The semiotic mechanism of cultural landscape genes of traditional settlements
HU Zui1,2,3, DENG Yunyuan
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胡最, 邓运员, 刘沛林, 彭惠军. 传统聚落文化景观基因的符号机制. 地理学报[J], 2020, 75(4): 789-803 doi:10.11821/dlxb202004009
HU Zui.
1 引言
2 文化景观基因的科学特征
文化景观基因理论是构建中国传统聚落文化景观基因图谱的重要方法[29, 35, 37]。因此,厘清文化景观基因内建的科学特征具有重要的意义。2.1 辩证特征

Fig. 1Concept of cultural landscape gene of traditional settlements
2.2 形态特征

Fig. 2A few examples on the forms of spatial layouts of traditional settlements[41] (Liu P L, 2011)
2.3 结构特征
3 文化景观基因符号机制的内涵
自然语言是一种综合的符号表意系统,拥有特定的符号系统和广泛的社会文化约定属性,是人们记录、交流、传播信息的媒体。传统聚落拥有丰富的文化景观基因,如镂雕技艺、房屋的形制、聚落布局和空间结构、空间的构筑方式、公共空场所等,它们都拥有专门的物质载体或媒介,携带一定的社会文化信息,共同表征特定的传统文化寓意。文化景观基因的传承形式和途径多样,既有物质外观或者载体的传承,也有文化内涵等约定属性的传承。显然,文化景观基因具有类似语言符号的特性,这使得从符号学的视角解析文化景观基因的特征成为可能。3.1 文化景观基因符号机制的概念
3.2 文化景观基因的符号特征

Fig. 3Different variables used to express the cultural landscape gene of Siheyuan and its development
3.3 文化景观基因符号的分类
结合文化景观基因的内涵与发生学原则,按照表现方式可以将文化景观基因符号分为图形、图片、文本和空间综合格局等4类符号(表1)。Tab. 1
Tab. 1
符号类别 | 说明 | 备注 |
图形 | 通过基本图形元素的组合构成图形符号表达特定的文化景观基因的含义 | 简单符号 |
图片 | 直接将图片等定义为符号表达部分特殊的文化景观基因的含义 | 简单符号 |
文本 | 直接通过文本来描述文化景观基因的含义 | 语言符号 |
空间综合格局 | 结合GIS软件的地图功能来直观地表达布局类文化景观基因符号的含义 | 复合符号 |
文本符号指直接通过文本来描述文化景观基因的主要特征或属性。这是因为:① 有些非物质文化遗产难于直接通过图形符号或者图片符号进行表达,如汝城广泛流行的“香火龙”习俗包含了一系列内涵丰富的传统民俗文化活动,故而适合直接用文本描述其文化内涵;② 有些文化因子本身就是用文本来描述、记录或者表达的,如江永女书;③ 有些文化因子的核心文化内涵难于直接通过图形或图片进行概括,需要使用文本进行表达,如土家族摆手堂的形制。
3.4 文化景观基因符号的表达
在实践中,人们一般将符合特定条件的文化因子识别为传统聚落的文化景观基因:① 具有显著的传统文化特色,从而使得一个聚落可以区别于其他聚落的文化因子,即具有鲜明的可识别性,如佤族村寨的(牛头)图腾柱;② 具有较强的认同感或认知度,是传统聚落中重要的精神空间的标志,即聚落的精神空间,如土家摆手堂、侗族鼓楼;③ 具有鲜明的古代文化哲理、传统的社会制度和社会伦理等重要特征,如祠堂门楼的造型、规制等;④ 经历了较长历史时期的传承但仍然保持了其传统文化内涵不发生重大的改变,如土楼的形制、四合院的围合特征等。由此可见,文化景观基因是对传统聚落中的文化因子在社会伦理层面进行文化内涵和重要属性的概括与抽象的结果,也是在符号层面对古代的传统文化特征、社会制度、社会道德等文化内涵的综合。值得指出的是,考察一个文化景观基因,决不能单纯地仅从文化因子本身出发,而是需要将其置于其原生的文化生境中进行解析才能真正揭示其蕴含的传统文化特征。相应地,文化景观基因符号的图示需要含义明确、构图简洁、表达直观。同时,文化景观基因又是存在于传统聚落空间中的最小的历史文化信息单元,既具有空间地理位置属性,又蕴含了丰富的传统文化特征信息。
Tab. 2
Tab. 2
![]() |

Fig. 4The symbols of closed shapes for Tulou
4 传统聚落文化景观基因符号库设计
符号数据库是运用数据库技术对服务于特定应用任务的符号进行集中统一管理的一类特殊数据库。在地理信息领域的实践中,人们通常根据地理信息工程任务的需要构建不同的数据库实现对地图符号的集中统一管理。一般而言,地图符号数据库中存储的地图符号具有风格和样式一致、格式规范,同时又符合相关的国家图式符号规范要求的技术标准。本文结合理论研究成果,借鉴基于语言学机制的地图符号库设计思路与方法[44],构建了某地区的传统聚落文化景观基因符号库(Traditional Landscape Genetic Symbol Database, TLGSD)。TLGSD以VC#.net程序语言为主要开发环境,直接从底层自主开发,同时内嵌ArcEngine控件的部分功能。程序可以在完成文化景观基因符号数据库的创建和维护的同时,也可以完成文化景观基因符号的创建、编辑、修改、编码与符号入库等基本操作。

Fig. 5Coding system for symbols of cultural landscape gene of traditional settlements

Fig. 6Running results of TLGSD and the edit tool of TLGSD for symbols of cultural landscape gene

Fig. 7An example of symbols of cultural landscape gene
5 结论与展望
然而,作为一项探索性很强的工作,当前研究还有许多问题亟待深入:① 文化景观基因符号的形式化描述模型,这涉及到后续研究工作中界定文化景观基因符号的设计原则和类别体系等问题;② 文化景观基因符号的构建与应用技术途径,如如何在当前的互联网信息技术体系和应用环境下实现不同平台的文化景观基因符号库调用等,这涉及到今后相当长的时期内促进传统聚落文化景观基因数字化这一重要问题。因此,在下一步工作中笔者将深入探索文化景观基因符号的形式化描述模型、编码方法与途径、符号构建标准、符号特征等重要问题,同时也期待更多的同行赐教。
参考文献 原文顺序
DOI:10.11821/dlxb201512010URL [本文引用: 1]

China is a country with exuberant cultural traditions, yet little of which has been paid attention to in rapidly urbanizing context in contemporary China. Lineage refers to the organized group of descendants of a single ancestor by which the lineage membership is determined. Despite the disappearance of many villages in the city, the ancestral hall often survived as the symbolic tie between the single-lineage villagers. Previous studies on Chinese rural restructuring mainly focus on the societal and cultural consequences. What these two aspects in studies of rural areas tend to vanish, or only take it implicitly, is the spatial processes that is closely related to the societal and cultural restructuring. Therefore, this paper intends to apply the sociological architecture thinking in space syntax methodology to explore the social logic behind the transforming spatial character of the typical lineage architecture, the ancestral hall. Taking two typical ancestral halls located respectively in Liede and Zhucun urban villages in Guangzhou as the research objects, the paper has unfolded the relationship between the morphological characteristics and behavioral patterns of villagers. Through field survey and mapping and face-to-face interviews in the Leide and Zhucun villages, it is found that (1) The newly-built ancestral hall in Liede village shows great difference compared with the old one in Zhucun village owing to the need to adapt to the new social functions, which is embodied in such transformation in spatial form as the breaking of axial symmetry pattern and the declining position of the sacred space in the overall spatial organization; (2) The decline and restructuring of spatial functions and the correspondent spatial organization highly conforms to the waning of the lineage consciousness, in which many traditional sacrificing activities are replaced by entertainment activities, and recreation and feasting have become the primary activities for villagers in the ancestral halls. Compared with the old ancestral halls, the newly-built ones in the central locations, as in our Leide case, evolved into non-excluded space that is aimed at profit-generating in the course of urbanization; (3) As the representative for lineage culture, the evolving spatial morphology of the ancestral halls is the intuitive evidence of lineage culture's recession and reconstruction, reflecting the changing mode of villager behaviors; (4) In the time of the couple made??families after the 20th century, the lineage consciousness of villagers is in the gradual recession, especially when the overall cultural environment for traditions has changed drastically. To sum up, the study not only provides new perspective for studying the traditional architectural type and traditional villages, but also in practical terms gives valuable suggestions to the protection and regeneration of traditional architecture and milieu in the context of rapid urbanization.
DOI:10.11821/dlxb201512010URL [本文引用: 1]

China is a country with exuberant cultural traditions, yet little of which has been paid attention to in rapidly urbanizing context in contemporary China. Lineage refers to the organized group of descendants of a single ancestor by which the lineage membership is determined. Despite the disappearance of many villages in the city, the ancestral hall often survived as the symbolic tie between the single-lineage villagers. Previous studies on Chinese rural restructuring mainly focus on the societal and cultural consequences. What these two aspects in studies of rural areas tend to vanish, or only take it implicitly, is the spatial processes that is closely related to the societal and cultural restructuring. Therefore, this paper intends to apply the sociological architecture thinking in space syntax methodology to explore the social logic behind the transforming spatial character of the typical lineage architecture, the ancestral hall. Taking two typical ancestral halls located respectively in Liede and Zhucun urban villages in Guangzhou as the research objects, the paper has unfolded the relationship between the morphological characteristics and behavioral patterns of villagers. Through field survey and mapping and face-to-face interviews in the Leide and Zhucun villages, it is found that (1) The newly-built ancestral hall in Liede village shows great difference compared with the old one in Zhucun village owing to the need to adapt to the new social functions, which is embodied in such transformation in spatial form as the breaking of axial symmetry pattern and the declining position of the sacred space in the overall spatial organization; (2) The decline and restructuring of spatial functions and the correspondent spatial organization highly conforms to the waning of the lineage consciousness, in which many traditional sacrificing activities are replaced by entertainment activities, and recreation and feasting have become the primary activities for villagers in the ancestral halls. Compared with the old ancestral halls, the newly-built ones in the central locations, as in our Leide case, evolved into non-excluded space that is aimed at profit-generating in the course of urbanization; (3) As the representative for lineage culture, the evolving spatial morphology of the ancestral halls is the intuitive evidence of lineage culture's recession and reconstruction, reflecting the changing mode of villager behaviors; (4) In the time of the couple made??families after the 20th century, the lineage consciousness of villagers is in the gradual recession, especially when the overall cultural environment for traditions has changed drastically. To sum up, the study not only provides new perspective for studying the traditional architectural type and traditional villages, but also in practical terms gives valuable suggestions to the protection and regeneration of traditional architecture and milieu in the context of rapid urbanization.
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DOI:10.11821/xb201207001URL [本文引用: 1]

Language plays an important role in communication, sharing and conveying information for human beings. GIS language is very important in understanding, researching, representing and transmitting geographical information. It gradually evolves and develops with promotion of the science and technology progress and cognition level. Concerning with the theoretical progresses from the geographical information ontology, espistemology and linguistic theory, this paper firstly proposes the conception and basic features of GIS language according to the geographical language's changes in language structure, function and characteristics. GIS language could be regarded as a synthetic and digital symbolic system. It is a comprehensive representation of geographical objects, phenomenon and their spatial distribution and dynamic processes. This representation helps us to generate a universal perception of geography space by the geographical scenarios or symbols with geometry, status, processes, temporal-spatial relationship, semantic and attribution features. Furthermore, this paper states that GIS language is a new generation geographical language by its intrinsic characteristics, structure, functions and systematic content. As the former's theoretical foundation, the paper definitely illustrates the important status and contributions of the GIS language to geographical researches. All in all, GIS language is the new geographical language with some new features including temporal-spatial multi-dimension representation, interactive visualization, virtual geographical scenario, multi-sensor sensing, expediently broadcasting with web, in current new era.GIS language is the highest level of geographical language because it integrates the semantic definition, features extraction, geographical dynamic representation and temporal-spatial unifying computation of geographical objects. GIS language have five important characteristics: abstraction, systemization, strictness, definition and hierarchical structure. In summary, GIS language provides a new tool for the recognition, understanding and simulation of the whole geographical environments. So, the exploration of GIS language's function in contemporary geographical development becomes increasingly important. Meanwhile, the construction of the conceptual model and scientific systems of GIS language will promote the development of geography discipline and geographical information sciences. Therefore, the paper forecasts the GIS language's future development from the viewpoints of digital technologies, geography norm, geography discipline development and geographical modeling.
DOI:10.11821/xb201207001URL [本文引用: 1]

Language plays an important role in communication, sharing and conveying information for human beings. GIS language is very important in understanding, researching, representing and transmitting geographical information. It gradually evolves and develops with promotion of the science and technology progress and cognition level. Concerning with the theoretical progresses from the geographical information ontology, espistemology and linguistic theory, this paper firstly proposes the conception and basic features of GIS language according to the geographical language's changes in language structure, function and characteristics. GIS language could be regarded as a synthetic and digital symbolic system. It is a comprehensive representation of geographical objects, phenomenon and their spatial distribution and dynamic processes. This representation helps us to generate a universal perception of geography space by the geographical scenarios or symbols with geometry, status, processes, temporal-spatial relationship, semantic and attribution features. Furthermore, this paper states that GIS language is a new generation geographical language by its intrinsic characteristics, structure, functions and systematic content. As the former's theoretical foundation, the paper definitely illustrates the important status and contributions of the GIS language to geographical researches. All in all, GIS language is the new geographical language with some new features including temporal-spatial multi-dimension representation, interactive visualization, virtual geographical scenario, multi-sensor sensing, expediently broadcasting with web, in current new era.GIS language is the highest level of geographical language because it integrates the semantic definition, features extraction, geographical dynamic representation and temporal-spatial unifying computation of geographical objects. GIS language have five important characteristics: abstraction, systemization, strictness, definition and hierarchical structure. In summary, GIS language provides a new tool for the recognition, understanding and simulation of the whole geographical environments. So, the exploration of GIS language's function in contemporary geographical development becomes increasingly important. Meanwhile, the construction of the conceptual model and scientific systems of GIS language will promote the development of geography discipline and geographical information sciences. Therefore, the paper forecasts the GIS language's future development from the viewpoints of digital technologies, geography norm, geography discipline development and geographical modeling.
DOI:10.1007/s11442-014-1106-2URL [本文引用: 1]

Language plays a vital role in the communication, sharing and transmission of information among human beings. Geographical languages are essential for understanding, investigating, representing and propagating geo-spatial information. Geographical languages have developed and evolved gradually with improvements in science, technology and cognitive levels. Concerning the theoretical progress from geographical information ontology, epistemology and linguistic theory, this paper firstly puts forward the concept of a GIS language and discusses its basic characteristics according to changes in the structures, functions and characteristics of geographical languages. This GIS language can be regarded as a system of synthetic digital symbols. It is a comprehensive representation of geographical objects, phenomena and their spatial distributions and dynamic processes. This representation helps us generate a universal perception of geographical space using geographical scenarios or symbols with geometry, statuses, processes, spatio-temporal relationships, semantics and attributes. Furthermore, this paper states that the GIS language represents a new generation of geographical language due to its intrinsic characteristics, structures, functions and systematic content. Based on the aforementioned theoretical foundation, this paper illustrates the pivotal status and contributions of the GIS language from the perspective of geographical researchers. The language of GIS is a new geographical language designed for the current era, with features including spatio-temporal multi-dimension representation, interactive visualization, virtual geographical scenarios, multi-sensor perception and expedient broadcasting via the web. The GIS language is the highest-level geographical language developed to date, integrating semantic definitions, feature extraction, geographical dynamic representation and spatio-temporal factors and unifying the computation of geographical phenomena and objects. The GIS language possesses five important characteristics: abstraction, systematicness, strictness, precision and hierarchy. In summary, the GIS language provides a new means for people to recognize, understand and simulate entire geo-environments. Therefore, exploration of the GIS language’s functions in contemporary geographical developments is becoming increasingly important. Similarly, construction of the conceptual model and scientific systems of the GIS language will promote the development of the disciplines of geography and geographical information sciences. Therefore, this paper investigates the prospects of the GIS language from the perspectives of digital technology, geographical norms, geographical modeling and the disciplinary development of geography.
DOI:10.11821/dlxb201510005URL [本文引用: 2]

Thousands of traditional settlements with prominent historical and cultural information of China are considered as the Chinese traditional treasures. They play an important role in the new tide of current social-economic development and urbanization processes of China. Recently, the Landscape Gene Theory (LGT), which aims to dissect the cultural features of traditional settlements of China, is a powerful tool for a better understanding of the landscape patterns of traditional settlements and is gaining more and more attention. Plenty of prominent cultural factors derived from the traditional settlements are identified by LGT. These are very helpful knowledge about the intrinsic cultural features implicated in the traditional settlements. However, LGT does not still cope well with the co-relationships among landscape genes of traditional settlements. Therefore, LGT cannot capture the mechanisms between the prominent cultural factors and landscape images of traditional settlements. Targeted to partly resolve this issue, this paper employs methods in genome mapping of biology and LGT to integrate into a new research framework to address these mechanisms. The framework is named as Traditional Settlement Landscapes' Genome Maps (TSLGM) according to its conception and connotation. The paper is organized in the following orders. Firstly, it makes the definition and classification of TSLGM by the theoretical fundamental and essential features of LGT. Secondly, the functionalities and academic significances of TSLGM are also highlighted. Thirdly, practical flowcharts for constructing and organizing an instance of TSLGM are brought forward. Finally, 30 well-known traditional settlements of Hunan Province of China are taken as study areas. The paper portrays the spatial pattern for the 30 traditional settlements according to their TSLGM. Furthermore, a genome pattern identification of landscape genes of traditional settlements is performed by using Jinshan village of Rucheng County as an example. To sum up, this paper indicates that TSLGM plays a paramount role in capturing characteristics of the traditional settlements, which is a potential methodological progress for LGT. From this paper, it is found that TSLGM has some potential points in traditional settlement digitalization, planning pattern mining and characteristics of regional traditional landscapes identification.
DOI:10.11821/dlxb201510005URL [本文引用: 2]

Thousands of traditional settlements with prominent historical and cultural information of China are considered as the Chinese traditional treasures. They play an important role in the new tide of current social-economic development and urbanization processes of China. Recently, the Landscape Gene Theory (LGT), which aims to dissect the cultural features of traditional settlements of China, is a powerful tool for a better understanding of the landscape patterns of traditional settlements and is gaining more and more attention. Plenty of prominent cultural factors derived from the traditional settlements are identified by LGT. These are very helpful knowledge about the intrinsic cultural features implicated in the traditional settlements. However, LGT does not still cope well with the co-relationships among landscape genes of traditional settlements. Therefore, LGT cannot capture the mechanisms between the prominent cultural factors and landscape images of traditional settlements. Targeted to partly resolve this issue, this paper employs methods in genome mapping of biology and LGT to integrate into a new research framework to address these mechanisms. The framework is named as Traditional Settlement Landscapes' Genome Maps (TSLGM) according to its conception and connotation. The paper is organized in the following orders. Firstly, it makes the definition and classification of TSLGM by the theoretical fundamental and essential features of LGT. Secondly, the functionalities and academic significances of TSLGM are also highlighted. Thirdly, practical flowcharts for constructing and organizing an instance of TSLGM are brought forward. Finally, 30 well-known traditional settlements of Hunan Province of China are taken as study areas. The paper portrays the spatial pattern for the 30 traditional settlements according to their TSLGM. Furthermore, a genome pattern identification of landscape genes of traditional settlements is performed by using Jinshan village of Rucheng County as an example. To sum up, this paper indicates that TSLGM plays a paramount role in capturing characteristics of the traditional settlements, which is a potential methodological progress for LGT. From this paper, it is found that TSLGM has some potential points in traditional settlement digitalization, planning pattern mining and characteristics of regional traditional landscapes identification.
DOI:10.11821/xb201302007URL [本文引用: 2]

Settlement is a special area for people to live and work in. For human beings, traditional settlements play an important role due to its unique historical and cultural characteristics or their historical landscapes. Hunan Province, located in Southern China, is one of the provinces of the country with its traditional settlements centralized and well preserved compared to other provinces of China, which are mainly attributed to its long history of culture and favorable geo-environments. This paper, taking the 30 historical and cultural ancient villages declared by the Central Government or Hunan Province government as cases, aims to interpret the spatial patterns of traditional settlements in this province according to Traditional Settlements Landscape Genes' Theory (TSLGT). By TSLGT, in order to further interpret the relationships in history or culture of traditional settlements, this paper takes the following steps firstly: (1) to construct a special index system of traditional settlements landscape genes, which is composed of residential buildings characterizations, cultural symbols characterizations, geo-environmental characters, distribution patterns of settlements; (2) to define a workflow procedure to identify the landscapes genes of traditional settlements in Hunan Province by integrating some extraction methods such as landscape elements extraction method, pattern analysis method, structure identification method, conceptual extraction method, etc.; (3) to identify all the vital landscape genes of the 30 major samples of traditional settlements in order to construct a traditional settlements landscape genes dataset with GIS software. By the former research foundation, the author draws the laws of landscape genes' spatial patterns of traditional settlements in Hunan Province by according to the following three outstanding characterizations, building genes, site selection or distribution genes and totem culture genes. The research results of this paper provide some sense advices to conservation or reasonable development or management decision of traditional settlements in Hunan Province. Of course, these results or analysis methods of this paper can also provide some crucial references to the other provinces of China to preserve or develop their own traditional settlements.
DOI:10.11821/xb201302007URL [本文引用: 2]

Settlement is a special area for people to live and work in. For human beings, traditional settlements play an important role due to its unique historical and cultural characteristics or their historical landscapes. Hunan Province, located in Southern China, is one of the provinces of the country with its traditional settlements centralized and well preserved compared to other provinces of China, which are mainly attributed to its long history of culture and favorable geo-environments. This paper, taking the 30 historical and cultural ancient villages declared by the Central Government or Hunan Province government as cases, aims to interpret the spatial patterns of traditional settlements in this province according to Traditional Settlements Landscape Genes' Theory (TSLGT). By TSLGT, in order to further interpret the relationships in history or culture of traditional settlements, this paper takes the following steps firstly: (1) to construct a special index system of traditional settlements landscape genes, which is composed of residential buildings characterizations, cultural symbols characterizations, geo-environmental characters, distribution patterns of settlements; (2) to define a workflow procedure to identify the landscapes genes of traditional settlements in Hunan Province by integrating some extraction methods such as landscape elements extraction method, pattern analysis method, structure identification method, conceptual extraction method, etc.; (3) to identify all the vital landscape genes of the 30 major samples of traditional settlements in order to construct a traditional settlements landscape genes dataset with GIS software. By the former research foundation, the author draws the laws of landscape genes' spatial patterns of traditional settlements in Hunan Province by according to the following three outstanding characterizations, building genes, site selection or distribution genes and totem culture genes. The research results of this paper provide some sense advices to conservation or reasonable development or management decision of traditional settlements in Hunan Province. Of course, these results or analysis methods of this paper can also provide some crucial references to the other provinces of China to preserve or develop their own traditional settlements.
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DOI:10.11821/dlxb201802008URL [本文引用: 5]

A huge number of traditional settlements in China represent their outstanding values in such fields as economy, society, and culture. It is notable that researches on traditional settlements will help to promote the sustainable developments of economy and society currently. Lately, a new tide of research on the traditional settlements, stimulated by the new urbanizing strategy, is arising across the entire country. This paper mainly focuses on the methods in deriving the spatial forms and structural patterns in the traditional settlement landscape genome maps (TSLGM) by case studies of Hunan Province (located in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and south of Dongting Lake in China). Firstly, this work defines these five types as centralized-circular rings, pie-extensions, multiple-direction extensions, belt, discrete distribution, and blocks, respectively. The five basic spatial form types are spatially driven by their pertinent landscape genes' spatial sequences of the genome by map analysis. Mathematic features of the form types are derived by their structural details and related properties. Secondly, the mathematic features are further used to help draw the spatial structures of the Hunan Province's traditional settlements incorporated with the related landscape genomes by the supporting-field from the Spatial Syntax Theory. Deep comparisons of different spatial structured cases prove that the mainstream spatial structures of Hunan Province's traditional settlements are symmetry, boundary, street-alley-port, parallel, geomancy image, respectively. It is shown that the spatial morphology properties of the traditional settlements derived by TSLGM are helpful in improving the traditional settlement landscape gene theory, refining the understanding values of traditional settlements and forwarding the preservation progresses on the traditional settlements. More importantly, this work confirms that TSLGM is a very promising method in mining the geographical features from the traditional settlements and establishing the regionalization framework across the whole country.
DOI:10.11821/dlxb201802008URL [本文引用: 5]

A huge number of traditional settlements in China represent their outstanding values in such fields as economy, society, and culture. It is notable that researches on traditional settlements will help to promote the sustainable developments of economy and society currently. Lately, a new tide of research on the traditional settlements, stimulated by the new urbanizing strategy, is arising across the entire country. This paper mainly focuses on the methods in deriving the spatial forms and structural patterns in the traditional settlement landscape genome maps (TSLGM) by case studies of Hunan Province (located in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and south of Dongting Lake in China). Firstly, this work defines these five types as centralized-circular rings, pie-extensions, multiple-direction extensions, belt, discrete distribution, and blocks, respectively. The five basic spatial form types are spatially driven by their pertinent landscape genes' spatial sequences of the genome by map analysis. Mathematic features of the form types are derived by their structural details and related properties. Secondly, the mathematic features are further used to help draw the spatial structures of the Hunan Province's traditional settlements incorporated with the related landscape genomes by the supporting-field from the Spatial Syntax Theory. Deep comparisons of different spatial structured cases prove that the mainstream spatial structures of Hunan Province's traditional settlements are symmetry, boundary, street-alley-port, parallel, geomancy image, respectively. It is shown that the spatial morphology properties of the traditional settlements derived by TSLGM are helpful in improving the traditional settlement landscape gene theory, refining the understanding values of traditional settlements and forwarding the preservation progresses on the traditional settlements. More importantly, this work confirms that TSLGM is a very promising method in mining the geographical features from the traditional settlements and establishing the regionalization framework across the whole country.
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DOI:10.1002/sci4.1984.24.issue-4URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1002/sci4.1984.24.issue-4URL [本文引用: 1]