The Influencing Factors of in-vitro Ovule Development in Seedless Grape and Its Physiological Changes
LI GuiRong1,2, QUAN Ran1, CHENG ShanShan1, HOU XiaoJin1, FAN XiuCai3, HU HuiLing,1通讯作者:
责任编辑: 赵伶俐
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李桂荣, 全冉, 程珊珊, 侯小进, 樊秀彩, 扈惠灵. 无核葡萄离体胚珠发育影响因子及其生理变化[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(22): 4646-4657 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.22.011
LI GuiRong, QUAN Ran, CHENG ShanShan, HOU XiaoJin, FAN XiuCai, HU HuiLing.
0 引言
【研究意义】种子败育型无核葡萄获得种胚后代的最有效方式是采用离体胚挽救技术[1]。无核葡萄胚挽救技术包括胚珠离体培养、胚萌发和成苗3个阶段[2,3,4,5,6,7,8],其中在第一个阶段获得大量的发育胚珠是基础,但前期的研究实践发现胚珠离体培养阶段的发育率低,一般都低于30%[9,10,11,12,13,14,15],这是目前无核葡萄胚挽救育种过程中的一个瓶颈问题。因此,摸索无核葡萄离体胚珠发育的最佳培养条件,探究培养条件与离体胚珠发育生理变化的关系,减少胚败育,有助于提高胚珠发育率,对于今后无核葡萄胚挽救育种效率的提高至关重要。【前人研究进展】1982年,RAMMING等[9]首次报道利用改良的White培养基培养无核葡萄胚珠,获得两株实生苗。此后,很多研究者继续深入研究亲本基因型、取样时期、培养基及其相互作用等对无核葡萄胚挽救育种的影响[16,17,18,19,20,21]。亲本基因型的筛选与胚挽救技术是提高育种效率的重要因素[1]。‘红宝石’无核葡萄(Ruby seedless grape)属无核晚熟红色葡萄品种。选用‘红宝石’无核葡萄作为无核葡萄胚挽救杂交亲本易获得杂交后代[22,23,24],目前以‘红宝石’无核葡萄为亲本,通过胚挽救技术已获得了‘紫丰’[25]和‘秦红1号’[26]无核葡萄新品种。因此,‘红宝石’无核葡萄是适宜开展无核葡萄胚挽救育种的主要品种之一。而以‘红宝石’无核葡萄作母本进行胚珠离体培养时,胚珠发育率也很低,仅为2%—28.3%[4,15,18,21,27-29]。前人在无核葡萄胚珠离体培养阶段,多数是从抑制幼胚早期萌发、防止幼胚夭亡或者畸形胚萌发的角度出发,采用各种培养方式抑制离体胚珠内胚的早期萌发,如采用低温处理胚珠、培养基附加60 g·L-1蔗糖等手段离体培养胚珠,而且培养时间较长,最少8周,有的甚至达到9—10周[16,17,18,19,20,21]。这个培养方式已经采用了很多年,但这是否为无核葡萄胚挽救育种过程中胚珠发育率低的限制因素,目前尚未进行深入研究。【本研究切入点】无核葡萄早期胚珠离体培养的研究报道中优选或采用的基本培养基有多种类型,其中MM3、改良MM3以及固液双层培养基(改良MM3固体培养基+少量ER液体培养基)都表现出较好的使用效果[4,12,18],附加60 g·L-1的蔗糖含量最为常见,没有更多的比较研究[1],而这个阶段离体培养时间最少都是8周,胚珠发育率一直都低于30%[9,10,11,12,13,14,15]。据此,本研究以无核葡萄胚挽救育种中常用母本品种‘红宝石’无核为试材,比较研究基本培养基、蔗糖浓度、培养时间等关键因子在不同处理组合下对早期离体培养胚珠发育的影响,并探究培养条件与胚珠发育生理状态间的关系。【拟解决的关键问题】确定提高胚珠发育率的离体培养条件;明确不同培养条件与离体胚珠生理活性间的相关程度,为进一步优化培养条件,减少葡萄胚败育发生奠定基础。1 材料与方法
试验于2018—2019年在河南科技学院和中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所进行。1.1 试验材料
选择种子败育型、品质优良的欧亚种(Vitis Vinifera L.)无核葡萄品种‘红宝石’无核(Ruby seedless grape)为试验材料,于自然授粉65 d后摘取葡萄幼果(图1-A),4℃冷藏备用。1.2 试验方法
1.2.1 胚珠离体培养 在超净工作台上,将消过毒的无菌幼果粒剖开,选取大小一致的胚珠(图1-B)接种在附加不同蔗糖含量的不同培养基上培养,固体培养基添加7.0 g·L-1琼脂和1.5 g·L-1活性炭,pH为6.0(表1)。每个培养基处理接种30瓶,每瓶10个胚珠。培养的环境条件为:温度(25±2)℃,相对湿度50%—60%,暗培养。Table 1
Table 1
编号 NO. | 基本培养基 Basic medium | 蔗糖 Sugar (g·L-1) |
M1 | MS固体培养基MS solid medium | 30 |
M2 | MM3固体培养基MM3 solid medium | 30 |
M3 | 改良MM3固体培养基Modified MM3 solid medium | 30 |
M4 | 固液双层培养基(改良MM3固体培养基+8 mg·L-1 ER液体培养基) Solid-liquid double-layer medium (modified MM3 solid medium + 8mg·L-1 ER liquid medium) | 30 |
M5 | MS固体培养基MS solid medium | 45 |
M6 | MM3固体培养基MM3 solid medium | 45 |
M7 | 改良MM3固体培养基Modified MM3 solid medium | 45 |
M8 | 固液双层培养基(改良MM3固体培养基+8 mg·L-1 ER液体培养基) Solid-liquid double-layer medium (modified MM3 solid medium + 8mg·L-1 ER liquid medium) | 45 |
M9 | MS固体培养基MS solid medium | 60 |
M10 | MM3固体培养基MM3 solid medium | 60 |
M11 | 改良MM3固体培养基Modified MM3 solid medium | 60 |
M12 | 固液双层培养基(改良MM3固体培养基+8nmg·L-1 ER液体培养基) Solid-liquid double-layer medium (modified MM3 solid medium + 8 mg·L-1 ER liquid medium) | 60 |
M13 | MS固体培养基 MS solid medium | 75 |
M14 | MM3固体培养基 MM3 solid medium | 75 |
M15 | 改良MM3固体培养基Modified MM3 solid medium | 75 |
M16 | 固液双层培养基(改良MM3固体培养基+8 mg·L-1 ER液体培养基) Solid-liquid double-layer medium (modified MM3 solid medium + 8 mg·L-1 ER liquid medium) | 75 |
1.2.2 不同离体培养时间处理 不同培养基处理下接种胚珠后,分别培养42、49、56和63 d,研究不同离体培养时间对胚珠发育的影响。
1.2.3 胚珠发育率统计 统计不同处理下的发育胚珠数,胚珠里没有胚视为未发育胚珠,含有1个胚视为发育胚珠(图1-C)。每3瓶共计30个离体胚珠算1次重复,共3次重复。胚珠发育率(%)=发育胚珠个数/接种胚珠总数×100。
1.2.4 生理指标测定 淀粉含量、可溶性蛋白含量、总酚含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性、过氧化物酶(POD)活性和多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性的测定均采用北京索莱宝公司试剂盒进行测定,型号分别为BC0700、PR1400、BC1340、BC0170、BC0090、BC0195。每个指标类型重复测定3次。
1.2.5 胚萌发率统计 胚珠离体培养42、49、56和63 d后,分别将发育胚珠内的胚(分别标记为E1、E2、E3和E4)剥出,统计总胚数,接种到胚萌发培养基上,离体培养30 d后,统计胚萌发总数(胚的子叶、胚根有伸长的视为萌发胚)。胚萌发率(%)=萌发胚个数/接种胚总数×100。胚萌发培养基为WPM+IAA 1.0 mg·L-1+6-BA 0.5 mg·L-1+GA3 2.0 mg·L-1+琼脂7.0 g·L-1+蔗糖20 g·L-1+活性炭 1.5 g·L-1,添加Put 2 mmol·L-1+ Spm 2 mmol·L-1+ Spd 2 mmol·L-1,pH为6.0。培养环境条件:温度(25±2)℃,相对湿度50%—60%,光照强度40 μmol·m-2·s-1,光周期为16 h/8 h[18]。
1.2.6 成苗及驯化移栽 待胚萌发长成正常完整苗(苗高6—8 cm,6—8片真叶)时,剪成带一个芽的茎段接种到培养基上继代生根成苗,培养基为:1/2 MS+IBA 0.1 mg·L-1+琼脂7.0 g·L-1+蔗糖20 g·L-1+活性炭1.5 g·L-1,pH 6.0。培养室条件:温度(25±2)℃,相对湿度50%—60%,光照强度40 μmol·m-2·s-1,光周期为16 h/8 h。成苗后的试管苗在炼苗室炼苗7 d后,移栽到营养钵中,继续培养30 d;然后将营养钵转移到温室内驯化30 d,移植至大棚圃地,按照田间管理的程序管理。翌年3月定植到大田[18]。
1.2.7 数据分析 采用SPSS 22.0软件进行方差分析及相关分析,相关系数为简单相关系数。
2 结果
2.1 对离体培养胚珠发育率的影响
由表2可以看出,当M8培养基处理(基本培养基是固液双层培养基、附加45 g·L-1的蔗糖)、培养时间为49 d时,胚珠发育率最高,达到(42.23±6.93)%;其次是M12培养基处理(基本培养基是固液双层培养基、附加60 g·L-1的蔗糖)、培养时间为49 d时,胚珠发育率较高,达到(40.00±3.30)%,发育胚珠即为离体胚珠培养后获得至少1个活性胚的胚珠,见图1-B—D。Table 2
Table 2
培养基 Medium | 时间Time (d) | |||
42 | 49 | 56 | 63 | |
M1 | 0.00±0.00f | 1.10±1.91j | 2.20±1.91d | 1.10±1.91b |
M2 | 1.10±1.91ef | 5.57±1.96ij | 4.43±1.96cd | 4.47±3.87ab |
M3 | 2.20±1.91ef | 10.00±3.30hi | 6.70±0.00cd | 5.57±5.10ab |
M4 | 3.33±3.35def | 14.43±1.96gh | 15.57±1.96b | 8.87±5.10a |
M5 | 4.47±3.87cdef | 16.67±3.35f | 24.43±1.96a | 5.57±1.96ab |
M6 | 5.57±5.10cdef | 25.57±1.96ef | 26.67±3.35a | 5.57±5.10ab |
M7 | 8.87±5.10abcdef | 32.20±1.91cd | 28.90±3.81a | 6.70±0.00ab |
M8 | 17.77±13.85a | 42.23±6.93a | 30.00±3.30a | 8.90±1.91a |
M9 | 7.77±5.08bcde | 23.33±3.35e | 25.57±1.96a | 7.77±5.08ab |
M10 | 12.23±5.08abcd | 30.00±3.30de | 26.67±3.35a | 7.77±5.08ab |
M11 | 13.33±3.35abc | 36.67±3.35bc | 28.90±3.81a | 8.90±3.81a |
M12 | 16.67±3.35bc | 40.00±3.30ab | 28.90±3.81a | 8.90±3.81a |
M13 | 3.33±3.35def | 7.80±1.91i | 4.47±3.87cd | 3.33±3.35ab |
M14 | 4.47±3.87cdef | 8.90±1.91hi | 5.57±5.10cd | 4.47±3.87ab |
M15 | 7.80±1.91bcde | 8.90±1.91hi | 8.87±5.10c | 4.47±3.87ab |
M16 | 10.00±0.00abcde | 10.00±3.30hi | 10.00±0.00c | 6.67±3.35ab |
2.2 对离体培养胚珠生理指标的影响
2.2.1 对胚珠淀粉含量的影响 由表3可以看出,当培养时间相同、培养基不同时,胚珠淀粉含量变化差异不显著(P>0.05)。当培养基处理相同时,随着离体培养时间的延长,胚珠淀粉含量出现逐渐下降的趋势,其中,离体胚珠在处理M12上培养42 d时,淀粉含量最高,达到(10.21±0.02)%;而当培养时间为63 d时,胚珠淀粉含量仅为(5.11±0.02)%。其他培养基处理变化趋势与M12处理一致,均为逐渐下降趋势。Table 3
Table 3
培养基 Medium | 时间Time (d) | |||
42 | 49 | 56 | 63 | |
M1 | 10.06±0.09c | 7.95±0.20b | 7.15±0.05a | 5.05±0.03b |
M2 | 10.09±0.10bc | 8.06±0.08a | 7.16±0.03a | 5.06±0.03ab |
M3 | 10.13±0.07abc | 8.09±0.03a | 7.17±0.02a | 5.09±0.05ab |
M4 | 10.19±0.03a | 8.11±0.05a | 7.18±0.03a | 5.10±0.03ab |
M5 | 10.18±0.02ab | 8.11±0.02a | 7.17±0.06a | 5.04±0.02b |
M6 | 10.16±0.06ab | 8.10±0.03a | 7.18±0.03a | 5.07±0.02ab |
M7 | 10.15±0.04ab | 8.12±0.03a | 7.19±0.02a | 5.08±0.06ab |
M8 | 10.18±0.03ab | 8.13±0.04a | 7.20±0.02a | 5.09±0.03ab |
M9 | 10.16±0.02ab | 8.10±0.03a | 7.16±0.03a | 5.09±0.02ab |
M10 | 10.18±0.02ab | 8.11±0.03a | 7.18±0.04a | 5.09±0.05ab |
M11 | 10.19±0.03a | 8.12±0.11a | 7.19±0.03a | 5.09±0.04ab |
M12 | 10.21±0.02a | 8.10±0.03a | 7.20±0.05a | 5.11±0.02a |
M13 | 10.14±0.01abc | 8.11±0.03a | 7.16±0.05a | 5.04±0.01b |
M14 | 10.15±0.01ab | 8.19±0.01a | 7.16±0.01a | 5.04±0.02b |
M15 | 10.15±0.02ab | 8.07±0.05a | 7.19±0.03a | 5.05±0.02b |
M16 | 10.17±0.04ab | 8.09±0.02a | 7.19±0.03a | 5.07±0.02ab |
2.2.2 对可溶性蛋白含量的影响 由表4可以看出,当培养时间相同、基本培养基为固液双层培养基时,可溶性蛋白含量均增加,与其他基本培养基相比,可溶性蛋白含量差异显著(P<0.05),其中M8培养效果最好,可溶性蛋白含量最高,达到(0.49±0.03)mg·g-1。随着附加蔗糖含量的增加,可溶性蛋白含量出现先增加后下降的趋势,如当基本培养基为固液双层培养基,培养42 d时,附加蔗糖含量为30 g·L-1,可溶性蛋白含量为(0.36±0.01)mg·g-1;附加蔗糖含量为45 g·L-1时,可溶性蛋白含量增加,达到(0.46±0.03)mg·g-1;而当附加蔗糖含量为75 g·L-1时,可溶性蛋白含量降低,仅为(0.16±0.03)mg·g-1。当培养基处理相同时,随着离体培养时间的延长,可溶性蛋白含量出现先增加后下降的趋势。说明胚珠离体培养阶段,附加蔗糖含量不宜过高,培养时间也不宜过长,以防止可溶性蛋白含量的降低。
Table 4
Table 4
培养基 Medium | 时间Time (d) | |||
42 | 49 | 56 | 63 | |
M1 | 0.28±0.04cde | 0.32±0.03def | 0.31±0.03cde | 0.18±0.04bcde |
M2 | 0.30±0.01cd | 0.34±0.04de | 0.32±0.03bcd | 0.20±0.02abc |
M3 | 0.33±0.04bc | 0.37±0.04bcd | 0.33±0.04bc | 0.22±0.04abc |
M4 | 0.36±0.01b | 0.40±0.04bc | 0.36±0.03b | 0.22±0.03ab |
M5 | 0.23±0.02fg | 0.31±0.05def | 0.3±0.01cde | 0.20±0.05abc |
M6 | 0.26±0.02def | 0.36±0.02cd | 0.36±0.01b | 0.23±0.04ab |
M7 | 0.35±0.03b | 0.44±0.03b | 0.43±0.03a | 0.26±0.04a |
M8 | 0.46±0.03a | 0.49±0.03a | 0.47±0.05a | 0.26±0.05a |
M9 | 0.19±0.02hi | 0.21±0.04h | 0.21±0.01gh | 0.18±0.04bcde |
M10 | 0.21±0.02gh | 0.25±0.01gh | 0.24±0.01fg | 0.19±0.04abcd |
M11 | 0.25±0.04efg | 0.27±0.03fg | 0.27±0.01ef | 0.21±0.04abc |
M12 | 0.26±0.05defg | 0.28±0.05ef | 0.27±0.01def | 0.25±0.03ab |
M13 | 0.11±0.02k | 0.13±0.02j | 0.13±0.03j | 0.09±0.04f |
M14 | 0.12±0.02jk | 0.14±0.01ij | 0.14±0.04ij | 0.11±0.04ef |
M15 | 0.14±0.02jk | 0.18±0.02hij | 0.17±0.04hi | 0.12±0.03def |
M16 | 0.16±0.03jk | 0.19±0.03hi | 0.18±0.04hi | 0.14±0.05cdef |
2.2.3 对总酚含量的影响 由表5可以看出,当培养时间相同、基本培养基为固液双层培养基时,总酚含量均增加,与其他基本培养基相比,总酚含量差异显著(P<0.05),其中M12培养效果较好,总酚含量最高,达到(3.37±0.04)mg·g-1;随着附加蔗糖含量的增加,总酚含量出现先增加后下降的趋势,如当基本培养基为固液双层培养基,培养42 d时,附加蔗糖质量为30 g·L-1,总酚含量为(1.36±0.03)mg·g-1,附加蔗糖含量为60 g·L-1时,总酚含量升高,达到(3.37±0.04) mg·g-1,而当附加蔗糖含量为75 g·L-1时,总酚含量降低,为(2.19±0.03)mg·g-1。当培养基处理相同时,随着离体培养时间的延长,总酚含量出现先增加后下降的趋势。
Table 5
Table 5
培养基 Medium | 时间Time (d) | |||
42 | 49 | 56 | 63 | |
M1 | 1.10±0.04l | 2.32±0.03i | 2.30±0.03gh | 0.71±0.03h |
M2 | 1.16±0.03k | 2.33±0.03i | 2.32±0.03gh | 0.82±0.06g |
M3 | 1.26±0.03j | 2.37±0.04hi | 2.35±0.02g | 0.83±0.06g |
M4 | 1.36±0.03i | 2.41±0.04h | 2.41±0.03f | 0.90±0.03f |
M5 | 1.78±0.03h | 3.29±0.03g | 3.30±0.01e | 0.97±0.04e |
M6 | 1.96±0.03g | 3.37±0.02f | 3.36±0.01d | 1.00±0.03e |
M7 | 2.08±0.04f | 3.42±0.03e | 3.43±0.03c | 1.02±0.01de |
M8 | 2.19±0.04e | 3.48±0.04d | 3.47±0.05c | 1.07±0.01d |
M9 | 2.74±0.07d | 4.21±0.04c | 4.21±0.01b | 1.32±0.03c |
M10 | 3.00±0.03c | 4.22±0.02bc | 4.22±0.03ab | 1.40±0.03b |
M11 | 3.20±0.03b | 4.27±0.03ab | 4.27±0.02a | 1.42±0.03b |
M12 | 3.37±0.04a | 4.28±0.05a | 4.27±0.01a | 1.54±0.04a |
M13 | 2.09±0.02f | 2.13±0.02k | 2.13±0.03j | 0.60±0.03i |
M14 | 2.11±0.03f | 2.14±0.01k | 2.14±0.06j | 0.70±0.04h |
M15 | 2.17±0.02e | 2.25±0.03j | 2.24±0.04i | 0.75±0.03h |
M16 | 2.19±0.03e | 2.31±0.03i | 2.28±0.06hi | 0.81±0.03g |
2.2.4 对离体培养胚珠SOD酶活性的影响 由表6可以看出,当培养时间相同、基本培养基为固液双层培养基时,SOD酶活性均增加,与其他基本培养基相比,SOD酶活性差异显著(P<0.05),其中M12培养效果较好,SOD酶活性最高,达到(32.4±0.35)U·g-1 FW;随着附加蔗糖含量的增加,SOD酶活性出现先升高后下降的趋势,如当基本培养基为固液双层培养基,培养42 d时,附加蔗糖含量为30 g·L-1,SOD酶活性为(21.27±0.32)U·g-1 FW,附加蔗糖含量为60 g·L-1时,SOD酶活性升高,达到(32.4±0.35)U·g-1 FW,而当附加蔗糖含量为75 g·L-1时,SOD酶活性降低,为(22.9 ± 0.3)U·g-1 FW。当培养基处理相同时,随着离体培养时间的延长,SOD酶活性出现先升高后下降的趋势,说明胚珠离体培养阶段,附加蔗糖含量不宜过高,培养时间也不宜过长,有利于SOD酶清除活性氧,防止胚败育。
Table 6
Table 6
培养基 Medium | 时间Time (d) | |||
42 | 49 | 56 | 63 | |
M1 | 17.57±0.31l | 28.93±0.45g | 28.63±0.42i | 12.33±0.15i |
M2 | 18.90±0.30k | 29.90±1.13g | 28.90±0.30i | 13.90±0.30h |
M3 | 19.30±0.46jk | 31.90±0.20f | 31.00±0.26f | 15.00±0.28g |
M4 | 21.27±0.32h | 33.13±0.68e | 32.9±0.26de | 16.43±1.08f |
M5 | 24.00±0.46e | 29.47±0.51g | 29.30±0.56hi | 17.57±0.31e |
M6 | 26.60±0.26d | 31.07±0.47f | 30.43±0.50fg | 19.50±0.20c |
M7 | 29.20±0.30c | 33.03±0.71e | 32.37±0.45e | 20.60±0.42b |
M8 | 32.23±0.31a | 36.20±0.56c | 35.53±0.40c | 21.55±0.70a |
M9 | 29.20±0.30c | 29.93±0.55g | 29.83±0.65gh | 15.57±0.301 |
M10 | 30.60±0.30b | 34.27±0.51d | 33.53±0.64d | 18.50±0.20d |
M11 | 31.07±0.47b | 38.07±0.38b | 37.17±0.61b | 19.53±0.35c |
M12 | 32.40±0.35a | 40.17±1.00a | 39.20±0.52a | 20.60±0.30b |
M13 | 19.50±0.20j | 19.57±0.25k | 18.90±0.40m | 10.17±0.42j |
M14 | 20.60±0.30i | 22.23±0.35j | 20.87±0.31l | 11.60±0.30i |
M15 | 21.87±0.35g | 24.00±0.46i | 25.90±0.46k | 13.87±0.35h |
M16 | 22.90±0.30f | 26.60±0.26h | 27.53±0.29j | 13.90±0.30h |
2.2.5 对POD酶活性的影响 由表7可以看出,当培养时间相同、基本培养基为固液双层培养基时,POD酶活性均较低;随着附加蔗糖含量的增加,POD酶活性出现逐渐升高的趋势,当附加蔗糖含量为75 g·L-1时,POD酶活性均升高,其中M13处理下,POD酶活性最高,达到(22.17±10.00)U·g-1 FW。当培养基处理相同时,随着离体培养时间的延长,POD酶活性出现逐渐升高的趋势,说明胚珠离体培养阶段,适宜的蔗糖含量和培养时间控制POD酶活性的升高,有助于防止离体培养胚珠的老化。
Table 7
Table 7
培养基 Medium | 时间Time (d) | |||
42 | 49 | 56 | 63 | |
M1 | 9.43±0.32bcd | 9.37±0.15bcd | 13.27±0.29ef | 15.13±0.68e |
M2 | 8.83±0.12def | 8.87±0.21def | 11.57±0.21h | 13.93±0.25fg |
M3 | 7.53±0.12g | 7.63±0.25g | 10.37±0.21j | 11.75±0.64h |
M4 | 7.23±0.15g | 7.23±0.15g | 9.57±0.12k | 11.00±0.39h |
M5 | 9.67±0.57bc | 9.97±0.38ab | 12.83±0.32fg | 16.23±0.74d |
M6 | 9.13±0.25cde | 9.27±0.47cd | 11.07±0.15i | 14.87±0.57ef |
M7 | 8.87±0.31def | 8.97±0.12de | 9.03±0.23lm | 13.25±0.49g |
M8 | 8.43±0.25f | 8.47±0.21ef | 8.63±0.23m | 11.95±0.68h |
M9 | 10.03±0.21ab | 9.97±0.38ab | 13.63±0.23e | 18.17±0.55c |
M10 | 9.77±0.76bc | 9.67±0.71abc | 12.57±0.32g | 15.03±0.71e |
M11 | 8.23±0.35f | 8.33±0.51f | 10.97±0.40i | 13.07±0.47g |
M12 | 7.47±0.40g | 7.53±0.15g | 9.37±0.06kl | 11.47±0.51h |
M13 | 10.57±0.25a | 10.17±0.32a | 18.87±0.35a | 22.17±10.00a |
M14 | 9.97±0.31ab | 10.17±0.32a | 17.33±0.25b | 20.07±0.38b |
M15 | 9.77±0.40bc | 9.87±0.21abc | 15.73±0.59c | 19.53±0.15b |
M16 | 8.57±0.31ef | 8.87±0.25def | 14.87±0.35d | 18.50±0.10c |
2.2.6 对离体培养胚珠PPO酶活性的影响 由表8可以看出,当培养时间相同、基本培养基为固液双层培养基时,PPO酶活性均较低;随着附加蔗糖含量的增加,PPO酶活性出现逐渐升高的趋势,当附加蔗糖质量为75 g·L-1时,PPO酶活性均升高,其中M13处理下,PPO酶活性最高,达到(8.67±0.25)U·g-1 FW。结合2.2.3,当蔗糖含量为75 g·L-1时,总酚含量较低,可能是由于此时离体胚珠内PPO酶活性偏高,造成离体培养胚珠总酚物质的减少,醌类化合物质的积累,胚珠组织出现褐变,造成离体胚珠褐化,加剧了离体胚珠内胚的败育,从而影响了离体胚珠的发育率。当培养基处理相同时,随着离体培养时间的延长,PPO酶活性出现逐渐升高的趋势,说明胚珠离体培养阶段控制PPO酶活性的升高,有助于防止离体培养胚珠的褐化。
Table 8
Table 8
培养基 Medium | 时间Time (d) | |||
42 | 49 | 56 | 63 | |
M1 | 2.67±0.40efg | 3.67±0.25bc | 3.77±0.47ef | 5.77±0.31fg |
M2 | 2.57±0.35fg | 3.37±0.31bcde | 3.33±0.15h | 5.57±0.35gh |
M3 | 2.47±0.35fg | 3.23±0.12e | 3.17±0.12j | 5.10±0.01hi |
M4 | 2.47±0.40fg | 3.07±0.23e | 3.03±0.31k | 4.98±0.22i |
M5 | 2.57±0.31fg | 3.77±0.47b | 3.83±0.31fg | 7.03±0.32cd |
M6 | 2.47±0.40fg | 3.33±0.15bcde | 3.77±0.23i | 6.87±0.06cd |
M7 | 2.37±0.46g | 3.17±0.12de | 3.67±0.25lm | 6.55±0.21de |
M8 | 2.37±0.38g | 3.03±0.31e | 3.53±0.40m | 6.25±0.33ef |
M9 | 3.67±0.25abc | 3.57±0.21bcd | 3.97±0.21e | 7.63±0.25b |
M10 | 3.33±0.21bcd | 3.57±0.15bcd | 3.87±0.06g | 6.33±0.38e |
M11 | 3.23±0.12cde | 3.53±0.25bcd | 3.47±0.25i | 6.17±0.32ef |
M12 | 3.07±0.23def | 3.17±0.06de | 3.37±0.23kl | 5.77±0.31fg |
M13 | 4.10±0.17a | 4.87±0.25a | 5.77±0.31a | 8.67±0.25a |
M14 | 3.87±0.40ab | 4.77±0.23a | 5.57±0.21b | 8.33±0.38a |
M15 | 3.33±0.21bcd | 4.63±0.31a | 5.53±0.29c | 7.63±0.21b |
M16 | 3.23±0.12cde | 4.43±0.15a | 5.53±0.31d | 7.27±0.15bc |
2.3 不同生理指标与胚珠发育率的相关性
从各个生理指标与胚珠发育率的相关性分析可以看出,胚珠发育率与离体培养胚珠的可溶性蛋白含量、总酚含量和SOD酶活性呈极显著正相关,与POD酶活性和PPO酶活性呈极显著负相关,与淀粉含量相关性不显著(表9)。Table 9
Table 9
生理指标 Physiological index | 相关系数 Correlation coefficient |
淀粉含量 Starch content (%) | 0.062 |
可溶性蛋白含量 Soluble protein content (mg·g-1) | 0.430** |
总酚含量 Phenolics content (mg·g-1) | 0.800** |
SOD酶活性 SOD activity (U·g-1 FW) | 0.733** |
POD酶活性 POD activity (U·g-1 FW) | -0.331** |
PPO酶活性 PPO activity (U·g-1 FW) | -0.325** |
2.4 胚萌发成苗及移栽驯化
由表10可以看出,E2胚萌发率最高,达到88.2%,即在胚珠离体培养49 d时,总胚数、萌发胚总数、胚萌发率均达到最高;而胚珠离体培养63 d,总胚数、萌发胚总数、胚萌发率均为最低。成苗移栽驯化后获得一批胚挽救苗(图1-E—H)。图1
Fig. 1In vitro ovule development and embryo germination during embryo rescue of selfing
‘Ruby seedless’ grape A: Selfing ‘Ruby seedless grape’ fruit; B: In vitro ovule cultured; C-D: Developmental ovule; E-F: Embryo germination; G-H: Transplanting domestication
Table 1
表10 胚萌发率
Table 1
材料 Material | 胚珠发育总数(个) No. of ovule development | 胚萌发总数(个) No. of embryo germination | 胚萌发率 Embryo germination rate (%) |
E1 | 107 | 87 | 81.3% |
E2 | 272 | 240 | 88.2% |
E3 | 250 | 202 | 80.8% |
E4 | 89 | 68 | 76.4% |
3 讨论
影响无核葡萄离体胚珠发育的主要因素包括亲本基因型、基本培养基、附加成分、培养时期等[1]。在胚珠离体培养阶段,为胚珠发育提供营养物质最主要的成分是培养基。本试验选择基本培养基为固液双层基本培养基时,胚珠发育率最高,说明在胚珠离体培养阶段,固液双层基本培养基有利于胚珠发育率的提高,且胚珠发育率均高于前人研究结果,唐冬梅等[28]采用MM3基本培养基时,‘红宝石’无核葡萄×新郁杂交胚珠发育率为28.3%;LI等[7]采用改良MM3基本培养基时,‘红宝石’无核葡萄×北醇杂交胚珠发育率为28.3%。在基本培养基中添加一定量的蔗糖,既为胚珠发育提供了能源,也起到调节培养基渗透压的作用。本试验发现在基本培养基中添加不同含量的蔗糖时,随着蔗糖含量的升高,胚珠发育率出现先升高后下降的趋势。与前人[7,22,28,30]研究结果相比,减少基本培养基中的蔗糖含量,有助于胚珠发育率的提高,因此胚珠离体培养阶段,蔗糖含量不能过高,建议在前人一直沿用的60 g·L-1蔗糖的基础上,进行下调。胚珠离体培养时间的长短也会影响胚珠发育率。本试验发现随着离体培养时间的延长,胚珠发育率呈先增高后下降的趋势,离体培养49 d(7周)胚珠发育率较高,最高达到(42.23 ± 6.93)%,离体培养63 d(9周)胚珠发育率均降低。前人以‘红宝石’无核葡萄作母本,获得杂种胚珠进行离体培养时,离体培养胚珠时间不同,胚珠发育率不同,王飞等[31]离体培养杂种胚珠40 d时,胚珠发育率为56.5%;LI等[7]离体培养杂种胚珠56 d时,胚珠发育率为28.3%;唐冬梅等[28]离体培养杂种胚珠60 d时,胚珠发育率为27.8%;罗尧幸[29]离体培养杂种胚珠9周,即63 d时,胚珠发育率分别为13.7%和13.8%;李志瑛等[15]离体培养杂种胚珠10周,即70 d时,胚珠发育率为13.81%,前人研究结果均表明随着离体培养时间的延长,从40 d至70 d,胚珠发育率越来越低,和本研究结果一致。因此胚珠离体培养阶段,缩短培养时间,有利于胚珠的发育;及时取出幼胚,进行第二阶段胚萌发的培养,有助于提高无核葡萄育种效率。
4 结论
本研究在胚珠离体培养阶段,培养自然授粉65 d的‘红宝石’无核葡萄胚珠,采用固液双层基本培养基(改良MM3固体培养基+8 mg·L-1 ER液体培养基),附加45 g·L-1蔗糖,培养时间49 d时,胚珠发育率最高,达到(42.23±6.93)%,胚珠生理活性也较强。通过相关性分析发现,胚珠发育率与离体培养胚珠的可溶性蛋白含量、总酚含量和SOD酶活性呈极显著正相关,与POD酶活性和PPO酶活性呈极显著负相关,与淀粉含量相关性不显著。胚珠发育率的提高是无核葡萄胚挽救育种效率提高的前提。参考文献 原文顺序
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DOI:10.1016/j.scienta.2008.03.024URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1007/s11627-013-9543-7URLPMID:26316680 [本文引用: 4]
A highly efficient technique of embryo rescue is critical when using stenospermocarpic Vitis vinifera cultivars (female parents) to breed novel, disease-resistant, seedless grape cultivars by hybridizing with wild Chinese Vitis species (male parents) having many disease-resistance alleles. The effects of various factors on the improvement of embryo formation, germination, and plantlet development for seven hybrid combinations were studied. The results indicated that Beichun and Shuangyou were the best male parents. The best sampling time for ovule inoculation differed among the female parents. When hybrid ovules were cultured on a double-phase medium with five different solid medium types, percent embryo formation was highest (11.3-28.3%) on a modified MM3 medium. Percentages of embryo germination (15.4-55.4%) and plantlet development (11.15-44.6%) were all highest when embryos were cultured on Woody Plant Medium + 5.7 muM indole-3-acetic acid + 4.4 muM 6-benzylaminopurine + 1.4 muM gibberellic acid + 2% sucrose + 0.05% casein hydrolysate + 0.3% activated charcoal + 0.7% agar. In the absence of other amino acids, the addition of proline significantly increased embryo formation (36.1%), embryo germination (64.6%), and plantlet development (90.5%). A highly efficient protocol has been developed for hybrid embryo rescue from seedless V. vinifera grapes x wild Chinese Vitis species that results in a significant improvement in breeding efficiency for new disease-resistant seedless grapes.
, 2016(
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【Objective】The objective of the study was to improve the breeding efficiency of seedless grape through embryo rescue in vitro and investigate the effects of various factors on seedlings in vitro. 【Method】 Hybrid ovules of 7 cross combinations were used to investigate the effect of different genotypes, different ovule culture media, supplementation of different aminophenols, low-temperature treatment on the proportion of seedlings of harvested fruits in vitro. 【Result】 The results indicated that among the investigated embryoes of seedless grape, the female parent and male parent had influence on seedlings. In cross combinations with diploid seedless grapes as female parent, diploid seedless grapes as male parent was suitable for seedlings than tetraploid seeded grapes. Among the three different media, MM4 medium was most suitable for embryo development and seedlings in vitro culture of seedless grapes. ER medium supplemented with 4 mmol?L-1 proline was most suitable for embryo development in vitro culture of seedless grapes. The effect of low-temperature treatment of Ruby Seedless×Centennial Seedless and Ruby Seedless×Black Olympia for 3 days was the best in seedling growth. 【Conclusion】 ER medium supplemented with 4 mmol?L-1 proline or MM4 medium are suitable for embryo rescue in vitro culture of seedless grapes. Low-temperature treatment of fruits for 3 days, has a positive effect on improvement of embryo rescue efficiency of diploid seedless grape×diploid seedless grape.
URL [本文引用: 2]
【Objective】The objective of the study was to improve the breeding efficiency of seedless grape through embryo rescue in vitro and investigate the effects of various factors on seedlings in vitro. 【Method】 Hybrid ovules of 7 cross combinations were used to investigate the effect of different genotypes, different ovule culture media, supplementation of different aminophenols, low-temperature treatment on the proportion of seedlings of harvested fruits in vitro. 【Result】 The results indicated that among the investigated embryoes of seedless grape, the female parent and male parent had influence on seedlings. In cross combinations with diploid seedless grapes as female parent, diploid seedless grapes as male parent was suitable for seedlings than tetraploid seeded grapes. Among the three different media, MM4 medium was most suitable for embryo development and seedlings in vitro culture of seedless grapes. ER medium supplemented with 4 mmol?L-1 proline was most suitable for embryo development in vitro culture of seedless grapes. The effect of low-temperature treatment of Ruby Seedless×Centennial Seedless and Ruby Seedless×Black Olympia for 3 days was the best in seedling growth. 【Conclusion】 ER medium supplemented with 4 mmol?L-1 proline or MM4 medium are suitable for embryo rescue in vitro culture of seedless grapes. Low-temperature treatment of fruits for 3 days, has a positive effect on improvement of embryo rescue efficiency of diploid seedless grape×diploid seedless grape.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.21.010URL [本文引用: 2]
【Objective】 The objective of this study is to obtain new cold-resistant seedless grape germplasm and improve the breeding efficiency through embryo rescue in vitro. 【Method】 The different genotypes, basal culture media (MM3 and ER), amino acids (2.5 mmol·L -1cysteine, asparagine, glutamine and serine were added in MM3 medium) were used to investigate the effect on the embryo development rates and seedling rates from ovules of 7 cross combinations. From the parents, the molecular markers GSLP1-569 and SCC8-1018 for seedlessness and the marker S241-717 for cold-resistance were used to identify the strains with specific bands, and then the three markers were used to screen the hybrids by recognizing the specific bands. 【Result】 Of the 7 combinations, 1 168 ovules cultured in MM3 were obtained 331 embryos and 97 hybrid strains. Among these crosses, ‘Ruby Seedless’ × ‘Beichun’ got the highest embryo development rate and seedling rate, which were 46.00% and 17.33%, respectively. Compared with female parents, for ‘Shuangyou’ as male parent and ‘Blush Seedless’ ‘Thompson Seedless’ ‘Kunxiang Seedless’ as female parents, ‘Kunxiang Seedless’ × ‘Shuangyou’ had the highest embryo development rate and seedling rate, which were 45.39% and 16.31%, respectively. For ‘Beibinghong’ as male parent and ‘Blush Seedless’ ‘Beauty Seedless’ ‘Thompson Seedless’ as female parents, ‘Blush Seedless’ × ‘Beibinghong’ had the highest embryo development rate and seedling rate, which were 33.52% and 6.59%, respectively. Different male parents also influenced seedlings formation. The embryo development rates of ‘Blush Seedless’ × ‘Beibinghong’ and ‘Blush Seedless’ × ‘Shuangyou’ were 33.52% and 39.00%, and the seedling rates of them were 6.59% and 9.50%, respectively. The embryo development rates of ‘Thompson Seedless’ × ‘Beibinghong’ and ‘Thompson Seedless’ × ‘Shuangyou’ were 7.64% and 19.26%, and the seedling rates of them were 1.91% and 8.15%, respectively. The rate of embryo development and seedling of ovule cultured in MM3 medium was higher than that of ER medium. For ‘Kunxiang Seedless’ × ‘Shuangyou’, the ovules cultured in MM3 medium with 2.5 mmol·L -1 glutamine showed the highest embryo development rate, which was 59.69%. The seedling rate of ovules cultured in basal media with asparagine and glutamine was 21.43% and 20.93%, respectively. The effect of promoting seedlings development was significant. For ‘Ruby Seedless’ × ‘Beichun’, the ovules in media with 2.5 mmol·L -1 asparagine showed the highest embryo development rate, which was 55.71%. The seedling rate of ovules cultured in basal media with asparagine and glutamine was 21.43% and 22.22%, respectively. The effect of promoting seedlings development was significant. By using the molecular markers GSLP1-569 and SCC8-1018 for seedlessness and the marker S241-717 for cold-resistance, 83 hybrid strains from 6 cross combinations were detected, and there were 49 strains with specific bands of the molecular markers linked to the seedlessness, 55 strains with specific bands of the markers S241-717 for cold-resistance. Importantly, 36 strains with both seedlessness and cold-resistance were identified in this study. 【Conclusion】 ‘Kunxiang Seedless’ and ‘Blush Seedless’ are suitable as the female parents for embryo rescue in vitro of seedless grapes. The embryo rescue efficiency of ‘Shuangyou’ as the male parent is higher than that of ‘Beibinghong’. MM3 is suitable for embryo rescue in vitro, and the addition of amide acids to MM3 culture medium is helpful to the seedling formation. Among the 83 hybrid strains detected by molecular markers, 36 strains may have the seedless and cold-resistant characteristics.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.21.010URL [本文引用: 2]
【Objective】 The objective of this study is to obtain new cold-resistant seedless grape germplasm and improve the breeding efficiency through embryo rescue in vitro. 【Method】 The different genotypes, basal culture media (MM3 and ER), amino acids (2.5 mmol·L -1cysteine, asparagine, glutamine and serine were added in MM3 medium) were used to investigate the effect on the embryo development rates and seedling rates from ovules of 7 cross combinations. From the parents, the molecular markers GSLP1-569 and SCC8-1018 for seedlessness and the marker S241-717 for cold-resistance were used to identify the strains with specific bands, and then the three markers were used to screen the hybrids by recognizing the specific bands. 【Result】 Of the 7 combinations, 1 168 ovules cultured in MM3 were obtained 331 embryos and 97 hybrid strains. Among these crosses, ‘Ruby Seedless’ × ‘Beichun’ got the highest embryo development rate and seedling rate, which were 46.00% and 17.33%, respectively. Compared with female parents, for ‘Shuangyou’ as male parent and ‘Blush Seedless’ ‘Thompson Seedless’ ‘Kunxiang Seedless’ as female parents, ‘Kunxiang Seedless’ × ‘Shuangyou’ had the highest embryo development rate and seedling rate, which were 45.39% and 16.31%, respectively. For ‘Beibinghong’ as male parent and ‘Blush Seedless’ ‘Beauty Seedless’ ‘Thompson Seedless’ as female parents, ‘Blush Seedless’ × ‘Beibinghong’ had the highest embryo development rate and seedling rate, which were 33.52% and 6.59%, respectively. Different male parents also influenced seedlings formation. The embryo development rates of ‘Blush Seedless’ × ‘Beibinghong’ and ‘Blush Seedless’ × ‘Shuangyou’ were 33.52% and 39.00%, and the seedling rates of them were 6.59% and 9.50%, respectively. The embryo development rates of ‘Thompson Seedless’ × ‘Beibinghong’ and ‘Thompson Seedless’ × ‘Shuangyou’ were 7.64% and 19.26%, and the seedling rates of them were 1.91% and 8.15%, respectively. The rate of embryo development and seedling of ovule cultured in MM3 medium was higher than that of ER medium. For ‘Kunxiang Seedless’ × ‘Shuangyou’, the ovules cultured in MM3 medium with 2.5 mmol·L -1 glutamine showed the highest embryo development rate, which was 59.69%. The seedling rate of ovules cultured in basal media with asparagine and glutamine was 21.43% and 20.93%, respectively. The effect of promoting seedlings development was significant. For ‘Ruby Seedless’ × ‘Beichun’, the ovules in media with 2.5 mmol·L -1 asparagine showed the highest embryo development rate, which was 55.71%. The seedling rate of ovules cultured in basal media with asparagine and glutamine was 21.43% and 22.22%, respectively. The effect of promoting seedlings development was significant. By using the molecular markers GSLP1-569 and SCC8-1018 for seedlessness and the marker S241-717 for cold-resistance, 83 hybrid strains from 6 cross combinations were detected, and there were 49 strains with specific bands of the molecular markers linked to the seedlessness, 55 strains with specific bands of the markers S241-717 for cold-resistance. Importantly, 36 strains with both seedlessness and cold-resistance were identified in this study. 【Conclusion】 ‘Kunxiang Seedless’ and ‘Blush Seedless’ are suitable as the female parents for embryo rescue in vitro of seedless grapes. The embryo rescue efficiency of ‘Shuangyou’ as the male parent is higher than that of ‘Beibinghong’. MM3 is suitable for embryo rescue in vitro, and the addition of amide acids to MM3 culture medium is helpful to the seedling formation. Among the 83 hybrid strains detected by molecular markers, 36 strains may have the seedless and cold-resistant characteristics.
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DOI:10.21273/HORTSCI.25.4.393URL [本文引用: 2]
DOI:10.1071/AR07165URL [本文引用: 2]
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, 2018(
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DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0654URL [本文引用: 1]
‘Qinhong 1’was selected from sexual cross between seedless grape cultivars‘Delight’(Vitis vinifera L.)and‘Ruby Seedless’(V. vinifera L.)through the embryo rescue techniques. Its fruit characteristics are as following:Fruit color is red to pale purple,cluster is branch conical,single cluster weight is more than 800 g,the biggest one reaches 1 130 g,the shape of berry is nearly round or oval,the average berry weight is 3.4 g. The fruit has a good quality,contains 18% soluble solids,and 0.9% titratable acid. Its flesh is delicate and crisp. It has high yield which can reaches 49 395 kg · hm-2 during full bearing period. The cultivar is suitable for open field cultivation in the arid areas of north China and facility cultivation in the north and south China.
DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0654URL [本文引用: 1]
‘Qinhong 1’was selected from sexual cross between seedless grape cultivars‘Delight’(Vitis vinifera L.)and‘Ruby Seedless’(V. vinifera L.)through the embryo rescue techniques. Its fruit characteristics are as following:Fruit color is red to pale purple,cluster is branch conical,single cluster weight is more than 800 g,the biggest one reaches 1 130 g,the shape of berry is nearly round or oval,the average berry weight is 3.4 g. The fruit has a good quality,contains 18% soluble solids,and 0.9% titratable acid. Its flesh is delicate and crisp. It has high yield which can reaches 49 395 kg · hm-2 during full bearing period. The cultivar is suitable for open field cultivation in the arid areas of north China and facility cultivation in the north and south China.
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【Objective】 The objective of this study was to improve breeding efficiency of seedless grape through embryo rescue in vitro, to investigate the effects of various correlative factors on embryo development in vitro. 【Method】 The open pollination ovules from 12 seedless grape varieties (lines), including Thompson Seedless, Black Monukka, Centennial Seedless, Delight, Flame Seedless, Superior Seedless, Autumn Royal, Fantasy Seedless, Dawn Seedless, Otilia Seedless, 00-3-1, Blush Seedless and hybrid ovules of 6 cross combinations Ruby Seedless×Guifeimeigui, Ruby Seedless×Xinyu, Delight×Kyoho, Xinyu×Kyoho, Emerald Seedless×Taishan-2, Delight ×Jiangxi-2 were used to investigate the effect of different ovule development media, different medium phases, low temperature, and light/dark condition on the proportion of embryo development in vitro, and evaluate the optimal sampling dates after bloom for picking the young berries, culturing the excised ovules in vitro in different cultivars and crosses. 【Result】 The results indicated that among the 8 media, Nitsch medium supplemented with 0.5 mg?L-1 GA3 and 1.5 mg?L-1 IAA, MM3 medium were found to be most suitable for embryo development in vitro of seedless grapes, and the next was ER medium. Among the solid, liquid and solid-liquid double phase media, solid-liquid double phase medium had the most positive effect on embryo development of middling ovules of seedless grape cv. Delight, yet three phase media showed no significant different effect on embryo development of bigger ovules of grape line 00-3-1. The results also showed that low temperature at the stage of ovule culture in vitro had a negative effect on embryos development. Dark culture had a positive effect on embryo development in ovule cultures in vitro. The optimal sampling dates after bloom of culturing ovules in vitro dissected from berries varied among different cultivars and crosses, the optimal sampling dates was 35 day after bloom (DAB) in Thompson Seedless, 40 DAB in Centennial Seedless, 40 DAB in Flame Seedless, 60 DAB in Delight, 55 DAB in Dawn Seedless, 70 DAB in Black Monukka, 50 DAB in Superior Seedless, 70 DAB in Autumn Royal, 60 DAB in Fantasy Seedless, 40 DAB in Otilia Seedless, 70 DAB in Ruby Seedless×Guifeimeigui, respectively. 【Conclusion】 The results indicated that Nitsch medium supplemented with 0.5 mg?L-1 GA3 and 1.5 mg?L-1 IAA, MM3 and ER media were suitable for embryo rescue in vitro of seedless grapes. The culture environment of room temperature (25±2)℃, solid-liquid double phase medium and dark culture had a positive effect on improvement of embryo rescue efficiency.
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【Objective】 The objective of this study was to improve breeding efficiency of seedless grape through embryo rescue in vitro, to investigate the effects of various correlative factors on embryo development in vitro. 【Method】 The open pollination ovules from 12 seedless grape varieties (lines), including Thompson Seedless, Black Monukka, Centennial Seedless, Delight, Flame Seedless, Superior Seedless, Autumn Royal, Fantasy Seedless, Dawn Seedless, Otilia Seedless, 00-3-1, Blush Seedless and hybrid ovules of 6 cross combinations Ruby Seedless×Guifeimeigui, Ruby Seedless×Xinyu, Delight×Kyoho, Xinyu×Kyoho, Emerald Seedless×Taishan-2, Delight ×Jiangxi-2 were used to investigate the effect of different ovule development media, different medium phases, low temperature, and light/dark condition on the proportion of embryo development in vitro, and evaluate the optimal sampling dates after bloom for picking the young berries, culturing the excised ovules in vitro in different cultivars and crosses. 【Result】 The results indicated that among the 8 media, Nitsch medium supplemented with 0.5 mg?L-1 GA3 and 1.5 mg?L-1 IAA, MM3 medium were found to be most suitable for embryo development in vitro of seedless grapes, and the next was ER medium. Among the solid, liquid and solid-liquid double phase media, solid-liquid double phase medium had the most positive effect on embryo development of middling ovules of seedless grape cv. Delight, yet three phase media showed no significant different effect on embryo development of bigger ovules of grape line 00-3-1. The results also showed that low temperature at the stage of ovule culture in vitro had a negative effect on embryos development. Dark culture had a positive effect on embryo development in ovule cultures in vitro. The optimal sampling dates after bloom of culturing ovules in vitro dissected from berries varied among different cultivars and crosses, the optimal sampling dates was 35 day after bloom (DAB) in Thompson Seedless, 40 DAB in Centennial Seedless, 40 DAB in Flame Seedless, 60 DAB in Delight, 55 DAB in Dawn Seedless, 70 DAB in Black Monukka, 50 DAB in Superior Seedless, 70 DAB in Autumn Royal, 60 DAB in Fantasy Seedless, 40 DAB in Otilia Seedless, 70 DAB in Ruby Seedless×Guifeimeigui, respectively. 【Conclusion】 The results indicated that Nitsch medium supplemented with 0.5 mg?L-1 GA3 and 1.5 mg?L-1 IAA, MM3 and ER media were suitable for embryo rescue in vitro of seedless grapes. The culture environment of room temperature (25±2)℃, solid-liquid double phase medium and dark culture had a positive effect on improvement of embryo rescue efficiency.
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DOI:10.21273/JASHS.115.6.1019URL [本文引用: 1]
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Through crossing between seedless grapes and Chinese wild grapes we got four group hybrid grape seedlings. The best time to harvest the hybrid grapes ovule for embryo rescued were as follows: 45 d after pollination are (1) Flame seedless with Vitis amurensis, (2) Ruby seedless with Olmo seedless, (3)Ruby seedless with Beichun, (4) Olmo seedless with Vitis amurensis; 30 d after pollination is (5) Changsui saltanina seedless with Vitis amarensis; 35 d after pollination is (6) Self-pollinated saltanina. Nistschs medium with additional 0.5 mg·L - 1 6-BA + 0.5 mg·L-1 GA3 + 2.5 mg·L-1 IBA + 0.1 mg·L-1 ZT was suitable for cross (1) , (3) and (5) , but Nistschs medium with additional 0.5 mg·L-1 6-BA + 0.5 mg·L-1GA3 + 2.0 mg·L-1 IBA + 0.1 mg·L-1 ZT was suitable for cross (2) , (4) and (6). For embryo regeneration Nistschs medium with additional 2.0 mg·L-1 IBA + 1.0 mg·L-1 6-BA + GA3 0.2 mg·L-1 was suitable for cross (1) , (2) , (3) , (5) and (6) , but for cross (4) medium with 1.5 mg·L-1 IBA + 0.2 mg·L - 1 GA3 + 1.0 mg·L - 1 6-BA was more suitable. 1/2MS medium adding 0.15 mg·L - 1 IBA + 0.02 mg·L - 1 6-BA were suitable for cross (1) and (5) to acquire embryo rescue plants, but 1 /2MS medium with addition 0.1 mg·L - 1 IBA + 0.02 mg·L - 1 6-BA was suitable for cross (2) and (4).
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Through crossing between seedless grapes and Chinese wild grapes we got four group hybrid grape seedlings. The best time to harvest the hybrid grapes ovule for embryo rescued were as follows: 45 d after pollination are (1) Flame seedless with Vitis amurensis, (2) Ruby seedless with Olmo seedless, (3)Ruby seedless with Beichun, (4) Olmo seedless with Vitis amurensis; 30 d after pollination is (5) Changsui saltanina seedless with Vitis amarensis; 35 d after pollination is (6) Self-pollinated saltanina. Nistschs medium with additional 0.5 mg·L - 1 6-BA + 0.5 mg·L-1 GA3 + 2.5 mg·L-1 IBA + 0.1 mg·L-1 ZT was suitable for cross (1) , (3) and (5) , but Nistschs medium with additional 0.5 mg·L-1 6-BA + 0.5 mg·L-1GA3 + 2.0 mg·L-1 IBA + 0.1 mg·L-1 ZT was suitable for cross (2) , (4) and (6). For embryo regeneration Nistschs medium with additional 2.0 mg·L-1 IBA + 1.0 mg·L-1 6-BA + GA3 0.2 mg·L-1 was suitable for cross (1) , (2) , (3) , (5) and (6) , but for cross (4) medium with 1.5 mg·L-1 IBA + 0.2 mg·L - 1 GA3 + 1.0 mg·L - 1 6-BA was more suitable. 1/2MS medium adding 0.15 mg·L - 1 IBA + 0.02 mg·L - 1 6-BA were suitable for cross (1) and (5) to acquire embryo rescue plants, but 1 /2MS medium with addition 0.1 mg·L - 1 IBA + 0.02 mg·L - 1 6-BA was suitable for cross (2) and (4).
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DOI:10.1016/j.pbi.2013.11.008URL [本文引用: 1]
Angiosperm seeds are the major source of human calories, generating a pressing need to understand the underlying processes governing seed growth and development. They are composed of the two fertilization products, embryo and endosperm surrounded by the maternally derived seed coat. The successful interaction of all three seed components is a requirement for seeds to complete their development and to produce viable embryos that are competent to establish a new sporophytic generation. Here, we review recent reports investigating signal exchange between embryo and endosperm, focusing in particular on the transport of metabolites and small RNAs between both fertilization products.
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The O2- production rate and H2O2 content and the activities of the antioxidant enzymes in the ovule of seedless grape ‘Youngle’and seeded grape ‘Jingxiu’were studied in the different periods after bloom. The results indicated that the concentrations of O2- rose all the time, and the increasing rate in the ovule of seedless cultivar ‘Youngle’was greater than that in the ovule of seeded cultivar ‘Jingxiu’during middle and later periods of development; H2O2 concentration increased initially and decreased before it increased again. The subsequent increase in the seedless cultivar ‘Youngle’was significantly greater than seeded cultivar‘Jingxiu’. The activities of SOD, CAT and AsA-POD increased initially and dropped drastically after ovule abortion in the seedless cultivar‘Youngle’. But it maintained high level in seeded cultivar‘Jingxiu’. The activity of POD in the ovule of the seedless cultivar ‘Youngle’displayed a similar trend to the other enzymes, but the activity in seeded cultivar‘Jingxiu’ increased constantly, but the increasing speed was lower in later stages. The changes of reactive oxygen content and the activity of antioxidant enzymes in ovules have some relevance to ovule abortion in the seedless cultivar 'Youngle'.
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The O2- production rate and H2O2 content and the activities of the antioxidant enzymes in the ovule of seedless grape ‘Youngle’and seeded grape ‘Jingxiu’were studied in the different periods after bloom. The results indicated that the concentrations of O2- rose all the time, and the increasing rate in the ovule of seedless cultivar ‘Youngle’was greater than that in the ovule of seeded cultivar ‘Jingxiu’during middle and later periods of development; H2O2 concentration increased initially and decreased before it increased again. The subsequent increase in the seedless cultivar ‘Youngle’was significantly greater than seeded cultivar‘Jingxiu’. The activities of SOD, CAT and AsA-POD increased initially and dropped drastically after ovule abortion in the seedless cultivar‘Youngle’. But it maintained high level in seeded cultivar‘Jingxiu’. The activity of POD in the ovule of the seedless cultivar ‘Youngle’displayed a similar trend to the other enzymes, but the activity in seeded cultivar‘Jingxiu’ increased constantly, but the increasing speed was lower in later stages. The changes of reactive oxygen content and the activity of antioxidant enzymes in ovules have some relevance to ovule abortion in the seedless cultivar 'Youngle'.
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