

中国政法大学 辅仁网/2017-06-25

The limited Freedom of Military Activities in the Exclusive Economic Zone 贺赞; 1:华南师范大学法学院 摘要(Abstract):


关键词(KeyWords): 军事活动;;适当顾及;;和平目的;;国家实践



基金项目(Foundation): 广东省高校青年创新人才项目(2014WQNCX024)“国际海洋新秩序下的专属经济区制度研究:以中国为视角”的阶段性成果

作者(Author): 贺赞;


参考文献(References): [1]金永明:“专属经济区内军事活动问题与国家实践”,载《法学》2008年第3期。[2]邹立刚:“论国家对专属经济区内外国平时军事活动的规制权”,载《中国法学》2012年第6期。[3]邵津:“专属经济区和大陆架的军事利用的法律问题”,载《中国国际法年刊》,世界知识出版社1985年版。[4]郑雷:“论中国对专属经济区内他国军事活动的法律立场——以‘无暇号’事件为视角”,载《法学家》2011年第1期。[5][美]约翰.杰克逊著:《国家主权与WTO——变化中的国际法基础》,赵龙跃等译,社会科学出版社2009年版。[6]管建强:“美国无权擅自在中国专属经济区从事‘军事测量’——评‘中美南海摩擦事件’”,载《法学》2009年第4期。1 Shirly A.Kan,U.S.-China Military Contacts:Issues for Congress,CRS Report for Congress,Nov.20,p.29(2013).2 Hugo Caminos,Harmonization of Pre-Existing 200-Mile Claims in the Latin American Region with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and its Exclusive Economic Zone,30 U.Miami Inter-AM.L.Rev.,(1998).3 《公约》第56条第1款规定:沿海国在专属经济区内有以勘探和开发、养护和管理海床上覆水域和海床及其底土的自然资源(不论为生物或非生物资源)为目的的主权权利,以及关于在该区内从事经济性开发和勘探,如利用海水、海流和风力生产能等其他活动的主权权利;并对下列事项拥有管辖权:⑴人工岛屿、设施和结构的建造和使用;⑵海洋科学研究;⑶海洋环境的保护和保全。4 《公约》第58条第1款规定。5 Sir Robert Jennings&Sir Arthur Watts(ed.),Oppenheim’s International Law,9th ed,Vol.I,Longman,,pp.618-619.625,793-794(1992).6 Peter Dutton,Military Activities in the EEZ:A U.S.-China Dialogue on Security and International Law in the Maritime Commons,Naval War College China Maritime Study 7,(2010).7 邵津:“专属经济区和大陆架的军事利用的法律问题”,载《中国国际法年刊》,世界知识出版社1985年版,第193页。持同样观点的还有金祖光:“论新海洋法公约下的船舶航行权”,载赵理海主编《当代海洋法的理论和实践》,法律出版社1987年版,第134页。1 《公约》第58条(2)规定:“第88至第115条以及其他国际法有关规则,只要与本部分不相抵触,均适用于专属经济区”。2 Charles E.Pirtle,Military Use of Ocean Space and the Law of the Sea in the New Millennium,31Ocean Development&International Law,p.10(2000),3 Id.,p.26(2000).4 D.P.O’Connell,The International Law of the Sea,Vol.I,Oxford University Press,p.1(1982).5 Charles E.Pirtle,Military Use of Ocean Space and the Law of the Sea in the New Millennium,31Ocean Development&International Law,p.29(2000).1 Id.,p.33(2000).2 Hasjim Djalal,Remarks on the Concept of“Freedom of Navigation”,in:Nordquist,Koh and Moore(eds.),Freedom of Seas,Passage Rights and the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,p.73(2009).3 R.P.Anand,Origin and Development of the Law of the Sea,Brill Publisher,pp.225-241(1982).4 通常包括:1.航行,包括日常巡航,军事演习和武器试验,发现沉没军舰;2.飞越;3.收集战略和军事情报;4.放置航行设备;5.部署传统武器,如水雷;6.修建导弹发射装置;7.在海底设置反潜战设备等。参见Boleslaw Adam Boczek,Peacetime Military Activities in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Third Countries,19 Ocean Development and International Law,pp.447-448(1988),.5 R.Douglas Brubaker,Foreign Military Research in a Coastal State’s Maritime Zones-Preliminary Analysis,FNI Report,The Fridtjof Nansen Institute,p.30(2001).6 Sam Bateman,Hydrographic Surveying in Exclusive Economic Zones-Is It Marine Scientific Research?in:Nordquist,Koh and Moore(eds.),Source Freedom of Seas,Passage Rights and the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,p.116(2009).1 R.Douglas Brubaker,Foreign Military Research in a Coastal State’s Maritime Zones-Preliminary Analysis,FNI Report,The Fridtjof Nansen Institute,p.30(2001).2 Regulations Relating to Foreign Marine Scientific Research in Norway’s Internal Waters,Territorial Sea and Economic Zone and on the Continental Shelf,Article 15.3 See UNCLOS art.56;Bernard H.Oxmnan,Tie Regime of Warships under theU nited Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,24 VA.J.INT’L L.,p.809,837-38(1984).4 Law No.8617 of 4 January 1993,On the Territorial Sea,The Contiguous Zone,The Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf,reprinted in U.N.Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the sea,U.N.Law of the sea Bulletin No.23,p.17,19(1993).5 Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea.Official Records,4th Sess.,67th Mtg.p.62,U.N.Doc.A/CONF.62/SR.57-70 ,U.N.Sales No.E.76.V.8(Comments of U.S.Delegate,T.Vincent Learson in a plenary session),p.62(1976).6 《公约》第56条。1 United Nations,Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea,Office of Legal Affairs,The Law of the Sea,Exclusive Economic Zone,Legislative History of Articles 56,58 and 59 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,1(1992).2 Declaration on the Maritime Zone(the Santiago Declaration),adopted by Chile,Ecuador and Peru at the First Conference on the Exploitation and Conservation of the Maritime Resources of the South Pacific on 18 August 1952,reprinted in Legislative History,p.4.3 MJ Valencia and Y Amae,Regime Building in the East China Sea,34 Ocean Dev and Int’l L,(2003).1 J.Roach and R.Smith,Excessive Maritime Claims,Martinus Nijhoff Publisher,p.262(2012).2 Oil Pollution Act of 1990(OPA 1990),33 U.S.C.§270.3 For example see J.A.Knauss,Creeping Jurisdiction and Customary International Law 15 Ocean Development and International Law,p.209 (1985);B.Kwiatkowska,Creeping Jurisdiction beyond 200 nautical miles in the Light of the Law of the Sea Convention and State Practice 22 Ocean Development and International Law,p.159(1991).4 Ocean Policy Research Foundation of Japan,Guidelines for navigation and over flight in the Exclusive Economic Zone,16 September 2005,available at:http://www.sof.or.jp/en/report/pdf/200509_20051205_e.pdf(accessed 28 March 2014),pp.8-10 and pp.12-13.5 Military Maritime Consultative Agreement.6 Code for Unalerted Encounters at Sea.7 International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.

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