

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

傅辰昊1,2,, 周素红1,2,, 闫小培1, 柳林1,2,3, 陈蔚珊1,2
1. 中山大学地理科学与规划学院,广州 510275
2. 广东省城市化与地理环境空间模拟重点实验室,广州 510275
3. 辛辛那提大学地理系,美国辛辛那提 OH45221-0131

Spatio-temporal characteristics and influencing factors of consumer behavior in retailing centers: A case study of Guangzhou in Guangdong Province

FUChenhao1,2,, ZHOUSuhong1,2,, YANXiaopei1, LIULin1,2,3, CHENWeishan1,2
1. School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
2. Guangdong Key Laboratory for Urbanization and Geo-simulation, Guangzhou 510275, China
3. Department of Geography, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Hamilton OH 45221-0131, USA
通讯作者:通讯作者:周素红(1976-), 女, 广东饶平人, 博士, 教授, 研究方向为城市地理学、时空间行为和城乡规划。E-mail: eeszsh@mail.sysu.edu.cn
-->作者简介:傅辰昊(1988-), 男, 安徽蚌埠人, 博士生, 研究方向为城市地理学、商业地理学与时空间行为。E-mail: fch1988822@126.com



Although residents' spatial choice and its influencing factors of consumer behavior are traditional research topics in human geography. The existing literatures have paid little attention to temporal choice, decision-making process and the relationship between space and time. To reveal the spatio-temporal characteristics, influencing factors and their internal mechanism of interaction of consumer behavior, the spatio-temporal characteristics of consumer behavior in retailing centers have been analyzed based on Guangzhou residents' consumption survey data in 2016. An influencing factor structural equation modeling of consumer spatio-temporal behavior in Guangzhou retailing centers has been established to analyze their influencing factors and mechanism of consumer behavior, such as time, duration, travel distance and activity radius. The results are shown as follows. (1) There are obvious spatio-temporal differences in consumer behavior when residents are going to and in retailing centers. (2) By affecting consumer preferences, residents' social and economic attributes lead to the differences among consumers' spatial and temporal behavior. But residents' social and economic attributes do not affect consumers' assessment on commercial space attributes. Commercial space attributes can not only directly affect the consumers' spatial and temporal behavior, but also indirectly affect it by influencing consumer preferences. Consumer preference can directly affect the consumers' spatial and temporal behavior, and it can be the media of residents' social and economic attributes and commercial space attributes to influence the consumers' spatial and temporal behavior. (3) Among all residents' social and economic attributes, age, family structure, living time in Guangzhou, employment status, and family's month-earning significantly affect the consumers' spatial and temporal behavior. Every observed variable in commercial space attribute influences the consumers' spatial and temporal behavior to different degrees. Only two observed variables (travel traffic mode and travel time) in consumer preferences have significantly impacts on the consumers' spatial and temporal behavior. The conclusions of this paper can deepen the understanding of the influencing factors and mechanism of consumer behavior in retailing centers, give advice to local governments about commercial network planning and guide the transformation and upgrading of retailing center.

Keywords:retailing center;consumer behavior;spatial and temporal behavior;SEM (structural equation model);Guangzhou

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傅辰昊, 周素红, 闫小培, 柳林, 陈蔚珊. 广州市零售商业中心的居民消费时空行为及其机制[J]. , 2017, 72(4): 603-617 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201704004
FU Chenhao, ZHOU Suhong, YAN Xiaopei, LIU Lin, CHEN Weishan. Spatio-temporal characteristics and influencing factors of consumer behavior in retailing centers: A case study of Guangzhou in Guangdong Province[J]. 地理学报, 2017, 72(4): 603-617 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201704004

1 引言

居民购物行为是城市地理的传统研究领域。早在20世纪60年代,基于个体行为的购物行为及其影响因素研究就已兴起。不少****在北美城市进行了一系列消费者购物出行和购物行为特征的研究,Golledge等[1]、Rushton[2]等则注意到居民的社会经济地位、文化差异[3]和场所偏好等对购物行为的影响。在20世纪70-80年代间,基于个体的购物行为研究丰富起来,更加重视消费者自身因素对消费者行为的影响,包括收入[4-5]、社会地位[6]、社会阶层[7]、种族[8]等消费者社会经济特征,同时对人口密度[9]等客观因素的研究也没有停止。近年来,随着居民收入水平的提高以及零售业由卖方市场向买方市场的转移,居民消费行为更加体现出个性化、体验性、多元化的特征,新兴零售业态、综合性的商业中心快速发展并成为居民日常和消费的重要载体,居民单一目的的购物行为已经扩展为融合购物、休闲娱乐、用餐等多种目的的消费行为,对内涵更丰富的消费行为及其影响因素研究走向多样化。一方面,大量的研究证实城市商业环境设施与空间分布[10-12]、商业空间微区位特征(如商场布局、外观、商品特征)[13-17]、运营变量(如服务)[18-21]、社交媒体[22]以及娱乐性和风险规避[23]等客观环境是影响居民购物决策的重要因素;另一方面,居民社会经济属性和对零售商偏好[24-27]、居住—就业地和日常生活空间[11-12, 28-29]等个体因素的作用也得到关注。
上述研究重点关注居民对消费地的空间选择行为,然而,作为影响消费行为决策的又一重要维度,时间对个体活动具有约束作用[30-31],时间选择以及时空关系同样值得关注。近年来,GIS空间分析方法的成熟进一步促进了将时间维度融合进传统有关消费行为研究中,产生了涵盖时间约束作用[32]、不同地域消费空间行为特征[33]、工作日与休息日购物活动与出行模式比较[34]、时空决策模拟及其影响因素[14, 16, 35-37]等居民消费时空行为研究的成果,拓展了消费行为的研究领域。

2 理论框架与研究假设

-->Fig. 1Theoretical framework and hypothesis of this study


3 研究设计

3.1 样本选取

广州是中国第三大城市,广东省省会,毗邻港澳,是国家中心城市和三大门户城市之一,也是华南和珠三角的中心城市,社会经济发展水平较高,由其商业发达,被称为“千年商都”。2015年广州全年社会消费品零售总额7932.96亿元,比上年增长11.0%(① 数据来源于《2015年广州市国民经济和社会发展统计公报》。)。2014年经过新一轮行政区划调整后,广州共辖越秀、荔湾、海珠、天河、白云、番禺、黄埔、花都、南沙、增城和从化11个区。以城市内环路和外环路为分界线可以将广州城市空间划分为老城区、新城区以及外围区[41],外围区包括近郊区(白云大部分地区、黄埔、番禺)和远郊区(花都、南沙、增城、从化),其中老城区、新城区和近郊区构成了都会区。本文的研究区域是分别位于广州都会区内3个不同圈层的39个大型商业综合体(图2)。因为考虑到高等级商业中心能吸引最大化地理空间范围内的顾客,主要抽取高等级中心进行调查。同时,城市商业中心是城市商业集聚、商业发展相对成熟的区域,考虑到商业中心可能由多个不同规模、业态的商店、店铺(或商业街)在特定空间范围内集聚而形成,重点抽取的商业中心内选择最有代表性的大型商业综合体进行调研。所抽取的对象在商场规模、商店业态等因素具有相似性。

-->Fig. 2Study area and selected retailing centers in Guangzhou


3.2 数据来源

Tab. 1
Tab. 1The sample size of each selected retailing center in Guangzhou


3.3 研究方法

本文综合运用SPSS软件的统计分析、ArcGIS软件的空间分析描述消费者在不同广州零售商业中心消费的时空间行为特征和差异,刻画到不同商业中心消费活动的时间变化,并运用AMOS软件构建结构方程模型(structural equation model, SEM),试图解释消费者社会经济属性、商业空间属性、消费偏好等变量如何影响居民到广州零售商业中心的消费时空行为,以及不同变量之间的相互关联。结构方程模型综合了方差分析、回归分析、路径分析和因子分析,是一种多变量复杂关系的建模工具。相比在之前研究中广泛使用的分对数模型、回归模型和Logit模型,该模型可以分析多因多果的联系、潜变量的关系,并能够模拟多因子的内在逻辑关系,是非常重要的多元数据分析工具。
Tab. 2
Tab. 2The variables of influencing factors structural equation modeling of consumer spatial-temporalbehavior in Guangzhou retailing centers

注:① 居住区位:可分为老城区(越秀、不含芳村的荔湾、内环内的海珠部分)、新城区(芳村、内环外的海珠部分、环城高速内的天河部分)、外围区(环城高速外的天河部分、白云、番禺、黄埔)。② 消费结构:1、单一目的型(购物/休闲娱乐/用餐);2、双目的型(购物休闲型/购物用餐型/休闲用餐型);3、综合型。③ 出行路径类型,即购物出行模式:1仅以消费目的的出行;2具有两种目的的出行;3三种或以上不同目的的出行活动。④ 消费出行距离:受访者本次消费目的地与居住地之间的直线距离。⑤ 消费活动范围:受访者近一年内去过的零售商业中心与其居住地间的平均距离,表示各变量综合作用后消费者一般的消费出行距离。⑥ 消费时段:用受访者到达消费目的地开始消费活动的时间表示,可分为上午(9:00-12:00)、下午(12:00-18:00)和晚上(18:00-23:00)。

4 居民消费时空行为特征


4.1 居民消费行为的时间特征

4.1.1 消费时段特征 首先,统计在各时间段上调研零售商业中心的客流量,以某一时段的客流量除以总客流量得到该时段商业中心的活动率,用来描述消费者消费活动时段,分析其时间节奏变化,结果显示选择下午时段消费的消费者最多,上午次之,晚上最少(图3):① 从消费时段来看,消费者在零售商业中心活动的高峰时段发生在15:00-19:30间,此时商业中心的活动率高于5%,而一天中商业中心没有明显的客流低谷;② 从时间变化来看,从9:00开始商业中心客流量快速增加,到12:30-14:30间活动率稳定在约4%,从14:30开始客流量再次增加并在16:30-17:30间达到一日活动率的最高峰。20:00时客流量开始波动下降,并在20时后急剧下降直到商业中心停止营业。
-->Fig. 3The time rhythm characteristic of individuals' consumer activity in retailing centers

随后,对比各时间段上不同地域圈层的零售商业中心的活动率可以发现:① 从活动率来看,新城区商业中心活动率最高,外围区次之,老城区最低;② 从时间节奏来看,新城区商业中心客流高峰持续时间较长(16:30-19:00),且没有明显的客流低估。老城区商业中心的活动率变化曲线与新城区类似,但在14:30左右有一个客流量低谷,同时客流高峰持续时间较短(17:30-18:30)。外围区商业中心的客流时间节奏与前两者有较大区别,在12:30达到稳定客流量后,直到17:00都比较稳定,没有明显客流高峰和低谷,但随后逐步下降直到停止营业,可见受到空间距离和交通可达性的影响,外围区商业中心客流量下降的时刻相对较早。
4.1.2 消费时长特征 对消费者在商业中心内的消费时长进行分析可以发现(图4):① 全体调研样本的消费时长从15 min到480 min,平均消费时长为140 min,同时75%的消费者消费时长都在175 min内;② 就不同地域圈层的商业中心来看,新城区的平均消费时长最久,外围区次之,而老城区小于平均水平,消费时长最短。
-->Fig. 4The characteristic of duration of individuals' consumer activity in retailing centers


4.2 居民消费行为空间特征

4.2.1 消费出行距离及其时间变化 以居民消费目的地离居住地的直线距离为基础,统计不同空间距离段上居民消费活动的人次数比重,以分析消费者利用商业零售中心消费的空间特征。结果(图5)显示:① 全体调研样本的平均消费出行距离为4.6 km,最远为37.3 km,75%的消费者消费出行距离都在6.4 km以内;② 分时段来看,下午消费活动的平均出行距离最远(4.9 km),晚上次之(4.5 km),上午最近(4.1 km)。
-->Fig. 5Consumers' travel distance in different times

4.2.2 消费活动范围 统计消费者近一年消费过的商业中心,计算其与消费者居住地的平均距离作为消费者的消费活动范围,能更客观地描述消费者通常的消费活动的空间距离特征(图6)。分析计算结果可发现:① 从总体来看,所有样本的消费活动范围从0.8 km至28.1 km不等,平均值为7.6 km,同时75%的消费者消费活动范围都在9.5 km以内;② 与更具偶然性的单次消费出行距离相比,消费活动范围更加稳定,虽然平均值更大(7.6 km>4.6 km),但浮动范围明显小于前者。
-->Fig. 6The radius of consuming activity


5 广州市居民消费时空行为影响因素分析


5.1 模型检验结果与修正

在提出的研究假设和各变量基础上,本部分建立了初始概念模型(图7),并采用极大似然估计法(Maximum Likelihood)进行参数估算。
-->Fig. 7Diagrammatic sketch of conceptual structural equation model

Tab. 3
Tab. 3The path verification of structural equation model after correction

运用各项适配指标来评价反复修正后的模型拟合度(表4),得到最终模型的卡方值 (Chi-square)为586.173,自由度为(Degrees of freedom)240,卡方值和自由度的比值等于2.442,最终模型理想可接受;进一步分析模型的拟合指标,均达到或接近理想值,可见经修正得到了一个比较理想的模型(图8),能很好地拟合样本数据,验证了研究中的假设。修正后的潜变量间效应关系如表5所示。
Tab. 4
Tab. 4Evaluation results of fitting index after correction

Tab. 5
Tab. 5Diagrammatic sketch of standardized chain effects between latent variables

-->Fig. 8The modified structural equation model after correction

5.2 模型结果分析

5.2.1 研究假设检验 将修正后结构方程模型的路径与研究假设对比可以发现,假设H1、H2不存在,而其余4个假设都通过了检验。因此可以得出:消费者社会经济属性既不会显著影响个体对商业空间属性的感知和评价,也不是直接对其消费时空行为产生显著影响,而是通过影响消费者的消费偏好(交通方式、出行花费时间等出行活动特征)发生连锁反应,进而导致消费时空行为的差异性。商业空间属性可以直接影响消费时空行为,也可以通过影响消费偏好而间接对消费时空行为施加影响。而消费者的消费偏好既可以直接影响消费时空行为,又可以间接地成为消费者社会经济属性和商业空间属性二者对消费时空行为作用的中间变量。以下分别分析消费者社会经济属性、商业空间属性、消费偏好3个外生变量对居民在广州商业中心消费时空行为的作用。
5.2.2 消费者社会经济属性对居民消费时空行为的影响 社会经济属性对消费偏好的总效应为0.274(总效应),对时空行为的总效应为0.134(通过消费偏好间接作用),这说明消费者社会经济属性,不是直接对其消费时空行为产生影响,而是通过影响其消费偏好(交通方式、出行花费时间等)发生连锁反应,进而导致消费时空间行为的差异。
5.2.3 商业空间属性对居民消费时空行为的影响 与消费者社会经济属性的作用不同的是,商业空间属性对居民消费时空行为既有直接作用,又会间接地产生影响但总的效应较小。商业空间属性对消费偏好的总效应(直接效应)为0.129;对时空行为的总效应为0.160,其中对消费时空行为的直接效应为0.097,通过消费偏好间接作用的效应为0.063。这说明消费者对商业空间属性感知的差异,不仅直接对其消费时空行为产生影响,还会通过影响消费者的消费偏好发生连锁反应,进而导致消费时空行为特征的不同。
5.2.4 消费偏好对居民消费时空行为的影响 不同于社会经济属性和商业空间感知,消费偏好对消费时空行为具有直接影响,直接效应为0.488,对比可得消费行为的时空特征受消费者消费偏好习惯的影响最大。除了直接效应,社会经济属性和商业空间属性这两个潜变量也会通过消费偏好产生连锁反应对消费时空行为产生作用。

6 结论与讨论

6.1 主要结论

本文将居民消费时空行为划分为消费时段、消费时长、消费出行距离和消费活动范围4个维度,以广州为案例地,分析了消费者在大型商业中心内4个维度的时空特征,发现消费者在广州零售商业中心的消费行为在时间和空间上都表现出较明显的特征和差异:① 消费时段方面,调研商业中心的客流量从上午开门营业后持续增加,到12:30至14:30间相对稳定,随后快速上升并在16:30至17:30间达到一日活动率的最高峰。最后从20时开始客流量急剧下降。可见选择下午时段消费的消费者最多,上午次之,晚上最少。② 消费者平均消费时长为140 min,新城区商业中心内消费者的消费时长最久,外围区次之,而老城区最短。③ 消费者平均消费出行距离为4.6 km,最大为37.3 km,75%的消费者消费出行距离都在6.4 km以内;下午消费出行距离最远,晚上次之,上午最近。④ 消费者通常的平均消费活动范围为7.6 km,75%的消费者消费活动范围都在9.5 km以内;相比单次消费出行距离,消费活动范围更加稳定。
在分析消费行为时空间特征基础上,建立了广州居民到零售商业中心的消费时空行为影响因素模型。经过修正和检验,发现模型拟合良好,并验证了相关假设。该模型模拟了各类变量在居民消费时空行为中的多元差异化的路径,即:① 消费者社会经济属性是通过影响消费者的出行特征等消费偏好发生连锁反应,进而导致消费时空行为的差异,其本身不会显著影响个体对商业空间属性的感知和评价,也不会直接对其消费时空行为产生显著影响。② 商业空间属性既可以直接影响居民消费时空行为,也可以通过影响消费偏好而间接对其施加影响。③ 居民的消费偏好特征既可以直接影响其消费时空行为,又是其社会经济属性和商业空间属性对消费时空行为作用的中间变量。
在各个潜变量中:① 年龄、家庭结构、在广州居住时间、就业状况、家庭月收入等消费者社会经济属性会显著影响其消费时空行为。年龄、家庭人数、在广州居住时间和家庭月收入的增加,不稳定的就业状况,促进了消费者选择更近距离的商业中心、较少地在下午或晚间进行消费活动,同时缩短其消费时长。② 商业空间属性中13个观测变量都在不同程度上导致消费时空行为的差异。其中,商城知名度、商城布局舒适度、商场综合性、商品齐全度、价格水平5个变量的作用最明显。消费者为了选择在商业空间条件较好的商业中心进行消费,会在近距离的商业中心进行活动,这会缩短其消费出行距离和消费活动范围。③ 而在消费偏好中仅有出行交通方式、出行花费时间2个变量会显著影响消费者消费时空行为,是否有人陪伴、消费结构、消费额、出行路径4个变量的作用不明显。随着出行交通方式的移动性增加和出行花费时间的增加,消费者会在更远距离的商业中心进行消费,并扩大其消费活动范围,同时消费者的消费时段后移,更倾向在下午或晚间消费,并增加其消费持续时间。

6.2 讨论

在实践方面,首先,本研究的结论可以帮助政府从公平层面编制和调整商业网点规划。比如,研究发现,居民社会经济属性会通过影响消费偏好进而影响居民消费的时空行为,因此,针对城市中中老年、低收入、就业状况不稳定的弱势群体,考虑其较低的出行移动性和公共交通依赖性,需要在其人口集聚区域附近,如保障房社区、城中村、城乡结合部等,就近布局中低端、综合性商业中心,并完善商业中心的公交、地铁可达性,以满足其基本的消费需求。其次,有助于商业地产开发商和运营商从效益层面出发对商业中心项目进行转型升级。研究发现,商业空间属性会对居民消费时空行为产生直接的影响,因此,作用最大的知名度、布局舒适度、业态综合性、商品齐全度、价格水平5个变量,应该成为所有类型商业中心应该提升的重点。不同类型的消费者的社会经济属性差异也给运营商提供了新的要求:① 以高收入消费者为主要目标人群的商业中心,价格因素不是重点,应在提升中高端商品种类、消费环境和提高服务水平上下功夫;② 以高年龄人群为目标的商业中心,鉴于该群体消费时段较早和消费时长较短的特征,可以提前每日的营业时间,并通过增加体验业态来延长这类消费者的驻留时间;③ 主要吸引较低收入、就业状况不稳定群体的商业中心,可以考虑提高商场中低档次商品数量和种类,增加餐饮业态比例,以充分利用这类人群较长消费时长和时间弹性较大的特征来提高商场的效益。
本文也存在一些不足:① 主要利用问卷数据研究本地消费者在大型零售商业中心内的消费时空行为,而人流量监测数据无法筛除非本地消费者,包含了非本地消费者。虽然鉴于问卷调查中零售商业中心内的非本地消费者占比很小(2.23%),可以推断出人流量监测数据中包含的非本地消费者也较小,但也可能对本文结论造成有限影响。② 本文主要研究消费者在休息日的消费行为,缺乏在工作日的研究,这可能会忽视消费者就业情况对其消费时空行为的影响;③ 本文是在商业中心调研获得的消费者消费行为特征,考虑了商业空间属性、消费者社会经济属性和消费偏好特征,但缺乏对消费者居住地建成环境影响的分析。未来还需结合更多维度和和因素进一步深化研究。
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

参考文献 原文顺序

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Abstract ABSTRACT In the study of spatial behavior we are interested in finding the rules for spatial choice which, when applied to any unique distribution of spatial opportunities, are capable of generating spatial behavior patterns similar to those observed. Behavioral postulates in geographical theories should incorporate these rules rather than descriptive statistics of actual behavior in a spatial system, since the latter are incorporating knowledge of the same spatial system that the theory hopes to generate and, in so doing, to explain. The concept of revealed space preferences is proposed as the organizing concept for finding these rules. This concept is similar to that of revealed preference in the theory of consumer demand. If spatial choice is viewed as a comparison and evaluation of alternative spatial opprtunities against a personal preference function, then, from any consistent statement of preferences from the paired comparison of spatial opportunities, it ought to be possible to derive a unique ranking of those spatial opportunities. Such a ranking is graphically portrayed on the familiar indifference surface. This article evaluates one method of finding this preference structure (indifference surface) by generating hypothetical spatial behavior patterns in accordance with a known ranking of spatial opportunities and shows that it is possible to find that ranking from the spatial behavior patterns. A mathematical proof shows why this is possible and also indicates the circumstances in which the proposed model is valid and those where it is weak.
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A case study is presented of the ways in which income differences between two outlying residential areas of Leeds affect the quantity and quality of shopping facilities found within them. Cursory appraisal of the stores in each area suggests their functional range of provisions and mode of business are highly similar; but more detailed classifications show important distinctions. Although there are slightly fewer establishments in the low income area than in the high income area, a much greater variety of goods and services are actually offered since the stores are less specialised in any particular trade. Broad differences in threshold values between the stores in each area are therefore perceived and varying patterns of consumer behaviour inferred. Implications for the central place farmework of a hierarchy of shopping centres are also discussed.
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It has frequently been noted that shopping patterns vary according to the socio-economic attributes of consumers. This paper summarizes the findings of an empirical analysis of the content and spatial extent of the usage and information fields pertaining to different social groups of consumers within Stockport, England.
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ABSTRACT Multiple center population density gradients derived within a theoretical framework permit substantive interpretation of the parameters. Estimated parameters for metropolitan Toronto and southern Ontario are interpreted as travel frequencies to centers of different orders. At the intraurban level different assumptions about prevailing trip patterns and purchase frequencies imply different relative travel frequencies. This permits inferences about spatial consumer behavior. In Toronto these inferences suggest that significant factors have been neglected. One factor may be the influence of centers upon residential attractiveness. At the interurban level population distribution is affected by travel behavior. This permits inferences about the structure of travel frequencies. In southern Ontario these inferences have been supported.
[10]Zhang Wenzhong, Li Yejin.Study on residents' shopping location preference and shopping location choice: A case on Xicheng and Haidian districts of Beijing
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https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2006.10.003URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Since the 1990s, commercial conditions in China including commercial environment, retail types, scale of retail enterprises, spatial structure of retail and shopping decision-making factors have changed. In order to keep up with these changes, commercial geography should set up new perspectives, theories and methods to analyze its internal mechanism and changing rules, and thus provide reasonable and practical scientific basis to commercial planning, location decision of retail enterprises and commercial environment construction. Taking Xicheng and Haidian Central Districts of Beijing as a research case, which is a sector region from city center to rural area, this paper selects 12 commercial centers as most important study objects of this sector. On the basis of the data from 1300 residents' questionnaires, the paper empirically analyzes the residents' shopping location preference and shopping location choice in two Logit models. Empirical results show that shopping behavior of residents is significantly and positively related to working in high-tech companies, high income and by car and is negatively related to high school diploma, by bus and subway. Furthermore, the residents' shopping location decision is significantly and positively related to leisure establishment and relative restaurant and entertainment establishment and negatively related to commercial location, commodity price, service quality and parking site. These empirical findings have important policy implications and marketing for policy-makers and retail developers.
[张文忠, 李业锦. 北京城市居民消费区位偏好与决策行为分析: 以西城区和海淀中心地区为例
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https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2006.10.003URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Since the 1990s, commercial conditions in China including commercial environment, retail types, scale of retail enterprises, spatial structure of retail and shopping decision-making factors have changed. In order to keep up with these changes, commercial geography should set up new perspectives, theories and methods to analyze its internal mechanism and changing rules, and thus provide reasonable and practical scientific basis to commercial planning, location decision of retail enterprises and commercial environment construction. Taking Xicheng and Haidian Central Districts of Beijing as a research case, which is a sector region from city center to rural area, this paper selects 12 commercial centers as most important study objects of this sector. On the basis of the data from 1300 residents' questionnaires, the paper empirically analyzes the residents' shopping location preference and shopping location choice in two Logit models. Empirical results show that shopping behavior of residents is significantly and positively related to working in high-tech companies, high income and by car and is negatively related to high school diploma, by bus and subway. Furthermore, the residents' shopping location decision is significantly and positively related to leisure establishment and relative restaurant and entertainment establishment and negatively related to commercial location, commodity price, service quality and parking site. These empirical findings have important policy implications and marketing for policy-makers and retail developers.
[11]Zhou Suhong, Lin Geng, Yan Xiaopei.The relationship among consumer's travel behavior, urban commercial and residential spatial structure in Guangzhou, China
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https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2008.04.009URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>商业业态空间和居住空间是城市空间结构研究中的两个重要领域, 通过分析居民微观行为解释实体空间是近年来城市商业业态空间和居住空间研究领域中越来越多被使用的研究 方法。以联系商业业态空间与居住空间的纽带&mdash;消费者行为作为切入点, 选择广州市8 个街 区的1428 位居民为调查对象, 研究二者的特征及关系。通过典型街区的问卷调查分析表明: ①居民购物出行方式选择、出行距离和多目的出行与所处街区的类型、区位、周边服务配套 和城市商业业态空间等存在密切的关系。②商业空间的等级体系清晰存在, 老城区传统商业中心仍存在较强的吸引力; 20 世纪80 年代以后形成的新商业中心区次之, 二者在吸引人群 的类型上存在差异; 次一级商业中心区和日常生活服务配套区在为居民提供日常消费服务方 面扮演着重要的角色。③城市新商业中心和外围商业次中心的在服务能力和提供的业态类型 上还存在不足, 使其服务供给与周边居民的购物需求之间存在某种程度的不匹配, 引发对老 城区的过度依赖。④外围商品房小区和政府规划建设的经济适用房小区周边的商业配套不足, 增加了居民日常生活成本。通过对居民出行空间的分析, 可以从另一侧面剖析城市的空间结 构及其发展演变的动力机制。</p>
[周素红,林耿,闫小培. 广州市消费者行为与商业业态空间及居住空间分析
. 地理学报, 2008, 63(4): 395-404.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2008.04.009URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>商业业态空间和居住空间是城市空间结构研究中的两个重要领域, 通过分析居民微观行为解释实体空间是近年来城市商业业态空间和居住空间研究领域中越来越多被使用的研究 方法。以联系商业业态空间与居住空间的纽带&mdash;消费者行为作为切入点, 选择广州市8 个街 区的1428 位居民为调查对象, 研究二者的特征及关系。通过典型街区的问卷调查分析表明: ①居民购物出行方式选择、出行距离和多目的出行与所处街区的类型、区位、周边服务配套 和城市商业业态空间等存在密切的关系。②商业空间的等级体系清晰存在, 老城区传统商业中心仍存在较强的吸引力; 20 世纪80 年代以后形成的新商业中心区次之, 二者在吸引人群 的类型上存在差异; 次一级商业中心区和日常生活服务配套区在为居民提供日常消费服务方 面扮演着重要的角色。③城市新商业中心和外围商业次中心的在服务能力和提供的业态类型 上还存在不足, 使其服务供给与周边居民的购物需求之间存在某种程度的不匹配, 引发对老 城区的过度依赖。④外围商品房小区和政府规划建设的经济适用房小区周边的商业配套不足, 增加了居民日常生活成本。通过对居民出行空间的分析, 可以从另一侧面剖析城市的空间结 构及其发展演变的动力机制。</p>
[12]Eveline S, Leeuwen V, Rietveld P.Spatial consumer behavior in small and medium sized towns
. Regional Studies, 2010, 27(6): 1-13.
https://doi.org/10.1080/00343401003713407URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Van Leeuwen E. S. and Rietveld P. Spatial consumer behaviour in small and medium-sized towns, Regional Studies. Small and medium-sized towns are often recognized as important components of the rural economy. This paper focuses on the current function of small and medium-sized towns in providing retail services to local households in five European countries. Furthermore, it analyses the spatial shopping behaviour of these households. It appears that towns are still important places for shopping: more than half of the purchases of households living in town or the direct hinterland are bought in town. [image omitted] Van Leeuwen E. S. et Rietveld P. Le comportement geographique du consommateur dans les villes petites et moyennes, Regional Studies. Les villes petites et moyennes sont souvent considerees comme d'importants rouages de l'economie rurale. Cet article porte sur la fonction actuelle des villes petites et moyennes comme pourvoyeuses du commerce de detail aux menages locaux dans cinq pays europeens. Qui plus est, on analyse le comportement commercial geographique de ces menages. Il semble que les villes sont toujours d'importants endroits ou on fait les courses: plus de la moitie des achats des menages qui habitent les villes ou l'arriere-pays immediat se font dans les villes. Comportement commercial Villes Analyse geographique Choix discret Faire les courses au dehors de la ville Van Leeuwen E. S. und Rietveld P. Raumliches Verbraucherverhalten in kleinen und mittelgrossen Stadten, Regional Studies. Kleine und mittelgrosse Stadte werden oft als wichtige Komponenten der Wirtschaft im landlichen Raum anerkannt. In diesem Beitrag untersuchen wir die momentane Funktion von kleinen und mittelgrossen Stadten hinsichtlich des Anbietens von Einzelhandelsdiensten fur lokale Haushalte in funf europaischen Landern. Daruber hinaus wird das raumliche Einkaufsverhalten dieser Haushalte analysiert. Es hat den Anschein, dass es sich bei den Stadten nach wie vor um wichtige Einkaufsorte handelt: Mehr als die Halfte der Einkaufe von Haushalten, die in der Stadt oder im unmittelbaren Hinterland leben, werden in der Stadt getatigt. Einkaufsverhalten Stadte Raumanalyse Discrete Choice Auswarts einkaufen Van Leeuwen E. S. y Rietveld P. Comportamiento espacial de compra en ciudades pequenas y medianas, Regional Studies. Con frecuencia se reconoce que las ciudades pequenas y medianas son componentes importantes en la economia rural. En este articulo analizamos la funcion actual de las ciudades pequenas y medianas de cinco paises europeos en cuanto a sus servicios minoristas a hogares locales. Asimismo analizamos el comportamiento espacial de compra en estos hogares. Parece ser que este tipo de ciudades todavia son centros importantes de compra: mas de la mitad de las compras de personas que viven en ciudades o directamente en el interior se hacen en las ciudades. Comportamiento de compra Municipios Analisis espacial Eleccion discreta Compras fuera del centro
[13]Turley L W, Milliman R E.Atmospheric effects on shopping behavior: A review of the experimental evidence
. Journal of Business Research, 2000, 49(2): 193-211.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0148-2963(99)00010-7URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract This review focuses on the research conducted over the years on the effects of facility-based environmental cues, or “atmospherics”, on buyer behavior. We review the pertinent literature by constructing a comprehensive table of the empirical studies in this area that focuses on the various findings associated with these investigations. This summary table indicates that atmospheric variables influence a wide variety of consumer evaluations and behaviors. In addition to discussing the findings and contributions of this literature stream, the article concludes by identifying gaps in the literature and suggesting potential future topics for atmospheric related research.
[14]Arentze T, Timmermans H.Impact of institutional change on shopping patterns: Application of a multi-agent model of activity-travel behavior
//Proceedings of the 12th Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference in Orlando, Eindhoven, 2005. European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies, 2005.
https://doi.org/10.5539/ass.v5n3p57URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
No abstract.
[15]Zhu Wei, Wang De.Space choice behavior and multi-stop tracks of consumers in East Nanjing Road
. Urban Planning, 2008, 32(3): 33-40.
首先使用多项分对数模型解释消费者的空间选择行为;然后基于模型进行模拟,再现个体消费者最 可能实施的回游轨迹,发现消费者在南京东路中的顺游行为、折返行为、跨越行为等行为特征,以及在回游过程中易被忽略或易使行为不稳定发生的空间问题;探讨 影响消费者停留的多种空间原因。最后在南京东路“金三角”地区大规模开发以及假设河南中路以东段步行化两种空间结构改变的情形下,预测消费者回游轨迹的变 化。
[朱玮, 王德. 南京东路消费者的空间选择行为与回游轨迹
. 城市规划, 2008, 32(3): 33-40.]
首先使用多项分对数模型解释消费者的空间选择行为;然后基于模型进行模拟,再现个体消费者最 可能实施的回游轨迹,发现消费者在南京东路中的顺游行为、折返行为、跨越行为等行为特征,以及在回游过程中易被忽略或易使行为不稳定发生的空间问题;探讨 影响消费者停留的多种空间原因。最后在南京东路“金三角”地区大规模开发以及假设河南中路以东段步行化两种空间结构改变的情形下,预测消费者回游轨迹的变 化。
[16]Zhu Wei, Wang De, Timmermans H.Applying multi-agent systems in the simulation of consumer behavior in shopping streets: The Shanghai East Nanjing Road case
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2009, 64(4): 445-455.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2009.04.007URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
用模型方法研究消费者行为经历了从集合模型到个体模型的过程.随 着计算机技术的进步,近十余年来多代理人技术得到了长足的发展.当前,将消费者个体行为模型和多代理人系统相结合来模拟商业街消费者活动,已经成为相关研 究和实践领域的前沿方法.其主要优点在于能够使相关人员以单个消费者为基础,整合复杂的相关因素,预测整体或局部商业空间的动态运行效果,作为规划开发的 依据.本文介绍由笔者基于NetLogo开发的一个模拟商业街消费者行为的多代理人模拟平台,包括系统的建构和模拟的流程.该模拟系统的核心由四个基于有 限理性原理的消费者决策模型构成:回家决策、方向选择决策、休息决策、商店光顾决策.然后应用这个平台于研究上海南京东路消费者行为的实例.该数据收集于 2007年,现场记录了消费者在南京东路的活动过程,并被用于拟合行为模型.将模拟的代理人个体行为集合后,于三方面同观察到的消费者实际行为作比较,包 括从事不同活动的消费者数量随时间的变化、在各街道段中活动的消费者数量随时间的变化,以及单个商店中的消费者人次和延时;同时分析了模拟中的问题.结果 显示该模拟平台总体上能够较好地预测消费者集合行为.
[朱玮, 王德, Timmermans H.多代理人系统在商业街消费者行为模拟中的应用: 以上海南京东路为例
. 地理学报, 2009, 64(4): 445-455.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2009.04.007URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
用模型方法研究消费者行为经历了从集合模型到个体模型的过程.随 着计算机技术的进步,近十余年来多代理人技术得到了长足的发展.当前,将消费者个体行为模型和多代理人系统相结合来模拟商业街消费者活动,已经成为相关研 究和实践领域的前沿方法.其主要优点在于能够使相关人员以单个消费者为基础,整合复杂的相关因素,预测整体或局部商业空间的动态运行效果,作为规划开发的 依据.本文介绍由笔者基于NetLogo开发的一个模拟商业街消费者行为的多代理人模拟平台,包括系统的建构和模拟的流程.该模拟系统的核心由四个基于有 限理性原理的消费者决策模型构成:回家决策、方向选择决策、休息决策、商店光顾决策.然后应用这个平台于研究上海南京东路消费者行为的实例.该数据收集于 2007年,现场记录了消费者在南京东路的活动过程,并被用于拟合行为模型.将模拟的代理人个体行为集合后,于三方面同观察到的消费者实际行为作比较,包 括从事不同活动的消费者数量随时间的变化、在各街道段中活动的消费者数量随时间的变化,以及单个商店中的消费者人次和延时;同时分析了模拟中的问题.结果 显示该模拟平台总体上能够较好地预测消费者集合行为.
[17]Zhu Wei, Wang De, Saito Saburo.Multistop shopping behavior of consumers on East Nanjing Road
. Urban Planning, 2006, 50(2): 9-17.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1002-1329.2006.02.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
延续对上海南京东路商业街消费 者的“入口消费行为”研究,研究消费者的“回游消费行为”。引入马尔可夫链(MarkovChain)模型,并证明该方法可以准确地测算商业空间的消费者 活动人次。用嵌套分对数模型(nestedlogitmodel)解释消费者的空间选择行为。发现模型对南京东路消费者样本的拟合取得了良好的拟合优度, 模型参数的行为意义与入口模型基本取得一致。整合入口模型、回游模型和马尔可夫模型后实施现实模拟,发现商业立地在吸引消费者过程中的重要性以及模型方法 在多目的规划中应用的潜力。
[朱玮, 王德, 齐藤参郎. 南京东路消费者的回游消费行为研究
. 城市规划, 2006, 50(2): 9-17.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1002-1329.2006.02.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
延续对上海南京东路商业街消费 者的“入口消费行为”研究,研究消费者的“回游消费行为”。引入马尔可夫链(MarkovChain)模型,并证明该方法可以准确地测算商业空间的消费者 活动人次。用嵌套分对数模型(nestedlogitmodel)解释消费者的空间选择行为。发现模型对南京东路消费者样本的拟合取得了良好的拟合优度, 模型参数的行为意义与入口模型基本取得一致。整合入口模型、回游模型和马尔可夫模型后实施现实模拟,发现商业立地在吸引消费者过程中的重要性以及模型方法 在多目的规划中应用的潜力。
[18]Oppewal H, Timmermans H.Modeling consumer perception of public space in shopping centers
. Environment and Behavior, 1999, 31(1): 45-65.
https://doi.org/10.1177/00139169921971994URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
ABSTRACT This article presents a study of the effects of various shopping center design and management attributes on consumer evaluations of the public space appearance (or atmosphere) in shopping centers. Examples of such attributes are level of maintenance, area for pedestrians, window displays, street layout, and street activities. A model is estimated from responses to experimentally controlled descriptions of hypothetical shopping centers. This conjoint analysis or stated preference-based model is compared with a similar regression model estimated from a cross section of perceptions of existing shopping centers. The conjoint and cross-sectional models are tested for their external validity on a holdout sample of respondents. It is concluded that both models perform equally well, but that the approach using hypothetical alternatives allows more detailed insight in the effects of the various shopping center attributes.
[19]Bell D R, Lattin J M.Shopping Behavior and Consumer Preference for Store Price Format: Why "Large Basket" Shoppers Prefer EDLP
. Marketing Science, 1998, 17(1): 66-88.
Abstract In recent years, the supermarket industry has become increasingly competitive. One outcome has been the proliferation of a variety of pricing formats, and considerable debate among academics and practitioners about how these formats affect consumers' store choice behavior. This paper advances the idea that consumer shopping behavior (as defined by average size of the shopping basket and the frequency of store visits) is an important determinant of the store choice decision when stores offer different price formats. A recent Wall Street Journal article that summarized the result of Bruno's management switching the chain from EDLP to HILO illustrates the importance of this issue: "The company's priceconscious customers, used to shopping for a fixed basket of goods, stayed away in droves." Thus, the audience for this paper includes practitioners and academics who wish to understand store choices or predict how a change in price format might affect store profitability and the mix of clientele that shop there.This paper attempts to understand the relationship between grocery shopping behavior, retail price format, and store choice by posing and answering the following questions. First, after controlling for other factors (e.g., distance to the store, prior experience in the store, advertised specials), do consumer expectations about prices for a basket of grocery products ("expected basket attractiveness") influence the store choice decision? This is a fairly straightforward test of the effect of price expectations on store choice. Second, are different pricing formats (EDLP or HILO) more or less attractive to different types of shoppers? To adequately answer the second question, we must link consumers' category purchase decisions, which collectively define the market basket, and the store choice decision.We study the research questions using two complementary approaches. First, we develop a stylized theory of consumer shopping behavior under price uncert...
[20]Ho T H, Tang C S, Bell D R.Rational shopping behavior and the option value of variable pricing
. Management Science, 1998, 44(12): 145-160.
When a product's price fluctuates at a store, how should rational, cost-minimizing shoppers shop for it? Specifically, how frequently should they visit the store, and how much of the product should they buy when they get there? Would this rational shopping behavior differ across Every Day Low Price (EDLP) and Promotional Pricing (HILO) stores? If shoppers are rational, which retail price format is more profitable, EDLP or HILO? To answer these questions, we develop a normative model that shows how rational customers should shop when the price of the product is random. We derive a closed-form expression for the optimal purchasing policy and show that the optimal quantity to purchase under a given price scenario is linearly decreasing in the difference between the price under that scenario and the average price. This purchase flexibility due to price variability has a direct impact on shopping frequency. Indeed, the benefit of this purchase flexibility can be captured via an "option value" that implicitly reduces the fixed cost associated with each shopping trip. Consequently, rational shoppers should shop more often and buy fewer units per trip when they face higher price variability. Our results suggest that if two stores charge the same average price for a product, rational shoppers incur a lower level of expenditure at the store with a higher price variability. Since stores with different price variabilities coexist in practice, we expect stores with higher price variability to charge a higher average price. Thus, given two stores, a higher relative mean price for a given item should be indicative of higher price variability, and vice versa. These model implications are tested using multicategory scanner panel data from 513 households and pricing data for three stores (two EDLP stores and one HILO store) and 33 product categories over a two-year period. We find strong empirical support for the model implications.
[21]Tang C S, Bell D R, Ho T H.Store choice and shopping behavior: How price format works
. California Management Review, 2001, 43(29): 56-74.
https://doi.org/10.2307/41166075URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
ABSTRACT In this paper, we present a perceived shopping utility framework for analyzing the impact of retail price format on store choice, which in turn determines three key performance metrics: (1) number of shoppers, (2) number of trips, and (3) average spending per trip. Our approach is based on the premise that when choosing a store, consumers evaluate both the fixed and variable utilities of shopping. The fixed utility does not vary from trip to trip whereas the variable utility depends on the size and composition of the shopping list. We apply our model to summarize prior findings on store choice, analyze how retailers can improve their performance, and interpret the practices of leading retailers. Our framework can also accommodate situations when retailers face multiple segments who have different sensitivities to fixed and variable utilities. Finally, we discuss recent trends (e.g., online shopping) using our approach.
[22]Arnold M J, Reynolds K E.Affect and retail shopping behavior: Understanding the role of mood regulation and regulatory focus
. Journal of Retailing, 2009, 85(3): 308-320.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretai.2009.05.004URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Two studies investigate the relationship between promotion and prevention focus, mood regulation, and retail marketplace evaluations and behaviors. Study 1, a laboratory experiment, finds that individuals high in promotion focus regulate their moods more than individuals low in promotion focus. Study 2, a field study, investigates the relationships between retail outcomes, regulatory focus, and the three core mood regulation constructs of mood monitoring, mood clarity, and mood repair. Results suggest that mood regulation is closely related to promotion and prevention focus, having both a direct influence on retail outcomes as well as mediating the influence of regulatory focus. Implications for theory and practice, limitations, and directions for future research are discussed.
[23]Schr?der H, Zaharia S.Linking multi-channel customer behavior with shopping motives: An empirical investigation of a German retailer
. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2008, 15(6): 452-468.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2008.01.001URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Operating multiple channels, in store as well as non-store, allows a retailer to cater to the different shopping motives of its customers. This research into the buying behavior of 525 customers of a multi-channel retailer that operates five channels in Germany shows that most customers use only one channel within a buying process, selecting the channel that best satisfies their shopping motives in each situation. Based on exploratory qualitative and quantitative research, this study identifies five shopping motives: “recreational orientation”, “convenience orientation”, “independence orientation”, “delivery-related risk aversion” and “product- and payment-related risk aversion”. In the majority of the store channels examined in this study (chain stores and bakeries), single-channel users primarily look to satisfy emotional and social needs. Single-channel users of non-store channels (catalogue and online-shop) look for convenience and strive for independence. Multi-channel users, who obtain their information from the online-shop and then make their purchase in the chain store, are combining the independence of online-shop information with the reduction of risks associated with buying products in the chain store. These findings can be used to develop recommendations for managing the individual channels.
[24]Jones M A, Reynolds K E.The role of retailer interest on shopping behavior
. Journal of Retailing,2006, 82(2): 115-126.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pnpbp.2005.05.001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract This manuscript proposes and tests a model that includes retailer interest as a measure of consumers response to a retailer. Retailer interest was found to have a significant main effect on looking forward to visiting the retailer again, loyalty, positive word of mouth, and a desire to learn more about the retailer, even while modeling the influence on satisfaction on these variables. Retailer interest was also found to have a significant interaction with satisfaction in predicting repatronage intentions and positive word of mouth. The implications of the retailer interest construct are discussed, as well as limitations and areas for future research.
[25]Yamamoto T, Li C, Morikawa T.An empirical analysis of the factors raising the interest in new shopping destinations
. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2014, 21(6): 950-957.
Abstract The relationship among the factors in the rising interest in new alternatives is empirically investigated in the context of shopping destination choice behavior. The hypothetical causal relationship is that the rising interest in new alternatives requires both active information search and considerable benefit, which is supported by the results of the mixture structural equation models using a data set containing revealed shopping behaviors and attitudes toward shopping destinations in the Tokyo metropolitan area: a lower level of satisfaction with the current choice set incites external information search for all subjects; however, the benefit of adding new alternatives affects the interest in new alternatives only in the group that engages in active information search.
[26]Wang Donggen.Hong Kongers' cross-border consumption and shopping in Shenzhen: patterns and motivations
. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2004, 11(3): 149-159.
ABSTRACT The phenomenon that many Hong Kong people cross the border to shop and consume in Shenzhen has recently drawn great public attention in Hong Kong. In an attempt to understand the nature of this phenomenon and to shed further light on cross-border consumption and shopping in general, this paper investigates the patterns and motivations of Hong Kong people's consumption and shopping in Shenzhen. A negative binomial model is developed to evaluate the effects of motivational factors and socio-economic characteristics on the frequency of cross-border trips. Results of the study indicate that Hong Kongers cross-border consumption and shopping activities in Shenzhen were both functional and recreational.
[27]Zhang Wenjia, Chai Yanwei.The influence of residential space on household shopping tour decision-making behaviors
. Progress in Geography, 2009, 28(3): 362-369.
https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.03.006URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[张文佳, 柴彦威. 居住空间对家庭购物出行决策的影响
. 地理科学进展, 2009, 28(3): 362-369.]
https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.03.006URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[28]Ma Jing, Chai Yanwei, Zhang Wenjia.A study on shopping behavior of Beijing residents: The spatial differentiation of influencing factors
. Economic Geography, 2009, 29(12): 2006-2011.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[马静, 柴彦威, 张文佳. 北京市居民购物出行影响因素的空间分异
. 经济地理, 2009, 29(12): 2006-2011.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[29]Yang Xiaojun, Zhou Yuan, Yang Xiaofeng.A study of the law of urban residents' consumption behavior and urban spatial behavior
. Human Geography, 2010(2): 50-53.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[杨晓俊, 周源, 杨晓峰. 居民消费行为与城市生活空间行为规律研究
. 人文地理, 2010(2): 50-53.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[30]H?gerstrand T.What about people in regional science?
Urban Planning International, 2010, 24(1): 6-21.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1435-5597.1970.tb01464.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
No Abstract available for this article.
[31]Timmermans H, Arentze T, Joh C H.Analysing space-time behaviour: New approaches to old problems
. Progress in Human Geography, 2002, 26( 2): 175-190.
https://doi.org/10.1191/0309132502ph363raURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract Time geography had led geographers to analyse and model activity-travel patterns since the 1970s. The notion that activity-travel patterns are highly constrained has been frequently used in analytical studies and models of space-time behaviour. The popularity of this field of research lost most of its momentum in geography in the 1990s, but is now the dominant approach among civil engineers in transportation research. This paper critically reviews these developments. It briefly summarizes recent developments in space-time research, focusing on empirical and modelling studies. Potential strengths and weakness of the various modelling approaches are discussed.
[32]Skallerud K, Korneliussen T, Olsen S O.An examination of consumers' cross-shopping behaviour
. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2009, 16(3): 181-189.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2008.11.012URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
This study addresses antecedents of cross-shopping behaviour. Five theory-driven hypotheses are derived and tested. The results indicate that impulse buying tendency and perceived time pressure have a statistically significant negative effect on supermarket patronage. Product assortment and price consciousness have a statistically significant negative effect on speciality store patronage, while impulse buying tendency and convenience orientation have a statistically significant positive effect on speciality store patronage. Perceived time pressure has a statistically significant positive effect on meat store patronage. This effect is, however, not statistically significant on seafood store patronage. The findings have managerial implications for both supermarkets and speciality stores.
[33]Marjanen H.Longitudinal study on consumer spatial shopping behavior with special reference to out-of-town shopping Experiences from Turku, Finland
. Journal of Retailing and consumer Services, 1995, 2(3): 163-174.
https://doi.org/10.1016/0969-6989(95)00028-3URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Out-of-town shopping centres are seen as a threat both to city centre retailing and to small local shops. The gradual development of an edge-of-town retail park made it possible to carry out a longitudinal study of changes in consumers' shopping behaviour in a situation characterized by a considerable growth in the supply side. The study attempts to analyse the usage of different shopping areas and the changes in choice frequencies of different types of store location (city-centre shopping mall, edge-of-town retail park and local stores). The results show that the consumers changed their shopping habits less than expected.
[34]Yun D S, O'Kelly M E. Modeling the day-of-the-week shopping activity and travel patterns. Socio-
Economic Planning Sciences, 1997, 31(4): 307-319.
URL [本文引用: 1]
[35]Scott D M, He S Y.Modeling constrained destination choice for shopping: A GIS-based, time-geographic approach
. Journal of Transport Geography, 2012, 23: 60-71.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2012.03.021URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract For accurate prediction, a shopping destination choice model must rely on a realistic representation of available opportunities. Thus, spatio-temporal constraints are indispensable in specifying a realistic choice set. Failure to take into account such constraints results in misspecification of shopping alternatives, erroneous inferences, and misunderstanding of individual travel behavior. However, due to lack of data, heavy computational burden, and algorithm complexity, spatio-temporal constraints have often been ignored in shopping destination choice modeling. In our study, we use the potential path area, which is the projection of a space-time prism onto a plane, to determine an individual destination choice set given their spatio-temporal constraints. In this way, the destination choice set is a more realistic representation of the shopping alternatives available to the individual. We select 616 shopping trips from a travel survey conducted in five counties of the Louisville KY-IN MSA in 2000, and aggregate shopping opportunities to traffic analysis zones (TAZs) for analysis. Multinomial logit models are estimated to understand the determinants of shopping destination choice. The results are compared to those of a conventional, unconstrained destination choice model.
[36]Jiao Huafu, Han Huiran.Research on temporal and spatial decision-making process and influencing factors of residents' shopping behavior in medium-sized cities: A case study of Wuhu City in Anhui Province
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2013, 68(6): 750-761.
购物决策过程是居民根据自身需求进行购物信息搜寻、购物目的地选择等方面的完整过程,是居民购物行为发生与实施的前提和基础,已经成为城市地理学研究的热点之一。本文利用2011 年芜湖市居民购物行为调查问卷数据,通过构建居民购物出行的嵌套Logit 模型,从购物出行模式决策、购物初始时间决策、购物目的地决策、购物出行交通方式决策等四个层面对芜湖市居民购物行为的决策过程及影响因素进行了探讨。结果表明:① 居民属性特征对购物出行模式决策具有显著影响,男性居民选择单纯购物出行的概率较大,而女性居民、有家人陪伴的居民更倾向多目的出行;在中心城区居住及出行距离远的居民偏好中午进行多目的购物概率较大,出行距离集中在1~2 km的范围内,而近郊区居民则避开下班高峰期进行购物,倾向选择2~5 km的购物空间范围;② 具有私家车的男性居民在晚上进行购物的概率比较大,其出行概率是上午的2.94 倍,更加偏好远距离出行;居民上下班途中购物大多发生在下班时间,偏好5~8 km范围的远距离;有朋友陪伴的居民更倾向上午依赖公共交通进行远距离出行;③ 以家为购物出发地点的居民的购物更倾向19:00 之后并且偏好远距离出行,公交车依然是芜湖市居民购物出行的主要载体。
[焦华富, 韩会然. 中等城市居民购物行为时空决策过程及影响因素: 以安徽省芜湖市为例
. 地理学报, 2013, 68(6): 750-761.]
购物决策过程是居民根据自身需求进行购物信息搜寻、购物目的地选择等方面的完整过程,是居民购物行为发生与实施的前提和基础,已经成为城市地理学研究的热点之一。本文利用2011 年芜湖市居民购物行为调查问卷数据,通过构建居民购物出行的嵌套Logit 模型,从购物出行模式决策、购物初始时间决策、购物目的地决策、购物出行交通方式决策等四个层面对芜湖市居民购物行为的决策过程及影响因素进行了探讨。结果表明:① 居民属性特征对购物出行模式决策具有显著影响,男性居民选择单纯购物出行的概率较大,而女性居民、有家人陪伴的居民更倾向多目的出行;在中心城区居住及出行距离远的居民偏好中午进行多目的购物概率较大,出行距离集中在1~2 km的范围内,而近郊区居民则避开下班高峰期进行购物,倾向选择2~5 km的购物空间范围;② 具有私家车的男性居民在晚上进行购物的概率比较大,其出行概率是上午的2.94 倍,更加偏好远距离出行;居民上下班途中购物大多发生在下班时间,偏好5~8 km范围的远距离;有朋友陪伴的居民更倾向上午依赖公共交通进行远距离出行;③ 以家为购物出发地点的居民的购物更倾向19:00 之后并且偏好远距离出行,公交车依然是芜湖市居民购物出行的主要载体。
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Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[张文佳, 柴彦威. 基于家庭的购物行为时、空间决策模型及其应用
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Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
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URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[马静, 柴彦威. 休息日与工作日居民购物时空间决策因素及差异比较
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[41]Cao Xiaoshu, Lin Qiang.A SEM-based study on urban community resident's travel behavior in Guangzhou
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URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
基于行为主义的视角,从微观的社区层面研究城市居民的出行行为。选取广州市的3 个城 市社区作为案例,以218 个样本数据库为基础,根据研究的侧重点不同分别建立两个结构方程模 型,拟合各变量之间的路径关系。其中居民出行选择的结构方程模型重点分析居民属性、居住 区位与居民出行目的、出行时间、出行方式等出行偏好之间的关系。居民出行决策的结构方程 模型则模拟居民的出行决策过程。结果显示:居民之间由于自身属性不同在出行选择和出行偏 好上存在差异,居民出行行为中居民属性和居住区位是根本,出行目的是关键,居民出行行为可 以概括为&ldquo;属性决定目的,目的影响行动&rdquo;。此外,居民的出行行为有其复杂的作用机制和决策 路径,居民的出行决策过程可以解读为性别决策子系统、年龄决策子系统、收入决策子系统和居 住区位决策子系统等4 个决策子系统,各子系统中路径作用的不同使居民属性和居住区位对居 民出行决策产生多重多向的效应,在复合系统的影响下城市社区居民表现出差异化的出行 行为。
[曹小曙, 林强. 基于结构方程模型的广州城市社区居民出行行为
. 地理学报, 2011, 66(2): 167-177.]
URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
基于行为主义的视角,从微观的社区层面研究城市居民的出行行为。选取广州市的3 个城 市社区作为案例,以218 个样本数据库为基础,根据研究的侧重点不同分别建立两个结构方程模 型,拟合各变量之间的路径关系。其中居民出行选择的结构方程模型重点分析居民属性、居住 区位与居民出行目的、出行时间、出行方式等出行偏好之间的关系。居民出行决策的结构方程 模型则模拟居民的出行决策过程。结果显示:居民之间由于自身属性不同在出行选择和出行偏 好上存在差异,居民出行行为中居民属性和居住区位是根本,出行目的是关键,居民出行行为可 以概括为&ldquo;属性决定目的,目的影响行动&rdquo;。此外,居民的出行行为有其复杂的作用机制和决策 路径,居民的出行决策过程可以解读为性别决策子系统、年龄决策子系统、收入决策子系统和居 住区位决策子系统等4 个决策子系统,各子系统中路径作用的不同使居民属性和居住区位对居 民出行决策产生多重多向的效应,在复合系统的影响下城市社区居民表现出差异化的出行 行为。
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