Research on the complexity of man-land system based on agent-based models

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1 引言
近百年来人类活动改变了接近一半的陆地表面[1],并与生物多样性衰减、气候变暖、土地荒漠化等全球环境问题直接相关,迫切需要开展多因子驱动下的地表格局时空动态变化研究。目前对于人地关系的研究,多是单纯关注于“地”或聚焦于“人”的研究,对地理环境单要素格局(如水、土、碳等)或是人类社会行为(如区位论、旅游地理、人口学等)研究的比较深入[2-4]。人地系统本质是人类社会与地理环境的耦合系统,复杂性在以往研究中未得到充分体现,因此需要将人类行为决策纳入到地表格局变化研究中,以弥补以往研究的不足。近些年来,随着复杂性科学和人工智能的发展,国内外****开始采用基于主体的模型(Agent-based Models,ABM)来研究人地关系的复杂性问题[5-8]。ABM充分考虑了人类的行为和决策,从空间个体行为的微观角度入手,通过观察大量微观个体间的交互作用与协调,“自下而上”地研究复杂空间系统的发展变化。这种优势使得主体模型很适合用于模拟地理学中人类活动对环境的感知及基于此种感知的决策和对环境的影响,即人地关系中人与环境的交互作用[6],为人地系统的复杂性研究提供了新的研究思路。本文在回顾人地系统理论的基础上,介绍ABM的基本理论与技术,综述ABM在生态过程、生态系统管理和土地利用/覆被变化三个方向的应用及研究现状,最后,分析总结目前ABM模拟中存在的主要问题,并对ABM未来发展的方向进行探讨。
2 人地系统与复杂性
复杂性科学(Science of Complexity)兴起于20世纪80年代,它与系统学关系非常密切,系统学的许多研究成果为复杂性研究奠定了基础[7]。复杂性科学指出,复杂系统由无数微观主体(Agent)构成,微观主体之间的相互作用随着时间的推移可以在系统宏观尺度上涌现出新的结构和功能,局部规则的转换可以导致系统宏观全局的变化[9]。复杂系统具有以下五个基本特征:首先是非线性与动态性,复杂系统是非线性的动态系统,传统的叠加原理无效,系统处于不断的发展变化之中;二是多层级性,即有多层次的子系统与子子系统,层级越高,越表现出宏观特征,层级越低,越表现微观特性;三是开放性,系统内部与外部相互联系、相互作用,进行物质、能量和信息的交换;四是涌现性,是指大量微观主体组成系统后,出现了系统组成前单个微观主体所不具有的性质,只有系统在低层次构成高层次时才表现出来,这是微观主体之间非线性相互作用的结果;五是自适应性,在系统宏观特性的要求下,每一微观主体通过自我管理,实现与环境条件间的最优适应[10]。

-->Fig. 1Three-dimensional complexity framework of man-land system
随着复杂性科学的发展,元胞自动机模型(Cellular Automata,CA)、ABM等方法的出现与应用,为人地系统研究带来了一个新的切入视角,打破了原来线性、均衡、简单还原的研究范式,可以更好地解释人地系统中复杂性问题[18]。CA模型在20世纪60年代开始应用于地理学研究领域,它具有强大的空间运算能力,把自然空间化作规则格网,散布在规则格网中的每一元胞如时间、空间等均取有限的离散状态,并依据设定的局部规则作同步更新,大量元胞之间的交互作用导致系统的动态演化[19]。CA模型由于其对时间复杂性和空间复杂性良好的表达性,在城市和区域土地利用变化、交通领域等方面都得到了广泛的应用。但CA模型主要着眼于单元的局部相互作用,元胞的含义过于简单,在转换规则的制定上存在缺陷,难以模拟人地系统中的人类行为决策。而ABM正是关注“人”的作用,可以弥补CA模型的不足。
3 ABM的基本理论与技术
与CA模型关注景观和转换规则不同,ABM研究的对象是人类活动。在ABM中,主体是存在于一定的动态环境并与环境相互作用的个体,具备一定的属性(表1)。主体不仅具备自身问题求解能力和行为目标,而且能够通过感知其他主体与之相互作用,并根据一定的行为规则做出决策[20]。在一个简单的系统中,主体通常具备自治性、反应性、主动性和交互性四种基本属性,除了四种基本属性外,主体可能还会有更高级的属性,比如移动性与性格属性,复杂的ABM有时候还会嵌入人工神经网络、进化算法或者其他算法来体现主体的学习与适应能力(表1)。面对复杂的现实问题,多数情况下仅靠单个主体是无法完成模拟的,而是多个主体相互作用组成的系统,主体之间能够相互协作,以达到系统共同的目标[19]。Tab. 1
Tab. 1The characteristics of agents
主体的属性 | 属性的含义 |
自治性 反应性 主动性 交互性 持续性 移动性 适应性 性格 | 主体能够根据自己内部状态与感知的外部环境信息,控制自身的行为 主体可以感知外部环境的变化并作出反应 主体不只是简单的响应环境,还可以采取主动行为,表现出目标驱动特性 主体在一定的环境下通过某种方式与其他主体进行相互作用 主体行为在时空上保持一致 主体可以从环境中的一个位置移动到另一个位置 主体具备学习能力,能根据过往的经验修正自己的行为 主体是理性或者不完全理性 |
多主体系统通常由以下三部分组成(图2):① 环境层,是主体所处的自然环境和社会环境,对主体决策具有重要影响;在模型模拟中,通常用规则化的格网表达,每个象元赋予相应的自然社会属性。② 主体层,主体层可以是一类主体,也可以由多类主体组成;主体活动于环境层中,具备一定的属性,能够感知环境层的信息(如环境层的自然社会属性),做出决策并导致环境层的改变。③ 行为规则,主体之间通过系统设定的行为规则相互联系,相互作用。以土地利用变化为例,环境层即土地层,具备地价、土壤类型、坡度、土地利用类型等自然社会属性;主体层即土地管理者,主体通过综合个人的知识、价值取向、邻域的土地管理方式、外部政策等因素,对所属土地单元进行评估,做出土地利用决策,改变环境层中土地单元的利用方式,从而实现对土地利用变化的模拟。最终模型中主体行为决策、主体之间以及主体与环境相互作用的展现程度与建模水平有关[21]。ABM正是通过模拟微观尺度主体的行为决策实现对宏观尺度环境层的模拟,完成从“单一的自身研究向整体的综合研究”的转换,为人地系统的复杂性研究开辟了一个新的途径[22],实现了时间复杂性、空间复杂性、人类决策复杂性的三重表达。

-->Fig. 2Multi-agent system
4 ABM的主要应用领域
目前,ABM在土地利用/覆被变化、交通仿真、金融市场、生态过程、生态系统管理、旅游管理和流行病学等领域得到了广泛应用[26-30]。在社会学中,ABM被用来模拟灾后管理、舆论传播、人口迁移等现象;在经济学中,基于主体计算经济学(Agent-based Computation Economics,ACE)被提出,并已成为实验经济学的一个重要分支[31]。这里主要介绍下自然科学领域的应用方向——生态过程、生态系统管理和土地利用/覆被变化三个方面。4.1 生态过程
ABM在生态过程中的应用表现为基于个体的模型(Individual-based models,IBM),研究非人类实体(多是动植物)与生态系统的相互作用关系[32]。IBM出现于20世纪70年代,直到1988年才逐渐成为生态模型的一种方法[33],多用于生物集群行为、捕食竞争、环境变化响应、生殖行为、早期生活史等方向的模拟。自然环境中的生物个体通过相互间的非线性作用,自组织的形成一个相对稳定的系统,并且同类生物个体的行为可以观测到一定的重复性,这种特性使得IBM十分适合用于生物群体行为的模拟。IBM以个体为研究对象,通过描述个体的特征如年龄、尺寸的变化及其行为如运动、捕食和迁移等,模拟生物数量的动态变化及与自然因素之间的关系。Pitt等将犬科动物的领土权和社会结构纳入IBM模型,模拟了土狼种群动态变化情况[34];陈求稳等以水库优势种草鱼和鲫鱼为主体层,以水环境(包含水深、水温、溶解氧、流速等属性)为环境层,通过设定鱼类生长及运动的行为规则,模拟了自然条件和水库调节作用下河道水环境条件的改变对鱼类生长和分布的影响[35]。李曰嵩等采用标准化了的基于个体模型IBM的描述流程ODD(Overview,Design concepts,Details),模拟了日本鲭的早期生活史,并将IBM与FVCOM物理模型(模拟三维环境场)耦合,模拟了日本鲭产卵深度变动对鱼卵仔幼鱼的输运分布以及存活率的影响[36]。IBM能够较为真实的重现个体行为和相互作用,追踪个体的生长、生殖、集群等行为[37],在个体和种群水平上模拟并预测动物可能潜在的种群行为,目前在种群生态学方面取得了很多研究成果,尤其是鱼类种群行为方面成果最多,但在中国的相关研究相对较少。
4.2 生态系统管理
在生态系统管理领域,多运用ABM探讨“公共池塘”资源(Common Pool Resources,CPR)管理问题,其研究方向主要包括水资源、林业资源、渔业资源等的管理[38],研究焦点集中于政策分析及评估。通常主体层为资源利益相关方,可以是高级实体或社会组织,如政府、农村社区,也可以是城市居民、农村居民,主体层基于不同的利益目标,制定相应的决策规则,实现对生态系统管理的模拟。Kennedy等在东非某地区对不同牧民部落对放牧地点及水资源的冲突进行了研究,结果表明,冲突的结束以落后部落退出竞争为终点,而且公共资源越稀缺,竞争越激烈,落后部落的退出速度越快[39]。除了生态资源管理,也有****将ABM应用到生态系统服务研究中。Balbi等人以农户为主体,分析了分化、合作、竞争等行为对粮食供给服务功能的影响[40];潘里虎等构建了农牧户尺度的多主体模型,从农户、牧户的职业状态转换、生态系统服务供给与消耗NPP值出发设计主体行为规则,实现了对生态服务合理消耗的模拟,为生态系统服务的可视化研究提供了一种思路[41]。现实中,政策试行过程一般会耗费大量时间金钱,有时甚至会涉及到伦理问题,这种情况下,ABM提供了一个很好的解决途径。值得注意的是,ABM模型中的主体依据经济人假设,其行为是理性的,并追求利益(利润、税收等)的最大化。而人类的行为决策会受到许多外界因素的影响或限制,比如信息的获取能力、自身认知的能力,因此这种差异会导致模型结果的不确定性,在土地利用/覆被变化的应用中也同样存在这个 问题。
4.3 土地利用/覆被变化
5 结论与讨论
基于复杂性科学的发展起来的ABM,为以往的人地系统研究带来一种新思维,目前无论是在理论方面还是在实践方面都取得了很大的进展。人地关系的发展,表现为“人”对“地”的开发利用的深度、广度不断增强,“人”逐渐主导“地”的变化。开展主体模型研究有利于从微观角度探讨人地系统变化的细节与过程,明确人类行为决策对地理环境产生的影响,可以为政府决策提供科学参考。同以往的模型相比,ABM具备以下两点核心优势:① 呈现人地系统复杂性。人地系统具备时间复杂性、空间复杂性和人类决策复杂性等特征,ABM可以通过模拟人类主体对环境的感知和决策更好体现人地系统的复杂性。② 模拟社会行为的灵活性。不论是主体内生性的决策机制,还是外部环境的空间关系,都使研究人员具有充分的灵活性来设定和运行。因此,使用ABM可以更充分的展现人类决策偏好和决策行为在地理环境变化过程中的作用。但从另一方面来看,ABM属于跨学科的一门领域,研究仍处于摸索阶段,模型仍然存在较多问题。一是ABM构建没有统一流程,比较随意,极大地削弱了模型的可复制 性[51]。在IBM研究中Grimm等提出了一种ODD标准化建模程序[52],许多研究也随之采纳了这一思路,或许是未来发展的趋势。二是ABM的验证问题。基于复杂系统的非线性,ABM在宏观尺度上表现出来的“涌现”现象很难下推进行验证[32];另外,部分经验数据的缺失也增加了验证的难度,因此模型验证是ABM面临的一大难点。三是主体的行为规则局限于经济人假设,其行为设定是理性的,并追求效用最大化,这种理性行为规则只是一种理想模式,与现实社会具有一定差异,可能会导致模型结果的不确定性。四是ABM与其他模型的整合问题。由于ABM可以进行多尺度模拟,表达复杂系统的“涌现”现象,所以许多****将ABM与其他模型整合在一起进行综合研究,例如上文中提到的SLUDGE、FVCOM-IBM模型。但目前的研究中多是把ABM与其他模型简单的连接在一起,通常只是单方向的反馈,比如多数ABM/LUCC中的土地属性时间上保持不变,或者只是根据简单的规则发生变化[53],未来可以探索建立多重反馈机制,提高耦合模型功能。
具体而言,ABM在人地系统的应用研究应该在以下几个方面加以改进:① 加强主体的决策规则研究。主体的决策规则是将主体层与环境层相互连接的纽带,ABM通过模拟微观尺度主体行为交互实现对宏观尺度地理环境的变化研究。对主体进行适当的抽象与描述,揭示不同主体类型和地理环境的交互作用的差异性,说明主体感知外部环境并作出反应的方法和过程,是决定多主题模型仿真度的关键。虽然主体属性的复杂化有助于刻画地理空间真实的实体,但这并不意味着一味追求主体行为层次的复杂性。只有利用适度简化的规则模拟人地系统的复杂结构[26],才能更好的认识人地系统非线性的演变过程。② 拓展数据挖掘手段。“大数据”时代的来临,为ABM模拟解决了数据量庞大、数据类型纷杂、数据结果抽象等数据有效性问题。借助云计算、分布式处理、生态遥感等数据处理技术,可以提高数据的可获性,整合自然、社会、经济资源,为模型运行提供更多的参数数据,提升ABM模拟的准确度。③ 推动跨学科集成研究。ABM作为复杂性理论的一种研究方法,必然要求多学科、多种方法的集成创新。因此,ABM要充分借鉴和汲取不同学科的相关方法,主体层的刻画多结合社会学、管理学的研究方法,环境层的刻画多参考生态学、地理学的空间研究,形成具一套基于人地系统复杂性的主体模型研究理论—方法体系。
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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[35] | . 建立了一维全河流和二维局部河段的水环境模型,并与基于个体的鱼 类模型耦合,从鱼类种群动态角度研究水库运行对下游河流水生态系统的作用.文中选取了漓江下游的一段复式河道,以优势种草鱼和鲫鱼为研究对象,模拟了自然 条件和水库调节作用下河道的水环境条件,以及相应的鱼类生长和分布的变化.通过模拟结果的对比分析,发现如果仅考虑水库运行造成的下游水流变化的作用,枯 水期水库向河道补水对草鱼有一定的正面影响,对鲫鱼有轻微的负面影响;而在4-5月,水库运行对两种鱼类都存在比较明显的负面影响.本文建立的模型方法可 为河流优化管理及水库生态友好运行提供支持. |
[36] | . 日本鲭(Scomber japonicus)是我国近海重要经济鱼种,海洋环境变动对鱼类生命周期中最为脆弱的鱼卵和仔幼鱼的生长、存活直至种群补充产生重大的影响,其中产卵深 度变动对其是否会产生影响,目前尚不清楚.为此,本文拟采用FVCOM (Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model)物理模型来模拟三维物理场,使用基于个体模型IBM(individual-based model)参数化并模拟日本鲭的早期生活史,从而建立起基于物理-生物个体的东海日本鲭初期生态耦合模型,使用该耦合模型模拟了日本鲭产卵水深不同导致 鱼卵仔幼鱼从产卵场向育肥场的输运过程中经历物理环境的差异对鱼卵仔幼鱼的输运分布以及存活率的影响.研究发现,产卵深度的变动,未对鱼卵仔幼鱼的输运分 布产生明显影响,但在输运过程中所处水深和水温的微小差异却导致了变浅(5 m)和加深(15 m)产卵深度鱼卵仔幼鱼的存活率降低,正常产卵深度(10 m)是最佳的产卵水深.因此,研究认为产卵深度的细微变动将会对东海日本鲭鱼卵仔幼鱼的存活率产生影响,但对鱼卵仔幼鱼输运则影响不大. . 日本鲭(Scomber japonicus)是我国近海重要经济鱼种,海洋环境变动对鱼类生命周期中最为脆弱的鱼卵和仔幼鱼的生长、存活直至种群补充产生重大的影响,其中产卵深 度变动对其是否会产生影响,目前尚不清楚.为此,本文拟采用FVCOM (Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model)物理模型来模拟三维物理场,使用基于个体模型IBM(individual-based model)参数化并模拟日本鲭的早期生活史,从而建立起基于物理-生物个体的东海日本鲭初期生态耦合模型,使用该耦合模型模拟了日本鲭产卵水深不同导致 鱼卵仔幼鱼从产卵场向育肥场的输运过程中经历物理环境的差异对鱼卵仔幼鱼的输运分布以及存活率的影响.研究发现,产卵深度的变动,未对鱼卵仔幼鱼的输运分 布产生明显影响,但在输运过程中所处水深和水温的微小差异却导致了变浅(5 m)和加深(15 m)产卵深度鱼卵仔幼鱼的存活率降低,正常产卵深度(10 m)是最佳的产卵水深.因此,研究认为产卵深度的细微变动将会对东海日本鲭鱼卵仔幼鱼的存活率产生影响,但对鱼卵仔幼鱼输运则影响不大. |
[37] | . 基于个体生态模型(IBM)于20世纪70年代提出,数十年间在渔业科学领域得到广泛应用, 现已成为渔业科学研究的重要手段之一。本文主要介绍了IBM的基本概念和研究方法,概述了国内外研究现状以及在渔业科学中的应用,分析了模型在应用中存在 的问题、未来发展方向及趋势。研究认为,IBM在渔业科学研究和应用过程中需充分考虑以下问题:(1)了解模拟对象的生活史过程生物学特性,以及其栖息地 环境特征;(2)针对不同的对象选用合适的环境因子和参数;(3)参考经典的生态学理论框架和方法来建立和分析个体模型;(4)综合统计分析、海洋遥感、 地理信息系统等方法;(5)利用野外和敏感性试验获得实测数据,以校正IBM模型并提高精度。 . 基于个体生态模型(IBM)于20世纪70年代提出,数十年间在渔业科学领域得到广泛应用, 现已成为渔业科学研究的重要手段之一。本文主要介绍了IBM的基本概念和研究方法,概述了国内外研究现状以及在渔业科学中的应用,分析了模型在应用中存在 的问题、未来发展方向及趋势。研究认为,IBM在渔业科学研究和应用过程中需充分考虑以下问题:(1)了解模拟对象的生活史过程生物学特性,以及其栖息地 环境特征;(2)针对不同的对象选用合适的环境因子和参数;(3)参考经典的生态学理论框架和方法来建立和分析个体模型;(4)综合统计分析、海洋遥感、 地理信息系统等方法;(5)利用野外和敏感性试验获得实测数据,以校正IBM模型并提高精度。 |
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[41] | . 生态系统服务消耗研究对于生态系统的保护和可持续利用具有重要意义,已成为生态学研究的热点。生态系统服务消耗多主体模型是用于研究生态系统服务消耗,表达生态系统与人类经济系统相互作用关系的适用方法。以内蒙古农牧交错区生态系统服务消耗为例,研究了生态系统服务消耗多主体模型的构建方法,包括调查数据的分析与提取,农牧户及其成员多主体运行规则的研究和制定,生态系统服务压力指数的定义,地理数据的导入及模型运行空间的创建,模型参数选择及其初始化等。模型系统研发及运行结果表明,以本方法构建的生态系统服务消耗多主体模型可以体现生态系统服务消耗的过程,所建立的模型具有可视化、过程可展现、数据分析直观等特点,对研究生态系统服务消耗有一定的应用价值。 . 生态系统服务消耗研究对于生态系统的保护和可持续利用具有重要意义,已成为生态学研究的热点。生态系统服务消耗多主体模型是用于研究生态系统服务消耗,表达生态系统与人类经济系统相互作用关系的适用方法。以内蒙古农牧交错区生态系统服务消耗为例,研究了生态系统服务消耗多主体模型的构建方法,包括调查数据的分析与提取,农牧户及其成员多主体运行规则的研究和制定,生态系统服务压力指数的定义,地理数据的导入及模型运行空间的创建,模型参数选择及其初始化等。模型系统研发及运行结果表明,以本方法构建的生态系统服务消耗多主体模型可以体现生态系统服务消耗的过程,所建立的模型具有可视化、过程可展现、数据分析直观等特点,对研究生态系统服务消耗有一定的应用价值。 |
[42] | . Abstract For over a thousand years, generations of Balinese farmers have gradually transformed the landscape of their island, clearing forests, digging irrigation canals, and terracing hillsides to enable themselves and their descendants to grow irrigated rice. Paralleling the physical system of terraces and irrigation works, the Balinese have also constructed intricate networks of shrines and temples dedicated to agricultural deities. Ecological modeling shows that water temple networks can have macroscopic effects on the topography of the adaptive landscape, and may be representative of a class of complex adaptive systems that have evolved to manage agroecosystems. |
[43] | . By Thomas Berger; Agent-based spatial models applied to agriculture: a simulation tool for technology diffusion, resource use changes |
[44] | In this paper we present CityDev, an interactive multi-agents simulation model of the development of a city. The model is based on agents, goods and markets. Each agent (family, industrial firm, developer, etc.) produces goods by using other goods, and trades the goods on the markets. Each good has a price, and the monetary aspects are included in the simulation. When agents produce goods and interact in the markets, the urban fabric is built and transformed. The computer model (simulator) runs on a 3-D spatial pattern organized in cubic cells. CityDev allows interactive users to get involved in the functioning of the model. In fact, they can manage agents generated by the simulator, as well as new agents created by themselves. Agents managed by users interact with agents managed by the simulator. In addition, an administration board interactively controls the development of the city trough the urban plan, the building of new roads and the location of public facilities. In the present paper the model is described and some results are shown. |
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[2] | . Recent improvements in our understanding of the dynamics of soil carbon have shown that 20-40% of the approximately 1,500 Pg of C stored as organic matter in the upper meter of soils has turnover times of centuries or less. This fast-cycling organic matter is largely comprised of undecomposed plant material and hydrolyzable components associated with mineral surfaces. Turnover times of fast-cycling carbon vary with climate and vegetation, and range from 60 years at high latitudes. The amount and turnover time of C in passive soil carbon pools (organic matter strongly stabilized on mineral surfaces with turnover times of millennia and longer) depend on factors like soil maturity and mineralogy, which, in turn, reflect long-term climate conditions. Transient sources or sinks in terrestrial carbon pools result from the time lag between photosynthetic uptake of CO2 by plants and the subsequent return of C to the atmosphere through plant, heterotrophic, and microbial respiration. Differential responses of primary production and respiration to climate change or ecosystem fertilization have the potential to cause significant interrannual to decadal imbalances in terrestrial C storage and release. Rates of carbon storage and release in recently disturbed ecosystems can be much larger than rates in more mature ecosystems. Changes in disturbance frequency and regime resulting from future climate change may be more important than equilibrium responses in determining the carbon balance of terrestrial ecosystems. |
[45] | . This paper presents an agent-based model of land use designed to explore the impacts of edge-effect externalities—distance-dependent spatial externalities—on land-use pattern. While the impacts of externalities on aspatial economics measures such as equilibrium land rents and the distribution of economic activity are well explored, links between externalities and landscape pattern are not well understood. This gap reflects a more general gap between aspatial theoretical land-use models and descriptive, pattern-based empirical analysis. The model presented in this paper, designed to link changes in socioeconomic parameters to changes in macroscale measures of landscape pattern, was developed with the specific goal of formally bridging this gap. The model simulates land-use decisions of parcel managers in an environment where potential conflicts between urban and agricultural land uses affect the payoffs to particular land uses. In the model, spatial and aspatial macroscale outcomes emerge from the independent, but dynamically linked, decisions of individual parcel managers. Land-use composition, land-use pattern, and the location of land uses are jointly determined, and interactions between composition and pattern feedback to microlevel landowner decisions through endogenous land rents. The paper demonstrates a series of results. First, the paper demonstrates the economic inefficiency of landscape fragmentation when edge-effect externalities are present and illustrates a series of landscape metrics appropriate to measure this fragmentation. Second, the agent-based model is used to demonstrate links between externality impacts and landscape pattern: that conflicts between urban and residential land users lead to a more compact urban form, that when the profitability of agricultural production is reduced by proximity to urban land, the urban–rural fringe expands to a socially inefficient degree, and that conflicts between urban land users can lead to fragmented patterns of urban development consistent with existing definitions of urban sprawl. Finally, the paper concludes by proposing a methodology for establishing the robustness of the model’s conclusions over a wide range of parameter values. |
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[47] | . In rural regions, land use changes (LUC) are often the result of the decision-making of individual farmers. To influence this decision-making, compulsory and voluntary mechanisms are implemented. However, farmers' decision-making is a heterogeneous process that depends on their ability and willingness to take certain decisions. Discrepancies between farmers' ability and willingness and the design of voluntary mechanisms occur frequently. This makes it necessary to understand how farmers' participation in these mechanisms can affect LUC. The aim of this paper was to demonstrate an agent-based approach to analyse and explore how voluntary mechanisms can influence LUC processes in rural regions. This approach was applied to a rural region in Australia, where clearing of native vegetation has occurred for agricultural development. Historical land cover data and semi-structured interviews were used to parameterise an agent-based model. Factors that influence farmers' ability and willingness to participate in these mechanisms were identified. Three scenarios were simulated with the model to explore how the implementation of different voluntary mechanisms can affect the landscape structure of the region. This paper identifies how the diversity of farmers' decision-making can influence the landscape structure in the region. The advantages and limitations of an agent-based approach in relation to LUC research and policy are discussed. |
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[7] | . 运用复杂科学理论 ,阐述了土地生态系统的复杂性特征 ,包括多层次性、高维性 ,子系统关联的复杂性 ,结构与功能的不确定性 ,开放性、动态性 ,自适应性和自组织性等复杂性特征 ,并进一步探讨了分形、混沌及人工神经网络在土地生态系统复杂性特征研究中的应用 . 运用复杂科学理论 ,阐述了土地生态系统的复杂性特征 ,包括多层次性、高维性 ,子系统关联的复杂性 ,结构与功能的不确定性 ,开放性、动态性 ,自适应性和自组织性等复杂性特征 ,并进一步探讨了分形、混沌及人工神经网络在土地生态系统复杂性特征研究中的应用 |
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[50] | . 20世纪90年代后期,基于agent建模(Agent—Baserd Modeling,ABM)的理论和技术不断发展,并且逐渐引起地理研究者的重视。ABM这种自下而上的模型策略是复杂适应系统理论、人工生命以及分布式 人工智能技术的融合,目前已经成为继面向对象方法之后出现的又一种进行复杂系统分析与模拟的重要手段。ABM关注的是地理系统中大量异质性个体间的相互关 系,强调进化和适应行为,主张非均衡的发展路径,我们必须为个别的决策者建立微观行为模型,并且通过观察大量的微观agent的相互作用来研究宏观上整个 地理系统的空间演化过程。将在简要回顾地理空间演化模型的基础上重点讨论ABM出现的理论背景、技术优势、研究进展以及模拟系统的开发问题。 . 20世纪90年代后期,基于agent建模(Agent—Baserd Modeling,ABM)的理论和技术不断发展,并且逐渐引起地理研究者的重视。ABM这种自下而上的模型策略是复杂适应系统理论、人工生命以及分布式 人工智能技术的融合,目前已经成为继面向对象方法之后出现的又一种进行复杂系统分析与模拟的重要手段。ABM关注的是地理系统中大量异质性个体间的相互关 系,强调进化和适应行为,主张非均衡的发展路径,我们必须为个别的决策者建立微观行为模型,并且通过观察大量的微观agent的相互作用来研究宏观上整个 地理系统的空间演化过程。将在简要回顾地理空间演化模型的基础上重点讨论ABM出现的理论背景、技术优势、研究进展以及模拟系统的开发问题。 |
[51] | . Humans have transformed much of Earth’s land surface, giving rise to loss of biodiversity, climate change, and a host of other environmental issues that are affecting human and biophysical systems in unexpected ways. To confront these problems, environmental managers must consider human and landscape systems in integrated ways. This means making use of data obtained from a broad range of methods (e.g., sensors, surveys), while taking into account new findings from the social and biophysical science literatures. New integrative methods (including data fusion, simulation modeling, and participatory approaches) have emerged in recent years to address these challenges, and to allow analysts to provide information that links qualitative and quantitative elements for policymakers. This paper brings attention to these emergent tools while providing an overview of the tools currently in use for analysis of human–landscape interactions. Analysts are now faced with a staggering array of approaches in the human–landscape literature—in an attempt to bring increased clarity to the field, we identify the relative strengths of each tool, and provide guidance to analysts on the areas to which each tool is best applied. We discuss four broad categories of tools: statistical methods (including survival analysis, multi-level modeling, and Bayesian approaches), GIS and spatial analysis methods, simulation approaches (including cellular automata, agent-based modeling, and participatory modeling), and mixed-method techniques (such as alternative futures modeling and integrated assessment). For each tool, we offer an example from the literature of its application in human–landscape research. Among these tools, participatory approaches are gaining prominence for analysts to make the broadest possible array of information available to researchers, environmental managers, and policymakers. Further development of new approaches of data fusion and integration across sites or disciplines pose an important challenge for future work in integrating human and landscape components. |
[52] | . Simulation models that describe autonomous individual organisms (individual based models, IBM) or agents (agent-based models, ABM) have become a widely used tool, not only in ecology, but also in many other disciplines dealing with complex systems made up of autonomous entities. However, there is no standard protocol for describing such simulation models, which can make them difficult to understand and to duplicate. This paper presents a proposed standard protocol, ODD, for describing IBMs and ABMs, developed and tested by 28 modellers who cover a wide range of fields within ecology. This protocol consists of three blocks (Overview, Design concepts, and Details), which are subdivided into seven elements: Purpose, State variables and scales, Process overview and scheduling, Design concepts, Initialization, Input, and Submodels. We explain which aspects of a model should be described in each element, and we present an example to illustrate the protocol in use. In addition, 19 examples are available in an Online Appendix. We consider ODD as a first step for establishing a more detailed common format of the description of IBMs and ABMs. Once initiated, the protocol will hopefully evolve as it becomes used by a sufficiently large proportion of modellers. |
[9] | . 针对传统上两类模拟区域空间演化的模型策略 ,着重讨论了它们的建模思想和手段 ,在此基础上介绍了复杂性 (Complexity)研究的重要成果———复杂适应系统 (CAS)理论的基本概念以及CAS模型的思想 ,探讨了区域作为复杂适应系统的一般特征 ,并且通过一个城市空间演化的概念模型阐述了CAS模型的技术问题及其建模的独到之处 . 针对传统上两类模拟区域空间演化的模型策略 ,着重讨论了它们的建模思想和手段 ,在此基础上介绍了复杂性 (Complexity)研究的重要成果———复杂适应系统 (CAS)理论的基本概念以及CAS模型的思想 ,探讨了区域作为复杂适应系统的一般特征 ,并且通过一个城市空间演化的概念模型阐述了CAS模型的技术问题及其建模的独到之处 |
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[12] | . 采用系统分析方法,按照组成-结构-功能顺序对复杂的人地关系地 域系统展开深入的系统分析;同时,将地方政府的政策作为一个外生变量,通过对人类活动调节从而对人地系统进行调控.在人地系统复杂性分析过程中,强调人地 系统的尺度效应,并构建了人地系统相互作用机理的概念模型,揭示人地系统的相互作用机理.最后,针对人地系统的研究与实践,提出4条建议和启示. . 采用系统分析方法,按照组成-结构-功能顺序对复杂的人地关系地 域系统展开深入的系统分析;同时,将地方政府的政策作为一个外生变量,通过对人类活动调节从而对人地系统进行调控.在人地系统复杂性分析过程中,强调人地 系统的尺度效应,并构建了人地系统相互作用机理的概念模型,揭示人地系统的相互作用机理.最后,针对人地系统的研究与实践,提出4条建议和启示. |
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[14] | . 一、复杂性与复杂科学概述复杂性是世界的本质属性。复杂性是客观的 ,不是简单性的线性组合和现象 ,特别不仅仅是简单性的表现结果。描述事物复杂性 ,首先应该约定把描述限定在某一层次。离开层次谈事物的复杂性 ,复杂性就是一个无法度量的具有无限深度的虚假问题[1]。复 . 一、复杂性与复杂科学概述复杂性是世界的本质属性。复杂性是客观的 ,不是简单性的线性组合和现象 ,特别不仅仅是简单性的表现结果。描述事物复杂性 ,首先应该约定把描述限定在某一层次。离开层次谈事物的复杂性 ,复杂性就是一个无法度量的具有无限深度的虚假问题[1]。复 |
[15] | . 本文强调地理学面临的问题正在由自然因素引发的环境变化到人类因素引发的环境变化,分析了我国"人地关系"变化的严峻态势.指出地理学对"人地关系地域系统"研究可为实施可持续发展战略提供理论基础.阐述了"人地关系地域系统"研究在我国地理学理论发展中的地位,并对如何研究"人地关系地域系统"进行了探讨. . 本文强调地理学面临的问题正在由自然因素引发的环境变化到人类因素引发的环境变化,分析了我国"人地关系"变化的严峻态势.指出地理学对"人地关系地域系统"研究可为实施可持续发展战略提供理论基础.阐述了"人地关系地域系统"研究在我国地理学理论发展中的地位,并对如何研究"人地关系地域系统"进行了探讨. |
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[20] | . Coupled human and natural systems (CHANS) manifest various complexities such as heterogeneity, nonlinearity, feedback, and emergence. Humans play a critical role in affecting such systems and in giving rise to various environmental consequences, which may in turn affect future human decisions and behavior. In light of complexity theory and its application in CHANS, this paper reviews various decision models used in agent based simulations of CHANS dynamics, discussing their strengths and weaknesses. This paper concludes by advocating development of more process-based decision models as well as protocols or architectures that facilitate better modeling of human decisions in various CHANS. |
[21] | . Agent-based modeling is a powerful simulation modeling technique that has seen a number of applications in the last few years, including applications to real-world business problems. After the basic principles of agent-based simulation are briefly introduced, its four areas of application are discussed by using real-world applications: flow simulation, organizational simulation, market simulation, and diffusion simulation. For each category, one or several business applications are described and analyzed. |
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[24] | . 多主体系统(Multi-Agent System, MAS)是由多个主体(Agent)组成的松散的网络,每个主体根据其属性和行为规则互相交流、协作甚至竞争。MAS通过模拟和观察大量主体的微观行为来研究系统整体的宏观规律,对复杂系统的演化机理具有更合理、更准确的解释力,因此,MAS在城市发展模拟中有很大的应用前景。本文介绍了多主体系统的基本框架及模拟思路,综述了国内外城市模拟研究中MAS理论的应用现状。重点分析了MAS理论在城市模拟应用中的五个关键课题:即微观个体数据的获取、微观主体的合理选择、主体行为规则的提取和设定、主体之间相互作用的描述与表达、环境变量的提取与导入等,并对相关研究进展进行了综述。研究表明,城市发展预测与政策评价是MAS应用的重点突破方向之一。 . 多主体系统(Multi-Agent System, MAS)是由多个主体(Agent)组成的松散的网络,每个主体根据其属性和行为规则互相交流、协作甚至竞争。MAS通过模拟和观察大量主体的微观行为来研究系统整体的宏观规律,对复杂系统的演化机理具有更合理、更准确的解释力,因此,MAS在城市发展模拟中有很大的应用前景。本文介绍了多主体系统的基本框架及模拟思路,综述了国内外城市模拟研究中MAS理论的应用现状。重点分析了MAS理论在城市模拟应用中的五个关键课题:即微观个体数据的获取、微观主体的合理选择、主体行为规则的提取和设定、主体之间相互作用的描述与表达、环境变量的提取与导入等,并对相关研究进展进行了综述。研究表明,城市发展预测与政策评价是MAS应用的重点突破方向之一。 |
[25] | . Departing from the comprehensive reviews carried out in the field, we identify the key challenges that agent-based methodology faces when modeling coupled socio-ecological systems. Focusing primarily on the papers presented in this thematic issue, we review progress in spatial agent-based models along the lines of four methodological challenges: (1) design and parameterizing of agent decision models, (2) verification, validation and sensitivity analysis, (3) integration of socio-demographic, ecological, and biophysical models, and (4) spatial representation. Based on this we critically reflect on the future work that is required to make agent-based modeling widely accepted as a tool to support the real world policy. |
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[28] | . Climate change, rapid economic development and increase of the human population are considered as the major triggers of increasing challenges for water resources management. This proposed integrated optimal allocation model (IOAM) for complex adaptive system of water resources management is applied in Dongjiang River basin located in the Guangdong Province of China. The IOAM is calibrated and validated under baseline period 2010year and future period 2011鈥2030year, respectively. The simulation results indicate that the proposed model can make a trade-off between demand and supply for sustainable development of society, economy, ecology and environment and achieve adaptive management of water resources allocation. The optimal scheme derived by multi-objective evaluation is recommended for decision-makers in order to maximize the comprehensive benefits of water resources management. |
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[30] | . 随着全球气候变化的加剧和城市化进程的快速发展,洪涝灾害的影响和复杂性日益加剧.洪涝灾害风险评估是一项复杂的系统工程,在防洪减灾工程理论与实践中具有重要意义;作为洪涝灾害风险管理和应急处置的基础和核心,风险评估模型直接影响洪涝灾害风险评估结果的可靠性.洪涝灾害风险是洪涝灾害复杂系统组成部分相互作用的结果,综合考虑洪涝灾害系统的特点以及智能体建模的优势,提出了一种基于多智能体的洪涝风险动态评估理论模型.首先从复杂系统建模的角度出发,对洪涝灾害复杂系统进行分析建模,构建基于多智能体的洪涝灾害风险动态评估框架模型;其次,对所构建的框架模型中单个智能体模型进行研究,分别建立基于反应型的孕灾环境智能体模型和基于慎思型的致灾因子、承灾体和风险分析智能体模型,并对以上单个智能体的流程进行研究;然后以风险分析智能体联盟为例对模型框架中所涉及到4类智能体联盟的内部结构和流程进行分析,对构建的框架模型中涉及到的智能体通信协调和作用规则进行探讨;最后,在Netlogo平台上,基于30mDEM数据和构建的模型,对淮河流域的暴雨型洪涝孕育发生发展全过程的人口风险进行动态评估.结果表明,构建的模型能有效评估洪涝灾害全过程中人口风险的动态.研究结果对洪涝灾害人口灾情评估、应急救助和应急管理都具有较强的指导意义. . 随着全球气候变化的加剧和城市化进程的快速发展,洪涝灾害的影响和复杂性日益加剧.洪涝灾害风险评估是一项复杂的系统工程,在防洪减灾工程理论与实践中具有重要意义;作为洪涝灾害风险管理和应急处置的基础和核心,风险评估模型直接影响洪涝灾害风险评估结果的可靠性.洪涝灾害风险是洪涝灾害复杂系统组成部分相互作用的结果,综合考虑洪涝灾害系统的特点以及智能体建模的优势,提出了一种基于多智能体的洪涝风险动态评估理论模型.首先从复杂系统建模的角度出发,对洪涝灾害复杂系统进行分析建模,构建基于多智能体的洪涝灾害风险动态评估框架模型;其次,对所构建的框架模型中单个智能体模型进行研究,分别建立基于反应型的孕灾环境智能体模型和基于慎思型的致灾因子、承灾体和风险分析智能体模型,并对以上单个智能体的流程进行研究;然后以风险分析智能体联盟为例对模型框架中所涉及到4类智能体联盟的内部结构和流程进行分析,对构建的框架模型中涉及到的智能体通信协调和作用规则进行探讨;最后,在Netlogo平台上,基于30mDEM数据和构建的模型,对淮河流域的暴雨型洪涝孕育发生发展全过程的人口风险进行动态评估.结果表明,构建的模型能有效评估洪涝灾害全过程中人口风险的动态.研究结果对洪涝灾害人口灾情评估、应急救助和应急管理都具有较强的指导意义. |
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[32] | . Interconnected social and environmental systems are the domain of ecological economics, and models can be used to explore feedbacks and adaptations inherent in these systems. Agent-based modeling (ABM) represents autonomous entities, each with dynamic behavior and heterogeneous characteristics. Agents interact with each other and their environment, resulting in emergent outcomes at the macroscale that can be used to quantitatively analyze complex systems. ABM is contributing to research questions in ecological economics in the areas of natural resource management and land-use change, urban systems modeling, market dynamics, changes in consumer attitudes, innovation, and diffusion of technology and management practices, commons dilemmas and self-governance, and psychological aspects to human decision making and behavior change. Frontiers for ABM research in ecological economics involve advancing the empirical calibration and validation of models through mixed methods, including surveys, interviews, participatory modeling, and, notably, experimental economics to test specific decision-making hypotheses. Linking ABM with other modeling techniques at the level of emergent properties will further advance efforts to understand dynamics of social-environmental systems. |
[33] | . Abstract Each modeller who builds and analyses an individual-based model learns of course a great deal, but what has ecology as a whole learned from the individual-based models published during the last decade? Answering this question proves extremely difficult as there is no common motivation behind individual-based models. The distinction is introduced between ‘pragmatic’ motivation, which uses the individual-based approach as a tool without any reference to the theoretical issues which have emerged from the classical state variable approach and ‘paradigmatic’ motivation, which explicitly refers to theoretical ecology. A mini-review of 50 individual-based animal population models shows that the majority are driven by pragmatic motivation. Most models are very complex and special techniques to cope with this complexity during their analysis are only occasionally applied. It is suggested that in order to orient individual-based modelling more towards general theoretical issues, we need increased explicit reference to theoretical ecology and an advanced strategy for building and analysing individual-based models. To this end, a heuristic list of rules is presented which may help us to advance the practice of individual-based modelling and to learn more general lessons from individual-based modelling in the future than we have during the last decade. The main ideas behind these rules are as follows: (1) Individual-based models usually make more realistic assumptions than state variable models, but it should not be forgotten that the aim of individual-based modelling is not ‘realism’ but modelling. (2) The individual-based approach is a bottom-up approach which starts with the ‘parts’ (i.e. individuals) of a system (i.e. population) and then tries to understand how the system’s properties emerge from the interaction among these parts. However, bottom-up approaches alone will never lead to theories at the systems level. State variable or top-down approaches are needed to provide an appropriate integrated view, i.e. the relevant questions at the population level. |
[34] | . The management of canid populations has been at the forefront of wildlife management worldwide for much of the last century. Effective management depends on the ability to integrate species biology, the environmental aspects upon which those populations depend, and the factors controlling species abundance. Further, managing canid populations requires consideration of territoriality and dominance, which may have a significant effect on population dynamics. To better understand the effect of social structure on canid populations, we developed an individual-based computer model using Swarm to mimic natural coyote population dynamics. We selected the Swarm simulation environment because it is ideally suited for creating a system of multiple interacting agents with variable schedules and hierarchies. Swarm was a software platform that allows the user to describe generic individuals and behaviours, link those behaviours in each concurrent time step, and assemble behaviours and objects in a hierarchical framework. This model stands apart from previous modelling efforts because it explicitly incorporates behavioral features, such as dominance and territoriality, as major determinates of species demography into a simple model. Individual variation, such as status within territorial social groups and age-based reproduction are incorporated, but assumptions typically associated with most demographic models are not needed. The simple population model with few parameters not only closely resembled eal world populations but also helped us understand population dynamics that emerged from model. The sensitivity analysis revealed that the model was largely insensitive to individual parameter estimates and could be used to guide management of territorial animal populations with social structure. The model output variables closely matched the mean and range of values reported in the literature of wild populations for population size, proportion of females breeding, offspring survival and litter size. The variation of model output was similar to the variation recorded in field studies. Further, population dynamics reported from field studies emerged from the model and may help to explain the mechanisms responsible for this variation. This type of model could also provide insights into potential management alternatives for other canid species or other species with similar social structure. |
[35] | . 建立了一维全河流和二维局部河段的水环境模型,并与基于个体的鱼 类模型耦合,从鱼类种群动态角度研究水库运行对下游河流水生态系统的作用.文中选取了漓江下游的一段复式河道,以优势种草鱼和鲫鱼为研究对象,模拟了自然 条件和水库调节作用下河道的水环境条件,以及相应的鱼类生长和分布的变化.通过模拟结果的对比分析,发现如果仅考虑水库运行造成的下游水流变化的作用,枯 水期水库向河道补水对草鱼有一定的正面影响,对鲫鱼有轻微的负面影响;而在4-5月,水库运行对两种鱼类都存在比较明显的负面影响.本文建立的模型方法可 为河流优化管理及水库生态友好运行提供支持. |
[53] | . Agent-based modelling is an approach that has been receiving attention by the land use modelling community in recent years, mainly because it offers a way of incorporating the influence of human decision-making on land use in a mechanistic, formal, and spatially explicit way, taking into account social interaction, adaptation, and decision-making at different levels. Specific advantages of agent-based models include their ability to model individual decision-making entities and their interactions, to incorporate social processes and non-monetary influences on decision-making, and to dynamically link social and environmental processes. A number of such models are now beginning to appear t is timely, therefore, to review the uses to which agent-based land use models have been put so far, and to discuss some of the relevant lessons learnt, also drawing on those from other areas of simulation modelling, in relation to future applications. In this paper, we review applications of agent-based land use models under the headings of (a) policy analysis and planning, (b) participatory modelling, (c) explaining spatial patterns of land use or settlement, (d) testing social science concepts and (e) explaining land use functions. The greatest use of such models so far has been by the research community as tools for organising knowledge from empirical studies, and for exploring theoretical aspects of particular systems. However, there is a need to demonstrate that such models are able to solve problems in the real world better than traditional modelling approaches. It is concluded that in terms of decision support, agent-based land-use models are probably more useful as research tools to develop an underlying knowledge base which can then be developed together with end-users into simple rules-of-thumb, rather than as operational decision support tools. |