关键词:低碳农业;三大主要粮食作物;可持续发展;碳足迹;生命周期评价法 Abstract Sustainable agriculture that increases production,improves soil productivity and reduces pollution is a hot topic in China. It is therefore necessary to evaluate carbon footprints with a Life Cycle Assessment method for low carbon agricultural practice innovation,carbon trading and carbon labels. We reviewed 22 published results for emission from rice,wheat and maize production and found that reliable approaches to quantify the carbon footprint remain vague. This has resulted in a large degree of uncertainty about the intensity of carbon footprints,even on the same crop. For example,the amount of carbon footprints of rice production ranged from 1895kgce/hm2 (ce i.e. CO2 equal)to 11 811kgce/hm2. Both positive and negative values for net emissions of wheat and maize production were obtained from previous papers. This suggests that wheat and maize production can result in carbon sequestration and carbon emissions depending on different evaluation approaches. Different system boundaries,greenhouse gas categories,approaches for data collection and units of carbon footprint could explain uncertainty. We develop a concept model to quantify carbon footprints of crop production using Life Cycle Assessment. The carbon footprint consists of three components:(1)production of agriculture inputs,such as chemical fertilizer,pesticides and so on;(2)grain production in fields;and(3)soil carbon sequestration due to grain production. The carbon emission factors include direct emission factors of CO2,CH4 and N2O and indirect emission factors of ammonia volatilization and nitrate leaching. The key emission factors were derived from big data measured at different sites and our model can quantify emissions at different scales in different regions.
近几年农作物碳足迹定量化研究日益增多,本研究收集了近年来国内外水稻、小麦、玉米3种作物生产碳足迹核算的22个典型研究结果,这些研究基本涵盖了目前粮食作物碳足迹研究中出现的主流的典型研究思路和核算方法。通过对比这些研究结果发现,碳足迹核算有很大的不确定性,同一作物碳排放相差达10倍之多(表1)。如水稻碳足迹最小为1895kgce/hm2 [19],最大达11 811kgce/hm2 [20],而小麦和玉米尚存在固碳(即碳排放为负值)和排放两个极端,如此巨大的差异严重影响了低碳农业的正常发展。 经分析发现,这些结果的差异主要由六方面原因所致,以下详细分析。 Table 1 表1 表1国内外三大粮食作物碳足迹研究结果 Table 1Domestic and foreign research results of carbon footprint in three major grain crops (kgce/hm2)
农田生产碳足迹应包括三个环节,上游环节即投入品(种子、化肥、农药、机械和农膜等)的生产加工环节;中间环节即农田种植环节,包括耕作、播种、植保、收获、秸秆处理等;下游环节即收获以后的环节,包括粮食的加工和(或)运输等(图1)。涵盖的温室气体应该包括CO2、N2O、CH4三种主要类型,但不同温室气体在不同环节应侧重考虑。 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图1农作物生产碳足迹理论模型 -->Figure1Crop production theory of carbon footprint model figure -->
Table 2 表2 表2不同农作环节涉及的碳循环 Table 2Different management practices involved in the carbon cycle in the croplands
越来越多的国家已经在产品和服务上加注碳标签,作为全球最大的农业生产国和进出口国,中国虽然已经开始了部分碳足迹的研究工作,但目前中国对于农作物生产碳足迹的研究尚处于起步阶段,没有建立标准的方法体系,也没有建立推动农业转型的政策和市场机制。 面临国内农业转型和国际贸易新局势,应尽快建立中国农作物碳足迹量化方法,充分应用生命周期方法理念(LCA),用碳足迹优化生产布局,筛选区域性适宜的低碳技术,建立低碳农业技术大面积应用的补贴机制和市场措施。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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