

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

葛全胜,, 廖小罕, 高星, 封志明, 刘卫东, 廖晓勇, 诸云强中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101

Review and prospect of the 80th anniversary of Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences

GE Quansheng,, LIAO Xiaohan, GAO Xing, FENG Zhiming, LIU Weidong, LIAO Xiaoyong, ZHU YunqiangInstitute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China


作者简介 About authors
葛全胜(1963-), 男, 安徽安庆人, 研究员, 主要从事自然地理学、全球变化与可持续发展研究。E-mail: geqs@igsnrr.ac.cn

关键词: 中国地理研究所;中国科学院地理研究所;中国科学院自然资源综合考察委员会;中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所;80周年;发展历程;未来展望

The year 2020 marks the 80th anniversary of the establishment of Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Looking back over the past 80 years, the institute has experienced the initiation of Institute of Geography of China in Beibei, Chongqing in 1940, then the founding of Institute of Geography, CAS in 1953 and Commission for Integrated Survey of Natural Resources, CAS in 1956, and the final merger of the above two institutes into the IGSNRR in 1999. After the endeavour of three generations, IGSNRR innovates geography and resource sciences and has made contributions in different stages to the development of the country and the progress of human civilization. This paper commemorates the 80th anniversary of the IGSNRR by reviewing the development and progress of the institute over the past 80 years, summarizing the classic scientific research achievements and the major science and technology infrastructures, as well as looking forward to the future of IGSNRR.
Keywords:Institute of Geography of China;Institute of Geography,CAS;Commission for the Integrated Survey of Natural Resources,CAS;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,CAS;80th anniversary;development history;future prospect

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葛全胜, 廖小罕, 高星, 封志明, 刘卫东, 廖晓勇, 诸云强. 地理科学与资源研究所80年回顾及展望. 地理学报[J], 2020, 75(12): 2537-2546 doi:10.11821/dlxb202012001
GE Quansheng, LIAO Xiaohan, GAO Xing, FENG Zhiming, LIU Weidong, LIAO Xiaoyong, ZHU Yunqiang. Review and prospect of the 80th anniversary of Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Acta Geographica Sinice[J], 2020, 75(12): 2537-2546 doi:10.11821/dlxb202012001

1 前言




2 地理所与综考会(1940—1999年)

2.1 中国地理研究所(1940—1949年)

19世纪末20世纪初,在西方近代地理学思想的影响下,中国近代地理学逐渐形成和发展。1909年中国第一个地理学术团体中国地学会在天津成立,1934年中国地理学会在南京成立[1, 3]。与此同时,全国相关的大学开始创办地理系,为国家层面地理研究机构的设立奠定了基础。



2.2 地理所与综考会成立初期(1950—1966年)






(2)综考会成立初期。20世纪50年代初期,为摸清自然资源家底,中央人民政府委托中国科学院组织多学科的资源调查工作队。1955年起,中国科学院根据国务院的决定和十年科学技术发展远景规划,陆续组织多个综合考察队。为了做好统筹管理和组织协调工作,经国务院批准,1956年成立了中国科学院综合考察委员会[2-3, 8]



2.3 “文化大革命”时期(1967—1977年)


(1)地理科研工作。“文革”前期,地理所大部分科研工作被迫中断。1972年地理所科研体系恢复,并调整为综合自然地理、水文、气候、地貌、经济地理、外国地理、地图、航空像片判读利用8个研究室;1974年设立环境保护研究室[1-3, 8]



2.4 改革开放后的地理所与综考会(1978—1999年)








综考会恢复初期,明确了“立足资源,加强综合,为国民经济建设服务”的考察方针,形成了一支专业齐全、素质优良,胜任大型综合考察研究和组织管理的队伍,由此迎来中国自然资源综合考察事业的第二个高峰期。这一时期,自然资源综合考察研究工作呈现出以下特点[8]:① 重新组建大规模区域性的综合考察研究;② 遥感和信息系统等新技术在资源调查中广泛运用;③ 区域考察与典型试验示范相结合;④ 开展全国性的自然资源系统研究。


20世纪80年代末,在全球人口、资源、环境危机日益加深的态势下,综合科学考察事业也随之转向为中国21世纪资源、环境、社会经济协调发展提供科技支撑的阶段。20世纪90年代,综考会提出“立足资源,突出综合,面向经济,开放办会”的方针。1989—1999年期间,主要考察研究工作包括:① 开展全国性的气候、水、土、森林、草地等可再生资源和国情研究,组织“青藏高原环境变化与区域可持续发展”研究。在长期科学考察研究的基础上,编辑完成《中国自然资源手册》《中国资源科学百科全书》[21]《资源科学》,创立并推动中国资源科学的发展;② 建立中国生态系统研究网络,全国、区域、台站(点)三个层次有机结合的生态环境观测、研究、应用示范的格局基本形成[20];③ 开展区域开发前期研究,以合理开发利用自然资源为重点,对中国区域发展的重大战略问题、重点地区进行系统科学考察与研究,先后组织完成黄河上游多民族地区经济发展战略研究、长江中游地区资源开发与产业布局、京九铁路经济带开发研究、环北部湾地区总体开发与协调发展研究、西部区域类型与产业转移综合研究等29个区域开发前期研究;④ 开展直接服务国家与地方经济社会建设发展的考察和规划,进行科技扶贫工作;⑤ 加强新技术、新方法的应用研究,承担重点产粮区主要农作物遥感估产研究等国家科技攻关项目。


3 地理科学与资源研究所(2000—2020年)

3.1 知识创新时期(2000—2013年)






在此期间,研究所一批重大科研成果获得国家科技奖励。作为第一完成单位,中国生态系统研究网络的创建及观测研究和试验示范获国家科技进步奖一等奖;中国过去2000年气候变化研究[17, 22]获国家自然科学奖二等奖;海洋渔业遥感、地理信息系统技术应用服务系统[23]、新一代大型全组件式GIS软件平台SuperMap[24]、中国海岸带环境遥感监测与信息系统技术集成及其应用、《中国1∶100万数字地貌图集》编研[25]、中国陆地碳收支评估的生态系统碳通量联网观测与模型模拟系统[26]、陆地生态系统变化观测的关键技术及其系统应用获国家科技进步奖二等奖;中国地域空间开发理论体系研究及重大规划实践研究获中国科学院杰出科学成就奖。作为第二完成单位,获得1项国家自然科学奖二等奖,5项国家科技进步奖二等奖。


3.2 特色研究所发展(2014—2020年)










4 结语




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The group of historical geography in the Institute of Geography under the Chinese Academy of Sciences was established in 1956. Since then, the group has obtained a lot of results in the fields of historical physical geography (including climate changes, changes of rivers courses, changes of historical vegetation and changes of animal geography), historical human geography (including the geography of historical cities, the geography of historical traffic, geography of historical nations, geography pf historical population, and geography of historical minerals production), and historical regional geography (including the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, the Loess Plateau and Xinjiang), as well as editing the Atlas of Historical Geography, and has had some influence at home and abroad. Historical geography should be an important field in the IGSNRR, CAS (Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences), and has many important issues to research.
[ 王守春. 中国历史地理学的回顾与展望: 建所70周年历史地理学研究成果与发展前景
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The tracing and research on the evolution, the exploitation and utilization, and the regulatory mechanism of natural resources has always been an important study task and research orientation in the resources and environment study area of our institute (Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,CAS). This paper summarized the achievements and progress in the study area of natural resources and environmental security of our institute since 1950.From 1950 to 1978, the prime work of the natural resources and environmental security study area of our institute was the large-scale natural resources investigation and integrated scientific research which has gained achievements. These achievements have provided substantial scientific support for the resources exploitation and regional development in China, and made an indelible contribution in the natural resources research area. Furthermore, they also have played a positive role in the systematic accumulation of scientific material and the emergence of the study in resources sciences. In addition, they have laid the foundation for the understanding of the resources and environment and the establishment of natural resources sciences system. From 1978 to 2000, the study orientation of the resource and environment of our institute has made an important conversion. And during the period, integrated regional resources survey and the studies of resources were simultaneously the two key research areas of our institute. And a series of survey reports that have done during this period of time have defined the direction of regional development and have laid the foundation in data for the fully understanding of the natural resources and the integrated research of natural resources in China. After 2000, firstly, our institute has paid more attention to subject system establishment, which promoted the establishment of the system of resources sciences. Secondly, we have laid more stress on the world resources research, therefore, our natural resources survey fields have extended to the global scale. Thirdly, we paid more attention to the mechanism process research, and provided a new space in the theory of some resource and environment fields, such as the capability of resources and environment, the resources flow, the resources security, and the ecosystem service. Fourthly, we paid more emphasis on the technology of resources exploitation and utilization, and we have made substantial achievement both in theory and technology of environment restoration.As we look to the future, the resources and environment study field in our institute will continue to make the national significant strategic demand as our orientation, and we will make the water resources, land resources, biological resources, energy and mine resources and so on as our main study subjects. In a conclusion, we will conduct systematic research work in the following five aspects in order to push forward the establishment and development of the subject of resources: 1) integrated regional scientific investigation and integrated study of resources sciences; 2) the sustainable utilization of land and water resources and its complexity; 3) the flow process of natural resources and its eco-environmental effects; 4) the status of world-wide resources and the national strategic resources security; and 5) the environment restoration mechanism and the renewal and utilization of wastes.
[ 谢高地, 封志明, 沈镭, . 自然资源与环境安全研究进展
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Yu Guirui, Zhang Leiming, Sun Xiaomin. Progresses and prospects of Chinese terrestrial ecosystem flux observation and research network (ChinaFLUX)
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DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2014.07.005URL [本文引用: 1]
Eddy Covariance technique (EC) achieves the direct measurement of system functions and processes such as plant productivity, energy balance, and greenhouse gas exchange at ecosystem scale. Coordinated observation through the global flux observation network represents a breakthrough from the observation of ecological phenomena and factors to the measurement of changes in functions of the global ecosystem. This paper first reviews the foundation and development of the Chinese terrestrial ecosystem flux observation and research network (ChinaFLUX). It then systematically introduces the scientific objectives, design concept, measurement system, standardization of observed data, and long-term data accumulation of the network. The paper also assesses the main progresses in research of terrestrial carbon-water-nitrogen budgets, environmental responses of the coupled ecosystem carbon-nitrogen-water cycles, and the spatiotemporal patterns of ecosystem carbon fluxes and mechanisms. Based on an analysis of the trend of development and emerging missions of the global flux network, this paper proposes the directions, key scientific questions and emphases of research of ChinaFLUX to provide references for the development of flux observation and research in China.
[ 于贵瑞, 张雷明, 孙晓敏. 中国陆地生态系统通量观测研究网络(ChinaFLUX)的主要进展及发展展望
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Journal of Remote Sensing, 2016,20(5):899-920.

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[ 李召良, 段四波, 唐伯惠, . 热红外地表温度遥感反演方法研究进展
遥感学报, 2016,20(5):899-920.]

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Zhu Yunqiang, Sun Jiulin, Liao Shunbao, et al. Earth system scientific data sharing research and practice. Journal of
Geo-Information Science, 2010,12(1):1-8.

URL [本文引用: 1]
The Earth System Scientific Data Sharing Network(ESSDSN) is one of the key programs of Scientific Data Sharing Project in China.It is very important for global change and earth system science research as well as national macro strategic decision-making and socio-economic sustainable development.For scientific data sharing,there are two key technologic issues should be solved,i.e.distributed & asynchronous data resources integration and one-stop sharing service.Firstly,the ideal of "founding Earth System Scientific Data Sharing Union by co-constructing and co-using" is put forward.And also three-level organization mode,head center-sub centers-data resource sites,is designed.From the viewpoint of technology,it adopts the method of centralized management for metadata and separate management for data body to integrate distributed data resources.Specially,in order to describe multi-discipline data resources,different metadata standards are used.However these metadata standards should be interchanged with each other.So the core metadata standard and extension method are researched using MVC(metadata standard schema,metadata view page,metadata handle control functions) mode to uniformly handle and visualize these different metadata standards.Finally,the distributed Earth System Scientific Data Sharing System(ESSDSS) is designed based on SOA(Service-oriented architecture).It is divided into three logic tiers,i.e.data resources tier,business function tier and web services tier,and implements interoperability by web services.ESSDSS has been deployed in one head center and 13 sub centers to form a distributed and one-stop Earth System Scientific Data Sharing Network(ESSDSN).Up to Dec.2009,ESSDSN has integrated about 18TB data resources including 5 spheres of earth system and provided about 25.59TB data for many users freely.
[ 诸云强, 孙九林, 廖顺宝, . 地球系统科学数据共享研究与实践
地球信息科学学报, 2010,12(1):1-8.]

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Yang Yaping, Jiang Hou, Sun Jiulin. Practice of scientific data sharing: A case study of the national earth system science data center
Journal of Geo-Information Science, 2020,22(6):1358-1369.

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[ 杨雅萍, 姜侯, 孙九林. 科学数据共享实践: 以国家地球系统科学数据中心为例
地球信息科学学报, 2020,22(6):1358-1369.]

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Liu Yansui, Zhou Chenghu, Guo Yuanzhi, et al. Theoretical system and its application of national targeted poverty alleviation assessment
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2020,35(10):1235-1248.

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[ 刘彦随, 周成虎, 郭远智, . 国家精准扶贫评估理论体系及其实践应用
中国科学院院刊, 2020,35(10):1235-1248.]

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Liu Weidong, et al. Third-party Evaluation Report on the Construction Progress of the Belt and Road Initiative (2013-2018). Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2019.
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[ 刘卫东, . “一带一路”建设进展第三方评估报告(2013—2018). 北京: 商务印书馆, 2019.]
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Fang Chuanglin, Wang Zhenbo, Liu Haimeng. Exploration on the theoretical basis and evaluation plan of Beautiful China construction
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2019,74(4):619-632.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201904001URL [本文引用: 1]
Beautiful China construction (BCC) is of fundamental importance for the sustainable development of the Chinese nation and a Chinese practice of the 2030 UN sustainable development agenda. The Chinese government has made strategic arrangements for the BCC with a five-pronged approach. President Xi Jinping proposed the schedule and roadmap for the BCC at the National Ecological Environmental Protection Conference. But at present, the theoretical basis, evaluation index system, evaluation criteria and construction effect of the BCC are not clear. This paper puts forward the basic connotation of the BCC from a broad and narrow perspective, regards the theory of man-earth harmony and Five-dimensional integration as the core theoretical basis of the BCC, and further constructs the evaluation index system of the BCC, which includes five dimensions: ecological environment, green development, social harmony, institutional improvement and cultural heritage, and uses the United Nations human development index (HDI) evaluation method to scientifically evaluate the construction effect of 341 prefecture-level cities (states) in China in 2016. The results show that the average value of the BCC Index (Zhongke Beauty Index) is 0.28, which is generally at a low level. The average of the sub-indexes of the ecological environment beauty index, the green development beauty index, the social harmony beauty index, the system perfect beauty index and the cultural heritage beauty index are respectively 0.6, 0.22, 0.29, 0.22, and 0.07. The sub-index values are all low, and the regional development is quite different, which indicates that the construction process of Beautiful China is generally slow and unbalanced. In order to implement the schedule and roadmap for the BCC with high quality and high standards, it is recommended that we construct and publish a general evaluation system for the BCC process, carry out dynamic monitoring and phased comprehensive evaluation of the BCC process, compile and publish the evaluation standards for BCC technology, do a good job in the comprehensive zoning of Beautiful China, carry out pilot projects for the construction of Beautiful China's model areas according to local conditions, and incorporate the achievements of Beautiful China into the assessment indicators of all levels of government.
[ 方创琳, 王振波, 刘海猛. 美丽中国建设的理论基础与评估方案探索
地理学报, 2019,74(4):619-632.]

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Ge Quansheng, Fang Chuanglin, Jiang Dong. Geographical missions and coupling ways between human and nature for the Beautiful China Initiative
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2020,75(6):1109-1119.

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[ 葛全胜, 方创琳, 江东. 美丽中国建设的地理学使命与人地系统耦合路径
地理学报, 2020,75(6):1109-1119.]

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