

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

纪晓萌,1, 秦伟山,1,2, 李世泰1, 刘肖梅3, 王秋贤11.鲁东大学资源与环境工程学院,烟台 264025
2.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101
3.泰山学院旅游学院,泰安 271021

Development efficiency of tourism and influencing factors in China’s prefectural-level administrative units

JI Xiaomeng,1, QIN Weishan,1,2, LI Shitai1, LIU Xiaomei3, WANG Qiuxian11. School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Ludong University, Yantai 264025, China
2. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
3. School of Tourism, Taishan University, Taian 271021, China

通讯作者: 秦伟山,男,山东潍坊人,博士后,副教授,研究方向为区域旅游发展与生态文明建设。E-mail: weishan93@126.com


作者简介 About authors
纪晓萌,女,山东青岛人,硕士研究生,研究方向为区域发展与产业规划。E-mail: kalaxs@126.com

关键词: 旅游业发展效率;综合测度;热点分析;地理探测器;中国

The development efficiency of tourism is an important indicator of the input-output status of tourism in a region. This study used the data envelopment analysis (DEA) model and data from 329 prefectural-level administrative regions of China to comprehensively measure the development efficiency of tourism in 2018. Spatial autocorrelation, Getis-Ord Gi*, and geographical detector were used to explore the spatial pattern and influencing factors of tourism development efficiency. The main conclusions include: (1) Areas with high level, medium-high level, medium level, medium-low level, and low level of comprehensive tourism development efficiency accounted for 16.11%, 17.93%, 27.96%, 26.75%, and 11.25% of the evaluated administrative units respectively. There were clear regional differences in pure technical efficiency, and the high level areas were mainly distributed in the junction of the terrain ladders, the Yangtze River Delta city group, and the Pearl River Delta city group. In terms of scale efficiency, the division was roughly along the “Hu Line”, higher in the southeast and lower in the northwest. (2) The efficiency of tourism development showed spatial autocorrelation, characterized by “large agglomeration and small dispersion” on the whole. Cold and hot spots showed obvious spatial clustering characteristics hot in the south and cold in the north with southwest, South, and East China showing high value clustering, and North, Northeast, and northwest China showing low value clustering. According to the development level and spatial characteristics, tourism development efficiency can be divided into four types: radiation-driven, edge-dependent, overall promotion, and optimized promotion. (3) The efficiency of tourism development is affected by multiple factors, among which tourism service level, tourism development quality, and tourism resource endowments are the leading factors for the spatial differentiation of tourism development efficiency. Promoting tourism development and improving tourism service level and tourism resource use conversion rate are important ways to improve the efficiency of tourism development. By analyzing the spatial pattern and influencing factors of the tourism development efficiency of Chinese prefectural-level administrative units, we hoped to provide a decision-making basis and theoretical support for exploring the effective ways of improving the quality and efficiency of tourism, transforming and upgrading the tourism industry, and increasing the investment and utilization level of tourism development resources.
Keywords:tourism development efficiency;comprehensive measurement;Getis-Ord $G^*_i$;geographical detector;China

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纪晓萌, 秦伟山, 李世泰, 刘肖梅, 王秋贤. 中国地级单元旅游业发展效率格局及影响因素. 资源科学[J], 2021, 43(1): 185-196 doi:10.18402/resci.2021.01.15
JI Xiaomeng, QIN Weishan, LI Shitai, LIU Xiaomei, WANG Qiuxian. Development efficiency of tourism and influencing factors in China’s prefectural-level administrative units. RESOURCES SCIENCE[J], 2021, 43(1): 185-196 doi:10.18402/resci.2021.01.15

1 引言




2 研究方法与指标选取

2.1 研究方法

2.1.1 DEA模型


式中: θ(0< θ1)为某决策单元的综合效率值, θ值越接近1,表示效率越高,当 θ=1时,表明该评价单元的投入产出实现了最优组合,处于生产前沿面; minθ为目标函数,即追求旅游投入最小化; s.t.是限制性条件;n为决策单元即本文研究对象地级单元的数量值; xj代表第j个地级单元的旅游业发展效率投入; yj代表第j个地级单元的旅游业发展效率产出值; x0y0代表决策单元的原始投入值和产出值; λj表示每个决策单元在某一项投入产出指标上的权重值。

2.1.2 全局空间自相关

全局空间自相关是分析空间聚类状况的常用方法,被广泛运用多种空间格局问题的研究,本文采用Moran’s I指数进行测度:

式中: XkXj表示要素k和要素j的属性值; Xˉ为其均值; Wkj表示空间权重矩阵; S2表示样本方差。Moran’s I取值范围介于–1和1之间,当I值趋向于1时,表示存在空间正相关,当I值趋向于–1时,表示存在空间负相关,当I值等于0表示不存在空间自相关。采用Z值对Moran’s I结果进行统计检验:

式中: E(I)为期望值; var(I)为变异系数。

2.1.3 Getis-Ord Gi*

Getis-Ord Gi*统计量可识别出不同区域的高值和低值的聚集区,用于探索局部空间的关联程度即旅游业发展效率的空间分布格局以及研究单元之间的空间依赖性。公式为:

ij时, Gid的标准式为:

式中: EGidVARGid分别为数学期望和变异值; wijd为空间权重矩阵,采用邻近标准确定。如果 ZGid为正且显著,表明i单元周围值相对较高,属于高值空间集聚(热点区),若 ZGid为负且显著,表明i单元周围值相对较低,属于低值空间集聚(冷点区)[26]

2.1.4 地理探测器



式中:h=1,…,L为变量Y或因子X的分层(strata),即分类或分区; NhN分别为层h和全区的单元数; σh2σ2分别为变量Y在层h和全区的方差;SSW=h=1LNhσh2SST= Nσ2分别表示层内方差之和及全区总方差;q的值域为[0,1],值越大,说明Y的空间分异越明显;如果分层是由自变量X生成,则q值越大表示XY的空间分布越一致,自变量X对属性Y的解释力越强,反之则越弱[7]。地理探测器的空间分层异质性及因子探测所得q值解释100×q%的旅游业发展效率空间分异,越大表示对旅游业发展效率空间分异的解释能力越强,即对旅游业发展效率空间分异的影响越大。

2.2 指标选择

2.2.1 旅游业发展效率


Table 1
Table 1Input-output measurement index system of tourism development efficiency




2.2.2 旅游业发展效率影响因素



2.3 研究区域与数据来源



3 结果与分析

3.1 旅游业发展效率综合测度

利用ArcGIS 10.3对旅游业发展效率测算结果在自然断裂法下对其进行统计分级,绘制旅游业发展效率的综合效率、纯技术效率和规模效率空间格局分布图(图1)。



Figure 1Spatial distribution pattern of tourism development efficiency in China’s prefectural-level administrative units


Table 2
Table 2The number of prefectural-level administrative units with different levels of tourism development efficiency




3.2 空间分布关联性特征

3.2.1 全局空间关联性特征

图1可看出,中国旅游业发展效率在空间上存在一定的相关性,通过全局空间自相关Moran’s I统计识别旅游业发展效率的空间相关性,分析可得,旅游业发展的综合效率Moran’s I指数为0.18,Z得分11.99;纯技术效率Moran’s I指数为0.14,Z得分9.29;规模效率Moran’s I指数为0.15,Z得分10.56,且均通过显著性检验,表明旅游业发展效率的综合效率、纯技术效率及规模效率呈空间正相关,旅游业发展效率水平高的地级单元其邻近的地级单元水平也高,即旅游业发展效率在空间上存在空间集聚的态势,发展水平相似的地区在空间上集中分布。

3.2.2 局部空间关联性特征

依据Getis-Ord Gi*指数在自然断裂法划分下将旅游业发展效率划分为热点区、次热区、次冷区、冷点区及不显著区域5种类型,并绘制旅游业发展效率冷热点空间分布图(图2)。



Figure 2Spatial distribution of tourism development efficiency hot spots and cold spots in China’s prefectural-level administrative units


3.3 旅游业发展效率区域类型划分






3.4 旅游业发展效率影响因素分析


Table 3
Table 3Results of influencing factors of tourism development efficiency in China’s prefectural-level administrative units








4 结论






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追求更高的资源利用效率是城市旅游发展的目标,城市旅游效率评价是城市进行旅游发展资源投入的依据。利用数据包络分析方法(Data Envelopment Analysis,以下简称DEA),以2005年中国58个主要城市为对象,对这些城市旅游效率的统计特征、分组特征、阶段特征和分解效率对总效率的贡献进行了评价。结果显示:该时期大多数城市的旅游处于无效率状态,且总体水平较低,平均值仅为0.44;从旅游发展的阶段上看,处于经济发达地区的城市更容易进入旅游发展的规模收益递减阶段;规模效率对总效率的影响和制约程度最强,其次是技术效率和利用效率。从我国城市旅游发展的阶段特征出发,对上述特征形成的原因进行了解释,认为现阶段中国区域经济发展的不平衡性是导致旅游效率总体水平偏低的根本原因,并对研究结果的政策含义进行了讨论。
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It is a major purpose for urban economic development to achieve much higher tourism resources usage efficiency, which is also an important index to evaluate the level of urban tourism. In the present work, the authors performed a study on the efficiency of 58 primary tourism cities in China by using the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to evaluate the tourism efficiency of these cities in 2005, on the basis of which, statistical characteristics, grouping characteristics, stage characteristics and the contribution of the tributary efficiency to the total efficiency were analyzed in detail. Results showed that most of these cities in year 2005 were undergoing relatively low tourism efficiency, even an inefficiency level, with showing a medium value of only 0.44. Regarding the characteristics of developmental stages, it is much easier for the cities located in developed regions to enter a stage for progressively decreasing benefits from tourism development. Concerning the impacts resulting from their decompositions, the scale efficiency was higher than the technological efficiency as well as congestion efficiency. In addition, it was found that the contribution of technological efficiency was higher than congestion efficiency. Based on the analysis of their development stages, the reasons of these characteristics were carefully examined. It was concluded that an imbalanced development of regional economy at current stages could be ascribed to the overall low tourism efficiency in China. Based on this, it was suggested that the economic level in eastern China be much higher than the middle and western China, so the cities in these regions can invest much more resources in tourism. In contrast, the cities in undeveloped regions cannot provide resources of the same amount as developed regions. As a result, the cities in undeveloped regions cannot achieve a much higher efficiency at this stage. Moreover, measures for improving tourism efficiency of cities in different regions in China were discussed in detail. That is, more resources are suggested to be allocated to the cities in middle and western China in order to meet the stage of a decreasing scale, whereas fewer resources would be provided to the cities in eastern China. At last, construction of urban tourism production indices, development direction and relevant policies were discussed.

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During the period of the Twelfth Five Year Plan,the Chinese government aims to develop the marine economy and coastal tourism,clearly"sticking to the strategic adjustment of economic structure as the main direction of accelerating transformation of the mode of economic development" of strategic deployment. Under this context,here we uses the Data Envelopment Analysis method to measure tourism industry's efficiency for 11 coastal provinces,cities and region in China from 1999 to 2012,revealing characteristics of the temporal change and spatial difference and applies the Malmquist productivity index method to analyze spacetime evolution characteristics for this period of time of coastal tourism industry total factor productivity,and then utilizes panel data modeling to analyze influencing factors and forming mechanisms of coastal tourism industry's efficiency. We find that from 1999 to 2012,comprehensive efficiency of coastal tourism industry on the whole spiraling rises,which presents a lead in Yangtze River Delta region,however,Bohai Rim region and the Pan-Pearl River Delta region are neck and neck,a smooth changing trend. Coastal tourism industry total factor productivity on the whole maintaines rapid growth and the average annual growth rate is 8.6%, which technological progress is the main cause of total factor productivity growth. The level of urbanization has significant positive effects on the efficiency of the tourism industry,and technological progress,optimizing industrial structure,and enhancing urbanization are an important approach to improving the efficiency of the coastal tourism industry.

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马晓龙. 2000-2011年中国主要旅游城市全要素生产率评价
[J]. 资源科学, 2014,36(8):1626-1634.

[本文引用: 1]

[ Ma X L. Evaluation of tourism total factor productivity for Chinese primary cities from 2000 to 2011
[J]. Resources Science. 2014,36(8):1626-1634.]

[本文引用: 1]

秦伟山, 张义丰, 李世泰. 中国东部沿海城市旅游发展的时空演变
[J]. 地理研究, 2014,33(10):1956-1965.

DOI:10.11821/dlyj201410015URL [本文引用: 1]
城市旅游时空演变是旅游地理学研究的热点领域。以中国东部沿海城市为研究区,分析城市旅游发展的时空演变格局。首先分析沿海城市旅游发展强度的时空演变,进而采用DEA数据包络分析法计算沿海城市旅游发展效率的时空演变。研究表明:① 在旅游发展强度方面,东部沿海城市之间的旅游发展强度差异较大,长三角、珠三角以及环渤海的辽东半岛和山东半岛地区的旅游发展强度较强,海峡西岸经济区和环北部湾地区的旅游发展强度较弱。② 10年间在旅游发展综合效率方面基本维持不变,而旅游发展纯技术效率显著增强,旅游发展的规模效率则显著减弱。说明沿海城市的旅游发展已经逐渐由规模效率向技术效率转变。③ 综合旅游发展强度和旅游发展效率两个方面看,将东部沿海城市旅游发展类型分为&#x0201C;高—有效型&#x0201D;、&#x0201C;低—有效型&#x0201D;、&#x0201C;高—无效型&#x0201D;和&#x0201C;低—无效型&#x0201D;四种类型。其中&#x0201C;高—有效型&#x0201D;城市旅游发展较为成熟,&#x0201C;低—有效型&#x0201D;和&#x0201C;高—无效型&#x0201D;城市旅游发展一般,&#x0201C;低—无效&#x0201D;城市旅游发展相对较差。整体来看,珠三角和海峡西岸地区旅游发展强度和旅游发展效率均出现一定程度下滑,长三角、环渤海和北部湾地区的旅游发展强度和旅游发展效率均呈现不同程度增加。
[ Qin W S, Zhang Y F, Li S T. Study on the spatio-temporal evolution of coastal city tourism of China
[J]. Geographical Research. 2014,33(10):1956-1965.]

[本文引用: 1]

路春燕, 白凯. 中国省域入境旅游吸引力空间耦合关系研究
[J]. 资源科学, 2011,33(5):905-911.

URL [本文引用: 1]
[ Lu C Y, Bai Kai. Spatial coupling relationship of the attraction of provincial inbound tourism in China
[J]. Resources Science, 2011,33(5):905-911.

URL [本文引用: 1]
Inbound tourism is an important component of the tourism industry of China. Revealing explicitly the competition between provinces, reducing internal frictions, and agglomerating the mutual attraction of inbound tourism between provinces would be helpful for generally expanding the inbound tourism market. On a spatial level, the author revealed and analyzed the spatial coupling between every province, with the aim to provide reference for the development of national and provincial inbound tourism market strategies in the future. Data were the flow of inbound tourist grouped data of the sample survey of inbound tourists, including 31 provinces of mainland China. The author investigated the flow of inbound tourists that came to China in 2002, 2004, 2006, and 2008 using the gravity model and potential model to examine the mutual attraction of inbound tourism between provinces and the overall attraction of inbound tourism for every province. On the basis of this, the author used geostatistical analysis to test the coupling of the overall attraction of inbound tourism for each province. Results show that: 1) the overall attraction of inbound tourism for each province was generally increasing, but the mutual attraction of inbound tourism between each province showed a decreasing trend. This is due to an increasingly improved national economy, enhancing inter-provincial communication, and the external tourism promotion. In year 2008, the overall attractiveness of inbound tourism of some provinces was degraded due to the impact of U.S. subprime mortgage crisis. 2) For spatial characteristics, the overall attraction of inbound tourism for each province gradually decreased from the east to the west. The gap of the overall attraction of inbound tourism for each province was gradually reduced over time, since the eastern regions bear some advantages over the western regions, including traffic, infrastructure, and capital. Since Xi'an is a famous tourist destination, the central region exhibited degradation of the overall attraction of inbound tourism. With the western development strategy, the gap between eastern regions and western regions would become small.

张鹏, 于伟, 徐东风. 我国省域旅游业效率测度及影响因素研究: 基于SFA和空间Durbin模型分析
[J]. 宏观经济研究, 2014, (6):80-85, 112.

[本文引用: 1]

[ Zhang P, Yu W, Xu D F. Study on efficiency measurement and influencing factors of tourism in China’s provinces: Based on SFA and spatial Durbin model
[J]. Macroeconomics. 2014, (6):80-85, 112.]

[本文引用: 1]

何昭丽, 孙慧, 张振龙. 中国入境旅游发展效率及其影响因素研究
[J]. 干旱区地理, 2017,40(6):1282-1289.

[本文引用: 1]

[ He Z L, Sun H, Zhang Z L. Technical efficiency and influencing factors of China's inbound tourism
[J]. Arid Land Geography. 2017,40(6):1282-1289.]

[本文引用: 1]

方叶林, 黄震方, 李经龙, . 中国省域旅游业发展效率测度及其时空演化
[J]. 经济地理, 2018,35(8):189-195.

[本文引用: 1]

[ Fang Y L, Huang Z F, Li J L, et al. The measurement of Chinese provincial tourism developing efficiency and its spatio-temporal evolution
[J]. Economic Geography, 2018,35(8):189-195.]

DOI:10.2307/142061URL [本文引用: 1]

方叶林, 黄震方, 王芳, . 中国大陆省际旅游效率时空演化及其俱乐部趋同研究
[J]. 地理科学进展, 2018,37(10):1392-1404.

DOI:10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.10.009URL [本文引用: 1]
[ Fang Y L, Huang Z F, Wang F, et al. Spatiotemporal evolution of provincial tourism efficiency and its club convergence in the Chinese Mainland
[J]. Progress in Geography, 2018,37(10):1392-1404.]

DOI:10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.10.009URL [本文引用: 1]
The improvement of quality and efficiency of tourism industry is one of the most important tourism issues under China's new normal economy. Based on the data of tourism development and related data of the Chinese mainland from 1997 to 2015, and comprehensively using the methods of modified data envelopment analysis (DEA) model, spatial Markov chain, impulse response model, and club convergence theory and quantitative calculation of tourism efficiency, this study analyzed the spatiotemporal evolution and mechanism of tourism efficiency in the Chinese mainland. The results indicate that: provincial tourism efficiency showed strong regional characteristics. The tourism economy growth was highly intensive in the eastern area, while it was highly extensive in the western region. The transfer of tourism efficiency is always affected by the tourism efficiency of neighboring regions. The spatial transfer of tourism efficiency is more active, but the basic pattern has not changed after considering the spatial factors. Item efficiency showed high stability, especially the scale efficiency. The spatiotemporal evolution of tourism efficiency led to the effect of club convergence to some degree&#x02014;a phenomenon of "one takes the behavior of one's company." Club convergence of provincial tourism efficiency objectively makes the tourism development "stable"; however, it is not conducive to efficiency improvement. Tourism development cooperation must break through the geographical restrictions in the future.

查建平, 钱醒豹, 赵倩倩, . 中国旅游全要素生产率及其分解研究
[J]. 资源科学, 2018,40(12):2461-2474.

DOI:10.18402/resci.2018.12.13URL [本文引用: 1]
[ Zha J P, Qian X B, Zhao Q Q, et al. Estimation and decomposition of total factors productivity of China’s tourism
[J]. Resources Science, 2018,40(12):2461-2474.]

DOI:10.18402/resci.2018.12.13URL [本文引用: 1]
The current study introduces the mindset of super-efficiency data envelope into the DEA-Malmquist index calculation under the double frontier. We further construct a super-efficient data envelop analysis model based on double frontiers and relaxes the constraint of constant returns to scale. This model can not only make an effective distinction between multiple decision making units at the same frontier, but also give a consideration to the impact of scale agglomeration on total factor productivity. The current study monitored the total factor productivity of travel agencies, star hotels, and tourist attractions of 30 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) in China from 2000 to 2015. The heterogeneity of the productivity of the three types of tourism enterprises and the differences in their dominant mechanisms were further characterized based on the complexity of the structure, nature and multiple objectives of the industry. The main conclusions are as the following: the total factor productivity of the three types of tourism enterprises exhibited an overall growth trend, but the trend of change and the source of growth were also different. There are regional differences in the total factor productivity growth source of tourism enterprises of the same kind. The source of total factor productivity growth of tourism enterprises in the same region has industrial heterogeneity. The possible internal mechanism is that the modern information technology has heterogeneous influence on the resource allocation of different tourism enterprises, and the influence of the system supply on the development of tourism sub-sectors is different, as well as the different industry characteristics in the process of evolution of the three types of tourism enterprises.

王劲峰, 徐成东. 地理探测器: 原理与展望
[J]. 地理学报, 2017,72(1):116-134.

[ Wang J F, Xu C D. Geodetector: Principle and prospective
[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017,72(1):116-134.]

Spatial stratified heterogeneity is the spatial expression of natural and socio-economic process, which is an important approach for human to recognize nature since Aristotle. Geodetector is a new statistical method to detect spatial stratified heterogeneity and reveal the driving factors behind it. This method with no linear hypothesis has elegant form and definite physical meaning. Here is the basic idea behind Geodetector: assuming that the study area is divided into several subareas. The study area is characterized by spatial stratified heterogeneity if the sum of the variance of subareas is less than the regional total variance; and if the spatial distribution of the two variables tends to be consistent, there is statistical correlation between them. Q-statistic in Geodetector has already been applied in many fields of natural and social sciences which can be used to measure spatial stratified heterogeneity, detect explanatory factors and analyze the interactive relationship between variables. In this paper, the authors will illustrate the principle of Geodetector and summarize the characteristics and applications in order to facilitate the using of Geodetector and help readers to recognize, mine and utilize spatial stratified heterogeneity.

徐冬, 黄震方, 胡小海, . 浙江省县域旅游效率空间格局演变及其影响因素
[J]. 经济地理, 2018,38(5):197-207.

[ Xu D, Huang Z F, Hu X H, et al. The spatial pattern evolution and its influencing factors of county-scale tourism efficiency in Zhejiang Province
[J]. Economic Geography, 2018,38(5):197-207.]

游诗咏, 林仲源, 韩兆洲. 广东省城市旅游效率的时空特征及其增长机制
[J]. 资源科学, 2017,39(8):1545-1559.

随着城市旅游业在优化就业结构、改善基础设施建设、拓宽就业渠道等方面发挥出重要的作用,政府开始高度重视旅游效率的提高。本文基于Bootstrap-DEA纠偏模型,对2001-2014年广东省21个地级市的城市旅游效率进行测算,采用Moran's I系数和Geary'C比率进行空间自相关检验,并利用考虑空间异质性的地理加权回归(GWR)模型,对广东的城市旅游效率进行实证研究。研究结果表明:①从纠偏效率的数值特征看,广东省各个城市间旅游效率水平差异明显,大多城市总技术效率较高,但为DEA无效的城市数量在增多;②从空间全局视角看,广东省城市旅游效率的空间自相关检验出现由负效应转变为显著的正效应的趋势,在局部视角下具有明显的局域集群趋势;③相比全局线性回归(OLS)模型,bi-square权函数下的局部空间回归(GWR)模型拟合优度最高,解释能力和精度也更强;④GWR模型能有效识别城市旅游效率增长机制的空间非平稳性,本文基于不同区域驱动因素作用的异质性,提出&#x0201c;广东五大旅游板块&#x0201d;空间格局的差异化发展策略来探讨城市旅游效率的驱动因素和作用机理。
[ You S Y, Lin Z Y, Han Z Z. Spatial-temporal characteristics and growth mechanism of urban tourism efficiency in Guangdong Province
[J]. Resources Science, 2017,39(8):1545-1559.]

Urban tourism plays an important role in optimizing the structure of employment,improving infrastructure construction and broadening employment channels. With rapid tourism development in our country,the government attaches great importance to improving tourism efficiency. We employed a Bootstrap-DEA model to analyze tourism development efficiency and changes in total factor productivity in 21 cities Guangdong,China during 2001-2014. We analyzed spatial-temporal characteristics of urban tourism efficiency through spatial statistical analysis using Moran's Index and Geary&#x02019;s Ratio,and using a geographically weighted regression model including spatial heterogeneity. The results show that it is necessary to solve the problem using Bootstrap-DEA. From the point view of the mathematical features of efficiency,urban tourism efficiency levels were different in Guangdong:the province as a whole has relatively high urban tourism efficiency,but the efficiency is becoming inefficient. The spatial-temporal characteristics of urban tourism efficiency of Guangdong have evolved from irrelevant to relevant from 2001 to 2014. A key finding was that there is an obvious local clustering trend for urban tourism efficiency. The GWR model based on a bi-square weighted function exhibited better explaining ability. The Moran scatter plots of urban tourism efficiency were used as a reference. Compared with the traditional ordinary least square model based on &#x02018;stationary hypothesis embedding&#x02019;,the geographical weighted regression model based on &#x02018;non-stationary&#x02019; revealed profound spatial differentiation factors. The GWR model based on bi-square weighted function exhibited better model goodness and explaining ability. The scheme of spatial strategic pattern optimization of urban tourism,namely,&#x02018;five sections of tourism in Guangdong&#x02019; is discussed and a differentiation development strategy constructed. These findings reveal that geographical weighted regression can reconstruct the spatial-temporal nonstationary growth mechanism of urban tourism efficiency.

韩瑛, 史庆斌, 冯文勇, . 山西省旅游业效率时空差异及影响因素研究
[J]. 干旱区资源与环境, 2019,33(7):187-194.

[本文引用: 1]

[ Han Y, Shi Q B, Feng W Y, et al. Temporal spatial differences of tourism industry efficiency and the influencing factors in Shanxi Province
[J]. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 2019,33(7):187-194.]

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时雨晴, 虞虎, 陈田, . 城市旅游效率演化阶段、特征及其空间分异效应: 以海南国际旅游岛为例
[J]. 经济地理, 2015,35(10):202-209.

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[ Shi Y Q, Yu H, Chen T, et al. Evolutionary stages, characteristics and its spatial differentiation effect of urban tourism efficiency: A case from Hainan international tourism island
[J]. Economic Geography, 2015,35(10):202-209.]

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刘佳, 宋秋月. 中国旅游产业绿色创新效率的空间网络结构与形成机制
[J]. 中国人口·资源与环境, 2018,28(8):127-137.

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[ Liu J, Song Q Y. Space network structure and formation mechanism of green innovation efficiency of tourism industry in China
[J]. China Population, Resources and Environment, 2018,28(8):127-137.]

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方叶林, 黄震方, 李经龙, . 中国省域旅游经济增长的时空跃迁及其趋同研究
[J]. 地理科学, 2018,38(10):1616-1623.

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[ Fang Y L, Huang Z F, Li J L, et al. Space-time transition of tourism economic growth and its convergence in Chinese mainland
[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2018,38(10):1616-1623.]

DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.10.005URL [本文引用: 1]
δ convergence of provincial tourism economy growth, generally speaking, absolute β convergence is not significant, but it is significant at different time period. In the long run, the absolute β convergence is not significant about tourism economy growth; however, in the short term, absolute β convergence rate appears weak increasing trend. There is a regional differentiation, which the introduction of regional dummy variables has significant influence on conditional β convergence, so it is necessary to introduce other variables for parameter estimation. Regional economy, location and transportation, marketization degree are the main factors that influence the conditional β convergence of provincial tourism economy. There is a downward trend compared with the compound regression coefficient and single regression coefficient, reflecting that the influence factors of tourism economic growth has not well optimized and combined, the external environment still needs to be optimized. There is some relationship between space-time transition and club convergence of provincial tourism economy, and the club convergence of the tourism economy growth in the East and Middle is more obvious. The club convergence will lead to the reduction of the gap in the groups, but the gap between groups will increase. Therefore, the cross regional tourism cooperation, which will break geographical location, needs to be strengthened in the future.]]>

吴媛媛, 宋玉祥. 中国东北地区旅游业效率时空格局演变及驱动因素
[J]. 地域研究与开发, 2019,38(5):85-90.

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[ Wu Y Y, Song Y X. Spatio-temporal pattern evolution and driving factors of tourism efficiency in northeast China
[J]. Areal Research and Development, 2019,38(5):85-90.]

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魏俊, 胡静, 朱磊, . 鄂皖两省旅游发展效率时空演化及影响机理
[J]. 经济地理, 2018,38(8):187-195.

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[ Wei J, Hu J, Zhu L, et al. Spatial-temporal differentiation and influencing mechanism of tourism development efficiency in Hubei Province and Anhui Province
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中华人民共和国国家统计局. 中国城市统计年鉴2019[M]. 北京: 中国统计出版社, 2019.
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中华人民共和国国家旅游局. 中国旅游统计年鉴2019[M]. 北京: 中国旅游出版社, 2019.
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