resonances afford valuable guidance in assigning the resonances their correct places in various symmetry schemes. The correct isotopic spin assignment is likely to be implied by the experimental branching ratio into different charge states of particles produced by the decay, while experimental decay widths provide a means of extracting phenomenological coupling constants. The chiral quark model, in which constituent quarks couple directly to mesons, is known to describe the properties of the ground state octet and decuplet baryons quite well [47]. The prominent decay channel for nucleons, including $ \Delta $, has been observed to be $ N^{*} $ and pion, depending on the charge of the respective parent [48]. The transition couplings of vector mesons have been obtained along with other constants by Riska et al. [49]. In the present work, the constants and decay widths provided by Particle Data Group have been employed to establish the decay widths of some well-established resonance masses. For the $ \Delta(1600) $ decay to $ N\pi $,
$ k = \frac{\sqrt{[m^{*2}-(m_N + m_{\pi})^{2}][m^{*2}-(m_N - m_{\pi})^{2}]}}{2m^{*}}. $
Here $ m^{*} $ is the resonance mass calculated using the above model, $ m_{N} $ is the nucleon mass 939 MeV and $ m_{\pi} $ is the pion mass 139 MeV. Using $ m^{*} = 1611 $ and $ f = 0.51 $, Γ = 24.8% , which is well within the PDG range of 8%-24%. For $ \Delta(1620) $ decaying to $ N\pi $,