Spatial pattern and accessibility of Russian ski resorts
LIU Chuanying

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刘传瀛, 黄季夏, 王利, 杨林生, 葛全胜. 俄罗斯滑雪场空间格局及可达性. 资源科学[J], 2021, 43(1): 197-208 doi:10.18402/resci.2021.01.16
LIU Chuanying, HUANG Jixia, WANG Li, YANG Linsheng, GE Quansheng.
1 引言
2 数据与方法
2.1 研究区域
2.2 研究方法
基于俄罗斯研究区的空间尺度与数据信息特征,本文采用空间分析方法,对滑雪场所的空间分布格局与可达性进行探讨。首先利用最近邻分析与核密度估计分别计算滑雪场所间的距离与密度,以揭示俄罗斯旅游滑雪场的聚集特征[18]。然后通过累计耗费距离法计算可接近性时间,该指标与俄罗斯滑雪场所整体空间格局特征和交通设施分布相关;在此基础上,基于加权平均旅行时间与区位优势潜力指标,综合考虑滑雪场所的吸引力与联邦主体的区位优势,分别反映二者之间的联系紧密程度与空间相互作用[32]。2.2.1 空间点模式分析
平均最近邻分析(Nearest Neighbor Analysis)通过计算空间范围中的每个点要素之间的平均距离与理论最近邻距离的比值,即最近邻指数NNI,说明点要素随机分布的程度。如果NNI<1,则为集聚分布;如果NNI≥1,则趋向离散或随机分布。其计算公式为:
核密度估计(Kernel Density Estimation, KDE)是用以估计未知区域的密度函数,属于非参数检验方法之一。通过计算滑雪场在周围邻域中的密度,可直观反映出离散测量值在连续区域内的分布情况,得到俄罗斯滑雪场所的空间分布规律。
2.2.2 空间可达性分析
可达性与空间区位条件、交通基础设施优劣和地区经济发展水平关系密切。在本文中,滑雪场所可达性定义为从区域内任意一点到目标滑雪场所需要的时间,说明其空间分布格局与现实服务情况。本文利用ArcGIS中的累计耗费距离算法(Cost Distance)计算可达性,公式为:
可达性算法的实现需要将原矢量底图栅格化,结合研究区尺度、滑雪场所选址特殊性与实际交通情况,不同地表类型对应不同的运输方式和出行速度,将平均出行10 km所花费的平均时间(min)为栅格设定时间成本的参考值[33,34,35]。根据俄罗斯境内对交通道路行车速度的标准,并参考前人研究成果,采用表1所示的时间成本值,其中河流与水域的耗费时间代表通行困难区域。
Table 1
Table 1
运输方式 | 铁路 | 一级公路 | 二级公路 | 陆地 | 河流 | 湖泊 |
速度/(km/h) | 100 | 120 | 80 | 20 | - | - |
时间成本/min | 6 | 5 | 7.5 | 30 | 300 | 600 |
依据表格对矢量图层进行时间成本赋值,将要素栅格化,进而对栅格赋予相应的时间成本值,根据实际情况取舍重叠的运输方式,生成基础成本栅格图。调用ArcGIS成本距离功能生成雪场可达性分析图,图上任意栅格单元的值代表从该栅格单元出发,到达最近距离滑雪场所的时间。通过计算,得到俄罗斯滑雪场可达性的扩散结果。将可达性划分为6个时间段,即0~6 h、7~12 h、13~24 h、25~48 h、49~56 h和>56 h,分别计算这6个时间段在空间上的分布频率,分析各个时间段所占的区域面积大小关系。
为了更好地从宏观上把握区域内滑雪场所的整体可达性差异和区域效应,以俄罗斯经济政治活动行政区联邦主体为单元展开计算。联邦主体之间自然资源与人文条件差异较大,可客观反映滑雪场所的区位优势。本文以82个联邦主体为基本单位(左上角的加里宁格勒州飞地区域、克里米亚共和国、直辖市塞瓦斯托波尔与俄罗斯其他区域连通性较差,故不参与计算),根据式(6)对联邦主体整体滑雪场所可接近性进行计算,借助自然断裂法将其划分为5个等级。通过计算联邦主体内栅格可达性的平均值来反映整个联邦主体的滑雪场所可达 性[37]。具体公式为:
3 结果与分析
3.1 俄罗斯滑雪场所的空间分布格局

Figure 1Distribution of ski resorts and terrain of Russia

Figure 2Distribution of transportation networks in Russia
不同类型滑雪场所的分布具有一定差异。根据俄罗斯国家旅游网站上对滑雪场所的统计描述,并结合2017年1月俄罗斯颁布的关于滑雪胜地建设标准及规范[38],滑雪场所的类型可进一步划分为滑雪度假村、滑雪胜地、滑雪场等(图3)。滑雪度假村规模、占地面积大,具有先进的滑雪设备与国际赛道。大型度假村衍生为滑雪度假胜地,建设包含购物、饮食、休闲娱乐服务的大型商场与各式酒店民宿,并提供旅游观光服务,如冰雕展览、直升机飞行、山地越野等项目,以罗莎库塔(Rosa Khutor)度假胜地为典型代表。滑雪胜地多为常年积雪的山地经开发后形成的滑雪场所,具有基础设施及缆车提升设备,周围建设有餐厅及短期住宿的宾馆。滑雪场多分布于城市近郊或中心,提供交通接送与租赁雪具服务,规模小且较少提供住宿服务。非积雪地区可以通过人工制雪设备,或建造室内滑雪场等方式满足大众需求;滑雪场类型还包括体育运动基地,基地中铺设标准的滑雪赛道供运动员训练,并开设专业滑雪课程。

Figure 3Distribution of different scales of ski resorts in Russia
使用核密度与平均最近邻工具对滑雪场所空间数据进行分析,揭示俄罗斯滑雪场所的空间分布规律(表2)。结果表明滑雪场所之间的平均观测距离为57.57 km,z检验值高度显著,俄罗斯滑雪场所呈强烈集聚态势,热点区域有6处,从北至南为:摩尔曼斯克州、列宁格勒州、莫斯科州及周边联邦主体、彼尔姆边疆区及周边联邦主体、科麦罗沃州及周边联邦主体与高加索山脉地区。
Table 2
Table 2
景点 | NNI | 分布类型 | z得分 | p值 |
滑雪场 | 0.34 | 聚集 | -18.88 | 0.00 |

Figure 4Distribution of nuclear density of ski resorts in Russia
3.2 俄罗斯滑雪场所可达性分析
3.2.1 可达性总体空间分布特征俄罗斯滑雪场所的平均可接近性时间为14.79 h,6 h以内的高可达性区域占全国总面积的40.76%,12 h以内可达性区域占比59.45%,可达时间在48 h以上的低可达性区域占4.72%(图5)。

Figure 5Accessibility of ski resorts in Russia
俄罗斯滑雪场所可达性差异十分明显,总体呈“西南高,东部低”的规律,东欧平原与西西伯利亚平原地区的可接近性基本在24 h之内,高可达性区域呈连片分布,越往东可达性越差,这与地区交通建设和空间区位条件差异存在关联性。俄罗斯西部基础设施完善、旅游市场繁荣等优势条件使冰雪旅游资源聚集于此[43]。贝加尔湖地区与阿穆尔河附近滑雪场所数量较少,但仍有零星分布,公路交通便利,可接近性相对较好。可接近性最差区域为远东北部,包括克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区、萨哈共和国、楚科奇自治区等联邦主体,大都为气候严酷,发展落后、人口稀少的边境地区,最长可接近时间达到了73 h。
3.2.2 联邦主体滑雪场日程可达性
俄罗斯联邦主体至滑雪场所的可接近性总体特征为:高可达性的联邦主体聚集于西部平原,呈块状分布;东部联邦可达性低,几乎覆盖整个远东区域(图6)。除加里宁格勒州与联邦直辖市外,可接近性小于2 h的联邦主体共38个,其中33个联邦主体聚集分布于中央联邦管区与相邻的伏尔加联邦管区,占联邦主体总数的39%。高可达性联邦主体在莫斯科州附近呈东西走向,以市场为导向发展滑雪旅游,交通发达,可在短时间内到达滑雪资源点;阿尔泰山脉周围为滑雪资源密集区,冰雪文化历史悠久[6,44];位于大高加索山脉的高可达性联邦主体呈带状排列,与滑雪场所的分布特征一致。可接近性在3~4 h内的次高可接近性联邦主体环绕在高可接近性联邦主体外侧。摩尔曼斯克州的滑雪场所数量居联邦主体第3,但地处边境,仅与卡累利阿共和国接壤,道路密度低;位于东南方的犹太自治州滑雪场所数量较少,但联邦主体面积较小,因此可达性值相对较高。可达性在5~9 h的中可接近性联邦主体呈块状分散分布,乌拉尔山脉东北部的滑雪场所分布均匀,但道路建设的不完善导致区域的可达时间长;阿尔穆州、外加贝尔边疆区内仅有两个滑雪场所,但公路交通便捷。可达性在9 h以上的联邦主体聚集在西伯利亚联邦管区与远东联邦管区,面积约占俄罗斯领土1/2。

Figure 6Spatial pattern of accessibility of ski resorts in different federations
提取除列宁格勒州、克里米亚共和国和塞瓦斯托波尔外,82个联邦主体到达226个滑雪场所的时间,划分为0~12 h,13~24 h,25~48 h,49~72 h,73~96h,97~120 h,>120 h七个时间段(图7)。12 h之内可到达滑雪场所最多的联邦主体为鞑靼斯坦共和国,共106个,其次为楚瓦什共和国、马里埃尔共和国、基洛夫州与乌里扬诺夫斯克州,均超过100个。位于这些联邦主体内部的滑雪场所数量并不多,但联邦主体可达性强,这是由于上述联邦主体地处滑雪场所莫斯科聚集区与乌拉尔山脉聚集区附近,交通基础设施完善,连通性强,该地区铁路、公路、河流网络体系发达,弥补了本身距离滑雪点较远的不足;至所有滑雪场所花费的总时间最少的联邦主体为斯维尔德洛夫斯克州,位于乌拉尔山脉东侧,其次为乌德穆尔特共和国与彼尔姆边疆区,均属伏尔加河沿岸联邦管区。位于东南部的中可达性联邦主体包括布里亚特共和国及外加贝尔边疆区,地处边境地区与贝加尔湖附近,自然景观丰富,宜建立山地滑雪胜地。俄罗斯东北方位的堪察加边疆区,共有217个滑雪场所需花费120 h以上才能到达,耗费总时长第二的联邦主体为楚科奇自治区。这与远东地区受制于经济条件与地理环境,交通设施不发达,滑雪场所分布稀少密切相关。

Figure 7Proportions of the number of ski resorts accessible within different travel times by federation
各联邦主体加权平均旅行时间量化显示了联邦主体与滑雪场所的关联性(图8)。总体加权旅行时间最短的联邦主体是彼尔姆边疆区,平均花费22.4 h就可达到滑雪场所,可达性最好,表明与周边滑雪场所连通性强;加权旅行时间耗费最久的堪察加边疆区,平均需158.65 h才可到达任一滑雪场所,可达性最差。加权旅行时间值最小的联邦主体均分布在乌拉尔山脉东西两侧,可达时间在24 h 内,该处为滑雪胜地聚集区域,雪场服务水平与吸引力高,首府至滑雪场所加权旅行时间短,联系密切;聚集于东欧平原上的联邦主体加权平均旅行时间次短;地处远东的联邦主体距外界滑雪点跨度大,可达时间长,共计7个联邦主体加权旅行时间在48 h以上。

Figure 8Weighted average travel time of federations

Figure 9Regional advantage potential of federations in Russia
4 结论与讨论
4.1 结论
(2)俄罗斯滑雪场所的空间可接近性较好,平均可达时间约为15 h,6 h以内的高可达性区域约占全国总面积的40%,可达性较好的区域多连片分布在东欧平原与西西伯利亚南部山地处,且呈现向交通干线聚集分布的趋势。西部俄罗斯交通路网最集中,滑雪场所分布最密集,可达性较优,三者相互作用推进共同发展;远东地区交通基础设施薄弱,连通性较差。交通运输系统建设的完善程度影响着地区的可进入性,进而产生区域间滑雪旅游资源的可达性差异[46,47]。
(3)基于联邦主体的滑雪场所可达性在空间上呈聚集格局,在2 h之内的38个高可接近性联邦主体在“莫斯科—乌拉尔山脉”附近呈东西走向。各联邦主体区位潜力值差距较大,莫斯科州的区位优势潜力最大,滑雪旅游资源实力最强;乌拉尔山脉处聚集联邦主体加权旅行时间总和最短,是与俄罗斯境内滑雪场所联系最紧密的区域。
4.2 讨论
俄罗斯滑雪旅游的经验对中国滑雪资源的空间布局有一定的可鉴之处。①中国东北三省与京津冀地区为滑雪资源集聚区,前者具有发展冰雪旅游的环境条件,冰雪文化历史悠久,与俄罗斯西南部大高加索区域相似;后者环境近似于莫斯科周边区位,综合潜力巨大,滑雪运动客源丰富。以东三省为“领头者”,以京津冀为“加速者”,放大区域聚集效应,协同带动中南部地区发展[28,53]。在人口密度高的城市中心及近郊建立室内滑雪场;城区边缘布局大规模的滑雪场所或度假村,充分发挥区位优势。②升级交通网络布局,将全国旅游滑雪场可达性均衡化,空间分布一体化。参考俄罗斯远东区域的开发对策,在中国南方及西部高原寻求建设高质量雪场的可能性,提高全国冰雪资源的覆盖率,拓展潜在的滑雪旅游者市场;借鉴阿尔泰地区建设雪场的经验,合理利用租金成本低、占地面积广的区域,吸引滑雪相关机构的投资。③开发现代化、高端化、特色化滑雪旅游路线,建设可持续运营的高档旅游度假中心[54],形成完整的冰雪旅游产业链。参考俄罗斯顶级滑雪圣地,如索契附近的罗莎库塔(Rosa Khutor)滑雪综合体,多姆拜(Dombay)滑雪胜地等,为滑雪者提供高舒适度的度假体验,提升国际知名度。
参考文献 原文顺序
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This study illustrates the relevance of cryospheric changes for, and their impact on, ski tourism in Austria. The results of several case studies on snow reliability, snow production and mass balance in glacier ski resorts in the Otz and Stubai valleys are summarized. Climate data from Obergurgl (1936 m a.s.l.) in the Otz valley are analyzed with respect to the amount and duration of natural snow cover and the possibility of snow production. A case study on Mittelbergferner focuses on the impacts of glacial recession on a ski resort and possible adaptation measures. From long-term glacier inventory and short-term mass-balance data, the effect of operating ski resorts on glaciers is investigated. At Obergurgl, the probability of both snow cover and snow production is >80% from December to March and decreases significantly in the months before and after this peak season. The interannual variability of snow cover and production is low during the main season and higher in other months. Year-to-year differences are larger than any long-term trend. Glacier ski resorts must adapt to shrinking glacial area and falling glacier surface. Covering the glacier with textiles reduces ablation by 60% and results in significantly less volume loss than on uncovered parts of the glacier. Neither the mass-balance comparison between groomed and ungroomed areas nor the comparison of long-term volume changes between 10 ski resort glaciers and 100 surrounding glaciers showed evidence for an impact of the operation of ski resorts on the glaciers.
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DOI:10.1016/S0966-6923(96)00033-6URL [本文引用: 2]
DOI:10.11821/xb201202003URL [本文引用: 1]

道路基础设施建设是城市运营与发展的基本环节,也是实现城乡基础设施一体化的重要途径与内容。北京市长期实行“环状+发射状”的城市路网格局,对城市基础设施建设和时间可达性产生了重要影响。尤其是近些年来,随着城市机动车保有量的快速增加,城市核心区与主要干道的交通设施负载量巨增,严重制约了城市的通勤效率,加重了人民的生活负担。为应对挑战,实现交通设施跨越式发展,北京市自2008 年以来加快了轨道交通建设步伐,以改善城市的通勤能力。本文采用一般道路设施与轨道交通(矢删数据) 结合的方法对北京城区进行了时间可达性的综合度量和其空间特征的分析。通过可达性与道路密度双重指标的运用进行区域综合分区,本文进一步揭示了北京市城区内的空间可达性特征和道路基础设施建设情况以及两者在南北城区内的空间表征差异。在综合分区的基础上,分析2008 年以来各个区域土地利用效益与区位因素的相互关系,甄别土地利用效益区位因素的区域差异性,从而对不同分区的城市建设、城市发展规划与土地资源优化配置提供科学支撑。
DOI:10.11821/xb201202003URL [本文引用: 1]

Construction of road infrastructure is a fundamental aspect of the city operation and development, as well as an important pathway and focus to realize the physical urban-rural integration. The long period implementation of "ring + radiation" road system in Beijing has brought a major impact on its urban infrastructure construction and its time accessibility. Particularly in recent years, the rapid increase of private cars in Beijing has become a greater burden to its road system, which has in turn seriously hampered the urban commuting efficiency and added the costs to people's lives. To deal with such challenges and enhance the frog-leap development of transport infrastructure, Beijing has speeded up its development pace in light railway construction since 2008, so as to improve its commuting capacity. This paper tries to measure the time accessibility and its spatial characteristics in the urban areas of Beijing by applying a combined method of vector and raster attribute data generated from major roads and rail transport infrastructure. By using a dual index of accessibility and road density, the paper further reveals the features of spatial accessibility and construction of road systems in the urban areas of the capital, as well as their different presences in the northern and southern parts of the city. The findings of this paper could provide a scientific basis for future urban planning and road system construction for Beijing Municipality.
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DOI:10.1016/S0261-5177(99)00055-2URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1016/j.tourman.2007.09.005URL [本文引用: 1]

AbstractWe employ a gravity framework to evaluate the importance of transport infrastructure in determining the tourism attractiveness of destinations. The analysis is based on a panel data set of bilateral tourism flows among 28 countries over the decade 1990–2000. We find that, on top of tourism infrastructure and other classical determinants, transport infrastructure is a significant determinant of tourism inflows into a destination. Disaggregated continent-wise analysis reveals that the sensitiveness of tourism flows to transport infrastructure does vary, depending on origins and destinations. We also find evidence of repeated tourism around the world, the more so from high-income origins and to high-income destinations.]]>
DOI:10.1016/S0160-7383(00)00078-5URL [本文引用: 1]

AbstractThis paper proposes a model of multiple relationships among tourist satisfaction, previous visits, and behavioral intention to revisit. The results of an empirical test of the model, based on data collected from Britons visiting Spain and Turkey, are presented, with the difference between a mature and a less-developed destination examined. Although the impact of overall satisfaction is consistent, some factors differed between the two destinations, with the level of overall satisfaction and the number of previous visits considerably influencing intentions for repeat visits. This relationship is stronger for mature destinations than for their counterparts. Implications of the findings for theory, destination marketing, understanding competitiveness, and future research are discussed.RésuméLe comportement des visiteurs fidèles à deux destinations distinctes. L'article propose un modèle de rapports multiples parmi la satisfaction des touristes, les visites antérieures et l'intention comportementale de revisiter. On présente les résultats d'un test empirique du modèle, basés sur des données qu'on a réunies de touristes britanniques voyageant en Espagne et en Turquie, en examinant la différence entre une destination mûre et une destination moins développée. Bien que l'impact de la satisfaction globale reste cohérent, quelques facteurs différaient entre les deux destinations, avec le niveau de satisfaction globale et le nombre de visites antérieures qui influençaient considérablement les intentions pour des visites répétées. Ce rapport est plus fort pour les destinations mûres que pour les autres destinations. On discute des implications des résultats pour la théorie, le marketing des destinations, la compétitivité et les recherches futures.]]>
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K指数、核密度等计量地理学和GIS空间分析方法,对298处国家湿地公园的空间分布特征进行了分析;运用栅格成本加权距离算法,计算国家湿地公园的空间可接近性,并测算县域单元的整体可接近性;利用探索性空间数据分析方法(ESDA)分析了县域可接近性的空间差异。结果表明:中国国家湿地公园的空间分布类型属于凝聚型,省际和经济区的分布差异均较大;国家湿地公园的平均可接近时间为144.07 min,全国60%的区域国家湿地公园可接近时间在2 h以内,30 min以内的可接近性区域占全国总面积的13.29%,可接近时间最长的地点位于青藏高原,高达1283 min;可接近性的空间分布具有明显的交通指向性;县域可接近性的Moran I为正值,国家湿地公园与其邻近地区的可接近性呈显著正相关;可接近性热点分布表现出明显的热点-次热点-次冷点-冷点自东向西分布的格局;国家湿地公园的服务范围整体表现为西部>东部>中部的特征。]]>
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K function, and kernel density estimation, the spatial distribution of 298 China’s national wetland parks was analyzed. Based on the matrix raster data, the spatial accessibility of China’s national wetland parks at countylevel was calculated by using the cost weighted distance method and ArcGIS as platforms. The spatial differences of countylevel accessibility of the national wetland parks were analyzed by the exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA). Results show that the national wetland parks generally exhibit an aggregated distribution. There is quite difference of spatial distribution of national wetland parks among both interprovinces and intereconomic regions. The average accessibility is about 144.07 min, and the area with the accessibility of national wetland parks within 120 min reaches 60%, while the area with the accessibility within 30 min accounts for 13.29%, and the longest time needs 1283 min for one park located at central Tibetan Plateau. Moreover, the distribution of the accessibility coincides with that of traffic lines. At county level, the estimated value of Moran’s I is positive. National wetland parks and adjacent areas show a strong positive correlation. The distribution of hot spots regarding the accessibility shows an obvious hot spots-sub-hot spots-sub-cold spots-cold spots distribution pattern from east to west. Service range of each national wetland park is more advanced in western regions than that in eastern and central China.]]>
DOI:10.11821/xb201010013URL [本文引用: 3]

DOI:10.11821/xb201010013URL [本文引用: 3]

Since some limitations existed in the current accessibility method, integrated method of network analysis and cost weighted raster analysis were designed and applied to generate city isochronous rings after the operation of high-speed railways. The valuation of accessibility was conducted with three indicators, i.e. daily accessibility, potential model, and weighted average time. After the valuation, differences between accessibility patterns with scenarios with and without high-speed railways were analyzed, and influences of the high-speed railways on center cities' accessibility were discussed. Changes in hinterlands of the center cities were also calculated with field intensity model. The results indicated that high-speed railways would expand the isochronous rings, and realize significant optimization of urban daily accessibility and form uneven time convergence space. Sites along the high-speed railways became the biggest beneficiaries of time convergence, as the variability of their weighted average time and potential values were high. In different geographical scales, the high-speed railways reduced the equilibrium of weighted average time, and their influences on the equilibrium of potential values are inconsistent. The high-speed railways would expand the hinterlands of Beijing and Shanghai, and strengthen their regional influences. As accessibility changes differed in different regions, the industrial structure should be adjusted in regions with high accessibility variability, while regions with low accessibility variability should improve rapid transit networks, and increase accessibility by strengthening their links with high-speed railways.
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DOI:10.11821/xb200612001URL [本文引用: 1]

对于给定的区域而言,区内任意一点可达性的评价应当是区内可达性和区外可达性的综合评价。利用MapX控件和Delphi编程工具,开发了基于时间最短的区域可达性计算与分析信息系统,生成了可达性的分值扩散图。基于长江三角洲的陆路交通网,从时间距离的角度对长江三角洲内16个地级市目前和未来的区内可达性和区外可达性进行了评价。结果表明,长江三角洲区域可达性呈现出以上海为中心的扇状辐射,可达性最好的是上海和嘉兴,可达性最差的是台州和南通。随着苏通大桥、杭州湾跨海大桥和舟山大陆连岛工程的建成,长江三角洲地区内所有城市的区内可达性都有了提高,尤其是绍兴、宁波和泰州,区内可达性减少了1h,其余城市区内可达性平均减少了25 min。随着南通洋口港的建成,长江三角洲境内江苏城市以海港为节点的区外可达性都有不同程度的提高,到达海港的平均时间减少了近1h。
DOI:10.11821/xb200612001URL [本文引用: 1]

For a given region, internal accessibility and external accessibility should be considered to assess accessibility of each point in the region. Using MapX component and Delphi programming tool, regional accessibility calculation and analysis information system based on minimal pass-time is developed, with which mark diffusing figure could be generated. From the view of time-distance, the present and approaching regional internal accessibility and regional external accessibility of 16 major cities in the Yangtze River Delta are analyzed according to land traffic network. The result shows that, the regional accessibility of the Yangtze River Delta radiates a fan-shaped pattern with Shanghai as the core. The top two cities are Shanghai and Jiaxing. The bottom two cities are Taizhou and Nantong. With the completion of Sutong Bridge, Hangzhouwan Bridge and Zhoushan Bridge, the regional internal accessibility of all cities in the Yangtze River Delta will be improved. Especially for Shaoxing, Ningbo and Taizhou, the regional internal accessibility will be one hour decrease. At the same time, the regional internal accessibility of other cities will be about 25 minutes decrease averagely. As the accomplishment of the Yangkou seaport in Nantong, regional external accessibility with the node of seaport of cities in Jiangsu province will be increased with an average decrease in accessibility by about one hour.
DOI:10.11821/xb200402016URL [本文引用: 1]

DOI:10.11821/xb200402016URL [本文引用: 1]

In this paper, the indexes and models are used to measure the accessibility of transport network, such as total transport distance Di and accessibility coefficient. On the basis of "The Shortest Route Model", the evolution of railway network, changes of the spatial structure in accessibility, the relationship between railway network distribution and spatial economic growth in the past several hundred years in China are analyzed. The results show that the evolution of railway network in China experienced 4 stages, i.e., initial stage, constructing stage, extending stage and optimizing stage, but the speed of spatial expanding is relatively slow. One hundred years' construction of railway leads to "time-space convergence". The spatial structure of accessibility displays "different circles with one core", and radiates from North China to the surroundings. The area, higher than the national average level in accessibility, expands from North China to East China and Central China, and the center of accessibility moved from Tianjin to Zhengzhou gradually.
DOI:10.18402/resci.2018.06.10URL [本文引用: 1]

DOI:10.18402/resci.2018.06.10URL [本文引用: 1]

The linkage development of different provinces in the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the construction of ecological corridor policy brings about dramatic changes to the spatial distribution of scenic spots in the whole Yangtze River Economic Belt. Research on the spatial changes of tourism scenic spots in every province and the whole region, plays an important role in distributing tourism infrastructure. This is also important to the planning of the Yangtze River Golden Tourism Zone and rapid development of the tourism economy. This article uses the spatial location of scenic spots in eleven provinces in the Yangtze River Economic Belt to investigate the spatial evolution characteristics of scenic spots. All data are obtained from official websites maintained by national and provincial tourism administrations. Integration of the standard deviation ellipse, average nearest neighbor analysis and kernel density method are used to analyze evolution tendency. We found that the distribution pattern of tourist scenic spots in the Yangtze River Economic Belt is mostly clustered with the Yangtze River river system. The degree of clustering deepens as time goes by across the whole region. Characteristics of phased and integrated development of regional tourism development in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, rapid development of tributaries, tourism promotion policy, better accessibility of transport and urban construction are the main reasons explaining the aggolomeration of scenic spots. The construction of urban recreational scenic spots and theme parks provides new impetus for the clustering of urban scenic spots.
DOI:10.1016/S0160-7383(02)00110-XURL [本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.1002/(ISSN)1522-1970URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1016/j.tourman.2010.09.010URL [本文引用: 1]

The purpose of the paper is to segment Finnish ski resort visitors according to ski destination choice attributes using data-driven segmentation. In addition, segments are compared in order to ascertain possible differences in personal (gender and age) and situation-specific (type of visitor and traveling companion) characteristics between customer segments. The data were collected from visitors to five different ski resorts in Lapland Finland during the years 2006 and 2007 by self-administered questionnaire. Altogether 1827 responses were collected of which 1529 were acceptable for use in this study. Six different customer segments were identified using the factor-cluster method: passive tourists, cross-country skiers, want-it-all, all-but-downhill skiing, sports seekers, and relaxation seekers. At the end of the paper conclusions are drawn and managerial implications discussed. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd.
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DOI:10.11849/zrzyxb.2014.01.006URL [本文引用: 1]

K指数、热点聚类等方法分析中国2 424 个A级旅游景点的空间分布特征;运用栅格成本加权距离算法,计算中国A级旅游景点的空间可达性,并测算县域单元的整体可达性;利用空间关联方法分析了县域可达性的空间差异。结果表明:中国A级景点的空间分布总体上呈现出聚集分布的特点,所有景点的平均可达时间为125.88 min,60%的景点可达时间在90 min 以内;可达性在全国的分布差异十分明显,可达性空间分布具有明显的交通指向性。景点的县域可达性呈强集聚格局,可达性热点区域的分布呈现明显的热点—次热点—次冷点—冷点自东向西带状分布的格局。]]>
DOI:10.11849/zrzyxb.2014.01.006URL [本文引用: 1]

K function, hot spot clustering, the spatial structure of tourist attractions were investigated, with their characteristics and distribution for different strategies being discussed. Based on matrix raster data covering the whole space, this paper calculates spatial accessibility of all counties in China using cost weighted distance method and ArcGIS as platforms. Then we discuss spatial differences of county accessibility of scenic spots by using ESDA (Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis). The results show that general scenic spots exhibit an aggregated distribution. Considering the accessibility, we find that the human scenic spots are more centralized. The average accessibility is about 125.88 minutes, and the area where the accessibility of scenic spots is within 90 minutes reaches 60%, while the area where the accessibility is within 30 minutes accounts for 26.65% and the longest time needs 1260 minutes which is located at central Tibetan Plateau. Distribution of the accessibility has pointed to traffic line. At county level, the estimated values of Moran's I is positive numbers using analysis of spatial association. All the test results indicate that tourist attractions and adjacent areas show strong positive correlation. Distribution of hot spots regarding the accessibility shows an obvious hot spots-sub-hotspots-sub-cold spots-cold spots zonal distribution pattern from east to west. Cold spots are distributed in the border zone of Tibet, Xinjiang and Qinghai. On the basis of the above results, we identify five factors which impact the spatial structure and accessibility of scenic spots: natural environment, economic development, traffic condition, population and rating system. Finally, some recommendations are given for optimization of the spatial structure of scenic spots, involving quickening the development of edge district's tourism, coordinating the development of the tourism industry for each region, and enhancing basic infrastructure of transportation especially that of the provincial border-regions.]]>
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DOI:10.11821/xb201004004URL [本文引用: 1]

可达性空间划分是交通地理学研究的重要领域。分析其与人口布局的关系,对当下中国的发展具有重要的理论与实践意义。借助GIS 软件平台,运用栅格成本加权距离算法,计算全国县 (市、区) 域单元的空间可达性并进行区域划分,进而探讨中国大区域交通可达性与人口分布的关系,揭示不同交通条件和不同区域类型中人口迁移与人口流动内在机制,为区域规划、交通规划和中国人口配置提供科学依据。研究表明,①栅格成本加权距离算法可以实现空间可达性概念从定性描述转向定量计算的精确转换;②中国县域可达性以低值为主,具有圈层状和"反自然梯度"空间结构,"黑河—腾冲"线为明显分界线;③中国大陆分为3大区:可达性高值区、可达性中值区、可达性低值区。可达性中值区又可分为东南诸省亚区、陕甘宁晋亚区、吉林亚区;可达性低值区分为云川渝亚区、蒙黑亚区、新疆亚区、青藏亚区;④国家区域范围内县域可达性与人口密度具有明显的相关性,2.5小时圈是目前中国可达性与人口集聚产生作用的最远距离;中国县域可达性越高的区域,可达性对人口集聚产生作用圈就越大,而可达性值与人口数量的相关性越小,说明交通条件对落后地区人口集聚所起到的作用远远大于发达地区。
DOI:10.11821/xb201004004URL [本文引用: 1]

Based on matrix raster data covering the whole space,this paper calculates spatial accessibility of all counties (city,urban district) in China using cost weighted distance method and ArcGIS 9.2 as platforms.Then we discuss the relation of traffic accessibility and population aggregation under the background of China\'s rapid urbanization.This is not only a practical test of the western population theory in China,but also a discovery of the phenomenon of transportation guiding population aggregation in China.The result shows that:(1) The cost weighted distance method can realize accurate conversion of spatial accessibility from qualitative description to quantitative calculation.(2) County accessibility in China has mainly low values and a distribution structure of circle layer and reverse-to-natural gradient,where "Heihe-Tengchong" line is the demarcation line.(3) According to accessibility,Chinese mainland can be divided into 3 parts:High Value Region (HVR),Intermediate Value Region (IVR) and Low Value Region (LVR).The HVR is in eastern coastal area of China;IVR is situated on the periphery of HVR,which can be further divided into Southeast Provinces Subregion (SEPSR),Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia-Shanxi Subregion (SGNSSR) and Jilin Subregion (JLSR);LVR can be divided into Yunnan-Sichuan-Chongqing Subregion (YSCSR),Inner Mongolia-Heilongjiang Subregion (IMHSR),Xinjiang Subregion (XJSR) and Qinghai-Tibet Subregion (QTSR).(4) County accessibility is closely related with population density in China.The 2.5-hour circle is the limited distance for the effects of Chinese accessibility on population aggregation.As the accessibility of a region goes higher,the circle of population aggregation affected by accessibility becomes bigger.As the accessibility of a region goes higher,the circle of population aggregation affected by accessibility becomes bigger.Meanwhile,the correlation between accessibility and population becomes smaller.The result shows that the effect of transportation conditions on population aggregation in less developed areas is far larger than that in developed areas.It also indicates that the HVR,SGNSSR,JLSR,YSCSR,and XJSR should develop their transportation systems with equalization.The SEPSR and QTSR should focus on the inner-county transportation,and IMHSR should fully implement regional transportation system construction.
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DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.06.003URL [本文引用: 1]

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Access to health service is recognized as an important facilitator of overall population health, and spatial accessibility is one of the vital indexes to assess whether the distribution of health care facilities is balanced or not. Traditional methodology to assess spatial accessibility usually focuses on alternative of the ratio of supply (provider) versus demand (population) in the administrative unit or the travel impedance between population and health service providers. However, both of them can't be comprehensive to reveal the health care resource quantity which any population location can access due to travel impedance. In the paper, we use the measure of spatial accessibility based on potential model to analyze spatial accessibility from village population location to hospitals with Universal Kriging to interpolate the accessibility values in Rudong County of Jiangsu Province, which integrates three main factors including the service capacity of health care facilities, the population demand impact factor and travel impedance between population location and provider location. Through our study, the following conclusions are reached: after selecting the proper travel friction coefficient which is the key factor to affect sensitively the accuracy of spatial accessibility results when using potential model, the measure of spatial accessibility based on potential model can be more comprehensive and accurate to measure spatial accessibility to health care facilities among the small units of the studied area in the spatial interaction between population and service providers, and by GIS, the methodology is able to reveal directly the difference of spatial accessibility to health care facilities in the studied area, furthermore, health professional shortage areas of the studied area can be defined effectively with certain standards developed by public health management sector, which can support the basis for decision-making of health service planning.
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