1.School of Geography and Remote Sensing, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China 2.School of Applied Meteorology, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China 3.Jiangsu Climate Center, Nanjing 210009, China Manuscript received: 2016-09-19 Manuscript revised: 2017-01-14 Manuscript accepted: 2017-07-20 Abstract:A new scheme for the estimation of daily global solar radiation over sloped topography in China is developed based on the Iqbal model C and MODIS cloud fraction. The effects of topography are determined using a digital elevation model. The scheme is tested using observations of solar radiation at 98 stations in China, and the results show that the mean absolute bias error is 1.51 MJ m-2 d-1 and the mean relative absolute bias error is 10.57%. Based on calculations using this scheme, the distribution of daily global solar radiation over slopes in China on four days in the middle of each season (15 January, 15 April, 15 July and 15 October 2003) at a spatial resolution of 1 km × 1 km are analyzed. To investigate the effects of topography on global solar radiation, the results determined in four mountains areas (Tianshan, Kunlun Mountains, Qinling, and Nanling) are discussed, and the typical characteristics of solar radiation over sloped surfaces revealed. In general, the new scheme can produce reasonable characteristics of solar radiation distribution at a high spatial resolution in mountain areas, which will be useful in analyses of mountain climate and planning for agricultural production. Keywords: sloped terrain, solar radiation, topography, geographic information system 摘要:本文利用全国98个辐射站观测数据, 基于Iqbal model C, MODIS云量和DEM建立了复杂地形下太阳辐射日总量模型, 模型平均标准误差为1.51 MJ m?2 d?1, 平均相对误差为10.57%. 基于该模型模拟并分析了2003年1月15日,4月15日, 7月15日, 10月15日全国1 km × 1 km复杂地形下太阳辐射日总量的空间分布. 本文选择了4条山脉(天山, 昆仑山, 秦岭, 南岭)作为分析区域, 探讨了局地地形对太阳总辐射的影响. 该模型能够合理的模拟出高分辨率山区太阳辐射局地特征, 对山地气候和农业区划有深远影响. 关键词:坡地, 太阳辐射, 地形, 地理信息系统
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2.1. Determination of GRHS
GRHS can be determined using existing methods. For example, (Weng, 1964) proposed a simple method based on the percentage of sunshine duration: \begin{equation} Q=Q_0(a+bs) ,\ \ (1) \end{equation} where Q0 is the solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere (TOA), s is the percentage of sunshine duration, and a and b are empirical coefficients. Equation (1) has been widely used in China since its introduction. In our study, Q0 is replaced with Q clr: \begin{equation} Q=Q_{\rm clr}(a+bs) , \ \ (2)\end{equation} where Q clr is defined as an idealized clear-sky GRHS. It includes the effects of gaseous absorption and Rayleigh scattering, while the effects of aerosol and cloud are still considered in the term (a+bs). In the original Eq. (1), the input variable is only sunshine duration, which reflects the effect of cloud. All other factors of influence are implicitly included in the fitting coefficients. Such a treatment makes Eq. (1) highly localized and the coefficients a and b are not uniform in space and time. This deficiency can be significantly improved in Eq. (2) because most factors of influence under clear-sky conditions are explicitly treated in the calculation of Q clr, and the coefficients a and b rely heavily on the aerosol and cloud. (Iqbal, 1983) developed a scheme to estimate Q clr, which is adopted in this study. In the Iqbal scheme, Q clr is determined by \begin{equation} Q_{\rm clr}=Q_{\rm dir}+Q_{\rm dif} , \ \ (3)\end{equation} where Q dir is the direct solar radiation (DIR) and Q dif is the diffuse solar radiation (DIF). The transmittances of DIR for water vapor, ozone, uniformly mixed gases, Rayleigh scattering, and aerosols are parameterized in terms of relative humidity, surface temperature, surface pressure, and ozone optical path length. The DIF is determined by the diffuse downward component due to Rayleigh scattering and the downward component due to multiple reflections between the surface and atmosphere. Since aerosol data are difficult to implement in this work, we do not explicitly consider the effects of aerosol. The aerosol transmittance in the Iqbal model C (Iqbal, 1983) is set to 1. Thus, the effects of aerosol are not included in the idealized clear-sky term Q clr. However, the effects of aerosol are not ignored. Because we use the observational data to determine the coefficients a and b in Eq. (2) (see next section), the effects of aerosol and all other unknown factors of influence are implicitly included in these coefficients. A detailed description of the Iqbal model C is presented in the Appendix.
2 2.2. Determination of GRSS -->
2.2. Determination of GRSS
The clear-sky GRSS is determined by three components, \begin{equation} Q_{\rm clr\alpha\beta}=Q_{\rm dir\alpha\beta}+Q_{\rm dif\alpha\beta}+Q_{\rm r\alpha\beta} , \ \ (4)\end{equation} where Q clrαβ is the clear-sky GRSS, Q dirαβ is the DIR over the sloped surface, Q difαβ is the DIF over the sloped surface, and Q rαβ is the reflected solar radiation over the sloped surface. The subscripts α and β represent the slope and aspect of the terrain. To determine Q dirαβ, we assume \begin{equation} \begin{array}{rcl} \dfrac{Q_{0\alpha\beta}}{Q_0}&=&\dfrac{Q_{\rm dir\alpha\beta}}{Q_{\rm dir}}\\[3mm] Q_{\rm dir\alpha\alpha}&=&\dfrac{Q_{0\alpha\beta}}{Q_0}Q_{\rm dir}=R_{0\alpha\beta} Q_{\rm dir} , \end{array}\ \ (5) \end{equation} where Q0αβ and Q0 are the TOA solar radiation over the sloped and horizontal surface, respectively; and \(R_{0{á}\beta}\) is the ratio of TOA radiation over the sloped surface to that over the horizontal surface. Thus, the effects of slope, aspect, and topographic shadow are represented by R0αβ, which can be determined using the DEM——as described by (Qiu et al., 2005). A brief description of the determination of Q0αβ is given here. According to (Qiu et al., 2005), the daily total Q0αβ over complex terrain can be calculated by \begin{eqnarray} Q_{0\alpha\beta}&=&\dfrac{T}{2\pi}\left(\dfrac{r_0}{r}\right)^2I_0 \left\{u\sin\delta\left[\sum_{l=1}^m(\omega_{\rm bl}-\varphi_{\rm el})\right]\right.\nonumber\\ &&+v\cos\delta\left[\sum_{l=1}^m(\sin\omega_{\rm bl}-\sin\omega_{\rm el})\right]\nonumber\\ &&\left.-w\cos\delta\left[\sum_{l=1}^m(\cos\omega_{\rm bl}-\cos\omega_{\rm el})\right]\right\} ,\ \ (6)\\ u&=&\sin\varphi\cos\alpha-\cos\varphi\sin\alpha\cos\beta ,\ \ (7)\\ v&=&\cos\varphi\cos\alpha+\sin\varphi\sin\alpha\cos\beta ,\ \ (8)\\ w&=&\sin\alpha\sin\beta ,\ \ (9) \end{eqnarray} where T is the daylight length, (r0/r)2 is the eccentricity correction factor of Earth's orbit; r and r0 are the sun-earth distance and mean sun-earth distance, respectively; I0 is the solar constant; δ is the solar declination; ω is hour angle; bl and el are the start and end, respectively, of the sunshine in the lth period; m is the number of periods during which there is sun illumination; α is the slope angle; β is the slope orientation; and φ is the latitude. With the topographical factors provided by the DEM system and the number of sunshine periods m, Q0αβ can be determined by Eqs. (6)-(9). Similar to Eq. (5), we derive an expression for the diffuse component, \begin{equation} Q_{\rm dif\alpha\beta}=Q_{\rm dif}\left[\dfrac{Q_{\rm dir}}{Q_0}R_{0\alpha\beta}+V\left(1-\dfrac{Q_{\rm dir}}{Q_0}\right)\right] , \ \ (10)\end{equation} where V is the terrain openness. The method for determining V is described in (Qiu et al., 2008). Finally, the reflected radiation from the sloped surface can be computed by the following expressions: \begin{equation} \left\{ \begin{array}{l@{\quad}l} Q_{\rm r\alpha\beta}=Q_{\rm clr}\rho_{\rm g}(1-V) & V\leq 1\\[1mm] Q_{\rm r\alpha\beta}=0 & V>1 \end{array} \right. ,\ \ (11)\end{equation} where ρ g is the surface albedo, which can be estimated using the planetary albedos of AVHRR channels 1 and 2 (ρ CH1 and ρ CH2, respectively), as described by (Valiente et al., 1995): \begin{equation} \rho_{\rm g}=0.545\rho_{\rm CH1}+0.320\rho_{\rm CH2}+0.035 , \ \ (12)\end{equation} The GRSS is determined by: \begin{equation} Q_{\alpha\beta}=Q_{\rm clr\alpha\beta}(a+bs) , \ \ (13) \end{equation} where Qαβ is the GRSS.
2 2.3. Determination of sunshine duration -->
2.3. Determination of sunshine duration
The percentage of sunshine duration is a key variable in this study because it reflects the important effects of cloud. This variable is routinely available from operational observations, so the data are usually used to determine the values at other locations using interpolation. However, the method of interpolation is not very accurate. For this reason, we use MODIS cloud products to estimate the sunshine duration, because the spatial resolution of MODIS cloud products is moderate. Based on the cloud fraction and percentage of sunshine duration data measured at 682 meteorological stations in China in 2003, we establish the following empirical relationship (Shi et al., 2013; He et al., 2014): \begin{equation} s=a_{\rm s}+b_{\rm s}C ,\ \ (14) \end{equation} where C is the daily mean cloud amount and a s and b s are empirical coefficients.
3.1. Conventional meteorological data
The daily global solar radiation and sunshine duration data measured at 98 radiation stations from 1961 to 2000 in China are used to determine the coefficients in Eq. (2). The coefficients for each station on each day of the year are determined using the daily data from these 40-year records. These coefficients are then interpolated to 1 km × 1 km spatial grids using the inverse distance weighted method and stored in a database for use in the determination of GRHS and GRSS. In addition, temperature, relative humidity and surface pressure are required using the Iqbal model for the determination of clear-sky radiation. These data at 682 stations in 2003 are collected and interpolated onto 1 km × 1 km grids for the final calculations. The reason for using these 2003 data is that the final calculations require MODIS cloud fraction data, and these are only available after 2002 (i.e. data for the whole of 2003 are available). The sunshine duration data from intensive observation stations in 2003 are used to test Eq. (14) using the MODIS cloud fraction data (https://ladsweb.nascom.nasa.gov/search).
2 3.2. DEM data -->
3.2. DEM data
A DEM is a simulated digital representation of terrain elevation across regular grids within a certain range and reflects the spatial distribution of regional morphology. DEM data at the spatial resolution of 1 km × 1 km are obtained from the National Geomatics Center of China (http://ngcc.sbsm.gov. cn/article/en/or/an/) and used to determine the effects of height, slope and aspect on GRSS.
2 3.3. MODIS data -->
3.3. MODIS data
MODIS is a scanning instrument that takes measurements in 36 spectral bands from visible to thermal infrared. MODIS instruments are onboard two polar-orbiting NASA satellites: Terra, which has a daytime equatorial crossing at about 1030 LST and 2230 LST; and Aqua, which has an equatorial crossing at about 0130 LST and 1330 LST. Therefore, MODIS provides measurements four times a day. The MODIS cloud mask is classified into four groups based on threshold values in multispectral channels, which are closely related to different surface types at each given pixel: group 1 is "confidently clear"; group 2 is "probably clear"; group 3 is "probably cloudy"; and group 4 is "cloudy". The MODIS global level-2 dataset provides cloud fractions derived by averaging 5 × 5 km2 pixels (Platnick et al., 2015). These data are further averaged to daily means and used in this study to estimate the sunshine duration.
2 3.4. Test areas -->
3.4. Test areas
To test the performance of our scheme, four mountainous areas are chosen as study areas, and their geographic zones and climate characteristics are given in Table 1 and also shown in Fig. 1. As indicated by the rectangles in Fig. 1, these zones are essentially east-west-oriented, and therefore the contrast in radiation between northern and southern slopes should be clear. Figure1. The DEM and analysis areas in China (1 km × 1 km).