Soil carbon storage and its determinants in the forests of Shaanxi Province, China
LIXi1,2, WANGFang3, CAOYang4,5, PENGShou-Zhang4,5, CHENYun-Ming4,5,*, 1Research Center of Institute of Soil and Water Conservation and Ecological Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Education, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China3Water and Soil Conservation Supervision and Management Station of Baota District, Yanan, Shaanxi 7160094State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on Loess Plateau, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China;5Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China 通讯作者:* 通信作者Author for correspondence (E-mail: 收稿日期:2017-04-14 修回日期:2017-07-9 网络出版日期:2017-09-30 版权声明:2017植物生态学报编辑部本文是遵循CCAL协议的开放存取期刊,引用请务必标明出处。 基金资助:国家自然科学基金(41371506、41201088和41601058)和国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC0501703)
关键词:森林土壤;碳储量;碳密度;空间分布;影响因素 Abstract Aims The bank of soil carbon of forests plays an important role in the global carbon cycle. Our aim is to understand the characteristics of soil carbon storage and its determinants in the forests in Shaanxi Province.Methods The data of forest inventory in 2009 and resampling in 2011 were used to analyze the characteristics of soil carbon storage and its determinants in the forest soil in Shaanxi Province.Important findings The soil carbon storage in the forests in Shaanxi Province was 579.68 Tg. Soil carbon storage of Softwood and Hardwood forests were the highest among all forest types, accounting for 36.35% of the whole province forest soil carbon storage. The forest soil carbon storage was 4.15 times greater in the natural forest (467.17 Tg) than that in the plantations. The young and middle-aged forests were the main contributors to the total carbon storage across all age groups, accounting for about 57.30% of the total forest soil carbon storage. The average soil carbon density of forests in Shaanxi Province was 90.68 t∙hm-2, in which the soil carbon density of Betula forests was the highest (141.74 t∙hm-2). Soil carbon density of different forest types were gradually decreased with soil depth. In addition, it was highest in middle-aged forest. Soil carbon density was higher in the natural forest ecosystems than that in the plantations within the each age group, indicating natural forest ecosystems have higher capacity of carbon sequestration. Differences in the spatial patterns between carbon storage and density indicated that carbon storage was related to forest coverage. The soil carbon density and storage of forests in Yulin were the lowest across the province. This suggests that, in order to enhance the regional carbon sequestration capacity in this region, we need to appropriately strengthen artificial afforestation activities and manage them scientifically and rationally. The soil carbon density of forests in Shaanxi Province decreased with the increase of longitude, latitude, and annual temperature, but increased with the increase of altitude and annual rainfall. This study provides data basis for provincial estimation of forest soil carbon bank in China.
Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among forest types (p < 0.05). Forest types are shown in Table 1.不同小写字母代表林型间差异性显著(p < 0.05)。林型见表1。 新窗口打开 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图2不同森林类型土壤各层10 cm厚度的碳密度(平均值±标准误差)。林型见表1。 -->Fig. 2Mean soil carbon density of soil 10 cm thickness in different forest types (mean ± SE). Forest types are shown in Table 1. --> 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图3陕西省不同森林类型各层土壤碳储量。林型见表1。 -->Fig. 3Soil carbon storage in different soil layers in the forests of Shaanxi Province. Forest types are shown in Table 1. --> 2.1.2 天然林和人工林各龄组土壤碳密度和碳储量 陕西省天然林和人工林的土壤碳密度以中龄林最高, 过熟林最低, 随着林木的生长, 碳密度先增加, 至中龄林后开始下降。各龄组的土壤碳密度均表现为天然林高于人工林(图4A), 说明天然林的碳固存能力较强。 陕西省天然林土壤碳储量(467.17 Tg)约为人工林(112.50 Tg)的4.15倍, 天然林和人工林分别占森林土壤总碳储量的80.59%和19.41%。由图4B可知, 各龄组的土壤碳储量以中龄林最高, 过熟林最低; 其中, 幼龄林和中龄林是碳储量的主要贡献者, 共占总碳储量的57.30%; 各龄组土壤碳储量均表现为天然林高于人工林。
2.2 陕西省森林土壤碳密度与碳储量的地理空间分布
由陕西省森林土壤碳密度和碳储量地理空间分布图(图5)可知, 碳密度较高的地区分布于关中平原, 以宝鸡(113.84 t·hm-2)、铜川(113.49 t·hm-2)和西安(112.51 t·hm-2)三地最高, 而陕西省最北部的榆林地区土壤碳密度最低(31.38 t·hm-2), 其他各地碳密度介于70-110 t·hm-2之间。 陕西省森林土壤碳储量以安康(114.53 Tg)和汉中(110.36 Tg)最高, 共占全省森林土壤总碳储量的39.60%, 其次为延安(98.41 Tg), 而铜川(7.31 Tg)和榆林最低(8.13 Tg), 分别占全省森林土壤总碳储量的1.29%和1.43%。 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图4陕西省天然林和人工林各龄组土壤碳密度(A)和碳储量(B)。 -->Fig. 4Soil carbon density (A) and soil carbon storage (B) in natural forests and plantations with different stand ages in Shaanxi Province. MAF, middle-aged forest; MF, mature forest; NAF, near-mature forest; OMF, over-mature forest; YF, young forest. --> 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图5陕西省森林土壤碳密度与碳储量地理分布图。 -->Fig. 5Geographical distribution of soil carbon density and carbon storages in Shaanxi forests. --> 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图6陕西省森林土壤碳密度与经度、纬度及海拔的相关关系。R表示回归方程的拟合程度。 -->Fig. 6Relationships between forest soil carbon density and longitude, latitude and elevation in Shaanxi Province. R show the fitting degree of regression equation. -->
2.3 陕西省森林土壤碳密度随地理因子和气候因子的变化
由图6可知, 陕西省森林土壤碳密度随经度、纬度和海拔均呈现出明显的变化, 其中, 土壤碳密度随经度和纬度的增加逐渐减小, 分别呈显著(p < 0.05)与极显著(p < 0.01)的负相关关系; 随海拔高度的增加逐渐增大, 呈极显著的正相关关系(p < 0.01)。 由图7可知, 陕西省森林土壤碳密度随多年平均气温的增加逐渐减小, 呈极显著的负相关关系 (p < 0.01); 而随年降水量的增加逐渐增大, 呈显著的正相关关系(p < 0.05)。 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图7陕西省森林土壤碳密度与气候因子的相关关系。R表示回归方程的拟合程度。 -->Fig. 7Relationships between forest soil carbon density and climatic factors in Shaanxi Province. R show the fitting degree of regression equation. -->
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