

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

赵雪雁,, 马平易, 李文青, 杜昱璇西北师范大学地理与环境科学学院,兰州 730070

Spatiotemporal changes of supply and demand relationships of ecosystem services in the Loess Plateau

ZHAO Xueyan,, MA Pingyi, LI Wenqing, DU YuxuanCollege of Geography and Environment Science, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China


Fund supported: Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(XDA19040502)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41971268)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41661115)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41901150)

作者简介 About authors
赵雪雁(1971-), 女, 甘肃武都人, 博士, 教授, 主要从事生态经济研究。E-mail: zhaoxy@nwnu.edu.cn

明晰生态系统服务供需匹配关系,对实现区域生态安全与社会经济可持续发展具有重要推动作用。本文以黄土高原为案例区,应用InVEST模型、ArcGIS、GeoDA等分析工具,分析黄土高原粮食供应、水源涵养、碳固存、土壤保持等服务的供需量及其匹配关系的时空变化,旨在为黄土高原国土空间格局优化提供决策依据。结果表明:1990—2018年,① 黄土高原除水源涵养服务供给量外,其他生态系统服务供需量均呈上升趋势,且各生态系统服务供给量及土壤保持服务需求量均呈“东南高、西北低”的分布特征,而粮食供应、水源涵养、碳固存服务需求量呈“四周高、中间低”的分布特征;② 各类生态系统服务供需比均呈下降趋势。空间分布上,粮食供应、碳固存服务在黄土高原四周人口密集区供不应求,而其他区域供大于求;水源涵养服务在该区西北部供不应求,但东南部供大于求;土壤保持服务供不应求区集中于鄂尔多斯高原及海北州北部;③ 各类生态系统服务供需均以低低空间匹配为主;④ 粮食供应、水源涵养、碳固存服务供需比的空间分布均以高高集聚为主,而土壤保持服务以低低集聚和高高集聚为主。除土壤保持服务供需比的空间集聚性有所增强外,其他生态系统服务均呈减弱趋势。
关键词: 黄土高原;生态系统服务;供给与需求;时空格局;空间匹配。

Clarifying the match of the supply and demand of ecosystem services is crucial for promoting regional ecological security and sustainable socio-economic development. This paper takes the Loess Plateau as an example, and applies InVEST model, ArcGIS, GeoDA to analyze the spatiotemporal changes of the supply, demand and their match, which involves crop supply, water conservation, carbon sequestration and soil conservation, aiming to provide a decision-making basis for optimizing the territorial spatial pattern in the Loess Plateau. The results show that: (1) except the supply of water conservation, the supply and demands in other fields are on the rise. The supply of ecosystem services and the demand of soil conservation present the distribution pattern of "high in the southeast, but low in the northwest", while the demands of crop supply, water conservation and carbon sequestration have the distribution pattern of "high in the surroundings, while low in the middle". (2) The supply-demand ratio of various ecosystem services shows a general downward trend. In terms of spatial distribution, the demands of crop supply and carbon sequestration outstrips the supply in densely populated areas, and the supply exceeds the demands in other areas; in the northwest of the study area, the demand of water conservation outstrips the supply, while the supply exceeds the demand in the southeast; the soil conservation service in short supply areas are mainly found in the Ordos Plateau and Haibei prefecture. (3) The supply and demands of various ecosystem services are mainly low-low spatial matching. (4) The spatial distribution of the supply-demand ratio of crop supply, water conservation and carbon sequestration is mainly high-high agglomeration, while the soil conservation is mainly low-low and high-high agglomeration. Except for the enhancement of the spatial agglomeration of the supply-demand ratio of soil conservation service, the others tend to weaken.
Keywords:Loess Plateau;ecosystem services;supply and demand;spatiotemporal pattern;spatial matching

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赵雪雁, 马平易, 李文青, 杜昱璇. 黄土高原生态系统服务供需关系的时空变化. 地理学报, 2021, 76(11): 2780-2796 doi:10.11821/dlxb202111013
ZHAO Xueyan, MA Pingyi, LI Wenqing, DU Yuxuan. Spatiotemporal changes of supply and demand relationships of ecosystem services in the Loess Plateau. Acta Geographica Sinice, 2021, 76(11): 2780-2796 doi:10.11821/dlxb202111013

1 引言


生态系统服务供给和需求反映了生态系统服务从自然生态系统向人类社会系统流动的动态过程,对实现生态安全和社会经济可持续发展具有重要推动作用[4],这已成为国际生态系统服务研究的热点问题。早期生态系统服务供需研究主要关注生态系统供需概念的界定与研究框架的完善,且更重视生态系统服务供给[5];近年来主要关注生态系统服务供需量化及空间化、供需平衡、供需空间分布等[3, 6, 7-9]。其中,生态系统服务供需量化主要采用生态过程模拟、生态价值当量法、土地利用估计、专家评估矩阵法、生态模型等方法[1, 10-13];供需平衡研究则多采用生态供需比、需求率、供需协调度等方法[14,15,16]。研究尺度也从街道、流域、山区、盆地等中小尺度扩至国家、全球等尺度[7, 17-20],例如,Ala-Hulkko等[10]通过量化粮食供给与需求,绘制了欧洲生态系统服务供求关系图;Wang等[6]提出生态系统服务供给指数(ESPI)和土地开发指数(LDI)以反映中国生态系统服务供需状况;Wolff等[20]绘制了全球范围内人类对动物授粉、野生药用植物和户外休闲的需求空间图。总体来看,已有研究多关注生态系统服务供需关系静态特征,较少关注生态系统服务供需的时空格局及空间匹配关系演变;多关注生态系统服务综合研究,对不同类型生态系统服务的关注较少。



2 研究方法与数据来源

2.1 研究区

黄土高原位于33°43′N~41°16′N、100°54′E~114°33′E,地处黄河流域中游,包括山西、内蒙古、河南、陕西、甘肃、宁夏、青海共7省(自治区)45市(州、盟)341县(旗),土地面积约65万km2。该区地势西北高,东南低,海拔19~5206 m,地貌类型多样,包括6大地貌类型区[23]图1)。气候以干旱半干旱大陆性季风气候为主[24],年均气温为4~12℃,年均降水量约600 mm,且降水在时间和空间分布上极不均匀。极端气候已成为制约黄土高原生态修复的重要因素之一。作为土壤侵蚀最严重的区域之一,国家虽采取了一系列防治措施,但仍存在局部水量短缺问题[24],使整个区域的生态系统脆弱性加剧[22]。同时,该区还承载着1.18亿人口,经济的高速发展和城镇化进程的不断加快,对生态环境造成严重干扰,加剧了人地矛盾。因此,评价生态系统服务供需匹配关系、提高生态系统服务供给能力对该区实现可持续发展至关重要。



Fig. 1Location of the Loess Plateau

2.2 数据来源

基础数据包括:① 土地利用数据、归一化植被指数(NDVI)、人口密度栅格数据源自中国科学院资源环境科学数据中心(http://www.resdc.cn),其中人口密度栅格数据是在分县常住人口统计数据的基础上,综合考虑与人口密切相关的土地利用类型、夜间灯光亮度、居民点密度等多因素而获得,可表征常住人口密度;② 土壤质地数据源自寒旱区科学大数据中心(http://bdc.casnw.net/index.shtml),气象数据源自中国气象科学数据共享服务网(http://data.cma.cn/),数字高程模型(DEM)数据源自地理空间数据云(http://www.gscloud.cn/),潜蒸散量数据源自《全球干旱指数和潜在蒸散(ET0)气候数据库v2》(https://figshare.com/);③ 碳密度表参考类似区域[25]。④ 粮食产量、用水量源自黄土高原各省市统计年鉴,2000—2015年碳排放量源自《中国排放清单和数据集(CEADs)》(http://www.ceads.net/),其余年份的碳排放量统一利用各省的能源消费量进行核算,并与2000—2015年的数据进行校验得到[26]。常住人口数据源自《中国统计年鉴》。同时将气象、人口等栅格数据均统一重采样为100 m,投影坐标系统一采用Albers_cgcs2000。

2.3 研究方法

2.3.1 生态系统服务供需评估



(2)水源涵养服务。黄土高原是中国水资源严重贫乏地区,水资源影响着该区可持续发展。本文利用InVEST模型的Water Yield模块计算水源涵养服务的产水量,具体计算过程详见参考文献[13,14]。水需求量指人均用水量和人口密度的乘积。计算公式如下:






2.3.2 生态系统服务供需比 利用生态系统服务供需比可揭示生态系统服务供应与需求之间的关系[13]。计算公式如下:

式中:ESDR是生态系统服务供需比;SD分别是生态系统服务的供给量和需求量,SmaxDmax分别是供给量、需求量的最大值。ESDR>0表示生态系统服务供大于求,ESDR<0表示供不应求,ESDR = 0表示供需平衡状态。

2.3.3 生态系统服务供需空间匹配 采用Z-score标准化方法[16]对生态系统服务供需量进行标准化,根据象限分异确定4种匹配模式并将其空间可视化,具体包括:高高空间匹配(高供给—高需求)、低低空间匹配(低供给—低需求)、低高空间错位(低供给—高需求)、高低空间错位(高供给—低需求)。

2.3.4 生态系统服务供需比空间格局测度 利用探索性空间数据分析,通过局部Moran's I指数,揭示黄土高原生态系统服务供需的分布格局,分析具体空间要素与周围要素之间的差异程度及其显著性[5]

3 结果分析

3.1 生态系统服务供需的时空特征

3.1.1 粮食供应服务供需的时空特征 1990—2018年黄土高原粮食生产能力呈上升趋势(图2a),单位面积粮食供给量从1.3 t/hm2升至2.3 t/hm2,增幅高达77%。其中,1990—1995年单位面积粮食供给量略有下降,降幅为7.58%,但1995—2018年粮食供给量呈上升趋势,增幅高达78.08%。期间,不同区域粮食供给量增幅呈河谷平原区>土石山区>高塬沟壑区>丘陵沟壑区>农灌区>沙地和沙漠区的趋势。1990—2018年黄土高原单位面积粮食需求量呈上升趋势(图2b),从0.4 t/hm2升至0.5 t/hm2,增幅为25%。期间,不同区域粮食需求量增幅呈河谷平原区>土石山区>农灌区>高塬沟壑区>丘陵沟壑区>沙地和沙漠区的趋势。



Fig. 2Trends of crop supply and demand in the Loess Plateau from 1990 to 2018




Fig. 3Spatial pattern of various ecosystem services supply in the Loess Plateau from 1990 to 2018



Fig. 4Spatial pattern of various ecosystem services demands in the Loess Plateau from 1990 to 2018

3.1.2 水源涵养服务供需的时空特征 1990—2018年黄土高原水源涵养服务在波动中下降(图5a),单位面积水源供给量从2251 m3/hm2降至2006 m3/hm2,降幅达10.88%。期间,河谷平原区、高塬沟壑区水源涵养服务波动较剧烈,其他区域波动较小。1990—2018年黄土高原单位面积水源需求量总体呈上升趋势(图5b),单位面积水源需求量从204 m3/hm2升至618 m3/hm2,增幅为203%。具体来看,1990—2015年单位面积水源需求量呈上升状态,增幅为205%,2015—2018年趋于下降,降幅仅为0.8%。期间,不同区域水源需求量均呈上升趋势,其中,农灌区水源需求量变幅最大,高塬沟壑区次之。



Fig. 5Trends of supply and demand of water conservation service in the Loess Plateau from 1990 to 2018


3.1.3 碳固存服务供需的时空特征 1990—2018年黄土高原单位面积碳固存量在波动中上升(图6a),从45.73 t/hm2升至46.06 t/hm2,增幅为0.72%。期间,不同区域单位面积碳固存量变化较小,土石山区的单位面积碳固存量最高,河谷平原区次之,沙地和沙漠区最低。1990—2018年黄土高原单位面积碳排放量呈显著上升趋势(图6b),从2.91 t/hm2升至98.31 t/hm2,增长了33倍。期间,河谷平原区的增幅尤为明显,且单位面积碳排放量最高,最低为沙地和沙漠区。



Fig. 6Trends of supply and demand of carbon sequestration service in the Loess Plateau from 1990 to 2018


3.1.4 土壤保持服务供需的时空特征 1990—2018年黄土高原单位面积土壤保持量在波动中上升(图7a),从116 t/hm2升至188 t/hm2,增幅为62.07%。期间,除沙地和沙漠区外,各区域土壤保持能力变幅剧烈。1990—2018年黄土高原单位面积土壤侵蚀量总体也呈上升趋势(图7b),从23 t/hm2升至39 t/hm2,增幅为69.57%。其中,高塬沟壑区单位面积土壤侵蚀量最高,变幅也最剧烈,沙地和沙漠区最低。



Fig. 7Trends in retention and erosion of soil conservation service in the Loess Plateau from 1990 to 2018


3.2 生态系统服务供需的数量匹配特征




Fig. 8Trends of supply-demand ratio of various ecosystem services in the Loess Plateau from 1990 to 2018



Fig. 9Spatial pattern of supply-demand ratio of various ecosystem services in the Loess Plateau from 1990 to 2018


1990—2018年黄土高原碳固存服务供需比总体呈现下降趋势(图8c),从0.331降至 -0.003,降幅超过100%。其中,1990—2010年碳固存服务处于供大于求阶段,而2015—2018年处于供不应求阶段。具体来看,沙地和沙漠区、高塬沟壑区一直处于供大于求态势,其他区域在2010年后转变为供不应求态势。期间,黄土高原碳固存服务供大于求区趋于收缩,而供不应求区趋于扩张,且由分散分布转变为条带状分布于黄土高原四周及中间腹地(图9)。


3.3 生态系统服务供需的空间匹配特征




Fig. 10Spatial matching relationships of supply and demand of ecosystem services in the Loess Plateau from 1990 to 2018




3.4 生态系统服务供需比的空间集聚特征

为进一步揭示黄土高原生态系统服务供需比的空间集聚特征,对生态系统服务供需比进行空间自相关分析。1990—2018年黄土高原粮食供应、水源涵养、碳固存服务供需比的Moran's I指数均呈波动下降趋势,土壤保持服务供需比的Moran's I指数呈波动上升趋势(图11),说明前3类生态系统服务供需比的空间集聚性逐渐减弱,而土壤保持服务供需比的空间集聚性逐渐增强。



Fig. 11Spatial Moran's I of various ecosystem services in the Loess Plateau from 1990 to 2018




Fig. 12Spatial agglomeration of supply-demand ratio of various ecosystem services in the Loess Plateau from 1990 to 2018

4 结论与讨论

4.1 结论






4.2 讨论




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The sustainable supply of ecosystem services is the basis of the sustainable development. Human beings satisfy the demand and improve their own well-being through the consumption of ecosystem services. It is of great significance for the management of regional ecosystems and the effective allocation of resources to study the demand and consumption of ecosystem services and to analyze the supply and demand characteristics of ecosystem services and their spatial trade-offs. Based on the multi-source data such as land cover, meteorological observation and statistical yearbook in Lanzhou in 2017, the spatial analysis tools including InVEST model, ArcGIS and GeoDA were used to calculate the supply and demand of water yield, food supply, carbon storage and soil conservation. The supply and demand matching of ecosystem services in the study area was analyzed and evaluated. The results show that: (1) The supply and demand of ecosystem services have obvious spatial heterogeneity. The total supply of services is greater than the total demand, but there are differences between different sub-regions and different kinds of ecosystem services. (2) The supply-demand ratio of comprehensive ecosystem services is 0.039. There are differences in supply-demand matching of different kinds of ecosystem services: water yield service (0.098) > carbon storage service (0.066) > food supply service (0.030) > soil conservation service (0.001), and there are significant differences in supply-demand matching between urban and rural areas. (3) There are different kinds of spatial matching pattern between supply and demand of ecosystem services, including "high-high spatial matching", "low-low spatial matching", "high-low spatial dislocation" and "low-high spatial dislocation". (4) There are obvious synergic effects in the balance of supply and demand of services in Lanzhou, which are "high-high synergy" and "low-low synergy".
[刘立程, 刘春芳, 王川, . 黄土丘陵区生态系统服务供需匹配研究: 以兰州市为例
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[本文引用: 4]

Cui F Q, Tang H P, Zhang Q, et al. Integrating ecosystem services supply and demand into optimized management at different scales: A case study in Hulunbuir, China
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[杨艳芬, 王兵, 王国梁, . 黄土高原生态分区及概况
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DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.01.020 [本文引用: 2]
Revegetation, especially afforestation, has served as an important tool for controlling desertification. However, revegetation in water-limited regions will inevitably reduce the water available for socio-economic systems, which is poorly considered in decision-making on sustainable ecosystem management. This paper proposed a framework to determine the threshold of vegetation productivity (i.e., ecosystem carrying capacity), corresponding to available water resources for ecosystems (i.e., annual precipitation minus water demand for socioeconomic systems) on the Loess Plateau. The average annual ecosystem carrying capacity (ECC) during 1982-2012 is 577 +/- 124 g Cm-2 yr(-1), with spatial gradients increasing from northwest to southeast. Vegetation in rocky mountain areas has the largest value of 833 +/- 200 g Cm-2 yr(-1). Factorial analysis suggests that changes in precipitation and human water use contributed to 55% and 45% of the multi-decadal changes in regional ECC, respectively. Meanwhile, due to revegetation, 26 counties on the Loess Plateau, mainly in the southeast and eastern parts, have exceeded the ECC threshold during the study period. An additional 138 counties have a high potential for water competition between the ecosystems and socio-economic systems. At the regional scale, there are 9 years (similar to 30% of the study period) during which the ECC threshold has been exceeded, especially after 1997. Considering the climate change in the future and the growing demand for water in socioeconomic systems, the corresponding ECC threshold will increase by 6-36%. We believe that these findings can provide reference for policy-makers to make decisions towards ecosystem sustainability while meeting human needs for water resources.

Liang Y J, Hashimoto S, Liu L J. Integrated assessment of land-use/land-cover dynamics on carbon storage services in the Loess Plateau of China from 1995 to 2050
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