Economic transition and restructuring of manufacturing spaces in urban China: The evidence from Nanjing
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1 引言
2 理论背景与研究方法
2.1 理论背景
传统区位理论(邻近性)、新经济地理学(规模报酬递增)、制度经济学等固然能解释企业选址与搬迁的某些因素,但是对于中国城市制造业的空间重构过程,更需要在其特殊的转型背景下予以考虑[44,45]。Wei等将中国的经济转型看作是全球化、市场化、分权化的三个过程,并认为经济转型的三股力量在重构中国区域经济格局的同时,也极大地改变了中国的城市空间结构[46,47]。2.1.1 全球化与城市制造业空间重构 随着资本与劳动力等生产要素的跨国流动,以及国际贸易的不断增强、跨国公司(transnational corporations,TNCs)的迅速扩展和全球生产网络(global production network,GPN)的形成,城市逐渐由单纯的制造业或贸易基地向区域乃至国际商品与要素集中的服务中心转变[48]。20世纪70年代末,西方发达国家开始经历由“福特制”向“后福特主义”的生产方式转变[49]。“后福特主义”所倡导的个性化与弹性生产加速了生产的分散化,使得城市空间不再需要维持原有的集聚形态,转而由相对松散的都市区所取代,生产郊区化因此而生[50]。因此,全球化成为转型期加速新劳动地域分工的重要力量,并进一步促进城市空间重构。
同时,随着全球化时代交通运输及信息技术的飞速发展,距离对经济区位选择的影响减弱;而国际贸易与投资、跨国公司的全球扩张,促使以转包、分包、全球采购为标志的国际分工合作加速形成[51,52]。城市区域对全球生产网络(global production network,GPN)而言变得“光滑”(slippery),资本转移和工厂的移动都变得更加容易[52,53]。但是,具体到城市内部的生产区位选择,外围郊区凭借其成本优势成为生产的“粘性”(sticky)区域,吸引全球资本、技术在那里集聚发展,形成新的制造业空间[54,55]。
2.1.2 市场化与城市制造业空间重构 改革开放以前,中国施行计划经济制度,国家需要是政府实行资源配置的最主要依据,企业既没有追求利润最大化的强烈动机,也无需承担相应经济责任和风险,产业布局较少考虑区位和比较优势[45]。以“单位”为基本单元的政府力量成为塑造城市空间的主体,导致各单位内部形成“小而全”的空间结构,城市空间利用也相对低效[56,57]。20世纪70年代末开始,随着市场竞争机制的引入,政府对要素流动与商品贸易的各项限制也被逐步取消,企业成为自主经营的市场主体。面对激烈的市场竞争,企业区位选择也更加强调成本和比较收益。因此,在市场化转型过程中,非公有制经济的发展及价格机制的逐步完善,极大地促进了中国城市制造业空间的重构。
2.1.3 分权化与城市制造业空间重构 中国的分权化过程在赋予城市政府更多发展权的同时,也给地方留下了更多的经济发展责任[63,64]。1994年分税制改革之后,受政治集权与财政分权的双重影响,城市政府对地方经济的干预和企业化行为被大大激励。政府通过市场准入、土地供给、税收优惠、基础设施建设等政策优势影响企业区位决策,其中最具代表性的是20世纪90年代兴起的开发区建设热潮[65-67]。开发区建设形成政策高地吸引制造业企业集聚,集聚带来的规模和溢出效益又促进城区老企业向外搬迁,加速城市空间重构。
-->Fig. 1Theoretical framework
2.2 数据来源与处理
-->Fig. 2Spatial structure of Nanjing
Tab. 1
Tab. 1Samples of large and medium-sized enterprises in Nanjing
时间 | 企业个数 | 从业人员 | 营业收入 | |||||
个数 | 占比(%) | 万人 | 占比(%) | 亿元 | 占比(%) | |||
2001 | 122 | 1.45 | 21.5 | 29.02 | 241.8 | 50.21 | ||
2008 | 290 | 3.32 | 36.1 | 54.26 | 51551.6 | 80.00 |
2.3 研究方法
关于制造业企业空间重组的影响因素研究,分别从老企业退出与新企业进入两个方向对制造业企业空间重组驱动机理进行分析。首先,对于老企业退出空间重组行为,选择2001年大中型制造业企业为样本,采用Binary Logistic模型,定义企业发生空间重组(倒闭或搬迁、扩建等)为1,否则为0。解释变量则基于理论分析分别从企业特性、产业特征、区位条件及政策影响等方面选择,企业的空间重组概率P(Y=1)会随着解释变量取值不同而发生变化。因此,Binary Logistic模型的具体表达形式为:其次,对于新企业的空间进入行为,选择2008年大中型制造业企业为样本,采用空间自相关模型,选择从业人员规模为被解释变量,解释变量同样基于理论分析确定。空间相关模型通常包含空间误差模型(Spatial Error Model,SEM)和空间滞后模型(Spatial Lag Model,SLM)两种:当模型的误差项在空间上相关时,即为空间误差模型;当变量间的空间依赖性对模型显得非常关键而导致了空间相关时,即为空间滞后模型[4]。其表达形式分别为:
式中:W是运用Open Geoda软件一阶Rook Contiguity生成的n×n阶空间权重矩阵;λ和ρ分别是空间误差和空间滞后系数;ε和ξ为误差项。
3 南京市制造业空间重构过程
3.1 制造业空间郊区化
2001年,全市3/4的制造业企业分布于核心区和主城区内。尤其,绕城公路以内制造业密度最高,以占全市不足10%的土地面积承载了64%的企业,吸纳了61%从业人员,完成了58%的营业收入。到2008年,超过一半的制造业企业分布于郊区,较2001年增长31%;而核心区和主城区企业数量则占比例分别下降20.8%和10%。从业人员与营业收入也表现出类似的重构规律(表2)。Tab. 2
Tab. 2Spatial restructuring of manufactures in Nanjing, 2001-2008
空间范围 | 企业个数(%) | 从业人员(%) | 营业收入(%) | |||||||||
2001 | 2008 | 变化 | 2001 | 2008 | 变化 | 2001 | 2008 | 变化 | ||||
行政区 | 核心区 | 41.8 | 21.0 | -20.8 | 45.8 | 33.3 | -12.4 | 44.3 | 36.0 | -8.3 | ||
主城区 | 32.8 | 22.8 | -10.0 | 23.6 | 20.1 | -3.5 | 23.5 | 24.2 | 0.7 | |||
郊区 | 25.4 | 56.2 | 30.8 | 30.6 | 46.6 | 16.0 | 32.2 | 39.8 | 7.4 | |||
圈层 | 老城区 | 27.1 | 11.0 | -16.0 | 30.4 | 21.9 | -8.5 | 31.8 | 30.6 | -1.1 | ||
中心区 | 36.9 | 18.6 | -18.3 | 31.1 | 17.9 | -13.2 | 26.6 | 10.9 | -15.7 | |||
近郊区 | 13.0 | 30.7 | 17.7 | 10.0 | 29.9 | 19.9 | 9.8 | 17.2 | 7.4 | |||
远郊区 | 23.0 | 39.7 | 16.7 | 28.5 | 30.3 | 1.8 | 31.8 | 41.3 | 9.4 |
3.2 制造业在郊区的重新集聚
2001年,南京市64%的制造业企业分布于绕城公路内,占据着城区不少优势区位。2008年,绕城公路内制造业企业占比不足1/3,从业人员数占比降至40%,制造业从业人员空间分布变化明显(图3)。与此同时,在城郊地区初步建成了以电子信息、高端装备、生物医药、智能电网等为重点的制造业产业基地,总体呈现出“大分散、小集中”的分布格局。乡(镇、街道)尺度的制造业从业人员密度分布规律也表明,浦口区、六合区、江宁区、雨花台区等近郊区部分乡镇成为制造业高度密集地区。另外,从用地情况分析,城墙包围的老城区内工业用地由20世纪末5.12 km2减少到2007年的2.25 km2,且主要为企业的管理或研发部门用地(详见南京市规划局.《南京市城市总体规划(2007-2020)》专题研究报告: 南京城市空间演变与发展布局研究, 2009。)显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT
-->Fig. 3Distribution of manufacturing employees of Nanjing in 2001 and 2008 (%)
从具体的制造业集聚格局来看,开发区成为其重新集聚的主要载体。2008年,南京市共有省级及以上开发区与工业园区12家,规划工业用地面积225.44 km2[16]。除此之外,还有市级审批工业园区共计28家,乡镇及村级园区55家[72]。第二次经济普查数据显示,上述各类开发园区共吸纳了全市36%的大中型制造业企业和41%的从业人员,完成了49%的营业收入(图4)。其中,仅省级及以上开发区就完成业务总收入5044.29亿元、财政收入79.71亿元、吸引外商投资13.19亿美元,分别占全市比重72%、21%和56%。
-->Fig. 4Manufacturing density of the development zones in Nanjing, 2008
3.3 制造业“点轴”空间分布格局
-->Fig. 5Location dynamics of manufacturing industries in Nanjing
4 南京市制造业空间重构驱动机理
基于上述理论分析,主要讨论全球化、分权化与市场化等经济转型过程对制造业空间重构的影响。4.1 老企业空间退出
4.1.1 变量选择 首先,现有研究通常选择外商投资作为全球化对地方经济发展影响的重要表征[63],而区域尺度的外资因素在企业尺度可以由资本组成来表征,设置“是否为外资参股企业”二元变量,以表征全球化的影响。其次,不同产业类型的企业受全球经济体系的影响也存在较大差异[73,74],因此还对企业所处行业的外向性程度进行测算。再次,中国式分权包含政治集权与经济分权两个过程[75],为促进辖区经济发展,地方政府往往采取措施来影响企业区位行为,开发区建设是其中最重要途径之一[41]。同时,城市政府还积极引导城区企业“退二进三”,以改善城市环境、提高城市竞争力。因此,通过是否位于开发区和城区,来衡量分权化的影响。再者,改革开放以来的社会主义市场经济制度,加速了城市土地市场的建立和非公有制经济的发展,并成为影响城市制造业空间的重要因素[60,76]。因此,选择企业所处地段的土地市场价格和是否为非公有制经济,作为衡量市场化程度的指标。最后,为控制模型回归效果,还将可达性及产业引导政策等区位与制度因素纳入分析模型。具体变量的赋值标准如表3所示。Tab. 3
Tab. 3Factors affecting the spatial restructuring of old urban manufacturers
类型 | 变量 | 编码 | 赋值 |
因变量 | 企业退出 | Y | 企业倒闭或搬迁、异地扩建等空间重组赋值为1,否则为0 |
全球化 | 是否外资 | X1 | 外商投资或控股企业为1,其他为0 |
产业外向度 | X2 | 产业利用外资占比/产业总产值占比 | |
分权化 | 是否开发区 | X3 | 企业位于省级以上开发区内为1,否则为0 |
是否位于城区 | X4 | 企业位于绕城公路以内为1,否则为0 | |
市场化 | 土地价格 | X5 | 企业所处区段工业用地基准价格 |
是否非公有制 | X6 | 私营或非公有制联合内资企业为1,其他为0 | |
控制 变量 | 到机场距离 | X7 | 企业到禄口国际机场的最短时间 |
到高速距离 | X8 | 企业到最近高速互通口的最短时间 | |
是否污染企业 | X9 | 企业属于纺织印染业等污染行业[30]为1,其他为0 | |
是否高新技术 | X10 | 企业属于《江苏省高新技术产业统计分类目录》确定行业为1,其他为0 |
4.1.2 结果分析 通过对2001年基本单位普查企业信息的跟踪整理,发现不同类型制造业企业具有不同的空间重组偏好(表4)。与理论预期不同,外资企业并未表现出明显的空间调整倾向。一方面,由于中国的城市空间重构多为政府驱动[77],而外资企业受政府影响相对较小;另一方面,外资与内资企业区位存在“空间错位”(spatial mismatch),导致其空间重组需求相对较小[78]。类似地,外向度水平越高的企业,其空间调整倾向也越低,反而受全球经济体系影响较小的企业更易进行空间重组。相比于开发区,绕城公路以内企业具有更大的空间重组偏好;相比于外资企业,非公有制企业更易发生空间重组,但这一概率较公有制企业低。一方面,由于非公有制企业同属内资,其区位选择也会受地方政府决策的影响;另一方面,不同于公有制企业,非公有成分越多市场决策机制越完善[79]。从土地利用情况来看,空间重组企业用地价格明显高于未重组企业,反映了土地市场建设对制造业空间重组的重要影响;交通区位方面,靠近高速互通和机场的企业空间重组偏好相对较小,距离市中心越近的企业偏好越大;现阶段污染企业比新技术企业具有更大的空间重组诉求。
Tab. 4
Tab. 4Restructuring preference of different manufacturing LMEs in Nanjing
企业性质 | 外资 | 产业外向度* | 位于开发区 | 位于城区 | 地价水平* | 非公有制 |
空间重组 | 10 (31%) | 1.09 | 20 (51%) | 49 (65%) | 1755 | 36 (59%) |
未重组 | 22 (69%) | 1.21 | 19 (49%) | 26 (35%) | 1550 | 25 (41%) |
企业性质 | 距离CBD* | 距离高速互通* | 距离机场* | 污染企业 | 新技术企业 | 公有制 |
空间重组 | 37611 | 13433 | 74555 | 13 (59%) | 4 (29%) | 39 (64%) |
未重组 | 38065 | 12050 | 70683 | 9 (41%) | 10 (71%) | 22 (36%) |
为更进一步探讨转型背景下各要素对城市制造业空间重组的作用规律,采用Binary Logistic回归模型对2001年主要大中型企业空间重组概率进行模拟,平均预测准确率均大于60%(表5)。从转型的三个过程来看,是否位于开发区或城区所表征的分权化过程对制造业空间重构的影响最大,模型II预测准确率为67.2%。模型I表明,外资企业的空间重组发生比内(odds)资企业小0.7;同样,产业外向度提高1个单位导致企业空间重组发生比降低1.7,再次印证了全球经济体系并未促进城市制造业空间重构,反而在一定程度上抑制了制造业企业的用地腾退。模型II表明,位于开发区的企业空间重组发生比显著降低,而绕城公路以内制造业企业空间重组发生比则明显高于绕城公路以外地区。模型III表明,土地市场的逐步完善使得土地级差地租在制造业空间重构过程发挥越来越显著作用,地价每上升1个单位企业空间重组发生比提高0.6;企业的非公有制,也会提高其空间重组发生比。从控制变量系数看,远离机场和高速互通等交通设施的企业,空间重组发生比越大;同样,受政府产业政策等的影响,污染企业更倾向于进行空间重组(模型I和IV),高新技术企业则更具有生产空间延续性(模型I、III和IV)。
Tab. 5
Tab. 5Logistic regression results for the restructuring of manufacturers in Nanjing
解释变量 | 模型I | 模型II | 模型III | 模型IV | |
全球化 | 是否外资 | -0.7029* | -0.4136* | ||
产业外向度 | -1.7354** | -1.4213** | |||
分权化 | 是否开发区 | -1.4342** | -0.8809* | ||
是否位于城区 | 1.4330** | 0.1778 | |||
市场化 | 土地价格 | 0.6513* | -0.0663 | ||
是否非公有制 | 0.5561* | 0.3650* | |||
控制 变量 | 到机场距离 | 1.2213** | 3.2935*** | 1.3080** | 4.0051*** |
到高速距离 | 1.2434** | 0.4610* | 1.6485** | 1.1300** | |
是否污染企业 | 0.7907* | -0.2964 | 0.1728 | 0.7361* | |
是否高新技术 | -0.7907* | 0.2707 | -0.5085* | -0.4816* | |
AIC | 183.2 | 169.0 | 185.4 | 174.9 | |
正确预测比(%) | 65.6 | 67.2 | 63.1 | 66.4 |
4.2 新企业空间进入
4.2.1 变量选择 新企业的空间进入行为同时受企业和地方双重因素影响。尤其,城市内部区位选择更容易受本地发展基础和地方政府招商引资等影响[20]。城市内政府竞争往往以乡(镇、街道)为基本单元进行竞争,企业落户也直接影响乡镇经济[7]。因此选择乡(镇、街道)为基本分析单元,以辖区内制造业企业从业人员为被解释变量。依据前述理论分析,解释变量选择与赋值标准如表6所示。Tab. 6
Tab. 6Factors affecting the spatial location of urban manufacturers
类型 | 变量 | 编码 | 赋值 |
因变量 | 企业从业人员 | Y | 乡(镇、街道)辖区内全部制造业企业从业人员数 |
全球化 | 外资企业数 | X1 | 辖区内外资企业数量 |
外向度指数 | X2 | 辖区内全部企业营业收入加权的平均产业外向度 | |
分权化 | 是否开发区 | X3 | 辖区内有省级以上开发区内为1,否则为0 |
是否城区 | X4 | 辖区位于城市核心区赋值为1,其他为0 | |
市场化 | 土地价格 | X5 | 辖区平均工业用地基准价格 |
非公有制企业数 | X6 | 辖区内非公有制企业数量 | |
控制 变量 | 到机场距离 | X7 | 到禄口国际机场的最短时间距离 |
到高速距离 | X8 | 到最近高速互通的最短时间距离 | |
路网密度 | X9 | 辖区内路网密度 | |
土地供给 | X10 | 生态用地面积比重 |
4.2.2 结果分析 从回归结果看(表7),全球化和市场化过程最能解释城市制造业空间的生长过程,模型I和模型III的调整后决定系数均大于0.8。虽然,是否位于开发区对企业区位选择影响极为显著,但整个分权化过程对企业为进入解释程度仅为22%,与袁丰等[41]对无锡的研究不完全相同。从模型I看,外资企业数量回归系数显著为正,说明外资介入水平促进了制造业的空间集聚,与Wei等在上海的研究结论一致[55];而产业外向度系数显著为负,可能的原因是南京本身产业外向程度较低,相比苏州、无锡等城市外向型产业企业数量和规模均较小[16]。模型II表明,2008年制造业企业已经表现出明显的开发区集聚趋势;且伴随城市“退二进三”,城区的也呈现一定“排挤”效应,但作用效果尚不显著。模型III表明,与理论预期一致,城市土地市场的建立,对制造业企业空间集聚产生了显著影响;同样,非公有制经济越发达的市场相对越活跃,也具有较高的制造业企业集聚偏好。从控制变量系数看,到机场距离对制造业进入影响为负,说明空港枢纽经济区的加速建设极大促进了制造业企业集聚(模型II);路网密度越大的区域,交通基础设施越便利,在一定程度上吸引制造业企业空间集聚(模型II和IV);而随着城市路网逐步完善,不同区位到高速互通的差异也在不断弱化,从而导致其对企业区位选择影响不显著;从土地供给角度,生态用地越多,可利用空间越少,开发限制条件越多,表现为对企业空间进入的负影响(模型IV)。
Tab. 7
Tab. 7Spatial regression results for the location of manufacturers in Nanjing
解释变量 | 模型I | 模型II | 模型III | 模型IV | |
全球化 | 外资企业数 | 0.8877*** | 0.8449*** | ||
产业外向度 | -0.1259*** | -0.1051** | |||
分权化 | 是否开发区 | 0.3284*** | 0.0022 | ||
是否城区 | -0.0198 | -0.0314 | |||
市场化 | 土地价格 | -0.2365** | -0.1644** | ||
非公有制企业数 | 0.4879*** | 0.1843*** | |||
控制 变量 | 到机场距离 | -0.0380 | -0.2689** | -0.0555 | 0.0408 |
到高速距离 | -0.0166 | -0.0632 | -0.0012 | 0.0065 | |
路网密度 | 0.0115 | 0.1271* | -0.0035 | 0.1803** | |
土地供给 | 0.0664 | 0.0351 | 0.0497 | -0.7038*** | |
AIC | 1972.57 | 2118.85 | 1967.91 | 1962.87 | |
调整后R2 | 0.8023 | 0.2203 | 0.8133 | 0.8273 |
5 结论与讨论
以南京市为例对转型期城市制造业空间重构过程及机理进行了探索性分析,虽然得到了一些有参考意义的结论,但是对于更进一步城市空间重构深层次机制的解释,仍有待后续更加深入的研究。以下三方面内容尤其值得关注:① 研究对象与驱动机理的深化。由于数据限制,对企业退出行为研究仅关注大中型企业,虽然能反映一些基本规律,但是更具体的空间格局演替仍有赖于全部制造业样本分析;同样,对于影响因素分析也可考虑针对不同企业或产业特性,以及不同重构类型进行比较研究,以更详细掌握不同重构类型驱动机理的异质性规律。② 关于城市制造业空间重构,不仅意味着老企业退出与新企业进入,同样包含原始工业空间的重新再利用,因此对不同工业空间再利用类型总结也需要进一步深入研究。③ 城市制造业空间重组作为城市整体空间重构的重要内容之一,其对其他居住、就业、社会等空间类型繁荣重构有何影响,以及对于城市转型发展的作用都是有待进一步研究的重要方向。
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
参考文献 原文顺序
[22] | . , The rise of the Pearl River Delta (PRD) as a promising workshop of the "world factory" in China has attributed to the export-oriented industrialization driven by foreign direct investment, particularly Overseas Chinese investment from Hong Kong and Taiwan initiated in the late 1970s. The export-oriented industrialization has embedded in the flexible institutions favourable for foreign investors and local authorities, via the salient entry mode, i.e. processing with supplied materials (lailiaojiagong). Since the mid-2000s, the export-oriented industrialization has undergone dramatic restructuring to cope with the changing business environment at global, national and regional and firm levels. Drawing upon the evolutionary and institutional perspectives in geographical political economy approach, this study argues that the prevailed institutions conducive for the export-oriented processing have evolved into institutional inertia and territorial embeddedness as obstacles for the on-going restructuring, particularly the market reorientation from export to domestic sale. Moreover, difficulties of restructuring through the state-designated relocation have been heightened by the resistance from below and emerging state-firm tension. The institutional evolution of the export-oriented industrialization in the PRO has enriched the literature on industrial restructuring in the context of dynamic global local interactions, but also provided fundamental implications for formulating well-coordinated restructuring strategies among various institutions and concerned actors. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. |
[23] | . , This paper analyzes the nature of FDI local networks in production and R&D activities in China and discusses their implications for technological dynamism and regional development. We investigate foreign ventures (or foreign-invested enterprises. FIEs) in the information and communication technology (ICT) industry, based on a large-scale survey of ICT firms conducted in three mega-city regions of China: Beijing, Shanghai-Suzhou, and Shenzhen-Dongguan. Our data show that FIEs in China are gradually localizing their production, but the extent of local embeddedness is contingent upon home country effects, local specific contexts and FDI-host region relationships. We have also found significant influence of industrial agglomeration on FDI location and network decisions. Beijing tends to have broader FDI sources and better integrated global-local networks, while in those regions dominated by FDI such as Suzhou and Dongguan, FlEs are thinly embedded with local economies and tend to establish global-local networks among themselves; local embeddedness is limited by a series of technological, institutional, spatial, and structural mismatches. Shanghai and Shenzhen are in between. More efforts are still needed to better integrate FDI with local economies and strengthen China's local innovative capacities. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. |
[24] | , China's economic transition is essentially a two-pronged decentralisation process: power and fiscal decentralisation from central to local government and shift of decision making from governments to firms and households. Using FDI flow data at the provincial level from 1995 to 2002, this study finds that provinces with more authority in economic matters and hardening fiscal budget constraints have a larger FDI inflow. Market decentralisation may significantly improve the investment environment and attract foreign investment while government interference in economic activities could discourage foreign investment. In addition, more legal spending in a province is associated with a smaller FDI inflow while subsidies to loss-making SOEs could bring more foreign investment. |
[25] | . , |
[26] | . , 目前学界几乎一致认为,尽管长三角一体化水平正在增强,但其制造业结构趋同现象仍相当严重。通过新经济地理学分析框架,本文认为一体化必然带来制造业的空间转移和地区结构差异性增强。本文以长三角为案例,通过一系列衡量地区专业化水平、行业集中度的指标计算证实了这一理论预期。同时,本文发现浙江与上海参与长三角内部地区分工的程度明显高于江苏。在产业转移方面,本文还发现短短4年内该地区制造业发生了激烈的空间调整,上海通过转移劳动密集型产业并专业化于资本技术密集型、港口型、都市信息型等极少数产业,降低了其在该区域内的总制造业份额,浙江正稳步吸收上海与江苏转移出来的劳动密集型行业从而增加了其制造业份额,江苏通过吸收和释放持平而基本保持其制造业份额不变。 . , 目前学界几乎一致认为,尽管长三角一体化水平正在增强,但其制造业结构趋同现象仍相当严重。通过新经济地理学分析框架,本文认为一体化必然带来制造业的空间转移和地区结构差异性增强。本文以长三角为案例,通过一系列衡量地区专业化水平、行业集中度的指标计算证实了这一理论预期。同时,本文发现浙江与上海参与长三角内部地区分工的程度明显高于江苏。在产业转移方面,本文还发现短短4年内该地区制造业发生了激烈的空间调整,上海通过转移劳动密集型产业并专业化于资本技术密集型、港口型、都市信息型等极少数产业,降低了其在该区域内的总制造业份额,浙江正稳步吸收上海与江苏转移出来的劳动密集型行业从而增加了其制造业份额,江苏通过吸收和释放持平而基本保持其制造业份额不变。 |
[27] | . , <p>This paper, concerning uneven development in China, empirically analyzes the core-periphery gradient of manufacturing industries across provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities), and assesses the extent to which these provinces have changed in recent years. Since China’s reform and opening-up, the spatial structure of the economy has presented a significant core-periphery pattern, the core evidently skewing towards east-coastal areas. With the deepening of market reforms and expansion of globalization, industrial location is gradually in line with the development advantages of provinces. The core provinces specialize in those industries characterized by strong forward and backward linkages, as well as a high consumption ratio, a high degree of increasing returns to scale, and labor or human-capital intensity. However, it is the opposite with regard to peripheral provinces, in addition, energy intensive industries are gradually concentrating in these areas. To a certain degree, the comparative advantage theory and new economic geography identify the underlying forces that determine the spatial distribution of manufacturing industries in China. This paper indicates that the industrialization of regions along different gradients becomes unsynchronized will be a long-term trend. Within a certain period, regions are bound to develop industrial sectors in line with their respective characteristics and development stage. A core-periphery pattern of industries also indicates that industrial development differentials across regions arise because of not only the uneven distribution of industries but also the inconsistent evolving trends of industrial structure for each province.</p> |
[28] | . , This paper explores the recent industrial relocation of Hong Kong manufacturing firms in the Pearl River Delta. Based on a combination of recent surveys, four in-depth case studies and nearly 20 firm interviews through the end of 2008, the paper argues that in response to a dynamic business environment in the region, some Hong Kong manufacturing firms in the PRD are forced to design new spatial strategies. The paper also identifies the different relocation strategies adopted by Hong Kong manufacturing firms, namely, total relocation, stratified relocation and “pseudo relocation”. The industrial space of Hong Kong manufacturing firms will be expanded beyond the PRD. In addition, the new round of relocation of Hong Kong manufacturers is a response to the initiative ushered in by the provincial and local governments in order to achieve the objectives of industrial upgrading, sustainable environment and regional balanced development. |
[29] | , |
[30] | . , 企业区位选择研究是从微观角度理解城市结构变动的重要视角,本文构造了一个制造业区位选择作用于城市空间重构的理论框架,并以南京为例进行了实证研究.在理论框架的基础上,首先采用计量模型检验了制造业企业郊区化扩散和重新集聚一系列影响要素,其次从要素空间分布及集聚经济的角度分析制造业的扩散和集聚的微观行为对城市空间重构的作用机制.研究发现,由于土地有偿使用、城市外围交通改善、政府"退二进三"的规划管理、城市开发区建设等因素的作用,南京制造业明显的郊区化扩散和集聚,对南京城市的郊区化和空间重构具有显著影响.研究还发现,污染密集型制造业较其他制造业具有更加强烈的郊区化趋势,这对提升城市功能和改善城市环境具有重要意义. . , 企业区位选择研究是从微观角度理解城市结构变动的重要视角,本文构造了一个制造业区位选择作用于城市空间重构的理论框架,并以南京为例进行了实证研究.在理论框架的基础上,首先采用计量模型检验了制造业企业郊区化扩散和重新集聚一系列影响要素,其次从要素空间分布及集聚经济的角度分析制造业的扩散和集聚的微观行为对城市空间重构的作用机制.研究发现,由于土地有偿使用、城市外围交通改善、政府"退二进三"的规划管理、城市开发区建设等因素的作用,南京制造业明显的郊区化扩散和集聚,对南京城市的郊区化和空间重构具有显著影响.研究还发现,污染密集型制造业较其他制造业具有更加强烈的郊区化趋势,这对提升城市功能和改善城市环境具有重要意义. |
[31] | . , The notion of industrial organization as a system of intra- and inter-plant transactions is discussed. It is shown how this notion depends on the more fundamental concept of the labor process. The dynamics of organization qua vertical integration and disintegration of functions are analyzed. The spatial and locational implications of this analysis are then described in terms of (a) linkage structures, (b) subcontracting, and (c) spatial convergence of vertically-disintegrated producers under conditions of uncertainty. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of the problem of the reproduction of socio-geographical formations. |
[1] | |
[2] | . , This paper describes the rise of ‘urbanism’ in China. Following Louis Wirth, urbanism here refers to a way of life characterized by anonymous, heterogeneous and diverse social relations. In contrast to the lack of urbanism in Mao’s era, urbanism is being promoted under China’s market transition. We critically examine how urbanism is used as a new accumulation strategy, or ‘urbanization‐as‐accumulation’. Monotonic urban landscapes are thus transformed into exotic and transplanted mosaics. We illustrate this with the example of the ‘neo‐urbanism residence’ as a suburbia for the affluent in China. This ‘accumulation through transforming the built environment’ echoes the recent ‘urban renaissance’ in the West. |
[32] | . , Using datasets on high-tech industries in Beijing as empirical studies, this paper attempts to interpret spatial shift of high-tech manufacturing firms and to examine the main determinants that have had the greatest effect on this spatial evolution. We aimed at merging these two aspects by using firm level databases in 1996 and 2010. To explain spatial change of the high-tech firms in Beijing, the Kernel density estimation method was used for hotspot analysis and detection by comparing their locations in 1996 and 2010, through which spatial features and their temporal changes could be approximately plotted. Furthermore, to provide quantitative results, Ripley K-function was used as an instrument to reveal spatial shift and the dispersion distance of high-tech manufacturing firms in Beijing. By employing a negative binominal regression model, we evaluated the main determinants that have significantly affected the spatial evolution of high-tech manufacturing firms and compared differential influence of these locational factors on overall high-tech firms and each sub-sectors. The empirical analysis shows that high-tech industries in Beijing, in general, have evident agglomeration characteristics, and that the hotspot has shifted from the central city to suburban areas. In combination with the Ripley index, this study concludes that high-tech firms are now more scattered in metropolitan areas of Beijing as compared with 1996. The results of regression model indicate that the firms locational decisions are significantly influenced by the spatial planning and regulation policies of the municipal government. In addition, market processes involving transportation accessibility and agglomeration economy have been found to be important in explaining the dynamics of locational variation of high-tech manufacturing firms in Beijing. Research into how markets and the government interact to determine the location of high-tech manufacturing production will be helpful for policymakers to enact effective policies toward a more efficient urban spatial structure. |
[33] | . , Arauzo-Carod J.-M. and Viladecans-Marsal E. Industrial location at the intra-metropolitan level: the role of agglomeration economies, Regional Studies. The objective of this paper is to analyse the influence of agglomeration economies on location decisions taken by new firms inside metropolitan areas. As it is assumed that these economies differ according to firms' level of technology, the sample comprises new firms from high-, intermediate- and low-technology industries. Of particularly interest is in analysing the effects of agglomeration economies that are felt over very short distances (inside the metropolitan areas). Introduced in the estimation is the effect of the central city as a determinant for the location of new firms in the rest of the metropolitan area. Arauzo-Carod J.-M. et Viladecans-Marsal E. Sites industriels au niveau intramétropolitain: le r00le des économies d'agglomération, Regional Studies. L'objectif de cet article est d'analyser l'influence des économies d'agglomération sur les décisions prises par de nouvelles entreprises concernant l'installation de leur site dans des zones métropolitaines. Partant de l'hypothèse que ces économies diffèrent en fonction du niveau technologique des entreprises, notre échantillon comprend des entreprises nouvelles d'un niveau technologique élevé, intermédiaire et bas. Nous nous intéressons particulièrement à l'analyse des effets des économies d'agglomération qui sont ressenties sur de très courtes distances (à l'intérieur des zones métropolitaines). Nous introduisons dans notre estimation l'effet de la ville centrale comme déterminant dans le choix des sites des nouvelles entreprises dans le reste de la zone métropolitaine. Sites industriels69Ville69Zone métropolitaine6907conomies d'urbanisation Arauzo-Carod J.-M. und Viladecans-Marsal E. Industriestandorte auf intrametropolitaner Ebene: die Rolle der Agglomerationswirtschaften, Regional Studies. Mit diesem Beitrag soll der Einfluss von Agglomerationswirtschaften auf die Standortentscheidungen von neuen Firmen in metropolitanen Gebieten untersucht werden. Da wir annehmen, dass diese Wirtschaften je nach dem technologischen Niveau der Firmen unterschiedlich ausfallen, enth01lt unsere Stichprobe neue Firmen aus Branchen mit hohem, mittlerem und niedrigerem technologischen Niveau. Insbesondere interessieren wir uns für die Analyse der Auswirkungen von Agglomerationswirtschaften, die über sehr kurze Entfernungen hinweg (innerhalb der metropolitanen Gebiete) spürbar werden. In unserer Sch01tzung berücksichtigen wir die Auswirkung der zentralen Stadt als Determinanten für den Standort neuer Firmen im übrigen metropolitanen Gebiet. Industriestandort69St01dte69Metropolitane Gebiete69Agglomerationswirtschaften Arauzo-Carod J.-M. y Viladecans-Marsal E. Localización industrial en un nivel intrametropolitano: el papel de las economías de aglomeración, Regional Studies. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar qué influencia ejercen las economías de aglomeración cuando las nuevas empresas eligen su localización en áreas metropolitanas. Suponiendo que estas economías difieren en función del nivel de tecnología de las empresas, en nuestra muestra abarcamos nuevas empresas de industrias con tecnologíaalta, intermedia y baja. Nos interesa en particular analizar los efectos de las economías de aglomeración que se hacen palpables sobre distancias muy cortas (dentro de áreas metropolitanas). En nuestro cálculo introducimos el efecto de la ciudad central como determinante para ubicar las nuevas empresas en el resto del área metropolitana. Ubicación industrial69Ciudades6909reas metropolitanas69Economías de aglomeración |
[3] | . , Restructuring the Chinese City: Changing Society, Economy and Space, edited by Laurence J. C. Ma... |
[4] | . , ABSTRACT This study investigates the driving forces of land urbanization in China. Drawing upon insights from the institutional perspective, this study argues that fiscal decentralization tightens local budget constraints, stimulating local governments to urbanize land to relieve fiscal distress. Political centralization triggers interregional competition among government officials for better economic performance, inspiring local governments to employ land development to mobilize more capital investment for growth. Based on official land-use change data from 2002 to 2008 for prefectural cities, and the application of spatial econometric models, this study presents empirical evidence to support these theoretical arguments. Results imply that fiscal and political incentives derived from land development drive China鈥檚 land urbanization process. This study enriches the urbanization literature by providing an institutional understanding of rapid land urbanization in a transitional economy. |
[34] | . , (2016). Globalization, Economic Restructuring, and Locational Trajectories of Software Firms in Shanghai. The Professional Geographer: Vol. 68, No. 2, pp. 211-226. doi: 10.1080/00330124.2015.1054751 |
[35] | . , |
[5] | . , <h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">This paper traces the new trends of urbanization in post-reform China that are incommensurate with those under the ex-socialist regime as well as those in other market and reformed socialist countries. Three paradoxical dynamics appear: a leap forward of urbanization concurrent with the under-urbanized feature, the massive and sustained flow of rural-to-urban migration concomitant with the bulk of migrants without urban citizenship, and the phenomenal reorganization of urban space and the proliferating addition of new cities with inclusion of ample rural attributes. These new developments present a challenging opportunity for theoretical construction. The paper elucidates extant studies, deciphering the ways that they interpret new features of China's urbanization under reforms. Integrating previous insightful but segmented perspectives on various aspects of China's urban transition, the paper argues that, to conceptualizing distinctive political economy of China's urbanization, one must incorporate the fundamentals of China's economic system that account for the historically contingent causes resulting in the dynamics observed.</p> |
[6] | . , This paper provides empirical evidence that helps to answer several key questions relating to the extent of urban sprawl in Europe. Building on the monocentric city model, this study uses existing data sources to derive a set of panel data for 282 European cities at three time points (1990, 2000 and 2006). Two indices of urban sprawl are calculated that, respectively, reflect changes in artificial area and the levels of urban fragmentation for each city. These are supplemented by a set of data on various economic and geographical variables that might explain the variation of the two indices. Using a Hausman-Taylor estimator and random regressors to control for the possible correlation between explanatory variables and unobservable city-level effects, we find that the fundamental conclusions of the standard monocentric model are valid in the European context for both indices. Although the variables generated by the monocentric model explain a large part of the variation of artificial area, their explanatory power for modelling the fragmentation index is relatively low. |
[35] | . , |
[36] | . , 全球化与新经济对城市空间结构的形成和演变产生了深刻的影响.基于统计资料及实际调查,分析了广州城市空间结构的演化过程及格局.结果显示,广州城市演化表现出明显的阶段性,包括单中心增长模式、飞地发展模式、"二元"空间结构模式及融合多核心网络模式.现阶段处于二元空间结构模式的发展阶段,新城市区域与老城市区域在产业结构、人口结构、景观特征等方面存在明显的差异.这种城市空间形态结构的演变及格局,是全球化及新经济因素、体制因素、政策及城市规划因素等多种因素综合作用的结果.近年来,全球化与新经济对城市空间形态发展起着日益重要的作用.广州城市空间结构的分析对我国大都市空间结构研究具有重要的启示意义. |
[7] | . , The aim of this article is to explore the relationship between state land policies, land markets and geographies of manufacturing in Beijing. Industries have decentralised moving from the centre, and agglomerating in various types of development zone in the outer city. The new patterns of industrial location in Beijing are to a significant extent due to state land policies that impact on manufacturing geographies through land prices, the land supply system and land property reforms. However, industrial relocation involves not only negotiations between government and firms, but is also a game played among different levels of government. National, provincial, municipal, county and even rural level governments bargain with each other to shape and gain from the relocation of industries. |
[8] | . , 企业迁移研究是经济地理学的重要论题之一, 是一种从微观个体出发理解产业空间格局演变及其形成机制的重要视角。利用兰州市制造业企业迁移信息, 从迁移规模、方式、距离及迁移跨度4个方面对城市制造业企业空间位移特征进行分析, 一定程度上揭示了新中国成立以来, 中国西部大城市制造业企业迁移的模式、路径及其形成机制。案例分析表明:中国西部大城市制造业企业迁移模式由计划经济时期单一行政主导的“梯度式”迁移模式向市场经济体制时期企业自主选择的“渐进式”迁移与政府先行主导的“跳跃式”迁移相结合的模式过渡, 大体上经历了向心式集中迁移、中心-外围互迁、外向型跨越式迁移3个阶段。研究还表明, 经济体制转型、地方政府自主经营权下放等宏观环境变化, 地方政策影响下的旧城更新、开发区建设、城市内外交通设施改善, 企业自身由于外部环境变化和内在扩张需求等诸多因素相互组合及综合作用, 在一定程度上共同推动了中国西部大城市制造业企业的空间迁移活动。 |
[36] | . , 全球化与新经济对城市空间结构的形成和演变产生了深刻的影响.基于统计资料及实际调查,分析了广州城市空间结构的演化过程及格局.结果显示,广州城市演化表现出明显的阶段性,包括单中心增长模式、飞地发展模式、"二元"空间结构模式及融合多核心网络模式.现阶段处于二元空间结构模式的发展阶段,新城市区域与老城市区域在产业结构、人口结构、景观特征等方面存在明显的差异.这种城市空间形态结构的演变及格局,是全球化及新经济因素、体制因素、政策及城市规划因素等多种因素综合作用的结果.近年来,全球化与新经济对城市空间形态发展起着日益重要的作用.广州城市空间结构的分析对我国大都市空间结构研究具有重要的启示意义. |
[37] | . , 随着社会经济的快速发展,上海城市人口空间分布发生了快速变化。中心城区人口的高度集聚以及与产业发展的不协调,带来了交通、住房、环境等等许多社会经济问题。为此,根据聚类分析的结果对上海城市空间地域重新划分,提出上海大都市通勤区的概念,以更好描述上海中心城区与郊区的空间联系,引导人口分布和优化城市区位功能,形成与社会经济发展相适应的城市空间结构。 |
[8] | . , 企业迁移研究是经济地理学的重要论题之一, 是一种从微观个体出发理解产业空间格局演变及其形成机制的重要视角。利用兰州市制造业企业迁移信息, 从迁移规模、方式、距离及迁移跨度4个方面对城市制造业企业空间位移特征进行分析, 一定程度上揭示了新中国成立以来, 中国西部大城市制造业企业迁移的模式、路径及其形成机制。案例分析表明:中国西部大城市制造业企业迁移模式由计划经济时期单一行政主导的“梯度式”迁移模式向市场经济体制时期企业自主选择的“渐进式”迁移与政府先行主导的“跳跃式”迁移相结合的模式过渡, 大体上经历了向心式集中迁移、中心-外围互迁、外向型跨越式迁移3个阶段。研究还表明, 经济体制转型、地方政府自主经营权下放等宏观环境变化, 地方政策影响下的旧城更新、开发区建设、城市内外交通设施改善, 企业自身由于外部环境变化和内在扩张需求等诸多因素相互组合及综合作用, 在一定程度上共同推动了中国西部大城市制造业企业的空间迁移活动。 |
[9] | . , 中国正处于城市化快速发展时期, 城市空间结构面临关键转型, 相关研究日益受到重视, 研究数量不断增多, 深度不断加强。因此, 有必要对中国城市空间结构相关研究进行系统总结, 从中找出存在的问题, 以及与国际相关研究的差距。基于对20 世纪80 年代以来中国城市空间结构相关研究成果的数量统计, 将其划分为3 个主要的研究时期:① 20 世纪80-90 年代中期, 为西方城市空间结构理论引入期及国内实证研究的起步期;② 20 世纪90年代中期-21 世纪初, 为中国城市空间结构的研究积累期;③ 21 世纪初至今, 为中国城市空间结构模式的总结及新城市空间现象研究的多元化时期。在对各个时期主要相关研究成果进行梳理和总结的基础上, 对比当前国际研究的最新成果, 提出未来中国城市空间结构的重点研究领域应当集中于:转型期城市空间结构理论模式的探讨, 新城市空间现象的深入探讨, 节约型城市空间增长的研究, 城市空间结构深层机制的分析, 中、微观尺度研究领域的开拓, 新研究方法的应用等6个方面。 |
[37] | . , 随着社会经济的快速发展,上海城市人口空间分布发生了快速变化。中心城区人口的高度集聚以及与产业发展的不协调,带来了交通、住房、环境等等许多社会经济问题。为此,根据聚类分析的结果对上海城市空间地域重新划分,提出上海大都市通勤区的概念,以更好描述上海中心城区与郊区的空间联系,引导人口分布和优化城市区位功能,形成与社会经济发展相适应的城市空间结构。 |
[38] | . , 从理论方法、决定因素和迁移绩效三个方面对国外企业迁移文献进行了系统回顾,并在对企业迁移研究作出了建设性的评论。文章认为:①企业迁移研究的理论和方法出现融合发展趋势,在新古典理论框架的基础上采取制度和行为的方法逐渐成为主流;②影响企业迁移的决定因素进一步内生化。除了传统的区位因素,企业内部因素也对企业迁移产生重要的影响;③对企业迁移绩效缺乏深入研究。企业迁移研究,一方面丰富了空间经济理论,使区位论的视野不再局限于企业“区位选择”理论;另一方面对于我国区域政策的制定、区域产业结构调整和统筹区域经济协调发展都具有极其重要的指导意义。 |
[9] | . , 中国正处于城市化快速发展时期, 城市空间结构面临关键转型, 相关研究日益受到重视, 研究数量不断增多, 深度不断加强。因此, 有必要对中国城市空间结构相关研究进行系统总结, 从中找出存在的问题, 以及与国际相关研究的差距。基于对20 世纪80 年代以来中国城市空间结构相关研究成果的数量统计, 将其划分为3 个主要的研究时期:① 20 世纪80-90 年代中期, 为西方城市空间结构理论引入期及国内实证研究的起步期;② 20 世纪90年代中期-21 世纪初, 为中国城市空间结构的研究积累期;③ 21 世纪初至今, 为中国城市空间结构模式的总结及新城市空间现象研究的多元化时期。在对各个时期主要相关研究成果进行梳理和总结的基础上, 对比当前国际研究的最新成果, 提出未来中国城市空间结构的重点研究领域应当集中于:转型期城市空间结构理论模式的探讨, 新城市空间现象的深入探讨, 节约型城市空间增长的研究, 城市空间结构深层机制的分析, 中、微观尺度研究领域的开拓, 新研究方法的应用等6个方面。 |
[10] | . , Political devolution in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and the developing regional agenda in England are prompting changes in the organization of business interest representation within the devolved and decentralized territories. In this paper we seek to describe the realignment of business interest representation at the 'regional' scale, first through a detailed review of changes underway across specific business associations and representative fora, and secondly through an initial attempt to compare and 'map' the patterns of institutional change recorded in the various territories. In broad terms the overall scale, operation and degree of formalization of the new political arrangements for business representation tend broadly to reflect the established institutional and political contexts of the respective nations and regions and the level of devolution ceded to the territories. However, there are important variations in a complex process of uneven development. In the concluding section we present some initial thoughts on the nature of the changes observed in the institutional framework for business representation. A key argument is that to date such changes suggest a reconfiguration of business political activity rather than a step-change in the institutional foundation for sub-national business interest representation in the UK. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. |
[38] | . , 从理论方法、决定因素和迁移绩效三个方面对国外企业迁移文献进行了系统回顾,并在对企业迁移研究作出了建设性的评论。文章认为:①企业迁移研究的理论和方法出现融合发展趋势,在新古典理论框架的基础上采取制度和行为的方法逐渐成为主流;②影响企业迁移的决定因素进一步内生化。除了传统的区位因素,企业内部因素也对企业迁移产生重要的影响;③对企业迁移绩效缺乏深入研究。企业迁移研究,一方面丰富了空间经济理论,使区位论的视野不再局限于企业“区位选择”理论;另一方面对于我国区域政策的制定、区域产业结构调整和统筹区域经济协调发展都具有极其重要的指导意义。 |
[39] | . , 企业空间动态从微观视角研究区域产业活动的空间分布及其变化。本文以西方经济地理学哲学基础和方法论转换为背景,梳理了企业空间动态研究的4 个理论框架,即新古典框架、行为框架、制度框架和演化框架,探讨了不同框架下企业空间动态的影响因素;在此基础上,分析了现有研究在理论、数据和方法上的问题,并提出了未来研究的展望。与国外丰富的理论与实证研究相比,中国的企业进入、退出和迁移研究主要是在经济学领域,人文-经济地理学虽在企业迁移研究方面取得了一定成果,但在企业进入与退出研究方面尚处于起步阶段。借鉴西方理论时必须注意到中国的政治体制、社会意识形态和经济转型背景,开展本土化的研究。 |
[11] | . , . , |
[39] | . , 企业空间动态从微观视角研究区域产业活动的空间分布及其变化。本文以西方经济地理学哲学基础和方法论转换为背景,梳理了企业空间动态研究的4 个理论框架,即新古典框架、行为框架、制度框架和演化框架,探讨了不同框架下企业空间动态的影响因素;在此基础上,分析了现有研究在理论、数据和方法上的问题,并提出了未来研究的展望。与国外丰富的理论与实证研究相比,中国的企业进入、退出和迁移研究主要是在经济学领域,人文-经济地理学虽在企业迁移研究方面取得了一定成果,但在企业进入与退出研究方面尚处于起步阶段。借鉴西方理论时必须注意到中国的政治体制、社会意识形态和经济转型背景,开展本土化的研究。 |
[40] | . , No abstract is available for this item. |
[12] | . , Feng J., Zhou Y. and Wu F. New trends of suburbanization in Beijing since 1990: from government-led to market-oriented, Regional Studies. Since the 1990s suburbanization has been continuing in China along with the deepening of market transition. The process of suburbanization has gone beyond purely government-initiated relocation of households and polluting industries. Based on the newest population census, this paper identifies some major new trends of suburbanization in Beijing. The new round of suburbanization has been driven by the construction of suburban villas and affordable housing, rising private car ownership, the decentralization of industry, and the development of large suburban shopping malls and retail parks. Passively relocated households are no longer the dominant source of suburbanization. Suburbanization in Beijing has evolved into a new stage of more market-oriented development in the suburbs. [image omitted] Feng J., Zhou Y. et Wu F. Nouvelles tendances de la suburbanisation a Beijing (Pekin) depuis 1990: du dirigisme gouvernemental a l'economie de marche, Regional Studies. Depuis les annees 1990, la suburbanisation se poursuit en Chine parallelement a l'intensification de la transition vers l'economie de marche. Le processus de suburbanisation a depasse le simple demenagement des menages et des industries polluantes a l'initiative unilaterale du gouvernement. Sur la base du tout dernier recensement de la population, cet article identifie plusieurs nouvelles tendances importantes de la suburbanisation a Beijing. Ce nouveau cycle de suburbanisation a pour moteur la construction de villas et de logements abordables en zones suburbaines, la possession en hausse de voitures particulieres, la decentralisation de l'industrie, et le developpement de galeries marchandes et de centres commerciaux suburbains de grande taille. Les menages deplaces passivement ne constituent plus la source dominante de la suburbanisation. La suburbanisation a Beijing est passee a un nouveau stade de developpement dans les banlieues, plus oriente vers l'economie de marche. Suburbanisation69Recensement de population69Beijing69Chine Feng J., Zhou Y. und Wu F. Neue Trends der Suburbanisierung in Peking seit den neunziger Jahren: von staatlich gelenkt zu marktorientiert, Regional Studies. Seit den neunziger Jahren hat sich die Suburbanisierung in China gemeinsam mit der Vertiefung des Marktubergangs fortgesetzt. Der Prozess der Suburbanisierung ist uber eine rein staatlich initiierte Umsiedelung von Haushalten und verschmutzenden Industrien hinausgegangen. In diesem Aufsatz identifizieren wir anhand der neuesten Volkszahlungsdaten einige wichtige neue Trends der Suburbanisierung in Peking. Die neue Runde der Suburbanisierung wurde durch den Bau von Vorstadtvillen und erschwinglichen Wohnungen, die zunehmende Zahl von Autos im Privatbesitz, die Dezentralisierung der Industrie sowie die Entwicklung grosser Einkaufszentren und Einzelhandelsparks in Vorstadtgebieten vorangetrieben. Passiv umgesiedelte Haushalte sind nicht mehr die dominante Quelle der Suburbanisierung. Die Suburbanisierung in Peking ist in eine neue Phase einer starker am Markt orientierten Entwicklung in den Vorstadten ubergegangen. Suburbanisierung69Volkszahlung69Peking69China Feng J., Zhou Y. y Wu F. Nuevas tendencias en la suburbanizacion en Pekin desde 1990: de direccion estatal a orientacion mercantil, Regional Studies. Desde la decada de los noventa, ha continuado la suburbanizacion en China junto con la intensificacion de la transicion del mercado. El proceso de suburbanizacion ha ido mas alla de la reubicacion meramente iniciada por el gobierno de las viviendas y las industrias contaminantes. Basandonos en el censo de poblacion mas reciente, en este articulo identificamos algunas de las principales nuevas tendencias de suburbanizacion en Pekin. El nuevo ciclo de suburbanizacion ha sido impulsado por la construccion de residencias suburbanas y viviendas asequibles, un mayor numero de propietarios de automoviles privados, la descentralizacion de la industria y el desarrollo de grandes centros comerciales y parques minoristas suburbanos. La reubicacion pasiva de las viviendas ya no es la fuente dominante de la suburbanizacion. La suburbanizacion en Pekin ha progresado en una nueva fase de desarrollo mas orientado hacia el mercado en los suburbios. Suburbanizacion69Censo de poblacion69Pekin69China |
[13] | . , First of all, systematic studies are conducted on the spatial variation of population in Hangzhou over more than 30 years, based on data from several national censuses including the most recent one, the fifth census in 2000. It is found that centripetal movements of population in Hangzhou dominated in the 1960s and 1970s, while centrifugal movements of population dominated and suburbanization occurred in the 1980s. Throughout the 1990s, the centrifugal movements and suburbanization of population greatly accelerated. This study also examines the distribution of temporary population in 1983, 1991, and 2000. Based on the spatial variation of total urban population during different periods and the distribution of temporary population in different years, models of the changes in internal urban spatial structure in Hangzhou are developed. By analyzing urban industrial land-use data and its distribution changes, we find that industrial suburbanization started and developed in Hangzhou in the 1980s, and that its pace has quickened during the period 1996-2000. Detailed descriptions and analyses are presented on the development of industrial suburbanization and the evolution of industrial spatial structure in Hangzhou. It is concluded that industrial suburbanization spurred the evolution of industrial spatial structure rationally and effectively in Hangzhou. Suburbanization of population and industry gradually deformed the shape of the Hangzhou urban area from handlike to fanlike one. |
[41] | . , . , |
[14] | . , 20世纪90年代以来我国城镇化的高速发展,土地资本化在其中扮演了重要角色.通过土地出让,政府积累了大量的财政收入用于基础设施建设和改善投资环境.但同时,过于依赖土地资本化衍生的土地财政,也导致土地的福利功能大大削弱.建设用地的无序蔓延、房价飙升超过绝大多数人的购买力及忽视“人的城镇化”,导致了一系列社会问题、经济问题和环境问题.本文回顾了有偿使用制度建立以来我国土地政策和土地市场的变迁,分析了土地城镇化的双刃剑效应,探讨了土地城镇化进程中的利益主体和博弈机制,最后,对未来土地城镇化的转型方向进行了展望. . , 20世纪90年代以来我国城镇化的高速发展,土地资本化在其中扮演了重要角色.通过土地出让,政府积累了大量的财政收入用于基础设施建设和改善投资环境.但同时,过于依赖土地资本化衍生的土地财政,也导致土地的福利功能大大削弱.建设用地的无序蔓延、房价飙升超过绝大多数人的购买力及忽视“人的城镇化”,导致了一系列社会问题、经济问题和环境问题.本文回顾了有偿使用制度建立以来我国土地政策和土地市场的变迁,分析了土地城镇化的双刃剑效应,探讨了土地城镇化进程中的利益主体和博弈机制,最后,对未来土地城镇化的转型方向进行了展望. |
[42] | ., 基于文献研究和32家浙江省上虞市污染企业及相关部门的访谈研究,通过构建污染企业迁移意愿模型,探讨环境规制下污染企业迁移意愿的影响因素及其作用机 制.研究发现,污染企业迁移并不只受单一因素影响,而是外部因素以及企业自身属性的内部因素共同作用的结果.实证表明,环境规制、政府博弈、产业联系是影 响影响污染企业迁移意愿的三大外部因素,企业规模则是一个重要的内部因素.随着企业规模的增加,环境规制造成的成本减少,企业与政府的博弈能力增强,企业 的本地联系减弱.在环境规制、政府博弈、产业联系的综合影响下,污染企业迁移意愿与企业规模呈“倒U型”关系. . , 基于文献研究和32家浙江省上虞市污染企业及相关部门的访谈研究,通过构建污染企业迁移意愿模型,探讨环境规制下污染企业迁移意愿的影响因素及其作用机 制.研究发现,污染企业迁移并不只受单一因素影响,而是外部因素以及企业自身属性的内部因素共同作用的结果.实证表明,环境规制、政府博弈、产业联系是影 响影响污染企业迁移意愿的三大外部因素,企业规模则是一个重要的内部因素.随着企业规模的增加,环境规制造成的成本减少,企业与政府的博弈能力增强,企业 的本地联系减弱.在环境规制、政府博弈、产业联系的综合影响下,污染企业迁移意愿与企业规模呈“倒U型”关系. |
[15] | . , This paper examines factors affecting economic development and changes in the industrial and spatial structure in Shanghai since the 1950s. Although economic development in Shanghai has advanced considerably, the city faces serious challenges. In the process of industrialization, the spatial evolution of industrial location can be divided into three stages: (1) the founding of industrial estates, (2) the construction of satellite towns, and (3) rural industrialization. All have changed the urban spatial structure of Shanghai. As a result of large-scale housing construction, the spatial distribution of residents in the central city of Shanghai has changed, and a process of suburbanization is emerging. |
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[43] | . , 优化开发区域是区域发展的较高级阶段,其内部企业迁移的规律比较复杂。选择制造业发达地区——广东东莞市为案例区,采取半结构式访谈法和调查问卷法探讨优化开发区域制造业企业迁移的影响因素及其区域影响。研究表明,现阶段东莞市劳动密集型企业迁出和资本技术密集型企业迁入并存,劳动密集型企业迁出是要素成本、环境管制、区域依赖性和地方政府博弈相互作用的结果,而产业基础、区域创新要素、产业政策和区域软环境等因素促进资本技术密集型企业的迁入;企业迁移可以促进区域产业升级转型,提高区域生产空间质量和优化区域国土空间结构。 . , 优化开发区域是区域发展的较高级阶段,其内部企业迁移的规律比较复杂。选择制造业发达地区——广东东莞市为案例区,采取半结构式访谈法和调查问卷法探讨优化开发区域制造业企业迁移的影响因素及其区域影响。研究表明,现阶段东莞市劳动密集型企业迁出和资本技术密集型企业迁入并存,劳动密集型企业迁出是要素成本、环境管制、区域依赖性和地方政府博弈相互作用的结果,而产业基础、区域创新要素、产业政策和区域软环境等因素促进资本技术密集型企业的迁入;企业迁移可以促进区域产业升级转型,提高区域生产空间质量和优化区域国土空间结构。 |
[17] | . , 开发区是近20年来我国经济发展的重要空间载体.经济活动在开发区的集聚,对所在地区的空间 结构产生了深刻的影响.结合对开发区的实地调研,提出我国开发区与城市空间结构演进的基本类型可分为双核结构、连片带状结构、多极触角结构等.并指出开发 区与城市空间结构的演进主要是由跨国公司主导的外部作用力、城市与乡村的扩散力和开发区的集聚力共同作用的结果. . , 开发区是近20年来我国经济发展的重要空间载体.经济活动在开发区的集聚,对所在地区的空间 结构产生了深刻的影响.结合对开发区的实地调研,提出我国开发区与城市空间结构演进的基本类型可分为双核结构、连片带状结构、多极触角结构等.并指出开发 区与城市空间结构的演进主要是由跨国公司主导的外部作用力、城市与乡村的扩散力和开发区的集聚力共同作用的结果. |
[44] | . , He C., Wei Y. D. and Xie X. Globalization, institutional change, and industrial location: economic transition and industrial concentration in China, Regional Studies. Marketization and globalization in China may stimulate industrial clustering, while decentralization may lead to protectionism and industrial dispersion. This paper examines industrial distribution in China during 1980–2003. While Chinese industries have been increasingly concentrated geographically, the study found significant temporal and sectoral variations in concentration. Least protected industries have become increasingly concentrated, and most globalized industries are clustered in the coastal region. The analysis indicates that globalization and internal scale economies have contributed to geographical concentration, while protectionism has hindered industrial specialization. While industries are more likely to locate based on comparative advantages, external scale economies have not fostered industrial concentration. He C., Wei Y. D. et Xie X. La mondialisation, la transformation institutionnelle, et la localisation industrielle: la mutation économique et la concentration industrielle en Chine, Regional Studies. Il se peut que la commercialisation et la mondialisation en Chine encouragent l'établissement de grappes industrielles, alors que la décentralisation amène au protectionnisme et à la dispersion industrielle. Cet article cherche à examiner la distribution industrielle en Chine entre 1980 et 2003. Tandis que l'industrie chinoise se concentre de plus en plus, il s'avère que cette concentration varie sensiblement des points de vue temporel et sectoriel. L'industrie la moins protégée se concentre de plus en plus et l'industrie la plus mondialisée s'agglomère pour la plupart dans la zone c00tière. L'analyse laisse voir que la mondialisation et les économies d'échelle internes ont contribué à la concentration géographique, alors que le protectionnisme a entravé la spécialisation industrielle. Pendant que l'industrie se localise en fonction de l'avantage comparatif, les économies d'échelle externes n'encouragent pas la concentration industrielle. Mutation économique69Mondialisation69Décentralisation69Agglomération69Concentration géographique69Chine He C., Wei Y. D. und Xie X. Globalisierung, institutioneller Wandel und Industriestandorte: wirtschaftlicher Wandel und industrielle Konzentration in China, Regional Studies. Die Marktorientierung und Globalisierung in China kann sich f02rdernd auf die industrielle Clusterbildung auswirken, w01hrend eine Dezentralisierung zu Protektionismus und industrieller Streuung führen kann. In diesem Beitrag untersuchen wir die industrielle Verteilung in China im Zeitraum von 1980 bis 2003. Die chinesischen Industrien haben sich geografisch zunehmend konzentriert, doch zugleich finden wir signifikante zeitliche und sektorale Schwankungen hinsichtlich der Konzentration. Die am wenigsten geschützten Industrien haben sich zunehmend konzentriert, w01hrend die am st01rksten globalisierten Industrien in Clustern an der Küste angesiedelt sind. Unsere Analyse l01sst darauf schlie08en, dass die Globalisierung und die internen Ma08stabs02konomien zur geografischen Konzentration beigetragen haben, w01hrend der Protektionismus die industrielle Spezialisierung behindert hat. Zwar suchen sich Industrien ihren Standort eher aufgrund von Wettbewerbsvorteilen aus, doch externe Ma08stabs02konomien haben sich nicht f02rdernd auf die industrielle Konzentration ausgewirkt. Wirtschaftlicher 05bergang69Globalisierung69Dezentralisierung69Agglomeration69Geografische Konzentration69China He C., Wei Y. D. y Xie X. Globalización, cambio institucional y localización industrial: Transición económica y concentración industrial en China, Regional Studies. La comercialización y globalización en China podrían estimular la aglomeración industrial y a la vez la descentralización podría llevar al proteccionismo y la dispersión industrial. En este ensayo examinamos la distribución industrial en China durante 1980–2003. Aunque las industrias chinas se han ido concentrando geográficamente, hemos observado variaciones significativas temporales y sectoriales en concentración. Las industrias menos protegidas se han acabado concentrando y las industrias más globalizadas están agrupadas en las regiones costeras. Nuestro análisis indica que la globalización y las economías a escala interna han contribuido a la concentración geográfica y el proteccionismo ha impedido la especialización industrial. Aunque las industrias tienen más probabilidad de ubicarse basándose en ventajas comparativas, las economías a escala externa no han fomentado la concentración industrial. Transición económica69Globalización69Descentralización69Aglomeración69Concentración geográfica69China |
[45] | . , 伴随经济转型的市场化、全球化 和分权化过程是中国产业结构重组的重要力量。基于2004年第一次经济普查资料,深入探讨了中国制造业结构在不同产业层次的趋同问题。总体而言,多数省区 与全国产业结构保持着较高的相似性,随着产业细分,产业结构相似系数呈明显下降趋势。东部沿海省区和全国相似程度最高,西部落后省份和全国相似性最低。资 源密集型产业使省区结构与全国差异显著,全球化程度较高、附加值较高、产业联系较强的产业使区域产业结构趋同。统计结果显示,市场化进程有利于比较优势和 区位优势的发挥,显著地促进了比较优势相似的省区产业结构趋同,而资源条件不同的省区结构差异化发展;参与经济全球化强化了比较优势对于产业区位的影响, 相似国际市场需求以及区位和产业偏好相似的外资促使沿海省区产业结构趋同,也是沿海与内地省区产业结构显著不同的原因。地方分权导致省区市场严重分割,造 成了一些省区产业结构趋同。 |
[18] | . , No abstract is available for this item. |
[19] | . , <p>基于长三角制造业企业数据和空间计量统计方法,探讨了长三角地区2000 年以来制造业的空间格局变化及影响因素。结果表明:长三角制造业空间分布呈现出典型的以上海为中心的沿重要交通轴线集聚的特征,且在2000 年以后经历了明显的产业扩散,这种扩散存在明显的行业差别,技术密集度越高,行业的扩散半径越小。尽管出现制造业扩散趋势,上海市作为长三角中心城市的地位却有所增强。空间计量的回归结果表明,制造业分布存在典型的空间溢出效应;控制空间溢出效应以后,这一地区的制造业集聚主要受制于区位条件因素,包括到上海市区和到机场的距离以及市辖区区位是影响制造业分布的重要因素,且前两个因素的影响逐渐增强,尚未发现政策因素对制造业分布的显著影响。同时发现制造业集聚影响因素存在显著的行业差异。</p> |
[45] | . , 伴随经济转型的市场化、全球化 和分权化过程是中国产业结构重组的重要力量。基于2004年第一次经济普查资料,深入探讨了中国制造业结构在不同产业层次的趋同问题。总体而言,多数省区 与全国产业结构保持着较高的相似性,随着产业细分,产业结构相似系数呈明显下降趋势。东部沿海省区和全国相似程度最高,西部落后省份和全国相似性最低。资 源密集型产业使省区结构与全国差异显著,全球化程度较高、附加值较高、产业联系较强的产业使区域产业结构趋同。统计结果显示,市场化进程有利于比较优势和 区位优势的发挥,显著地促进了比较优势相似的省区产业结构趋同,而资源条件不同的省区结构差异化发展;参与经济全球化强化了比较优势对于产业区位的影响, 相似国际市场需求以及区位和产业偏好相似的外资促使沿海省区产业结构趋同,也是沿海与内地省区产业结构显著不同的原因。地方分权导致省区市场严重分割,造 成了一些省区产业结构趋同。 |
[46] | . , This study systematically examines uneven regional development in China, focusing on three central agents: the foreign investor, the state and the region. Wei's findings have important implications for theories of, and policy towards, Chinese regional development. This book is a vital resource for those with an interest in transition economies. |
[19] | . , <p>基于长三角制造业企业数据和空间计量统计方法,探讨了长三角地区2000 年以来制造业的空间格局变化及影响因素。结果表明:长三角制造业空间分布呈现出典型的以上海为中心的沿重要交通轴线集聚的特征,且在2000 年以后经历了明显的产业扩散,这种扩散存在明显的行业差别,技术密集度越高,行业的扩散半径越小。尽管出现制造业扩散趋势,上海市作为长三角中心城市的地位却有所增强。空间计量的回归结果表明,制造业分布存在典型的空间溢出效应;控制空间溢出效应以后,这一地区的制造业集聚主要受制于区位条件因素,包括到上海市区和到机场的距离以及市辖区区位是影响制造业分布的重要因素,且前两个因素的影响逐渐增强,尚未发现政策因素对制造业分布的显著影响。同时发现制造业集聚影响因素存在显著的行业差异。</p> |
[20] | . , The rise of China as the ‘world factory’ has been attributed to the export-oriented industrialization largely driven by some fundamental transformations unfolding in China’s economic, political and cultural arenas, since the Reform and Opening-Up policies. As production costs and competitive pressures both rise, the flexible business environment that export-led production used to embed in has undergone dramatic restructuring and this has further pushed forward new rounds of spatial restructuring and industrial relocation, especially in China’s highly export-oriented apparel industry. Using a large firm-level dataset on new firm formation, we show the articulation of global, regional and local factors are shaping the new firm formation pattern and industrial relocation in interactional and collective ways. The econometric estimations also indicate the ways in which and the extents to which these factors affect firm location choice are highly determined by firm-specific capability. |
[47] | . , China since the late 1970s has implemented a series of reforms and has undergone profound changes. This paper analyzes the three fundamental processes of China's economic reforms ecentralization, marketization, and globalization, and argues that an understanding of these triple transitions is necessary for a better understanding of regional development in China. These changes also have had significant implications for the development of regions, as the central state is no longer monopolizing the regional development process. It is speculated that China's regions will remain fragmented and the coastal-interior divide may persist. |
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[50] | . , 以杭州市为例,从人口郊区化和工业郊区化的动因入手分析了城市郊区化的机制,认为中国的城市 郊区化受到政府规划与政策的较大影响,且目前仍然处于初级发展阶段。政府对郊区城市化的导向作用主要围绕产业结构优化调整的目标展开,并采取了尽量不触及 现行体制的做法,在降低政策成本的同时,也使得我国的城市化呈现出与发达国家不同的特点。从城市形成与演变的角度阐释了我国城市郊区化的发展机制,并就政 府提升城市功能的努力方向提出了建议。 . , 以杭州市为例,从人口郊区化和工业郊区化的动因入手分析了城市郊区化的机制,认为中国的城市 郊区化受到政府规划与政策的较大影响,且目前仍然处于初级发展阶段。政府对郊区城市化的导向作用主要围绕产业结构优化调整的目标展开,并采取了尽量不触及 现行体制的做法,在降低政策成本的同时,也使得我国的城市化呈现出与发达国家不同的特点。从城市形成与演变的角度阐释了我国城市郊区化的发展机制,并就政 府提升城市功能的努力方向提出了建议。 |
[51] | . , 在新产业区概念和特征进行概括的基础上,归纳了产业区发展的一般过程,并重点对新产业区的形成机制及所具有的优势进行了探讨。地方化产业群及区域创新网络的形成是新产业区成熟的标志,知识外溢、经济外部性导致的收益递增,以及基于密切的内部联系引来交易成本的降低使新产业区获得了强大的经济竞争优势,新产业区的空间组织形式所具有的网络效应、创新效应和企业与地方文化的良好融合是经济竞争优势的根本。最后,对新产业区理论和传统的空间组织理论之间的关系进行了对比分析,总结了二者的之间的异同。 . , 在新产业区概念和特征进行概括的基础上,归纳了产业区发展的一般过程,并重点对新产业区的形成机制及所具有的优势进行了探讨。地方化产业群及区域创新网络的形成是新产业区成熟的标志,知识外溢、经济外部性导致的收益递增,以及基于密切的内部联系引来交易成本的降低使新产业区获得了强大的经济竞争优势,新产业区的空间组织形式所具有的网络效应、创新效应和企业与地方文化的良好融合是经济竞争优势的根本。最后,对新产业区理论和传统的空间组织理论之间的关系进行了对比分析,总结了二者的之间的异同。 |
[52] | . , 本文评述了90年代国际经济地理学界关注的两个研究领域:新产业区和经济活动全球化。在分析两者的含义和研究关键内容基础上,提出如何在我国开展该项研究。 . , 本文评述了90年代国际经济地理学界关注的两个研究领域:新产业区和经济活动全球化。在分析两者的含义和研究关键内容基础上,提出如何在我国开展该项研究。 |
[53] | . , Abstract Top of page Abstract Acknowledgements Competitive Dynamics and Risk Environments Strategies of (Re)configuring Global Production Networks Conclusion references Global production networks (GPN) are organizational platforms through which actors in different regional and national economies compete and cooperate for a greater share of value creation, transformation, and capture through geographically dispersed economic activity. Existing conceptual frameworks on global value chains (GVC) and what we term GPN 1.0 tend to under-theorize the origins and dynamics of these organizational platforms and to overemphasize their governance typologies (e.g., modular, relational, and captive modes in GVC theory) or analytical categories (e.g., power and embeddedness in GPN 1.0). Building on this expanding literature, our article aims to contribute toward the reframing of existing GPN-GVC debates and the development of a more dynamic theory of global production networks that can better explain the emergence of different firm-specific activities, strategic network effects, and territorial outcomes in the global economy. It is part of a wider initiative PN 2.0 in short hat seeks to offer novel theoretical insights into why and how the organization and coordination of global production networks varies significantly within and across different industries, sectors, and economies. Taking an actor-centered focus toward theory development, we tackle a significant gap in existing work by systematically conceptualizing the causal drivers of global production networks in terms of their competitive dynamics (optimizing cost-capability ratios, market imperatives, and financial discipline) and risk environments. These capitalist dynamics are theorized as critical independent variables that shape the four main strategies adopted by economic actors in (re)configuring their global production networks and, ultimately, the developmental outcomes in different industries, regions, and countries. |
[54] | . , As advances in transportation and information obliterate distance, cities and regions face a tougher time anchoring income-generating activities. In probing the conditions under which some manage to remain "sticky" places in "slippery" space, this paper rejects the "new industrial district," in either its Marshallian or more recent Italianate form, as the dominant paradigmatic solution. I identify three additional types of industrial districts, with quite disparate firm configurations, internal versus external orientations, and governance structures: a hub-and-spoke industrial district, revolving around one or more dominant, externally oriented firms; a satellite platform, an assemblage of unconnected branch plants embedded in external organization links; and the state-anchored district, focused on one or more public-sector institutions. The strengths and weaknesses of each are reviewed. The hub-and-spoke and satellite platform variants are argued to be more prominent in the United States than the other two. The findings suggest that the study of industrial districts requires a broader institutional approach and must encompass embeddedness across district boundaries. The research results suggest that a purely locally targeted development strategy will fail to achieve its goals. |
[55] | . , The rapid economic ascent of China and the increasing integration of the world economy over the past two decades have made the metropolises in China, such as Shanghai and Beijing, emerging global cities. As in other parts of the developing world, foreign investment is a central force underlying the emergence of Chinese metropolises as global cities. This is especially true in Shanghai where major foreign investments in China are concentrated. The primary objectives of this paper are twofold: (1) to examine the process of foreign investment development in Shanghai and (2) to assess the significance of foreign investment in the transformation of Shanghai into a global city. As the literature on global cities dwells primarily on the experiences of those cities with advanced economies, this paper broadens the scope by contributing to a better understanding of the dynamics of global city formation in the developing world. |
[56] | . , Much like other post-socialist cities, Chinese cities experienced dramatic changes after economic reform. The danwei , or state-owned work unit, was once a fundamental building block of Chinese cities. In addition to being the basic form of economic and social organization, danwei communities defined Chinese urban development before reform, taking the form of gated, walled-off combined factory and residential areas. This paper focuses on spatial changes at the neighborhood scale in danwei , by selecting the Tongrentang pharmaceutical factory in Beijing, China during the time period between 1973 and 2006 as a case study. Through archival material and interviews, this paper describes how the community changed from gated, boring, solidified and strictly constrained work units to un-gated, vibrant, mixed-use and flexible urban neighborhoods. This case study in urban China provides implications for planning professionals and policy makers. By properly redeveloping these brownfield, traditional danwei communities many change to become un-gated, livable, accessible, integrated, and sustainable in the post-socialist era. The implication for current transition theory is that despite the similarity to Central and East European countries, urban China has a local context and unique spatial changes that should be embraced in future transition studies. |
[57] | . , . , |
[58] | . , The paper first examines urban spatial patterns of the gradients of housing and land prices and land development intensity, and then tests the relationship between the land price gradient and housing price gradient. Urban theory predicts the former is steeper than the latter based on the notion of derived demand for land from the provision of housing services. Finally the paper examines the impact of the property of housing production function on urban spatial structure. For the property of housing production function, we are particularly interested in the elasticity of capital-land substitution. The paper concludes (1) market influences over spatial structure, (2) the derived demand for land, and (3) it is the actual (or expected) housing price increases that cause skyrocketing land prices, not the other way around. |
[59] | . , <p>自改革开放以来,中国制造业“地图”发生了很大变化。国内外许多****认为,政府放松管制和要素配置市场化是中国制造业空间变化的主要原因。但在较微观的层面,土地供应、政府管制在制造业空间变化中起了主导作用。在这个过程中,土地制度的变革扮演着重要角色。本文以北京市为例,通过1985和2004年度制造业企业数据的分析,分析了北京制造业空间变化的特征,并试图揭示土地制度变革在其中扮演的角色。首先,土地由无偿划拨到有偿使用加速了工业郊区化的进程;其次,政府通过确定工业用地的供给方向、数量和时间等,决定着制造业空间转移的方向;第三,土地产权改革以及农用地向建设用地的流转促进了乡村工业化的进程,乡镇企业的快速发展在制造业空间变化中也起到了重要作用。</p> . , <p>自改革开放以来,中国制造业“地图”发生了很大变化。国内外许多****认为,政府放松管制和要素配置市场化是中国制造业空间变化的主要原因。但在较微观的层面,土地供应、政府管制在制造业空间变化中起了主导作用。在这个过程中,土地制度的变革扮演着重要角色。本文以北京市为例,通过1985和2004年度制造业企业数据的分析,分析了北京制造业空间变化的特征,并试图揭示土地制度变革在其中扮演的角色。首先,土地由无偿划拨到有偿使用加速了工业郊区化的进程;其次,政府通过确定工业用地的供给方向、数量和时间等,决定着制造业空间转移的方向;第三,土地产权改革以及农用地向建设用地的流转促进了乡村工业化的进程,乡镇企业的快速发展在制造业空间变化中也起到了重要作用。</p> |
[60] | . , In the era of state socialism under Mao, land in China was treated as a means of production and was allocated administratively by the state free of charge. To accommodate the interests of foreign investors without violating the socialist principle of public ownership, the Chinese state has, since the 1980s, separated land use rights from land ownership and opened up a new market track for the conveyance of land use rights to commercial users. The result has been a distinct dual-track land system in the new political economy, characterized by significant asymmetry for arbitrage. Discrepancy between the state's intention and actual outcome has been a consequence of the internal diversity of power relations concerning land development. Our data analysis reveals that the loss of farmland to nonagricultural developments has slowed down in recent years, that the state's intention to increase land use efficiency has been severely compromised by the socialist legacy, and that illegal activities are pervasive. The Chinese socialist state is better seen as a dynamic, complex, heterogeneous, and self-conflictual institutional ensemble in and through which the forces and interests of different levels of the state are contested, negotiated, and mediated. |
[61] | . , 依据1995年、2003年、2008年长春市土地利用现状图和2011年长春市卫星影像图,借助于Arc GIS技术平台,综合运用Global Moran's I指数、分形理论模型法以及缓冲区分析法,对长春市工业空间扩展特征进行研究,结果表明:1工业空间整体具有空间正相关特征,但工业空间集聚程度呈现先降低后逐渐增高的趋势,显示出工业空间具有整体分散、局部集聚的演变特征;2工业空间总体扩展方式为向外扩展,但具体呈现出"交通轴向扩展—轴间指状填充—交通轴向扩展"的特点;3工业空间演化呈现郊区化显著、多中心分布以及工业多次搬迁且不连续性的特征。在上述综合研究结果的基础上,认为自然因素、开发区的成立和发展、产业结构的升级、土地使用制度的改革与企业改制重组、城市规划以及交通是长春市工业空间扩展的驱动力。 . , 依据1995年、2003年、2008年长春市土地利用现状图和2011年长春市卫星影像图,借助于Arc GIS技术平台,综合运用Global Moran's I指数、分形理论模型法以及缓冲区分析法,对长春市工业空间扩展特征进行研究,结果表明:1工业空间整体具有空间正相关特征,但工业空间集聚程度呈现先降低后逐渐增高的趋势,显示出工业空间具有整体分散、局部集聚的演变特征;2工业空间总体扩展方式为向外扩展,但具体呈现出"交通轴向扩展—轴间指状填充—交通轴向扩展"的特点;3工业空间演化呈现郊区化显著、多中心分布以及工业多次搬迁且不连续性的特征。在上述综合研究结果的基础上,认为自然因素、开发区的成立和发展、产业结构的升级、土地使用制度的改革与企业改制重组、城市规划以及交通是长春市工业空间扩展的驱动力。 |
[62] | . , <p>上海市是中国重要工业基地之一。改革开放以来,随着市场经济体制的逐步建立,上海市工业空间结构呈现出内环线以内以劳动密集型的轻工业为主、内外环线之间以技术密集型高新技术产业为主、外环线以外远郊地区以资本密集型的重化工业为主的空间格局。从总体上看,从城市中心向外,单位土地面积工业生产产出效率逐渐降低、劳动密集程度逐渐减少、资本密集程度逐渐增加、对上海市总体经济规模贡献率逐渐加大、对周围环境影响逐渐增强的圈层结构特征十分明显。另外,上海市工业布局的实践表明,除了原燃料、市场、劳动力的价格及其运费以及集聚外,级差地租、现代交通设施、劳动就业也是影响工业布局的重要因子。从优化工业布局出发,上海市今后一段时期,应大幅度提高工业用地效益、建设科学合理的工业生产基地、制定相应的工业空间结构调整配套政策,以保证区域工业的健康发展</p> . , <p>上海市是中国重要工业基地之一。改革开放以来,随着市场经济体制的逐步建立,上海市工业空间结构呈现出内环线以内以劳动密集型的轻工业为主、内外环线之间以技术密集型高新技术产业为主、外环线以外远郊地区以资本密集型的重化工业为主的空间格局。从总体上看,从城市中心向外,单位土地面积工业生产产出效率逐渐降低、劳动密集程度逐渐减少、资本密集程度逐渐增加、对上海市总体经济规模贡献率逐渐加大、对周围环境影响逐渐增强的圈层结构特征十分明显。另外,上海市工业布局的实践表明,除了原燃料、市场、劳动力的价格及其运费以及集聚外,级差地租、现代交通设施、劳动就业也是影响工业布局的重要因子。从优化工业布局出发,上海市今后一段时期,应大幅度提高工业用地效益、建设科学合理的工业生产基地、制定相应的工业空间结构调整配套政策,以保证区域工业的健康发展</p> |
[63] | . , China has undergone economic transition characterized by marketization, globalization and decentralization, which has resulted in profound change in land use and urban space. This paper integrates globalization, institutional change, and China's economic transition to better understand urban land expansion in China. We use land use survey data in Jiangsu province at the county level to shed the light on the impact of economic transition on land use change and urban land expansion in China. We have found that a dramatic land use change in Jiangsu characterized by rapid urban land expansion, particularly Sunan (Southern Jiangsu) and municipal districts. This can be well explained by government policies including tax reform and intergovernmental competition, the participation in the global economy, and the development of a market economy. We have also found that urban land expansion has a temporal dimension, and was driven mainly by local governments in the early stage of the reform, followed by marketization, and more recently globalization after China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO). |
[64] | . , This article studies location decisions and network configurations of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu Province, located in the northwest of the Yangtze River Delta (YRD). Built on the perspective that China's economic transition can be conceptualized as a triple process of globalization, marketization, and decentralization, this article outlines four structural changes of the Chinese economy that are underlying the location and networks of FDI: decentralization and the empowerment of local states, marketization and the increasing importance of places, globalization and the emergence of globalizing city regions, and urban spatial restructuring. The study has uncovered substantial intraurban differences within Nanjing and the significance of the Chinese state, location within the YRD, and intraurban context in the location decisions for FDI. We have also found that foreign ventures overwhelmingly serve as production facilities for either the Chinese or world markets, and maintain close production relations with other foreign firms in the YRD. Finally, regression models have identified the significance of national-level development zones, access to ports, and industrial land in the location of foreign ventures. |
[65] | . , ABSTRACT The rapid economic ascent of China and the increasing integration of the world economy in the past two decades have made metropolises in China such as Shanghai and Beijing emerging global cities. Foreign investment is a central force underlying the emergence and transformation of the Chinese metropolises into global cities. This is especially true in Shanghai, which has experienced massive infusion of foreign investment. Varied forms of foreign investment or development zones have been created to promote foreign investment inflows, yet remain under-studied. This paper analyzes structure, performance, and underlying factors of development zones in Shanghai, and discusses the implications for global city-formation; it unfolds the variations among development zones, and illustrates the significant role of the state and local conditions. As the literature on global cities dwells primarily on the experiences of advanced economies, this paper further contributes to a better understanding of the dynamics of emerging global cities in the developing world. |
[66] | . , This article aims to explore the mechanisms of the development zone fever in the Suzhou region, located in the fast-growing Yangtze River Delta, and investigates, from an institutional perspective, the practice of relevant intragovernmental governance in the context of rapid industrialisation since the 1990s. A specific mode of governance09”the evaluative economic indicators scheme inherited from the earlier socialist planning system, combined with the party/state's promotion/evaluation system09”plays an essential role in this transformation of farmland property rights. However, this model of development is not necessarily helpful for local financial conditions and it results in the disclacement of peasants and the loss of land resources. Based on the resulting `dilemmas of governance', it is argued that, in addition to the `economic paradigm', which focuses on consequences of fiscal reforms and devolution, scholars should pay more attention to factors such as the party/state's promotion/evaluation system and the stress between the evaluative indicators system maintained by the central/local sectoral command and the territorial jurisdictions. This could be helpful in gaining a fuller understanding of the dynamics and tensions of local developments in China. |
[67] | . , The Pearl River Delta is developing very rapidly in the last two decades since the adoption of economic reform and open-door policy of China in 1978. Concomitant to this development is the rapid change of landscape in both urban and rural areas. The loss of valuable agricultural land by the encroachment of urban development, especially massive construction sites from land speculation, is very severe recently. This paper examines the relationship between economic development and agricultural land loss in the Pearl River Delta, using Dongguan as a case study. It is found that agricultural land loss has been much aggravated by land speculation as a result of the property bloom in the Pearl River Delta that was induced by the property boom in Hong Kong in the early 1990s. The urban sprawl in the Pearl River Delta is also related to other economic factors, such as rural industrialization, rise of localism, influence from Hong Kong, transport improvement, and lack of land management and monitoring system. There is an urgent need to develop a sustainable land development strategy to protect the fertile agricultural land from further unnecessary losses, especially from land speculation. |
[68] | . , . , |
[69] | . , Abstract In the course of Chinese economic and social transition, urban and regional development is faced with more competition. Against this backdrop, regional governance is undergoing challenge and change. Whilst change in the relationship between central and local governments has been the subject of study, one major change that has been neglected, despite its great importance, occurs among the different levels of local government within the same region. This paper studies the relationships among different local governments from the perspective of administrative annexation. It describes the conflict that has occurred in the Yangtze River Delta because of the problem of administrative division as well as the large-scale annexations since 2000. Through analysis of the source of conflict between administrative divisions and the effects of administrative annexation, the paper aims to reveal the role of local governments in the economic transition, as well as changes in regional governance, which indicate that the intervention of local governments in the economy is being strengthened in new ways. It is believed that China's political and economic reform is taking a prudent path, and that the conflict between administrative divisions is in fact a reflection of the way the administrative system is incompatible with economic reform. However, administrative annexation has an impact on the traditional relationship between local governments, and thus further promotes the reform of regional governance. |
[21] | . , This paper examines the micro foundations of geographical concentration of Chinese manufacturing industries in China at very disaggregated levels using the most recent economic census data. The empirical results indicate that natural advantages, agglomeration economies and institutional changes together influence industrial location in China. Overall, industries bearing higher transportation costs and difficulty to ship are largely dispersed. Resource-based industries follow the pattern of natural advantages and show less agglomeration but metal mineral consuming industries are agglomerated. Trading establishments and foreign enterprises are heavily concentrated, confirming the importance of globalization effects. However, local protectionism has indeed discouraged industrial agglomeration, but provincial governments are more likely to succeed in exercising local protectionism policies and imitation strategy compared to the county governments. Agglomeration economies have done a better job in driving the geographical concentration of Chinese industries at the county level than at the province level. Proxies for knowledge spillovers are highly significant at the county level. The findings suggest that the spatial scale matters in understanding industrial clustering, and economic transition and its consequence are also critical in explaining the spatial pattern of Chinese industries. |
[70] | . , 连锁超市已成为中国大城市内部零售商业的主要业态。针对目前研究中对城市内部尺度连锁超市空间布局问题关注不足,本文以南京市苏果超市为例,从空间格局演化、集聚分布状况、不同类型超市的区位选择等方面进行分析。研究方法包括点模式分析、空间密度分析和空间自相关分析等。结果发现:南京市苏果超市的空间总体分布呈中心到外围递减的倒"U"型集聚特征;不同类型苏果超市的分布特征不同,华润卖场的空间分布相对分散,社区店、便利店的分布相对集聚;空间分布热点呈蔓延扩散与等级扩散混合模式。运用Binary Logistic二分逻辑回归对影响超市区位选择的因素进行计量分析,结果表明经济发展情况、消费者规模、交通通达性、居民购买力、城乡差别、公司战略等多种因素,通过综合作用机制,共同推动了南京市苏果超市的空间分布格局。 . , 连锁超市已成为中国大城市内部零售商业的主要业态。针对目前研究中对城市内部尺度连锁超市空间布局问题关注不足,本文以南京市苏果超市为例,从空间格局演化、集聚分布状况、不同类型超市的区位选择等方面进行分析。研究方法包括点模式分析、空间密度分析和空间自相关分析等。结果发现:南京市苏果超市的空间总体分布呈中心到外围递减的倒"U"型集聚特征;不同类型苏果超市的分布特征不同,华润卖场的空间分布相对分散,社区店、便利店的分布相对集聚;空间分布热点呈蔓延扩散与等级扩散混合模式。运用Binary Logistic二分逻辑回归对影响超市区位选择的因素进行计量分析,结果表明经济发展情况、消费者规模、交通通达性、居民购买力、城乡差别、公司战略等多种因素,通过综合作用机制,共同推动了南京市苏果超市的空间分布格局。 |
[71] | . , . , |
[72] | . , As an expression of the state-directed vision for local urban development, China master plans are required by the state to provide effective guidance for local spatial land use and socioeconomic development. Using an institutionalist analytical framework, this paper examines China master plan mechanism, investigates the discrepancy between master plans and the reality of urban development, and explores obstacles to the implementation of master plans and reasons for the reality of urban development. By employing a case study research strategy, focused upon Nanjing, the study concludes that the master plan has been an approach for local state to realize its interests in economic growth and city competitiveness; that for the best possible pro-growth coalitions, compromises and tradeoffs are reached between central government, local state and various agents in plan making and implementation; that local state now has to handle a diverse set of heterogeneous agents with plural interests at lower levels in the planning process; and that the practice of plan adjustment for alleviating the tension between planning and market forces, and for facilitating effective pro-growth partnerships between local state and other economic agents, argues for more inclusive approaches than what conventional master plans have taken. |
[73] | . , . , |
[74] | . , Abstract: In this article, we explore the issue of industrial agglomeration and its relationship to economic development and growth in the less-developed countries of East Asia. We present theoretical arguments and secondary empirical evidence as to why we should have strong expectations about finding a positive relationship between agglomeration and economic performance. We also review evidence from the literature on the roles of formal and informal institutions in East Asian regional economic systems. We then focus specifically on the case of China. We argue that regional development in China has much in common with regional development in other East Asian economies, although there are also important contrasts because of China's history of socialism and its recent trend toward economic liberalization. Through a variety of statistical investigations, we substantiate (in part) the expected positive relationship between agglomeration and economic performance in China. We show that many kinds of manufacturing sectors are characterized by a strong positive relationship between spatial agglomeration and productivity. This phenomenon is especially marked in sectors and regions where liberalization has proceeded rapidly. We consider the relevance of our comments about industrial clustering and economic performance for policy formulation in China and the less-developed countries of East Asia. |
[75] | . , 中国式分权制度对地方政府竞争行为具有重要的影响,地方政府关于财政资源和资本要素的争夺,促使其实施土地出让策略和土地引资策略,以获取与土地有关的收入。本文基于地方政府竞争视角,构建了地方政府土地财政策略选择的理论框架,分析认为不同的土地财政策略面临不同的激励机制,而且由于地方政府竞争策略的互动行为,可能会导致地方政府之间的土地财政策略呈现空间模仿效应或者替代效应。本文选取1999-2007年31个省级地区的面板数据,应用空间计量模型,分别考察了地方政府的土地出让策略和土地引资策略面临的主要激励及其空间效应,结果表明:地方政府面临的财政收支约束是其实施土地出让策略的主要激励,而地方政府之间的资本竞争是地方政府实施土地引资策略的主要激励。地方政府在实施土地出让策略中的模仿效应表现为土地出让面积竞争,土地引资策略的模仿效应表现为对大规模资本的追逐。同时,土地引资策略的替代效应主要表现为地方政府对低价出让土地频率的替代。 . , 中国式分权制度对地方政府竞争行为具有重要的影响,地方政府关于财政资源和资本要素的争夺,促使其实施土地出让策略和土地引资策略,以获取与土地有关的收入。本文基于地方政府竞争视角,构建了地方政府土地财政策略选择的理论框架,分析认为不同的土地财政策略面临不同的激励机制,而且由于地方政府竞争策略的互动行为,可能会导致地方政府之间的土地财政策略呈现空间模仿效应或者替代效应。本文选取1999-2007年31个省级地区的面板数据,应用空间计量模型,分别考察了地方政府的土地出让策略和土地引资策略面临的主要激励及其空间效应,结果表明:地方政府面临的财政收支约束是其实施土地出让策略的主要激励,而地方政府之间的资本竞争是地方政府实施土地引资策略的主要激励。地方政府在实施土地出让策略中的模仿效应表现为土地出让面积竞争,土地引资策略的模仿效应表现为对大规模资本的追逐。同时,土地引资策略的替代效应主要表现为地方政府对低价出让土地频率的替代。 |
[76] | . , Suburban residential development is one of the most prevailing urban phenomena in Chinese cities, where it occurs in a very different context from the West. However, research has seldom assessed suburban residential development in blocks, especially based on parcel-level land use data and site-specific land leasing data. This paper attempted to address this critical gap through analyzing residential land development of a case city, Hangzhou, in the era of land market reform since 2000. The major spatial determinants of development were identified through Logit models on the scales of timing, density, and intensity. The results indicated that Hangzhou has formed a fragmented and dispersed pattern in the suburbs, characterized by large-scale development and a relatively low floor area ratio. It was found that travel time to the central business district, distance to urban arteries, distance to schools and colleges, distance to the Qiantang River, percentage of industrial land and residential land, and surrounding land transactions impacted suburban residential development. These variables had different impacts on the timing, density, and intensity of suburban residential development. In particular, residential development was encouraged in suburbs despite the lack of adequate public facilities. The results call for policy and planning that can better manage suburban residential development in Hangzhou. |
[77] | . , Scholars have widely discussed the issue of how to govern rapidly growing metropolitan regions under the economic, social and political pressures of globalization. Many have argued for a metropolitan governance approach that involves less government regulation and more flexible arrangements between public and civic sectors. However, in countries like China, where a traditionally centralized state controls most resources and seeks to impose its vision for metropolitan development, a strong state-led approach is widely adopted. This article analyzes such a state-led model in China and identifies the economic and political factors that contribute to such development. It is suggested that metropolitan governance in China has formed a strong top-down, “dirigiste type” model to achieve state objectives. Findings are drawn from field observation, archival research and socio-economic data analysis in the Guangzhou–Foshan metropolitan region of the Pearl River Delta region in China. |
[78] | . , Studies on foreign direct investment locations in China have been conducted mainly at interregional and interprovincial scales, and little attention has been paid to the intraurban scale where location decisions of foreign firms can differ from domestic firms. This article explores the intraurban locations of information and communication technology (ICT) firms in Suzhou, a city experiencing rapid globalization. We have found that the distribution of ICT firms in Suzhou exhibits distinctive spatial patterns characterized by a geographically based, institutionally created spatial mismatch between foreign and domestic firms. Foreign firms are concentrated in national-level development zones—China–Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park in the east and Suzhou New and Hi-Tech District in the west—whereas domestic firms tend to agglomerate in the inner city and the provincial-level development zone in the north. Poisson and negative binomial analyses further reveal that the locations of foreign firms are strongly correlated to development zones, and the agglomeration economies derived from the stock of foreign investment rather than domestic firms. The case of Suzhou highlights the challenges that Chinese cities face in industrial upgrading and technological development through embedding transnational corporations. |
[79] | . , This paper investigates the regional inequality in one of the most developed provinces in China, Guangdong, from 1979 to 2009 and follows the multi-scale and multi-mechanism framework. We have found a new round of intensifying inequality in Guangdong since the early 2000s, which is attributed to the widening gap between the core region of the Pearl River Delta (PRD) and the rest of the province (periphery) and between the urban and rural areas. The authors also apply a distribution dynamics approach and spatial Markov chains to identify the spatial-temporal dynamics of regional disparities in Guangdong. The results show that there has been a progressive bias toward a poverty trap in the province and the effect of self-reinforcing agglomeration is evident. Using a multi-level model, the study further unfolds that the regional inequality in Guangdong is sensitive to the core-periphery hierarchy of multi-mechanisms and reveals the relative influence of decentralization, marketization and globalization. We argue that the policies toward inequality-reducing in Guangdong have been constrained by the geographical barriers and the effect of self-reinforcing agglomeration in the PRD, while marketization has potential to mediate the uneven development driven by the spatial concentration of foreign investment. |