Influences of coastal resort vacationers’ environmental and climate satisfactions on their perceived destination restorative qualities
CHENGanghua1,2,, XIWang1, HUANGSongshan3, HUXianyang4, 1. School of Tourism Management, Sun Yat-sen University, Zhuhai 519082, China 2. Center for Tourism Planning and Research, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China 3. School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, WA 6027, Australia 4. School of Geography and Tourism, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710119, China; 通讯作者:通讯作者: 胡宪洋,E-mail: 收稿日期:2018-10-8 修回日期:2019-01-10 网络出版日期:2019-03-20 版权声明:2019《资源科学》编辑部《资源科学》编辑部 基金资助:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(41501154); 文化和旅游部“旅游业青年专家培养计划”项目(TYETP201542) 作者简介: -->作者简介:陈钢华,男,湖南新化人,博士,副教授,主要从事目的地管理、度假区管理等方面的研究。E-mail:
关键词:环境恢复性感知;海滨旅游度假区;环境满意度;气候满意度;三亚 Abstract This study aimed at uncovering the influences of coastal resort vacationers’ environmental and climate satisfactions on their perceived destination restorative qualities (PDRQs), to provide a new perspective in understanding how the environment and the climate impact tourists’ mental and physical health and restoration, as well as a better understanding of PDRQs. The data were collected via a questionnaire survey in two typical coastal resorts in Sanya City, Hainan Province Dadonghai and Yalong Bay (N=527). Applying the principal component-based structural equation modeling technique of partial least squares (PLS_SEM), the results show that both vacationers’ climate satisfaction and environmental satisfaction significantly and positively influenced their PDRQs (compatibility, extent, mentally away, physically away, and fascination). Implications for the sustainable development of resort destinations are provided. Specifically, for companies and managers in coastal resort destinations, improving vacationers’ satisfaction with the environment and the climate through publicizing information on the environmental and climate conditions and protecting the natural environment would facilitate vacationers in experiencing more of the restorative qualities, and thus having a deeper mental and physical restoration. Finally, the increase of perceived destination restorative qualities would help a resort destination to strengthen its competitive edges in the tourism market.
Keywords:perceived destination restorative qualities;coastal resort;environmental satisfaction;climate satisfaction;Sanya City -->0 PDF (3138KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章收藏文章 本文引用格式导出EndNoteRisBibtex收藏本文--> 陈钢华, 奚望, 黄松山, 胡宪洋. 海滨旅游度假区游客环境和气候满意度对环境恢复性感知的影响[J]. 资源科学, 2019, 41(3): 430-440 CHENGanghua, XIWang, HUANGSongshan, HUXianyang. Influences of coastal resort vacationers’ environmental and climate satisfactions on their perceived destination restorative qualities[J]. RESOURCES SCIENCE, 2019, 41(3): 430-440
本次研究在三亚亚龙湾和大东海进行便利抽样,共计发放问卷569份,收回有效问卷527份,有效率达92.6%。如表1所示,在有效样本中,62.6%的受访者是女性,37.4%的受访者是男性;在年龄方面,受访者以中青年为主,21~35岁的受访者占67.2%,36~50岁的受访者占16.7%;在文化程度方面,以拥有本科学历(45.4%)和大专学历(26.4%)的受访者为主;在职业分布上,以企业职工(31.7%)和个体工商户(26.4%)居多;在收入上,22.2%的受访者的家庭月均收入在3001~4500元之间,17.5%的受访者的家庭月均收入在4501~6000元之间。 Table 1 表1 表1受访者人口统计学和旅行特征 Table 1Socioeconomic and demographic profiles and travel characteristics of the survey respondents
结构模型的评价指标是路径系数及其显著性、判定系数R2和整体拟合优度(GoF)。R2表示外因潜变量对内因潜变量变异的解释程度。在不同领域,R2的门槛值不同,应依据研究主题内容而定[54]。通常认为,高于临界值0.1即是可接受的[52]。此外,R2值在0.19附近表明解释力是比较弱的,R2值在0.33附近说明解释力是中等程度的[59]。如表4所示,模型对兼容维度的解释力为33.6%,对程度维度的解释力为19.6%,对心理逃离维度的解释力为21.7%,对物理远离维度的解释力为18.3%,对迷恋维度的解释力为22.7%。 Table 4 表4 表4假设检验结果 Table 4Results of hypothesis testing
注:**p<0.01。 新窗口打开 具体的假设检验结果,如表4和图2所示。其中,假设H1成立,即环境满意度对兼容(β=0.329,t=8.057,p<0.01)、程度(β=0.309,t=6.399,p<0.01)、心理逃离(β=0.237,t=4.819,p<0.01)、物理远离(β=0.172,t=3.592,p<0.01)和迷恋(β=0.252,t=5.244,p<0.01)有显著的正向影响。假设H2亦成立,即气候满意度正向影响兼容(β=0.319,t=7.357,p<0.01)、程度(β=0.181,t=6.399,p<0.01)、心理逃离(β =0.282,t=5.476,p<0.01)、物理远离(β=0.302,t=6.039,p<0.01)和迷恋(β =0.280,t=5.486,p<0.01)。 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图2模型PLS分析结果 注:**在0.01水平上显著相关。数据表示标准化路径系数。 -->Figure 2Partial least square results of the structural model -->
本文还存在以下不足之处:首先,限于研究条件,本次研究没有考虑季节变化带来的影响。研究调查时间集中在2016年3月,选取的案例地/数据采集地是三亚的2处综合型海滨度假地。未来研究还可以探索其他类型的度假目的地,特别是在不同季节采集数据,以验证本次研究的发现。其次,限于案例地的具体情况,本次研究仅关注声景观、水温、水质等环境方面的满意度以及风速、气温和湿度等气候方面的满意度。未来的研究还可以进一步探索游客对气候和环境的其他方面(如雨水、光照、噪音等)的满意度对他们的环境恢复性感知的影响。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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