

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-03

1. 重庆师范大学历史与社会学院, 重庆 401331
2. 中俄科技考古研究所, 重庆 401331
3. 河南省新乡市文物考古研究所, 河南 新乡 453000

基金项目: 重庆市研究生教育教学改革重点研究项目“考古学博士生培养模式改革的实践探索”(批准号:yjg192029)资助

作者简介: 赵坤影, 女, 27岁, 硕士研究生, 科技考古专业, E-mail:the168@126.com
通讯作者: 武仙竹, E-mail:1152682699@qq.com
中图分类号: K878;Q915.2+3


Study on the domestic cat skeleton of Song Tomb in Xinxiang City, Henan Province

Zhao Kunying1,,
Wu Xianzhu1,2,,,
Li Huiping3,
Guo Qiang3,
Wang Zhaokui1
1. College of History and Society, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing 401331
2. The Sino-Russia Archaeometry Institute, Chongqing 401331
3. Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Xinxiang City, Henan Province, Xinxiang 453000, Henan

More Information
Corresponding author: Wu Xianzhu,E-mail:1152682699@qq.com
MSC: K878;Q915.2+3

--> Received Date: 12 October 2019
Revised Date: 31 December 2019
Publish Date: 30 March 2020

2012年河南新乡市宋墓考古发掘出土一批动物骨骼,根据种属鉴定和观测比较,该批动物骨骼材料属于家猫。家猫(骨骼)安置于墓主身旁,是墓主入葬时作为饲宠特意放置的。猫骨骼表面没有发现任何人类行为痕迹(切割、砍击等)。全部猫骨骼属于同一个家猫个体。保存下来的骨骼材料包括左、右下颌骨;左上颌骨;肱骨、尺骨、桡骨、股骨、胫骨、跖骨等,总计42件家猫骨骼。在家猫动物考古研究中,新乡宋墓家猫是我国同一地点发现家猫骨骼标本数(可鉴定标本数:NISP)最多的地点。特别需要关注的是,在该具家猫骨骼上,首次发现我国家畜考古中"偏侧咀嚼"现象。其特征为:右下颌的P4、m1齿尖,使用磨耗程度远远大于左下颌相同齿位齿尖。磨耗差距最大的部位在m1后尖顶端,右侧比左侧齿尖因磨耗而偏低2.10 mm,右侧m1后尖顶端已磨耗为平面、裸露齿质点,而左侧m1齿尖仍保留有完好锐尖。新乡宋墓家猫在我国动物考古中,还是首次发现以宠物猫进行陪葬的考古学文化现象。我国此前发现的家猫骨骼,主要出土于文化层或灰坑里,可能是被人们丢弃或自然死亡后被埋藏起来的。甚至还有少量猫骨可能是古代人食猫风俗的遗存。而新乡宋墓中的宠物猫,是人们为培养生活伴侣或寄托生活情趣而畜养的,是人们主要为满足精神生活需求而饲养的动物。我国此前动物考古研究有关"宠物"的发现为空白。新乡宋墓出土我国考古中第一只可以确定为宠物的家猫,为今后开展动物考古中有关"宠物"研究开启了良好开端。墓中出土的宠物猫还有严重"偏侧咀嚼"现象,该发现对家畜动物考古材料的演化研究等具有重要意义。

A group of animal skeletons were unearthed from the archeological excavation of the tomb in Song Dynasty in Xinxiang City, Henan Province in 2012. The geographic coordinates of the tomb are 35°17'55"N, 113°56'43"E. This assemblage of animal skeleton material belongs to a domestic cat according to the taxonomic identification and morphometric comparison. The domestic cat(skeleton)was especially buried as a pet beside the occupant of the tomb at the funeral. No human agency traces(cuts, chops, etc.)were found on the surface of cat's skeleton. All cat skeletal specimens belong to the same individual domestic cat. The preserved skeleton materials of the domestic cat have in total of 42 pieces which include left and right mandibles, left maxilla, humerus, ulna, radius, femur, tibia, sacrum, etc. In the archaeological study of domestic cat, the Song Tomb in Xinxiang is the place where the largest number of domestic cat skeleton specimens(identifiable specimens:NISP)have been found in the same place in China. One particular concern is that the phenomenon of "unilateral mastication" in China's zooarchaeology is first discovered on this domestic cat skeleton. It is characterized in that the degree of wear of the P4 and m1 cusps of the right mandible is much greater than that of the left counterpart. The part of the largest abrasion gap is at the top of the metaconid of m1 cusp. The right tooth cusp is 2.10 mm lower than the left tooth cusp due to abrasion. The top of the right m1 front cusp has been worn as a flat, bare tooth, while the left m1 tooth cusp still has a good sharp cusp. For domestic cat excavated in Song tomb in Xinxiang, it is the first discovery of the archaeological cultural phenomenon of burying with pet cat in China's zooarcheology. Bones of domestic cats previously found in China were mainly unearthed in cultural layers or ash pits, and may have been buried after being discarded or died naturally. There are even a small amount of cat bones which may be a relic of ancient cat-eating customs. The pet cats in Song tomb in Xinxiang were bred by people for the purpose of cultivating life companionship or sustenance, and raised by people mainly to meet their need of spiritual life. The discovery of "pets" in the previous study of zooarcheology in China is blank. The domestic cat unearthed from the Song tomb in Xinxiang which can beidentified as the first pet in China's archeology is a good start for future research on "pets" in zooarcheology. The pet cat unearthed in the tomb also has a remarkable phenomenon of "unilateral mastication". This discovery has great significance to the evolution of archaeological materials of domestic animals.
Song Dynasty/
pet cat/


相关话题/考古 动物 材料 河南 研究所