1.Nansen-Zhu International Research Center, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China 2.Collaborative Innovation Center on Forecast and Evaluation of Meteorological Disasters, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China 3.Key Laboratory of Meteorological Disaster, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China 4.Climate Change Research Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China 5.Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center/Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Bergen 5006, Norway 6.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China Manuscript received: 2017-09-21 Manuscript revised: 2018-01-09 Manuscript accepted: 2018-01-16 Abstract:In this study, we investigate the influence of low-frequency solar forcing on the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) by analyzing a four-member ensemble of 600-year simulations performed with HadCM3 (Hadley Centre Coupled Model, version 3). We find that the EAWM is strengthened when total solar irradiance (TSI) increases on the multidecadal time scale. The model results indicate that positive TSI anomalies can result in the weakening of Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, causing negative sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the North Atlantic. Especially for the subtropical North Atlantic, the negative SST anomalies can excite an anomalous Rossby wave train that moves from the subtropical North Atlantic to the Greenland Sea and finally to Siberia. In this process, the positive sea-ice feedback over the Greenland Sea further enhances the Rossby wave. The wave train can reach the Siberian region, and strengthen the Siberian high. As a result, low-level East Asian winter circulation is strengthened and the surface air temperature in East Asia decreases. Overall, when solar forcing is stronger on the multidecadal time scale, the EAWM is typically stronger than normal. Finally, a similar linkage can be observed between the EAWM and solar forcing during the period 1850-1970. Keywords: solar forcing, East Asian winter monsoon, Atlantic sea surface temperature, Rossby wave train 摘要:为了研究太阳活动低频信号对东亚冬季风的影响, 本文分析了耦合模式HadCM3的4组太阳强迫长期数值模拟试验结果. 我们发现, 在多年代际时间尺度上, 当太阳辐照度增加时东亚冬季风显著增强. 模式结果表明, 太阳辐照度正异常会导致大西洋经圈翻转环流减弱, 从而导致北大西洋出现负的海表温度异常. 北大西洋副热带区域的负海表温度异常激发出异常的Rossby波波列, 此波列向北传至格林兰海, 而后向西传播至西伯利亚区域. 在波列传播过程中, 格林兰海区域海冰变化使得Rossby波信号增强. 在Rossby波波列的作用下, 西伯利亚地区中低层大气辐合加强, 进而导致西伯利亚高压及东亚低层季风环流增强, 东亚地表气温显著降低. 类似的现象在部分观测资料中也存在. 关键词:太阳强迫, 东亚冬季风, 大西洋海表温度, Rossby波
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3.1. Evaluation of modeled climatology
We first evaluate the model climatology over East Asia in winter. This evaluation verifies the credibility of the following analysis and the conclusions based on this model. Considering the general characteristics of the EAWM, we examine the climatologies of the SAT, SLP and 850-hPa winds here. As shown in Fig. 2b, the simulated SAT is distributed latitudinally and generally decreases northward. Large-scale cooling can be observed over the Tibetan Plateau. This pattern agrees well with observations (Fig. 2a). However, some biases also exist. The model overestimates the SAT to the west of Lake Baikal and underestimates the SAT over the Tibetan Plateau and in Northeast China (Fig. 3c). In winter, the Siberian high and Aleutian low are located over the Asian continent and North Pacific, respectively (Fig. 2d). The model almost fully captures the spatial patterns of the two systems, but it does not effectively reproduce the center of the Siberian high (Fig. 2e). Additionally, the model underestimates the intensity of the Siberian high (Fig. 2f). For the low-level circulation, the EAWM is characterized by the northwesterly winds over northeastern Asia and northeasterly winds over the South China Sea (Fig. 2g). Clearly, the model reproduces the wind fields well, although some discrepancies exist (Figs. 2h and i). Overall, HadCM3 can simulate the large-scale EAWM circulation effectively, and this result supports the following analysis. Figure2. Climatology of winter mean (a) SAT (1901-99; units: °C), (d) SLP (1850-1999; units: hPa) and (g) 850-hPa winds (1948-99; units: m s-1) based on the observational and reanalysis data. (b, e, h) As in (a, d, g) but based on the HadCM3 model results over the period 1401-1999. (c, f, i) Differences between the model and observational data.
2 3.2. Influences of solar forcing on the EAWM in the model -->
3.2. Influences of solar forcing on the EAWM in the model
A strengthened Siberian high is often considered a characteristic of a strong EAWM (Guo, 1994; Gong et al., 2001). As shown in Fig. 3a, anomalously positive SLPs are evident over Siberia and East China when the TSI is high on the multidecadal time scale. These SLPs reflect an enhancement of the Siberian high. Their consistent trends can be seen from the time series of TSI and Siberian high index (Fig. 1). Both time series exhibit decreasing trends during the periods 1401-60, 1580-1700, 1780-1820 and 1860-80; whereas, they show increasing trends during the periods 1460-1560, 1700-60, 1820-60 and 1880-1999. As a result, when the TSI is high, anomalous anticyclones can be observed over the high-latitude Eurasian continent (Fig. 3b). Additionally, northerly wind anomalies are present over East Asia, indicating an anomalously strengthened low-level East Asian winter circulation. Correspondingly, more cold air can be brought southward to low-latitude regions. Thus, significant surface cooling is observed over East and North China (Fig. 3c). Overall, the EAWM typically strengthens when solar forcing strengthens in the model. To understand the possible mechanisms of the intensified Siberian high, we first examine the response of large-scale atmospheric circulation over the Northern Hemisphere to low-frequency changes in TSI. When TSI is high, positive 500-hPa geopotential height (Z500) anomalies are present over Siberia and southern Iceland (Fig. 4a). Correspondingly, negative Z500 anomalies are evident over the Greenland Sea and subtropical North Atlantic. The alternating occurrence of negative-positive-negative-positive anomalies resembles a Rossby wave pattern that propagates from the subtropical North Atlantic to the Siberian region. We further investigate the corresponding qausi-geostrophic stream function and wave activity flux (WAF) anomalies, which can reflect the propagation of stationary Rossby waves and indicate the direction of energy propagation (Takaya and Nakamura, 2001). As shown in Fig. 4b, the wave train propagates northeastward from the subtropical North Atlantic to the Iceland basin and then splits into two branches. One branch propagates eastward and reaches the Siberian region. This branch is weak (non-significant). The other branch continues northward to the Greenland Sea and then swings toward the Siberian region. This northward branch of the Rossby wave is significantly strengthened when it reaches the Greenland Sea, which is likely due to the positive feedback of sea ice there (Fig. 5a). When this wave train reaches the Siberian region, the convergence of the WAF can strengthen the Siberian high. Figure3. Regression of the winter (a) SLP (units: hPa), (b) surface wind (units: m s-1), and (c) SAT (units: °C) on the TSI (units: W m-2) during 1401-1999 in the simulation. The TSI and atmospheric variables have been low-pass filtered with a 13-year cutoff period. Areas significant at the 95% confidence level are marked with dots in (a, c) but shaded in gray in (b). The green line in (b) shows the 3000 m topographic contour.
Figure4. Regression of the winter (a) Z500 (units: m) and (b) 500-hPa qausi-geostrophic stream function (contours; units: 105 m2 s-1) and WAF (vectors; units: m2 s-2) on the TSI (units: W m-2) during 1401-1999 in the simulation. Blue (red) lines represent negative (positive) values, and the contour interval is 105 (units: m2 s-1) in (b). The TSI and atmospheric variables have been low-pass filtered with a 13-year cutoff period. Areas significant at the 95% confidence level are marked with dots in (a) but shaded in gray in (b).
Figure5. Regression of the winter (a) sea-ice concentration and (b) SST (units: °C) on the TSI (units: W m-2) during 1401-1999 in the simulation. The TSI and oceanic variables have been low-pass filtered with a 13-year cutoff period. Areas significant at the 95% confidence level are marked with dots. The black frame (20°-30°N, 40°-70°W) in (b) is used to define a SST-cooling index.
The formation of a Rossby wave is highly correlated with thermal and orographic forcing (Hoskins and Karoly, 1981). As shown in Fig. 4b, the origin of this wave train is over the subtropical North Atlantic. Thus, it is likely that this negative-positive-negative-positive wave train is excited by negative SST-induced convective heating anomalies over the subtropical North Atlantic (Fig. 5b). Significant cooling over the subtropical North Atlantic can decrease the latent heat flux and moisture flux to the atmosphere. These changes subsequently decrease convective instability. Therefore, convective heating is reduced over the subtropics, and excitation of the Rossby wave train occurs, as illustrated in Fig. 4b. The anomalous subtropical North Atlantic SST likely plays an important role in shaping this Rossby wave train and related atmospheric circulation anomalies over East Asia. To confirm this inferred linkage, we define a SST-cooling index over the subtropical North Atlantic (20°-30°N, 40°-70°W; black frame in Fig. 5b). The regression maps on it show a similar negative-positive-negative-positive wave train from the subtropical North Atlantic to Siberia (Figs. 6a and b). As a result, the Siberian high is significantly strengthened, causing significant surface cooling over East Asia (Figs. 6c and d). Therefore, the negative SST anomalies over the subtropical North Atlantic are the main reason for the formation of the wave train and the strengthening of the EAWM when TSI is high. However, it should be noted that the southern (northern) branch of the wave train is relatively stronger (weaker) compared to that in the TSI-related process. This suggests that the positive feedback of sea ice over the Greenland Sea probably plays an important role in strengthening the northern Rossby wave in the TSI-related process (Fig. 5a). Figure6. Regression of the winter (a) 500-hPa geopotential height (units: m), (b) 500-hPa qausi-geostrophic stream function (contours; units: 105 m2 s-1) and WAF (vectors; units: m2 s-2), (c) SLP (units: hPa), and (d) SAT (units: °C) on the SST index (units: °C) during 1401-1999 in the simulation. Blue (red) lines represent negative (positive) values, and the contour interval is 5× 105 (units: m2 s-1) in (b). Areas significant at the 95% confidence level are marked with dots in (a, c, d) but shaded in gray in (b).
Figure7. Regression of the winter Atlantic meridional overturning stream function (units: Sv) on the TSI (units: W m-2) during 1401-1999 in the simulation. The TSI and oceanic variables have been low-pass filtered with a 13-year cutoff period. Areas significant at the 95% confidence level are marked with dots.
Thus, the relationship between changes in TSI and negative SST anomalies over the subtropical North Atlantic should be considered. Most regions of the North Atlantic exhibit negative SST anomalies when TSI is high. In contrast, positive SST anomalies can be observed over the entire tropical and South Atlantic. This northern negative and tropical (southern) positive SST anomaly pattern reflects the weakening of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC). For confirmation, we illustrate the response of the AMOC stream function to solar forcing in Fig. 7. Significant negative stream function anomalies across the Atlantic cell indicate a reduction in AMOC strength. In addition, the negative sea surface salinity anomalies in the North Atlantic also indicate a weakened AMOC (Fig. 8). As noted in previous modeling studies (Latif et al., 2009; Otter? et al., 2010; Swingedouw et al., 2011), positive TSI anomalies lead to an increase in surface heat flux, which induces negative buoyancy forcing and a decrease in mixed layer depth in the Labrador Sea. Thus, the decreased convection in the Labrador Sea can weaken the AMOC. This process is similar to responses of the AMOC to global warming (Gregory et al., 2005). Therefore, the negative SST anomalies over the subtropical North Atlantic are mainly caused by the TSI-induced weakening of the AMOC. Additionally, reduced northward heat transport due to a weakened AMOC decreases the SST in the high-latitude Atlantic (Fig. 9), which can increase the sea-ice coverage over the Greenland Sea. This process explains the strengthened wave train in the Greenland Sea area. Figure8. Regression of the winter sea surface salinity (units: psu) on the TSI (units: W m-2) during 1401-1999 in the simulation. The TSI and oceanic variables have been low-pass filtered with a 13-year cutoff period. Areas significant at the 95% confidence level are marked with dots.
Figure9. Regression of the winter ocean barotropic stream function (color shading; units: Sv) on the TSI (units: W m-2) during 1401-1999 in the simulation. The TSI and oceanic variables have been low-pass filtered with a 13-year cutoff period. Areas significant at the 95% confidence level are marked with dots. The contours show the climatological winter ocean barotropic stream function (interval: 5 Sv; zero-line omitted), with solid (dashed) lines meaning positive (negative).
2 3.3. Observed influences of solar forcing on the EAWM -->
3.3. Observed influences of solar forcing on the EAWM
Based on observations, a similar relationship can be found between the low-frequency solar activity and Siberian high during the period 1850-1970. As shown in Fig. 10a, both the SSN and Siberian high index exhibit decreasing trends from 1850-1910 and increasing trends from 1910-1970. This means that the SSN and Siberian high index have consistent trends during 1850-1970, similar to the findings from the model results (Fig. 1). Figure 10b shows a regression map of the SLP in winter associated with solar forcing during the period 1850-1970. Positive SLP anomalies can be observed over the Siberian region. These findings suggest strong EAWM circulation. However, this relationship reverses after the 1970s. The regression map shows negative SLP anomalies over the high-latitude Eurasian continent when the SSN is high during the period 1971-2014 (Fig. 10c). Figure10. (a) Time series of SSN (red) and Siberian high index (blue) during 1850-2014. (b, c) Regression of the winter SLP (units: hPa 100-1) on the SSN over the period (b) 1850-1970 and (c) 1971-2014 in the observations. The SSN and atmospheric variables have been low-pass filtered with a 13-year cutoff period. Areas significant at the 90% confidence level are marked with dots.