

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

毛爱涵,1, 李发祥2, 杨思源2, 黄婷1, 郝蕊芳3, 李思函1, 于德永,11.北京师范大学地理科学学部,地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室人与环境可持续性研究中心,北京 100875
2.三江源国家公园管理局,西宁 810001
3.北京林业大学水土保持学院,北京 100083

Clean energy power generation potential and value in Qinghai Province

MAO Aihan,1, LI Faxiang2, YANG Siyuan2, HUANG Ting1, HAO Ruifang3, LI Sihan1, YU Deyong,11. Human and Environmental Sustainability Research Center, State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
2. Sanjiangyuan National Park Administration, Xining 810001, China
3. College of Soil and Water Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China

通讯作者: 于德永,男,辽宁省朝阳人,教授,主要从事景观生态学、土地系统设计、城市生态学与城市规划研究。E-mail: ydy@bnu.edu.cn


作者简介 About authors
毛爱涵,女,内蒙古赤峰人,硕士生,研究方向为资源生态与自然资源保护。E-mail: 798248599@qq.com

关键词: 清洁能源;太阳能;风能;水电势能;生物质能;地热能;生态文明;青海省

With the progress of science and technology, the development and use of clean energy resources have become an important way to alleviate the shortage of traditional energy resources and improve the ecological environment. Quantitative assessment of the potential of clean energy resources will help relevant government departments to make scientific decisions on their development and use. Based on model simulation and spatial analysis methods, this study evaluated the potential and value of five major clean energy resources including solar energy, wind energy, hydroelectric potential energy, biomass energy, and geothermal energy in Qinghai Province, and obtained the spatial and temporal distribution pattern and the amount of the main clean energy resources in the province. The results show that: (1) Temporally, the power generation potential of clean energy was increasing year by year from 2000 to 2018. The spatial distribution pattern changed only slightly, and the power generation potential was stable. From a spatial point of view, the clean energy power generation potential in the west of Qinghai Province is relatively high, while that in the east is relatively low; on the prefectural (city) scale, Yushu Prefecture and Haixi Prefecture are in the high value area of clean energy power generation potential, while Xining City is in the low value area; on the scale of ecological function area, the Sanjiangyuan area is in the high value area of clean energy power generation potential, while the Qilian Mountains area is in the low value area. (2) From the perspective of clean energy structure, from 2000 to 2018, Qinghai Province has abundant hydropower resources, with an average power generation potential of 233.841 billion kWh, followed by biomass energy, geothermal energy, solar energy, and wind energy, and the proportion of clean energy in energy consumption is gradually increasing in practical application. (3) The average value of clean energy potential in Qinghai Province from 2000 to 2018 was 188.775 billion yuan. The economic value of clean energy obtained in the future will gradually increase with the development of China’s carbon market and the increase of clean energy development and use intensity. This study provided an important basis for Qinghai Province to understand the current status and future prospect of clean energy resource use in the province, as well as to formulate policies for the development and use of clean energy resources.
Keywords:clean energy;solar energy;wind energy;hydroelectric potential energy;biomass energy;geothermal energy;ecological civilization;Qinghai Province

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毛爱涵, 李发祥, 杨思源, 黄婷, 郝蕊芳, 李思函, 于德永. 青海省清洁能源发电潜力及价值分析. 资源科学[J], 2021, 43(1): 104-121 doi:10.18402/resci.2021.01.09
MAO Aihan, LI Faxiang, YANG Siyuan, HUANG Ting, HAO Ruifang, LI Sihan, YU Deyong. Clean energy power generation potential and value in Qinghai Province. RESOURCES SCIENCE[J], 2021, 43(1): 104-121 doi:10.18402/resci.2021.01.09

1 引言

根据2019年《BP世界能源统计年鉴》[1],受经济发展、科技进步和人口增长影响,世界一次能源消费量不断增加,全球一次能源需求在2017年达到135.11亿t油当量,且在2018年增长了2.9%,其中2/3的增长来自中国、美国和印度3国,是2010年以来的最快增速。根据美国能源信息署预测结果,在当前能源发展情景下,如果不更改能源消费策略,2040年以前全球能源需求年平均增速为1.3%[2]。在这种情况下,以煤、石油、天然气等传统能源为主的一次能源将面临短缺和枯竭的风险。另外传统能源利用会释放CO2等温室气体到大气中,根据2014年4月正式发布的IPCC第五次评估报告(AR5)第三工作组(WGIII)报告,在2000—2010年间,人为温室气体排放量增加了100亿t CO2当量,其中47%来自能源供应部门[3]。温室气体排放的增加,加剧了全球气候变化,尤其是全球变暖的进程。为了缓解能源紧张和遏制全球气候变暖问题,人类正寻求新的能源解决方案。水电势能、太阳能、风能、地热能、生物质能、潮汐能等新型能源由于利用潜力巨大、环境污染少、可再生性强等特点,日益受到世界的广泛关注[4]。根据国家能源局发布的《中华人民共和国能源法(征求意见稿)》,清洁能源定义为开发利用、使用过程中环境污染物和CO2等温室气体零排放或者低排放的能源[5]。因此,评估清洁能源潜力,逐渐提高清洁能源在能源消费中的比重是节能减排、缓解全球环境压力的重要途径之一[6]

国外****大多通过模型模拟和空间分析等方法对清洁能源潜力进行研究。对于水电资源,许多****利用不同的水文模型,如ARIMA[7]、SWAT[8]或水文模型与GIS分析工具相结合[9,10]对水资源蕴藏量、地表径流量等参数进行估计,从而评估水电资源潜力。对于太阳能资源,****们计算了一些国 家[11,12]的太阳能发电潜力及太阳能碳减排潜力[13],他们主要依据遥感数据[14],利用地理信息系统(GIS)相关工具[15]对太阳能的能源量和空间分布进行评估。对于风能资源,研究者通常依据风速数据的统计特征[16,17,18],在此基础上根据资源、地形、环境和经济可利用性,利用GIS工具进行风能潜力研究[19]。对于生物质资源,针对不同国家的生物质蕴藏情况[20,21],研究者主要从已经充分利用的生物质资源和剩余的生物质潜力两方面进行评估,除此之外还对生物质碳减排能力进行了研究[22]。对于地热能资源,由于所处地理位置不同,并非所有国家都具有地热能,因此相关研究主要针对不同地区的地理条件和地热田分布情况[23,24],对地热能潜力进行了评估。上述研究工作对于不同清洁能源的潜力研究均有所涉及,但国外****的研究成果大多针对单一种类的清洁能源进行研究,或者针对不同国家的清洁能源发展情况进行研究,研究尺度大多数为国家,少有针对区域尺度的研究,内容上仍存在针对性不强或考虑因素不够全面等问题。





2 研究区概况、研究方法与数据来源

2.1 研究区概况



2.2 清洁能源潜力评估方法

2.2.1 水电资源潜力评估方法

CLM(Community Land Model)陆面过程模式是国家大气研究中心(National Center of Atmospheric Research, NCAR)发展推广的陆面过程模式。CLM在综合了LSM(Land Surface Model)、IAP94(Institute of Atmospheric Physics Land Surface model)以及BATS(Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme)等陆面模式优点的基础上,改进了一些物理过程参数化方案,并且加入了水文、生物地球化学以及动态植被等过程,是目前世界上发展最为完善而且也是最具发展潜力的陆面过程模式之一。因此,本文采用最新发布的CLM5.0[53],使用其尺度自适应河流运输模型(MOSART),通过运动波方法对河道汇流、随时间变化的河道径流速度、水深以及河道地表水储量进行模拟,进而得到青海省地表径流量,由地表径流的势能产生的最大水电势能作为水电开发利用潜力评估的依据。本文根据水资源量和水位差(高程)计算水电势能理论蕴藏量,计算方法如公式(1)所示:

式中: N为水电势能理论蕴藏量(kW); Q为地表水资源量(m3);L为上下断面水位差(m); g表示重力加速度,取值为9.81。水电势能计算步骤如下:

首先,利用ArcGIS水文分析工具,基于青海省90 m数字高程模型(DEM)数据,以当年的地表径流为权重计算青海省汇流累积分布,并生成集水区分布图。水资源只有达到一定汇集量才具有发电能力。参考已有研究[54],确定该汇集量为1.28×106 m3,即达到或超过此阈值点具备建设水库使水势能转化为电能的条件。此外,由于当代可开发水电技术条件限制以及水能不能完全转变为电能,存在一定损失,因此真正能够被利用的水能资源为可开发水电势资源。全国技术可开发水能资源量占全国水能理论蕴藏量的40.67%[50],以此比例计算青海省水电势能发电量及其经济价值。

本文驱动CLM模型所用数据集如表1所示,水电势能潜力评估的空间分辨率为1 km,时间为2000—2018年。

Table 1
Table 1Basic data required for the community land model (CLM) of this study and sources
中国大气强迫数据集5 km/3hour2000—2010年Li等[56],Huang等[57]
下垫面数据土地利用/土地覆盖数据30 m2000、2005、2010、2015年中国西部环境与生态科学数据中心[58]
中国植被功能型数据1 km中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所[59]
全球湖泊数据(GLDBv.2)1 kmKourzeneva等[60],Choulga等[61]
DEM90 m地理空间数据云[62]
CLASS 叶面积指数1 km/8day2000—2018年国家地球系统科学数据中心[63]



Table 2
Table 2Classification of hydropower resource potential


2.2.2 太阳能发电潜力评估方法


式中: R?为倾斜面上月平均太阳辐照量与水平面上月平均太阳辐照量的比值;D为倾斜面上时角取值, Hdˉ为水平面上月平均散射辐照量; H?为水平面上月平均总辐照量; β为方阵倾角; μ为地面反射率,根据已有研究其取值为0.2[68]。根据国家标准(GB 50797)《光伏发电站设计规范》中推荐的光伏阵列最佳倾角参考值,选取青海省固定最佳斜面倾角为35°。在此基础上计算得到最佳斜面总辐射年总量。



式中: H为年等效利用小时数; G为年最佳斜面总辐射总量;t为光伏发电站综合效率系数,t取值与光伏组件类型修正系数、逆变器效率、光照利用率等因素有关,一般介于0.7~0.9,在本文中取0.8。



式中: YS为太阳能理论装机量(MW/km2); Y0为不考虑任何约束条件,理想状况单位面积的太阳能装机量; XS为土地利用率或装机折减系数,代表单位面积可用于太阳能开发的土地比例,由地形和土地利用类型决定,根据已有研究[69], Y0取值一般在40~50 MW/km2,本文取45 MW/km2, XS主要系数选取如表3表4所示。

Table 3
Table 3Land use efficiency under different slope aspects and slopes


Table 4
Table 4Land use rate of different land use types




式中: Zs为太阳能发电潜力。



Table 5
Table 5Classification of solar energy resource potential


式中: Ksum为太阳能开发潜力总分值; Ki为第 i种评价因子的分值。

2.2.3 风能发电资源潜力评估方法


式中: Dw为平均风功率密度(W/m2);m为在设定时段内的记录数; ρ为空气密度(kg/m3); vc3为第c条记录的风速值的立方。在此基础上计算年均风功率密度,将青海省2000—2018年每日逐时的风速数据按间距分成各等级风速, v1(1 m/s), v2(2 m/s),…, vcc m/s),各等级风速在该年出现的累积小时数分别为 n1, n2,…, nc;分别乘以相应各风速下的风功率密度,再将各等级风功率密度相加之后除以年总时数N,计算方法如公式(8)所示:

式中: E平均为年平均风功率密度(W/m2),即风能发电潜力,式中空气密度 ρ采用国家GB/T18170-2002《风电场风能资源评估方法》计算,如公式(9)所示:

式中: P为年平均大气压力(Pa); R为气体常数(287 J/kg·K); T为年平均空气开氏温标绝对温度。



本文的风能资源评估参考了美国可再生能源实验室(NREL)的方法,从技术、经济及国家和地方政策角度综合考虑,中国陆地风能资源不可开发区域主要包括,海拔高度≥3500 m的地区,GIS坡度>4%的地区,以及水体、湿地、沼泽地等。因此根据年平均风速、并网条件与地形条件,将风能资源潜力划分为4个等级(表6)。

Table 6
Table 6Classification of wind energy resource potential


2.2.4 生物质能发电潜力评估方法




式中: S为秸秆资源实物量(t); Ad为第 d种农作物产量; rd为第 d种农作物谷草比系数,是可以通过田间试验和观测得到的经验常数。不同****在估算中国秸秆资源时,采用了不同农作物谷草比系数[76,77]。综合已有研究,并考虑青海省农作物的种植情况和地理分布,本文选取的谷草比系数如表7所示。

Table 7
Table 7Residue to product ratio of various crops



式中: T为畜禽粪便实物总量(kg); Df为第 f种畜禽的数目; mf为不同类型单位畜禽饲养期内的粪便排泄量(kg)。青海省统计年鉴中的畜禽养殖头数包括出栏量和存栏量两部分。根据已有研究[78,79],本文选取不同类型单位畜禽饲养期内的粪便排泄量如表8所示。

Table 8
Table 8Total amounts of livestock and poultry feces produced during feeding period



式中:F表示林木生物质资源实物量(t); Cj为第j种林木资源量; bj为相应的折算系数(表9)。

Table 9
Table 9Related parameters of forest biomass energy calculation
采伐剩余物40%1.17 t/m3
抚育间量8 m/hm20.90 t/m3
四旁树100%2.00 kg/株




式中: M为废水产生的沼气量(m3);W为废水总量(kg);B为废水中化学需氧量(COD)平均含量,按《中国环境统计年报》发布数据计算;b为单位COD产生CH4的量,取值为0.907 m3/kg[82]


根据以上各类生物质能资源的实物量,乘相应的折标系数,就可以得到不同种类生物质能折合成标准能源的总量。例如,在秸秆资源总量的基础上引入折标系数 λe,即可计算不同类型农作物秸秆的折标能源总量,如公式(14):

式中:ES为农作物秸秆的折标能源总量; Ae为第e种农作物产量; re为第e种农作物谷草比系数; λe为第e种类型秸秆的折标系数。

畜禽粪便资源能源潜力量ET,林木资源能源潜力量 EF,城市垃圾资源能源潜力量 EG和城市废水资源能源潜力量 EM的计算方法与此类似。本文选取的各类生物质能源的折标系数如表10所示。

Table 10
Table 10Standard conversion coefficient of different types of biomass



2.2.5 地热能发电潜力评估方法


2.3 清洁能源价值研究方法

2.3.1 清洁能源发电价值


式中: Pr为第 r种清洁能源的理论发电价值(元); Er为第 r种清洁能源的理论发电量(千kW·h); Nr为第 r种清洁能源的全国上网电价(元/千kW·h)。

2.3.2 清洁能源碳减排价值

根据2006年IPCC制定的《国家温室气体清单指南》中提供的参考方法,CO2排放量可以根据各种能源消费导致的CO2排放估算量加和得到[87]。根据中华人民共和国生态环境部发表的《2006—2017年度减排项目中中国区域电网基准线排放因子》可知,青海省属于西北区域电网,根据文件中的排放因子计算方法和原理,取2006—2017年平均值作为青海省CO2排放系数,即1.0012(tCO2/MW·h)。依据美国能源部发布的清洁能源碳排量数据,即生命周期内,不同清洁能源发电方式1 kW·h的发电量平均产生的CO2[88],将其从与清洁能源量等值的传统能源利用的碳排放中扣除即可以得到清洁能源碳减排量。

为了便于比较,清洁能源碳减排价值计算均按2018年的价值指数进行计算。根据《2018年中国碳价调查》中的试点碳价范围[89]和中央财经大学绿色金融国际研究院发布的2018年试点碳市场价格得到2018年中国试点碳市场年度成交均价为23.445 元/tCO2。依据此对清洁能源的碳减排价值进行计算,如公式(16):

式中: Qx为第 x种清洁能源的碳减排价值; Ox为第 x种清洁能源的碳减排量; V为2018年中国试点碳市场年度成交均价。

3 结果与分析

3.1 清洁能源发电潜力

3.1.1 水电资源潜力

2000—2018年青海省水电势能潜力呈增加趋势(n=19, R2=0.49),且2016年之后,水电势能潜力增长较快,年平均增量为52.157亿kW·h,但空间分布格局未发生明显变化,高值区主要分布在青海省南部和北部部分区域。




Figure 1Spatial distribution of the average hydropower potential energy in Qinghai Province, 2000-2018


3.1.2 太阳能发电潜力

2000—2018年的太阳能发电潜力进行拟合(n=19, R2=0.89),结果表明,2000—2005年太阳能发电潜力呈现减少趋势,2005—2015年呈现增加趋势,2015—2018年呈减少趋势,但2000—2018年整体呈增加趋势,空间分布格局变化不大,且太阳能发电潜力较稳定。




Figure 2Spatial distribution of the average solar power generation potential in Qinghai Province, 2000-2018


3.1.3 风能发电潜力

2000—2018年青海省风能发电潜力呈下降趋势(n=19, R2=0.449),平均每年下降约0.384亿kW·h,但空间分布格局变化较小。

2000—2018年青海省平均风能发电潜力的空间分布如图3所示。从全省空间分布来看,风能发电潜力在空间上呈不均匀分布,整体上为西部高,东部低。从州(市)尺度来看,海西州是风能发电潜力的高值区,最高每年达1.82×106 W/m2,占全省风能发电潜力总量的48%;玉树州是风能发电潜力的中值区,占全省风能发电潜力总量的30%;果洛州、海南州、海北州、黄南州、海东市、西宁市是风能发电潜力的低值区。从生态功能区尺度来看,三江源地区始终处于风能发电潜力的高值区,多年平均最高发电潜力达1.77×106 W/m2 ,占全省风能发电潜力总量的56%;柴达木地区是风能发电潜力的中值区,占全省风能发电潜力总量的32%;祁连山地区、青海湖流域、东部干旱山区是风能发电潜力的低值区。



Figure 3Spatial distribution of the average wind power generation potential in Qinghai Province, 2000-2018


3.1.4 生物质能发电潜力


Table 11
Table 11Biomass resource equivalent to total standard coal energy in Qinghai Province, 2000-2018


2000—2018年的青海省生物质资源呈上升趋势(n=19, R2=0.807),林木资源和畜禽粪便资源总量占比较高,其次是秸秆资源、城市垃圾、废水。影响生物质资源的因素有很多,如光热组合、自然地理条件、种植情况等。生物质能源呈上升趋势与人口数量增多有密切关系,2000—2018年青海省常住人口数量由503万增长到603.23万,随着人口数量增多,城市垃圾、生活污水和工业污水的排放量增加,作物种植、畜禽饲养的水平也有所提高,使生物质能源成为青海省具有较大发展潜力的的清洁能源之一[84]

3.1.5 地热能资源潜力

青海省地热资源总储量为1.43×1020 J,折合标准煤为8.10×109 t;可开采地热资源总量为1.40×1017 J/年,折合标准煤为7.98× 106 t/年[85]。青海省地热资源类型主要分为隆起断裂型和沉降盆地型。隆起断裂型地热资源,大多分布在盆地周边山区地带,常以温泉形式沿断裂带排泄于地表,具有温度高、分布面积小的特点,主要分布在西宁盆地南缘药水滩地热区、贵德热水沟地热区、兴海县温泉地热区及唐古拉山口温泉地热区等。青海省沉降盆地型地热资源主要分布在青海东部西宁、贵德、共和等盆地内,该地区地热资源丰富,开发利用价值较高,同时勘查研究程度较高。青海省地热资源的热源特征与底部岩浆活动历史和特征密切相关,由于我国青藏高原地区具有强烈的构造运动,新生代以来,受欧亚板块和印度洋板块的挤压,青藏高原逐渐隆升,局部有岩浆入侵的存在,故产生沉积盆地型干热岩资源和隆起断裂型地热资源[91]。根据青海省地热资源广泛分布的现状,未来在政策措施引导下,能更好地推动地热资源开发利用,为中国地热发电战略部署做出贡献。

3.2 清洁能源价值


Table 12
Table 12Clean energy resource value of Qinghai Province, 2000-2018 (unit: 100 million yuan)



(1)从总价值的变化趋势来看,2000—2018年,清洁能源价值呈增加趋势(n=19,R2=0.69),平均增量为29.61亿元/年。其中,水电势能、太阳能、生物质能价值呈增加趋势,平均增量分别为19.47亿元/年、0.44亿元/年、9.91亿元/年,风能呈减少趋势,平均减量为0.21亿元/年。清洁能源的价值与国际碳交易市场的碳交易定价关系密切,国际碳市场发展迅速且价格波动较大。中国处在碳交易产业链的最低端,只是作为市场的参加者和规则的执行者进行碳市场定价[92]。因此未来清洁能源潜力的价值变化取决于未来中国的碳交易市场发展情况,完善碳交易市场体系,加强对清洁能源发展机制(Clean Development Mechanism,CDM)项目开发的研究、制定统一交易标准等,对中国碳交易市场的完善具有重要意义。

(2) 从能源结构来看,2000—2018年水电势能平均价值占清洁能源总价值的比重最大(46.20%),其次是生物质能(30.82%)、地热能(11.97%)、太阳能(10.09%)和风能(0.92%);从能源价值构成来看,清洁能源发电价值占总价值的95%,碳减排价值占总价值的5%。根据《青海清洁能源发展白皮书2019》[93],截至2018年底,青海省清洁能源装机规模已达2420万kW,占全省电源总装机的86.5%,其中,水力发电占青海省电源结构的42.6%,太阳能发电占34.4%,风力发电占9.5%。由本文对清洁能源的时空分布评估结果可以看出青海省的清洁能源具有巨大开发潜力,增加清洁能源在能源消费中的比重,能够获得更高的发电价值及碳减排价值。

(3)根据青海省发布的《青海能源发展报告(2018)》[94],2018年清洁能源的实际利用量分别为:水力发电量为517亿kW·h,同比增长56.6%;风力发电量为37.6亿kW·h ,同比增长108.9%,弃风率1.6%;太阳能发电量为131.1亿kW·h,同比增长15.6%,弃光率4.75%。根据本文的研究结果,青海省水电、太阳能发电、风力发电的实际应用约占其总能源潜力的26%,且生物质能与地热能有待继续开发,因此,青海省未来的清洁能源开发应用潜力巨大。

4 结论与讨论

4.1 结论





4.2 讨论





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With rapid population growing and industrial economy development, the world facesdual challenges of massive energy requirement and environmental issues caused by extensive fossilfuel depletion. One of possible measures for addressing such issues is exploitation and utilizationof renewable sources of energy, e.g., solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, combustible ice and oceantidal energy. Compared to other renewable energy, development of wind power has become apriority all over the globe today due to its mature technology, relatively low cost and fewenvironmental problems. However, analyses of China’s wind power potential have rarelyconsidered social or physical factors limiting actual wind utilization. Based on wind speedobservations (10 meters above the surface) taken from 387 of China's 752 meteorological stations,and using the American Renewable Resources Laboratory wind energy evaluation methods, theauthors analyzed in detail meteorological observations of mean annual wind power density (as thefactor of abundance) and mean available time of wind utilization (as the factor of stabilization)from 1995-2004. In the meanwhile, we took the population density and forest canopy density as thesocial and physical limiting environmental factors of wind power potential. Using ArcGIStechniques and the aforementioned data, the authors made a series of maps of wind power density,available time of wind utilization, population density and forest canopy density distribution inmainland China. Furthermore, overlapping analysis was performed to derive more reasonablespatial representation of wind power potential over mainland China. It was concluded that thegreatest potential is in roughly the mid-western Inner Mongolia, Hexi Corridor, northwesternQinghai, Shandong and Liaodong Peninsula, foreland of Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Hainan, andpart of the Northeast Plain, which have great wind power with few limitations. The Xilinguole andHulunbeier Plateau in Inner Mongolia, Northeast Plain, eastern and northwest Xinjiang show thesecond largest wind power potential. Areas with great natural wind power but whose wind potentialis significantly constrained by large population densities are along the Pacific coast (except thegreatest potential areas) and northwestern Shandong. The range of Daxingan and Xiaoxingan innortheastern China are limited most by forested land. The wind power potential in northern Henan,most part of Jiangsu, center Anhui, northern and southeast Xinjiang, western Tibet, and easternYunnan either limited by poor wind resources or environmental factors is at an average level. Theother areas of mainland China have small potential to exploit wind power energy.

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Purpose: Productivity and production risks affect the use of agricultural production practices and inputs, particularly in developing countries. This paper aims to investigate the effects of adopting drought-tolerant maize varieties (DTMVs) on farm productivity, yield variance and downside risk exposure of maize growing households of Zambia. Design/methodology/approach: The study uses household survey data collected from 11 maize producing districts of Eastern, Southern and Copperbelt provinces of Zambia using a structured questionnaire. The Antle's flexible moment-based approach was used in specifying, estimating and testing a stochastic production function. The study further applied an endogenous switching regression model to control for both observable and unobservable sources of bias. Findings: The study revealed that DTMV adoption increases maize yield by 15 per cent and reduces the risk of crop failure: reducing yield variance by 38 per cent and exposure to downside risk by 36 per cent. Originality/value: This study establishes the benefits of DTMV adoption in Zambia with regards to productivity, yield stability and downside risk in the face of climate change. Results from this study underscore the need for more concerted efforts to scale-out DTMVs for both maize productivity enhancement and for risk mitigation against weather shocks.

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Water is in short supply with countries vying for access to river heads. Hong Kong (HK) is no different. It relies on supply from Mainland China with other cities rivalling access. Yet there is still no great impetus for water conservation. This paper reports on progress in setting up a pilot biological wastewater treatment plant and a PV-powered UV-LED disinfection system plus a feasibility study carried out in conjunction with a local developer investigating the application of the treated water for irrigation. The objective is to incorporate the systems within a small-scale community for its contribution to water and energy conservation as well as establish the parameters for replication in other countries with potential up-scaling for urban application.

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In the atmosphere, microphysics refers to the microscale processes that affect cloud and precipitation particles and is a key linkage among the various components of Earth's atmospheric water and energy cycles. The representation of microphysical processes in models continues to pose a major challenge leading to uncertainty in numerical weather forecasts and climate simulations. In this paper, the problem of treating microphysics in models is divided into two parts: (i) how to represent the population of cloud and precipitation particles, given the impossibility of simulating all particles individually within a cloud, and (ii) uncertainties in the microphysical process rates owing to fundamental gaps in knowledge of cloud physics. The recently developed Lagrangian particle-based method is advocated as a way to address several conceptual and practical challenges of representing particle populations using traditional bulk and bin microphysics parameterization schemes. For addressing critical gaps in cloud physics knowledge, sustained investment for observational advances from laboratory experiments, new probe development, and next-generation instruments in space is needed. Greater emphasis on laboratory work, which has apparently declined over the past several decades relative to other areas of cloud physics research, is argued to be an essential ingredient for improving process-level understanding. More systematic use of natural cloud and precipitation observations to constrain microphysics schemes is also advocated. Because it is generally difficult to quantify individual microphysical process rates from these observations directly, this presents an inverse problem that can be viewed from the standpoint of Bayesian statistics. Following this idea, a probabilistic framework is proposed that combines elements from statistical and physical modeling. Besides providing rigorous constraint of schemes, there is an added benefit of quantifying uncertainty systematically. Finally, a broader hierarchical approach is proposed to accelerate improvements in microphysics schemes, leveraging the advances described in this paper related to process modeling (using Lagrangian particle-based schemes), laboratory experimentation, cloud and precipitation observations, and statistical methods.

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With rapid population growing and dramatic industrial economy developing, the world faces the dual challenges of massive energy requirements and environmental issuescaused by extensive fossil fuel depletion. One of the main candidates for faxing these challenges are renewable sources of energy (including solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, hydro,wave and tidal energies). Among these sources, solar energy comes at the top of the list due to its abundance, and more even distribution in nature than any other renewable energy types. However, analyses of China's solar energy potential so far have generally relied onclimatological empirical formula which is hard to spread and undeveloped drawing technique. Therefore, based on general solar radiation observations taken from 99 China's radiation stations and sunshine duration observations taken from 387 of China's 752 meteorological stations, this textcpunted average annual solar total radiation as the factor of abundance, sunshine duration as the factor of stabilization and available sunshine days(≥3 hours) as the factor of guarantee from the years 1995-2004. Using ArcGIS cartography software and the aforementioned data, the following text depicted a series of maps of mainland China's solar energy distribution. Then these maps were overlaid to present a more accurate picture of mainland China's solar energy potential. An analysis of these maps leads to the following conclusions. The greatest solar energy potential is in the Qingzang Plateau, Northern Gansu, Eastern Xinjiang and Mid-Western Inner Mongolia, where are the best locations for extensive solar energy utilization; solar energy potential in Xinjiang, Eastern Inner Mongolia, western part of Northeast Plain, Northern Hebei and Ningxia, Southeast Qinghai and Western Sichuan, is the second best, also perfect for solar energy development. In the areas of the northeast part of Northeast Plain, most parts of Loess Plateau, Yunnan and Hainan, Northern Huabei Plain, and Northern Xinjiang, solar energy potential is at average level. The other areas of mainland China have small solar energy potentials due to the lack of solar radiation.

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th century, with the rapid growth of the world economy, energy demand has multiplied and energy industries have been in the process of massive development of wind resources. Wind energy, with the characteristics of being clean, renewable and abundant, can offer pollution-free electricity that could be widely utilized. Wind power projects in China, particularly the wind power generation network are recently experiencing a rapid development. It is expected that the wind power capacity will increase to over 100,000 MW installed capacity by 2030 or 2040, and become the third largest source of energy in the country after thermal power and hydropower. As China’s wind power industries are developing unprecedentedly, the issue on sustainable use of wind energy resources has been a major focus in the context of global and Asia warming. There have been a series of studies on future characteristics of the surface wind and wind resources over the ocean and some other countries but little work has been done in China so far. Therefore, there is an urgent need to investigate characteristics of future wind energy in China. In the present work, three global climate models and three regional climate models which have certain capabilities to simulate changes in wind speed during the 20th century, were used to project changes in wind power density in China for the 21th century. The following conclusions are given. First, the summer mean wind power density in China for the early 21th century decreases slightly, which was projected by the regional climate model CMM5. Second, changes in annual and winter mean wind power density in China for the mid-21th century were projected to be decreasing slightly than that for the 20th century. It was also found that trends in summer mean wind power density for the mid-21th century was difficult to be detected by the models. Third, regional climate models (RegCM3 and PRECIS) and global climate models generated similar results, showing that the annual and winter mean wind power density in China for the late 21th century would decrease slightly and the results were more reliable than that for summer. It is worthwhile to note that due to current limitations in projection capability, both the global climate models and the regional climate models would result in large uncertainties in projections of regional climate changes, particularly in the projection of wind power density. The study on variation trends in wind velocity for the 21st century in China provides meaningful information and reference for further studies.]]>

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