National Natural Science Foundation of China.41971154 National Natural Science Foundation of China.41701115 Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China.41731278
作者简介 About authors 朱晟君(1984-), 男, 安徽淮北人, 研究员, 博士生导师, 主要从事产业升级、全球化与区域发展研究。E-mail:
Abstract Firm related diversification is a common strategy for emerging economies to promote growth. As evidenced in the rapidly expanding economic literature, a host of internal factors such as residual resources, firm scale and capital structure are important for firm product diversification. However, there has been a dearth of economic researches on the external factors of firm product diversification. Based on such consideration, this article investigates the influence of local related variety on firm's export diversification strategy and explores the moderating effects of regional institutions by estimating tobit model based on the trade data of China's 31 provinces during 2012-2016. The results show that: (1) local related variety has a significant impact on firms' export diversification strategy. Specifically, firms located in regions dominated by related varieties are more likely to show related diversification patterns of export products. (2) Besides, the relationships between firm routines and local related variety are different in varied institutional contexts. For example, the regional atmosphere of trust is one of the most important informal institutions. This paper finds that the atmosphere of local trust will strengthen the relationship between firms' related diversification patterns and local related variety significantly. As for formal institutions, we find different moderating effects of regional marketization, globalization and decentralization. Marketization's moderating role is positive, while regional process of globalization and decentralization exerts a serious negative impact on the consistency of regions and firms in diversification patterns. According to the above results, this paper attempts to redress the neglect of regional institutions and forge a link between the economic and geographical investigations which helps to offer a broader view on the external factors of firm related diversification. It also points out that there is a complex relationship among local export variety, regional institutions and firm related diversification. Chinese government should promote local firm's contacts by preferential policies and create new opportunities for local industrial development. Keywords:export diversification;firm related diversification;local variety;regional institutions;China
PDF (2838KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 朱晟君, 金文纨. 地方出口产品结构及制度环境与企业出口相关多样化. 地理学报[J], 2021, 76(2): 398-414 doi:10.11821/dlxb202102011 ZHU Shengjun, JIN Wenwan. Local export variety, regional institutions and firm related diversification. Acta Geographica Sinica[J], 2021, 76(2): 398-414 doi:10.11821/dlxb202102011
3.2.2 非正式制度变量 本文地方信任指标的数据主要来自中国人民大学中国综合社会调查数据(Chinese General Social Survey, CGSS)。CGSS问卷中关于居民信任感的问题为:“总的来说,您是否同意在这个社会上绝大多数人都是可以信任的”。调查采用李克特5分量表,由“完全可信”至“完全不可信”5个选项来衡量公众对周围环境的信任程度。考虑到2012年数据存在部分缺失,本文采用2010年问卷结果构建地方信任指标。信任是稳定积累的社会资本,地方信任水平一般在短时间内变化较小[64],因此预期对结果影响不大。在量化地方信任的指标(Trust)时,本文分别参考了赵新宇等[65]和曾燕萍等[66]的做法:通过直接对各个地方内的调查对象选择信任分值取均值构建指标1;通过计算“比较同意”和“完全同意”的样本与总样本的占比构建指标2。为了检验文章结论的稳健性,本文还分别使用2012年各省内每百万人口中社会组织数量以及2011年省内平均每人献血量衡量地方信任程度。现有文献表明社会中介组织的发育程度和省内人们的自愿献血情况均与地方信任水平有关[67]。
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