

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

莫多闻, 周力平, 刘耕年, 李有利, 夏正楷, 张家富, 李宜垠
北京大学城市与环境学院 地表过程分析与模拟教育部重点实验室,北京 100871

Establishment and development of geomorphology and Quaternary sciences at Peking University

MODuowen, ZHOULiping, LIUGengnian, LIYouli, XIAZhengkai, ZHANGJiafu, LIYiyin
MOE Laboratory for Earth Surface Processes, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
-->作者简介:莫多闻(1955-), 男, 教授, 中国地理学会会员(S110004190H), 主要从事地貌、第四纪研究。E-mail: dmo@urban.pku.edu.cn



As a result of the reorganization of the universities and academic departments in 1952, Peking University set up the Department of Geology and Geography and started the teaching and research in Geomorphology and Quaternary science. This marked the establishment of the discipline of Geomorphology and Quaternary at Peking University. Over the past 65 years, great achievements have been made in the fields such as neotectonic activity and tectonic geomorphology, climatic geomorphology, fluvial geomorphology and sedimentology, sedimentary facies and comparative sedimentology, remote sensing and geographical information system, Quaternary stratigraphy and chronology, Quaternary climate and environmental change, marine geochemical processes and environmental evolution, and environmental archaeology and past human-environment interaction. These progresses have not only played an innovative and leading role in some of the related research areas, but also helped to solve a series of practical problems in the national economic development, thus representing great contribution to the development of Geomorphology and Quaternary science in China.
With the increasing diversification in the field of geography, the discipline development and scientific research of Geomorphology and Quaternary Science in Peking University will strengthen integration with all branches of physical geography and other fields of Earth Science within the framework of Earth System Science. To contribute more to the development of Geomorphology and Quaternary Science in China, particular emphasis will be put on the research on the links between the geomorphological evolution of different macroscopic spatio-temporal scales and the modern processes, and on the understanding of complex impacts of various components of the earth system on the evolution of geomorphology. Systematic simulation and numerical modeling on the climate change, environmental evolution and geomorphologic processes will be developed. Both theoretical research and the development and application of new technology in Geomorphology and Quaternary Science will be strengthened.

Keywords:Peking University;geomorphology;Quaternary Science;establishment and development;achievement and innovation

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莫多闻, 周力平, 刘耕年, 李有利, 夏正楷, 张家富, 李宜垠. 北京大学地貌第四纪学科的创建与发展[J]. , 2017, 72(11): 1974-1996 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201711005
MO Duowen, ZHOU Liping, LIU Gengnian, LI Youli, XIA Zhengkai, ZHANG Jiafu, LI Yiyin. Establishment and development of geomorphology and Quaternary sciences at Peking University[J]. 地理学报, 2017, 72(11): 1974-1996 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201711005

1 北大地貌与第四纪学科的创建与发展

北大地貌第四纪学科创建之初,在学科建设和人才培养方面即形成了许多特色。如:① 重视地貌过程相关沉积特征的研究分析,为此率先开设了当时称之为“相学”的沉积学课程。20世纪60年代初建立起沉积分析实验室,通过实验分析获取丰富的沉积特征信息,使地貌过程相关沉积的研究提升到更高水平;② 既重视新构造活动对地貌形成演化的控制或影响作用,也重视外动力地貌过程机理的研究,由此而发展起来的北大构造地貌学、气候地貌学等研究方向成为中国地貌学中的显著优势领域;③ 将地貌学研究和第四纪地质学研究紧密结合,既解决了地貌形成与演化同第四纪环境变化的关系问题,也促进了北大地貌学和第四纪地质学的共同发展;④ 重视数理化等自然科学以及地质学、地球物理学对于地貌第四纪学科的基础作用,不断引进相关学科的理论和方法提高地貌第四纪学科的科学水平;⑤ 重视对学生进行野外观察分析能力的培养,建立起山西大同地貌学野外教学实习基地(90年代又增加了河北秦皇岛地区以海岸带地貌为主的实习),并编写有相关讲义[1]。这些特点促进了北大地貌第四纪学科的快速发展,也对全国地貌学发展产生了重要影响。

2 主要学术成就


2.1 新构造活动与构造地貌学及其应用

2.1.1 新构造活动同地貌发育关系 20世纪50年代研究了北京地区南口冲积扇发育同新构造活动和气候变化的关系[2]、甘肃东部泾河河流地貌及相邻水系的演化同新构造活动的关系[3]、以及太行山东麓、川西、长江三峡等地[4]河流地貌同新构造活动的关系。在山西地堑系诸盆地中研究河流地貌、湖泊地貌、火山地貌及区域地貌等的形成与演化历史同新构造活动的关系[5-8]。之后,河流、湖泊的形成演化历史同新构造活动关系成为研究重点,研究地区包括长江[9]、黄河及一些主要支流[4, 10]、以及其他一些新构造活跃且对地貌发育影响显著的流域或地区,如海河流域[7, 11]、内蒙[12]、河西走廊[13]、天山北麓[14]、河北平原[15]和云南等地[16]。海岸地貌发育同新构造活动的关系也进行了较多研究[17]
2.1.2 区域构造地貌学 区域构造地貌是构造地貌学研究的核心领域。20世纪50年代以来,北大****研究了北京南口山前平原地貌与第四纪沉积物特征同新构造运动的关系[2]。研究了中国北部和东北部构造地貌发育同第四纪构造应力状态的关系,提出构造活动特征和地貌发育关系的三种典型模式[24]。在多年研究基础上,深入研究了山西地堑系区域构造体系和新构造活动特征、各区域新生代沉积与气候变化历史、各区域地貌特征与形成演化历史基础上,揭示了山西地堑系新构造活动的方式、速率、历史变化、应力场和动力机制及其对各种地貌类型形成和演变的影响或控制作用[10]。区域构造地貌最具代表性的成果是运用李四光地质力学理论和板块构造理论等大地构造学说,根据构造体系和大型山脉走向,将中国全境的构造地貌划分为5个大区、27个构造地貌区,结合大量地质和地球物理研究资料,对各区域构造地貌特征及形成演化历史进行了系统研究与阐释[4, 25-26]
2.1.3 新构造活动与建设工程安全和地震危险性 构造地貌研究是揭示区域活动断层分布与断层活动性特征的重要方法,因而既是研究和评估建设工程地基稳定性的重要途径,也是预测地震发生危险性的重要方法。20世纪50-60年代初,北大师生参加了长江三峡、三门峡库区、黄壁庄水库等地的新构造与地貌第四纪地质研究,为这些水库的设计和建设提供了科学依据。1966年邢台地震以后,开展了为地震长期预报服务的活动构造研究。如参加邢台地震、通海地震[27]、昭通地震、海城地震、龙陵地震、平武地震[28]、唐山地震等大地震的现场调查与活动构造研究,参加北京地区[11, 29]和山西临汾地区地震会战的研究。并调查研究了河南北部[30]、云南西部[31]、辽西地区[17]、大连半岛[32]等地区的新构造活动与区域安全、地震地质特征与地震危险性。2008年汶川地震后,赴现场进行了震后地震地貌考察。之后,承担了多项中国地震活动断层探查项目,负责山西中条山北麓断裂、云南石屏—建水断裂、甘肃祁连山北麓民乐—大马营断裂等1:5万活断层填图研究任务,根据地貌变形精确测量与地貌和地层的绝对年龄测定,开展断层活动事件(古地震)、幅度、速率、复发周期、活动习性等定量活动构造地貌学研究[33-34]
2.1.4 新构造与构造地貌学理论与方法发展 新构造与构造地貌学研究的早期,主要依赖于对地貌现象和构造活动形迹的野外考察。20世纪50年代以来,在新生代沉积的深入研究基础上,获取新构造活动和地貌演化历史更充分的过程和历史证据。70年代以来运用李四光地质力学理论、板块构造等大地构造学说来解释构造活动的动力机制以及宏观构造格局的形成与演化历史[4, 25-26]。利用地球物理探测方法和有关成果,将新构造与构造地貌研究同地球深部过程的研究结合。应用高精度测量技术,获取活动断层或活动地块运动方向、速率和时空变化定量数据。利用震源机制解、地应力测量等揭示现代构造活动同地壳应力场的关系[24, 35]。利用遥感资料了解区域构造格局、断层分布和新构造活动的空间差异[27]。利用DEM数据的计算机分析快速获取区域地形特征及其对构造活动特征的响应[36]。应用计算机辅助的构造地貌制图、构造地貌演化数字模型等研究[37]。跨活动断层剖面开挖和深入研究,获取全新世或历史时期构造活动事件和古地震事件发生的历史和规模[33]。20世纪50年代即介绍了构造地貌学有关理论[4],近年来又综合半个多世纪的研究实践和国内外新进展,出版专著系统论述构造地貌学理论、方法和国内外典型案例[38]

2.2 气候地貌与沉积

2.2.1 冰川地貌与沉积 20世纪50年代后期开始对青藏高原冰川地貌进行研究,通过详细描述贡嘎山的冰面裂隙、融水沟槽、冰面湖、冰洞、冰川纵横剖面等现代冰川地貌和冰川作用形成的角峰、侧碛垄、中碛垄和终碛垄等地貌,发表了中国第一篇关于现代冰川和冰川地貌的研究成果[39]。发现青藏高原西北缘慕士塔格—公格尔峰的现代冰川西坡比东坡发育,而第四纪冰期时东坡比西坡发育,由此首次提出第四纪以来中国西北气候越来越干的见解[40]。一直重视对冰川地貌过程与相关沉积的研究,如1957年对贡嘎山现代冰川的冰碛物及冰水沉积的科学考察 [39],1964年对古冰川覆盖类型与冰碛物、冰水沉积物关系研究 [41]。对青藏高原冰川侵蚀地貌发育的基本特征进行深入研究,阐明冰川的地质地貌作用同冰川水热条件及冰川物理性质之间的关系[42]。80年代以后,研究区域遍布整个青藏高原及东亚高山,1987-1990年参加中国第四、五、六次南极考察,在中国南极长城站所在的南设得兰群岛乔治王岛菲尔德斯半岛展开冰川地貌研究,取得冰川地貌特征、过程、沉积、冰期年代学,以及中国中低纬高山高原冰川演化的气候-构造驱动机制等系列成果,在国内外有着广泛的影响[43-46]。崔之久教授作为主要贡献者之一的“中国第四纪冰川与环境变化研究”获2008年度国家自然科学二等奖。
2.2.2 冰缘地貌 冰缘地貌研究始自1957年[39],在青藏高原、天山、长白山、大小兴安岭、五台山、太白山等地开展冰缘地貌研究至今。20世纪80年代以来紧随国际冰缘地貌研究动态,分别在天山、长白山、大兴安岭、南极长城站设置了多处冰缘地貌过程定位观测点,取得对石冰川、泥流舌、寒冻风化、热融喀斯特的运动速度、内部结构、发育条件等系列成果[47-50]。在冰缘地貌理论探讨方面,根据冰缘地貌的类型分布和发育条件,将青藏高原划分为海洋型、亚大陆型及大陆型三种冰缘地貌类型区,提出不同类型区各自具有的冰缘地貌垂直带谱和同一冰缘现象的发育高度随纬度变化的“纬度坡降值”,并指出冰缘地貌也明显地受纬度地带性控制[51]。对华北、东北晚更新世以来冰缘环境重建[52],对青藏高原末次盛冰期和全新世大暖期多年冻土分布重建[53],以及在天山等地开展的冰冻圈过程及灾害研究服务于山区减灾防灾和工程建设工作等均系重要的学术贡献[54]
2.2.3 古岩溶、风化壳与夷平面 古岩溶研究始于上世纪中叶参加青藏高原考察期间[55-56]。20世纪90年代,在国家“八五”、“九五”攀登计划及973青藏高原项目支持下,北大师生对青藏高原及其东邻地区古岩溶进行了持久的调查和研究,对覆盖型岩溶、红色风化壳与夷平面之间的关系进行了深入细致的多尺度对比分析。基于岩溶地貌夷平的独特性提出“岩溶双层夷平面”理论,揭示了岩溶区夷平面与风化壳的关系。依据古岩溶洞穴中次生方解石晶体裂变径迹测年揭示青藏高原10-20 Ma存在的夷平期[57]。从地貌演化角度提出覆盖型岩溶及其红色风化壳发育的两阶段模式,合理解释了区域岩溶红色风化壳特征和覆盖型岩溶的演化过程。提出了岩溶夷平面解体与高原隆升之间的耦合模式,为进一步论证青藏高原隆升幅度和速率提供了理论依据[58-60]
2.2.4 昆仑—黄河运动及其对东亚气候变化的影响 对昆仑山垭口盆地及周边的地貌、构造、沉积相、地层及其生物组合特征进行了细致的分析,发现该区在距今1.1 Ma开始至0.7 Ma前后发生了一次先是大面积抬升,后是突发性断块隆起与沉陷的构造运动,这次构造运动具有阶段性,可分为序幕、主幕和续幕,后期具有发生突然,抬升幅度大的特点,青藏高原由此上升到临界高度3000 m以上,导致高原第四纪以来最大冰期的发生,这次构造运动被命名为“昆仑—黄河运动”[22-23, 61]。“昆仑—黄河运动”把青藏高原推上了一个临界高度,基本形成了中国自然地理的现代格局:青藏高原进入冰冻圈,并进而影响大气环流型式,形成了东亚季风的现代格局;冬季风加强和夏季风减弱使得中国北方干旱化加剧,沙漠面积扩大,湖泊消退;亚热带植物从秦岭以北南撤到南方;黄土堆积范围得到扩展,黄土堆积速度加快,现代黄土空间分布格局基本形成。“昆仑—黄河运动”对亚洲乃至全球的环境也产生了强烈的影响。

2.3 泥石流、崩塌滑坡与混杂堆积相

2.3.1 泥石流地貌、沉积、动力机制与灾害风险评价 在云南、贵州、川西、陇南、陕西等山地,黄土高原和华北的太行山、燕山等山地、辽宁、华东、华南等山地开展了广泛的泥石流过程、地貌与沉积的研究[62-68]。以现代泥石流研究为主,兼及更新世和全新世发育的古代泥石流。研究了各地泥石流沟地貌、气候、岩性等特征同泥石流过程及类型的关系,泥石流类型同泥石流沉积特征及沉积地貌的关系,揭示了中国各地环境特征的差异与泥石流类型分布的关系。在深入研究固液两相流基本理论[69]基础上,提出应用固液两相流理论来研究泥石流的动力学过程。在对泥石流运动特性进行深入分析基础上,提出了泥石流动力学基本方程[70]和泥石流结构两相流模型,并进行了理论与应用研究[71-72]。泥石流风险评价是制定科学合理减灾防灾对策和措施的前提。泥石流发生的危险性评估包括泥石流发生的概率和规模,可以通过相关区域的地貌、气候、构造、岩性条件、泥石流发生历史等指标进行评价。单沟或区域泥石流易损度取决于该地区生命财产价值的大小和密度,以及其他如生态、社会等因素,也取决于该地区现有抗灾能力建设等情况。在深入分析研究基础上,分别提出了单沟和区域的泥石流危险度、易损度、风险度等的预测评价方法和模型,并进行了大量的实际应用研究[73-75]
2.3.2 崩塌、滑坡与沉积特征 20世纪50年代,对有关坡地地貌过程和沉积进行过系统介绍和讨论[4];70年代开展了太焦铁路沿线新生代地层和滑坡危险性研究[76];80年代研究证明川西九寨沟部分海子形成于古崩塌体堵塞河流而成,而崩塌的发生同地质构造背景和古地震事件有关[77]。对金沙江上游雪隆囊古滑坡堰塞湖和溃坝堆积体的地貌和沉积特征的研究,揭示出古地震事件导致了大规模滑坡和堰塞湖、堰塞湖溃坝后形成巨大的溃坝堆积体,并提出溃坝堆积相的鉴别标志[78]。研究了长白山二道白河源区的倒石堆发育特征[48]和天山乌鲁木齐河源区冰缘环境下雪崩型和崩落型倒石堆的沉积特征[79]。研究了陕西、甘肃等地古崩塌性滑坡体沉积特征和形成过程,对滑坡体沉积进行了平面相带划分或垂直层序划分,揭示出地震或暴雨引发形成的滑坡体地貌和沉积特征的差异[80]
2.3.3 混杂堆积相 随着古冰川、冰缘沉积,崩塌、滑坡沉积及各种类型坡积物,泥石流沉积,堰塞湖溃坝沉积等研究的深入,发现这些不同成因类型的沉积物都具有物质粗疏、大小混杂、层理不明显等共同特征,如何区别这些沉积物的成因类型至今仍是较为困难的问题。为此,北大****通过对这类地貌过程与沉积的比较研究(包括不同过程、不同环境条件、现代与古代过程的对比),加强了对崩塌、泥石流、滑坡、坡积物、溃坝堆积等沉积物结构、构造、形成条件以及混杂堆积物的识别研究[65, 81-82],建立了泥石流、冰川沉积相模式与沉积体系[68, 83]。2013年出版的《混杂堆积与环境》一书,对混杂堆积的基本特征、动力过程、环境条件进行了系统阐述,对坡地、冰川、蚀余、泥石流、滑坡、溃坝、崩塌等外力混杂堆积,构造混杂岩、震积岩、火山碎屑岩、等内力混杂堆积(岩),以及星际撞击岩、人工混杂堆积进行了深入探究,最后给出混杂堆积的成因判别原则和方法、判别标志。这本巨著凝聚了崔之久教授及其研究团队数十年研究心血,是国内外第一本对混杂堆积与环境的系统总结[83]

2.4 河流、湖泊、海岸地貌与沉积

2.4.1 河流地貌与沉积 第四纪河流地貌演化和现代河流过程研究是北大重点研究领域之一。20世纪50年代参加三峡及长江流域河谷地貌研究,发现三峡地区高出河面近千米之上的夷平面上有很好的河流相砾石分布[76],根据长江沿岸最老阶地沉积的时代推测在第三纪晚期长江就可能是上下游贯通的大河[25]。50-60年代,研究了山西地堑系诸盆地、黄河中游干流及部分支流的河谷地貌演化同新构造活动、第四纪气候变化的关系[5-8]。提出黄河中游干流段及其一些主要支流的流路在早到上新世以前就已确立的观点[84]。80年代以来,在华北、西北等广大地区开展了大量研究[10-11, 14-16, 18],关于河流阶地与河流地貌演化同新构造运动和气候变化的关系研究较多[14-16, 38, 85-86],对黄河中下游晚更新世以来河流阶地沉积物的精细定年,厘定了黄河阶地形成年代、河流下切速率以及鄂尔多斯高原的抬升速率[87-88]。50年代提出河流阶地特征同河流发育阶段和新构造运动关系的多种模式[4],近年来根据大量研究实践,总结出河流阶地发育同新构造活动关系的系统模式[38]。80年代系统研究和介绍了流域数学模型和定量统计方法[89]。20世纪末以来,针对黄河中游粗泥沙来源[90]、河流流量同气候的关系[91]、河流地貌同地下水的关系[92]、河流元素迁移过程[93]、历史洪水事件对人类社会的影响等问题也开展了较多研究[94]
冲积扇地貌是流水地貌的一个重要方面。20世纪80年代以来,在华北和西北的广大地区对冲积扇地貌特征、演化历史及其同盆地基底构造、新构造活动、流域特征、气候变化等的关系进行了较多研究[100-102]。并研究了冲积扇地貌和沉积特征同水文地质、土地利用等的关系[100, 103],亦研究了古代冲积扇沉积同油气富集的关系[104]
2.4.2 湖泊地貌与沉积 20世纪50-60年代,对山西地堑系和环鄂尔多斯诸多断陷盆地新生代湖泊演化的研究结果表明[5-6, 8, 10],华北断陷盆地的湖泊发育可早至上新世之前,晚的可以延续到现代。构造活动是新生代断陷盆地湖泊形成与演化的主要控制因素,气候变化影响了湖泊范围与水位高低。内蒙达赉湖[12]的研究结果表明,湖泊形成和长时间尺度变迁同地质构造特征关系较大,60年代的湖面上升则主要由于气候变化,降水增加和冻层融化导致地下水补给增加所致。80年代以来继续深化对华北地区新生代断陷湖泊演化历史研究[10, 105-106],对湖泊变迁和兴衰演化、以及水位、水化学特征变化等同构造和气候的关系进行了深入分析和揭示。发现和分析了泥河湾盆地末次间冰期形成的湖相叠层石及其所代表的水文环境及气候意义[107]。并且将研究范围扩展到全国其他地区,如研究了云南杞麓湖、龙街盆地、点苍山冰川湖泊、新疆玛纳斯湖等的演变同气候变迁和新构造活动的关系[30, 108-110]。洞庭湖晚更新世以来的水文特征变化同构造活动、海面变化、入湖水沙过程及人类活动的关系[111]。20世纪晚期以来,开展了较多关于湖泊沉积记录的环境演变研究,如关于山西榆社盆地湖相纹泥的环境记录研究[112]、泥河湾盆地末次间冰期气候变化的氧碳同位素记录[113]、岱海湖泊沉积物中石膏记录所反映的湖泊水文状况波动[114]等。现代湖泊演变趋势同防洪形势的关系亦有所讨论[115]
2.4.3 海岸地貌与沉积 20世纪50年代研究渤海西部海岸泥沙运移规律,证明黄河、滦河泥沙对天津新港淤积没有直接影响。80-90年代研究了从辽宁到海南多处海岸带阶地及海岸地貌发育同新构造活动的关系[17, 32]、山东半岛海岸地貌特征与内外营力过程[116]。70年代后期较早开展海岸带遥感应用研究 [117],并编撰出版了中国海岸带遥感方面较早的一本专著[118],系统介绍了海岸带遥感方面的理论、技术和应用实例。研究和分析了渤海湾西岸的海进现象,海岸带侵蚀发生的自然和人为原因,提出系列海岸带环境保护措施[119-120]。90年代以来对海面上升趋势背景下中国海岸带平原地区面临的风险与影响范围、对策等问题进行了研究[121],对珠江三角洲地区海岸带演变、围垦趋势亦进行了分析研究[122]

2.5 地貌制图

北大是国内最早开展地貌制图教学和研究的单位之一,20世纪50年代就开始参考A.N.斯皮里顿诺夫编制的《地貌制图学》为学生讲授地貌制图的意义、原则和方法,以及图面表现等内容,并编写了有关讲义。其中《地貌制图的理论和方法问题》一文(① 潘德扬. 地貌制图的理论与方法问题. 北京大学地质地理系, 1961.(内部刊印)),最早系统介绍了国际上有关理论与方法。80年代,王乃樑出任“中国1:1000000地貌图编辑委员会”副主任,北大****参与了全国百万分之一地貌图的研究与编制工作,包括制图规范和地貌分类系统的制定。如期完成了太原幅的编制任务。该图吸收了当时国内外地貌制图的经验,突出了形态成因的地貌分类原则,加强构造地貌在地貌制图中的表现,汇集区域地貌的研究成果,用专业地图的形式,系统表达了区域地貌的形态、物质组成、成因、发展变化及其空间分布规律。70年代以来还进行了较多遥感解译制图、计算机辅助制图和计算机自动成图等方面的研究和实验[4,123]

2.6 沉积学研究与应用


2.7 遥感与地理信息系统研究与应用

20世纪70年代国际上遥感技术应用和地理信息系统技术先后快速发展起来,北大地貌学科的教师在全国较早开展了相关研究和人才培养。由于遥感与地理信息系统技术可以广泛应用于许多学科及国民经济部门,地貌教研室的潘德扬、承继成、马蔼乃等转向专门从事遥感与地理信息系统技术开发与应用研究,很快成立新的教研室,后来同校内其他教师一起成立北京大学遥感与地理信息系统研究所,为中国遥感与地理信息系统学科的创建与发展做出了重大贡献。同时,北大****率先将遥感与地理信息系统技术应用于地貌学研究,取得了系列重要成果。如遥感技术应用于海岸带沉积过程和海岸地貌研究[117-118],遥感影像解译辅助地貌制图[123],遥感方法应用于新构造活动与构造地貌研究 等[27]。综合运用遥感信息、DEM数据和地理信息系统技术,构建地貌信息系统,进行地貌特征分析、地貌制图、地貌模型分析与地貌过程模拟等研究[4, 36-37]

2.8 第四纪地层、沉积环境与年代学

第四纪地层、沉积环境与年代学研究是第四纪科学与地貌演化历史研究的主要基础。20世纪50-60年代,第四纪地层与沉积特征的研究往往同新构造和地貌演化历史研究并重,研究了华北断陷盆地、山陕黄河峡谷段的新生代地层、新构造活动与地貌演化[2, 5-8, 18, 76]。70年代的《第四纪地质学》讲义和1983年出版的《第四纪地质学》[129],全面介绍了第四纪地质学理论、研究方法和国内外动态。70年代以后,第四纪地层与沉积研究侧重于揭示沉积环境和气候变化历史。如通过河北平原南宫地区全新统的研究,揭示了河湖相沉积特征、分布及其同水文地质的关系[76]。对山西太谷榆社武乡一带新生代地层的系统研究,建立区域地层序列,阐明各时代地层的沉积环境及气候变化历史[130-131]。系统研究了晋东南地区的黄土地层、成因、沉积时代及其气候意义[132-133]。研究了云南龙街盆地上新世以来新生代地层的沉积环境与气候变化历史[109],以及山东庙岛群岛红色风化壳、棕红土成因及其古气候意义[134]
系统开展了释光技术作为物源示踪方法的研究,并应用到沙漠、深海和海滩的研究中。通过测量中国主要沙漠粗粒石英热释光和光释光信号灵敏度,发现可以根据东西部沙漠石英释光灵敏度和石英矿物晶体缺陷的差别,揭示沙漠物质的形成和搬运沉积历 史[141-143]。通过对南海周围河流和南海表层沉积物多种粒级石英的系统研究,发现各河流表层沉积物的细粒石英灵敏度差异显著,同一河流/区域内样品的灵敏度接近,据此可以判断南海不同区域表层沉积物的来源,这是石英释光灵敏度方法在海洋沉积源—汇研究中的首次应用(② Liu N, Zhou L, Liu Z, et al. Provenance characterization of surface sediments in the South China Sea and from surrounding rivers by luminescence sensitivity of quartz. Marine Geology. (submitted))。对采自中国及世界各大洲多处现代海滩的粗粒石英释光性质进行的系统测量,为认识石英释光灵敏度差异的物理机制打下了基础。

2.9 黄土地层、沉积过程与黄土地貌

20世纪70年代以后系统研究了晋东南地区的黄土地层、沉积特征及古气候意义[132-133],研究了山东庙岛群岛的黄土分布和地层时代,辨识出该地黄土包含远源和近源两种粉 尘[145-146],泥河湾湖盆水下黄土堆积及其古气候意义[147],山西离石丰义剖面2.50 Ma B.P.前后红粘土转变为黄土沉积所代表的气候事件[148],对新西兰黄土和中国黄土进行了对比研究[149]。在比较中欧、中亚和中国黄土地层的布容/松山界线研究基础上,提出将古地磁研究与黄土中宇宙成因核素测量相结合来正确认识黄土古地磁极性界线地层学意义的新思路[150],发现中国黄土中松山/高斯地磁极性事件存在数米的信号锁定位移[151],为建立更加精确的欧亚黄土地层年代框架奠定了基础。80年代后期研究了山西静乐剖面的上新世红粘土沉积及沉积环境,明确提出了典型静乐红粘土的风成成因问题[152]。通过对山西保德多个晚第三纪红粘土古地磁等的研究结果,证明原认为属于上新世晚期的静乐红土沉积时代延续了整个上新世,而原属于上新世早期的保德红土则属于中新世[151]

2.10 第四纪古气候与环境变迁

20世纪50年代以来的地貌第四纪研究大部分涉及了古气候和环境变迁的讨论。70年代后期编写的第四纪地质学讲义和之后出版的《第四纪地质学》[129]系统介绍了国内外第四纪古气候与环境变化研究方法和重要成果,对中国第四纪气候特征和演变历史进行了分析,讨论了太阳活动、地球轨道等对气候变化和冰期间冰期变化的影响,从行星风系、海陆分布、青藏高原隆升等角度讨论了东亚地区第四纪期间气候的形成及其对中国气候变化的控制作用,明确提出了中国第四纪古气候以季风演化为特征的观点[76]。70年代以后,在全国许多地区运用地貌、第四纪沉积、动植物化石、微体、孢粉、碳氧同位素、磁化率等许多环境研究方法和古气候代用指标进行古气候和环境变迁研究。如河北阳原泥河湾地区气候与环境变化历史研究[105, 107, 113, 147, 158],晋东南、云南龙街盆地、山东半岛等地晚新生代的气候变化历史[131, 109, 134],山西地堑系诸盆地的气候与环境演变历史[10]。1997年出版《第四纪环境》[159],全面介绍了国内外第四纪环境研究方面的新进展。
20世纪90年代后期以来,为夯实古环境重建的基础,系统开展了表土花粉对植被及人类活动指示意义的研究,提出了森林区和草原区人类活动影响下花粉谱变化模式[160-161],估算了中国北方常见树种和草本植物花粉的相对产量(RPP),发现中国北方优势树种的RPP与欧洲明显不同[162],蒿属和藜科植物的RPP在不同地区差异明显[162-163],不仅为景观尺度古植被定量重建提供了关键参数,而且对传粉生物学具有重要意义。为了更好了解火干扰影响下的植被演化过程,系统开展了炭屑作为火代用指标的可靠性研究,为深化多指标第四纪古生态研究打下了基础[164-165]。基于现代过程重建的大兴安岭、西辽河流域、长江中下游等地区全新世植被—气候—火—人类活动历史,阐述了几千年的气候变化和人类活动对景观的影响[166-169]。将花粉技术应用于现代环境与健康研究,在北京市不同环路上设置花粉监测站进行长期监测,结合气象观测和植物物候等数据,通过观测模型和过程模型相结合,探明了北京城区和郊区的气传致敏花粉的来源和传播路径(③Qin X, Li Y, Sun X, et al. Transport pathway and source area for Artemisia pollen in Beijing, China. International Journal of Biometeorology (in press).)。近年来还与物理系合作开展了土壤—生物—大气碳循环研究[170-171]

2.11 海洋地球化学过程与环境演变

21世纪初10年末期开始,第四纪研究开始向海洋扩展,多次参加了南海和印度洋的综合考察航次,开展了具有特色的全水柱海水多种同位素的研究,已完成南海大部分海域、西太平洋和东北印度洋部分海域海水的放射性碳、氢氧稳定同位素测量。海水溶解无机碳中放射性碳测量前的样品制备是一项关键性的工作,为此发展出顶部空间气体提取海水样品中二氧化碳的新方法,制样效率和测量精度显著提高,此方法在海洋碳循环和海洋环流研究中有广泛应用前景[172]。系统测量南海深层海水放射性碳同位素不仅为全面深化对吕宋海峡的垂直混合和南海深层环流过程的认识提供了新的视角,而且对利用核爆放射性碳信号进行南海海气交换研究提供了新的工具。继发现南海核爆放射性碳向下渗透深度达约500~650 m之后,结合南海上空大气中的放射性碳测量,发现南海已经成为核爆放射性碳的源[172]。通过对中国七条科考船进行系统的放射性碳污染调查,发现大部分海水取样及实验室区域受到放射性碳标记物污染水平都很低,对今后利用中国的船舶进行海水碳同位素取样工作具有重要参考价值(④ Gao P, Qian N, Zhou L P, et al. Monitoring 14C contamination in Chinese research vessels using swipe test method. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B. (to be submitted))。
利用基于波长扫描光腔衰荡光谱技术同位素分析仪,对2013-2016年在南海、西太平洋与吕宋海峡等海域多个航次采集的海水进行了氢氧稳定同位素(δD和δ18O)测量,结合海水温度、盐度、位势密度等水文参数与海水高度异常与南海表层流场数据,获得了南海和西太平洋不同水团的δD和δ18O值的平面与剖面分布特征。不仅成功应用同位素方法刻画了南海水团的来源,勾画了不同季节不同深度黑潮入侵南海的范围,而且揭示了地形和上涌等物理限制和海洋过程引起的局部海流活动现象,还首次用同位素分析方法证实了吕宋海峡附近水体的“三明治”垂向结构,揭示了吕宋海峡不同季节中层水输送的详细分层信息(⑤ Zhang J C, Zhou L P, Hodell D, et al. Oxygen and hydrogen isotopes of seawater in the South China Sea. Deep Sea Research. (to be submitted))。

2.12 环境考古与古代人地关系

20世纪80年代末期以来,地貌第四纪学科同考古学研究结合,开展环境考古学研究,在探索和揭示古代自然环境及其演变同史前及历史时期人类社会演化关系方面取得系列成果。在许多重要考古遗址发掘报告中撰写相关环境考古内容外,还发表了系列研究论文。如关于不同地区晚更新世以来气候变化、地貌与水文、动植物等自然环境特征及其演变同古代人类历史演化的关系[182-186, 166-169],古代洪水、地震等自然灾害对当地人类社会发展影响的研究等[187-188]。不仅对古代人类文化发达地区进行了大量研究,也涉及了如新疆罗布泊这样的人迹罕至地区[189]。在大量研究基础上对中国主要区域文化类型形成与演化的环境背景进行了全面分析[190]。围绕古代人类社会发展的系列重大问题,对中国南北方多个旧石器考古遗址和古人类地点的沉积物进行了测年,为解决东亚地区石器技术演化序列与年代、农业起源和区域地貌演化等重要学术问题提供关键的年代学数据[191-194]。对许昌灵井遗址沉积物多种方法的释光测年比较研究,确定‘许昌人’头盖骨所处地层年龄为10.5~12.5万年,为揭示华北地区晚更新世早期人类形态演化模式做出了重要贡 献[195]。研究了旧石器时期人类狩猎采集、迁移和栖息地的环境背景[196],揭示了中国农业起源与新旧石器转变过程、古代先民生计模式、聚落分布与兴废历史同自然环境及其变化之间的关系[197-202],发现早在5000多年前西辽河流域就有荞麦种植,距今2600-2900年的气候干旱事件对中国畜牧业文化的发生、发展有着重要影响[167]。90年代后期以来,北大****主持了中国重大科技工程项目“夏商周断代工程”和“中华文明探源工程”预研究和一至四期环境考古研究,对中华文明起源与发展的道路、模式等重大问题,从人地关系机制方面给出了初步科学解释[203]。出版了系统介绍环境考古学理论与研究案例的专著[204]。2002年以来,先后主办四届全国环境考古学会议,出版了3部文集,为促进中国环境考古学的发展作出了重要贡献。

3 未来展望

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

参考文献 原文顺序

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正 Ⅰ.引言 南口在北京西北约50公里,正位于燕山山脉与华北平原的接触线上,控守着横切这一山脉、发源于八达岭附近的南口河谷的出口。自古以来,它就是从蒙古高原下降到华北平原以直趋北京的重要孔道之一。燕山山脉在南口附近这一段亦可称为南口山脉 南口山脉成东北——西南走向,横互在怀来盆地平原与华北平原之间,宽度约15公里。它的最高脊顶拔海高度超过1,000公尺,向两方平原的边坡都很陡峭,所以地形异常险阻。
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正 Ⅰ.引言 南口在北京西北约50公里,正位于燕山山脉与华北平原的接触线上,控守着横切这一山脉、发源于八达岭附近的南口河谷的出口。自古以来,它就是从蒙古高原下降到华北平原以直趋北京的重要孔道之一。燕山山脉在南口附近这一段亦可称为南口山脉 南口山脉成东北——西南走向,横互在怀来盆地平原与华北平原之间,宽度约15公里。它的最高脊顶拔海高度超过1,000公尺,向两方平原的边坡都很陡峭,所以地形异常险阻。
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大同盆地位于山西省东北部, 为桑干河流域的一个大型盆地。宽约30公里, 长约150公里, 海披平均在1000米左右, 地势自西向东逐渐降低, 盆地底部平坦似平原。
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URL [本文引用: 4]摘要
大同盆地位于山西省东北部, 为桑干河流域的一个大型盆地。宽约30公里, 长约150公里, 海披平均在1000米左右, 地势自西向东逐渐降低, 盆地底部平坦似平原。
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[13]Li Youli, Yang Jingchun, Duan Fengjun, et al.Impact of tectonics on alluvial landforms in the Hexi Corridor, Northwest China.
Geomorphology, 1998, 28(3/4): 299-308.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0169-555X(98)00114-7URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
The Hexi Corridor is a Cenozoic foreland basin system on the northeast margin of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. The structure is characterised by reverse faults trending NNW or WNW. Rivers have been affected by sinistral offset by WNW trending faults and dextral offset by NNW trending faults. The Cenozoic sinistral offset reaches 24 km on the north front fault (trending WNW) of the Qilian Mountains. On the northeast front fault (trending NNW) of the Yumu Mountains, a bluff of the Hei River terrace has been dextrally offset by 12 m with a rate of 1.2 m/ka. The vertical movement of the faults has caused the deformation of river terraces and controlled the distribution and migration of the alluvial fans. Three terraces of the Hei River have been vertically dislocated 9 m, 4 m, and 2 m, respectively, by a reverse fault with uplift rates of 0.4–1.7 m/ka. Two reverse faults have caused the older alluvial fans to be dissected, and the younger fans to be deposited more towards the centre of the Jiuquan Basin. The dislocation of terraces and the migration of alluvial fans suggests that tectonic activity was more intense around 160 and 40 ka BP.
[14]Li Youli, Si Supei, Lu Shenhua, et al.Tectonic and climatic controls on the development of the Kuitun River terraces in the northern piedmont of Tianshan Mountains.
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Quaternary Sciences, 2015, 35(1): 100-108.
https://doi.org/10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2015.01.09URLMagsci [本文引用: 3]摘要
<p>通过对石屏-建水断裂带西北段断层错断8条河流的几何形态研究, 发现河流水平位错量(<em>&Delta;</em>h)与断层线以上河长(L)、汇水面积(A)及断裂带宽度(W)之间存在正相关的线性关系, 表明研究区内的断层活动在时间和空间上都没有较大的变化。同时通过对这几条河流的纵剖面进行分析, 认为研究区内断层活动的水平分量远远大于垂直分量, 水平运动将河道拉长, 形成&quot;水坝&quot;效应, 使上游河道发生堆积, 下游河道发生侵蚀。</p>
[王怡然, 李有利, 司苏沛, . 石屏-建水断裂水平错断河流的几何特征与断层活动性研究
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https://doi.org/10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2015.01.09URLMagsci [本文引用: 3]摘要
<p>通过对石屏-建水断裂带西北段断层错断8条河流的几何形态研究, 发现河流水平位错量(<em>&Delta;</em>h)与断层线以上河长(L)、汇水面积(A)及断裂带宽度(W)之间存在正相关的线性关系, 表明研究区内的断层活动在时间和空间上都没有较大的变化。同时通过对这几条河流的纵剖面进行分析, 认为研究区内断层活动的水平分量远远大于垂直分量, 水平运动将河道拉长, 形成&quot;水坝&quot;效应, 使上游河道发生堆积, 下游河道发生侵蚀。</p>
[17]Han Mukang, Xia Huaikuang, Zhang Xianze, et al.The coastal terraces, neotectonic movement, and seismic risk in Western Liaoning, China.
Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 1983, 5(6): 743-752.
[本文引用: 3]

[韩慕康, 夏怀宽, 张先泽, . 辽西地区海滨阶地、新构造运动与地震危险程度
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[本文引用: 3]
[18]Wang Nailiang, Cao Jiaxin, Qian Zonglin.The geomorphic structure and evolutionary history of middle Bahe River valley in Lantian region of Shannxi//Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology. Proceedings of On-the-spot Meeting of Cenozoic in Lantian, Shaanxi. Beijing: Science Press, 1966: 75-88. [本文引用: 3]

[王乃樑, 曹家欣, 钱宗麟. 陕西蓝田地区灞河中游地貌结构及其发育历史//中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所. 陕西蓝田新生界现场会议论文集. 北京: 科学出版社, 1966: 75-88.] [本文引用: 3]
[19]Wang Nailiang, Han Mukang, Zhu Zhijie, et al.Cenozoic sedimentary facies and landforms near the valley mouth of the Hutuo River along the eastern piedmont of Mountain Taihangshan.
Quaternaria Sinica, 1985, 6(1): 44-59.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
正 前言研究区在大地构造上处于山西台背斜上的五台隆起与辽冀台向斜内的博野拗陷之间的过渡地区,在地貌上位于太行山地与华北大平原之间的过渡带、滹沱河及其主要(右岸)支流冶河出山口地区,是一片点缀有残山的宽广的山前夷平面与冲洪积扇(图1)。自1961年起,水电部北京勘测设计院及河北省综合开发利用地下水资源研究组等单位即已开始了对本区的研究。1962年北京勘测设计院与地质部水文地质工程地质研究所、北京大学地质地理系部分师生协作,研究本区地貌第四纪,并进行了1:25000的填图。为了进行地貌与地层对比,还调查了河南汤阴、河北邯郸一带的太行山麓与冶河河谷。这项工作自始至终受到北京勘测设计院领导的关怀与支持,并且是在黄壁庄地质组的大量研究成果基础上进行的,谨在此表示衷心感谢。
[王乃樑, 韩慕康, 朱之杰, . 太行山东麓滹沱河出山处新生代沉积相与地貌结构
. 中国第四纪研究, 1985, 6(1): 44-59.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
正 前言研究区在大地构造上处于山西台背斜上的五台隆起与辽冀台向斜内的博野拗陷之间的过渡地区,在地貌上位于太行山地与华北大平原之间的过渡带、滹沱河及其主要(右岸)支流冶河出山口地区,是一片点缀有残山的宽广的山前夷平面与冲洪积扇(图1)。自1961年起,水电部北京勘测设计院及河北省综合开发利用地下水资源研究组等单位即已开始了对本区的研究。1962年北京勘测设计院与地质部水文地质工程地质研究所、北京大学地质地理系部分师生协作,研究本区地貌第四纪,并进行了1:25000的填图。为了进行地貌与地层对比,还调查了河南汤阴、河北邯郸一带的太行山麓与冶河河谷。这项工作自始至终受到北京勘测设计院领导的关怀与支持,并且是在黄壁庄地质组的大量研究成果基础上进行的,谨在此表示衷心感谢。
[20]Shi X, Li Y, Yang J.Response of Manasi River fluvial landforms to tectonic movement, at the north flank of the Tianshan Mountains, China.
Geoscience Journal, 2010, 14(3): 301-312.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s12303-010-0027-zURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Manas River is the largest river at the north foot of Tianshan Mountain, and it is obvious that the landforms at the north flank of Tianshan Mountains respond to the tectonic movement. A hypothesis has been put forward that geomorphology of the north flank of the Tianshan Mountain Range is the result of active tectonic processes. Based on the filed survey and analysis, the hypothesis has been proved by the results of the research. By investigating into the evolutions of Manas River valley fold hills, alluvial fans and terraces, it is indicated that Tianshan Mountain piedmont has been constantly uplifted along with main body of Tianshan Mountain since Quaternary, and continues to be thrust from south to north, which makes the piedmont range constantly extend to the basin direction. The deformed main body also moves from south to north. Meanwhile, the alternant Pleistocene ice age and interglacial age climate also has significant impact on the current landform patterns of north piedmont of Tianshan Mountain.
[21]Miao Deyu, Li Youli, Lv Shenghua, et al.Neotectonic activity in Xiaxian Segment of the North Zhongtiao Mountain fault zone, Shanxi.
Geographic Research, 2014, 33(4): 665-673.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201404007URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
通过分析夏县段中条山北麓山麓剥蚀面上的黄土地层,认为山麓剥蚀面形成于2.4 Ma以前。与邻近盆地内钻孔的研究成果对比,得到中条山北麓断裂第四纪以来的垂直活动幅度约700 m,抬升速率为0.29 mm/a。GPS测量得到断层将末次冰期极盛期形成的冲沟阶地垂直错断7 m,垂直活动速率为0.28~0.5 mm/a。探槽揭示,距今2万年以来断层有四次活动——距今8000年之前、距今4100年前后、距今3100年和距今720年以后。断距分别为大于2m、0.6m、1.55 m和0.25 m。断层活动速率为0.22~0.55 m/a。
[苗德雨, 李有利, 吕胜华, . 山西中条山北麓断裂夏县段新构造运动
. 地理研究, 2014, 33(4): 665-673.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201404007URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
通过分析夏县段中条山北麓山麓剥蚀面上的黄土地层,认为山麓剥蚀面形成于2.4 Ma以前。与邻近盆地内钻孔的研究成果对比,得到中条山北麓断裂第四纪以来的垂直活动幅度约700 m,抬升速率为0.29 mm/a。GPS测量得到断层将末次冰期极盛期形成的冲沟阶地垂直错断7 m,垂直活动速率为0.28~0.5 mm/a。探槽揭示,距今2万年以来断层有四次活动——距今8000年之前、距今4100年前后、距今3100年和距今720年以后。断距分别为大于2m、0.6m、1.55 m和0.25 m。断层活动速率为0.22~0.55 m/a。
[22]Cui Z, Gao Q, Liu G, et al.Planation surfaces, palaeokarst and uplift of Xizang (Tibet) Plateau.
Science China Earth Sciences, 1996, 39(4): 391-401.
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[23]Cui Z, Wu Y, Liu G.Discovery and character of the Kunlun-Yellow River Movement.
Chinese Science Bulletin, 1998, 43(10): 834-837.
https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03182748URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Based on geomorphological, tectonic and sedimentary data, a Kunlun Yellow River Tectonic Movement has been recog-nized in 1.10–0.60 Ma B. P. This tectonic movement, which leads to uplift of the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau from 1 500 to 3 000–3 500 m. is periodic, abrupt and changeable in the movement rate of uplifting and slide slipping.
[24]Yang Jingchun.Relationship between morphotectonic evolution and Quaternary tectonic stress state in north and northeastern China.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 1983, 38(3): 218-228.
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[杨景春. 中国北部和东北部构造地貌发育和第四纪构造应力状态的关系
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[王乃樑. 构造地貌//中国科学院《中国自然地理》编辑委员会. 中国自然地理·地貌. 北京: 科学出版社, 1980: 11-61.] [本文引用: 3]
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[杨景春. 构造地貌. //尤联元, 杨景春主编. 中国地貌. 北京: 科学出版社, 2013: 20-92.] [本文引用: 2]
[27]Han Mukang, Chai Tianjun, Li Zhaoxian.Morphotectonic features of the Tonghai earthquake region, Yunnan Province.
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URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[杨景春, 邓天岗, 王元海, . 岷江上游地区第四纪构造应力状态及其与地震的关系
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URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[29]Yang Jingchun, Lin Weifan, Jiang Ming, et al.Recent tectonic movement of the Babaoshan fault near Beijing and its relation to earthquake occurrence.
Acta Seismologica Sinica, 1981, 3(4): 390-398.
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[杨景春, 林伟凡, 蒋铭, . 北京八宝山断裂近期构造活动及其和地震的关系
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[30]Han Mukang, Zhao Jingzhen.Seismotectonic characteristic of Tangyin Graben, Henan Province, and its earthquake risk.
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URLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
[韩慕康, 赵景珍. 河南汤阴地堑的地震地质特征与地震危险性
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URLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
[31]Han Mukang, Chai Tianjun, Dong Xingquan, et al.The seismological features in the Yongsheng earthquakes region, western Yunnan.
Journal of Seismological Research, 1981, 4(1): 37-45.
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[韩慕康, 柴天俊, 董兴权, . 滇西永胜地区地震地质特征
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[32]Liu Guohai, Han Mukang, Fu Mingzuo, et al.Geomorphology, neotectonic movements and safety degree of the city on the Dalian Peninsula, Northeast China.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 1993, 48(3): 227-234.
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[刘国海, 韩慕康, 傅命佐, . 大连半岛地貌、新构造运动与市区安全性
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[33]Lv S, Li Y, Wang Y, et al.The Holocene paleoseismic activity of the North Zhongtiaoshan Faults in Shanxi Province, China.
Tectonophysics, 2014, 623: 67-82.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2014.03.019URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
61We identify four paleoseismic events from five trenches in different segments.61The latest paleoearthquakes within 1000yr indicate that the NZF is very active.61The recurrence interval of events is 3370yr in the Holocene.61The paleoseismicity went stronger from the northeast to southwest along the NZF.
[34]Xiong J. Li Y, Zhong Y, et al.Paleomagnetism of the Jianshui basin in Yunnan, SW China, and geomorphological evolution of the Yunnan Plateau since the Neogene.
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2016, 123: 67-77.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2016.04.005URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
There are still a lot of uncertainty on the process of the Tibetan Plateau uplift and the response of the Yunnan Plateau in the Cenozoic. In order to have a further understanding on the Yunnan Plateau uplift process, we combine the studies on the sedimentary history of the Jianshui basin and other basins and faults in the Yunnan Plateau. We established magnetostratigraphy for the Wanyao (WY) and Qingyunshuiku (QS) fluviolacustrine sections in the northern and middle parts of the Jianshui basin, which indicates eight reverse magnetozones (R1–R8) and seven normal magnetozones (N1–N7), correlating to Chrons C1r.3r through C3n.2r. The strata are constrained to a span from 654.77 to 651.73Ma, representing an early Pliocene to early Pleistocene age. The accumulation rate of the WY section has accelerated trend, stopping deposit earlier than the QS section. The stratigraphic characteristics of the two sections and their nearby regions indicate the Shiping–Jianshui (SJ) and Xiaojiang faults have already existed and affected the accumulation of the basin at least since the early Pliocene. According to the history of faults activities and the sedimentary strata of basins, we established the geomorphological evolution process of the Yunnan Plateau since the Neogene.
[35]Han Mukang, Zhu Shilong, Zhao Jingzhen, et al.Geomorphic expression of tectonic stress field in the southern section of the eastern piedmont fault zone of Taihangshan Mountain.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 1983, 38(4): 348-359.
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[36]Zhao Hongzhuang, Li Youli, Yang Jingchun, et al.Geomorphology characteristic and tectonic response of the northern Tianshan represented by hypsometric integral.
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https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1008-2786.2009.03.005URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
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[41]Cui Zhijiu.On the problem of Pleistocene ice-cover patterns in west China.
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[42]Cui Zhijiu.Essential feature of the development of glacial landforms on Qinghai-Xizang Plateau.
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[崔之久. 青藏高原(及其邻近山地)冰川侵蚀地貌发育的基本特征与影响因素
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[43]Cui Zhijiu, Yang Chienfu, Liu Gengnian, et al.The Quaternary glaciation of Shesan Mountain in Taiwan and glacial classification in monsoon areas.
Quaternary International, 2002, 97(8): 147-153.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S1040-6182(02)00060-5URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Cirques, glacial polished bedrock and moraines provide evidence for three stages of the last glaciation in Shesan Mountain in Taiwan. These are the Shangzhuang (44.25±3.72 ka), the Shuiyuan (18.62±1.52 ka), and the Xueshan (10.68±0.84 ka) glaciations. The glaciation became progressively less extensive with time. The monsoon development during the last glacial, especially marine isotope stages 2 and 4, is discussed in relation to glaciation in Taiwan.
[44]Liu Gengnian, Li Yingkui, Chen Yixin, et al.Glacial landform chronology and environment reconstruction of Perku Gangri, Himalayas.
Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology, 2011, 33(5): 959-970.
<FONT face=Verdana> 喜马拉雅山珠穆朗玛峰-希夏邦马峰地区是青藏高原南部现代冰川集中发育区之一,古冰川遗迹亦十分丰富,是研究第四纪青藏高原冰川形成和演化的关键区,一直备受地貌和第四纪环境研究者的关注. 应用原地宇宙核素10Be暴露年龄测试技术,对采自希夏邦马峰西北佩枯岗日拉曲谷地冰碛垄上的冰川漂砾进行年代学研究;结合冰川地貌分析方法,对古冰川平衡线(ELA)高度和气候特征进行探讨. 结果表明:末次冰期时,拉曲谷地冰川扩张,发育了山麓冰川,拉曲I冰川面积99.9km2,平衡线海拔5620m; 拉曲II冰川面积97.6km2,平衡线海拔5600m; 与现代平衡线高度相比,拉曲I和拉曲II的平衡线分别下降380m、400m. 拉曲在末次冰期存在多次冰进,拉曲I的10Be暴露年龄在42.1~22.3ka;拉曲II的10Be暴露年龄在18.6~14.8ka. 根据地貌法恢复末次冰期拉曲I平衡线高度的温度为-10.7℃,拉曲II为-10.6℃, 降水量分别为251~461mm和261~480mm,显示出当时雪线高度的温度状况和现代冰川雪线高度的温度状况接近,但是降水比现在少得多,冰川气候类型为亚大陆型,印度季风减弱带来的水气变少.</FONT>
[刘耕年, Li Yingkui, 陈艺鑫, 等. 喜马拉雅山佩枯岗日冰川地貌的年代学, 平衡线高度和气候研究
. 冰川冻土, 2011, 33(5): 959-970.]
<FONT face=Verdana> 喜马拉雅山珠穆朗玛峰-希夏邦马峰地区是青藏高原南部现代冰川集中发育区之一,古冰川遗迹亦十分丰富,是研究第四纪青藏高原冰川形成和演化的关键区,一直备受地貌和第四纪环境研究者的关注. 应用原地宇宙核素10Be暴露年龄测试技术,对采自希夏邦马峰西北佩枯岗日拉曲谷地冰碛垄上的冰川漂砾进行年代学研究;结合冰川地貌分析方法,对古冰川平衡线(ELA)高度和气候特征进行探讨. 结果表明:末次冰期时,拉曲谷地冰川扩张,发育了山麓冰川,拉曲I冰川面积99.9km2,平衡线海拔5620m; 拉曲II冰川面积97.6km2,平衡线海拔5600m; 与现代平衡线高度相比,拉曲I和拉曲II的平衡线分别下降380m、400m. 拉曲在末次冰期存在多次冰进,拉曲I的10Be暴露年龄在42.1~22.3ka;拉曲II的10Be暴露年龄在18.6~14.8ka. 根据地貌法恢复末次冰期拉曲I平衡线高度的温度为-10.7℃,拉曲II为-10.6℃, 降水量分别为251~461mm和261~480mm,显示出当时雪线高度的温度状况和现代冰川雪线高度的温度状况接近,但是降水比现在少得多,冰川气候类型为亚大陆型,印度季风减弱带来的水气变少.</FONT>
[45]Chen Y, Li Y, Wang Y, et al.Late Quaternary glacial history of the Karlik Range, easternmost Tian Shan, derived from 10Be surface exposure and optically stimulated luminescence datings.
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2015, 115: 17-27.
The Karlik Range, located in the easternmost part of the Tian Shan, is a key area in reconstructing paleoclimate in Central Asia, but few studies have been conducted to constrain the timing and extent of Quaternary glaciations in its highlands. We investigated the late Quaternary glacial history in the Turgan Valley on the northern slopes of the Karlik Range using cosmogenic 10 Be surface exposure and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating techniques. Four major glacial events were dated to 0.79±0.5902ka (Little Ice Age, LIA), 15.8±1.602ka (Lateglacial), 37.4±4.0–44.2±4.302ka (Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage (MIS) 3), and 60.2±3.3–79.3±5.202ka (MIS 4 or older) with a pattern of continuously restricted glaciations after MIS 4. This glacial chronology is consistent with the studies from other parts of the Tian Shan. The overall pattern of glaciations across the Tian Shan suggests that change in precipitation brought by the westerlies was the primary factor influencing the timing and extent of glacial advances during the Last Glaciation. However, lower temperature of the Karlik Range affected by the Siberian High may counteract the effect of lower precipitation to drive a relatively extensive glacial advance in the easternmost Tian Shan.
[46]Yang Jianqiang, Cui Zhijiu, Yi Chaolu, et al.Glacial lacustrine sediment's response to climate change since Holocene in Diancang Mountain.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2004, 59(4): 525-233.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2004.04.005URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
根据对点苍山冰川湖泊沉积的粒度、磁化率、元素地球化学以及孢粉等环境指标的综合分析,结合 冰川地貌特征,以点、面两方面资料结合的方式综合分析,试图建立该地全新世以来的气候变化系列,共划分为6个气候阶段,以冷湿与暖干的组合为其特征.与其 他西南季风区的环境变迁对比表明,点苍山受西南季风影响加强的时间晚于阿拉伯海而早于青藏高原,可以认为是联系以上两者的纽带.当西南季风在青藏高原逐步 强盛以后,因地形作用致使本区湿度有所降低
[杨建强, 崔之久, 易朝露, . 云南点苍山全新世以来的冰川湖泊沉积
. 地理学报, 2004, 59(4), 525-233.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2004.04.005URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
根据对点苍山冰川湖泊沉积的粒度、磁化率、元素地球化学以及孢粉等环境指标的综合分析,结合 冰川地貌特征,以点、面两方面资料结合的方式综合分析,试图建立该地全新世以来的气候变化系列,共划分为6个气候阶段,以冷湿与暖干的组合为其特征.与其 他西南季风区的环境变迁对比表明,点苍山受西南季风影响加强的时间晚于阿拉伯海而早于青藏高原,可以认为是联系以上两者的纽带.当西南季风在青藏高原逐步 强盛以后,因地形作用致使本区湿度有所降低
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[52]Zhao L, Jin H, Li C, et al.The extent of permafrost in China during the Local Last Glacial Maximum (LLGM).
Boreas, 2014, 43(3): 688-698.
https://doi.org/10.1111/bor.12049URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Recent investigations into relict periglacial phenomena in northern and western China and on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau provide information for delineating the extent of permafrost in China during the Late Pleistocene. Polygonal and wedge-shaped structures indicate that, during the local Last Glacial Maximum (LLGM, between 6535 and 10.565ka BP), the southern limit of latitudinal permafrost in northern China advanced southward at least to 6538–40°N in the east and to 6537–39°N in the west. This represents an advance of about 5–10° of latitude beyond present-day permafrost limits. The lower limits of elevationally controlled permafrost on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau and its peripheries were about 100065m lower: this permafrost was largely continuous during the LLGM. This suggests a cooling of between 4 and 10°C, or more. This paper discusses the extent of permafrost during the LLGM and presents maps that have been constructed on the basis of extensive and integrative analysis of all reliable and pertinent data. The results indicate that the extent of LLGM permafrost in China was between 653.8 and 4.3×10665km2. This is 80 to 100% more than that of 652.15×10665km2 in the 1970s, and 120 to 65150% more than that of 651.75×10665km2 today.
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Quaternary Sciences, 2015, 35(1): 1-11.
https://doi.org/10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2015.01.01URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>位于中低纬的青藏高原多年冻土是第四纪高原隆升和冰期气候叠加的产物, 与高纬多年冻土相比, 具有厚度薄和不稳定的特点, 对全球变化反应敏感。因此, 评价冰期-间冰期多年冻土扩张-收缩过程和其范围重建, 是研究高原环境变化的重要工作。本文依据青藏高原及周边地区温度数据和《中国冰川冻土沙漠图》, 对青藏高原现代大片多年冻土、岛状多年冻土和高山多年冻土分布进行恢复。依据来自冰川、冰缘和湖泊等证据, 采用末次盛冰期气温较现代低7℃, 全新世大暖期气温较现代高4℃, 进行末次盛冰期和全新世大暖期多年冻土分布重建。重建结果表明: 末次盛冰期多年冻土扩张明显, 面积约为现代冻土面积的195%; 末次盛冰期大片多年冻土几乎覆盖整个高原, 岛状多年冻土向东扩张明显, 向西范围逐渐收缩变窄, 高山多年冻土在喜马拉雅山、祁连山和横断山脉等地区扩张明显。全新世大暖期多年冻土明显收缩, 面积是现代多年冻土的73%; 大片多年冻土收缩幅度较小, 岛状多年冻土在高原东南部收缩明显, 高山多年冻土在喜马拉雅山脉、祁连山脉、横断山脉等高海拔山地发育。</p>
[焦世晖, 王凌越, 孙才奇, . 青藏高原末次盛冰期和全新世大暖期多年冻土边界变化的探讨
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https://doi.org/10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2015.01.01URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>位于中低纬的青藏高原多年冻土是第四纪高原隆升和冰期气候叠加的产物, 与高纬多年冻土相比, 具有厚度薄和不稳定的特点, 对全球变化反应敏感。因此, 评价冰期-间冰期多年冻土扩张-收缩过程和其范围重建, 是研究高原环境变化的重要工作。本文依据青藏高原及周边地区温度数据和《中国冰川冻土沙漠图》, 对青藏高原现代大片多年冻土、岛状多年冻土和高山多年冻土分布进行恢复。依据来自冰川、冰缘和湖泊等证据, 采用末次盛冰期气温较现代低7℃, 全新世大暖期气温较现代高4℃, 进行末次盛冰期和全新世大暖期多年冻土分布重建。重建结果表明: 末次盛冰期多年冻土扩张明显, 面积约为现代冻土面积的195%; 末次盛冰期大片多年冻土几乎覆盖整个高原, 岛状多年冻土向东扩张明显, 向西范围逐渐收缩变窄, 高山多年冻土在喜马拉雅山、祁连山和横断山脉等地区扩张明显。全新世大暖期多年冻土明显收缩, 面积是现代多年冻土的73%; 大片多年冻土收缩幅度较小, 岛状多年冻土在高原东南部收缩明显, 高山多年冻土在喜马拉雅山脉、祁连山脉、横断山脉等高海拔山地发育。</p>
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灰岩溶蚀速率快而难溶物含量很低的特点显示岩溶区厚层连续风化壳的形成需要消耗巨厚的碳酸盐岩地层 ,有利于地貌向准平原化方向发展 .由于岩溶作用对地下水动力条件的敏感性 ,在地下水以垂直作用方式为主的地区会出现“土壤丢失”现象 ,导致溶蚀残余物质或地表原有的风化壳转入近地表岩溶裂隙(为石漠化提供了有利条件 ) ,从根本上制约了地表残余物质的长时间积累和连续风化壳的持续发展。所以 ,厚层连续的风化壳只能发育于地下水以水平作用方式为主的水文地质条件下 ,而这种条件从大的时间、空间尺度上只能出现在地貌发育晚期已经接近侵蚀基准的夷平面上 ,因此 ,厚层连续的岩溶风化壳具有明确的旋回意义。
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https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-4810.2001.03.003URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
灰岩溶蚀速率快而难溶物含量很低的特点显示岩溶区厚层连续风化壳的形成需要消耗巨厚的碳酸盐岩地层 ,有利于地貌向准平原化方向发展 .由于岩溶作用对地下水动力条件的敏感性 ,在地下水以垂直作用方式为主的地区会出现“土壤丢失”现象 ,导致溶蚀残余物质或地表原有的风化壳转入近地表岩溶裂隙(为石漠化提供了有利条件 ) ,从根本上制约了地表残余物质的长时间积累和连续风化壳的持续发展。所以 ,厚层连续的风化壳只能发育于地下水以水平作用方式为主的水文地质条件下 ,而这种条件从大的时间、空间尺度上只能出现在地貌发育晚期已经接近侵蚀基准的夷平面上 ,因此 ,厚层连续的岩溶风化壳具有明确的旋回意义。
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1 Fundamental Equations of Two-fluid Model The complicated debris flow is simplified as two-fluid model of solid and liquid two-phase flow,of which the liquid phase is slurry with the fine particle and the solid phase is the coarse particle separated from slurry.The movement of each phase may be described by using a group of equations.The interaction of the two phases is cou-
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从地貌灾害的定义入手 ,阐述了地貌灾害预测预报需要解决的四个基本问题、解决这四个问题的二种途径 ,以及进行预测预报的四种方法。以泥石流为例 ,论述了泥石流预测预报的现状及其热点、难点和可能的突破点 ,以及目前和今后一段时期的切入点和研究重点。综述了国内外对泥石流小尺度空间预测 ,规模预测 ,时间预测 ,包括重现期预测、降雨预测和危险度预测的一系列有实用价值的经验公式及其在应用中存在的问题。阐明了灾害评价和预测预报在灾害学研究中的重要地位。
[刘希林, 莫多闻. 地貌灾害预测预报的基本问题: 以泥石流预测预报为例
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从地貌灾害的定义入手 ,阐述了地貌灾害预测预报需要解决的四个基本问题、解决这四个问题的二种途径 ,以及进行预测预报的四种方法。以泥石流为例 ,论述了泥石流预测预报的现状及其热点、难点和可能的突破点 ,以及目前和今后一段时期的切入点和研究重点。综述了国内外对泥石流小尺度空间预测 ,规模预测 ,时间预测 ,包括重现期预测、降雨预测和危险度预测的一系列有实用价值的经验公式及其在应用中存在的问题。阐明了灾害评价和预测预报在灾害学研究中的重要地位。
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Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2015, 33(2): 275-284.
https://doi.org/10.14027/j.cnki.cjxb.2015.02.007URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
西藏芒康县金沙江上游雪隆囊河谷史前时期(全新世晚期)发生了一次明显的堰塞事件,形成了一个湖水体积约3.1&times;10<sup>8</sup> m<sup>3</sup>的大型堰塞湖。该堰塞湖形成后期发生溃决并引发异常大洪水,这一溃决事件发生在大约1 117 A.D.。地震诱发山体滑坡可能是金沙江发生堰塞的直接原因。在雪隆囊古堰塞坝体的下游一侧到其下游3.5 km的范围内,发现大量由砾石、砂和少量黏土组成的混杂堆积体,判定其为滑坡堰塞湖的溃坝堆积,是滑坡坝体及上游河床物质在坝体溃决后快速堆积形成。整套溃坝堆积体具有支撑&mdash;叠置构造、叠瓦构造和杂基构造等沉积特征,还具有一种特殊的沉积构造:即在垂向剖面上发育粗砾石层与细砂砾层的韵律互层,但剖面中缺少砾或砂的透镜体。这种沉积构造(&quot;互层构造&quot;)是溃坝堆积相区别于冲&mdash;洪积相、泥石流相等的一种重要判别标志。采用水力学模型反演确定雪隆囊古滑坡堰塞湖溃决洪水的平均流速为7.48 m/s,最大洪峰流量为10 786 m<sup>3</sup>/s。雪隆囊溃坝堆积体沉积特征及其环境的研究,不但有助于揭示古洪水事件发生的过程和机制,同时对于认识金沙江上游地区的环境演变也具有重要意义。
[陈剑, 崔之久. 金沙江上游雪隆囊古滑坡堰塞湖溃坝堆积体的发现及其环境与灾害意义
. 沉积学报, 2015, 33(2): 275-284.]
https://doi.org/10.14027/j.cnki.cjxb.2015.02.007URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
西藏芒康县金沙江上游雪隆囊河谷史前时期(全新世晚期)发生了一次明显的堰塞事件,形成了一个湖水体积约3.1&times;10<sup>8</sup> m<sup>3</sup>的大型堰塞湖。该堰塞湖形成后期发生溃决并引发异常大洪水,这一溃决事件发生在大约1 117 A.D.。地震诱发山体滑坡可能是金沙江发生堰塞的直接原因。在雪隆囊古堰塞坝体的下游一侧到其下游3.5 km的范围内,发现大量由砾石、砂和少量黏土组成的混杂堆积体,判定其为滑坡堰塞湖的溃坝堆积,是滑坡坝体及上游河床物质在坝体溃决后快速堆积形成。整套溃坝堆积体具有支撑&mdash;叠置构造、叠瓦构造和杂基构造等沉积特征,还具有一种特殊的沉积构造:即在垂向剖面上发育粗砾石层与细砂砾层的韵律互层,但剖面中缺少砾或砂的透镜体。这种沉积构造(&quot;互层构造&quot;)是溃坝堆积相区别于冲&mdash;洪积相、泥石流相等的一种重要判别标志。采用水力学模型反演确定雪隆囊古滑坡堰塞湖溃决洪水的平均流速为7.48 m/s,最大洪峰流量为10 786 m<sup>3</sup>/s。雪隆囊溃坝堆积体沉积特征及其环境的研究,不但有助于揭示古洪水事件发生的过程和机制,同时对于认识金沙江上游地区的环境演变也具有重要意义。
[79]Cui Zhijiu, Xiong Heigang, Liu Gengnian.Observation on periglacial mass movement in the head area of Urumqi River and Laerdong Pass, Tianshan Mountains.
Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology, 1993, 15(2): 199-206.
URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[崔之久, 熊黑钢, 刘耕年. 天山乌鲁木齐河源区及拉尔敦达坂冰缘块体运动观测研究
. 冰川冻土, 1993, 15(2): 199-206.
URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[80]Nan Ling, Cui Zhijiu.The depositional characteristics and generative environment of paleo-rock avalanche in Wudu County, Gansu Province. Acta sedimentologica
Sinica. 2001, 19(3): 351-356.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-0550.2001.03.006URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
在甘肃武都县城北第四纪地层剖面中,马兰黄土之下发育有一套以大量碎屑和部分粘土组成的混杂堆积体。其形成时的原始地貌已不复存在,成因也不明。本文在研究其沉积特征和周围地质、地貌环境的基础上,判定其属于崩滑堆积体,是基岩块体 (夹部分粘土 )高速崩塌滑动、碰撞分解堆积而成。堆积层具有上下不同的发生&ldquo;层序&rdquo;。作者将典型的崩滑堆积体的沉积&ldquo;层序&rdquo;划分为五层:A后期覆盖层或侵蚀面;B崩解&mdash;碰撞带层;C崩解&mdash;滑移带层;D滑移带层;E下伏地层。各发生层有不同的沉积特征,反映出高速运动块体经过内部碰撞分解后,上下层中存在动力过程和沉积过程的分异。作者研究了武都古崩滑体五个剖面中的粘土含量、粒径、砾石组构、沉积结构和构造的特点,并通过堆积物的沉积特征所反映的运动和动力学特性,结合周围地质、地貌环境,判定该混杂堆积体是在Q<sup>1</sup><sub>3</sub> 时期,武都城北部高耸的以变质石灰组成的基岩陡壁在暴雨的&ldquo;触发&rdquo;下,发生解体,形成固体碎屑流块体,由北向南高速运动堆积而成。后期由于粘土和水的加入,使崩滑体运动向泥石流体转化。
[南凌, 崔之久. 甘肃武都古崩滑堆积体的沉积特征及其形成环境
. 沉积学报, 2001, 19(3): 351-356.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-0550.2001.03.006URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
在甘肃武都县城北第四纪地层剖面中,马兰黄土之下发育有一套以大量碎屑和部分粘土组成的混杂堆积体。其形成时的原始地貌已不复存在,成因也不明。本文在研究其沉积特征和周围地质、地貌环境的基础上,判定其属于崩滑堆积体,是基岩块体 (夹部分粘土 )高速崩塌滑动、碰撞分解堆积而成。堆积层具有上下不同的发生&ldquo;层序&rdquo;。作者将典型的崩滑堆积体的沉积&ldquo;层序&rdquo;划分为五层:A后期覆盖层或侵蚀面;B崩解&mdash;碰撞带层;C崩解&mdash;滑移带层;D滑移带层;E下伏地层。各发生层有不同的沉积特征,反映出高速运动块体经过内部碰撞分解后,上下层中存在动力过程和沉积过程的分异。作者研究了武都古崩滑体五个剖面中的粘土含量、粒径、砾石组构、沉积结构和构造的特点,并通过堆积物的沉积特征所反映的运动和动力学特性,结合周围地质、地貌环境,判定该混杂堆积体是在Q<sup>1</sup><sub>3</sub> 时期,武都城北部高耸的以变质石灰组成的基岩陡壁在暴雨的&ldquo;触发&rdquo;下,发生解体,形成固体碎屑流块体,由北向南高速运动堆积而成。后期由于粘土和水的加入,使崩滑体运动向泥石流体转化。
[81]Cui Zhijiu, Xiong Heigang.The sedimentary facies model and characteristics of mountain glacier.
Quaternary Sciences, 1989, 9(3): 254-266.
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[崔之久, 熊黑钢. 山地冰川沉积相模式与特征
. 第四纪研究, 1989, 9(3): 254-266.]
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[82]Yi C, Cui Z.Subglacial deformation: evidence from microfabric studies of particles and voids in till from the upper Urumqi River valley, Tien Shan, China.
Journal of Glaciology, 2001, 47(159): 607-612.
https://doi.org/10.3189/172756501781831710URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Microfabrics formed by flat particles and voids in till samples from the upper Urumqi river valley, Tien Shan, northwestern China, were analyzed using three mutually perpendicular thin sections. Chi-squared tests were used to determine significance levels of the orientations of both particles and voids. The basal tills in an end moraine, on the stoss sides of two roche moutonnees, on the stoss sides of a drumlin with a rock core, and on the lee side of the same drumlin far from the rock core have strong particle and void microfabrics. Field evidence suggests that these tills were deformed in a subglacial setting. Thus, consistent with recent laboratory studies of till fabric development, deformation is believed to be responsible for the strong particle and void microfabrics. in the same end moraine, particle microfabrics in an overlying till were strong, but void microfabrics were weak. This till is believed to have been foamed by dumping and rolling of debris from hill slopes and of ablation moraine from the glacier surface. The weak void microfabric is interpreted to indicate that the till was not consolidated and hence not sheared under the weight of the glacier, despite the strong particle microfabric. Basal tills on the lee sides of the roche moutonnees, and on the lee side of the drumlin but near its core, have weak microfabrics.
[83]Cui Zhijiu, et al.Diamicton and Environment. Shijiazhuang: Hebei Science & Technology Press, 2013. [本文引用: 2]

[崔之久, . 混杂堆积与环境.石家庄:河北科学技术出版社, 2013.] [本文引用: 2]
[84]Wang Nailiang.Comments on Mr. Zhang Bosheng's article "Illustrating the Yellow River channel evolution from Loess Line".
Chinese Science Bulletin, 1956, 1(7): 67-72.
URLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
<p>&lt;正&gt; 黄土的成因与黄河河道发育都是久经中外地质****与地形****探讨而仍悬而未决的问题。解放以来,为了改造黄河、综合利用黄河流域的富源,曾有广大的科学队伍踏遍了黄河流域,深入到黄土高原的各个角落。同样的问题也都不只一次地引起他们的注意与思考。今天把这两个问题重新提到我们研究日程上来,无论对于许多理论问题以及实际问题的解决都具有十分重要的意义。张伯声先生把他多年来在黄河流域黄土最发育的地区的丰富工作经验加以总结,提出了关于这两个问题的新的解释,为今后进一步的研究工作指出一个新的方向,这是值得我们热烈欢迎的。</p>
[王乃樑. 对于张伯声先生“从黄土线说明黄河河道的发育”一文的意见
. 科学通报, 1956, 1(7): 67-72.]
URLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
<p>&lt;正&gt; 黄土的成因与黄河河道发育都是久经中外地质****与地形****探讨而仍悬而未决的问题。解放以来,为了改造黄河、综合利用黄河流域的富源,曾有广大的科学队伍踏遍了黄河流域,深入到黄土高原的各个角落。同样的问题也都不只一次地引起他们的注意与思考。今天把这两个问题重新提到我们研究日程上来,无论对于许多理论问题以及实际问题的解决都具有十分重要的意义。张伯声先生把他多年来在黄河流域黄土最发育的地区的丰富工作经验加以总结,提出了关于这两个问题的新的解释,为今后进一步的研究工作指出一个新的方向,这是值得我们热烈欢迎的。</p>
[85]Yang Jingchun, Tan Lihua, Li Youli, et al.River terraces and tectonic evolution at north margin of the Qilian Mountains.
Quaternary Sciences, 1998, 18(3): 229-237.
URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[杨景春, 谭利华, 李有利, . 祁连山北麓河流阶地与新构造演化
. 第四纪研究, 1998, 18(3): 229-237.]
URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[86]Lv Honghua, Li Youli, Nan Feng, et al.Sequences and ages of fluvial terraces along the northern piedmont of the Tianshan Mountains.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2008, 63(1): 63-74.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2008.01.007URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
天山北麓河流阶地序列及其年代一直是悬而未决的问题。根据详细的野外工作,确定天山北麓发育7级河流阶地,其中T7、T6、T5及T2等主要阶地为河流切割先期冲积扇而形成,与4级阶地对应的4期冲积扇分别为F1、F2、F3与F4。由于天山北麓构造隆升向盆地方向迁移,冲积扇呈串珠状发育,背斜带间发育的冲积扇平面形态则由于南北背斜的限制而变得不规则。基于黄土—古土壤序列对比分析、ESR与OSL测年以及前人研究成果,确定天山北麓河流下切形成T7、T6、T5及T2等阶地的时间分别为约0.54MaBP、0.3 ̄0.2MaBP、28 ̄8kaBP和全新世早期。阶地年代表明,天山北麓3级主要阶地T7、T6、T5及对应冲积扇发育与天山更新世3个冰期间冰期旋回基本对应。
[吕红华, 李有利, 南峰, . 天山北麓河流阶地序列及形成年代
. 地理学报, 2008, 63(1): 63-74.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2008.01.007URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
天山北麓河流阶地序列及其年代一直是悬而未决的问题。根据详细的野外工作,确定天山北麓发育7级河流阶地,其中T7、T6、T5及T2等主要阶地为河流切割先期冲积扇而形成,与4级阶地对应的4期冲积扇分别为F1、F2、F3与F4。由于天山北麓构造隆升向盆地方向迁移,冲积扇呈串珠状发育,背斜带间发育的冲积扇平面形态则由于南北背斜的限制而变得不规则。基于黄土—古土壤序列对比分析、ESR与OSL测年以及前人研究成果,确定天山北麓河流下切形成T7、T6、T5及T2等阶地的时间分别为约0.54MaBP、0.3 ̄0.2MaBP、28 ̄8kaBP和全新世早期。阶地年代表明,天山北麓3级主要阶地T7、T6、T5及对应冲积扇发育与天山更新世3个冰期间冰期旋回基本对应。
[87]Zhang J, Qiu W, Li R, et al.The evolution of a terrace sequence along the Yellow River (Huanghe) in Hequ, Shanxi, China, as inferred from optical dating.
Geomorphology, 2009, 109(1/2): 54-65.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2008.08.024URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Investigations of river terraces are often seriously hindered by difficulties in dating the formation of terraces using conventional and well-established methods such as 14C dating. In this paper, recently developed optical dating techniques were applied to a Yellow River terrace sequence in the Hequ area, Shanxi Province, China. Based on field investigations, four terraces were identified. Systematic sampling for optical dating was carried out on these terrace deposits. The single-aliquot regenerative-dose method was used to determine equivalent dose. By analyzing the degree of bleaching of fluvial samples, maximum and minimum optical ages were obtained for these samples. The minimum optical dates obtained are geomorphologically and stratigraphically consistent with each other, suggesting that the dates are reliable. The formation ages of the four terraces are 3.4 65 10, 20 65 25, 65 30 and 65 9002ka, respectively. On the basis of these optical dates, the geomorphological evolution of the terrace sequence was established, and the factors affecting the terrace development discussed.
[88]Meng Y, Zhang J, Qiu W, et al.Optical dating of the Yellow River terraces in the Mengjin area (China): First results.
Quaternary Geochronology, 2015, 30: 219-225.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quageo.2015.03.006URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The chronology of the Yellow River terrace sequences is crucial for understanding its geomorphological evolution. In this study, five Yellow River terraces (T1 to T5) in the Mengjin area were identified in the field, and seven loess/paleosol samples from three terraces (T2, T4 and T5) were dated using the OSL–SAR protocol on fine–grained (4–11μm) quartz and the multiple–elevated–temperature post–IR IRSL (MET–pIRIR) procedure for coarse–grained (63–90μm) K–feldspar. The results show that the quartz OSL ages were underestimated despite the good performance of the SAR protocol for quartz. The preheat and stimulation temperatures play an important role in estimating D e values when the MET–pIRIR procedure is applied. The pIRIR D e values obtained at higher stimulation temperatures such as 250 and 290°C for our samples are considered relatively reliable, although the higher temperature pIRIR signals saturate at relatively lower dose. We recommend that the preheat and dose recovery tests should be carried out when using the MET–pIRIR procedure. The T2, T4 and T5 terraces were estimated to be 176±19, >400 and >550 ka, respectively, implying that the cut–through time of the Yellow River around the Sanmen Gorges is earlier than 550ka.
[89]Cheng Jicheng, Jiang Meiqiu.Mathematical Model of Watershed Geomorphology. Beijing: Science Press, 1986. [本文引用: 1]

[承继成, 江美球. 流域地貌数学模型.北京:科学出版社, 1986.] [本文引用: 1]
[90]Han Peng, Ni Jinren.Sources of coarse sediment in middle reach of the Yellow River
. Journal of Sediment Research, 1997(3): 48-56.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[韩鹏, 倪晋仁. 黄河中游粗泥沙来源探析
. 泥沙研究, 1997(3): 48-56.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[91]Xu Suning, Yang Jingchun, Li Youli.Fluctuations of discharge rate of Manas River and its response to climatic changes during the recently 50 years. Geography and Geo-information
Science, 2004, 20(6): 65-68.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1672-0504.2004.06.015URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[徐素宁, 杨景春, 李有利. 近50 a来玛纳斯河流量变化及对气候变化的响应
. 地理与地理信息科学, 2004, 20(6): 65-68.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1672-0504.2004.06.015URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[92]Shi Xingmin, Yang Jingchun, Li Youli, et al.The relation between groundwater and landform in the Manasi River Valley. Geography and
Geo-Information Science, 2004, 20(3): 56-60.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1672-0504.2004.03.013URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[史兴民, 杨景春, 李有利, . 玛纳斯河流域地貌与地下水的关系
. 地理与地理信息科学, 2004, 20(3): 56-60.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1672-0504.2004.03.013URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[93]Mao L, Mo D, Yang J, et al.Concentration and pollution assessment of hazardous metal elements in sediments of the Xiangjiang River. China.
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2013, 295(1): 513-521.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10967-012-1800-4URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The concentrations of 21 metals in surface sediments collected from 16 stations in lower reach of Xiangjiang River (Zhuzhou–Xiangtan–Changsha section) were determined by using high-resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy and their pollution levels were assessed by applying enrichment factor (EF), the geo-accumulation index ( I geo ) and pollution index (PI). The results show the total concentrations in μg02g 611 are as follows: 1.80–14.88 for Sc, 16.66–144.29 for V, 13.27–87.99 for Cr, 159.50–2413.74 for Mn, 2.21–23.14 for Co, 4.71–42.45 for Ni, 5.31–188.89 for Cu, 38.41–1250.47 for Zn; 5.1–22.15 for Ga, 91.8–161.57 for Rb, 20.4–62.51 for Sr, 0.2–2.45 for Mo, 0.9–81.79 for Cd, 3.8–30.3 for Sn, 5.9–18.33 for Cs, 208.10–464.74 for Ba, 1.6–22.05 for W, 18.90–198.01 for Pb, 0.3–8.54 for Bi, 2.6–18.27 for Th, 0.6–13.62 for U. The mean concentrations in sediments divided by the UCC value decrease in the order of Cd02>02Bi02>02W02>02Zn02>02Pb02>02Cs02>02Sn02>02Mn02>02Cu02>021.5 times02>02Cr02>02U02=02Ni02>02V02>02Co02>02Rb02>021.0 time02>02Th02>02Ga02>02Sc02>02Mo02>02Ba02>02Sr. The calculated EF and I geo of metals implied the lower reach of Xiangjiang River had widespread been polluted by Cd, Bi, W, Cs, Pb, Zn, Sn, and locally been polluted by Cu and Mn, and not been polluted by other 12 metals. The PI values indicated almost all stations had been polluted by metals in this river.
[94]Xia Zhengkai, Yang Xiaoyan.Preliminary study of the flood events about 4 ka B.P. in north China.
Quaternary Sciences, 2003, 23(6): 667-674.
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[任明达, 张英泉, 桑志达, . 山西代县不对称地堑盆地的基底构造、沉积岩相和水文地质条件
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[101]Zhu Z, Mo D.River features on alluvial fans in Northwest China.
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[102]Lu H, Burbank D W, Li Y.Alluvial sequence in the north piedmont of the Chinese Tian Shan over the past 550 kyr and its relationship to climate change
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2009.11.031URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
A new division of Middle and Late Pleistocene alluvial sequence in the north piedmont of the Chinese Tian Shan based on geomorphologic, stratigraphic, and chronologic criteria provides a framework for examining their relationship to climate change during glacial-interglacial transitions. Over the past 550 kyr at least four major alluviation episodes occurred within the piedmont. Along the major river valleys in this region, each episode of alluvial fan deposition morphologically correlates with a major river terrace. These correlations create a regionally applicable framework for subdivision of the Quaternary alluvial sequence in the study area, where seven stepped river terraces are defined. Our new chronology of this fluvial sequence suggests that, following intervals of aggradation, three highest river terraces and equivalent alluvial fans were abandoned at similar to 530 ka, similar to 300 ka and similar to 10 ka, respectively. Paleosols at the base of the loess sequences that directly overlie the older terraces and fans suggest that episodes of aggradation occurred late in the glacial cycles. The subsequent incision that caused abandonment/stabilization of these terraces and fans occurred near to glacial-interglacial transitions. A relatively high degree of synchrony in major river incision events across the piedmont, despite disruption by several discrete structure zones with asychronous tectonic activities, supports the dominant control exerted by climatic conditions on alluvial deposition and terrace creation during the Quaternary across the north piedmont of the Chinese Tian Shan.
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URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
沉积相是沉积物形成条件的物质表现。各种沉积环境受构造、气候等条件的控制,各自具有特殊的物理、化学和生物过程,从而产生具有各种沉积特征的沉积物。沉积相分析是对地层单元进行环境解释的基础。由于沉积岩都已脱离其形成时的环境条件,因此进行沉积岩相分析的前提是建立沉积特征与环境条件之间的联系。这一任务主要通过现代沉积相的研究来完成。这类研究的意义早在十九世纪就由Walther,J提出,并命名为《比较岩石学》(Comparative lithology ),苏联至今沿用此名,西欧各国大多改称为《比较沉积学》( Comparative sedimentology )。比较沉积学的核心是利用现代沉积环境的比较资料对地层单元的古地理环境作综合解释,它是在地貌学、沉积学和沉积岩石学基础上发展起来的一门边缘科学,它的研究对象及其与相邻学科的关系可用图1表示。
[任明达. 冲积扇比较沉积学: 地下水和油气的富集规律
. 沉积学报, 1983, 1(4): 78-91.]
URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
沉积相是沉积物形成条件的物质表现。各种沉积环境受构造、气候等条件的控制,各自具有特殊的物理、化学和生物过程,从而产生具有各种沉积特征的沉积物。沉积相分析是对地层单元进行环境解释的基础。由于沉积岩都已脱离其形成时的环境条件,因此进行沉积岩相分析的前提是建立沉积特征与环境条件之间的联系。这一任务主要通过现代沉积相的研究来完成。这类研究的意义早在十九世纪就由Walther,J提出,并命名为《比较岩石学》(Comparative lithology ),苏联至今沿用此名,西欧各国大多改称为《比较沉积学》( Comparative sedimentology )。比较沉积学的核心是利用现代沉积环境的比较资料对地层单元的古地理环境作综合解释,它是在地貌学、沉积学和沉积岩石学基础上发展起来的一门边缘科学,它的研究对象及其与相邻学科的关系可用图1表示。
[105]Xia Zhengkai.The study of the change of ancient lake shore in the Datong-Yangyuan Basin.
Geographical Research, 1992, 11(2): 52-59.
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[夏正楷. 大同-阳原盆地古泥河湾湖的岸线变化
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[106]Li Youli, Yang Jingchun.Environmental evolution of Yuncheng Saline Lake (Shanxi, China).
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[李有利, 杨景春. 运城盐湖沉积环境演化
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[108]Han Mukang, Chai Tianjun, Dong Xingquan.The Holocene migration of the Qilu Lake in southern Yunnan and its relations to the neotectonic movements in the Tonghai earthquake area.
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[韩慕康, 柴天俊, 董兴权. 云南南部杞麓湖的全新世变迁及其与通海震区新构造运动的关系
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[109]Lv Jinfu, Cao Jiaxin.Quaternary sediments and environmental evolution of the Longjie Basin, Yunnan Province.
Quaternary Sciences, 1992, 12(3): 216-223.
URLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
[吕金福, 曹家欣. 云南龙街盆地第四纪沉积及环境演化
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URLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
[110]Shi Xingmin, Li Youli, Yang Jingchun.Climatic and tectonic analysis of Manas Lake changes.
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[史兴民, 李有利, 杨景春. 新疆玛纳斯湖变迁的气候和构造分析
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https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-0690.2008.02.024URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[111]Lai Hongzhou, Mo Duowen, Su Cheng.Discussion on the evolutionary trend of Lake Dongting.
Geographical Research, 2004, 23(1): 78-86.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-0585.2004.01.010URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
洞庭湖的演变主要受构造沉降、泥沙淤积和人类活动影响三大因素的控制。目前 ,洞庭湖盆的构造沉降速率虽然较低 (3~ 10mm/a) ,但构造沉降量仍抵消了部分泥沙淤积量 ,在一定程度上抑制了洞庭湖日益萎缩的趋势。由于湖盆中泥沙淤积速率大于构造沉降速率 ,洲滩会继续发育和扩展 ,洞庭湖仍保持淤高的趋势。在“4 35 0工程”完成和三峡建坝后 80年内 ,湖盆泥沙淤积速率将降低到 1 79mm/a ,洞庭湖不断淤高的趋势将得到减缓。
[来红洲, 莫多闻, 苏成. 洞庭湖演变趋势探讨
. 地理研究, 2004, 23(1): 78-86.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-0585.2004.01.010URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
洞庭湖的演变主要受构造沉降、泥沙淤积和人类活动影响三大因素的控制。目前 ,洞庭湖盆的构造沉降速率虽然较低 (3~ 10mm/a) ,但构造沉降量仍抵消了部分泥沙淤积量 ,在一定程度上抑制了洞庭湖日益萎缩的趋势。由于湖盆中泥沙淤积速率大于构造沉降速率 ,洲滩会继续发育和扩展 ,洞庭湖仍保持淤高的趋势。在“4 35 0工程”完成和三峡建坝后 80年内 ,湖盆泥沙淤积速率将降低到 1 79mm/a ,洞庭湖不断淤高的趋势将得到减缓。
[112]Cao Jiaxin, Huang Runhua, Shi Ning, et al.Late Pliocene lacustrine varves and its environmental information and time mark record.
Quaternary Sciences, 1998, 18(4): 351-359.
URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[曹家欣, 黄润华, 石宁, . 上新世湖相纹泥及其环境信息与时间标尺记录
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URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[113]Xia Zhengkai, Han Junqing, Jin Deqiu, et al.The records of δ18O and δ13C for climate changes in Nihewan Basin during the last interglacial.
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 1998, 34(1): 119-124.
URLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
[夏正楷, 韩军青, 金德秋, . 泥河湾盆地末次间冰期气候变化的氧碳同位素记录
. 北京大学学报(自然科学版), 1998, 34(1): 119-124.]
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[114]Liu Feng, Zhou Liping.Occurrence of gypsum in the cored sediments from Daihai Lake.
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[刘峰, 周力平. 岱海湖泊沉积物中的石膏记录
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[115]Lai H, Mo D.The influences of the tectonic subsidence and the siltation on the situation of preventing flood disasters in the Dongting Lake Area.
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https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02837538URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
With the long-term data of the geodetic sea level measurements undertaken in the Dongting Basin and the recent sediment data of Dongting Lake, we analyze the tectonic subsidence rate of the Dongting Basin and the sedimentary rate of Dongting Lake. From the point of view of geomorphology and hydrogeology, we distinguish the two different spatial concepts between "the basin of Dongting Lake" and "the Dongting Basin". Then, we discuss the influences of the tectonic subsidence and the siltation on the levees and the space of storing flood. The better quality of levees is required due to the tectonic subsidence and the siltation, and the difficulties of preventing flood disasters are increasing.The space of storing flood is not affected by the tectonic subsidence, but by the siltation. At present,the sedimentary rate of Dongting Lake is higher than the tectonic subsidence rate of the Dongting Basin. The tectonic subsidence capacity of the Dongting Basin counteracts a part of sedimentary capacity, and the shrinking tendency of Dongting Lake is restrained to a certain extent, but the tectonic subsidence is harmful to the situation of preventing flood disasters in the Dongting Lake area.
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[135]Zhou L, Shackleton N J.Photon-stimulated luminescence of quartz from loess and effects of sensitivity change on paleodose determination.
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2001, 20(5-9): 853-857.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0277-3791(00)00024-XURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
In an attempt to improve the accuracy and precision of optical dating for loess deposits, we have measured photon-stimulated luminescence (PSL) or optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) of fine-grain quartz extracted from loess using blue reen light stimulation. The luminescence signal of quartz is shown to have three components which decay with markedly different rates upon stimulation. The preheat procedures employed during the measurements gave rise to changes in luminescence sensitivity. The sensitivity changes monitored by the 110 C TL peak and OSL responses to a test dose are shown to be dependent on factors such as preheat temperature, number of cycles and radiation doses. The preheat-induced sensitivity changes occur in both single- and multiple-aliquot based methods. We show that with an OSL sensitivity correction in the single-aliquot regeneration method, high-precision palaeodose values with uncertainty smaller than 5% can be obtained for fine-grain quartz from loess.
[136]Qin J, Zhou L.Stepped-irradiation SAR: A viable approach to circumvent OSL equivalent dose underestimation in last glacial loess of northwestern China.
Radiation Measurements, 2009, 44(5): 417-422.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radmeas.2009.06.008URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The equivalent dose ( D e) obtained with the continuous irradiation SAR (CI-SAR) protocol for fine-grained quartz from loess of northwestern China is found to be lower than the expected value for samples older than 70 ka based on the regional stratigraphy. This is attributed to the difference in the response of the quartz to natural radiation and laboratory beta irradiation whose rates vary by 6510 8 times. A stepped irradiation SAR protocol was employed to evaluate the influence of such a ‘dose rate effect’ on the equivalent dose determination. After investigating the effects of thermal treatment and ‘unit-dose’ on OSL signal and D e, we refined the stepped irradiation strategy with a ‘unit-dose’ of 6525 Gy and successive thermal treatments at 250 °C for 10 s, and applied it to the SAR protocol. This stepped irradiation SAR (SI-SAR) protocol led to a 20%–70% increase in D e value for loess deposited during the early last glacial period.
[137]Zhang J, Zhou L, Yue S.Dating fluvial sediments by optically stimulated luminescence: Selection of equivalent doses for age calculation.
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2003, 22(10-13): 1123-1129.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0277-3791(03)00054-4URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Fluvial sediments are not an ideal material for optical dating because of insufficient or/and uneven exposure to daylight prior to burial. The equivalent doses for a sample obtained using the single-aliquot regenerative-dose method usually show a large scatter which may be attributed to many factors. Here we developed a technique to evaluate the contributions from each factor. Using this technique, relatively well-bleached aliquots were identified, and the average of their equivalent doses was taken for age calculation.
[138]Qin J, Zhou L.Effects of thermally transferred signals in the post-IR IRSL SAR protocol.
Radiation Measurements, 2012, 47(9): 710-715.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radmeas.2011.12.011URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The recently developed post-IR IRSL SAR protocol is promising to isolate more stable IRSL signals of feldspars. However, the high temperature thermal treatments used will inevitably induce thermally transferred post-IR IRSL295 (TT-post-IR IRSL295) signal, which would contribute to the measured post-IR IRSL295 signal of the test dose and may lead to inaccurate sensitivity correction. In this study, the effects of TT-post-IR IRSL295 signal in the post-IR IRSL295 SAR protocol are investigated using medium polyminerals from a loess section at Caoxian, northwestern Loess Plateau in China. The sensitivity changes of the IRSL50 and the post-IR IRSL295 signals are different from natural cycle to regenerative cycles, which can be attributed to the interference of the TT-post-IR IRSL295 signal. Such difference is dependent on the test dose and the post-IR IR stimulation time. The TT-post-IR IRSL295 signal is also shown to affect the post-IR IRSL295Do and De values and to cause overestimation of the fading rates. Our study therefore highlights the need of serious consideration on the effects of TT-post-IR IRSL signal when the post-IR IRSL SAR protocol is employed for dating.
[139]Nian X, Bailey R M, Zhou L.Investigations of the post-IR IRSL protocol applied to single K-feldspar grains from fluvial sediment samples.
Radiation Measurements, 2012, 47(9): 703-709.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radmeas.2012.03.024URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The post-IR IRSL protocol with single K-feldspar grains was applied to three samples taken from a fluvial sedimentary sequence at the archaeological site of the Dali Man, Shaanxi Province, China. K-feldspar coarse grains were extracted for measurement. Approximately 30–40% of the grains were sufficiently bright to measure, and after application of rejection criteria based on signal strength, recuperation, recycling ratio and saturation dose, 6510–15% of the grains were used for De calculation. The relationship of signal decay rate and form of De(t) with the recovery dose were investigated. The dose recovery ratios of the samples after initial bleaching with the four different light sources were within uncertainties of unity. No anomalous fading was observed. The over-dispersion of the recovered dose and De values were similar, suggesting neither incomplete resetting of the post-IR IRSL signals nor spatially heterogeneous dose rates significantly affected the natural dose estimates. The values of De obtained with the single K-feldspar grain post-IR IRSL protocol were in the range 65400–490Gy. Combining all of the measured single-grain signals for each of the individual samples (into a ‘synthetic single aliquot’) increased the De estimates to the range 65700–900Gy, suggesting that the grains screened-out by the rejection criteria may have the potential to cause palaeodose over-estimation, although this finding requires a more extensive investigation. Thermally transferred signals were found in the single K-feldspar grains post-IR IRSL protocol, and the proportion of thermally transferred signal to test-dose OSL signal (stimulation at 290°C) from the natural dose was higher than from regenerative doses, and the proportion was grain- and dose-dependent. As such, TT-post-IR IRSL signals at 290°C have the potential to cause dose underestimation, although this may be reduced by using larger test-dose irradiations. Our study demonstrates considerable potential in the post-IR IRSL method in providing chronological control in studies relevant to human evolution in the later-Pleistocene.
[140]Zhou L, Qin J.Luminescence ages for the onset of last glacial dust accumulation across loess regions in China
. Abstract for 13th International Luminescence and ESR Dating Conference, Torun, Poland, 2011.
[本文引用: 1]
[141]Qiu F, Zhou L.A new luminescence chronology for the Mangshan loess-palaeosol sequence on the southern bank of the Yellow River in Henan, central China
. Quaternary Geochronology, 2015(30): 24-33.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quageo.2015.06.014URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
61A new chronology for an unusually thick loess sequence along the Yellow River.61New evidence for an age plateau around 6511402ka for quartz SAR protocol.61Successful test of a higher prior temperature post-IR IRSL procedure in loess.
[142]Zheng C, Zhou L, Qin J.Difference in luminescence sensitivity of coarse-grained quartz from deserts of northern China
. Radiation Measurements, 2009(44): 534-537.
The luminescence sensitivity of coarse quartz extracted from desert sands in northern China was investigated. In general, the western deserts' samples are shown to be less sensitive than samples from the eastern deserts with respect to both OSL and the 11002°C TL peak. However, internal scatter among different aliquots of the same sample is observed for these two signals, which have already been normalized by weight. Laboratory dosing/bleach experiments indicate that earth surface processes, such as repeated burial and transportation can cause the sensitivity change and suggest that they may be responsible for the internal scatter. An intrinsic property of quartz was explored via the luminescence response to thermal activation to a maximum temperature of 70002°C. The thermal activation curves obtained with quartz from western and central deserts are similar, except one sample from Gurbantungut, which follows the pattern of eastern samples. The differences in quartz luminescence sensitivity exhibited by OSL/11002°C TL sensitivity and response to thermal activation are in accordance with the published results of geochemical studies.
[143]Zheng Chenxin, Zhou Liping.Further investigations of quartz luminescence signals as a tool for dust source tracing.
Quaternary Sciences, 2012, 32(5): 1036-1045.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-7410.2012.05.19URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
石英释光灵敏度近年来已经在沉积物源区识别上展现出一定的应用潜力。为进一步认识可能影响石英释光灵敏度的因素,更加客观地评价其在物源示踪研究中的适用性,本文对中国北方东西部沙漠石英恒源光释光信号和线性调制光释光信号进行了组分分解,比较了东西部沙漠石英光释光组分的异同,并研究了不同组分信号对辐照-曝光以及快、中组分信号灵敏度对加热的响应。结果表明东西部沙漠的恒源光释光快、中组分衰减速率类似,但东部沙漠的快组分比例更高。东部沙漠线性调制光释光快、中组分峰值出现时间分别早于、晚于西部沙漠。辐照-曝光循环能够敏化东西部沙漠石英光释光快、中、慢3个组分。在加热敏化程度方面,西部沙漠快组分敏化要强于东部沙漠,而二者中组分具有类似的响应。根据光释光快组分在600~700℃的加热敏化特性可以将西部沙漠分为两组: 一为塔克拉玛干、库姆塔格、巴丹吉林沙漠; 二为古尔班通古特、腾格里、毛乌素沙漠,第二组与东部沙漠类似。
[郑辰鑫, 周力平. 石英释光信号作为粉尘物源示踪手段的再研究
. 第四纪研究, 2012, 32(5): 1036-1045.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-7410.2012.05.19URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
石英释光灵敏度近年来已经在沉积物源区识别上展现出一定的应用潜力。为进一步认识可能影响石英释光灵敏度的因素,更加客观地评价其在物源示踪研究中的适用性,本文对中国北方东西部沙漠石英恒源光释光信号和线性调制光释光信号进行了组分分解,比较了东西部沙漠石英光释光组分的异同,并研究了不同组分信号对辐照-曝光以及快、中组分信号灵敏度对加热的响应。结果表明东西部沙漠的恒源光释光快、中组分衰减速率类似,但东部沙漠的快组分比例更高。东部沙漠线性调制光释光快、中组分峰值出现时间分别早于、晚于西部沙漠。辐照-曝光循环能够敏化东西部沙漠石英光释光快、中、慢3个组分。在加热敏化程度方面,西部沙漠快组分敏化要强于东部沙漠,而二者中组分具有类似的响应。根据光释光快组分在600~700℃的加热敏化特性可以将西部沙漠分为两组: 一为塔克拉玛干、库姆塔格、巴丹吉林沙漠; 二为古尔班通古特、腾格里、毛乌素沙漠,第二组与东部沙漠类似。
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[150]Zhou Liping, Shackleton N J, Dodonov A E.Stratigraphical interpretation of geomagnetic polarity boundaries in Eurasian loess.
Quaternary Sciences, 2000, 20(2): 196-202.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11769-000-0051-4URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>本文以欧亚黄土中记录的布容一松山极性倒转界线为例,简要回顾近年来对黄土中 古地磁极性界线地层学解释的讨论。研究表明,由于在记录古地磁极性转换时存在不同程度 的&ldquo;错位&rdquo;,黄土中所测的极性界线的年代地层意义存在很大的不确定性。就中国黄土而言,第 8层黄土(L<sub>8</sub>)中下部或第8层古土壤(S<sub>8</sub>)顶部测得的布容-松山界线系&ldquo;错位&rdquo;的产物,该层位 的年龄应老于 0.79MaB.P.对黄土中测得的Cobb Mountain极性事件界线进行地层学解释, 推论蓝田猿人化石层位的年龄1.2MaB.P.</p>
[周力平, Shackleton N J, Dodonov A E.欧亚黄土中古地磁极性界线的地层学解释
. 第四纪研究, 2000, 20(2): 196-202.]
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11769-000-0051-4URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>本文以欧亚黄土中记录的布容一松山极性倒转界线为例,简要回顾近年来对黄土中 古地磁极性界线地层学解释的讨论。研究表明,由于在记录古地磁极性转换时存在不同程度 的&ldquo;错位&rdquo;,黄土中所测的极性界线的年代地层意义存在很大的不确定性。就中国黄土而言,第 8层黄土(L<sub>8</sub>)中下部或第8层古土壤(S<sub>8</sub>)顶部测得的布容-松山界线系&ldquo;错位&rdquo;的产物,该层位 的年龄应老于 0.79MaB.P.对黄土中测得的Cobb Mountain极性事件界线进行地层学解释, 推论蓝田猿人化石层位的年龄1.2MaB.P.</p>
[151]Zhu Y, Zhou L, Mo D, et al.A new magnetostratigraphic framework for late Neogene Hipparion Red Clay in the eastern Loess Plateau of China
. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2008, 268(1/2): 47-57.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2008.08.001URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Mammalian fossils, especially the Hipparion fauna, found in the Red Clay of the Loess Plateau, are of immense value for reconstructing late Neogene paleoecology and paleoclimatology in northern China. The lack of a precise chronological framework for these fossil sites has impeded our understanding of the evolution of the Chinese mammalian fauna, their correlation with European mammalian units, and the retrieval of paleoclimatic information. In this study, a field survey of regional stratigraphy in the Baode area of Shanxi was carried out and three profiles (Tanyugou, Yangjiagou-I and Yangjiagou-II) of Late Neogene deposits were selected for detailed investigation. A new chronological framework of the Late Neogene sequences in the Baode area is established by means of paleomagnetism. Our results show that the Red Clay accumulation in the Baode area began at least 7.23 Ma ago. Deposition continued to the superposed jingle Formation. The most continuous and complete exposure of the jingle Formation known to date was identified and dated to 2.72-5.34 Ma. A lithological distinction between the Jingle Formation and the underlying Baode Formation forms a clear boundary in the Red Clay that is not coincident with the Miocene/Pliocene boundary documented elsewhere. Three rich fossil layers are found in the Yangjiagou-II profile and dated to 6.43-6.54 Ma, 6.83-6.86 Ma and 7.15-7.18 Ma, respectively. With the application of three different demagnetization techniques, the Matuyama-Gauss geomagnetic reversal boundary was identified in a transitional unit between loess and typical Red Clay deposits. A lock-in depth of as large as 6.8 M (Corresponding to ca. 65 ka) was inferred but remains unexplained. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[152]Mo D, Derbyshire E.The depositional environment of the late Pliocene "red clay", Jingle Basin, Shanxi Province, China
. Sedimentary Geology, 1991(70): 33-40.
https://doi.org/10.1016/0037-0738(91)90064-KURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Red silty clays of late Pliocene age are widely distributed in northern China. At the type section in the Jing-Le Basin in Shanxi Province they overlie alluvial and lacustrine sands and gravels and underlie loess. New data on grain size, grain shape, fabric, chemistry, floral (pollen) content and previously catalogued faunal evidence suggest sedimentation of the silty clays in a warm temperate and sub-humid environment as a weathered mantle transported down gentle slopes by creep and rainwash. The Jing-Le Formation represents a transition from dominantly alluvial deposition in the Upper Pliocene to dominantly aeolian deposition in the Lower Pleistocene.
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Chinese Science Bulletin, 2000, 45(16): 1519-1523.
https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02898901URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
According to the vegetation investigation and pollen analysis of surface samples sampled along a precipitation gradient of the Northeast China Transect (NECT), several pollen taxa, including Pinus, Betula, Quercus, Tilia, Acer, Ulmus, Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae, Gramineae and Cyperaceae, were chosen to make the regression and correlation analyses. The results indicated that there exists a close relationship between vegetation and pollen taxa in surface samples. The regression parameters for ten taxa in the forests in the eastern part of NECT were different from those in the steppes in the western part. Pinus, Betula, Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae, which have large slope and y-intercept terms, were over-representative taxa. Acer, Gramineae and Cyperaceae, which have small slope and y-intercept terms, were under-representative taxa. Quercus, Tilia and Ulmus whose slope terms have negative correlation with y-intercept terms were equi-representative taxa. The pollen taxa with large slope or large y-intercept t
[161]Li Yiyin, Zhang Xinshi, Zhou Guangsheng.Study of quantitative relationships between vegetation and pollen in surface samples in the eastern forest area of Northeast China transect.
Botany Gazette, 2000, 42(1): 81-88.
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[李宜垠, 张新时, 周广胜. 中国东北样带(NECT)东部森林区的植被与表土花粉的定量关系研究
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[何飞, 李宜垠, 伍婧, . 内蒙古森林草原—典型草原—荒漠草原的相对花粉产量对比研究
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[163]Li Y, Nielsen A B, Zhao X, et al.Pollen production estimates (PPEs) and fall speeds for major tree taxa and relevant source areas of pollen (RSAP) in Changbai Mountain, northeastern China.
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.revpalbo.2015.02.003URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
61Pollen productivity estimates (PPEs) of eight common tree species in NE China61Determination of fall speeds of pollen grains for eight taxa61Estimation of relevant source area of pollen (RSAP) using moss polsters
[164]Li Yiyin, Hou Shufang, Zhao Pengfei.Comparision of different quantification methods for microfossil charcoal concentration and the implication for human activities.
Quaternary Sciences, 2010, 30(2): 347-354.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-7410.2010.02.12URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[李宜垠, 侯树芳, 赵鹏飞. 微炭屑的几种统计方法比较及其对人类活动的指示意义
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International Journal of Wildland Fire, 2017, 26(1): 46-57.
https://doi.org/10.1071/WF16115URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
A wildfire with many ignition points took place in the Daxing’an Mountains of north-east China in June 2010. After the fire, moss polsters and particle traps were collected from burnt and unburnt areas a few kilometres away from four ignition points. Charcoal extracted from the samples was divided into macroscopic charcoal >12565μm and microscopic charcoal <12565μm. Our results showed that the average amount of charcoal deposited in the burnt areas was statistically greater than the amount deposited in unburnt areas. The microscopic charcoal concentration inside the burnt areas rose as the size of the burnt area increased. However, the sampling points within the largest burnt area did not have the highest macroscopic charcoal concentration. We found that only limited amounts of charcoal were transported over a long distance and that the primary charcoal produced during or shortly after a fire event was much more abundant than the secondary charcoal produced during the non-fire period. This suggested that primary charcoal is the dominant signal in charcoal records, and that the charcoal Z-score values inside the burnt areas were clearly higher than the surroundings. Our observations indicate that multiple-size charcoal records may be a robust tool for reconstructing fire histories.
[166]Li Y, Wu J, Hou S.Paleoecological records of environmental change and cultural development from the Liangzhu and Qujialing archaeological sites in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.
Quaternary International, 2010, 227(1): 29-37.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2010.05.015URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
The cultures of Liangzhu (5200 4300 BP), Qujialing (5100 4500 BP) and Shijiahe (4600 4000 BP) are representative of Chinese civilization in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Nevertheless, limited data is available on the rise and fall of pre-historical cultures in relation to environment in the Yangtze region. In this study, pollen, phytolith and microfossil charcoal extracted from sedimentary profiles and cultural layers at the archaeological sites of Liangzhu and Qujialing were employed to clarify the relationship between vegetation-climate and human cultures in archaeological context during Late Holocene in the middle and lower Yangtze River. The results suggest that forest was widely distributed under a warm and humid climate before the appearance of the Liangzhu culture and Qujialing culture (more than 5200 BP) in the two sites. During the Liangzhu, Qujialing and Shijiahe periods, virgin forest was damaged and secondary pine forest was expanded due to intensified agriculture. Palaeoecological records show the widespread rice cultivation during these phases, which might have provided steady food supply and hence laid a solid basis for the onset of the Chinese civilization. The civilizations of Liangzhu, Qujialing and Shijiahe collapsed at about 4300 BP, 4500 BP and 4000 BP respectively. Mixed sub-tropical evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest was restored rapidly following the collapse of Liangzhu civilization, implying warm and humid climate remained predominant throughout the time in the Liangzhu region. By contrast, the forest was not restored after the collapse of the Shijahe civilization: instead grassland vegetation developed, which is attributable to the over-exploitation of early humans and the ensuing dry climate. The warmer and more humid climate in the Liangzhu region seemed to have led to more stable and complex forest ecosystems, which were effective on standing against human impact and climate change. Soil erosion due to deforestation was also more frequent in Qujialing than Liangzhu, which must have further limited forest regeneration. Since 3700 BP, the climate became dry and forest declined in the two sites. During the Warring States period (2425鈥2171 BP), human disturbances, indicated by high percentages of Gramineae pollen and microfossil charcoal, were intensive, although the climate was not as warm and humid as mid-Holocene.
[167]Li Y, Willis K J, Zhou L, et al.The impact of ancient civilization on the northeastern Chinese landscape: Palaeoecological evidence from the Western Liaohe River Basin, Inner Mongolia.
Holocene, 2006, 16(8): 1109.
https://doi.org/10.1177/0959683606069403URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The Western Liaohe River Basin in northeastern China is one of the cradles of ancient Chinese civilization. Archaeological records from this region indicate that human occupation began about 8000 years ago and that agriculture and pastoralism were important activities from an early stage. Very little is known, however, about the effects that these activities had upon the landscape. This paper presents the results of a palaeoecological study from a 3.6 m sedimentary sequence in a relict oxbow lake in the Western Liaohe River Basin of southeast Inner Mongolia. The 5400-yr sequence indicates that human activities had a noticeable impact on an apparently open landscape. Buckwheat cultivation began as early as 5400 cal. yr BP with intensification of agricultural activities from approximately 4700 cal. yr BP. Nitrophilous plants such as and , and also were growing in the region at certain times, linked with fluctuations in the N record and probably indicative of increased pastoralism and unintentional/intentional manuring. Burning was probably used for clearance of the steppe vegetation for agriculture with a close relationship apparent between increased influx of microfossil charcoal and the presence of buckwheat. Superimposed upon this record of human impact is also clear indication of three significant intervals of climate change between 2900 and 2600, 1200 and 600 and 600 and 30 cal. yr BP. The latter two are discussed in relation to the 'Mediaeval Warm Period' and 'Little Ice Age' apparent in sedimentary sequences across the Northern Hemisphere. Discussions are therefore made in terms of the impact that both climate change and ancient Chinese civilizations had upon shaping the present day landscape and vegetation.
[168]Li Yiyin, Zhao Fengming, Li Shuicheng, et al.Palaeovegetation and palaeoenvironment based on pollen analysis at the Zhongba salt production archaeological site, South West China.
Quaternary Sciences, 2011, 31(4): 730-735.
<p>考古证据表明,距今4000多年以前,重庆三峡地区的中坝遗址就开始了规模性的盐业生产。为了解盐业生产的环境背景及其影响,在中坝遗址厚达12.5m的文化堆积层进行了孢粉取样和分析。AMS<sup>14</sup>C测年结果显示,这些样品分别来自新石器时代晚期(4420~3700aB.P.)、商至西周(3550~2700aB.P.)和东周(2700~2300aB.P.)。孢粉分析表明: 中坝遗址的样品均以草本植物花粉和蕨类植物孢子占绝对优势。主要以禾本科(Poaceae)、楼梯草属(<em>Elatostema</em>)和蹄盖蕨属(<em>Athyrium</em>)为主, 而乔灌木植物花粉所占比例很低,除松属(<em>Pinus</em>)、桦木属(<em>Betula</em>)、枫杨属(<em>Pterocarya</em>)、栎属(<em>Quercus</em>)花粉外,还见到夹竹桃科(Apocynaceae)、女贞属(<em>Ligustrum</em>)、檵木属(<em>Loropetalum</em>)和枫香属(<em>Liquidambar</em>)等亚热带树种的花粉。中坝遗址及附近地区自新石器时代以来的植被以少林、灌丛草地为主,遗址周围分布大片杂草群落,并可能有大面积的农田,表明这个地区始终存在较强的人类活动。早在新石器时代,制盐业和种植业使得低山丘陵与河谷的森林植被遭到破坏,遗址附近的河谷形成疏林草地景观。商至西周时期,尽管气候变干,但人类活动仍很强烈,似乎气候变化对盐业生产的影响不大; 东周时期的气候较为温暖湿润,制盐业和农业活动规模扩大,森林植被破坏程度加大,草坡随之增多。</p>
[李宜垠, 赵凤鸣, 李水城, . 中坝制盐遗址的孢粉分析与古植被、古环境
. 第四纪研究, 2011, 31(4): 730-735.]
<p>考古证据表明,距今4000多年以前,重庆三峡地区的中坝遗址就开始了规模性的盐业生产。为了解盐业生产的环境背景及其影响,在中坝遗址厚达12.5m的文化堆积层进行了孢粉取样和分析。AMS<sup>14</sup>C测年结果显示,这些样品分别来自新石器时代晚期(4420~3700aB.P.)、商至西周(3550~2700aB.P.)和东周(2700~2300aB.P.)。孢粉分析表明: 中坝遗址的样品均以草本植物花粉和蕨类植物孢子占绝对优势。主要以禾本科(Poaceae)、楼梯草属(<em>Elatostema</em>)和蹄盖蕨属(<em>Athyrium</em>)为主, 而乔灌木植物花粉所占比例很低,除松属(<em>Pinus</em>)、桦木属(<em>Betula</em>)、枫杨属(<em>Pterocarya</em>)、栎属(<em>Quercus</em>)花粉外,还见到夹竹桃科(Apocynaceae)、女贞属(<em>Ligustrum</em>)、檵木属(<em>Loropetalum</em>)和枫香属(<em>Liquidambar</em>)等亚热带树种的花粉。中坝遗址及附近地区自新石器时代以来的植被以少林、灌丛草地为主,遗址周围分布大片杂草群落,并可能有大面积的农田,表明这个地区始终存在较强的人类活动。早在新石器时代,制盐业和种植业使得低山丘陵与河谷的森林植被遭到破坏,遗址附近的河谷形成疏林草地景观。商至西周时期,尽管气候变干,但人类活动仍很强烈,似乎气候变化对盐业生产的影响不大; 东周时期的气候较为温暖湿润,制盐业和农业活动规模扩大,森林植被破坏程度加大,草坡随之增多。</p>
[169]Cui Haiting, Li Yiyin, Hu Jinming, et al.Vegetation reconstruction of Bronze Age by using microscopic structure of charcoals.
Chinese Science Bulletin, 2002, 47(23): 2014-2017.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0023-074X.2002.19.014URLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
<p>根据扫描电子显微镜显微结构, 对赤峰地区两处青铜时代遗址中的炭屑进行鉴定. 经鉴定, 两处炭屑标本均属蒙古栎(<em>Quercus mongolica</em>), 该种具有较强的气候指示意义. 参照孢粉组合中出现的植物种(属)及其现代种(属)的生态气候指标和群落学特征, 复原了赤峰黄土丘陵区青铜时代的植被. 当时气候较为暖湿, 地带性植被为蒙古栎林和油松林.</p>
[崔海亭, 李宜垠, 胡金明, . 利用炭屑显微结构复原青铜时代植被
. 科学通报, 2002, 47(19): 1504-1508.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0023-074X.2002.19.014URLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
<p>根据扫描电子显微镜显微结构, 对赤峰地区两处青铜时代遗址中的炭屑进行鉴定. 经鉴定, 两处炭屑标本均属蒙古栎(<em>Quercus mongolica</em>), 该种具有较强的气候指示意义. 参照孢粉组合中出现的植物种(属)及其现代种(属)的生态气候指标和群落学特征, 复原了赤峰黄土丘陵区青铜时代的植被. 当时气候较为暖湿, 地带性植被为蒙古栎林和油松林.</p>
[170]Tan W, Zhou L, Liu K.Soil aggregate fraction-based 14C analysis and its application in the study of soil organic carbon turnover under forests of different ages.
Chinese Science Bulletin, 2013, 58(16): 1936-1947.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11434-012-5660-7URL [本文引用: 1]
[171]Xi X, Ding X, Fu D, et al.δ14C level of annual plants and fossil fuel derived CO2 distribution across different regions of China.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 2013, 294: 515-519.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2012.08.032URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The 14C level in annual plants is a sensitive tracer for monitoring fossil fuel derived CO2 in the atmosphere. Corn leave samples were selected from different regions of China, including high mountains in the Tibetan Plateau, grassland in Inner Mongolia, and inland and coastal cities during the summer of 2010. The 14C/12C ratio of the samples was measured with the NEC compact AMS system at the Institute of Heavy Ion Physics, Peking University. The fossil fuel derived CO2 was estimated by comparing the measured Δ14C values of corn leave samples to background atmospheric Δ14C level. The influences of topography, meteorological conditions and carbon cycling processes on the fossil fuel derived CO2 concentration are considered when interpreting the data. Our results show a clear association of the low Δ14C values with regions where human activities are intensive.
[172]Gao P, Xu X, Zhou L, et al.Rapid sample preparation of dissolved inorganic carbon in natural waters using a headspace-extraction approach for radiocarbon analysis by accelerator mass spectrometry.
Limnology and Oceanography Methods, 2014, 12(4): 172-188.
https://doi.org/10.4319/lom.2014.12.174URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
We have established a high-throughput headspace-extraction method for the preparation of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from water samples for radiocarbon ( 14 C) analysis by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). Readily available septum-sealed screw cap vials were used for sample processing. Headspace-equilibrated gases with sample CO 2 were transferred using a syringe and cryogenically purified on a vacuum line for graphitization and 14 C-AMS measurements in the Keck Carbon Cycle AMS facility at the University of California, Irvine (KCCAMS/UCI). Systematic investigations have shown that the extraction process does not introduce contaminants that could bias the 14 C measurements and that the 14 C results for standards are consistent with their consensus values. Large numbers of duplicate measurements have established a precision of 1.7‰ for modern samples with an average background of ~43,400 radiocarbon year for graphite target samples > 0.3 mg carbon. Seawater samples collected from Newport Beach, California, and processed using the headspace-extraction method yielded 14 C results in excellent agreement with published values obtained with conventional DIC stripping (≤ ± 2σ). The simplicity of our headspace-extraction approach allows its easy adaptation/implementation to any isotope lab, as we demonstrate here by a series of tests carried out at Peking University, China (PKU). With this innovative method, just 30 mL seawater per sample is needed. Coupled with the sealed tube zinc reduction method, 15 water samples can be prepared and graphitized in 1 day.
[173]Grauel A L, Schmid T W, Hu B, et al.Calibration and application of the 'clumped isotope' thermometer to foraminifera for high-resolution climate reconstructions.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2013, 108(1): 125-140.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2012.12.049URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The reconstruction of past ocean temperatures is fundamental to the study of past climate changes, therefore considerable effort has been invested in developing proxies for seawater temperatures. One of the most recent and promising new proxy is carbonate ‘clumped isotope’ thermometry, in particular because it is based on thermodynamic equilibrium and not on biogeochemical proxies. Here, we present a new calibration of the ‘clumped isotope’ thermometer to foraminifera based on seven species of planktic and benthic foraminifera spanning a growth temperature range of 652–28°C. We used a newly developed technique for the measurements of small samples to improve the applicability of this method to paleoceanography. Our data have a comparable precision (650.005–0.013‰) and confirm previous calibration studies based on biogenic and inorganic calcite. We discuss possible sources of uncertainty such as over-/underestimation of the calcification temperatures, species-specific vital effects, pH variations between the seawater and the vacuole water of the species and possible kinetic effects on the ‘clumped isotope’ calibration. To validate our calibration study and test the applicability of our measuring technique to paleoclimate and paleoceanographic studies we measured the isotope composition of Globigerinoides ruber (white) at high-resolution in a sediment core covering the last 700years in the Gulf of Taranto (Mediterranean Sea). The results show that it is necessary to average a relatively large number of analyses to achieve a consistent temperature signal for the detection of small sea surface temperature changes. Although with the current analytical system, ‘clumped isotope’ thermometry is only applicable to the analysis of relatively large SST changes in marine sediments, further technical improvements may make this a very powerful technique for paleoceanographic studies.
[174]Bernasconi S M, Hu B, Wacker U, et al.Background effects on Faraday collectors in gas-source mass spectrometry and implications for clumped isotope measurements.
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry Rcm, 2013, 27(5): 603-612.
https://doi.org/10.1002/rcm.6490URLPMID:23413219 [本文引用: 1]摘要
The measurement of the abundances of minor isotopologues by mass spectrometry requires correction of subtle non-linearities in the mass spectrometer that cause deviations in the relationship between actual and measured isotope ratios. Here we show that negative backgrounds on the Faraday cups recording the minor ion beams are the cause of the observed non-linearities in the measurement of CO(2) isotopologues, and propose a new correction procedure for clumped isotope measurements.We carefully investigated the cause of non-linearity effects in the measurement of the abundance of (13)C(18)O(16)O, a minor isotopologue of CO(2) with m/z 47, on two different mass spectrometers. By using gases of different composition with close to stochastic and with non-random distribution of isotopes we demonstrate that the apparent dependence of the excess abundance of the isotopologue of m/z 47 on the bulk isotopic composition of CO(2) is due to a background interference that is linearly dependent on the partial pressure of the gas in the source of the mass spectrometer.Background determination with gas flowing into the source of the mass spectrometer is necessary for accurate clumped isotope measurements of CO(2). Background corrections can be performed accurately if the slit width of the m/z 44 Faraday cup significantly exceeds that of the one for m/z 47, using a correlation between m/z 44 signal intensity and the corresponding minimum in m/z 47 background. We propose two new correction schemes that reduce the time-consuming measurement of gases of different bulk isotopic compositions. These findings may also be relevant for the measurement of other rare isotopologues by mass spectrometry.
[175]Hu B, Radke J, Schlüter H J, et al.A modified procedure for gas-source isotope ratio mass spectrometry: the long-integration dual-inlet (LIDI) methodology and implications for clumped isotope measurements.
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2014, 28(13): 1413-1425.
https://doi.org/10.1002/rcm.6909URLPMID:24861590 [本文引用: 1]摘要
High-precision stable isotope measurements in gas-source isotope ratio mass spectrometry are generally carried out by repeated comparison of the composition of an unknown sample with that of a working gas (WG) through a dual-inlet (DI). Due to the established DI protocols, however, most of the sample gas is wasted rather than measured, which is a major problem when sample size is limited. Here we propose a new methodology allowing the measurement of a much larger portion of the available sample.We tested a new measurement protocol, the long-integration dual-inlet (LIDI) method, which consists of a single measurement of the sample for 200 to 60065seconds followed by a single measurement of the WG. The isotope ratios of the sample are calculated by comparison of the beam ratios of the WG and sample at equivalent intensities of the major ion beam.Three isotopically very different CO2 samples were analyzed. The LIDI measurements of large samples (50 to 1006508mol of CO2) measured at quasi-constant beam sizes, and of small samples (1.5 to 26508mol of CO2) measured in micro-volume mode, generated results that are indistinguishable from the standard DI measurements for carbon, oxygen and clumped isotope compositions. The external precision of Δ47 using the LIDI protocol (~±0.007‰) is similar to that of the state of the art DI measurements.For traditional and clumped isotope measurements of CO2, the LIDI protocol allows the measurement of a much larger portion of the sample gas rather than only ~20% of it. In addition, the sample can be measured at higher signal intensity and for longer time, allowing the measurement of smaller samples while preserving precision. We suggest that other gases commonly used for stable isotope measurements with gas-source mass spectrometry would also benefit from this new protocol.
[176]Belt S T, Brown T A, Ampel L, et al.An inter-laboratory investigation of the Arctic sea ice biomarker proxy IP25 in marine sediments: key outcomes and recommendations.
Climate of the Past Discussions, 2014, 9(5): 5263-5298.
https://doi.org/10.5194/cpd-9-5263-2013URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
We describe the results of an inter-laboratory investigation into the identification and quantification of the Arctic sea ice biomarker proxy IPin marine sediments. Seven laboratories took part in the study, which consisted of the analysis of IPin a series of sediment samples from different regions of the Arctic, sub-Arctic and Antarctic, additional sediment extracts and purified standards. The results obtained allowed 4 key outcomes to be determined. First, IPwas identified by all laboratories in sediments from the Canadian Arctic with inter-laboratory variation in IPconcentration being substantially larger than within individual laboratories. This greater variation between laboratories was attributed to the difficulty in accurately determining instrumental response factors for IP, even though laboratories were supplied with appropriate standards. Second, the identification of IPby 3 laboratories in sediment from SW Iceland that was believed to represent a blank, was interpreted as representing a better limit of detection or quantification for such laboratories, contamination or mis-identification. These alternatives could not be distinguished conclusively with the data available, although it is noted that the precision of these data was significantly poorer compared with the other IPconcentration measurements. Third, 3 laboratories reported the occurrence of IPin a sediment sample from the Antarctic Peninsula even though this biomarker is believed to be absent from the Southern Ocean. This anomaly is attributed to a combined chromatographic and mass spectrometric interference that results from the presence of a di-unsaturated highly branched isoprenoid (HBI) pseudo-homologue of IPthat occurs in Antarctic sediments. Finally, data are presented that suggest that extraction of IPis consistent between Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) and sonication methods and that IPconcentrations based on 7-hexylnonadecane as an internal standard are comparable using these methods. Recoveries of some more unsaturated HBIs and the internal standard 9-octylheptadecene, however, were lower with the ASE procedure, possibly due to partial degradation of these more reactive chemicals as a result of higher temperatures employed with this method. For future measurements, we recommend the use of reference sediment material with known concentration(s) of IPfor determining and routinely monitoring instrumental response factors. Given the significance placed on the presence (or otherwise) of IPin marine sediments, some further recommendations pertaining to quality control are made that should also enable the two main anomalies identified here to be addressed.
[177]Sun D, Tan W, Pei Y, et al.Late Quaternary environmental change of Yellow River Basin: An organic geochemical record in Bohai Sea (North China).
Organic Geochemistry, 2011, 42(6): 575-585.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2011.04.011URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Bulk geochemical characterization (total organic carbon, grain size distribution, carbon isotope composition) and molecular biomarkers (lignin phenols, straight chain aliphatic hydrocarbons, glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers) were analyzed for a 21 m core from the Bohai Sea (North China), spanning ca 21 ka BP. These paleo-proxies presented remarkable differences between the late glacial period and the Holocene, reflecting continental and coastal environments, respectively. Two peat layers were deposited during the period of ca 9000 8460 yr BP. Thereafter the core site has been consistently covered by seawater until recent reclamation of land from the sea. The occurrence of a total organic carbon maximum from ca 6000 3800 yr BP was attributed to delivery of organic carbon enriched sediments via the Yellow River, consistent with increased vegetation density and higher development of soil under warm and humid mid-Holocene climate conditions. The distributions of lignin phenol compositions and C 31/C 29 n-alkane ratio suggested the largest expansion of woody plants between ca 5300 and 4000 yr BP, corresponding to the extremely favorable climatic conditions. Since ca 3800 yr BP, an abrupt increase in the C 31/C 29 n-alkane ratio suggested higher abundance of grasses, consistent with a drying climate trend after the mid-Holocene. Since our coastal sediments close to the Yellow River outflow contain catchment-integrated environmental signals of the river basin, molecular proxies demonstrate that the variability of vegetation distributions in the Holocene is a widespread phenomenon in those areas adjacent to Yellow River Basin.
[178]Wu W, Zhao L, Pei Y, et al.Variability of tetraether lipids in Yellow River-dominated continental margin during the past eight decades: Implications for organic matter sources and river channel shifts.
Organic Geochemistry, 2013, 60(7): 33-39.
Glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) and bulk organic geochemical parameters were examined for a short core from the Bohai Sea, a Yellow River-dominated continental margin. A three end member mixing model using branched/isoprenoid tetraethers (BIT) index, delta C-13 and C/N shows that the average fractions of soil, marine and plant organic matter (OM) during the period of 1933-2011 are 67.7% (38-92%), 26.1% (0-58%) and 6.2% (0-23%), respectively. Abrupt changes of sedimentary OM compositions around 1953, 1976 and 1996 are synchronous with the Yellow River mouth relocations. The BIT index values (0.33-0.80) present a stronger correlation with crenarchaeol abundance (R-2 = 0.88) than branched GDGTs abundance (R-2 = 0.27), suggesting that variations of marine Thaumarchaeota abundance rather than soil OM inputs is the first order factor controlling the BIT index values, although this proxy has been widely used for soil OM. The comparison between the BIT index, nutrient status and historical Yellow River sediment load indicates that the high sensitivity of the BIT index to the Yellow River channel shifts cannot be explained by a nutrient stimulation mechanism, but instead is likely caused by the restriction of Thaumarchaeota growth in highly turbid water due to the enormous sediment inputs from Yellow River. Our study demonstrates that local conditions should be considered when applying the BIT index as an environmental proxy. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[179]Wu W, Ruan J, Ding S, et al.Source and distribution of glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers along lower Yellow River-estuary-coast transect.
Marine Chemistry, 2014, 158(1): 17-26.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marchem.2013.11.006URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
61Different sources for bGDGTs and iGDGTs in Yellow River dominated margin61bGDGT-temperature in Bohai Sea agrees with annual MAT of Chinese loess plateau.61The BIT index is controlled by aquatic inputs.61Crenarchaeol and other iGDGTs are influenced by both terrestrial and aquatic inputs.
[180]Wang G, Zhang L, Zhang X, et al.Chemical and carbon isotopic dynamics of grass organic matter during litter decompositions: A litterbag experiment.
Organic Geochemistry, 2014, 69(2): 106-113.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2014.02.012URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
A litterbag method was used for studying the variability in chemical and carbon isotopic compositions of four grasses during litter decomposition. After the 300d degradation, >90% of litter mass was lost for three C4 species (Setaria viridis, Eleusine indica, Amaranthus retroflexus) and one C3 species (Erigeron speciosus). The solid state 13C NMR spectra showed that mean proportion of aromatic and alkyl carbon increased from ca. 10% to 15% and ca. 10% to 20%, respectively, whereas that of O-alkyl carbon substantially decreased from ca. 70% to 50%. The carbon preference index and average chain length of n-alkanes remained relatively constant, whereas the carbon isotopic compositions of long chain n-alkanes varied <2‰. Our results demonstrate that the degradation of litters alone does not significantly change the n-alkane chemical and carbon isotopic proxies. Compared to open plant–soil systems, our litterbag experiments present much less variability in chemical and carbon isotopic compositions of n-alkanes. Based on these facts, we recommend a combined measurement of chemical and carbon isotopic properties in evaluation of carbon sources, dynamics and paleoenvironments.
[181]Wu W, Tan W, Zhou L, et al.Sea surface temperature variability in southern Okinawa Trough during last 2700 years.
Geophysical Research Letters, 2012, 39(14): 36-57.
https://doi.org/10.1029/2012GL052749URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Most of the temperature reconstructions for the past two millennia are based on proxy data from various sites on land. Here we present a bidecadal resolution record of sea surface temperature (SST) in Southern Okinawa Trough for the past ca. 2700 years by analyzing tetraether lipids of planktonic archaea in the ODP Hole 1202B, a site under the strong influence of Kuroshio Current and East Asian monsoon. The reconstructed SST anomalies generally coincided with previously reported late Holocene climate events, including the Roman Warm Period, Sui-Tang dynasty Warm Period, Medieval Warm Period, Current Warm Period, Dark Age Cold Period and Little Ice Age. However, the Medieval Warm Period usually thought to be a historical analogue for the Current Warm Period has a mean SST of 0.6-0.8 degrees C lower than that of the Roman Warm Period and Sui-Tang dynasty Warm Period. Despite an increase since 1850 AD, the mean SST in the 20th century is still within the range of natural variability during the past 2700 years. A close correlation of SST in Southern Okinawa Trough with air temperature in East China, intensity of East Asian monsoon and the El-Nino Southern Oscillation index has been attributed to the fluctuations in solar output and oceanicatmospheric circulation.
[182]Mo Duowen, Li Fei, Li Shuicheng, et al. A preliminary study on the paleoenvironment of the middle Holocene in the Hulu River area in Gansu Province and its effects on human activity
. Journal of Geographical, 1996(1): 59-69.
[本文引用: 1]

[莫多闻, 李非, 李水城, . 甘肃葫芦河流域中全新世环境演化及其对人类活动的影响
. 地理学报, 1996(1): 59-69.]
[本文引用: 1]
[183]Xia Zhengkai, Chen Ge, Zheng Gongwang, et al.Climate background of the evolution from Paleolithic to Neolithic cultural transition during the last deglaciation in the middle reaches of the Yellow River.
Chinese Science Bulletin, 2002, 47(1): 71-75.
<p>对山西吉县柿子滩遗址进行的年代测定和孢粉分析结果表明,该遗址所在的黄河中游地区,在35~9.4kaBP期间始终是草原环境.其中35.1~17.0kaBP属末次冰期,气候寒冷干燥,为荒漠草原环境,晚期出现寒冷较阴湿的草原环境;17.0~11.9kaBP属末次冰消期早-中期,以温和干燥的草原植被与温和半干燥的、生长有少量落叶阔叶树的草原植被多次交替为特征;11.9~10.5kaBP再次出现寒冷干燥的冰期气候,为荒漠草原环境;10.5~9.4 kaBP气候温和半干旱,并向温暖湿润方向发展,前期为草原环境,后期过渡为生长有较多落叶阔叶树的草原环境.细石器作为新旧石器文化过渡时期的标志,主要分布在17.0~11.9 kaBP,末次冰消期早-中期相对温暖干燥且多变的草原环境有助于细石器文化的出现和发展.</p>
[夏正楷, 陈戈, 郑公望, . 黄河中游地区末次冰消期新旧石器文化过渡的气候背景
. 科学通报, 2001, 46(14): 1204-1208.]
<p>对山西吉县柿子滩遗址进行的年代测定和孢粉分析结果表明,该遗址所在的黄河中游地区,在35~9.4kaBP期间始终是草原环境.其中35.1~17.0kaBP属末次冰期,气候寒冷干燥,为荒漠草原环境,晚期出现寒冷较阴湿的草原环境;17.0~11.9kaBP属末次冰消期早-中期,以温和干燥的草原植被与温和半干燥的、生长有少量落叶阔叶树的草原植被多次交替为特征;11.9~10.5kaBP再次出现寒冷干燥的冰期气候,为荒漠草原环境;10.5~9.4 kaBP气候温和半干旱,并向温暖湿润方向发展,前期为草原环境,后期过渡为生长有较多落叶阔叶树的草原环境.细石器作为新旧石器文化过渡时期的标志,主要分布在17.0~11.9 kaBP,末次冰消期早-中期相对温暖干燥且多变的草原环境有助于细石器文化的出现和发展.</p>
[184]Xia Zhengkai, Deng Hui, Wu Honglin.Geomorphologic background of the prehistoric cultural evolution in the Xar Moron River Basin, Inner Mongolia.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2000, 55(3): 329-336.
内蒙赤峰西拉木伦河流域属我国北方干旱—半干旱区农牧交错带。由于气候变化和人类活动等方面的原因 ,长期以来 ,这里生态环境失调 ,沙化严重 ,人地关系处于十分紧张的状况。但是 ,大量的考古发现表明 ,在 80 0 0~ 30 0 0 a BP期间的全新世大暖期 ,该流域曾是我国史前人类的重要活动地区之一 ,当时人类文化和地理环境之间的相互关系 ,一直是人们关注的问题。剖析西拉木伦河流域史前考古文化演变的地貌背景 ,将有助于了解当时的人地关系 ,并且通过溯古论今 ,也可以加深对现今人地关系的认识
[夏正楷, 邓辉, 武弘麟. 内蒙西拉木伦河流域考古文化演变的地貌背景分析
. 地理学报, 2000, 55(3): 329-336.]
内蒙赤峰西拉木伦河流域属我国北方干旱—半干旱区农牧交错带。由于气候变化和人类活动等方面的原因 ,长期以来 ,这里生态环境失调 ,沙化严重 ,人地关系处于十分紧张的状况。但是 ,大量的考古发现表明 ,在 80 0 0~ 30 0 0 a BP期间的全新世大暖期 ,该流域曾是我国史前人类的重要活动地区之一 ,当时人类文化和地理环境之间的相互关系 ,一直是人们关注的问题。剖析西拉木伦河流域史前考古文化演变的地貌背景 ,将有助于了解当时的人地关系 ,并且通过溯古论今 ,也可以加深对现今人地关系的认识
[185]Li M, Mo D, Mao L, et al.Paleosalinity in the Tianluoshan site and the correlation between the Hemudu culture and its environmental background.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2010, 20(3): 441-454.
Tianluoshan 地点的 Paleosalinity 记录从泥土矿物质的 measurations 数据被导出,硼,锶,钡,在在 Tianluoshan 地点的三侧面的领域采样以后。相对的海水平变化根据实验室结果被讨论。记录显示 Tianluoshan 地点定位了的区域见证以前高看台的水平至少三次相对的海,在期间并且在 Hemudu 时期以后。基于以前的研究,这篇论文也集中于包括地讨论 Hemudu 文化的几个环境元素,在环境状况之间的相互关系,人的活动和开发。
[186]Liang Liang, Xia Zhengkai, Liu Decheng.Reconstruction of the paleoenviroment in Central North China during 5000-4000 a B.P.: Evidence from mollusks fossils
. Acta Scicentiarum Naturalum Universitis Pekinesis. 2003, 39(4): 532-537.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0479-8023.2003.04.016URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[梁亮, 夏正楷, 刘德成. 中原地区距今5000-4000年间古环境重建的软体动物化石证据
. 北京大学学报(自然科学版), 2003, 39(4): 532-537.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0479-8023.2003.04.016URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[187]Xia Zhengkai, Wang Zanhong, Zhao Qingchun.Extreme flood events and climate change around 3500 a B.P. in the Central Plains of China.
Science China: Earth Sciences, 2004, 47(7): 599-606.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1006-9267.2003.09.007URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
我国中原地区的新寨期(3550~3400 aBP)属新石器文化晚期, 是龙山文化向二里头文化(夏文化)过渡的重要时期. 通过对河南新寨遗址新寨期人类生存环境的研究, 发现这一时期是一个异常洪水时期, 洪涝灾害给当地的古代人类生存环境造成严重的威胁和破坏. 孢粉分析和氧、碳同位素测定表明, 相对于龙山期和二里头期干燥-半干燥的气候环境, 新寨期气候明显变湿. 气候的突然变湿与异常洪水事件同期出现, 说明气候的转型可能是导致洪水频发的主要原因. 这一发现不仅加深了对中原地区3500 aBP前后环境演变的认识, 而且由于此时恰好处于华夏文明起源的前夜, 因此也为探讨华夏文明起源的环境背景提供了重要的线索.
[夏正楷, 王赞红, 赵青春. 我国中原地区3500 a BP前后的异常洪水事件及其气候背景
. 中国科学(地球科学), 2003, 33(9): 881-888.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1006-9267.2003.09.007URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
我国中原地区的新寨期(3550~3400 aBP)属新石器文化晚期, 是龙山文化向二里头文化(夏文化)过渡的重要时期. 通过对河南新寨遗址新寨期人类生存环境的研究, 发现这一时期是一个异常洪水时期, 洪涝灾害给当地的古代人类生存环境造成严重的威胁和破坏. 孢粉分析和氧、碳同位素测定表明, 相对于龙山期和二里头期干燥-半干燥的气候环境, 新寨期气候明显变湿. 气候的突然变湿与异常洪水事件同期出现, 说明气候的转型可能是导致洪水频发的主要原因. 这一发现不仅加深了对中原地区3500 aBP前后环境演变的认识, 而且由于此时恰好处于华夏文明起源的前夜, 因此也为探讨华夏文明起源的环境背景提供了重要的线索.
[188]Yang X, Xia Z, Ye M.Prehistoric disasters at Lajia Site, Qinghai, China.
Chinese Science Bulletin, 2003, 48(17): 1877-1881.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0023-074X.2003.11.017URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
通过对位于黄河上游甘青交界处官亭盆地的喇家遗址及其周边地区一些地质现象的观察,发现当时该地区发生了以黄河异常洪水和地震为主,并伴有山洪爆发的群发性自然灾害,这场自然灾害导致了喇家遗址的毁灭,其中黄河异常洪水可能是史前人类遭受灭顶之灾的主要元凶.喇家遗址灾难事件及其原因的研究,不但有助于加深对4 kaBP前后黄河上游地区环境演变的认识,而且对于揭示自然灾害对人类文明进程的影响也具有一定意义.
[夏正楷, 杨晓燕, 叶茂林. 青海喇家遗址史前灾难事件
. 科学通报, 2003, 48(11): 1200-1204.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0023-074X.2003.11.017URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
通过对位于黄河上游甘青交界处官亭盆地的喇家遗址及其周边地区一些地质现象的观察,发现当时该地区发生了以黄河异常洪水和地震为主,并伴有山洪爆发的群发性自然灾害,这场自然灾害导致了喇家遗址的毁灭,其中黄河异常洪水可能是史前人类遭受灭顶之灾的主要元凶.喇家遗址灾难事件及其原因的研究,不但有助于加深对4 kaBP前后黄河上游地区环境演变的认识,而且对于揭示自然灾害对人类文明进程的影响也具有一定意义.
[189]Zhang Y, Mo D, Hu K, et al.Holocene environmental changes around Xiaohe Cemetery and its effects on human occupation, Xinjiang, China.
Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2017, 27(6): 752-768.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11442-017-1404-6URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The Xiaohe Cemetery archaeological site (Cal.4-3.5 ka BP) is one of the most important Bronze Age sites in Xinjiang,China.Although the surrounding environment is an extremely arid desert now,abundant archaeological remains indicate that human occupation was common during certain periods in the Holocene.Field investigations and laboratory analyses of a sediment profile near the Xiaohe Cemetery indicate that while the regional environment was arid desert throughout the Holocene there were three episodes of lake formation near the site in the periods 4.8-3.5 ka BP,2.6-2.1 ka BP and 1.2-0.9 ka BP.Geomorphic and hydrological investigations reveal that a lake or lakes formed in a low-lying area when water was derived initially from the Kongque River and then shunted into the Xiaohe River basin.Low amounts of active chemical elements in lacustrine sediment between 4.8-3.5 ka BP indicate abundant and continuous water volume in the lake;the content of active chemical elements increased between 2.6-2.1 ka BP but was still at a relatively low level,suggesting a declining amount of water and diminished inflow.Between 1.2-0.9 ka BP there was a very high content of active elements,suggesting decreased water volume and indicating that the lake was stagnate.In contrast,the general climate condition shows that there had a warm-humid stage at 8-6 ka BP,a cool-humid stage at 6-2.9 ka BP and a warm-dry stage at 2.9-0.9 ka BP in this region.The hydrological evolutions around Xiaohe Cemetery did not have one-to-one correspondence with climate changes.Regional comparison indicates that broad-scale climatic conditions played an important role through its influences on the water volume of the Tarim River and Kongque River.But,the formation of the lakes and their level were controlled by geomorphic conditions that influenced how much water volume could be shunted to Xiaohe River from Kongque River.Human occupation of the Xiaohe Cemetery and nearby regions during the Bronze Age and Han-Jin period (202 BC-420 AD) corresponded to the two earlier lake periods,while no human activities existed in the third lake period because of the decreased water volume.
[190]Mo D, Zhao Z, Xu J, et al.Holocene environmental changes and the evolution of the Neolithic Cultures in China//Landscapes and Societies.
Springer Netherlands, 2011: 299-319.
[本文引用: 1]
[191]Zhang J, Huang W, Yuan B, et al.Optically stimulated luminescence dating of cave deposits at the Xiaogushan prehistoric site, northeastern China.
Journal of Human Evolution, 2010, 59(5): 514.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhevol.2010.05.008URLPMID:20719358 [本文引用: 1]摘要
The Xiaogushan cave site is one of the most important prehistoric sites in North China. The stone and bone artifacts found in the cave are similar to European contemporaneous artifacts. Cave deposits consist of five layers that have been dated from 46,353±1179 to 4229±135 cal. yr BP, using radiocarbon dating techniques on charcoal and bone samples collected from Layers 2–5. In this paper, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) techniques were applied to date six samples taken from Layers 1–3. The luminescence properties of the fine-grained and coarse-grained quartz extracts indicate that the materials are suitable for OSL dating using a single-aliquot regeneration-dose (SAR) protocol. The OSL ages obtained are broadly consistent with the stratigraphy and the associated calibrated radiocarbon ages. The dating results show that the cave was first occupied by humans about 70ka. The human occupation of the cave may be related to climate change. An occupation hiatus is inferred to between 6517 to 6510ka. The stone and bone artifacts found in Layers 2 and 3 may indicate the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transitions in the region.
[192]Zhang J, Wang X, Qiu W, et al.The paleolithic site of Longwangchan in the middle Yellow River, China: Chronology, paleoenvironment and implications.
Journal of Archaeological Science, 2011, 38(7): 1537-1550.
The Longwangchan Paleolithic site, situated on the Yellow River terraces in the Hukou area, Shaanxi province, China, was found in 2003–2004, and two areas (Localities 1 and 2) of the site were excavated in 2005–2008. Abundant stone artifacts including microliths, a grinding stone fragment and a shovel, with some animal bones and shells, were recovered from Locality 1. In this study, the cultural deposits from Locality 1 were dated using radiocarbon and optical dating techniques, and the sediment properties of the deposits were analyzed. The results show that the age of the deposits ranges from 29 to 21ka and most of them were deposited between 25ka and 29ka. This indicates that corresponds to late Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 and early MIS 2. During the human occupation period, the climate in this area became colder and drier. Sediments from beds where the grinding slab and the shovel were found were dated to 6525ka, which is the oldest among the grinding stones found in China. The microliths and the grinding stone are important evidence for an incipient socio-economic process that eventually led to the regional transition from hunting-foraging to farming.
[193]Nian X, Gao X, Zhou L.Chronological studies of Shuidonggou (SDG) Locality 1 and their significance for archaeology.
Quaternary International, 2014, 347, 5-11.
Shuidonggou Locality 1 (SDG 1), discovered in 1923, is one of the most important Upper Paleolithic sites in China, and excavations since its discovery have produced abundant cultural remains and other materials. However, only limited ranges of dating methods have been applied to the site. This study discusses the results of dating samples by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) from two sections at SDG 1. Medium grained (45–6302μm) quartz was extracted and used for age determination by the single aliquot regeneration (SAR) protocol. The OSL ages of five samples from the cultural layer in the section excavated in 1963 were between 3202±02302ka and 3902±02402ka, and four samples from the cultural layer excavated in 1980 were dated from 4202±02302ka to 4602±02302ka. The OSL data were consistent with newly acquired AMS 14C dates. The dating results show that ages varied from ca. 2202ka to 4602ka for the cultural layer at SDG 1. The onset of Levalloisian blade technology in China is dated to ca. 43 ka at SDG 1, perhaps reflecting a fast dispersal of modern humans, and earlier than previously thought. Systematic excavation at SDG 1 is needed to establish the exact stratigraphic position of Paleolithic assemblages in order to discuss their relationships with initial Upper Paleolithic industries in Eurasia.
[194]Nian X, Gao X, Xie F, et al.Chronology of the Youfang site and its implications for the emergence of microblade technology in
North China. Quatern. Int., 2014, 347, 113-121.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2014.05.053URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The Youfang Paleolithic site, located in the eastern Nihewan Basin, Hebei Province, China, was discovered in 1984. However, the microblade assemblages which were excavated from the site lacked reliable chronological data. In this study, an optical dating technique was applied to nine samples from Late Pleistocene eolian sequences at the site. The ages of three samples from artifact-bearing deposits were in the range of ca. 26–2902ka with depths between 2.102m and 2.902m obtained with medium-grained quartz, corresponding to Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS3). These displayed evidence of a longer-term climate trend, in which the climate became gradually warmer and more humid. The sample from the upper culture layer was dated to 26.402±022.102ka. Five samples taken from the lower culture layer yielded ages between ca. 2802ka and 4302ka. The results suggest that human occupation at the Youfang site ranged from ca. 2602ka to 2902ka. Indeed, the Nihewan Basin yields the oldest microblade site in northern high latitudes (40°02N), and offers a unique opportunity to study the emergence and characteristics of microblade technologies in northeast Asia. Nevertheless, extensive archeological field surveys and excavations are still needed to understand further the developmental process of microblade technologies in the region.
[195]Li Z, Wu X, Zhou L, et al.Late Pleistocene archaic human crania from Xuchang, China.
Science, 2017, 355: 969-972.
https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aal2482URLPMID:28254945 [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract Two early Late Pleistocene (~105,000- to 125,000-year-old) crania from Lingjing, Xuchang, China, exhibit a morphological mosaic with differences from and similarities to their western contemporaries. They share pan-Old World trends in encephalization and in supraorbital, neurocranial vault, and nuchal gracilization. They reflect eastern Eurasian ancestry in having low, sagittally flat, and inferiorly broad neurocrania. They share occipital (suprainiac and nuchal torus) and temporal labyrinthine (semicircular canal) morphology with the Neandertals. This morphological combination reflects Pleistocene human evolutionary patterns in general biology, as well as both regional continuity and interregional population dynamics. Copyright 2017, American Association for the Advancement of Science.
[196]Xia Zhengkai, Liu Decheng, Wang Youping, et al.Environmental background of human activities during MIS 3 stage recorded in the Zhijidong Cave site, Zhengzhou.
Quaternary Sciences, 2008, 28(1): 96-102.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1001-7410.2008.01.010URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[夏正楷, 刘德成, 王幼平, . 郑州织机洞遗址MIS 3阶段古人类活动的环境背景
. 第四纪研究, 2008, 28(1): 96-102.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1001-7410.2008.01.010URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[197]Xia Z, Chen F, Chen G, et al.Environmental background of evolution from the Paleolithic to Neolithic culture in Nihewan Basin, North China.
Science China Earth Sciences, 2001, 44(9): 779-788.
https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02907090URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The relationship between the paleolithic-neolithic cultural transition and environmentalevolvement has been a focus of the paleoanthropologists, archeologists, and Quaternary geolo-gists in the world. The analysis result of the paleoanthropic living environment at Yujiagou site ofNihewan Basin in the north of China shows that the microlithic culture at the Yujiagou site occurredduring the opening centuries of the last deglaciation and developed markedly in the continuouswarm and dry climatic conditions from late period of last deglaciation to early postglacial. Moreover,it also shows that the neolithic culture at the Yujiagou site occurred in the early postglacial anddeveloped rapidly in a warm and humid climatic condition in the Holocene Megathermal. Climatevariation is an important factor leading to the paleolithic-neolithic cultural transition
[198]Ren X, Lemoine X, Mo D, et al.Foothills and intermountain basins: Does China's fertile arc have "Hilly Flanks"?
Quaternary International, 2016, 426: 86-96.
In 2009, Liu and colleagues considered the parallels in topographic context between early farming sites in Southwest Asia and those in North China associated with millet cultivations. This paper extends the geography of this conceptual framework by moving south of the Qinling Mountains-Huai River divide, incorporating sites in South China that associated with the beginnings of rice exploitations. We highlight the continuous mountain chains running from the Greater Khingan range in the northeast to the Nanling Mountains in the south that give form to China's Fertile Arc. Key sites in the northern part of the Arc are situated along China’ “hilly flanks” while southern sites are located in a diverse array of landforms including piedmont plains and intermountain basins. A parallel could be drawn in the context of early land choice ‘ecological opportunism’ between the Fertile Crescent and China's Fertile Arc.
[199]Zhang Xiaohu, Xia Zhengkai, Yang Xiaoyan, et al.Different response models of prehistoric economy to 4 ka B.P. climate event in the reaches of Huang River.
Quaternary Science, 2008, 28(6): 1061-1069.
[张小虎, 夏正楷, 杨晓燕, . 黄河流域史前经济形态对4 ka B.P. 气候事件的响应
. 第四纪研究, 2008, 28(6): 1061-1069.]
[200]Mo Duowen, Yang Xiaoyan, Wang Hui, et al.Study on the environmental background of Niuheliang site, Hongshan culture, and the relationship between ancient man and environment.
Quaternary Science, 2002, 22(2): 174-181.
[莫多闻, 杨晓燕, 王辉, . 红山文化牛河梁遗址形成的环境背景与人地关系研究
. 第四纪研究, 2002, 22(2): 174-181.]
[201]Guo Y, Mo D, Mao L, et al. Settlement distribution and its relationship with environmental changes from the Paleolithic to Shang-Zhou period in Liyang Plain, China
. Quaternary International, 321(2014): 29-36.
With increasing collaboration between archeology and natural sciences, research on past human–environment interactions has received more attention in recent years. This paper uses nineteen radiocarbon and OSL dates from three profiles to explore environmental evolution of the Liyang Plain, investigate the spatial and temporal distributions of archaeological sites from the Paleolithic Age to the Shang–Zhou period and discuss relationships between human cultures and environmental changes. The results show that Paleolithic sites are mainly distributed in surrounding mountainous and hilly areas, changing to the plain in the late Paleolithic Age. Climatic cooling during the Last Glacial Maximum did not cause severe damage to the regional vegetation and ecosystem, which allowed the continuous development of the late Paleolithic culture in the Liyang Plain. Suitable environmental conditions and progression of human activities facilitated rice cultivation in the early Holocene, and rice agriculture as an important food resource provided a solid material foundation for social development. The number of archaeological sites increased continuously and their distribution expanded considerably into eastern low-lying plain areas during the Neolithic Age. These trends reversed in the late Shijiahe culture, and social development did not recover until the Shang–Zhou period. Variation of site distribution in the Liyang Plain was primarily influenced by hydrological and geomorphological changes as well as climate change. However, it might also have been affected by broader regional political situations, especially during the Shang–Zhou period.
[202]Li T, Mo D, Kidder T, et al.Holocene environmental change and its influence on the prehistoric culture evolution and the formation of the Taosi site in Linfen basin, Shanxi province, China.
Quaternary International, 2014, 349: 402-408.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2014.07.054URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The Taosi site (4300–400002BP) in the southern Linfen basin of Shanxi province is regarded as one of the most important large settlement sites prior to the origin of Chinese civilization, but the environmental context of its formation remains unclear. In this paper, we reconstruct the Holocene environment, based on analyses of OSL dates, pollen, grain sizes, magnetic susceptibilities, and trace elements of the two loess-paleosol profiles in Linfen basin, and discuss its influence on Neolithic cultural evolution in the area, and the formation of the Taosi site. The results indicate that the climate was warm and wet ca. 9.0–4.902ka, promoting the development of the Neolithic cultures during that period in the Linfen basin. Climate turned cool and dry after 4.902ka, and settlements concentrated in the valleys of the large rivers resulting in greater culture development and increasing political centralization. The development of Neolithic cultures coupled with paleosol enriched in micronutrient elements in Linfen basin provided a cultural basis and material basis for the Taosi culture. The central geographic location of the Taosi culture amidst various other early Chinese cultures contributed to the flourishing of the culture and the formation of the Taosi site as a major protourban settlement that influenced further evolution of Chinese social systems.
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