

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

彭澎1,2,, 程诗奋1,2, 刘希亮1, 梅强3,4, 陆锋1,
1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室,北京 100101
2. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
3. 集美大学航海学院,厦门 361021
4. 船舶辅助导航技术国家地方联合工程研究中心,厦门 361021

The robustness evaluation of global maritime transportation networks

PENGPeng1,2,, CHENGShifen1,2, LIUXiliang1, MEIQiang3,4, LUFeng1,
1. State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
3. Navigation College of Jimei University, Xiamen 361021, Fujian, China
4. National-local Joint Engineering Research Center for Marine Navigation Aids Services, Xiamen 361021, Fujian, China
通讯作者:通讯作者:陆锋(1970-), 男, 博士, 研究员, 博士生导师, 研究方向为交通地理信息系统、导航与位置服务技术、复杂网络分析等。E-mail: luf@lreis.ac.cn
-->作者简介:彭澎(1989-), 男, 博士生, 主要从事海上交通地理信息科学、复杂网络分析研究。E-mail: pengp@lreis.ac.cn


海洋运输网络结构健壮性与运输效率密切相关,也是海洋运输系统抗干扰能力的具体表现。目前的海洋运输网络健壮性研究主要基于集装箱班轮运输网络开展,忽略了货运船舶的多态性。针对上述问题,本文利用2015年全球海洋货物运输船舶自动识别系统(Automatic Identification System, AIS)数据,构建了包含港口中转停留信息的全球海洋货物运输网络,然后从原油、集装箱、散货三种货物运输模式网络入手,证明其结构符合幂律分布,并采用随机性攻击和蓄意攻击策略,分析了三种网络在不同攻击策略下的破碎过程。结果表明:① 与基于集装箱班轮起止港口信息构建的运输网络相比,利用货运船舶AIS数据构建的运输网络更完整地反映了全球海洋运输格局和过程;② 不同货运网络结构健壮性存在巨大差异,散货运输网络最健壮,其次为原油运输网络,集装箱运输网络最脆弱;③ 小规模的蓄意攻击会对集装箱运输网络完整性产生较大的影响,而对散货运输网络和原油运输网络完整性影响较小。研究成果可为港口规划、航线设计与优化以及建立更可靠的海洋运输网络体系提供参考和决策支持。

The structural robustness of maritime transportation network describes the anti-jamming ability of maritime transportation system, which is closely related to the transportation efficiency. Current researches on the robustness of maritime transportation networks mainly focus on the container transportation network, but ignore the type difference of cargo ships or even ports. This paper builds a more complete global maritime transportation network with the AIS data of the global cargo ships in 2015. Then, for the three transportation modes, namely oil tanker, container and bulk carrier, it proves that the three networks are complex networks with topological structures following the power law distribution, and three attack strategies including a random attack and two intentional attacks are conducted to evaluate the survivability of the corresponding transportation networks in different situations. The results show that: (1) in sharp comparison to the transportation network based on OD information of container liners, the networks constructed with the AIS data of the cargo ships fully reflect the global cargo transportation pattern and process; (2) The robustness of different maritime transportation networks differs greatly, with the container transportation network being the weakest and the bulk carrier transportation network the strongest. (3) Small intentional attacks may exert greater impact on the integrity of the container transportation network, but have less impact on bulk carrier transportation network and oil tanker transportation network. It is argued that these conclusions can help to improve decision support capabilities on maritime transportation planning and emergency response, which facilitates the establishment of a more reliable maritime transportation system.

Keywords:complex network;maritime transportation;robustness;automatic identification system

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彭澎, 程诗奋, 刘希亮, 梅强, 陆锋. 全球海洋运输网络健壮性评估[J]. 地理学报, 2017, 72(12): 2241-2251 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201712009
PENG Peng, CHENG Shifen, LIU Xiliang, MEI Qiang, LU Feng. The robustness evaluation of global maritime transportation networks[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017, 72(12): 2241-2251 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201712009

1 引言

网络健壮性在道路网络[10-11]、航空货运网络[5, 12]、电力网络[13]等多个领域均已有广泛研究。针对海洋运输网络,Woolleymeza等将之与航空运输网络进行了对比,认为海洋运输网络在面对蓄意攻击时体现出更好的健壮性[14]。邓贵仕等分析了全球海洋运输网络节点度分布、度值相关性和节点度与介数相关性,发现度值大的节点优先与度值较大节点连接,度值大的节点介数也较大,因而度值较大的节点对海洋运输网络影响程度较大[15]。王诺等采用2004年和2014年世界主要集装箱班轮公司航线数据开展分析,发现在蓄意攻击下,近10年来全球集装箱海洋运输网络呈现越来越脆弱的趋势[16]。然而,当前针对海洋运输网络健壮性的研究多采用大型集装箱公司所提供的班轮数据,仅包含主要集装箱运输航线和集装箱港口。实际上,海洋货物运输涉及不同的货物类型。除集装箱运输外,散货和原油运输也是海洋运输的重要组成部分[17]。而且,不同的港口具有不同的功能定位,且港口呈现很强的运输货物差异性,这种差异对全球海洋运输网络结构有着重要影响。因此,海洋货运网络结构分析不能仅聚焦于网络几何形态的分析过程,将所有港口界定为具有相同功能,而需要考虑不同类型港口和航线特征差异。
船舶自动识别系统(Automatic Identification System, AIS)能实时获取船舶位置与轨迹、停留点、停留时长、其他货运相关信息等,具有实时性强、数据量大、数据内容丰富的特点,能够很好地反映不同类型船舶的货运状态[18]。岸基与卫星AIS设备通过实时或周期性的与船载AIS设备进行数据交换,可获取船舶的实时位置等相关信息。本文基于海运船舶AIS数据,分别构建细粒度的原油运输网络、集装箱运输网络和散货运输网络,并采用复杂网络分析方法,评估三种网络的健壮性,为海洋货物运输系统的优化决策提供支持。

2 实验数据

-->Fig. 1Traffic density of global maritime transportation in 2015

-->Fig. 2Structure of different cargo ship networks

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Characterization of different cargo ship networks


3 海洋运输网络健壮性评估

3.1 网络结构分析

-->Fig. 3The degree distribution of maritime transportation networks


3.2 港口重要性度量指标

$d_{i}=\sum\limits_{j∈N,j≠i}e_{ij}$ (2)
$Bc(v)=\sum\limits _{u≠w∈v}\frac{\sigma_{uw}(v)}{ \sigma_{uw}}$ (3)

3.3 网络复杂性度量指标

$l=\frac{1}{n(n-1)}\sum\limits_{v∈V}\sum\limits_{w≠v∈V}d(v,w)$ (4)
式中:n表示网络中节点数目; d(v,w)表示节点vw之间最短路径的长度。对于海洋运输网络而言,l越小意味着货物运输过程中需要经由的港口数量越少,则货运网络的全局传输效率越高。由于不同货物运输类型的网络规模不同,为了减少网络规模对平均最短距离的影响,本研究采用相对平均最短拓扑路径L,即平均最短路径l与网络直径D的比值:
$D=max(\sum\limits_{v∈V}\sum\limits_{w≠v∈V}d(v,w))$ (6)

4 网络健壮性评估过程


4.1 模拟攻击实验

-->Fig. 4Cargo ship network structural changes under random attacks

-->Fig. 5Cargo ship network structural changes under degree-based attacks

-->Fig. 6Cargo ship network structural changes under betweenness-based intentional attacks


4.2 网络崩溃阈值

图7展示了实验中不同类型货运网络在受到不同类型攻击时产生分裂的阈值:① 对于随机攻击,海洋运输网络表现出很好的健壮性,即使是分裂阈值最小的集装箱运输网络,也仅当70.6%的港口失效后,网络才开始全面崩溃;② 对于蓄意攻击,海洋运输网络健壮性较差,尤其是基于中介中心性的攻击过程,极易导致整个网络崩溃,例如对于集装箱运输网络,如果中介中心性较高的部分港口失效,即使只占全部港口比例的11.2%,也会迅速导致网络破碎直至崩溃。
-->Fig. 7Splitting thresholds of cargo networks under different attacks

4.3 重要港口节点

-->Fig. 8Top 10 ports based on betweenness centrality in the three networks

5 讨论

当部分港口出现故障时,剩余港口之间的连通性将极大地影响货物运输的效率。根据网络破碎度的定义可知,当移除节点f的比例与网络的破碎度S的变化曲线越接近S = 1-f时,节点的移除对网络完整性的破坏越小,且当变化曲线为S = 1-f时,节点的移除并不会影响网络剩余节点之间的相互连通;而变化曲线越接近f = 0时,则节点的移除对网络完整性破坏越大。
在现实中,海洋运输网络不会遭到完全破坏,本文需重点关注网络中小部分港口失效时,其余港口的连通性。由图5S变化可知,在随机攻击时,面对小部分节点的移除,比如10%的节点,网络的破碎过程基本接近S = 1-f,即随机攻击不会对海洋运输网络造成巨大破坏;由图6图7S变化可知,面对蓄意攻击时,当移除10%的节点时,散货运输网络和原油运输网络的破碎过程变化曲线拟合为S = 1-1.1f,集装箱运输网络的变化过程曲线拟合为S = 1-1.6f,由表2进一步可知,当移除10%节点时,集装箱运输网络有90个节点(6%)不与最大连通子图相连,而散货运输网络和原油运输网络仅有20个节点(1%)不与最大连通子图相连;故小部分节点的移除,对于集装箱运输网络港口之间的相互连接有较大影响,而对于散货运输网络和原油运输网络港口之间的相互连接相对影响较小。原因在于,散货和原油运输所涉及的港口和航线较集装箱运输更多,从网络结构上反映,散货运输网络和原油运输网络较集装箱运输网络连接得更加紧密,从而在面对攻击时,表现得更加可靠。
Tab. 2
Tab. 2Remaining nodes and the size of the largest component with 10% nodes removed

对比全球航空网络,当移除10%节点时,基于节点度的蓄意攻击时航空网络的变化过程曲线拟合为S = 1-4f,即有30%(约1200个节点)的节点不与最大连通子图相连[14],即对网络连通性破坏很大。相对而言,小部分节点的移除对海洋运输网络完整性的破坏很小。其可能原因有:① 海洋运输网络连接很紧密。具体体现在节点平均度值较大,网络的平均最短路径值较小(表1)。相比之下,航空网络节点平均度值为12.51,平均最短路径值为4.16[14]。② 重要的港口节点(如枢纽港口)都有与之临近港口节点可替换承担类似的运输功能,即使该港口出现故障,与之相临近的港口也能提供中转功能,比如新加坡港与巴生港,上海港与舟山港,香港港与深圳港等。

6 结论与展望

本文采用2015年全球海洋运输船舶AIS数据构建全球海洋运输网络,并对不同类型的海洋运输网络的结构健壮性进行定量化分析,得到以下结论:① 与基于集装箱班轮起止港口信息的运输网络相比,利用货运船舶AIS数据构建的全球海洋运输网络更完整地反映了全球海洋运输网络格局和变化过程;② 不同货运类型运输网络结构健壮性存在巨大差异,散货运输网络最健壮,其次为原油运输网络,集装箱运输网络最脆弱;③ 小规模的港口失效对集装箱运输网络连通性影响较大,而几乎不会影响到散货运输网络和原油运输网络的连通性。集装箱运输网络的航线布局尚有很大的优化空间来提高其网络的健壮性。
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Power systems are the basic support of modern infrastructures and protecting them from random failures or intentional attacks is an active topic of research in safety science. This paper is motivated by the following two related problems about cascading failures on power grids: efficient edge attack strategies and lower cost protections on edges. Applying the recent cascading model by adopting a local load redistribution rule, where the initial load of an edge ij is ( k i k j ) with k i and k j being the degrees of the nodes connected by the edge, we investigate the performance of the power grid of the western United States subject to three intentional attacks. Simulation results show that the effects of different attacks for the network robustness against cascading failures have close relations with the tunable parameter . Particularly, the attack on the edges with the lower load in the case of < 1.4 can result in larger cascading failures than the one on the edges with the higher load. In addition, compared with the other two attacks, a new attack, i.e., removing the edges with the smallest proportion between the total capacities of the neighboring edges of and the capacity of the attacked edge, usually are prone to trigger cascading failures over the US power grid. Our findings will be not only helpful to protect the key edges selected effectively to avoid cascading-failure-induced disasters, but also useful in the design of high-robustness and low-cost infrastructure networks.
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https://doi.org/10.1140/epjb/e2011-20208-9URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
We present a comparative network-theoretic analysis of the two largest global transportation networks: the worldwide air-transportation network (WAN) and the global cargo-ship network (GCSN). We show that both networks exhibit surprising statistical similarities despite significant differences in topology and connectivity. Both networks exhibit a discontinuity in node and link betweenness distributions which implies that these networks naturally segregate into two different classes of nodes and links. We introduce a technique based on effective distances, shortest paths and shortest path trees for strongly weighted symmetric networks and show that in a shortest path tree representation the most significant features of both networks can be readily seen. We show that effective shortest path distance, unlike conventional geographic distance measures, strongly correlates with node centrality measures. Using the new technique we show that network resilience can be investigated more precisely than with contemporary techniques that are based on percolation theory. We extract a functional relationship between node characteristics and resilience to network disruption. Finally we discuss the results, their implications and conclude that dynamic processes that evolve on both networks are expected to share universal dynamic characteristics.
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This article investigates the degree of overlap among the different layers of circulation composing global maritime flows in recent decades. Mobilizing several methods originating from complex networks allows us to shed new light on specialization and diversification dynamics affecting the evolution of ports and shipping. The principal confirm the strong and path-dependent influence of multiplexity on traffic volume, range of interaction and centrality from various perspectives, such as matrices correlations, homophily, assortativity, and single linkage analysis. While the network grows and concentrates around large hubs over time, traffic distribution is also place-dependent due to the reinforced position of already established nodes.
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Nature is the international weekly journal of science: a magazine style journal that publishes full-length research papers in all disciplines of science, as well as News and Views, reviews, news, features, commentaries, web focuses and more, covering all branches of science and how science impacts upon all aspects of society and life.
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We study the response of complex networks subject to attacks on vertices and edges. Several existing complex network models as well as real-world networks of scientific collaborations and Internet traffic are numerically investigated, and the network performance is quantitatively measured by the average inverse geodesic length and the size of the largest connected subgraph. For each case of attacks on vertices and edges, four different attacking strategies are used: removals by the descending order of the degree and the betweenness centrality, calculated for either the initial network or the current network during the removal procedure. It is found that the removals by the recalculated degrees and betweenness centralities are often more harmful than the attack strategies based on the initial network, suggesting that the network structure changes as important vertices or edges are removed. Furthermore, the correlation between the betweenness centrality and the degree in complex networks is studied.
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