

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-26

杨岩, 谭德水, 江丽华, 郭建华, 孙克刚, 徐钰, 石璟, 王梅, 刘兆辉. 黄淮海夏玉米一次性施肥技术效应研究[J]. 中国农业科学, 2018, 51(20): 3909-3919 https://doi.org/10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.20.009
YANG Yan, TAN DeShui, JIANG LiHua, GUO JianHua, SUN KeGang, XU Yu, SHI Jing, WANG Mei, LIU ZhaoHui. The Effects of One-off Fertilization of Summer Maize in Huang-Huai-Hai Region[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2018, 51(20): 3909-3919 https://doi.org/10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.20.009

0 引言

【研究意义】黄淮海地区是我国最大的夏玉米主产区,产量约占全国的35%[1],但由于长期不合理施肥,造成养分利用效率降低,在浪费资源的同时加重了环境的负担[2,3]。近年来,随着劳动力成本的提高,夏玉米一次性施肥已为越来越多的****所推崇[4,5,6]。开展黄淮海夏玉米一次性施肥应用效果研究,能够为黄淮海区夏玉米生产实现稳产增产,提高养分利用率,及保障国家粮食安全提供理论基础和数据参考。【前人研究进展】已有研究表明缓/控释氮肥因具有养分释放与作物吸收同步的特点,对提高玉米产量、品质和氮肥利用率有较好的作用[7,8,9,10],因此成为了一次性施肥技术中的重要环节。而夏玉米对氮肥敏感,且耐肥性强,施氮增产效果显著,合理施用氮肥能有效提高夏玉米产量和氮肥利用率,减轻环境压力[11,12,13]。【本研究切入点】黄淮海夏玉米区内针对一次性施肥方式对玉米产量、氮肥效应及氮素平衡影响的研究虽已有一定报道[5,10,14-16],但研究地块的面积有限,区域代表性较小,对于一次性施肥在整个黄淮海夏玉米区的应用效果评价缺乏代表性。为此,笔者连续2年在河北、河南、山东3省的8个试验点进行了一次性施肥技术对夏玉米生长状况、产量、氮素利用率及0—90 cm土层硝态氮含量分布的影响研究。【拟解决的关键问题】旨在摸清一次性施肥在黄淮海区夏玉米上的应用效应,以期为黄淮海夏玉米区合理施肥、实现轻简化栽培等提供科学依据。

1 材料与方法

1.1 试验时间和地点

试验于2015年和2016年在黄淮海夏玉米主产区的河北、河南和山东3省的8处试验点进行。该区属暖温带半湿润性季风气候,气温高,蒸发量大,无霜期170—220 d,降雨量丰富,夏季降雨量占全年70%以上。地下水资源丰富,灌溉条件好。试验点土壤类型及基本养分含量见表1
Table 1
Table 1Soil type and nutrient index of each experimental site
Experimental location
Soil type
O.M (g·kg-1)
Total N (g·kg-1)
Available P (mg·kg-1)
Available K (mg·kg-1)
Dahe experimental station, Hebei academy of agricultural science
Cinnamon soil
Yuying village, Penyao town, Xiping county, Zhumadian, Henan
Shajiang black soil
Nongkeyuan farm, Zhumadian, Henan
Shajiang black soil
Experimental station for ecology and sustainable development of Huantai, Shandong
Cinnamon soil
Experimental station of Linyi academy of agricultural sciences, Shandong
Fluvo-aquic soil
Longshan experimental station of Zhangqiu, Shandong
Brown soil
Liuyi farm, Dezhou, Shandong
Fluvo-aquic soil
Science and technology park, Dezhou academy of agricultural sciences, Shandong
Fluvo-aquic soil


1.2 试验设计

试验共设7个处理,分别为:(1)不施氮、只施磷钾肥处理(N0PK);(2)习惯施肥,根据各地前期调研得出具体的氮磷钾用量(FP);(3)优化施肥,根据玉米需肥规律及当地土壤供肥能力对施肥量进行优化(OPT);(4)控释肥A替代OPT处理中的氮肥,且氮磷钾施肥量与OPT处理相同(CRFA);(5)CRFA处理氮肥减施20%(CRFA80%N);(6)控释肥B替代CRFA80%N中的控释肥A(CRFB80%N);(7)控释肥C替代CRFA80%N中的控释肥A (CRFC80%N)。3次重复,随机区组排列。试验用控释肥A为山东省农业资源与环境研究所研制的水基树脂包膜的控释尿素,膜可生物降解,含N 44%,控释期为30 d;控释肥B为金正大公司生产的热固性有机树脂包膜尿素,含N 29%,控释期为60 d;控释肥C为山东省农业资源与环境研究所研制的水基树脂包膜的控释尿素,膜可生物降解,含N 44%,控释期为45 d。其余肥料均由市场购置:氮肥为尿素(含N 46%),磷肥为过磷酸钙(含P2O5 12%)、钾肥为氯化钾(含K2O 60%)。
Table 2
Table 2Fertilization of each experimental location
Experimental location
Experimental treatment
The ration of basic N to topdressing N
Dahe experimental station, Hebei academy of agricultural science
Yuying village, Pengyao town, Xiping county, Zhumadian, Henan
Nongkeyuan farm, Zhumadian, Henan
Experimental station for ecology and sustainable development of Huantai, Shandong
Experimental station of Linyi academy of agricultural sciences, Shandong
Longshan experimental station of Zhangqiu, Shandong
表2 Continued table 2
Experimental location
Experimental treatment
The ration of basic N to topdressing N
Liuyi farm, Dezhou, Shandong
Science and technology park, Dezhou academy of agricultural sciences, Shandong


1.3 测定项目与方法

1.3.1 植株性状、茎秆特征及土样采集 收获前去掉两侧边行各1行及小区两端各去掉1 m为收获区,选取连续10株,测量株高,计算平均值;另连续取选20穗考种,调查穗长、穗行数、穗粒数、行粒数和百粒重等。收获中间2行植株样品,分别装入尼龙网袋,晒干脱粒称重,以含水量14%的重量折算产量[5]
收获植株样品时,采集0—30、30—60、60—90 cm剖面新鲜土样,土壤样品由低温保鲜箱保存,带回实验室测定土壤残留硝态氮含量。
1.3.2 植株、籽粒养分及土壤硝态氮含量 收获时,连续取5株植株样品,分为籽粒、茎、叶和其他,计算各器官生物量,并烘干粉碎,测定各器官氮含量及其累积量,计算氮肥利用效率。采用浓H2SO4-H2O2消煮-蒸馏定氮法[17]分析植株各部分全氮含量。土壤样品硝态氮含量测定采用2 mol·L-1 KCl溶液振荡提取后,利用连续流动分析仪进行测定。
1.3.3 有关指标计算和统计方法
变异系数[18](CV)=标准差/均值 (1)
氮肥农学效率(NAE,kg·kg-1)=(施氮区籽粒产量–不施氮区籽粒产量)/施氮量[19] (2)
氮肥表观利用率(NRE,%)=(施氮区植株地上部养分吸收量-不施氮区植株地上部养分吸收量)/施氮量×100[20] (3)
氮肥偏生产力(PFPN,kg·kg-1)= 籽粒产量/施氮量[5] (4)
氮素需求量(ANA,kg·t-1)=植株地上部分氮素养分积累量/产量[5] (5)
养分积累量(kg·hm-2)=(非收获物干重×非收获物氮素含量)+(收获物干重×收获物氮素含量)[5] (6)

1.4 数据统计分析

采用Excel 2010和SAS 8.1 软件进行数据处理和统计分析。

2 结果

2.1 一次性施肥对黄淮海区夏玉米株高及穗部性状的影响

Table 3
Table 3Effects of different fertilizer treatments on plant height and ear character of summer maize
株高Plant height (cm)穗长Ear length (cm)秃尖长Bare tip length (cm)穗粗Ear width (cm)

Values followed by different letters in a column are significant among the treatments at the 5% level. The same as below同列数据后不同字母表示处理间差异达5%显著水平。下同

2.2 一次性施肥对黄淮海区夏玉米产量及其构成因素的影响

Table 4
Table 4Effects of different fertilizer treatments on summer maize yield and it’s component
Grains per ear (No.)
100 grain weight (g)
Average grain yield (t·hm-2)
Increased rate (%)

Table 5
Table 5Effects of different fertilizer treatments on summer maize yield of different soil types (t·hm-2)
处理Treatments棕壤Brown soil褐土Cinnamon soil潮土Fluvo-aquic soil砂姜黑土Shajiang black soil


2.3 一次性施肥对黄淮海区夏玉米氮肥利用效率的影响

Table 6
Table 6N fertilizer use efficiency of different fertilizer treatments
氮肥农学效率NAE (kg·kg-1)氮肥表观利用率NER (%)氮肥偏生产力PFPN (kg·kg-1)需求量ANA (kg·t-1)


2.4 一次性施肥对黄淮海区夏玉米0-90cm土壤NO3--N含量的影响

图1为各试验点不同处理2016年夏玉米收获时0—90 cm土层NO3--N含量平均值分布情况。由图可知,0—30 cm土层,CRFA和FP处理的硝态氮含量显著高于其余处理(P<0.05),分别达18.00和17.40 mg·kg-1。0—90 cm土层范围内,除CRFA处理外,其余处理的硝态氮量均显著低于FP处理,此外,OPT处理的土壤NO3--N含量显著高于一次性减氮施肥处理(P<0.05),达9.16 mg·kg-1
图1不同处理对0—90 cm土层硝态氮含量的影响
-->Fig. 1Effect of different fertilizer treatments on soil NO3--N content in 0-90 cm

2.5 一次性施肥技术经济效益分析

不同处理经济效益分析如表7所示,一次性施肥技术处理的夏玉米产值较FP处理均不同程度提高,其中CRFA处理的产值最高,达14 444.92 元/hm2,且由于其为一次性施肥,省去了后期追肥900 元/hm2的人工费,因此其收益亦高于其他处理,较FP处理增收1 772.61元/hm2,说明一次性减量施肥能够减少追肥人工投入,增加农民纯收入。此外,CRFA80%N和CRFA处理的收益均高于OPT处理,CRFB80%N和CRFC80%N处理则略低于OPT处理,说明控释肥A在黄淮海夏玉米区的整体适应性相对较好,且CRFA80%N处理可作为农民增收的推荐施肥技术。
Table 7
Table 7Economic analysis of different treatments (yuan/hm2)
Average yield (kg·hm-2)
Output value
Labour cost
N cost
Net income

The cost accountings are as follows: The price of maize is calculated by 1.60 yuan/kg; Common urea fertilizer price is 3.91 yuan/kg, and controlled release nitrogen fertilizer A (CRFA) is1.30 yuan/kg N higher than urea, B(CRFB) is 2.17 yuan/kg N higher than urea, and C (CRFC) is 1.50 yuan/kg N higher than urea; The price of labor for topdressing is 900 yuan/hm2 (only treatments of FP and OPT need additional employment in topdressing)各处理成本核算依据如下:玉米价格按1.60元/kg计;普通肥料N按3.91元/kg计,控释氮A、B和C按较普通氮分别增加1.30、2.17和1.50元/kg N计;追肥劳动力价格按900元/hm2计(只有FP和OPT有追肥用工)

3 讨论

本试验条件下,2016年夏玉米收获时,OPT处理0—90 cm土层中NO3--N含量显著低于等施氮量的CRFA处理(图1),这可能是OPT处理的氮肥非一次性施入,减少了淋溶等损失比例,并在一定程度上提高了氮肥利用效率(表6),从而减少了土壤中NO3--N的累积。而CRFA处理的养分释放相对较慢,能够明显减少肥料氮的损失[38],在氮肥吸收量基本相当的情况下(表6),势必有可能造成土壤残留氮含量的升高。因此,在计算后茬作物的施肥量时应考虑土壤中残留氮的供肥能力,否则长此以往,势必会增加对大气和地下水环境的污染风险[38]。一次性减氮施肥处理在保证稳产增产、减少土壤NO3--N的累积,提高氮素利用效率和农民收入方面均有良好的表现,其中CRFA80%N和CRFB80%N的表现尤为稳定。

4 结论

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

参考文献 原文顺序

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2004年至今,在国家支农政策的推动下,农业种植结构大幅度调整,粮食产量连续增加,而且启动了全国测土配方施肥项目。采用2008年的农户调研数据与2001年进行对比,揭示了我国粮食生产体系中化肥效率的变化。结果表明,过去7年中小麦和玉米的单位面积化肥用量分别增加5.4%和29.0%,而水稻减少4.3%。全国粮食作物化肥消费总量增加1.3×106t,但占全国化肥消费总量的比重从68%下降到50%。用PFP(粮食产量除以化肥用量)表征化肥效率,发现三大粮食作物的化肥效率大小排列顺序为水稻小麦玉米;7年中小麦和水稻的化肥偏生产力分别从10.6 kg/kg增加到11.9 kg/kg,13.9 kg/kg增加到15.7 kg/kg,玉米的化肥偏生产力从13.8 kg/kg下降到11.5kg/kg。我国农业种植结构调整对化肥施用量影响较大。粮食作物向优势主产区集中以及机械和管理措施的改善有利于进一步提高粮食作物化肥效率,但经济作物播种面积仍在大幅增加,这将对全国化肥效率变化带来变数。
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2004年至今,在国家支农政策的推动下,农业种植结构大幅度调整,粮食产量连续增加,而且启动了全国测土配方施肥项目。采用2008年的农户调研数据与2001年进行对比,揭示了我国粮食生产体系中化肥效率的变化。结果表明,过去7年中小麦和玉米的单位面积化肥用量分别增加5.4%和29.0%,而水稻减少4.3%。全国粮食作物化肥消费总量增加1.3×106t,但占全国化肥消费总量的比重从68%下降到50%。用PFP(粮食产量除以化肥用量)表征化肥效率,发现三大粮食作物的化肥效率大小排列顺序为水稻小麦玉米;7年中小麦和水稻的化肥偏生产力分别从10.6 kg/kg增加到11.9 kg/kg,13.9 kg/kg增加到15.7 kg/kg,玉米的化肥偏生产力从13.8 kg/kg下降到11.5kg/kg。我国农业种植结构调整对化肥施用量影响较大。粮食作物向优势主产区集中以及机械和管理措施的改善有利于进一步提高粮食作物化肥效率,但经济作物播种面积仍在大幅增加,这将对全国化肥效率变化带来变数。
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ABSTRACT Crop rotation and N are management methods that can increase corn (Zea mays L.) grain yields. Our objective was to determine the corn grain yield response to six crop rotation sequences and four N rates in a long-term (35-yr) study. The rotations were continuous corn (CC), corn-alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) (CA), corn-soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] (CS), corn-corn-corn-affalfa-alfalfa (CCCAA), corn-corn-oat (Avena sativa L.) with alfalfa seeding-alfalfa-alfalfa (CCOaAA), and corn-soybean-corn-oat with alfalfa seeding-alfalfa (CSCOaA). From 1970 to 2004, first-yr corn grain yields (CCCAA, CCOaAA, and CSCOaA) increased from 79 to 100 kg ha(-1) yr(-1). Increasing N rates did not influence grain yield trends, indicating that an alfalfa crop produced the N required by first-yr corn. However, 224 kg N ha(-1) was needed to improve second and third-yr grain yield trends 69 and 58 kg ha(-1) yr(-1), respectively. Grain yield trends for CC did not improve despite increasing N treatments, although grain yield tended to increase over time at 224 kg N ha(-1) (P < 0.10). From 1989 to 2004, corn grain yield trends of CA and CS decreased by 161 kg ha(-1) yr(-1) if no N was added. The 2-yr rotation was not sufficient to improve grain yield trends, whereas the 5-yr rotation was able to enhance corn grain yield and decrease the need for fertilizer N. Effects on pathogens and insects were not evaluated but warrant further investigations. Overall, this data shows that extended rotations involving forage crops reduce N inputs, increase corn grain yields, and are more agronomically sustainable than current short-term rotations.
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[6]高强, 李德忠, 黄立华, 朴成学, 汪娟娟. 吉林玉米带玉米一次性施肥现状调查分析
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URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This study was conducted on scale of maize single fertilization, distribution of maize production regions, application amount of fertilizer, economic input and production status of high N compound fertilizer in Jilin, using fertilizer statistics and sampling information from farmers and fertilizer sellers. The results indicate that single fertilization is predominantly used in central and east regions of Jilin maize belt, where soil types are black soil, chernozem, albic soil, meadow soil and dark brown forest soil. In 2005, single fertilization was used in 6 2.5% of the total fertilized fields. Theaverage application amount of fertilizer is 554 kg/hm and the cost of single fertilization is 313yuan/hm higherthan that under farmers’ normal application of fertilizer.Rate of high N compound fertilizer and content of N in fertilizer are increased. Rate of temporary registered high N compound fertilizer and rate of high N compound fertilizer are especially increased,from 45.1% and 50.0% of 2003 to 95.5% and 77.0 % of 2005.
GAO Q, LI D Z, HUANG L H, PIAO C X, WANG J J.Investigation of present situation on single fertilization for maize in Jilin maize belt
.Journal of Jilin Agricultural University, 2008, 30(3): 301-305. (in Chinese)
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This study was conducted on scale of maize single fertilization, distribution of maize production regions, application amount of fertilizer, economic input and production status of high N compound fertilizer in Jilin, using fertilizer statistics and sampling information from farmers and fertilizer sellers. The results indicate that single fertilization is predominantly used in central and east regions of Jilin maize belt, where soil types are black soil, chernozem, albic soil, meadow soil and dark brown forest soil. In 2005, single fertilization was used in 6 2.5% of the total fertilized fields. Theaverage application amount of fertilizer is 554 kg/hm and the cost of single fertilization is 313yuan/hm higherthan that under farmers’ normal application of fertilizer.Rate of high N compound fertilizer and content of N in fertilizer are increased. Rate of temporary registered high N compound fertilizer and rate of high N compound fertilizer are especially increased,from 45.1% and 50.0% of 2003 to 95.5% and 77.0 % of 2005.
[7]张民, 杨越超, 宋付朋, 史衍玺. 包膜控释肥料研究与产业化开发
. 化肥工业, 2005, 32(2): 7-12.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1006-7779.2005.02.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
ZHANG M, YANG Y C, SONG F P, SHI Y X.Study and industrialized development of coated controlled release fertilizers
.Journal of Chemical Fertilizer Industry, 2005, 32(2): 7-12. (in Chinese)
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1006-7779.2005.02.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[8]马丽, 张民, 陈剑秋, 孔凡美, 杨越超. 包膜控释氮肥对玉米增产效应的研究
. 磷肥与复肥, 2006, 21(4): 12-14.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1007-6220.2006.04.004URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
MA L, ZHANG M, CHEN J Q, KONG F M, YANG Y C.Effect of coated controlled release nitrogen fertilizer on yield increase of corn
.Phosphate and Compound Fertilizer, 2006, 21(4): 12-14. (in Chinese)
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1007-6220.2006.04.004URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[9]邵国庆, 李增嘉, 宁堂原, 张民, 焦念元, 韩宾, 白美, 李洪杰. 灌溉和尿素类型对玉米氮素利用及产量和品质的影响
. 中国农业科学, 2008, 41(11): 3672-3678.
URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
SHAO G Q, LI Z J, NING T Y, ZHANG M, JIAO N Y, HAN B, BAI M, LI H J.Effects of irrigation and urea types on N utilization, yield and quality of maize
.Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2008, 41(11): 3672-3678. (in Chinese)
URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
[10]易镇邪, 王璞. 包膜复合肥对夏玉米产量、氮肥利用率与土壤速效氮的影响
. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2007, 13(2): 242-247.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1008-505X.2007.02.010URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
以郑单958为材料,比较研究了复合肥(CF)与包膜复合肥(CCF)对华北平原夏玉米产量、氮肥利用率及土壤速效氮与土壤氮素表观盈亏的影响。结果表明,1)玉米产量随施氮量增大而增大,施N 180 kg/hm2时,CCF处理高于CF处理,施N 90 kg/hm2时表现相反;2)与CF处理比较,CCF处理施N 180 kg/hm2时,氮肥利用率高5.3个百分点,施N 90 kg/hm2时低2.4个百分点;3)土壤速效氮含量一般随施氮量增大而提高,各时期表土层CCF处理较CF处理高,中、下土层表现相反。大喇叭口期之前,CF处理中、下土层土壤速效氮含量高于上土层(0—20 cm或0—40cm),而CCF180处理0—60 cm土层高于60—120 cm土层;4)不施氮,各生育阶段均出现土壤氮素表观亏缺,且吐丝后亏缺量占总亏缺量近80%;土壤氮素表观亏缺量随施氮量增大而降低,两种肥料表现一致;同等施氮量下CCF处理亏缺量较CF处理低。包膜复合肥氮素释放较平稳,对土壤速效氮向下运移的控制较好,有利于减少氮素潜在的淋洗损失。综合考虑产量、氮肥利用与氮素损失等因素,包膜复合肥用量N 180 kg/hm2是吴桥试区夏玉米季较为理想的选择。
YI Z X, WANG P.Effect of coated compound fertilizer on yield, nitrogen use efficiency and soil available nitrogen in summer maize
.Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science, 2007, 13(2): 242-247. (in Chinese)
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1008-505X.2007.02.010URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
以郑单958为材料,比较研究了复合肥(CF)与包膜复合肥(CCF)对华北平原夏玉米产量、氮肥利用率及土壤速效氮与土壤氮素表观盈亏的影响。结果表明,1)玉米产量随施氮量增大而增大,施N 180 kg/hm2时,CCF处理高于CF处理,施N 90 kg/hm2时表现相反;2)与CF处理比较,CCF处理施N 180 kg/hm2时,氮肥利用率高5.3个百分点,施N 90 kg/hm2时低2.4个百分点;3)土壤速效氮含量一般随施氮量增大而提高,各时期表土层CCF处理较CF处理高,中、下土层表现相反。大喇叭口期之前,CF处理中、下土层土壤速效氮含量高于上土层(0—20 cm或0—40cm),而CCF180处理0—60 cm土层高于60—120 cm土层;4)不施氮,各生育阶段均出现土壤氮素表观亏缺,且吐丝后亏缺量占总亏缺量近80%;土壤氮素表观亏缺量随施氮量增大而降低,两种肥料表现一致;同等施氮量下CCF处理亏缺量较CF处理低。包膜复合肥氮素释放较平稳,对土壤速效氮向下运移的控制较好,有利于减少氮素潜在的淋洗损失。综合考虑产量、氮肥利用与氮素损失等因素,包膜复合肥用量N 180 kg/hm2是吴桥试区夏玉米季较为理想的选择。
[11]MOSISA W, MARIANNE B, GUNDA S, DENNIS F, ALPHA O D, WALTER J H.Nitrogen uptake and utilization in contrasting nitrogen efficient tropical maize hybrids
.Crop Science, 2007, 47: 519-528.
https://doi.org/10.2135/cropsci2005.05.0070URL [本文引用: 1]
[12]PRESTERL T, GROH S, LANDBECK M, SEITZ G, SCHMDT W, GEIGER H H.Nitrogen uptake and utilization efficiency of European maize hybrids developed under conditions of low and high nitrogen input
.Plant Breeding, 2002, 121: 480-486.
https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1439-0523.2002.00770.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Maize varieties with improved nitrogen(N)-use efficiency under low soil N conditions can contribute to sustainable agriculture. Tests were carried to see whether selection of European elite lines at low and high N supply would result in hybrids with differential adaptation to these contrasting N conditions. The objective was to analyze whether genotypic differences in N uptake and N-utilization efficiency existed in this material and to what extent these factors contributed to adaptation to low N supply. Twenty-four hybrids developed at low N supply (L × L) were compared with 25 hybrids developed at high N supply (H × H). The N uptake was determined as total above-ground N in whole plants, and N-utilization efficiency as the ratio between grain yield and N uptake in yield trials at four locations and at three N levels each. Highly significant variations as a result of hybrids and hybrids × N-level interaction were observed for grain yield as well as for N uptake and N-utilization efficiency in both hybrid types. Average yields of the L × L hybrids were higher than those of the H × H hybrids by 11.5% at low N supply and 5.4% at medium N level. There was no significant yield difference between the two hybrid types at high N supply. The L × L hybrids showed significantly higher N uptake at the low (12%) and medium (6%) N levels than the H × H hybrids. In contrast, no differences in N-utilization efficiency were observed between the hybrid types. These results indicate that adaptation of hybrids from European elite breeding material to conditions with reduced nitrogen input was possible and was mainly the result of an increase in N-uptake efficiency.
[13]NYIRANEZA J, DAYEGAMIYE A N, CHANTIGNY M H, LAVERDIERE M R.Variations in corn yield and nitrogen uptake in relation to soil attributes and nitrogen availability Indices
.Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2009, 73: 317-327.
https://doi.org/10.2136/sssaj2007.0374URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Identifying soil attributes which are most determinant to crop yield is still a matter of debate. The main objective of the present study is to relate the variations in corn (Zea mays) yield and N uptake to 16 soil attributes. Samples were collected in 2005 and 2006 from a long-term experiment at the IRDA Experiment Station of Saint Lambert de Lauzon in Quebec, Canada. Soil organic C (SOC), tot...
[14]王宜伦, 李潮海, 何萍, 金继运, 韩燕来, 张许, 谭金芳. 超高产夏玉米养分限制因子及养分吸收积累规律研究
. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2010, 16(3): 559-566.
https://doi.org/10.11674/zwyf.2010.0307URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
A field experiment was conducted to study soil nutrient restrictive factors and plant nutrient uptake and accumulation of super-high-yield summer maize in 2007 and 2008. The results show that the maize yields are highest under the OPT treatment (By ASI), 12051.2 kg/ha and 13246.3 kg/ha in 2007 and 2008 respectively. The nitrogen and potassium fertilization could evidently increase the yields by 8.92% and 7.14%, which indicates N and K are main nutrient restrictive factors. The accumulations of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of super-high-yield summer maize plants are increased with the extension of the bearing period, and the nutrient accumulation amounts are maximum at the maturity stage. The order of nutrient accumulations is K>N>P, and the absorbed nutrient ratio with 100 kilogram maize of N, P and K are 2.40∶1∶2.73. The key period of nutrient absorption is from the jointing stage to silking stage, and the absorbed nutrient rates are the highest. After the silking stage, maize plant absorbs more nitrogen and phosphorus. Leaf is distribution center of nitrogen and phosphorus from the seeding stage to silking stage, and the transfer efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus are higher in stems and leaves at the late stages, while the transfer proportion of potassium is small. Nutrients are absorbed continuously at the whole growth period of super-high-yield summer maize, it is essential to super-high-yield topdressing after the silking stage that ensure adequate nutrients at the grain filling stage.
WANG Y L, LI C H, HE P, JIN J Y, HAN Y L, ZHANG X, TAN J F.Nutrient restrictive factors and accumulation of super-high-yield summer maize
.Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science, 2010, 16(3): 559-566. (in Chinese)
https://doi.org/10.11674/zwyf.2010.0307URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
A field experiment was conducted to study soil nutrient restrictive factors and plant nutrient uptake and accumulation of super-high-yield summer maize in 2007 and 2008. The results show that the maize yields are highest under the OPT treatment (By ASI), 12051.2 kg/ha and 13246.3 kg/ha in 2007 and 2008 respectively. The nitrogen and potassium fertilization could evidently increase the yields by 8.92% and 7.14%, which indicates N and K are main nutrient restrictive factors. The accumulations of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of super-high-yield summer maize plants are increased with the extension of the bearing period, and the nutrient accumulation amounts are maximum at the maturity stage. The order of nutrient accumulations is K>N>P, and the absorbed nutrient ratio with 100 kilogram maize of N, P and K are 2.40∶1∶2.73. The key period of nutrient absorption is from the jointing stage to silking stage, and the absorbed nutrient rates are the highest. After the silking stage, maize plant absorbs more nitrogen and phosphorus. Leaf is distribution center of nitrogen and phosphorus from the seeding stage to silking stage, and the transfer efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus are higher in stems and leaves at the late stages, while the transfer proportion of potassium is small. Nutrients are absorbed continuously at the whole growth period of super-high-yield summer maize, it is essential to super-high-yield topdressing after the silking stage that ensure adequate nutrients at the grain filling stage.
[15]王永军, 王空军, 董树亭, 胡昌浩, 张吉旺, 刘鹏. 氮肥用量、时期对墨西哥玉米产量及饲用营养品质的影响
. 中国农业科学, 2005, 38(3) :492-497.

WANG Y J, WANG K J, DONG S T, HU C H, ZHANG J W, LIU P.Effects of different nitrogen application strategies on yield and forage nutritive quality of Zea mexicana
. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2005, 38(3): 492-497. (in Chinese)

[16]王启现, 王璞, 申丽霞, 王秀玲, 张红芳, 翟志席. 施氮时期对玉米土壤硝态氮含量变化及氮盈亏的影响
. 生态学报, 2004, 24(8): 1582-1588.
[本文引用: 1]

WANG Q X, WANG P, SHEN L X, WANG X L, ZHANG H F, ZHAI Z X.Effect of nitrogen application time on dynamics of nitrate content and apparent nitrogen budget in the soil of summer maize fields
.Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2004, 24(8): 1582-1588. (in Chinese)
[本文引用: 1]
[17]鲍士旦. 土壤农化分析. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2000: 30-33, 56-57, 81-83, 106-107. [本文引用: 1]

BAO S D.Soil Agro-chemistry Analysis. Beijing: China Agricultural Press, 2000: 30-33, 56-57, 81-83, 106-107. (in Chinese) [本文引用: 1]
[18]陈家法, 陈隆升, 涂佳, 高定军. 长期施肥对油茶林产果量及土壤地力可持续性的影响
. 中南林业科技大学学报, 2017, 37(7): 59-65.
[本文引用: 1]

CHEN J F, CHEN L S, TU J, GAO D J.Effect of long-term fertilization on yield and soil fertility sustainability of Camellia olerfera
. Journal of Central South University of Forestry and Technology, 2017, 37(7): 59-65. (in Chinese)
[本文引用: 1]
[19]栗丽, 洪坚平, 王宏庭, 谢英荷, 张璐, 邓树元, 单杰, 李云刚. 施氮与灌水对夏玉米土壤硝态氮积累、氮素平衡及其利用率的影响
. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2010, 16(6): 1358-1365.
[本文引用: 1]

LI L, HONG J P, WANG H T, XIE Y H, ZHANG L, DENG S Y,SHAN J, LI Y G.Effects of nitrogen application and irrigation on soil nitrate accumulation, nitrogen balance and use efficiency in summer maize
.Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science, 2010, 16(6): 1358-1365. (in Chinese)
[本文引用: 1]
[20]鲁艳红, 聂军, 廖育林, 周兴, 王宇, 汤文光. 氮素抑制剂对双季稻产量、氮素利用效率及土壤平衡的影响
. 植物营养与肥料学报,2018, 24(1): 95-104.
[本文引用: 1]

LU Y H, NIE J, LIAO Y L, ZHOU X, WANG Y, TANG W G.Effects of urease and nitrification inhibitor on yield, nitrogen efficiency and soil nitrogen balance under double-rice cropping system
.Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer, 2018, 24(1): 95-104. (in Chinese)
[本文引用: 1]
[21]裴瑞杰, 袁天佑, 王俊忠, 胡娜, 李雅男. 施用腐殖酸对夏玉米产量和氮效率的影响
. 中国农业科学, 2017, 50(11): 2189-2198.
[本文引用: 2]

PEI R J, YUAN T Y, WANG J Z, HU N, LI Y N.Effects of application of humic acid on yield, nitrogen use efficiency of summer maize
. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2017, 50(11): 2189-2198. (in Chinese)
[本文引用: 2]
[22]CASSMAN K G.Ecological intensification of cereal production systems: Yield potential, soil quality, and precision agriculture
.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 1999, 96(11): 5952-5959.
https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.96.11.5952URLPMID:10339523 [本文引用: 1]摘要
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), rice (Oryza sativa L.), and maize (Zea mays L.) provide about two-thirds of all energy in human diets, and four major cropping systems in which these cereals are grown represent the foundation of human food supply. Yield per unit time and land has increased markedly during the past 30 years in these systems, a result of intensified crop management involving improved germplasm, greater inputs of fertilizer, production of two or more crops per year on the same piece of land, and irrigation. Meeting future food demand while minimizing expansion of cultivated area primarily will depend on continued intensification of these same four systems. The manner in which further intensification is achieved, however, will differ markedly from the past because the exploitable gap between average farm yields and genetic yield potential is closing. At present, the rate of increase in yield potential is much less than the expected increase in demand. Hence, average farm yields must reach 70-80% of the yield potential ceiling within 30 years in each of these major cereal systems. Achieving consistent production at these high levels without causing environmental damage requires improvements in soil quality and precise management of all production factors in time and space. The scope of the scientific challenge related to these objectives is discussed. It is concluded that major scientific breakthroughs must occur in basic plant physiology, ecophysiology, agroecology, and soil science to achieve the ecological intensification that is needed to meet the expected increase in food demand.
[23]李燕青, 唐继伟, 车升国, 温延臣, 孙文彦, 赵秉强. 长期施用有机肥与化肥氮对华北夏玉米N2O 和CO2排放的影响
. 中国农业科学, 2015, 48(21): 4381-4389.
[本文引用: 1]

LI Y Q, TANG J W, CHE S G, WEN Y C, SUN W Y, ZHAO B Q.Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizer on the emission of CO2 and N2O from the summer maize field in the North China Plain
. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2015, 48(21): 4381-4389. (in Chinese)
[本文引用: 1]
[24]HE P, LI S T, JIN J Y, WANG H T, LI C J, WANG Y L, CUI R Z.Performance of an optimized nutrient management system for double-cropped wheat-maize rotations in North-central China
.Agronomy Journal, 2009, 101(6): 1489-1496.
https://doi.org/10.2134/agronj2009.0099URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Overapplication of N and P and insufficient supply of K are considered primary reasons for restriction of yield improvement in the North China Plain. Optimized nutrient management practices based on soil testing and yield targets have been developed. Other large scale field experiments have indicated that additional improvement for yield and nutrient use benefits is needed. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the optimized nutrient management system on yield, nutrient uptake, nutrient utilization, and profit in the North China provinces of Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong, and Henan. Treatments consisted of a check without fertilizer use (CK); a balanced, optimum nutrient application (OPT); the farmers' practice (FP); and a series of nutrient omission treatments (minus N, P, and K, respectively). The results indicated that the OPT optimized grain yield, nutrient use efficiency, and profitability. Maize (Zea mays L.) yield increased by 12.2% at Shanxi and 18.5% at Hebei, respectively. Inputs ofN and P across the wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize system at the four sites was reduced by 13% (266 kg N ha
[25]JU X T, XING G X, CHEN X P, ZHANG S L, ZHANG L J, LIU X J, CUI Z L, YIN B, CHRISTIE P, ZHU Z L, ZHANG F S.Reducing environmental risk by improving N management in intensive Chinese agricultural systems
.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 2009, 106(9): 3041-3046.
https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0813417106URLPMID:19223587 [本文引用: 1]摘要
Excessive N fertilization in intensive agricultural areas of China has resulted in serious environmental problems because of atmospheric, soil, and water enrichment with reactive N of agricultural origin. This study examines grain yields and N loss pathways using a synthetic approach in 2 of the most intensive double-cropping systems in China: waterlogged rice/upland wheat in the Taihu region of east China versus irrigated wheat/rainfed maize on the North China Plain. When compared with knowledge-based optimum N fertilization with 30-60% N savings, we found that current agricultural N practices with 550-600 kg of N per hectare fertilizer annually do not significantly increase crop yields but do lead to about 2 times larger N losses to the environment. The higher N loss rates and lower N retention rates indicate little utilization of residual N by the succeeding crop in rice/wheat systems in comparison with wheat/ maize systems. Periodic waterlogging of upland systems caused large N losses by denitrification in the Taihu region. Calcareous soils and concentrated summer rainfall resulted in ammonia volatilization (19% for wheat and 24% for maize) and nitrate leaching being the main N loss pathways in wheat/maize systems. More than 2-fold increases in atmospheric deposition and irrigation water N reflect heavy air and water pollution and these have become important N sources to agricultural ecosystems. A better N balance can be achieved without sacrificing crop yields but significantly reducing environmental risk by adopting optimum N fertilization techniques, controlling the primary N loss pathways, and improving the performance of the agricultural Extension Service.
[26]闫湘, 金继运, 何萍, 梁鸣早. 提高肥料利用率技术研究进展
. 中国农业科学, 2008, 41(2): 450-459.
[本文引用: 1]

YAN X, JIN J Y, HE P, LIANG M Z.Recent advances in technology of increasing fertilizer use efficiency
.Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2008, 41(2): 450-459. (in Chinese)
[本文引用: 1]
[27]朱菜红, 沈其荣, 徐阳春. 配施有机肥提高化肥氮利用效率的微生物作用机制研究
. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2010, 16(2): 282-288.
https://doi.org/10.11674/zwyf.2010.0204URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Based on N isotope tracer and a pot experiment, the dynamics of soil microbial biomass N during different rice growing stages under different fertilizer treatments was investigated, and the microbial mechanism on the enhancement of inorganic fertilizer-N use efficiency was discussed. Treatments included (NH)SO (F) and (NH)SO plus either chicken manure (FC), pig manure (FP), or vinasse (FV). The results showed that in the early growth stage of rice, the combined use of (NH)SO and chicken manure, pig manure, or vinasse increased the microbial immobilization rate of the applied (NH)SO-N and reduced soil mineralN content. However, releasing rates of immobilizedN during high N demand period of rice were 87%銆81%,and 81%,corresponding to treatment FC, FP, and FV, respectively. Values of use efficiency of the applied (NH)SO-N under FC, FP, and FV management were all over 60% except (NH)SO alone treatment which was only 39%. Thus, combined applying mineral and organic N fertilizer is a promising practice to enhance N use efficiency in agricultural systems due to the reduction in N loss and synchronizing N assimilation with crop requirement.
ZHU C H, SHEN Q R, XU Y C.Microbial mechanism on enhancement of inorganic fertilizer use efficiency for combined use of inorganic and organic fertilizers
. Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science, 2010, 16(2): 282-288. (in Chinese)
https://doi.org/10.11674/zwyf.2010.0204URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Based on N isotope tracer and a pot experiment, the dynamics of soil microbial biomass N during different rice growing stages under different fertilizer treatments was investigated, and the microbial mechanism on the enhancement of inorganic fertilizer-N use efficiency was discussed. Treatments included (NH)SO (F) and (NH)SO plus either chicken manure (FC), pig manure (FP), or vinasse (FV). The results showed that in the early growth stage of rice, the combined use of (NH)SO and chicken manure, pig manure, or vinasse increased the microbial immobilization rate of the applied (NH)SO-N and reduced soil mineralN content. However, releasing rates of immobilizedN during high N demand period of rice were 87%銆81%,and 81%,corresponding to treatment FC, FP, and FV, respectively. Values of use efficiency of the applied (NH)SO-N under FC, FP, and FV management were all over 60% except (NH)SO alone treatment which was only 39%. Thus, combined applying mineral and organic N fertilizer is a promising practice to enhance N use efficiency in agricultural systems due to the reduction in N loss and synchronizing N assimilation with crop requirement.
[28]CUI Z L, CHEN X P, MIAO Y X, ZHANG F S, SUN Q P, SCHRODER J, ZHANG H L, LI J L, SHI L W, XU J F, YE Y L, LIU C S, YANG Z P, ZHANG Q, HUANG S M, BAO D J.On-farm evaluation of the improved soil Nmin-based nitrogen management for summer maize in North China Plain
.Agronomy Journal, 2008, 100: 517-525.
https://doi.org/10.2134/agronj2007.0194URL [本文引用: 1]
[29]FAGERIA N K, BALIGAR V C, CLARK R B.Physiology of Crop Production
. Food Products Press. An Imprint of the Haworth Press, Inc. New York, London, Oxford, 2005: 72-82.
[本文引用: 1]
[30]HOU P, GAO Q, XIE R Z, LI S K, MENG Q F, KIRKBY E A, RMHELD V, MüLLER T, ZHANG F S, CUI Z L, CHEN X P. Grain yields in relation to N requirement: Optimizing nitrogen management for spring maize grown in China
.Field Crops Research, 2012, 129(1): 1-6.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2012.01.006URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The overestimation of nitrogen (N) uptake requirement under a high-yield cropping system with maize (Zea mays L.) has been a driving force in the overuse of N fertilization and environmental pollution in China. A database comprising 1246 measurements collected between 2005 and 2009 from 105 on-farm and station experiments conducted in the spring maize domains of the Northeast, Northwest of China and the North China Plain, was used to evaluate N uptake requirement in relation to grain yield. Field experiments with different maize cultivars and N management forms were also carried out to assess this relationship. Across all the sites, maize yield averaged 11.1Mgha611 which was more than twice that of the national maize grain yield average of China of 5.3Mgha611 and the world average of 4.5Mgha611. Nitrogen uptake requirement per Mg grain yield averaged 17.4kg. Considering 6 ranges of grain yield (<7.5Mgha611, 7.5–9Mgha611, 9–10.5Mgha611, 10.5–12Mgha611, 12–13.5Mgha611 and >13.5Mgha611), N uptake requirements per Mg grain yield were 19.8, 18.1, 17.4, 17.1, 17.0 and 16.9kg respectively. This decreasing N uptake requirement per Mg grain yield with increasing grain yield was attributed to increasing harvest index (HI) and the diluting effects of declining grain and straw N concentrations. Grain yield increased with year of cultivar release from the 1950s to the 2000s, with N uptake requirement per Mg grain yield decreasing because of declining grain and straw N concentrations. Compared with the current commercial hybrid (ZD958), the lower N uptake requirement per Mg grain yield of the N-efficient hybrid of XY335 was attributed to a lower straw N concentration while maintaining a similarly high grain yield and grain N concentration. In neither of the years was there any evidence of leaf senescence in either optimal N rate (Nopt) or excessive N rate (Nover) and there was no significant difference between N uptake of these two treatments. This indicated that excessive N application could not delay leaf senescence to sustain further grain yield increase.
[31]DING L, WANG K J, JIANG G M, LIU M Z, NIU S L, GAO L M.Post-anthesis changes in photosynthetic traits of maize hybrids released in different years
.Field Crops Research, 2005, 93(1): 108-115.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2004.09.008URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Changes in post-anthesis physiological attributes related to genetic improvement for grain-yield were studied for six Chinese maize ( Zea mays L.) hybrids widely grown in North China during the past 50 years. The characteristics assessed included light-saturated photosynthetic rate ( P sat), chlorophyll content, soluble protein content, maximal efficiency of PS2 photochemistry ( F v/ F m), PS2 efficiency ( 桅 PS2), ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase) activity and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPCase) activity. We found that P sat of the newer hybrids was not always higher than the older ones. However, P sat of the 1950s hybrids was the highest among all at flowering stage, which was associated with their high PEPCase activity and soluble protein content. Post-anthesis changes in P sat of the older hybrids can be divided into two phases. During the first phase, which was the decisive phase of grain filling, P sat of the older hybrids declined gradually whereas the new hybrids remained relatively constant. P sat of 1950s hybrids was not the highest among all maize hybrids any longer although their PEPCase activities were also the highest. The reduction in P sat of the older hybrids during this phase was associated with a reduction in the chlorophyll content and the soluble protein content but was not influenced by the specific activity of RuBPCase and PEPCase. Adapting to the lowered CO 2 assimilation capacity, a down-regulation of 桅 PS2 occurred in the older hybrids to protect the photosynthetic apparatus from photo-damage by strong light, while F v/ F m only decreased slightly during this phase, suggesting a functional PS2 apparatus in senescent flag leaves. During the second phase, the older hybrids underwent an irreversible leaf senescence that certain photosynthetic traits declined substantially with P sat, whereas the photosynthetic components of the newer hybrids remained functional. Newer maize hybrids produced higher grain yield compared to the old ones mainly because they could remain photosynthetically active when the older hybrids aged during the grain-filling period. The decline in photosynthetic rate of older hybrids during senescence is generally attributed to the degradation of both structural and functional components of chloroplasts.
[32]黄振喜, 王永军, 王空军, 李登海, 赵明, 柳京国, 董树亭, 王洪军, 王军海, 杨今胜. 产量15 000 kg·ha-1 以上夏玉米灌浆期间的光合特性
. 中国农业科学, 2007, 40(9): 1898-1906.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0578-1752.2007.09.008URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
【Objective】It is very important to study photosynthesis of super high-yielding maize hybrids, so a field trail was conducted to research the relation to photosynthetic traits and yield of over-15000 kg ha-1 summer maize hybrids during grain filling period. 【Method】Three summer maize hybrids (XY335, DH3632 and DH3806) were planted at 78000 plants ha-1 in National Corn Project Technology Research Center (Shandong) randomly. Above-ground biomass partitioning and photosynthetic characteristics of ear leaves were investigated to evaluate yield formation of three super high-yielding maize hybrids during grain filling period.【Result】Yields of three-type maize hybrids were over 15000 kg ha-1, and yield of XY335 was higher than that of DH3632 and DH3806 significantly (P<0.05). Characteristic of grain filling analyzed by Richards equation showed XY335 had the higher grain-filling rate, the longer active growing period, and it reached the maximum grain-filling rate earlier than DH3632 and DH3806. The result indicated grain-filling traits like XY335 was favorable to high yield in the experiment. The leaves’ photosynthetic physiology quantity of XY335 was highest of the three-type hybrids. XY335 had high net photosynthetic rate (Pn), PEPCase activity, RuBPCase activity and chlorophyll a/b value after anthesis, and the leaf area index (LAI) and soluble protein content decreased slowly from 20d and 30d after flowering, respectively. 【Conclusion】To obtain 15000 kg ha-1 of super high-yielding breeding and cultivation in practice, we need to improve the leaves photosynthetic physiology quantity to maintain high grain-filling rate and long active growing period after anthesis, enhance the solar energy use efficiency.
HUANG Z X, WANG Y J, WANG K J, LI D H, ZHAO M, LIU J G, DONG S T, WANG H J, WANG J H, YANG J S.Photosynthetic characteristics during grain filling stage of summer maize hybrids with high yield potential of 15000 kg·ha-1
.Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2007, 40(9): 1898-1906. (in Chinese)
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0578-1752.2007.09.008URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
【Objective】It is very important to study photosynthesis of super high-yielding maize hybrids, so a field trail was conducted to research the relation to photosynthetic traits and yield of over-15000 kg ha-1 summer maize hybrids during grain filling period. 【Method】Three summer maize hybrids (XY335, DH3632 and DH3806) were planted at 78000 plants ha-1 in National Corn Project Technology Research Center (Shandong) randomly. Above-ground biomass partitioning and photosynthetic characteristics of ear leaves were investigated to evaluate yield formation of three super high-yielding maize hybrids during grain filling period.【Result】Yields of three-type maize hybrids were over 15000 kg ha-1, and yield of XY335 was higher than that of DH3632 and DH3806 significantly (P<0.05). Characteristic of grain filling analyzed by Richards equation showed XY335 had the higher grain-filling rate, the longer active growing period, and it reached the maximum grain-filling rate earlier than DH3632 and DH3806. The result indicated grain-filling traits like XY335 was favorable to high yield in the experiment. The leaves’ photosynthetic physiology quantity of XY335 was highest of the three-type hybrids. XY335 had high net photosynthetic rate (Pn), PEPCase activity, RuBPCase activity and chlorophyll a/b value after anthesis, and the leaf area index (LAI) and soluble protein content decreased slowly from 20d and 30d after flowering, respectively. 【Conclusion】To obtain 15000 kg ha-1 of super high-yielding breeding and cultivation in practice, we need to improve the leaves photosynthetic physiology quantity to maintain high grain-filling rate and long active growing period after anthesis, enhance the solar energy use efficiency.
[33]戴明宏, 赵久然, 杨国航, 王荣焕, 陈国平. 不同生态区和不同品种玉米的源库关系及碳氮代谢
. 中国农业科学, 2011, 44(8): 1585-1595.
[本文引用: 1]

DAI M H, ZHAO J R, YANG G H, WANG R H, CHEN G P.Source-sink relationship and carbon-nitrogen metabolism of maize in different ecological regions and varieties
.Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2011, 44(8): 1585-1595. (in Chinese)
[本文引用: 1]
[34]周宝元, 孙雪芳, 丁在松, 马玮, 赵明. 土壤耕作和施肥方式对夏玉米干物质积累与产量的影响
. 中国农业科学, 2017, 50(11): 2129-2140.
[本文引用: 2]

ZHOU B Y, SUN X F, DING Z S, MA W, ZHAO M.Effect of tillage practice and fertilization on dry matter accumulation and grain yield of summer maize
.Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2017, 50(11): 2129-2140. (in Chinese)
[本文引用: 2]
[35]ECHARTE L, ROTHSTEIN S, TOLLENAAR M.The response of leaf photosynthesis and dry matter accumulation to nitrogen supply in an older and a newer maize hybrid
.Crop Science, 2008, 48(2): 656-665.
https://doi.org/10.2135/cropsci2007.06.0366URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract Nitrogen use effi ciency is higher in newer than in older maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids, but the physi- ological mechanisms underlying differences in N-use effi ciency are unknown. The objective of this study was to quantify differences between an older and a newer maize hybrid in their response to N availability throughout the life cycle at both the leaf and the whole-plant level. An older and a newer maize hybrid were grown in a fi eld hydro- ponic system located near Guelph, ON, in 2005 at a high and a low N level. Leaf carbon exchange rate (CER), chlorophyll index, and the thylakoid electron transport rate (ETR) were measured weekly from 2 wk presilking to 8 wk postsilking. Plant-component dry matter and N content were determined from 1 wk presilking to maturity. At the leaf level, leaf CER declined during the grain- fi lling period, and the decline was greater under low than high N availability. The decline in leaf CER during the grain-fi lling period was less in the newer than in the older hybrid under both high and low N availability, and differences in leaf CER were associated most strongly with a reduction in leaf CER per unit absorbed photosynthetic photon fl ux density. At the whole-plant level, reduction in grain yield in low vs. high N was greater in the older than in the newer hybrid. The hybrid 脳 N interaction for grain yield was attributable predominantly to a greater decline in the proportion of dry matter allocated to the grain in the older hybrid.
[36]闫湘, 金继运, 何萍, 梁鸣早. 提高肥料利用率技术研究进展
. 中国农业科学, 2008, 41(2): 450-459.
[本文引用: 1]

YAN X, JIN J Y, HE P, LIANG M Z.Recent advances in technology of increasing fertilizer use efficiency
.Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2008, 41(2): 450-459. (in Chinese)
[本文引用: 1]
[37]ZHENG W K, ZHANG M, LIU Z G, ZHOU H Y, LU H, ZHANG W T,YANG Y C, LI C L, CHEN B C.Combining controlled- release urea and normal urea to improve the nitrogen use efficiency and yield under wheat-maize double cropping system
.Field Crops Research, 2016, 197: 52-62.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2016.08.004URL [本文引用: 1]
[38]周丽平, 杨俐苹, 白由路, 卢艳丽, 王磊. 夏玉米施用不同缓释化处理氮肥的效果及氮肥去向
. 中国农业科学, 2018, 51(8): 1527-1536.
URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
【目的】研究不同缓释化处理氮肥对夏玉米的产量、氮肥去向及氮素平衡的影响,为提高夏玉米一次性施肥的氮肥利用率并降低氮肥的环境影响提供理论依据。【方法】试验于2014—2015年以郑单958为供试品种,在华北地区中低产田连续两年进行大田试验,共设置6个处理,分别为:不施氮(CK)、尿素(CU)、树脂包膜尿素(CRF)、控失尿素(LCU)、凝胶尿素(CLP)和脲甲醛(UF)。在玉米成熟期采集植物和土壤样品,用于测定植物含氮量和土壤无机氮含量,并计算作物吸氮量、氮肥利用率、土壤无机氮积累量、氮肥损失量等。【结果】(1)氮肥缓释化处理能够明显提高夏玉米的产量,促进氮素吸收。与尿素相比,脲甲醛、凝胶尿素、树脂包膜尿素和控失尿素可分别提高夏玉米产量18.9%、16.8%、13.7%和13.6%,同时氮肥农学利用效率分别提高6.5、4.8、4.0和3.7 kg·kg-1。(2)不同氮肥处理的作物吸收肥料氮以及肥料氮在0—100 cm土层残留量之间存在显著性差异。脲甲醛、凝胶尿素、树脂包膜尿素、控失尿素和尿素的氮肥表观回收率分别为54.9%、42.4%、38.3%、38.3%和22.0%,肥料氮在0—100 cm土层残留量分别占施氮量的28.3%、43.8%、39.2%、46.2%和46.6%。此外,与尿素相比,氮肥缓释化处理能够显著降低肥料氮的损失,凝胶尿素、控失尿素、脲甲醛和树脂包膜尿素分别降低了47.6%、43.1%、40.8%和26.7%。(3)综合分析不同氮肥处理的农田氮素平衡,脲甲醛处理的夏玉米吸氮量最高,为245.0 kg·hm~(-2),其次是凝胶尿素,为222.5 kg·hm~(-2)。脲甲醛的0—100 cm土层残留量在缓释化氮肥中最低,为153.4 kg·hm~(-2),树脂包膜尿素、凝胶尿素和控失尿素分别为173.1、181.5和185.7 kg·hm~(-2)。凝胶尿素处理的氮表观损失量最低,为35.6 kg·hm~(-2),控失尿素、脲甲醛和树脂包膜尿素的氮表观损失量分别为38.8、41.2和51.3 kg·hm~(-2)。【结论】在华北地区中低产田土壤上,氮肥缓释化处理能够显著促进夏玉米对氮素的吸收、减少氮素损失。脲甲醛和凝胶尿素的效果相对较好。
ZHOU L P, YANG L P, BAI Y L, LU Y L, WANG L.Effects of different slow-released nitrogen fertilizers on summer maize and nitrogen fate in the field
.Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2018, 51(8): 1527-1536. (in Chinese)
URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
【目的】研究不同缓释化处理氮肥对夏玉米的产量、氮肥去向及氮素平衡的影响,为提高夏玉米一次性施肥的氮肥利用率并降低氮肥的环境影响提供理论依据。【方法】试验于2014—2015年以郑单958为供试品种,在华北地区中低产田连续两年进行大田试验,共设置6个处理,分别为:不施氮(CK)、尿素(CU)、树脂包膜尿素(CRF)、控失尿素(LCU)、凝胶尿素(CLP)和脲甲醛(UF)。在玉米成熟期采集植物和土壤样品,用于测定植物含氮量和土壤无机氮含量,并计算作物吸氮量、氮肥利用率、土壤无机氮积累量、氮肥损失量等。【结果】(1)氮肥缓释化处理能够明显提高夏玉米的产量,促进氮素吸收。与尿素相比,脲甲醛、凝胶尿素、树脂包膜尿素和控失尿素可分别提高夏玉米产量18.9%、16.8%、13.7%和13.6%,同时氮肥农学利用效率分别提高6.5、4.8、4.0和3.7 kg·kg-1。(2)不同氮肥处理的作物吸收肥料氮以及肥料氮在0—100 cm土层残留量之间存在显著性差异。脲甲醛、凝胶尿素、树脂包膜尿素、控失尿素和尿素的氮肥表观回收率分别为54.9%、42.4%、38.3%、38.3%和22.0%,肥料氮在0—100 cm土层残留量分别占施氮量的28.3%、43.8%、39.2%、46.2%和46.6%。此外,与尿素相比,氮肥缓释化处理能够显著降低肥料氮的损失,凝胶尿素、控失尿素、脲甲醛和树脂包膜尿素分别降低了47.6%、43.1%、40.8%和26.7%。(3)综合分析不同氮肥处理的农田氮素平衡,脲甲醛处理的夏玉米吸氮量最高,为245.0 kg·hm~(-2),其次是凝胶尿素,为222.5 kg·hm~(-2)。脲甲醛的0—100 cm土层残留量在缓释化氮肥中最低,为153.4 kg·hm~(-2),树脂包膜尿素、凝胶尿素和控失尿素分别为173.1、181.5和185.7 kg·hm~(-2)。凝胶尿素处理的氮表观损失量最低,为35.6 kg·hm~(-2),控失尿素、脲甲醛和树脂包膜尿素的氮表观损失量分别为38.8、41.2和51.3 kg·hm~(-2)。【结论】在华北地区中低产田土壤上,氮肥缓释化处理能够显著促进夏玉米对氮素的吸收、减少氮素损失。脲甲醛和凝胶尿素的效果相对较好。
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