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尹寿兵1,2,, 郭强1,2, 刘云霞1,2
1. 安徽师范大学地理与旅游学院,芜湖 241002
2. 安徽师范大学旅游发展与规划研究中心,芜湖 241002

The growth path and mechanism of small tourism businesses: Taking world cultural heritage site Hongcun as an example

YINShoubing1,2,, GUOQiang1,2, LIUYunxia1,2
1. College of Geography and Tourism, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241002, Anhui, China
2. Center for Tourism Planning and Research, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241002, Anhui, China
版权声明:2018《地理研究》编辑部《地理研究》编辑部 所有
-->作者简介:尹寿兵(1978- ),男,安徽和县人,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为区域发展与旅游规划。E-mail: ysblyx@163.com



Taking the world heritage site of Hongcun as an example, with the help of enterprise growth theory, in-depth interviews and non participation observation methods are applied to explore the growth path and driving mechanism of heritage site small tourism businesses. The creation, development and withdrawal of small tourism enterprises in Hongcun are a dynamic process. Under the dual factors of entrepreneurial spirit and market demand, community residents managed to make use of their dwellings to achieve identity transformation and place change, and established small tourism businesses. In the course of development, the limitation of heritage protection and the pressure of market competition make the differentiation of the main group of the small tourism enterprises. Small business owners who lack of growth will withdraw from the market by sublease, which will promote the creation of new small enterprises. Small tourism enterprises with growth will achieve enterprise growth through imitating innovation, intergenerational inheritance, chain expansion, cluster management and brand joining. The study found that integration, diversification, follow ups and corporate growth strategies together with the internal succession of family businesses constitute the growth path of small tourism businesses. At the same time, the tourism development factors such as the heritage protection and the market consumption upgrade have driven the circulation of the growth of the small tourism enterprises.

Keywords:small tourism enterprises;enterprise growth;Hongcun

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尹寿兵, 郭强, 刘云霞. 旅游小企业成长路径及其驱动机制——以世界文化遗产地宏村为例[J]. 地理研究, 2018, 37(12): 2503-2516 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201812011
YIN Shoubing, GUO Qiang, LIU Yunxia. The growth path and mechanism of small tourism businesses: Taking world cultural heritage site Hongcun as an example[J]. Geographical Research, 2018, 37(12): 2503-2516 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201812011

1 引言

企业成长属于经济学和管理学研究的概念。它包含三个突出的特征:① 企业成长是一个动态的历史演进过程;② 企业成长是企业内、外多种因素相互作用的结果;③ 企业成长不仅表现为一些可测指标数量上的增长,更多的是反映产生这些增长的内在源泉,即质的改善[6]。古典经济****Adam Smith、Alfred Marshal和George Stigler最早从经济学原理的角度探讨关于企业成长的问题。长久以来,国内外****从多层面、多视角、多尺度不断对企业成长的研究进行深化。概括起来,理论研究逐渐形成了企业外生成长理论和企业内生成长理论[7]。外生成长理论强调企业成长是外生性的,导致企业成长的因素主要来源于企业外部,尤其强调市场特征对企业成长的决定作用。其代表性理论有:新古典经济学的企业成长理论、新制度经济学的企业成长理论和波特的企业竞争优势理论。企业内生成长理论强调企业成长是内生性的,企业内部因素(资源、能力和知识等)是决定企业成长的主导因素。代表性理论有:彭罗斯的内生成长理论、管理者理论的企业成长理论、制度变迁理论的内生成长理论、资源基础企业理论的企业成长理论和学习型组织理论的企业成长理论(表1)。企业成长的研究主题包括以企业内部成长、并购成长和网络成长为主的企业成长过程与机制研究[8,9,10];以企业资产、利润和就业机会等为指标的企业成长测度研究[11];以企业专业化战略、多元化战略和国际化战略为代表的企业成长战略选择[12]。企业成长的内部影响因素有企业管理[13,14]、企业文化[15]、企业家精神[13]、技术与知识[16,17]等,外部影响因素有市场竞争[14]、政治制度[18]、税收政策[19]、投融资环境[20]、地方文化[18,21]等。研究尺度涉及大企业和中小企业。如大型企业的竞争和扩张及其在区域社会经济发展中的地位和作用、中小企业的生存及成长障碍等[11,22-24]。同时,企业成长的研究涵盖了建筑建材、石油化工、汽车工业、零售服务、信息产业、旅游休闲等各种行业类型。
Tab. 1
Tab. 1The theory of enterprise growth and the main points of view


2 研究区概况

Tab. 2
Tab. 2Opening time questionnaire of small tourism enterprises in Hongcun village


3 研究方法与数据来源

本文主要采用深度访谈、非参与观察等定性研究方法。访谈对象是企业主和店长。访谈提纲是根据研究问题,在阅读相关文献及专家小组讨论的基础上设计。访谈问题包括企业经营动机、经营变化、进入门槛、经营困境、企业成长过程与影响因素等。非参与观察主要是了解各企业的空间分布、产品经营类型、企业设计风格等,并进行对比和记录。课题组成员于2016年3月(2天)、2017年6月(10天)、2017年10月(11天)进行了三次实地调研。样本选择兼顾了企业经营类型、开业时间、空间区位和业主籍贯等要素。为保证调查结果的可靠性,通过尽可能多的渠道丰富资料来源,并对已建立的结论进行检验,形成三角互证。最终,共访谈旅游小企业主和店长34位(表3),并得到了大量现场照片及二手资料。其中,每个访谈用时基本在30~60 min,访谈录音总时长为898 min,将所有的录音转换成文字,形成了108030个字符的访谈文本。
Tab. 3
Tab. 3A list of interview samples of small tourism enterprises in Hongcun Village


4 宏村旅游小企业成长路径分析


4.1 模仿创新成长路径


4.2 代际传承成长路径


4.3 连锁扩张成长路径


4.4 抱团经营成长路径


4.5 品牌加盟成长路径


5 成长路径的驱动机制

-->Fig. 1The growth path and driving mechanism of small tourism enterprises


6 结论与讨论

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

参考文献 原文顺序

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Using a large sample of firms from 46 countries, we investigate the impact of political institutions on firm growth. We find that tighter political constraints stimulate firm growth and that this positive impact is more pronounced in weak legal environments. Our results are economically significant and robust to a number of sensitivity tests, including alternative proxies for political institutions, alternative measures of firm growth, additional controls, firm- versus country-level regressions, as well as when we address the endogeneity of political constraints. Our results suggest that reforms aimed at improving a country's political institutions can significantly impact firm growth, and that it is indeed through improved political institutions that firms are incentivized to invest in profitable projects.
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Geographical political economy increasingly scrutinises the socio-spatial contexts for brands and branding. Less understood is the influence of subcultures – neo-tribal groups sharing passions, a leisure pursuit or practice - on enterprise formation and the pathways through which brands emerge, trading on perceived authenticity. Subcultural contexts, we argue, unleash distinctive trajectories of enterprise formation, reputation-building, value-creation, global expansion and accumulation, and ultimately destruction. Here we focus on how particular subcultural values – of authenticity, competition, risk-taking, and active participation in ‘scenes’ – interact with capitalist growth dynamics, and where over time and space such intersections bring brands unstuck. Using the case of surfing subculture and collapse of corporate surf enterprises (Quiksilver, Billabong), we theorise subcultural brand value creation and its interaction with financialized expansion, culminating in destructive contradictions. Subcultural enterprises with ‘authentic’, ‘back-of-the van’ origins convert subcultural values of credibility, localism, risk-taking, and scene participation into brand value. Trading on place-origins and subcultural authenticity, enterprises expanded in two phases. First by widening distribution using specialist ‘surf’ retailers, and second by offshoring production, public floating, and debt-financing brand acquisitions and massive retail expansion. Dictates of shareholders and investment banks spurred market saturation, and high-volume/low-quality goods. Surfing’s cherished insouciance gave way to unhinged expansionism and unmanageable debt. The subcultural authenticity that spawned brand popularity was undermined, amplifying financial risk. Disenchanted consumers who once co-created successful brands also co-destroyed them. As subcultural brands proliferate, geographical political economy must be attentive to subcultures as spawning-grounds for enterprises with accompanying limits to market growth, (dis)connections, and values.
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This paper investigates, using a unique panel dataset of Korean manufacturing firms, the relationship between technological diversification and firm growth and the conditioning role of firm-specific core-technology competence in the relationship. First, the relationship is inverted U-shaped regardless of the type of technological diversification, implying that both insufficient and excessive technological diversifications are harmful for firm growth. Second, the level of competence in the field of core technology conditions the relationship by attenuating the harmful effect of excessive technological diversification. Furthermore, in case of unrelated technological diversification, the inverted U-shaped relationship weakens substantially for firms with high core-technology competence. These results suggest that sufficient core-technology competence is needed for firms to effectively manage and utilize technological diversification, particularly unrelated one, for their growth.
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61We offer evidence on the importance of culture, in determining externally financed firm growth.61We examine the interdependence of individualism with legal (formal) institutions in determining firm growth.61We present new evidence that culture directly affects firm growth, in addition to its impact through other channels.
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pemFinancing constraints have been one of the major impediments to doing business in transition economies in general and South-Eastern Europe in particular. Utilizing firm-level survey data and extensive econometric modelling, the paper provides new evidence on financing constraints, credit rationing and financing obstacles for firms in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania and Serbia and Montenegro. The findings suggest that these phenomena are prevalent in the SEE region, especially in the small business sector, a driving force of economic development in these countries. Based on the findings, a number of policy implications aiming at reducing financing constraints for the small business sector are derived./em/p
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It is well accepted that access to entrepreneurial finance encourages entrepreneurship and growth. Empirical studies on topic, however, segregate the effect of entrepreneurial finance on entrepreneurship by the source of capital. In this paper, we compare the effect of two main sources of entrepreneurial finance on small firm formation and growth: banks versus venture capital (VC). Based on U.S. data spanning 1995鈥2011, and regardless of controls for endogeneity, we find the effect of VC to be both economically and statistically significant in stimulating new firms, new establishments, new employment, and new payroll. We do not find similar evidence for banks.
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This conceptual paper is based on a study that explores differences of board of directors’ attributes and SMEs firm growth based on firm culture types in Malaysia. The objectives are to explore a model for overall SMEs firm growth based on board of directors’ attributes, to examine the relationship between board entrepreneurial and guanxi in relations with SMEs firm growth. This paper also aims to identify differences of board of directors’ attributes and SMEs firm growth based on firm culture types. One of the most significant theoretical implications is the introduction of a conceptual model on SMEs firm growth, board of directors’ attributes and firm culture based on Malaysia context. From the practitioners’ perspectives, this paper suggests improvement of existing approaches to the governance of SMEs.
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The paper is dealing with the analysis of the enterprise risk and growth of a selected number of anonymous small and medium size enterprises. The investigation is based on the enterprises’ simplified annual financial reports. In the economic environment of our days, the principle of “no risk means no profit” is widely accepted and supported. It can also be added, if there is no profit, there is no successful growth. By using leverage ratios, below we intend to analyze two basic types of enterprise risk: financial risk and operational risk. Several publications dealing with enterprise growth are available, yet none have yet been able to offer a common approach to this problem. In our publication enterprise growth is considered as the effective growth of certain economic indicators. We investigate internal and sustainable growth rates in the period of 2010-2013 in a sample of enterprises registered in County Bihor and operating in different sectors of economy. In the second part of the study, the investigated firms are grouped by calculated indicators based on their 2012 year's results by the method of cluster analysis. The calculations were carried out by the R statistics program which is used in a variety of research fields and has the advantage of being an open source software system. The program can offer the modules that are required for our analysis. For our cluster analysis we applied module ‘hclust’. The results of the analysis show that there are no significant changes in the internal and sustainable growth rates of the companies over the investigated period. The minor difference identified between the internal (IGR) and sustainable growth (SGR) rates can be considered as normal, since the investigated firms were using foreign sources as well in order to finance their activities. In terms of risk indicators, it was found that of the degree of operating leverage (DOL) and the degree of financial leverage (DFL) it is the degree of operating leverage that appears to be the major source of problems for the investigated firms. Thus, risk managers should be giving priority attention to minimizing it. Our analyses show that the majority (64%) of the enterprises have an acceptable level of risk.
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No abstract is available for this item.
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No Abstract available for this chapter.
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[34]尹寿兵, 刘云霞, 赵鹏. 景区内旅游小企业发展的驱动机制: 西递村案例研究
. 地理研究, 2013, 32(2): 360-368.
https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2013020016URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Qualitative research methodology is used in this study, such as participant observation and in-depth interview. Based on reviewing the progress of tourism development in Xidi village, it has been found that entrepreneurship and tourism demands are the critical internal and external factors in the development of the small tourism firms (STFs), and both factors have exerted great influence on the governance model. Three stages of governance model have been identified by the intervention degree of government, community and the third sector (e.g., Heritage Protection Organizations). The three stages are the community governance model with spontaneous community participation, the network governance model featuring the joint controls by government, community and the third sector, and the hierarchy governance model with government's constantly strengthening commands and controls. Along with the changes in governance model, government's commands and controls have been strengthened continuously, while government's interest demands led to structural changes in the tourism markets, which caused the changes in the operating characteristics and spatial structure of the STFs. Meanwhile, the entrepreneurship and imitative innovation capacity of the residents have been influenced, hence the development pace and scale of the STFs presented different features in different stages. As indicated by the research findings, the optimization of governance model is the key point to the sustainable development of the STFs.
[Yin Shoubing, Liu Yunxia, Zhao Peng.Driving mechanism of the small tourism firms development in scenic areas: A case study of Xidi village
. Geographical Research, 2013, 32(2): 360-368.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2013020016URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Qualitative research methodology is used in this study, such as participant observation and in-depth interview. Based on reviewing the progress of tourism development in Xidi village, it has been found that entrepreneurship and tourism demands are the critical internal and external factors in the development of the small tourism firms (STFs), and both factors have exerted great influence on the governance model. Three stages of governance model have been identified by the intervention degree of government, community and the third sector (e.g., Heritage Protection Organizations). The three stages are the community governance model with spontaneous community participation, the network governance model featuring the joint controls by government, community and the third sector, and the hierarchy governance model with government's constantly strengthening commands and controls. Along with the changes in governance model, government's commands and controls have been strengthened continuously, while government's interest demands led to structural changes in the tourism markets, which caused the changes in the operating characteristics and spatial structure of the STFs. Meanwhile, the entrepreneurship and imitative innovation capacity of the residents have been influenced, hence the development pace and scale of the STFs presented different features in different stages. As indicated by the research findings, the optimization of governance model is the key point to the sustainable development of the STFs.
[35]Ateljevic J.Small tourism firms and management practices in New Zealand: The Centre Stage Macro Region
. Tourism Management, 2007, 28(1): 307-316.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2006.07.004URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
This paper examines critical issues related to the management of small tourism firms (STFs). It is based on a postal survey of 317 STFs, supplemented by 57 in-depth interviews with owner-managers. The findings suggest that the development and management of small tourism firms are shaped by a number of different factors related to the business owner anager, nature of the tourism activity, its locality and other aspects of the sector specific business environment. A central part of New Zealand, encompassing four localities integrated in a single marketing entity, the Centre Stage [tourism] Macro Region (CSMR), provides the geographical scope of this study. The area exhibits a blend of urban and rural contexts offering a unique opportunity to examine managerial problems in the growing small tourism sector.
[36]Hallak R, Brown G, Noel J L.The place identity-performance relationship among tourism entrepreneurs: A structural equation modelling analysis
. Tourism Management, 2012, 33(1): 143-154.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2011.02.013URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Drawing on the literature on tourism, entrepreneurship, environmental psychology, and corporate philanthropy, this research examines how place identity, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, and support for community influence the entrepreneurial performance of small and medium tourism enterprise (SMTE) owners. Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modelling are used to analyse the responses from 301 tourism entrepreneurs operating in regional South Australia. The data supports a model suggesting that the place identity of tourism entrepreneurs has a significant, positive effect on entrepreneurial self-efficacy and support for the community. Findings also suggest that the place identity of tourism entrepreneurs has a positive, indirect effect on entrepreneurial performance: a tourism entrepreneur sense of identity with the place in which his/her business operates contributes toward entrepreneurial success.
[37]尹寿兵, 刘云霞, 赵鹏. 皖南古村落旅游小企业经营特征研究
. 安徽农业大学学报: 社会科学版, 2013, 22(2): 70-73.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Yin Shoubing, Liu Yunxia, Zhao Peng.On the operation characteristics of ancient small thourism business in southern Anhui
. Journal of Anhui Agricultural University: Social Sciences Edition, 2013, 22(2): 70-73.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[38]邱继勤, 保继刚. 国外旅游小企业研究进展
. 旅游学刊, 2005, (5): 86-92.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-5006.2005.05.026URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
[Qiu Jiqin, Bao Jigang.A study progress on oversea small tourism businesses
. Tourism Tribune, 2005, (5): 86-92.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-5006.2005.05.026URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
[39]Getz D, Carlsen J.Characteristics and goals of family and owner-operated business in the rural tourism and hospitality sectors
. Tourism Management, 2000, 21(6): 547-560.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0261-5177(00)00004-2URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This research examines goals pertaining to start-up, operations, the family, and ultimate disposition of the enterprise by family and owner-operated businesses in the rural tourism and hospitality sectors. The sample is from a survey in rural Western Australia. A large majority of respondents were from middle-aged couples, new to the business, with strong motivation to live and work in the countryside. Lifestyle and family-related goals were predominant, but there was also recognition that the business had to be profitable. Most respondents were uncertain about the ultimate disposition of their business; only about one-third had definite succession plans to involve children or other family members. Implications are drawn for business and destination development.
[40]Getz D, Petersen T.Growth and profit-oriented entrepreneurship among family business owners in the tourism and hospitality industry
. Hospitality Management, 2005, 24: 219-242.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2004.06.007URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Surveys were conducted among family business owners in the tourism and hospitality industry in two resort areas (one in Canada and one in Denmark) with a view to identifying growth and profit-oriented entrepreneurs. Analysis of owners’ attitudes and goals reveals the predominance of lifestyle and autonomy orientations, but also profiles those who are more profit and growth oriented. This small sub-group differs somewhat in the two resorts—in both cases profit and growth orientation is significantly higher among those who purchased their business, particularly accommodation establishments and restaurants. Bed and breakfast and arts and craft businesses are clearly associated with lifestyle and autonomy. Theoretical, management and policy implications are discussed.
[41]Echtner C M.Entrepreneurial training in developing countries
. Annals of Tourism Research, 1995, 22(1): 119-134.
https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137327734_6URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
There are more than a billion people who live in poverty (Collier, 2007; Reynolds, 2012). Twenty-one percent of the population in developing countries (1.22 billion people) can only spend $1.25 or below a day in the year 2010 (Olinto, Beegle, Sobrado, and Uematsu, 2013). In addition to poverty, a major problem for developing countries is the high rate of unemployment (The International Labor Office [ILO], 2013). Two thirds of the young population in developing countries was unemployed or worked in irregular employment in the year 2012 (ILO, 2013; UNDESA, 2013). What will aggravate the situation is that many more young people will enter the future job market. In least developed countries 40% of the population was younger than 15 years in 2012, and 20% were aged between 15 and 24 years (UNDESA, 2013). Consequently, many governmental and non-governmental bodies argue that solving the problem of unemployment and fostering employment creation in developing countries is of high importance (ILO, 2013; UNDESA, 2013). A possible approach to address the issue of unemployment is entrepreneurship since research shows that entrepreneurship supports employment creation (Acs, Desai, and Hessels, 2008; Gries and Naud茅, 2010; Mead and Liedholm, 1998; Naud茅, 2010, 2012; Naud茅, Gries, Wood, and Meintjies, 2008). This implies that through promoting entrepreneurship it is possible to contribute to employment creation.
[42]Lai P, Morrison A S, Grimstad S.Operating small tourism firms in rural destinations: A social representations approach to examining how small tourism firms cope with non-tourism induced changes
. Tourism Management, 2017, 58: 164-174.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2016.10.017URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
61Small tourism firms in rural destinations are constantly challenged by industry related and external changes.61Representations of a rural destination by small tourism firm owners and managers are explored.61Coping is mobilised by perceived threats to the destination's representation.61Implementation of coping is not without difficulties and concerns.61Collaborative planning with stakeholders concerned about rural development is needed.
[43]Getz D, Carlsen J, Morrison A.The Family Business in Tourism and Hospitality. Trowbridge: Cromwell Press, 2004. [本文引用: 1]
[44]Getz D, Nilsson P A.Responses of family businesses to extreme seasonality in demand: The case of Bornholm Denmark
. Tourism Management, 2004, 25: 17-30.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0261-5177(03)00067-0URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This research examines the meaning and impacts of “extreme” seasonality of tourist demand on family businesses in the tourism and hospitality industry, and how owners strategically adapt. Data were obtained from a self-completion questionnaire and interviews with family business owners on the Danish Island of Bornholm. Revealed strategies were categorized as “coping” with or “combating” seasonality, and in some cases the possibility of terminating the business or “capitulating”. Most responses to extreme seasonality have profound implications for family life as well as business growth or viability. Implications are drawn for family businesses and for destinations.
[45]Lerner M, Haber S.Performance factors of small tourism ventures: The interface of tourism, entrepreneurship and the environment
. Journal of Business Venturing, 2001, 16(1): 77-100.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0883-9026(99)00038-5URL [本文引用: 1]
[46]Phillips P, Louvieris P.Performance measurement systems in tourism, hospitality, and leisure small medium-sized enterprises
. Journal of Travel Research, 2005, 44(2): 201-211.
https://doi.org/10.1177/0047287505278992URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
In response to the United Kingdom’s government’s desire to improve the performance of tourism, hospitality, and leisure small medium-sized enterprises, this article analyzes the performance measurement processes within 10 best practice organizations. Related to contemporary approaches to improving business performance in the management literature, performance measurement approaches are analyzed using the balanced scorecard framework. An exploratory case study approach using the balanced scorecard as the theoretical framework was taken to explore and elicit critical success factors in performance measurement. Results revealed that four key concepts drove measurement and performance evaluation systems across the sample. These were the exercising of budgetary control with a view to increasing total revenue, the undertaking of customer relationship management as a means of improving quality of service and customer retention, the necessity for strategic management in managing internal business processes, and collaboration (both inter and intra) to drive innovation and learning. The article also proposes a balanced scorecard template for hotels
[47]邱继勤. 旅游小企业发展特征研究: 阳朔西街为案例
. 经济论坛, 2006, (6): 88-91.
[本文引用: 1]

[Qiu Jiqin.Research on the development characteristics of tourism small enterprises: A case study of Yangshuo Xijie
. Economic Forum, 2006, (6): 88-91.]
[本文引用: 1]
[48]邱继勤. 旅游小企业经营特征研究: 以桂林阳朔西街为例
. 江苏商论, 2006, (7): 90-92.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Qiu Jiqin.Research on the operating characteristics of tourism small enterprises: A case study of Yangshuo Xijie in Guilin
. Jiangsu Commercial Forum, 2006, (7): 90-92.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[49]梁微, 徐红罡, Rhodri Thomas.大理古城生活方式型旅游企业的动机和目标研究
. 旅游学刊, 2010, 25(2): 47-53.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-5006.2010.02.013URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Liang Wei, Xu Honggang, Thomas R.Study on the motivations and objectives of life-styled tourism businesses in Dali Ancient City
. Tourism Tribune, 2010, 25(2): 47-53.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-5006.2010.02.013URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[50]彭青, 曾国军. 家庭旅馆成长路径研究: 以世界文化遗产地丽江古城为例
. 旅游学刊, 2010, (9): 58-64.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-5006.2010.09.009URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Peng Qing, Zeng Guojun.Growth paths of family Inns in China: A case study on World Cultural Heritage, Lijiang Ancient Town
. Tourism Tribune, 2010, (9): 58-64.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-5006.2010.09.009URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[51]傅慧, 赵世伟, 蔡筱霞. 旅游小企业成长研究: 前因变量与结果变量
. 中大管理研究, 2013, 8(3): 63-79.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Fu Hui, Zhao Shiwei, Cai Xiaoxia.Small tourism enterprises growth: Antecedents and consequences
. Quarterly Journal of Management, 2013, 8(3): 63-79.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[52]叶顺. 乡村小型接待企业成长的内在机制、影响因素及对顾客体验的效应研究
. 杭州: 浙江大学博士学位论文, 2016.
[本文引用: 1]

[Ye Shun.Small accommodation business growth in rural China: Its patterns, precedents and outcomes
. Hangzhou: Doctoral Dissertation of Zhejiang University, 2016.]
[本文引用: 1]
[53]闫婷婷. 社会网络对乡村社区旅游小企业成长影响研究
. 广州: 暨南大学博士学位论文, 2016.
[本文引用: 1]

[Yan Tingting.Social network influence on small tourism business growth in rural community
. Guangzhou: Doctoral Dissertation of Jinan University, 2016.]
[本文引用: 1]
[54]文彤, 张庆芳. 家文化视角下本土旅游小企业的代际传承
. 旅游学刊, 2017, 32(8): 93-103.
[本文引用: 2]

[Wen Tong, Zhang Qingfang.Intergenerational succession of local small tourism businesses: The perspective of Chinese family culture
. Tourism Tribune, 2017, 32(8): 93-103.]
[本文引用: 2]
[55]史竹青. 创新型企业成长路径研究
. 哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工程大学博士学位论文, 2011.
https://doi.org/10.7666/d.y2054029URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
随着经济全球化趋势的发展,创新型企业在国际竞争中的作用日益凸显,近年来我国创新型企业取得了快速的发展。然而,与发达国家相比,我国创新型企业在成长过程中还面临很多问题,很多企业只能实现短期成长,难以实现持续、长期成长,其重要根源在于创新型企业在成长中尚未找到切实可行的有效路径。因此,分析创新型企业成长路径影响因素及作用机理,探寻路径选择决策的思路,从而推动创新型企业健康、持续成长,具有重要的意义。   论文在对国内外研究进行综述的基础上,对创新型企业以及企业成长路径的基本范畴进行了概括。界定了创新型企业的含义及特征...
[Shi Zhuqing.Study on growth path of innovative enterprises
. Harbin: Doctoral Dissertation of Harbin Engineering University, 2011.]
https://doi.org/10.7666/d.y2054029URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
随着经济全球化趋势的发展,创新型企业在国际竞争中的作用日益凸显,近年来我国创新型企业取得了快速的发展。然而,与发达国家相比,我国创新型企业在成长过程中还面临很多问题,很多企业只能实现短期成长,难以实现持续、长期成长,其重要根源在于创新型企业在成长中尚未找到切实可行的有效路径。因此,分析创新型企业成长路径影响因素及作用机理,探寻路径选择决策的思路,从而推动创新型企业健康、持续成长,具有重要的意义。   论文在对国内外研究进行综述的基础上,对创新型企业以及企业成长路径的基本范畴进行了概括。界定了创新型企业的含义及特征...
[56]李小建. 经济地理学. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2011. [本文引用: 1]

[Li Xiaojian. Economic Geography.Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2011.] [本文引用: 1]
[57]傅家骥. 技术创新学. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 1998. [本文引用: 1]

[Fu Jiaji. Technological Innovation.Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 1998.] [本文引用: 1]
[58]孙一民. 创新致胜:现代企业技术创新. 太原: 山西经济出版社, 1998. [本文引用: 1]

[Sun Yimin.Innovation and Success Technological Innovation of Modern Enterprises. Taiyuan: Shanxi Economic Press, 1998.] [本文引用: 1]
[59]李小建, 李二玲. 中国中部农区企业集群的竞争优势研究: 以河南省虞城县南庄村钢卷尺企业集群为例
. 地理科学, 2004, 24(2): 136-143.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-0690.2004.02.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The competitive advantages of enterprise clusters in rural areas of central China are resulted from not only the triple factors of the economies of scale, the economies of the division of labor and the network linkage, which is the common characteristic of all clusters, but also from the imitative innovation, the context of the central Chinese culture, the institutional support and the lower production costs. This article takes the example of the steel tape clusters in Nanzhuang Village, Yucheng County, Henan Province to examine the theory in view of the practice.
[Li Xiaojian, Li Erling.Competitive advantages of enterprise clusters in rural area of central China: A case of steel tape clusters in Nanzhuang village, Yucheng county, Henan province
. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2004, 24(2): 136-143.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-0690.2004.02.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The competitive advantages of enterprise clusters in rural areas of central China are resulted from not only the triple factors of the economies of scale, the economies of the division of labor and the network linkage, which is the common characteristic of all clusters, but also from the imitative innovation, the context of the central Chinese culture, the institutional support and the lower production costs. This article takes the example of the steel tape clusters in Nanzhuang Village, Yucheng County, Henan Province to examine the theory in view of the practice.
[60]Bjuggren P O, Sund L G.Strategic decision making in intergenerational successions of small-and medium-size family-owned businesses
. Family Business Review, 2004, 14(1): 11-24.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1741-6248.2001.00011.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper deals with intergenerational successions of small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs). Entrepreneurs face an unavoidable succession dilemma: they must make either explicit or implicit strategic decisions about transitioning ownership of the family business. The main alternatives are to sell the company to someone outside the family or to make arrangements for an interfamily succession. In the latter case, there are many transition modes, e.g., through a gift of shares or a ill. This paper uses decision trees to analyze intergenerational successions problems. One conclusion of the paper is that it is important for a society to provide a legal system that facilitates transitions of family companies within the family because the legal system will, among other positive factors connected with family businesses, preserve idiosyncratic knowledge of family character.
[61]Bjuggren P O, Sund L G.A transaction cost rationale for transition of the firm within the family
. Small Business Economics, 2002, 19(2): 123-133.
https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1016289106477URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper is about the transition of ownership of shares in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) within the family (i.e. from parents to children). In spite of the fact that such successions are rather prevalent among SMEs, there are no explanations in the literature as to why transitions are preferred to outright sale. In this paper we assume that the decisive factor in the choice of succession mode is the desire for efficiency expressed as the highest possible firm value. A firm should stay in the family if this is the most profitable transition alternative. One reason for intergenerational succession to be the most profitable alternative is knowledge idiosyncrasy. However, the benefits of knowledge idiosyncrasy cannot be reaped without an institutional framework that constrains human activities in a proper way. A part of an institutional framework are the laws that act as constraints in successions. Do these laws foster or prevent efficient transition of family firms? This question is addressed in a study of the Swedish inheritance and inheritance tax laws in the light of the policy recommendations on succession made by the European Commission.
[62]Cabrera-Suárez K, Saá-Pérez P D, García-Almeida D. The succession process from a resource-and knowledge-based view of the family firm
. Family Business Review, 2001, 14(1): 37-48.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1741-6248.2001.00037.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
A major challenge facing the family firm is the succession process. One reason for this challenge might involve the successor's ability to acquire the predecessor's key knowledge and skills adequately to maintain and improve the organizational performance of the firm. This paper uses two theoretical approaches from the strategic management field to explore this critical process and analyze how it can be managed effectively: the resource-based theory of the firm and the emergent knowledgebased view. This conceptual framework provides a powerful tool for understanding the nature and transfer of knowledge within the family business, which becomes the basis for developing competitive advantage over nonfamily businesses.
[63]Chrisman J J, Chua J H, Litz R.A unified systems perspective of family firm performance: An extension and integration
. Journal of Bussiness Venturing, 2003, 18(4): 467-472.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0883-9026(03)00053-3URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Theory and practice indicate that in family-influenced firms, the interaction of the family unit, the business entity, and individual family members create unique systemic conditions and constituencies that impact the performance outcomes of the family business social system. Habbershon and Williams [Fam. Bus. Rev. 12 (1999) 1] have suggested that these unique systemic family influences can be captured through an analysis of the resources and capabilities of the organization. In this paper, we pursue their line of thinking and more specifically examine the systemic relationship of resources and capabilities as a source of advantage or constraint to the performance outcomes for family-influenced firms. The idiosyncratic firm level bundle of resources and capabilities resulting from the systems interactions are referred to as the “familiness” of the firm. Wealth-creating performance for family-influenced firms is a function of the “distinctive familiness” generated by the family business system. The performance model focuses on a particular subset of family-influenced firms whose performance goal is transgenerational wealth and wealth creation potential. We refer to those families that meet this premise as “enterprising families.” We develop a unified systems model of performance that links the resources and capabilities generated in the enterprising families system with their potential for transgenerational wealth creation.
[64]李新春. 单位化企业的经济性质
. 经济研究, 2001, (7): 35-43.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
尽管社会学家对单位化组织展开了多方面的研究 ,但缺乏对单位化企业的经济性质的研究。本文首先从单位化企业的概念和特征入手 ,旨在厘清“单位化企业”的概念和描述其主要经济特征。然后 ,从企业理论的角度 ,主要从三个方面分析单位化企业的性质 :第一个方面是企业的身份特征 ,相比于科斯意义上的企业 ,单位化企业在市场交易和内部组织上具有强烈的身份治理特征 ,这是长期被企业的契约理论所回避的一个问题 ;第二个方面是企业劳动合约的性质 ,纳尔森 /温特意义上的企业组织进化的“组织程式”是与长期关系合约直接相联系的 ,这是企业内部组织通过管理协调节约交易成本的主要因素 ;第三个方面论述单位化企业中家庭与企业的联结 ,这导致韦伯意义上的官僚科层制度的组织效率难以实现
[Li Xinchun.The economic nature of the unit enterprise
. Economic Research Journal, 2001, (7): 35-43.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
尽管社会学家对单位化组织展开了多方面的研究 ,但缺乏对单位化企业的经济性质的研究。本文首先从单位化企业的概念和特征入手 ,旨在厘清“单位化企业”的概念和描述其主要经济特征。然后 ,从企业理论的角度 ,主要从三个方面分析单位化企业的性质 :第一个方面是企业的身份特征 ,相比于科斯意义上的企业 ,单位化企业在市场交易和内部组织上具有强烈的身份治理特征 ,这是长期被企业的契约理论所回避的一个问题 ;第二个方面是企业劳动合约的性质 ,纳尔森 /温特意义上的企业组织进化的“组织程式”是与长期关系合约直接相联系的 ,这是企业内部组织通过管理协调节约交易成本的主要因素 ;第三个方面论述单位化企业中家庭与企业的联结 ,这导致韦伯意义上的官僚科层制度的组织效率难以实现
[65]李新春, 韩剑, 李炜文. 传承还是另创领地? 家族企业二代继承的权威合法性建构
. 管理世界, 2015, (6): 110-124.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Li Xinchun, Han Jian, Li Weiwen.Is it succession of the family business or creating other field? The construction of the authority legitimacy of the second generation succession of the family business
. Management World, 2015, (6): 110-124.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[66]卢松, 吴霞. 古村落旅游地写生游客满意度评价: 以黟县宏村为例
. 地理研究, 2017, 36(8): 1570-1582.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201708014URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Lu Song, Wu Xia.Assessment of tourist satisfaction of the painting tourism in the ancient villages: The case study of Hongcun village, Yixian county
. Geographical Research, 2017, 36(8): 1570-1582.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201708014URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[67]杭言勇. 浙江省中小企业国际化过程中“抱团”策略的实证分析
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