Influential factors and spatial effects of individuals' shopping behavior in Nanjing: A comparative study on four types of goods

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1 引言
随着ICT技术和互联网技术的飞速发展,网络购物快速崛起。根据《2015年度电子商务市场数据监测报告》,2015年中国网络零售市场交易规模达到3.83万亿元,同比增长35.7%;占社会消费品零售总额的12.7%,同比增长2.1%。网络购物的发展带来了居民购物行为的改变,在一些特定的商品交换领域改变较明显[1]。同时,网络购物对实体购物的冲击和影响,带来一系列城市商业空间、交通出行等方面的变化[2-4]。因此,居民购物行为特征、影响因素、网购与实体购物的关系及其对交通出行和土地利用等方面的影响,成为城市规划、交通规划者和城市、交通领域的****关注的主要议题。国外****对居民购物行为的研究相对较早和成熟。实体购物行为研究主要集中在影响因素[5,6]和决策机制[7]等方面。影响因素的探讨涵盖客观购物环境(商业中心的面积、距离等)[8]、消费者属性[7]、主观态度(冲动购买、时间压力等)[9]等方面。网络购物行为影响因素方面,早期主要从移动交易平台建设[10]、互联网设备使用[11]、网络购物的优劣势以及性别、收入、年龄、网络使用经验[12]等角度进行探讨。随着行为视角的增强,****们开始关注消费者主观态度的影响[13]。同时,空间因素作为城市和地理领域关注的重点,其影响作用逐渐成为研究热点。Anderson等[14]基于新技术起源和扩散规律,互联网技术对时间和空间障碍的消减等前提条件,提出了两种假设:创新扩散假设和效率假设。基于两种假设,已有成果通过网购消费者居住地城市化水平、购物可达性等变量对这两种假设进行了实证研究,两种假设均得到验证[13,15-18]。国内对居民购物行为影响因素探讨主要集中在经济、市场营销等领域,地理视角的研究相对较少,仅有少量研究对主观决策与客观物质空间[19]、消费者居住地类型、交通方式、网络使用情况[3, 20]等因素进行了探讨。
规划、交通和地理领域对购物行为的研究最终均会落到时空间特征或者对规划、土地利用和交通出行的影响层面。国外研究主要通过探讨实体购物与网络购物的关系,进而提出对规划和交通的启示。已有研究成果将实体购买与网购的关系概括为四种:替代、补充、修正和中立[21-24]。其中,替代作用是规划和交通研究中关注的焦点。网络购物替代传统购物,即网络购物具有减少实体购物出行的潜力,对缓解交通拥堵等问题有显著意义,同时也带来实体商业空间布局的变化。但由于研究单位(家庭或个人)和商品种类不同,研究结果存在一定差异[25-27]。国内研究主要包括对时空间特征[19]以及空间等级结构[28, 29]的描述,或者通过问卷设计得出对交通出行的影响[3]。
综合来看,国内外均未探讨家庭生命周期(family life cycle)对居民购物行为的影响。但是,这是影响居民购物行为的重要因素[30],居民购物频率以及购买商品的类型与居民所处的家庭生命周期息息相关。家庭生命周期是反映一个家庭从形成到解体的过程。美国****Glick[31]最早从人口学角度进行了比较完整的家庭生命周期阶段的划分,之后家庭生命周期在人口学、社会学、消费者行为学等领域被广泛应用,但是较少被用于地理学领域。其次,国内从家庭生命周期、客观建成环境、主观购物态度、机动车拥有情况以及社会经济人口等方面进行全面研究的成果相对不足,且缺少多种产品类型的对比研究。第三,居民购物行为的空间特征、空间效应、以及对土地利用和交通出行的影响方面,研究成果仍然较少。第四,本文采用的联合有序probit模型(joint ordered probit model),相较于单个模型,考虑了多个因变量同时被未观察到因素影响的情形,估计结果更准确[32]。因此,本文采用联合有序probit模型,全面探讨包括家庭生命周期、客观建成环境、主观购物态度等在内的南京居民购物行为影响因素和空间效应,并进行四种类型产品对比,以期从地理视角进一步完善居民购物行为方面的研究。
2 研究方法与数据来源
2.1 数据来源
-->Fig. 1Map of samples in Nanjing
Tab. 1
Tab. 1Descriptive statistics of samples in Nanjing
样本属性 | 样本量 | 均值或比例 | |
年龄 | 年龄 | 923 | 31.48(均值) |
性别 | 男 | 404 | 42.1% |
女 | 555 | 57.9% | |
学历 | 小学及以下 | 5 | 0.5% |
初中 | 43 | 4.5% | |
高中/中专 | 104 | 10.8% | |
大专 | 226 | 23.5% | |
本科 | 448 | 46.6% | |
研究生及以上 | 135 | 14.1% | |
家庭平均月收入(元) | <1000 | 4 | 0.4% |
1000~1999 | 27 | 2.8% | |
2000~2999 | 75 | 7.9% | |
3000~4999 | 204 | 21.5% | |
5000~6999 | 206 | 21.8% | |
7000~9999 | 168 | 17.7% | |
10000~14999 | 135 | 14.2% | |
15000~19999 | 68 | 7.2% | |
>200000 | 62 | 6.5% | |
居住地 | 市区 | 534 | 55.5% |
郊区 | 429 | 44.5% |
Tab. 2
Tab. 2Frequency of online and store shopping
购物频率 | 衣服 | 书籍 | 日用百货 | 电子产品 | ||||
网络 | 实体 | 网络 | 实体 | 网络 | 实体 | 网络 | 实体 | |
很少 | 25.92% | 29.04% | 55.39% | 70.66% | 30.58% | 16.21% | 79.68% | 83.12% |
二个月一次 | 19.94% | 25.37% | 21.56% | 14.30% | 13.97% | 12.92% | 12.06% | 11.01% |
一个月一次 | 19.41% | 24.00% | 13.42% | 8.73% | 26.03% | 21.29% | 8.26% | 5.87% |
一个月两次 | 14.06% | 12.37% | 9.62% | 6.31% | 13.97% | 21.29% | ||
一个月三次及以上 | 20.67% | 9.23% | 15.45% | 28.29% | ||||
样本量 | 953 | 954 | 946 | 951 | 945 | 944 | 945 | 954 |
2.2 研究方法
2.2.1 联合有序probit模型 本文采用联合有序probit模型对南京市居民购物频率进行探讨。Roodman[32]提出用Stata 12.0软件中的“cmp”模块联合多个有序probit模型,用以修正多个因变量同时被未测度到的因素影响的情形。单个有序probit模型不能对这些共同的影响因素进行有效估计,因此需要进行模型联合。Zhen等构建了一个包含4个变量的有序probit模型(quadruple-variate ordered probit model),用于探讨衣服、书籍、日用百货和电子产品四种商品网购与实体购物之间的关系,从实证层面证明了此方法的科学性[30]。本文借鉴Zhen等的研究[30,32],采用Stata 14.0软件中的“cmp”模块,针对衣服、书籍、日用百货和电子产品的网络购买频率和实体店购买频率,分别构建二变量有序probit模型。模型检测结果显示,4个模型的网络购买频率和实体店购买频率的残差项显著相关。即网络购买频率和实体店购买频率以及各类商品购买频率之间存在未测度到的共同影响因素,联合模型估计结果优于单个模型。模型计算公式为:
2.2.2 统计分析和空间分析 结合解居民购物行为的影响因素,本文将采用统计分析的方法,分析网络购物和实体购物的不同关系以及各种关系对应的不同特征人群和商品种类。同时,通过空间分析的方法将不同生命周期的人口比率定位到各行政区划,讨论居民网络购物对实体购物影响的空间差异。

-->Fig. 2Model overview
3 居民购物行为的影响因素
家庭生命周期对购物行为具有重要影响[30],因而本文引入家庭生命周期进行探讨。根据已有文献[33-36]和样本实际情况,综合受访者婚姻、子女年龄和受教育阶段等指标,本文将家庭生命周期划分为6个阶段(表3)。居住地类型和购物出行时耗代表空间因素对购物行为影响的两类主要变量:地理区位和购物可达性[15]。随着ICT的不断发展和深入渗透,居民在通勤途中通过智能手机、ipad等移动设备进行ICT活动已成为常态,其中购物是主体活动之一。购物态度是影响居民购物行为最直接的因素之一,对居民购物行为影响较大[37]。网络使用经验会直接影响居民的网络购物行为,进而影响实体购物行为。因此,本文选取家庭生命周期、居住地类型(城区/郊区)、购物出行时耗、通勤类型(工作和居住在同一行政区/工作和居住在不同行政区)、购物态度(采用Zhen等[30]因子分析结果)、网络使用经验、社会人口等因素进行探讨。Tab. 3
Tab. 3Criteria for the classification of family life cycle
家庭生命周期 | 定义 | 比例(%) |
单身 | 成年之后到结婚 | 29.78 |
新婚 | 从结婚到孩子出生 | 26.41 |
满巢I | 孩子学龄前阶段(0~5岁) | 17.07 |
满巢II | 孩子小学阶段(6~11岁) | 13.04 |
满巢III | 孩子中学阶段(包括初中和高中)(12~17岁) | 5.98 |
空巢 | 孩子上大学或者参加工作(18岁及以上) | 7.72 |
Tab. 4
Tab. 4Regression result of joint ordered probit model (1)
衣服 | 书籍 | |||
网络 | 实体 | 网络 | 实体 | |
性别(以男性为参照) | 0.507***(5.87) | 0.39***(4.82) | 0.162**(-2.01) | |
收入 | 0.05**(2.06) | 0.057**(2.39) | 0.055**(2.25) | |
教育水平 | -0.076*(-1.84) | 0.246***(5.58) | ||
家庭生命周期(以单身为参照) | ||||
新婚 | 0.12(1.09) | -0.172*(-1.67) | -0.202*(-1.77) | -0.395***(-3.18) |
满巢I | 0.219*(1.74) | -0.213*(-1.81) | 0.042(0.34) | -0.251*(-1.86) |
满巢Ⅱ | 0.038(0.28) | -0.225*(-1.78) | 0.400***(3.03) | 0.063(0.45) |
满巢Ⅲ | -0.119(-0.67) | -0.025(-0.15) | 0.193(1.03) | 0.144(0.77) |
空巢 | -0.404*(-2.34) | 0.088(0.58) | 0.299*(1.76) | 0.286*(1.72) |
居住地类型(以城区为参照) | 0.201**(2.44) | |||
通勤类型(以工作和居住在同一行政区为参照) | 0.166**(2.02) | |||
购物出行时耗 | -0.108***(-3.88) | -0.053**(-2.03) | -0.059**(-2.27) | |
上网时长 | 0.098**(2.44) | |||
求新心理 | 0.081*(1.95) | 0.086**(2.19) | 0.078**(1.96) | |
成本节约意识 | -0.072*(-1.92) | |||
冲动消费心理 | 0.123***(2.88) | 0.077*(1.95) | -0.075*(-1.86) | |
时间节约意识 | 0.089**(2.13) | 0.157***(3.98) | ||
机动车数量 | 0.117***(2.65) | 0.105**(2.59) | 0.102**(2.33) | 0.127***(2.79) |
驾照 | 0.186**(2.07) | 0.265***(3.14) | ||
0.242***(5.42) | 0.511***(9.34) | |||
似然比(LR)检验 | LR chi2(31)=208.24*** | LR chi2(18) =113.58*** | ||
对数似然值 | -2217.742 | -1549.9871 | ||
样本量 | 801 | 814 |
Tab. 5
Tab. 5Regression result of joint ordered probit model (2)
日用百货 | 电子类产品 | |||
网络 | 实体 | 网络 | 实体 | |
性别(以男性为参照) | 0.198**(2.52) | 0.273***(3.6) | -0.353***(-3.51) | -0.280***(-2.7) |
收入 | 0.042*(1.78) | 0.068***(3.17) | ||
教育水平 | 0.120***(2.76) | |||
家庭生命周期 (以单身为参照) | ||||
新婚 | 0.116(1.13) | 0.222**(2.31) | 0.036(0.28) | 0.210*(1.65) |
满巢I | 0.350***(2.94) | 0.260**(2.34) | 0.118(0.8) | -0.278*(-1.68) |
满巢Ⅱ | 0.129(1.01) | 0.250**(2.08) | -0.027(-0.16) | -0.044(-0.26) |
满巢Ⅲ | -0.163(-0.94) | 0.088(0.56) | -0.109(-0.48) | -0.088(-0.39) |
空巢 | -0.223(-1.34) | 0.037(0.26) | -0.06(-0.28) | 0.164(0.83) |
居住地类型(以城区为参照) | 0.212***(2.75) | |||
通勤类型(以工作和居住在同一行政区为参照) | 0.149*(1.92) | 0.259***(2.83) | ||
购物出行时耗 | -0.163***(-6.1) | |||
求新心理 | 0.215***(5.29) | 0.129***(3.51) | 0.15***(3.09) | 0.203***(4.09) |
购物享受心理 | 0.083**(2.21) | -0.115**(-2.38) | ||
成本节约意识 | -0.129***(-2.98) | |||
冲动消费心理 | 0.092**(2.32) | |||
时间节约意识 | 0.109**(2.26) | |||
驾照 | 0.229**(2.1) | 0.252**(2.33) | ||
0.256***(5.86) | 0.718***(9.55) | |||
似然比(LR)检验 | LR chi2(22)=185.74*** | LR chi2(20)=95.47*** | ||
对数似然值 | -2511.8594 | -923.34061 | ||
样本量 | 905 | 913 |
3.1 家庭生命周期因素
模型结果显示,家庭生命周期对衣服、书籍、日用百货类商品的网络购买频率和实体店购买频率均有显著影响,对电子类产品实体店购买频率有影响。已有研究显示,不同的家庭生命周期阶段,家庭消费具有倾向性,同时在消费总量上存在差异[38]。在本研究中,与单身阶段相比,新婚阶段的受访者将减少衣服、书籍的购买频率,增加日用百货和电子类产品的购买频率。通常组建新的家庭会添置一些电器类家具以及日常用品。在孩子0~5岁阶段,会增加网络购买衣服的频率,减少实体店购买衣服、书籍、电子类产品的频率,同时增加日用百货的网络和实体店购买频率。此阶段照顾孩子需要花费大量时间,将会挤占去实体店购物的时间,对衣物等必需品通过网络购买替代实体购买。同时此阶段对日用百货需求量大,而超市一般布置在居住区附近,因此日用品的网络购买频率和实体店购买频率均增加。在孩子6~11岁阶段,仍然要花时间照顾孩子,同时工作较忙,因此实体店购买衣服频率减少,对日用百货需求量仍然较大,因此日用百货购买频率增加。此外,此阶段需要给孩子购买教辅书籍和课外读物,因此书籍网络购买频率增加。在孩子12~17岁阶段,家庭发展成熟,购买频率趋于稳定,倾向性较弱。空巢阶段受访者一般年龄较大,对网络购买熟悉度较低,因而网络购买衣服频率减少,同时需求量下降,实体店购买频率并未显著增加。此外,书籍购买频率增加,老年人空闲时间较多,可能会通过阅读一些老年读物打发时间。3.2 空间因素
空间因素方面,居住地类型、购物出行时耗和通勤类型,均显示出对购物频率有影响。Anderson等[14]提出两种空间假设:一方面他认为城区居民更可能进行网购或者网购频率更高,因为网络作为一种新技术发源于城市,由城市中心区向郊区扩散,即创新扩散假设。另一方面,他提出网络可以消减时间和空间的阻隔,因而购物可达性较差地区的居民更倾向于进行网购,即效率假设。本文研究结果支持效率假设,研究结果显示,与居住在城区的受访者相比,居住在郊区的受访者网络购买衣服和日用百货的频率较大,这与已有研究结果支持创新扩散假设不同[13,15]。随着城镇化速度加快,郊区的网络基础设施得到完善,居民的受教育水平不断提高,以及移动网络购物的快速发展,创新扩散假设的前提已经发生变化,因而网购优势更多的表现为可以随时随地进行购物。购物出行时耗代表购物可达性,已有研究显示,居民实体店购物频率随购物可达性降低而减少[13,17]。本文研究结果显示,随着购物出行时间增加,受访者网络和实体店购买衣服频率均减少,书籍和日用百货仅实体店购买频率减少。衣服属于体验型商品,需要进行试穿才能确定合适性,不同于书籍等搜索型商品,可以通过网络等渠道获得确切信息。因此,衣服购物可达性降低,居民网络购买和实体店购买频率均下降。此外,通勤距离增加,居民网络购买衣服、书籍和日用百货频率增加。长距离通勤会挤占居民实体店购物时间,因此,与短距离通勤居民相比,通勤距离较长的居民倾向于用便利网购替代实体店购物。同时,通勤途中也可以进行网络购物。3.3 居民购物态度因素
居民的购物态度直接影响其购物频率。本文购物态度通过因子分析得出求新心理、购物享受心理、成本节约意识、冲动消费心理、时间节约意识五个因子。研究结果显示,具有求新心理的居民四种商品的购买频率均增加。追求潮流、新奇的居民,会乐于购买新出现的商品,购买渠道包括网络和实体。享受购物的消费者趋向于去实体店购买日用百货和电子类产品。成本意识较强的居民倾向于减少实体店购买衣服和电子类产品的频率。因为无门店租金或者批发商直销等原因,网上价格通常低于实体店价格,对于单价较高的衣服和电子类产品具有更明显的价格差。喜欢冲动消费的居民,衣服和日用百货购买频率增加。对于衣服和日用百货类可囤积的商品,冲动消费者较容易受打折信息影响产生购买。时间节约意识较强的消费者对衣服和电子产品等需要体验的商品类型,实体店购买频率增加。去实体店进行体验之后进行购买更可能买到合意的商品,减少退货/换货花费的时间。3.4 社会经济属性因素
3.5 四种商品影响因素对比
四种商品对比来看,影响四种商品购物频率因素存在差异。家庭生命周期在不同的阶段对产品类型存在不同的需求和偏好,新婚对电子产品和日用百货需求较大,满巢Ⅰ对日用百货需求量大,满巢Ⅱ对书籍和日用百货有需求,空巢阶段对书籍类商品需求较大。空间因素方面,除电子类产品外,均受空间因素影响,其中衣服和日用百货购买频率受购物便利性等空间因素影响较大,书籍受影响最小。这与四种商品的购买频率有关。按照数据统计结果,四种商品的购买频率均值由大到小依次为:日用百货、衣服,书籍、电子类产品。购物态度对书籍购物频率影响较小,对衣服、日用百货和电子类产品购买频率影响较大。机动车保有量对需要进行体验和长距离出行的商品类型影响较大,对日用百货购买影响较小,日用百货店铺通常步行可达。4 居民购物行为的空间效应
4.1 居民网络购物的替代效应、补充效应及其空间差异
网络购物通过影响实体购物活动进而影响居民交通出行[3]及实体商业布局。居民的自身属性、主观态度、购买的商品类型、购物设施客观环境不同,居民交通出行以及对实体空间的影响均存在差异。从网络和实体购物行为影响因素对比看,一些特定类型的人群或进行特定商品类型购买时具有网络购买替代实体购买、网络购买激发实体购买或网络购买和实体购买均减少的特征(表6)。但是从整体来看,Zhen等[30]基于相同数据的研究结果显示,四种类型的商品均显示出网络购买对实体购买具有补充效应,即网络购买会激发实体购买活动。Tab. 6
Tab. 6Summary of the relation between online and store shopping and their impact on travel
关系 | 特征描述 | 对出行的影响 | |
人群特征 | 商品类型 | ||
网络购物增加,实体购物减少(替代) | 满巢Ⅰ | 衣服 | 减少出行 |
网络购物和实体购物均增加(补充) | 女性、高收入者、具有求新心理、冲动消费心理、时间节约意识、机动车保有数量多、拥有驾照 | 衣服 | 增加出行 |
空巢、拥有驾照 | 书籍 | ||
女性、高收入者、满巢I、具有求新心理 | 日用百货 | ||
男性、具有求新心理、拥有驾照 | 电子类产品 | ||
网络购物和实体购物均减少 | 新婚 | 书籍 | 减少出行 |
购物出行时耗增加 | 衣服 |

-->Fig.3Spatial distribution of family life cycle among administrative districts
4.2 居民购物空间偏好特征
本次问卷调查了居民距其购买频率最高的衣服店、书店、日用百货店和电子类产品店的距离。此问题的调研结果不仅呈现了购物配套设施便利性的客观情况,同时也反映了居民对购物设施的主观选择。居民购物的空间选择倾向由居民主观偏好和客观环境共同决定。因而,居民在某一空间距离上呈现的选择倾向,事实上是因为居民主观偏好的店铺或品牌“恰好”位于该距离上。因此,本文对居民购物出行时耗作进一步分析,探究居民在客观购物环境制约下的主观空间选择,以期对城市商业空间规划提出相关建议。从图4来看,不同类型的商品空间选择倾向存在差异。居民在选购衣服、书籍、电子类产品时,出行时耗分布大致相同,50%左右的人集中在11~30 min出行时间范围内。表明,居民在进行非日用品购买时,均显示出去最近的城市商业中心或者副中心的偏好,对社区周边配套的衣服、电子产品等专卖店选择的频率较低。按照《南京市城市总体规划(2011-2020)》中对城市商业设施的布局显示:社区周边配套有相关专卖店配套;其次,居民到最近商业中心或者副中心的距离基本均在11~30 min公共交通可达范围内。与非日用品购买行为相反,居民购买日用百货倾向选择社区周边的超市和百货店,较少选择去大型综合超市。调研数据显示,49.95%的人选择了10 min内可达的店铺。究其原因,人们对日用品的需求量大,产品本身价值较低,居民对产品的要求也较低,因而空间倾向选择以便利性为主。相反,对衣服和电子类产品的质量、适合性等要求较高,因而倾向于选择品牌集中、商品种类集中、质量和售后保障均较好的商业中心进行购买活动,放弃社区周边便利的零散店铺。

-->Fig.4Travel time spend on shopping, by type of goods
4.3 居民购物行为的空间效应对城市交通规划、商业布局的启示
4.3.1 网络购物的替代和补充效应及其空间差异影响城市交通和商业布局 基于特征人群的空间分析可以用于预测区域内购物出行带来的交通压力以及实体商业需求。在实际应用中,可以利用城市大数据库将该分析深入到小区层级。居民普遍使用的社交媒体(如微博、微信等)是搜集个人情况、位置和购物态度的理想渠道。通过大数据分析,可以得出上述特征人群在城市空间上的具体分布情况,进而进一步研究居民购物行为对交通出行和城市商业空间的影响在空间上的特点和规律。从而针对不同区域内居民的需求进行城市交通空间和商业空间布局的合理调整和优化。此外,网购主要呈现出对实体购物的促进作用显示:网购对南京市居民整体交通出行压力的缓解作用较小,同时网购并不会对实体零售业带来较大冲击,打破了网购导致购物中心空置率上升[39],导致实体商业空间萎缩,甚至实体店消亡的担忧[40]。
4.3.2 居民购物空间偏好将影响城市商业空间规划的效果 一方面,当居民偏好店铺的空间分布发生变化,居民出行的空间选择倾向会相应发生变化。例如,当城市决策者计划增加大型商业中心的密度,居民距离他们偏好购买衣服的店铺更近,则居民购物空间偏好曲线将平移,如图5所示,原有空间偏好向更近距离移动。在第3部分的讨论中,了解到居民实体店购衣频率随着出行距离的增大而有减少的倾向(图5)。因此,当增加商业中心的密度,总体上会减少居民购物出行的距离,但同时可能增大他们购物出行的频率。

-->Fig. 5Change of shopping spatial preference (taking clothing as an example)
从表4和表5的结果看,出行距离对于居民前往实体店购买衣服、书籍、日用品的频率具有显著影响,而日用品系数的绝对值(0.163)明显大于衣服(0.053)和书籍(0.059)。这表明,日用品商业空间布局的改变对居民出行频率的影响大于衣服和书籍,在规划该类商业空间布局时需要更加谨慎考量。另外,当控制其他影响因素不变时,利用本模型中出行距离变量的变化,可以对城市商业空间布局进行敏感性分析(sensitivity analysis),进而讨论居民购物出行频次、距离、商业空间利用局部热点等方面的变化趋势。本文并未进行定量的敏感性分析,相关内容将在以后的研究中进一步探讨。
5 结论与讨论
5.1 结论
5.2 讨论
在互联网经济时代,居民购物行为发生了较大变化。而国内地理学领域关于居民购物行为,特别是网络购物的研究尚处于起步阶段,研究成果较少。本文从一定程度上弥补了已有研究仅针对某类商品或者单种购物模式(网络购物或者实体购物)进行研究,以及地理领域对居民购物行为及其空间影响关注较少[2,42]等不足。但是本文对信息时代的城市空间变化趋势、行为空间引导和城市零售业未来的发展方向等方面探讨尚不够深入,选取的建成环境因素也相对简单,在未来研究中需要进一步加强。The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
参考文献 原文顺序
[1] | . |
[2] | . 随着互联网的快速发展和普及,网上购物因其巨大的经济潜力已经成为ICT 应用的核心领域之一。网上购物指的是通过互联网搜索或购买商品和服务的活动,网上购物作为一种新的购物渠道和媒介,与城市传统零售业在竞争的同时又相互补充,重新塑造人们的购物行为和零售业运行模式,进而改变着城市传统零售业布局和土地利用格局。本文重点梳理国内外近20 年来地理学界关于网上购物、出行和城市零售空间的研究内容。网上购物和出行的关系包括替代、补充、修正、中立4 个方面。网上购物对城市零售空间的影响包括:①扩大化和碎片化活动空间;②不同等级零售空间受网购影响差异显著,向虚实融合的零售空间转化;③线上线下零售活动向与其他空间渗透和融合,促进传统零售空间转型。研究结论可为消费者出行优化和城市传统零售业发展转型提供借鉴。 随着互联网的快速发展和普及,网上购物因其巨大的经济潜力已经成为ICT 应用的核心领域之一。网上购物指的是通过互联网搜索或购买商品和服务的活动,网上购物作为一种新的购物渠道和媒介,与城市传统零售业在竞争的同时又相互补充,重新塑造人们的购物行为和零售业运行模式,进而改变着城市传统零售业布局和土地利用格局。本文重点梳理国内外近20 年来地理学界关于网上购物、出行和城市零售空间的研究内容。网上购物和出行的关系包括替代、补充、修正、中立4 个方面。网上购物对城市零售空间的影响包括:①扩大化和碎片化活动空间;②不同等级零售空间受网购影响差异显著,向虚实融合的零售空间转化;③线上线下零售活动向与其他空间渗透和融合,促进传统零售空间转型。研究结论可为消费者出行优化和城市传统零售业发展转型提供借鉴。 |
[3] | . 在互联网络和信息技术的影响下,网上购物、团购等基于电子商务平台的网络消费方式得到极大发展,网络消费逐渐成为城市居民消费选择的重要方式,网络消费市场得到了较快的发展。同时,由于居民社会阶层的差别及相应居住空间的分异,导致网络消费呈现出不同的空间特征,并且对实体空间产生不同程度的影响。通过对南京居民网络消费情况的问卷调查,分析个人社会经济属性、住房状况、交通方式以及移动网络使用等体现居民社会阶层状况的要素对居民网络消费选择的影响,进而分析居民网络消费的空间分布特征,研究城市不同空间的网络消费构成和网络消费商品类型特征,在此基础上分析不同空间网络消费对交通出行和实体商业空间结构的影响程度。 在互联网络和信息技术的影响下,网上购物、团购等基于电子商务平台的网络消费方式得到极大发展,网络消费逐渐成为城市居民消费选择的重要方式,网络消费市场得到了较快的发展。同时,由于居民社会阶层的差别及相应居住空间的分异,导致网络消费呈现出不同的空间特征,并且对实体空间产生不同程度的影响。通过对南京居民网络消费情况的问卷调查,分析个人社会经济属性、住房状况、交通方式以及移动网络使用等体现居民社会阶层状况的要素对居民网络消费选择的影响,进而分析居民网络消费的空间分布特征,研究城市不同空间的网络消费构成和网络消费商品类型特征,在此基础上分析不同空间网络消费对交通出行和实体商业空间结构的影响程度。 |
[4] | . 以信息技术进步为核心的信息革命已经成为推动国家、区域与城市社会经济发展及其快速转型的重要动力,并持久、深刻地冲击和改变着工业革命以来人类对社会经济及其空间结构形成的固有认识。当前,移动通信技术的进步及其应用,与高速铁路的加快建设、城市区域化的加速和智慧城市的建设一起,正将世界带入一个全新的移动信息时代。由于时间和空间概念的重新定义,全新时空观的出现,使得以空间问题为核心内容的城市地理学面临着根本性的变革。在移动信息技术的支撑下,城市地理学的研究范式、方法和内容都开始发生巨大的变化,传统的理论框架已逐渐不能满足当前研究的需要。本文重点分析了移动信息技术影响下的地理空间与网络信息空间的变化,提出了基于移动信息技术的移动社会理论框架。进而对移动信息时代城市地理学的研究方法、研究重点进行了探讨,希望运用城市地理学的研究更好地服务于移动信息时代的城市与区域的发展、规划与管治。 以信息技术进步为核心的信息革命已经成为推动国家、区域与城市社会经济发展及其快速转型的重要动力,并持久、深刻地冲击和改变着工业革命以来人类对社会经济及其空间结构形成的固有认识。当前,移动通信技术的进步及其应用,与高速铁路的加快建设、城市区域化的加速和智慧城市的建设一起,正将世界带入一个全新的移动信息时代。由于时间和空间概念的重新定义,全新时空观的出现,使得以空间问题为核心内容的城市地理学面临着根本性的变革。在移动信息技术的支撑下,城市地理学的研究范式、方法和内容都开始发生巨大的变化,传统的理论框架已逐渐不能满足当前研究的需要。本文重点分析了移动信息技术影响下的地理空间与网络信息空间的变化,提出了基于移动信息技术的移动社会理论框架。进而对移动信息时代城市地理学的研究方法、研究重点进行了探讨,希望运用城市地理学的研究更好地服务于移动信息时代的城市与区域的发展、规划与管治。 |
[5] | This article presents a perceived shopping utility framework for analyzing the impact of retail price format on store choice. This, in turn, determines three key performance metrics: number of shoppers; number of trips; and average spending per trip. When choosing a store, consumers evaluate both the fixed and variable utilities of shopping. The fixed utility does not vary from trip to trip whereas the variable utility depends on the size and composition of the shopping list. This article summarizes prior findings on store choice, analyzes how retailers can improve their performance, and interprets the practices of leading retailers. It presents a framework that can accommodate situations where retailers face multiple segments of buyers who have different sensitivities to fixed and variable utilities. |
[6] | This review focuses on the research conducted over the years on the effects of facility-based environmental cues, or “atmospherics”, on buyer behavior. We review the pertinent literature by constructing a comprehensive table of the empirical studies in this area that focuses on the various findings associated with these investigations. This summary table indicates that atmospheric variables influence a wide variety of consumer evaluations and behaviors. In addition to discussing the findings and contributions of this literature stream, the article concludes by identifying gaps in the literature and suggesting potential future topics for atmospheric related research. |
[7] | <h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">Extreme cherry pickers are customers who seek price deals and excessively avail themselves of deep discount offers, which generates negative profits for retailers. This study uses market transaction and primary consumer survey data to provide insights into the determinants, prevalence, and profit impacts of such behavior in the frequently purchased goods market. We find that the extreme cherry picking segment is small (about 2% of all shoppers), but its relative value varies across stores, and consumers manifest this behavior only in secondary stores. An inverse U-shaped relationship marks consumers’ opportunity costs for cross-store price search and likelihood of extreme cherry picking behavior. Finally, we also find that a loss leader promotional strategy adds to retailers’ bottom lines, despite the pure loss generated by extreme cherry pickers.</p> |
[8] | Out-of-town shopping centres are seen as a threat both to city centre retailing and to small local shops. The gradual development of an edge-of-town retail park made it possible to carry out a longitudinal study of changes in consumers' shopping behaviour in a situation characterized by a considerable growth in the supply side. The study attempts to analyse the usage of different shopping areas and the changes in choice frequencies of different types of store location (city-centre shopping mall, edge-of-town retail park and local stores). The results show that the consumers changed their shopping habits less than expected. |
[9] | <h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">Two studies investigate the relationship between promotion and prevention focus, mood regulation, and retail marketplace evaluations and behaviors. Study 1, a laboratory experiment, finds that individuals high in promotion focus regulate their moods more than individuals low in promotion focus. Study 2, a field study, investigates the relationships between retail outcomes, regulatory focus, and the three core mood regulation constructs of mood monitoring, mood clarity, and mood repair. Results suggest that mood regulation is closely related to promotion and prevention focus, having both a direct influence on retail outcomes as well as mediating the influence of regulatory focus. Implications for theory and practice, limitations, and directions for future research are discussed.</p> |
[10] | Travel, like many other aspects of daily life, is being transformed by the information technology revolution. Accessibility can no longer be measured only in terms of travel time, distance or generalized travel cost. Information technology gives people virtual accessibility to a rapidly growing range of activities. E-commerce has become a catalyst for structural changes in the freight transportation industry and is changing where freight moves, the size of typical shipments and the time within which goods must be delivered. In this paper we explore some of the potential effects of information technology on transportation, both personal and freight. |
[11] | E-retail, like many other information technology-based activities (telecommuting, telemedicine etc.) offers a potential substitution of travel by telecommunications. Traditional shopping activities typically consist of a visit to a store in which product information is sought, and a decision on purchase is made. Pending that decision, the product is obtained and most often self-delivered by the consumer. Certain types of products are store-delivered to the consumer premises. In the face of E-retail, consumers can acquire information, make a purchase transaction and choose a delivery arrangement from a remote location. These options may result in a reduction of transport activity, as a delivery by the supplier is potentially more efficient than the traditional process. The current study presents a conceptual model of the decisions households make with regard to information gathering, purchase transactions and delivery mode. Data on revealed behavior and various socio-demographic and economic characteristics of shoppers was collected in the Tel-Aviv Metropolitan area in the summer of 2004. |
[12] | ABSTRACTIn less than 15 years, the mobile phone has become an essential part of our daily... |
[13] | |
[14] | This paper explores possible ways in which growth in Internet retailing (e-retailing) may affect the spatial distribution of economic activities. After a brief overview of e-retailing, a categorization of possible spatial impacts is introduced. These include impacts on the retail industry, such as substitution of e-retail for brick-and-mortar retail, impacts on transportation, such as substitution of freight transportation for personal transportation in goods delivery, and pervasive impacts that affect the whole economy. The latter category includes uniform delivered pricing, spatial leveling of accessibility, and marketing strategies that target individuals rather than regions. The question of whether e-retailing and brick-and-mortar retailing are truly substitutes is taken up in the next section, along with potential implications of multi-channel retailing. The final section of the paper defines some critical research directions. |
[15] | The proliferation of Internet shopping has imposed enormous pressure on traditional stores. Few studies have examined the geographic distribution of online buyers and its implications on retail development and transportation. Using 585 Internet users in the Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Minnesota, metropolitan area, this study develops structural equation models to test two competing hypotheses regarding the connections between spatial attributes and e-shopping: diffusion of innovation and efficiency. The results demonstrate that the influence of shopping accessibility on e-shopping is not uniform and depends on the locations in metropolitan areas. Specifically, Internet users living in urban areas, areas with greater shopping accessibility, or both tend to purchase online more often than their counterparts in other areas because the former are better educated and use the Internet more than the latter. However, low shopping accessibility in exurban areas does promote the use of e-shopping as compared with exurban areas with relatively high shopping accessibility. |
[16] | Information and communications technologies (ICTs) are affecting an ever-increasing array of household activities. Although considerable research has documented patterns of ICT use and sociodemographic profiles of ICT users, surprisingly little research has examined the role of spatial attributes such as accessibility, ICT availability, and levels of congestion in ICT-related activities. This paper aims to answer questions related to the propensity of residents in metropolitan areas to use the Internet for e-commerce, e-banking, and other financial transactions and how such use is affected by spatial attributes of retail and bank accessibility and traffic congestion. First, a snapshot of aggregate patterns of ICT use in the United States is provided, and past theories are described. Next, the methodology is described for administering a mail-out and mail-back survey of households in the spring of 2003 (including Seattle, Washington; Kansas City, Kansas and Missouri; and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania). The survey measured participation in ICT-based activities in the form of shopping on the Internet (referred to as e-shopping), electronic banking, and other financial transactions. Finally, analyses are presented that focus on the degree to which the use of such activities is shaped by factors of accessibility, ICT availability, and traffic congestion. Contrary to expectations, the results suggest that, for the most part, spatial attributes do not appear to play a significant or substantive role in affecting rates of ICT use. |
[17] | Recent studies have examined what factors affect the adoption of e-shopping (electronic shopping), why people adopt e-shopping, and what changes in activity – travel patterns will occur as a response to e-shopping. Very few studies to date, however, have investigated the impact of geographic context on people’s e-shopping behavior. This study reexamines the explanatory factors that are related to people’s e-shopping patterns through a study of the Columbus Metropolitan Area, OH. It focuses on the effect of accessibility to local shops and the residential context on the adoption of e-shopping and the frequency of buying online. Using an activity – Internet diary dataset, the results suggest that people with lower levels of accessibility to local shopping opportunities are more likely to engage in e-shopping, since the Internet enhances the efficiency of shopping by providing more product information and by eliminating the need of travel in the physical world. Further, people who live in areas with a white majority are more likely to adopt e-shopping. The magnitude of the impact of these context factors on e-shopping, however, is quite small. |
[18] | When exploring the interactions between e-shopping and store-shopping, most empirical studies regarded shopping as a transaction, but did not consider internet use in other stages of the shopping process, which has transportation implications. Few studies have conducted comparative analyses between different types of products. Using 952 internet users in two cities in Northern California, this study explores the interactions in the shopping process for two types of products: search goods and experience goods. We find that for internet buyers, clothing is more likely than books to be associated with store visiting for both information search and product trial. Online pre-purchase behaviors were more likely to facilitate cross-channel shopping than those at a store. A comparison with an earlier study shows more similarities than differences between the two studies, suggesting a certain amount of spatio-temporal generalizability of relationships. |
[19] | . 基于上海市居民购物行为的问卷调查数据,研究居民购物行为的时空间特征,并从主观决策和客观物质空间的两个方面探讨其影响因素.结果表明,上海市居民购物行为表现出低频率、夜间化、短距离以及非机动与公交出行方式为主的一般特征;商品购物出行的时空间等级明显,但具有分散化和扁平化的特征.其中,不同商品购物活动空间选择因素的不同导致其购物出行范围的等级性差异,而城市商业物质环境和空间分布更多地决定了居民购物行为的具体方式、空间大小和集中程度. 基于上海市居民购物行为的问卷调查数据,研究居民购物行为的时空间特征,并从主观决策和客观物质空间的两个方面探讨其影响因素.结果表明,上海市居民购物行为表现出低频率、夜间化、短距离以及非机动与公交出行方式为主的一般特征;商品购物出行的时空间等级明显,但具有分散化和扁平化的特征.其中,不同商品购物活动空间选择因素的不同导致其购物出行范围的等级性差异,而城市商业物质环境和空间分布更多地决定了居民购物行为的具体方式、空间大小和集中程度. |
[20] | . 购物决策过程是居民根据自身需求进行购物信息搜寻、购物目的地选择等方面的完整过程,是居民购物行为发生与实施的前提和基础,已经成为城市地理学研究的热点之一。本文利用2011 年芜湖市居民购物行为调查问卷数据,通过构建居民购物出行的嵌套Logit 模型,从购物出行模式决策、购物初始时间决策、购物目的地决策、购物出行交通方式决策等四个层面对芜湖市居民购物行为的决策过程及影响因素进行了探讨。结果表明:① 居民属性特征对购物出行模式决策具有显著影响,男性居民选择单纯购物出行的概率较大,而女性居民、有家人陪伴的居民更倾向多目的出行;在中心城区居住及出行距离远的居民偏好中午进行多目的购物概率较大,出行距离集中在1~2 km的范围内,而近郊区居民则避开下班高峰期进行购物,倾向选择2~5 km的购物空间范围;② 具有私家车的男性居民在晚上进行购物的概率比较大,其出行概率是上午的2.94 倍,更加偏好远距离出行;居民上下班途中购物大多发生在下班时间,偏好5~8 km范围的远距离;有朋友陪伴的居民更倾向上午依赖公共交通进行远距离出行;③ 以家为购物出发地点的居民的购物更倾向19:00 之后并且偏好远距离出行,公交车依然是芜湖市居民购物出行的主要载体。 购物决策过程是居民根据自身需求进行购物信息搜寻、购物目的地选择等方面的完整过程,是居民购物行为发生与实施的前提和基础,已经成为城市地理学研究的热点之一。本文利用2011 年芜湖市居民购物行为调查问卷数据,通过构建居民购物出行的嵌套Logit 模型,从购物出行模式决策、购物初始时间决策、购物目的地决策、购物出行交通方式决策等四个层面对芜湖市居民购物行为的决策过程及影响因素进行了探讨。结果表明:① 居民属性特征对购物出行模式决策具有显著影响,男性居民选择单纯购物出行的概率较大,而女性居民、有家人陪伴的居民更倾向多目的出行;在中心城区居住及出行距离远的居民偏好中午进行多目的购物概率较大,出行距离集中在1~2 km的范围内,而近郊区居民则避开下班高峰期进行购物,倾向选择2~5 km的购物空间范围;② 具有私家车的男性居民在晚上进行购物的概率比较大,其出行概率是上午的2.94 倍,更加偏好远距离出行;居民上下班途中购物大多发生在下班时间,偏好5~8 km范围的远距离;有朋友陪伴的居民更倾向上午依赖公共交通进行远距离出行;③ 以家为购物出发地点的居民的购物更倾向19:00 之后并且偏好远距离出行,公交车依然是芜湖市居民购物出行的主要载体。 |
[21] | With aggregate data from the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Survey for 19 years, 1984 through 2002, this study analyzes relationships between expenditures on transportation and communications. Several classification schemes for expenditure categories were used, from the most aggregate [two categories (transportation and communications)] to the most disaggregate [nine transportation categories (new vehicle purchases, used vehicle purchases, vehicle finance charges, gasoline and motor oil, vehicle maintenance and repairs, vehicle insurance, public transportation, out-of-town lodging, and other entertainment including bikes and recreational vehicles) and five communications categories (telephone service; miscellaneous household equipment including phones and computers; television, radio, and sound equipment; postage and stationery; and reading)]. Aggregate demand system modeling (in particular, the linear approximate almost ideal demand system) was then used to determine the relationships between expenditures on transportation and those on communications, again for several different classifications. The model results indicate that transportation and communications categories have substitution and complementarity relationships, often not symmetric. However, a dominant effect of complementarity can be found in the influence of communications on transportation. |
[22] | This paper defines the relationship between telecommunications and transportation, by expanding on linkages already identified in the literature, by identifying additional relationships, and by putting these relationships into a robust conceptual framework. There are conceptual, physical, analytical, and regulatory parallels between telecommunications and transportation. Telecommunications affects the demand for, and supply of, transportation — and vice versa. In the broadest sense, all communication requires transportation in order to occur: transportation either of people, of objects, or of electronic impulses. In other words, communication takes place via one or more of those three modes. It is suggested that “communication breeds communication.” That is, the easier it is to communicate (whether through travel or communications), or the more that one or another form of communication takes place, the more that communication as a whole is stimulated. The relative shares of each of the three modes of communication may vary as one mode partially substitutes for another, but the absolute amounts of communication via each mode are likely to increase. Two empirical studies are summarized, one illustrating that teleconferencing increased travel, the other illustrating that telecommuting decreased travel. Other implications for transportation planning are highlighted. |
[23] | |
[24] | No abstract provided. |
[25] | Despite considerable examination of the impact of telecommunications on travel, little empirical evidence sheds light on the impact of e‐shopping on travel—a recent and increasingly popular form of telecommunications. This paper analyses determinants of online buying and their relationship with in‐store shopping, using empirical data obtained from Minneapolis, USA, and Utrecht, the Netherlands. Based on chi‐square tests and logistic and ordinary least‐squares regressions, the results indicate that online buying is affected by sociodemographics and spatial characteristics of people, their Internet experience, and their attitudes towards in‐store shopping. US respondents who prefer to see products in person are less likely to buy online. Dutch respondents are more likely to buy online as travel times to shops are shorter. At first sight, this counterintuitive result might be related to an urban, innovative lifestyle that supports e‐shopping. A more detailed analysis of Dutch online buyers reveals that they make more shopping trips than non‐online buyers and have a shorter shopping duration. The results indicate that the relationship between online buying and in‐store shopping is not one of substitution but of complementarity. |
[26] | Some have assumed that teleshopping will become a functional substitute for traditional retail shopping and thereby reduce physical shopping trips and vehicle miles traveled. More recent studies have painted a far more complex picture, in which a combination of lifestyle, shopping opportunities, and the costs of travel all play a role in a person's choice of shopping modes. In this study, data from an activity-diary survey collected by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, California, were analyzed to gain insights into the degree to which teleshopping substitutes for traditional out-of-home shopping trips, person miles traveled for shopping, and shopping-trip chains. A two-step linear regression model was used to estimate the effects of home-based teleshopping. Results indicate that teleshopping households engage in more shopping trips and chain more of their shopping trips. It is hypothesized that teleshopping has a complementary effect on out-of-home shopping and leads to more shopping trip making and that the time for these additional trips and home teleshopping activities is enabled through efficiencies gained from increased trip chaining. Time saved through increased trip chaining and teleshopping may provide the additional time needed to shop more--both from within the home and outside the home. |
[27] | Structural equation modeling techniques were used to explore the trade-offs that people make when teleshopping from home. Early in the development and growth of online shopping, many assumed that it would become a direct substitute for traditional retail (out-of-home) shopping and thereby reduce shopping trips and vehicle miles traveled. A growing body of research on the interplay between the use of information and communications technologies suggests that people shop and travel for a multitude of reasons that depend on the interplay between lifestyle, availability and convenience of shopping opportunities and the demands of other activities during the day. Using the San Francisco Bay Area Travel Survey 2000 from California, this paper performs an activities analysis to investigate these relationships. Time use variables predict the amount of time each individual spends during the day on work, maintenance, discretionary, and shopping activities both inside and outside the home. These activities are used to predict the amount of shopping travel each person undertook. Results suggest that people substitute home teleshopping time for shopping travel time and that teleshoppers take fewer shopping trips and travel shorter total distances for shopping purposes. Variables constructed to represent the degree to which people are "time-starved" from the demands of their work and maintenance activities revealed that female heads of households tend to teleshop more, make more shopping trips and shopping trip chains, do more out-of-home shopping, and shop travel for longer periods than the rest of the survey population. |
[28] | . 居民购物出行空间是城市内部空间结构的重要组成部分。在对芜湖市居民问卷调查和访谈的基础上,分析了居民购物出行空间等级结构的演变特征及驱动机制。结果表明:① 芜湖市居民购物出行的空间距离具有减小的趋势,变化幅度最大的是家用电器与服装衣饰类等高等级商品,从中心区与郊区来看,中心城区居民的出行距离变化不大,郊区居民的购物出行距离明显缩短,反映了城市商业空间格局的分散化趋向。② 芜湖市居民购买不同类型商品出行的空间等级层次分明,基本符合中心地理论中的等级关系,购物地点逐渐从高级中心地向相对较低级中心地转移;日常用品类商品购物地等级下降最为明显,由2001年的介于三、四级中心地下降到2011年的四、五级中心地之间,下降了1个空间等级,具有明显的就近居住地购买趋向。③ 从政府政策作用、零售商供给、居住主体偏好等三方面剖析了居民购物出行空间演变的驱动机制,认为商业网点发展规划、新业态的集聚与扩散、职住分离与居住-消费空间错位、交通条件的改善、居民购物需求偏好等因素影响着居民购物出行空间的等级结构演变。 居民购物出行空间是城市内部空间结构的重要组成部分。在对芜湖市居民问卷调查和访谈的基础上,分析了居民购物出行空间等级结构的演变特征及驱动机制。结果表明:① 芜湖市居民购物出行的空间距离具有减小的趋势,变化幅度最大的是家用电器与服装衣饰类等高等级商品,从中心区与郊区来看,中心城区居民的出行距离变化不大,郊区居民的购物出行距离明显缩短,反映了城市商业空间格局的分散化趋向。② 芜湖市居民购买不同类型商品出行的空间等级层次分明,基本符合中心地理论中的等级关系,购物地点逐渐从高级中心地向相对较低级中心地转移;日常用品类商品购物地等级下降最为明显,由2001年的介于三、四级中心地下降到2011年的四、五级中心地之间,下降了1个空间等级,具有明显的就近居住地购买趋向。③ 从政府政策作用、零售商供给、居住主体偏好等三方面剖析了居民购物出行空间演变的驱动机制,认为商业网点发展规划、新业态的集聚与扩散、职住分离与居住-消费空间错位、交通条件的改善、居民购物需求偏好等因素影响着居民购物出行空间的等级结构演变。 |
[29] | . <p>以天津市为例,通过大量问卷调查,总结出城市居民购物出行的空间圈层结构,为国际间相关问题的横向对比奠定了基础。在中地论的基础上,创建了系统描述和详细分析购物出行空间等级结构的新模式,为今后的相关研究提供一种制度和方法。在市场细分的基础上,总结出天津市三种不同收入阶层的购物出行空间等级结构类型,并对其进行了尝试性解释。</p> <p>以天津市为例,通过大量问卷调查,总结出城市居民购物出行的空间圈层结构,为国际间相关问题的横向对比奠定了基础。在中地论的基础上,创建了系统描述和详细分析购物出行空间等级结构的新模式,为今后的相关研究提供一种制度和方法。在市场细分的基础上,总结出天津市三种不同收入阶层的购物出行空间等级结构类型,并对其进行了尝试性解释。</p> |
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[32] | At the heart of many econometric models are a linear function and a normal error. Examples include the classical small-sample linear regression model and the probit, ordered probit, multinomial probit, tobit, interval regression, and truncated-distribution regression models. Because the normal distribution has a, natural multidimensional generalization, such models can be combined into multiequation systems in which the errors share a multivariate normal distribution. The literature has historically focused on multistage procedures for fitting mixed models, which are more efficient computationally, if less so statistically, than maximum likelihood. Direct maximum likelihood estimation has been made more practical by faster computers and simulated likelihood methods for estimating higher-dimensional cumulative normal distributions. Such simulated likelihood methods include the Geweke-Hajivassiliou-Keane algorithm (Geweke, 1989, Econometrics 57: :1317-1339; Hajivassiliou and McFadden, 1998, Econometrics 66: 863-896; Keane, 1994, Econometrics 62: 95-116). Maximum likelihood also facilitates a generalization to switching, selection, and other models in which the number and types of equations vary by observation. The Stata command cmp fits seemingly unrelated regressions models of this broad family. Its estimator is also consistent for recursive systems in which all endogenous variables appear on the right-hand sides as observed. If all the equations are structural, then estimation is full-inforrnation maximum likelihood. If only the final stage or stages are structural, then estimation is limited-information maximum likelihood. cmp can mimic a score of built-in and user-written Stata commands. It is also appropriate for a panoply of models that previously were hard to estimate. Heteroskedasticity, however, can render cmp inconsistent. This article explains the theory and implementation of cmp and of a related Mata function, ghk 2 (), that implements the Geweke-Hajivassiliou-Keane algorithm. |
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[34] | Abstract The abstract for this document is available on CSA Illumina.To view the Abstract, click the Abstract button above the document title. |
[35] | . 在郊区化和休闲大众化的背景下,休闲成为衡量郊区生活方式、提升郊区居民生活质量的重要侧面。从家庭生命周期的视角出发,将居民划分为单身、新婚、满巢Ⅰ、满巢Ⅱ和空巢5个阶段,通过对2012年北京市上地—清河地区居民的问卷调查数据的方差分析,剖析家庭生命周期对日常休闲行为的影响。乘坐公共交通与朋友一起进行购物、KTV和看电影等娱乐活动是单身阶段的主流休闲方式;家庭成员成为婚后阶段休闲的主要同伴;孩子出生以后,私家车出行成为满巢Ⅰ阶段的主要交通方式,每次休闲的平均时间变长;满巢Ⅱ阶段,参与体育锻炼的郊区居民变多;空巢阶段的居民以自然型休闲活动为主,在社区内休闲的比例上升,与家庭成员一起休闲的比例降低。 在郊区化和休闲大众化的背景下,休闲成为衡量郊区生活方式、提升郊区居民生活质量的重要侧面。从家庭生命周期的视角出发,将居民划分为单身、新婚、满巢Ⅰ、满巢Ⅱ和空巢5个阶段,通过对2012年北京市上地—清河地区居民的问卷调查数据的方差分析,剖析家庭生命周期对日常休闲行为的影响。乘坐公共交通与朋友一起进行购物、KTV和看电影等娱乐活动是单身阶段的主流休闲方式;家庭成员成为婚后阶段休闲的主要同伴;孩子出生以后,私家车出行成为满巢Ⅰ阶段的主要交通方式,每次休闲的平均时间变长;满巢Ⅱ阶段,参与体育锻炼的郊区居民变多;空巢阶段的居民以自然型休闲活动为主,在社区内休闲的比例上升,与家庭成员一起休闲的比例降低。 |
[36] | . 家庭是旅游态度形成的最重要环境背景,也一直是旅游活动的重要组 织单元,探究家庭生命周期与旅游态度的关系意义重大.文章依据已有研究成果,建立家庭生命周期模型,制定旅游态度量表,以问卷工具面向长沙市居民进行调 查,获得基础数据,运用因子分析得到了追求享受、强调卫生、看重设施、向往体验、关注身心健康等5个方面的旅游态度主成分,通过验证性因子分析后,再用相 关分析、多元回归分析探究家庭生命周期与旅游态度5个主成分的关系.结果表明,随着家庭生命周期的演进,人们愈发追求享受、看重设施、关注身心健康.无巢 期人群看重设施和关注身心健康的表现低于其他阶段人群,空巢期人群追求享受的表现高于其他阶段人群,空巢期、鳏寡期人群关注身心健康的表现高于其他阶段人 群,满巢期人群向往体验的表现高于其他阶段人群. 家庭是旅游态度形成的最重要环境背景,也一直是旅游活动的重要组 织单元,探究家庭生命周期与旅游态度的关系意义重大.文章依据已有研究成果,建立家庭生命周期模型,制定旅游态度量表,以问卷工具面向长沙市居民进行调 查,获得基础数据,运用因子分析得到了追求享受、强调卫生、看重设施、向往体验、关注身心健康等5个方面的旅游态度主成分,通过验证性因子分析后,再用相 关分析、多元回归分析探究家庭生命周期与旅游态度5个主成分的关系.结果表明,随着家庭生命周期的演进,人们愈发追求享受、看重设施、关注身心健康.无巢 期人群看重设施和关注身心健康的表现低于其他阶段人群,空巢期人群追求享受的表现高于其他阶段人群,空巢期、鳏寡期人群关注身心健康的表现高于其他阶段人 群,满巢期人群向往体验的表现高于其他阶段人群. |
[37] | The Internet makes it possible to conduct activities such as working and shopping without traveling to activity places. As e-shopping becomes popular, it can fundamentally change travel behavior. The presented study uses a literature review, an Internet survey of e-shoppers, and the Netherlands National Travel Survey to analyze the possible impact of e-shopping on travel behavior. The findings indicate that people living in areas with relatively many shopping opportunities buy online as often as do people who live in areas with relatively few shopping opportunities. People who spend a lot of time on in-store shopping typically are women, are more than 60 years old, have a low level of education, are on a low income, and live in a more urbanized area. Online buyers can be characterized as men between ages 25 and 40 who are highly educated, have a high income, and live in a less urbanized area. Four hypotheses were derived to describe the future impact of e-shopping on travel. First, some shopping time will be saved and used for other maintenance or leisure activities instead. Second, the enlargement and fragmentation of an individual's action spaces will be fostered and so lead to increased travel distances. Third, e-shopping will affect travel behavior most in the urbanized western part and in the less urbanized parts of the Netherlands. Finally, a reduction in car travel in the less urbanized areas of the Netherlands and a reduction in walking and cycling in the more urbanized areas of the Netherlands are expected. |
[38] | . 家庭是一个动态的消费主体,每个生命周期阶段中的家庭,其消费意向、消费结构和水平都具有独特的特点。与此前主要关注家庭消费行为结果的研究不同,本研究重点关注家庭消费行为的心理倾向,致力于从消费行为学的角度来探索家庭生命周期对消费意愿不同层面的影响。研究结果表明,不同生命周期阶段的家庭在消费总量、消费档次、借贷消费、奢侈品消费及不同产品和服务的消费意愿上会呈现不同的偏好,在特定产品和服务消费意愿的作用强度也具有明显差异。满巢2阶段家庭是当前我国社会消费的中坚力量,单身和新婚阶段的家庭是社会消费趋势的引领者,而满巢3、空巢2和孤寡阶段家庭的消费驱动力则明显不足。本研究对于国家消费政策和企业的营销决策的制定都有重要的启示意义。 家庭是一个动态的消费主体,每个生命周期阶段中的家庭,其消费意向、消费结构和水平都具有独特的特点。与此前主要关注家庭消费行为结果的研究不同,本研究重点关注家庭消费行为的心理倾向,致力于从消费行为学的角度来探索家庭生命周期对消费意愿不同层面的影响。研究结果表明,不同生命周期阶段的家庭在消费总量、消费档次、借贷消费、奢侈品消费及不同产品和服务的消费意愿上会呈现不同的偏好,在特定产品和服务消费意愿的作用强度也具有明显差异。满巢2阶段家庭是当前我国社会消费的中坚力量,单身和新婚阶段的家庭是社会消费趋势的引领者,而满巢3、空巢2和孤寡阶段家庭的消费驱动力则明显不足。本研究对于国家消费政策和企业的营销决策的制定都有重要的启示意义。 |
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[40] | 类似“双11”的“超级销售日”规模越来越惊人,很多人相信,实体店被其取而代之只是一个时间问题,事实真的如此吗? 类似“双11”的“超级销售日”规模越来越惊人,很多人相信,实体店被其取而代之只是一个时间问题,事实真的如此吗? |
[41] | . 基于可获得的国外文献,文章回顾了1990年代中期以来,国外地理学科关于网上零售引发的商业空间和其他活动空间的响应以及改变的探讨。目前,国外地理****主要致力于以下几个方面的研究:(1)网上商店的区位问题及其空间扩散过程;(2)网上零售对购物模式的组织和空间的影响;(3)城市交通空间结构对网上零售的响应;(4)网上零售产业渗透对居住空间的影响。相关研究基本涉及了在网上零售产业背景下可能出现的各类地理问题,值得刚开始致力于这一领域的其他国家****(例如中国)参考和借鉴。此外,文章从研究尺度、研究对象以及研究内容等方面评价了国外已有研究。 基于可获得的国外文献,文章回顾了1990年代中期以来,国外地理学科关于网上零售引发的商业空间和其他活动空间的响应以及改变的探讨。目前,国外地理****主要致力于以下几个方面的研究:(1)网上商店的区位问题及其空间扩散过程;(2)网上零售对购物模式的组织和空间的影响;(3)城市交通空间结构对网上零售的响应;(4)网上零售产业渗透对居住空间的影响。相关研究基本涉及了在网上零售产业背景下可能出现的各类地理问题,值得刚开始致力于这一领域的其他国家****(例如中国)参考和借鉴。此外,文章从研究尺度、研究对象以及研究内容等方面评价了国外已有研究。 |
[42] | . 随着信息通讯技术(ICT)的飞速发展,网络购物日益成为当今社会经济生活的重要组成部分,深刻影响了居民的购物消费行为和传统零售业的发展.不同国家、不同人群、不同商品类型的居民购物行为具有一定差异.本文在问卷调查的基础上,分析南京市居民网络购物行为特征,并区分不同商品类型的居民网购行为特征差异,对理解网络购物和实体购物相互作用关系及网购对于交通出行和城市零售业空间的影响具有重要意义.结果表明:居民网络购物行为是一个复杂的过程,不同类型商品、不同频率网购人群在社会经济属性、空间特征、网络使用及购物习惯、购物态度上有明显差异,其中不同频率网购衣服的人群在特征上的差异更为显著,体验型商品对网络购物这一新型购物方式的响应更为强烈. 随着信息通讯技术(ICT)的飞速发展,网络购物日益成为当今社会经济生活的重要组成部分,深刻影响了居民的购物消费行为和传统零售业的发展.不同国家、不同人群、不同商品类型的居民购物行为具有一定差异.本文在问卷调查的基础上,分析南京市居民网络购物行为特征,并区分不同商品类型的居民网购行为特征差异,对理解网络购物和实体购物相互作用关系及网购对于交通出行和城市零售业空间的影响具有重要意义.结果表明:居民网络购物行为是一个复杂的过程,不同类型商品、不同频率网购人群在社会经济属性、空间特征、网络使用及购物习惯、购物态度上有明显差异,其中不同频率网购衣服的人群在特征上的差异更为显著,体验型商品对网络购物这一新型购物方式的响应更为强烈. |