Geomorphology-oriented digital terrain analysis: Progress and perspectives
XIONG Liyang,1,2,3, TANG Guoan,1,2,3, YANG Xin1,2,3, LI Fayuan1,2,3通讯作者:
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熊礼阳(1989-), 男, 博士, 副教授, 主要从事地貌演化建模与模拟研究。E-mail:
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熊礼阳, 汤国安, 杨昕, 李发源. 面向地貌学本源的数字地形分析研究进展与展望. 地理学报[J], 2021, 76(3): 595-611 doi:10.11821/dlxb202103008
XIONG Liyang, TANG Guoan, YANG Xin, LI Fayuan.
1 引言
地貌在相当程度上制约着地表物质和热量的区域再分配,影响着地表景观与生态系统的变迁和发展,也在一定程度上控制着人类活动的方式和规模[1,2,3,4,5]。地貌学作为研究地表形态起伏、成因机理、分布格局及其演变规律的学科,其学科属性及研究领域决定了它在地理学中所具有的极其重要的根基地位。20世纪70年代以来,现代地理信息科学理论与技术的发展,给传统的地理学分析方法带来了一场涅槃式的重大变革[6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13]。在地貌学研究领域,随着地貌形态的基本表达方法从传统的等高线转变为数字高程模型(Digital Elevation Model, DEM),其基本表达模式发生了革命性的变化。基于DEM的数字地形分析(Digital Terrain Analysis, DTA)又通过GIS平台完成了各种地形因子、地形特征要素的高效提取与深度分析,传统的地貌学研究方法也随之发生了根本的转型。集中体现在:在认知视野上,不同空间尺度的DEM数据既可以从宏观全局视野审视区域地貌格局,也可以从微观局部视角探寻微地貌形态的点点滴滴,还可以从正面、侧面多视点看层峦山叠的千姿百态,进而实现宏观和微观深度耦合、平面和侧面交相呼应的多层次认知地貌学;在分析维度上,基于DEM数据的数字地形分析方法已经可以对各类坡面地形因子、特征地形要素进行自动提取与分析,实现了对地貌形态在属性维与特征维的多维度分析,进而可以为进行深层次的地学知识发现奠定新基础和开辟新道路;在研究范式上,地貌学研究从传统的定性描述、半定量表达的研究范式逐步走向可定性、可定量和可定位的三维一体式研究范式,这种研究范式的转变实现了对地貌形态的科学认知、地貌特征的量化表达、以及地貌过程建模模拟的突破与提升。
2 面向地貌学本源的数字地形分析的相关研究进展
2.1 地貌学本源认识与地貌学研究
2.2 地貌形态建模研究
2.3 地形因子提取研究
基于DEM的地形因子的提取一直是DTA研究的核心和基础内容,也是从不同视角认知地貌形态特征[61,62,63,64]、建模地貌发育过程[65,66,67,68,69]、理解地貌成因机制[70,71,72]的重要研究要点。研究至今,已有超过100余种地形因子为****所提出[73],形成了日臻完善的数字地形分析地形因子体系。在已提出地形因子研究当中,它们的提取方法、算法稳定性、算法性能、功能应用及其分类是诸多****研究的热点[74,75,76]。地形因子的提取方法可以总结为对象型地形因子提取方法和场型地形因子提取方法[73]。其中,场型地形因子的提取方法主要是基于格网数字高程模型,在给定的分析半径或窗口内,计算出高程变化的相关特征变量[77],进而得出不同的一阶或者二阶地形因子[78],如地面坡度、坡向、SOS、SOA、地表曲率、汇流累积流量、汇流方向、地形粗糙度、地形湿度指数等[79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88]。而对象型地形因子则不同于场型地形因子。对象型地形因子一般是面向具体地形对象的因子。据此,众多研究人员依据特定的分析对象和目标,提出了对应的对象型地形因子。如针对河流特征的长度、等级、密度等[89,90];针对流域特征的流域圆度和流域面积等[91,92,93];针对沟谷特征的沟谷密度、沟沿线逼近程度和沟头点密度等[94,95]。在地形因子提取算法的稳定性和计算性能中,随着现有研究的不断深入,地形因子计算效率、稳定性和精度也在不断地得到提高。当前研究中,地形因子提取方法的不确定性特征[96,97,98]、适宜分析半径和窗口[99,100,101,102]、地形对象尺度特征[103,104]等科学问题已经得到了深入的分析与挖掘;此外,高性能地学计算也逐步成为提升地形因子计算效率的又一解决手段。相关研究成果显示,对比地形因子的传统串行计算算法,并行化、集群化地形因子计算方法的加速比可达10倍或者以上[105,106,107,108]。最后,针对****们已经提出的100余种地形因子,也有研究尝试对它们进行科学的分类。这种分类显著地提升了对地形特征的科学理解与认知,也在相当程度上能够促进传统地貌学研究走向定量化的目标。当前,地形因子的数目和类型繁多,提出背景也各有侧重。已有****从地形因子的应用目标[109]、复杂特征[110]、计算性能[111]、应用领域和不确定性特征[112]、空间关系[87]、表达特点[113]等方面对地形因子进行了系统的梳理和整合。另外,还有研究基于不同的研究对象和目标,初步地提出了相应的基于DEM的地形因子分类体系[94, 112]。
2.4 其他地形分析方法研究
3 面向地貌学本源的数字地形分析研究展望
3.1 DEM数据模型增值
Fig. 1Geomorphology-oriented value-added DEM
3.2 地形因子及其地形空间关系
Fig. 2Geomorphology-oriented terrain derivative analysis
3.3 宏观地形分析
Fig. 3Macro-terrain analysis methods for macro-geomorphological characteristics
4 结论与讨论
参考文献 原文顺序
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Our understanding of when and how humans adapted to living on the Tibetan Plateau at altitudes above 2000 to 3000 meters has been constrained by a paucity of archaeological data. Here we report data sets from the northeastern Tibetan Plateau indicating that the first villages were established only by 5200 calendar years before the present (cal yr B.P.). Using these data, we tested the hypothesis that a novel agropastoral economy facilitated year-round living at higher altitudes since 3600 cal yr B.P. This successful subsistence strategy facilitated the adaptation of farmers-herders to the challenges of global temperature decline during the late Holocene.
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The Holocene sea-level rise of the Nile Delta is reconstructed on the basis of radiocarbon dates that are derived from 33 peat samples and 65 lagoon samples obtained from many boreholes located in the lower delta plain.The result indicates that the lagoonal curve is more reliable than that of the peat curve,the latter is much influenced by the sediment compact.The result also shows that the sea level was about 10 m below the present during 7 000 a B.P.,about 5 m below the present in 5 000 a B.P.,and was nearer to the present in 2 000 a B.P.Affected by the paleotopography and regional subsidence of the study area,the largest impact from transgressive intensity and scope tends to occur in the northeastern Nile sector.This influence becomes progressively reduced toward the central and northwestern Nile sectors.A vast Nile Delta Plain dominated by lagoon-sand beach and fluvial plain system had began to build at about 7 000 a B.P.,when rise in sea level started to decelerate and deltaic sedimentation rate overwhelmed the sea contribution.As sea level tends to be stabilized in Late Holocene,human activity,such as reclamation and channelisation,induces environmental deterioration,represented by largely shrunken lagoonal system.A comparable example of the Changjiang Delta is cited in the present study.It is shown that the Holocene Changjiang sea level did not fluctuate coincidentally as the Nile,much likely due to the differences of regional subsidence between the two regions.The fertile delta plain that was formed by the delta-coast construction at about 7 000 a B.P.induced the Neolithic civilization.However,intensifying human activity since 2000 a B.P.also has aggravated the delta-coast environment.Many lakes and drainage networks are diminishing.
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The transition zone of the Eastern Alps to the Pannonian Basin provides one of the best sources of information on landscape evolution of the Eastern Alpine mountain range. The region was non-glaciated during the entire Pleistocene. Thus, direct influence of glacial carving as a landscape forming process can be excluded and relics of landforms are preserved that date back to at least the Late Neogene. In this study, we provide a correlation between various planation surfaces across the orogen-basin transition. In particular, we use stream terraces, planation surfaces and cave levels that cover a vertical spread of some 700 m. Our correlation is used to show that both sides of the transition zone uplifted together starting at least about 5 Ma ago. For our correlation we use recently published terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) burial ages from cave sediments, new optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages of a stream terrace and U-Th ages from speleothems. Minimum age constraints of cave levels from burial ages of cave sediments covering the last ~ 4 Ma are used to place age constraints on surface features by parallelizing cave levels with planation surfaces. The OSL results for the top section of the type locality of the Helfbrunn terrace suggest an Early Wurm development (80.5 +/- 3.7 to 68.7 +/- 4.0 ka). The terrace origin as a penultimate gravel deposit (in classical Alpine terminology Riss) is therefore questioned. U-series speleothem ages from caves nearby indicate formation during Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 5c and 5a which are both interstadial warm periods. As OSL ages from the terrace also show a time of deposition during MIS 5a ending at the MIS 5/4 transition, this supports the idea of temperate climatic conditions at the time of deposition. In general, tectonic activity is interpreted to be the main driving force for the formation and evolution of these landforms, whilst climate change is suggested to be of minor importance. Obvious hiatuses in Miocene to Pleistocene sediments are related to ongoing erosion and re-excavation of an uplifting and rejuvenating landscape.
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Present granite landform characteristics and distribution are the integrated result of climate, tectonics and lithology. Various types of granite landforms in China signify climate zonality and differential vertical movement of earth surface, while published research results on Chinese granite landforms are very rare, especially in international journals. Based on the process analysis of chemical weathering and physical disintegration, four granite landform regions in China are classified according to the present climate regime. On the Tibetan Plateau, the cold and freezing climate induced periglacial landscapes; the northeast region is characterized by physical disintegration and low round mounds are widespread; in the northwest region controlled by arid climate, wind-carved minor landscapes are extremely prominent. The most spectacular granite landscapes in China are presented in southeast as a result of longtime chemical weathering under humid and warm conditions, as well as the differential uplift after Neogene. Correlating the weathering crust in southern China, Tibetan Plateau and India, a possible unified planation surface in Neogene is proposed. With corestones as indicators of original weathering front, the differential uplift extent of dissected planation surfaces can be estimated. At least three landforms implying uplift can be identified in southeastern China, with elevations of 300–400 m, 2000 m and 3600 m above the sea level respectively.]]>
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This paper takes an overall review on the former researches firstly.Focus mainly on the concept,types,scaling effect,key problems of DEM scale,as well as its impact on DEM based digital terrain analysis.A few key research topics were put forward through an overall analysis of the research development in recent years,i.e.the property of scale conflict and scale matching between natural and DEM simulated surface;the principle and mechanism of how the spatial scale parameters impact the terrain analysis,the heterogeneity effect in terrain analysis within DEM grid cells.And then,from the view point of regional scale level,both the certainty and uncertainty property in digital terrain analysis should be investigated.In addition,more work should be done to establish a scale depended multi-scaled terrain analysis model as well as DTM scale converting models.Finally,the research development tendency was prospected.
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Parallel raster- based programming libraries have been proposed to make the details of parallel programming and the parallel hardware architecture to be transparent to users in some degrees. Thus these libraries can facilitate the development of parallel programs of raster-based geocomputation. Among the existing parallel programming libraries, parallel raster-based geocomputation operators (PaRGO), which is recently proposed by Qin et al, shows great advantages. This is not only because PaRGO encapsulates the general steps in parallel raster- based geocomputation, but also because PaRGO is compatible with multiple commonly used parallel computing platforms. Currently, PaRGO is designed for supporting local operation, focal operation and global operation directly. However, the availability of PaRGO for supporting regional operation in raster-based geocomputation has not been evaluated. In this paper, we evaluate PaRGO to testify its performance in this circumstance by using a multiple-flow-direction algorithm as a representation of the regional operation. Different versions of PaRGObased parallel programs for this algorithm are tested on a symmetrical multiprocessing (SMP) cluster and evaluated from two aspects: the performability and the parallel efficiency. The experimental results show that the current PaRGO cannot directly support the parallelization of regional operations. But it can be supportive when the regional operation is transformed into an iteration process of focal operation. On a SMP cluster, MPI-version parallel program performs better than MPI/OpenMP-version parallel program.
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Digital elevation model (DEM) is known to be one of the most important national fundamental geographic information data. The theory, method and application of digital terrain analysis (DTA) based on GIS is a hot research issue in geography, especially in the field of geographical information science. This paper makes an overall review on Chinese scholars’ contribution to the research of DEM and DTA, especially to DEM data model, uncertainty, analysis method, scaling effect and high performance computing method, as well as its application in DTA. A few research groups in this field have made great progress recently, and young scholars are playing a critical role in the process. Their research has caught up with the international forefront, and achieved fruitful results in significant innovation. Some research, like DEM based regional geomorphological research on the Loess Plateau and Tibetan Plateau of China highlighted the contribution of Chinese scientists, which have had influence in the international academia to a certain degree.
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Planation surface is a remnant of landform in old age and the erosion surface is of a mature landform, according to the Davisian cycle. Studies on the long-term landscape evolution show that there are four types of planation surface, peneplain, pediplain, double leveling surfaces and cryoplain. The peneplain is formed through lowering of relief in wet region. The pediplain is developed by slope retreating in dry region. The double leveling surfaces appeares in Savanna landscape. The cryoplain is formed in periglacial environment. Measurement of erosion rates and retreating rates of slope indicated that formation of planation surface needs the tectonic equability for severl million years or thousands million years. In the the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, there are two planation surfaces and one erosion surface, Summit Surface, Main Surface and Erosion Surface. The Summit Surface have formed in the Oligocene and early Miocene, and the Main Surface between 20-3.6Ma B.P. Tectonics on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau were relatively stable between 3.6Ma B.P. and 1.7Ma B.P. and the Erosion Surfaces was formed. Because the Main Surface is a "jumping-off point" of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, studies on its mode of formation and height have great significance in determining the altitude of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau before uplift. Synthesizing the proofs from mammal fauna, regolith and geomorphology, we think the Main Surface was developed as a typical double level surface. There could be the peneplain in the south of it and the pediplain on north. Its altitude should not exceed 1000 m when it was formed. The Intense tectonic uplift, which resulted in the present Qinghai-Xizang Plateau with an altitude of 4500-5000m, happened in last 3.6Ma when the Main Surface was destroyed.
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In the loess gullies, a series of key features points set play important roles such as central control and calibration for its Morphology and development. For the gully feature points set, systematically studying the scientific meaning, building the structural integrated data model, and studying the loess gully landform's spatial differentiation of evolutionary tracks and development by using the data model have important scientific significance and practical application value. So, the concept meaning of loess gully feature points cluster is presented and analyzed. Loess gully feature points cluster is a points'organic whole which plays a decisive role (such as gully head point, break point, et al.) or Calibration role of the terrain (such as gully node point, runoff source point, et al.) in a loess watershed. Based on DEM data, the gully feature points of a typical completed watershed in the loess landform are extracted. Using object-oriented modeling ideas, an unstructured file storage mode of the loess gully points cluster is researched and created. The data model can effectively describe a performance points cluster topology and spatial information. The loess gully points cluster model of test area is achieved through programming. A case study as the feature points retrospective sought, the processing efficiency is higher by comparing .shp data mode. The research results show that: the loess gully feature points cluster retains the key character of loess gully, and especially has obvious advantage on expressing the morphological structure characters. The points cluster space model uses the tree and non storage structure, so its structure is clear and its description information storage is simple. At the same time, the points cluster model application has higher efficiency in the valley spatial structure analysis.
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2, the HI tends to be stable, which is regarded as a critical area for extracting HI in this study. Then, the geomorphic feature HI is proposed and the correlation of each kind of HI is calculated. There exist two feature groups in which the correlation coefficient is rather large. They are respectively catchment HI, positive terrain HI, shoulder line HI and peak HI, ridge line HI, and catchment boundary HI. Finally, the landform division based on HI is created through multiresolution segmentation in loess area. The coupling relationships exist in this division and water & soil loss map, sediment transport value map. The division in this paper refines the original map to a certain extent.]]>
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This article aims at making a comparative study of various schemes of geomorphological classification formulated both at home and abroad.By absorbing their strong points.Such classification is done by means of combining morphology with morphogenesis,taking into account the comprehensive indexes of geomorphological ages.The hierarchy of mountainous relief is classified in accordance with the indexes of the altitude ranging from 5,000m,3,500m to 800m as against the relative height of 200m to 100m.The continental geomorphology of our country is divided into 12 major types or groups and 5 major classes,as shown in the proposed table of geomorphological classification here attached(see Table2),which can be used for geomorphological mapping on different scales.
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Geomorphologic maps are one of the most fundamental materials of the natural environment. They have been widely used in scientific research, resource exploration and extraction, education and military affairs etc. An editorial committee was established in 2001 to collect materials for researching and compiling a set of new 1:1,000,000 geomorphologic atlas of China. A digital geomorphologic database was created with visual interpretation from Landsat TM/ETM imageries and SRTM-DEM etc. The atlas compiled from the database was finished. The main characteristics of the atlas are as follows: Firstly, Landsat TM/ETM imageries, published geomorphologic maps or sketches, geographical base maps, digital geological maps, and other thematic maps were collected, which were uniformly geometrically rectified, clipped into uniform sheets, and stored in the foundation database. Secondly, based on the legends of 15 sheets 1:1,000,000 maps published in the 1980s, a geomorphologic classification system was built by combining morphology and genesis types. The system comprised seven hierarchical layers: basic morphology, genesis, sub-genesis, morphology, micro-morphology, slope and aspect, material composition and lithology. These layers were stored in the database during visual image interpretation. About 2000 kinds of morphogenesis and 300 kinds of morpho-structure were interpreted. Thirdly, the legend system was built, which included color, symbol bases and note bases etc., compilation standards and procedures were developed, 74 sheets of 1:1,000,000 covering all land and sea territories of China were compiled, the 1:1,000,000 geomorphologic atlas of the People’s Republic of China was finished and published. The atlas will fill the blanks in national basic scale thematic maps, and the geomorphologic database could be applied widely in many fields in the future.
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In the past one hundred years,the classification of landforms has been discussed considerably.Some authors called the terms like plain,platform,hill and mountain as basic morphologies but we think they are landform types,because these terms are defined not only by their morphological characteristics,but also by their formations.By systemically analyzing and evaluating the existing fundamental geomorphological classification systems,we consider that it is suitable to classify the complicated geomorphological types of China according to two main indicators,i.e.,relative relief height and absolute altitude above sea level.The first indicator is used to divide landforms into four types,i.e.,plain,platform,hill,and mountain.We here suggest to further divide them into seven types according to the relative relief height.They are plain,platform,hill(<200m),low relief mountain(200~500m),intermediate relief mountain(500~1000m),high relief mountain(1000~2500m),and extremely high relief mountain(>2500m).The second indicator is actually just the meters above the sea level.We propose to replace the previous classification criteria of modern snowline,lower boundary of permafrost,and upper boundary of forest belt by the elevation above sea level,because the exact heights of modern snowline,lower boundary of permafrost,and upper boundary of forest belt vary remarkably in China.Through observing the distribution pattern of mountain ridges' altitudes on topographic maps(1 ∶500000)of key regions in China and the distribution map of ground elevation(1 ∶1000000)in national digital topography model(DTM)database,we suggest the following criteria: Low altitude(<1000m),intermediate altitude(1000~2000m),sub-high altitude(2000~4000m),high altitude(4000~6000m),and extremely-high altitude(>6000m).Applying the classification system with seven types of the relative relief heights and five types of absolute altitudes,landforms in China can be divided into 28 basic geomorphological types(Table 1),ranging from low altitude plains to extremely high mountains.
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DOI:10.1007/s11430-016-0211-5URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1002/esp.v41.9URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.12.009URL [本文引用: 1]
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Desert geomorphic map can provide the basic information for studying deserts. Compilation of the Geomorphic Map of the Kumtagh Desert was listed as the basic work in the China National Sci-Tech Basic Work Program "Comprehensive Scientific Expedition of the Kumtagh Desert"(No. 2006FY110800). This paper presents the general ideas and technologies employed in compiling this thematic map. The scale of the map was determined to be 1∶350 000, considering the thematic details to be shown and the required specification of printing paper. 1∶250 000 topographic maps prepared in the 1970s were selected as the geography base maps, supplemented by the 1∶100 000 topographic maps for details of some elements. Thematic contents were based on TM data of 2000 to 2007, supplemented by the high-resolution images provided by Google Earth in some areas. The thematic contents included geomorphic types, height and activities. The geomorphic types were classified as aeolian landforms, fluvial landforms, dry denuded landforms, glacial and periglacial landforms and other landforms. Aeolian landforms were the key elements to be manifested in the thematic map. Aeolian landforms were classified into 13 types represented by symbols, their relative height represented by colours and activities represented by arrows. Primary dunes generally higher than 10 m were sited and those less than 10 m in height were non-sited to show the distribution and patterns of aeolian landforms and consider the limitation of mapping scale. Alluvial fans and dry streams were also the key factors to be presented because the Kumtagh Desert was developed on the inclined alluvial plains to the north of the Altyn Mountains. Computer mapping and digitization technology were applied to their best. All the information that could be digitized was digitized. Geomorphic Map of the Kumtagh Desert would provide rich information for studying this desert.]]>
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DOI:10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2014.06.0734URL [本文引用: 1]
Aeolian geomorphology is formed by wind power in arid, semi-arid, and even humid regions. It is the study of the characteristics of land surface patterns, spatial combinations, formation, and development. Wind regime controls aeolian geomorphology patterns, spatial combinations, and development. Near surface air flow and aeolian flow control the development and movement of dunes. Recently, the field has developed rapidly. This paper summarized recent progress in aeolian geomorphology patterns, wind regime, and dune morphodynamics based on aeolian geomorphology observation methods, analysis method and morphodynamics. The new terrain observation techniques, such as Total Station and three dimensional terrain scanner, provided accuracy terrain data for morphodynamics study. Meanwhile, three dimensional sonic sensor measured high frequency field wind velocity data, which gave more information on the relationship between terrain and near surface air flow. However, the analysis method, such as the relationship between wind regime and dune types, high frequency wind velocity data and reciprocal relationship between dune pattern and near surface air flow, is still not solved.
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2,or 6.77% of the total area,with an average retreat rate of 0.24 km2·a-1.Lake area was obviously in reduction in the last 30 years,shrinking from 1974 to 1999,but expanding from 1999 to 2003 to some extent.Many small lakes have disappeared.Lake shrinkage was smaller and smaller and then has shifted to lake expansion since 1999.But generally speaking,lake area was in shrinkage from 1974 to 2003,with a total area decrease of 37.58 km2,accounting for 4.81% of the total area,and an average retreat rate of 1.25 km2·a-1.In addition,the glacier and lake variations with meteorological data during the last 30 years in the basin were analyzed.According to meteorological data from the Burang Station(with an elevation of 3 900 m a.s.l.),which is located in the southwest of Mapam Yumco basin,the average air temperature increases very obviously.Temperature increase in the Mapam Yumco basin consists with a prevailing warming over the Tibetan Plateau during the last decades.Annual precipitation and annual evaporation decreased slightly as shown in its linear fitting.The glacier retreat was most likely due to the negative glacial mass balance and was affected by rising temperature and decreasing precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau.Early lake decrease was likely to be caused by less precipitation in the basin.On the other hand,lake expansion has accelerated since 1999,which was most likely due to more water supplies from intensive melting of glaciers,in addition to less water loss due to evaporation and less precipitation income in the basin.]]>
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DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2006.04.013URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.2136/sssaj2003.1810URL [本文引用: 1]
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