

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-03

河南省科学院地理研究所, 河南 郑州 450052

基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:41701014、41671014和41971016)、国家社会科学基金项目(批准号:18CKG003)、河南省科技攻关项目(批准号:182102310921和192102310019)、河南省软科学研究项目(批准号:192400410067)、河南省数字环境考古特聘研究员项目和郑州地区环境考古研究项目共同资助

作者简介: 闫丽洁, 女, 38岁, 助理研究员, GIS应用与数字环境考古研究, E-mail:403018471@qq.com
通讯作者: 鲁鹏, E-mail:bulate_0@163.com
中图分类号: K878;K871.13


Study on the spatial relationship between cities and general settlements from Neolithic to Xia Shang periods in Henan Province

Yan Lijie,
Lu Peng,,
Chen Panpan,
Zhang Li,
Wang Xia
Institute of Geographical Sciences, Henan Academy of Sciences, Zhengzhou 450052, Henan

More Information
Corresponding author: Lu Peng,E-mail:bulate_0@163.com
MSC: K878;K871.13

--> Received Date: 27 September 2019
Revised Date: 05 January 2020
Publish Date: 30 March 2020


The ancient cities sites were closely related to the general settlements sites. The relationship between the ancient cities sites and general settlements sites is of great significance to the emergence of country and origin of civilization. Henan Province(31°23'~36°22'N, 110°21'~116°39'E) is located in the east of Central China and the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. It has a long history and rich cultures. There are a large number of ancient cities and settlements in Henan Province. In this study, we selected 65 cities and 4095 general settlements from Neolithic to Xia Shang periods in Henan Province as research objects, using the methods of GIS spatial analysis such as nuclear density analysis, nearest neighbor index and center of gravity analysis according to the four periods of Peiligang, Yangshao, Longshan and Xia Shang. The relationship between cities and settlements density, the spatial distribution and concentration degree of cities and settlements, and the evolution of the center of gravity displacement between cities and settlements were studied. The results showed that:(1)The distribution of cities was closely related to the density of general settlements from Neolithic to Xia Shang periods in Henan Province. 83.08% of the cities were located in the areas with high settlements density, especially the large-scale cities were almost located in the areas with high settlements density, and only a few cities were located in the areas with low settlements density. (2)From Yangshao period to Xia Shang period, the law of agglomeration degree of cities and settlements in Henan Province was consistent. The degree of agglomeration from Yangshao period to Xia Shang period to Longshan period was reduced. (3)From Neolithic to Xia Shang periods, the center of gravity of the settlements was located in the south relative to the center of gravity of the cities. The center of gravity of the settlements and cities moved in the anticlockwise direction in Songshan and its surrounding areas, which showed that the cultural core area of Henan Province was in the area around Songshan, and the area around Songshan played a core role in the cultural development from Neolithic to Xia Shang periods. The study on the spatial relationship between cities and general settlements from Neolithic to Xia Shang periods in Henan Province showed that there was a close relationship between cities and general settlements, and the change of their spatial distribution pattern was the result of the dual influence of climate and productivity development level.
Neolithic to Xia Shang periods/
ancient cities/
settlements cites/
center of gravity analysis/
Henan Province


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