

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-26

李从锋,1, 王志刚2, 王永军3, 齐华4, 顾万荣5, 张仁和6, 周文彬1, 赵明11中国农业科学院作物科学研究所,北京 100081
2内蒙古农业大学农学院,呼和浩特 010020
3吉林省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所,长春 130033
4沈阳农业大学农学院,沈阳 110866
5东北农业大学农学院,哈尔滨 150030
6西北农林科技大学农学院,陕西杨凌, 712100

Integrated Agronomic Management Close the Gap of Yield and Resource Use Efficiency for Maize Production

LI CongFeng,1, WANG ZhiGang2, WANG YongJun3, QI Hua4, GU WanRong5, ZHANG RenHe6, ZHOU WenBin1, ZHAO Ming11Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081
2College of Agronomy, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010020
3Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environment, Jilin Academy of Agriculture Sciences, Changchun 130033
4College of Agronomy, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110866
5College of Agronomy, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030
6College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi

责任编辑: 杨鑫浩

作者简介 About authors
李从锋,E-mail: licongfeng@caas.cn

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李从锋, 王志刚, 王永军, 齐华, 顾万荣, 张仁和, 周文彬, 赵明. 综合农艺管理推动玉米缩差增效[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(15): 3020-3023 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.15.003
LI CongFeng, WANG ZhiGang, WANG YongJun, QI Hua, GU WanRong, ZHANG RenHe, ZHOU WenBin, ZHAO Ming. Integrated Agronomic Management Close the Gap of Yield and Resource Use Efficiency for Maize Production[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(15): 3020-3023 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.15.003


产量差的研究始于20世纪70年代中期,通常将作物光温理论产量、高产纪录产量、试验站产量和农户产量之间的产量差异定义为产量差[5,6,7]。近年来,作物产量差研究愈加受到全球科学家的关注,作物学领域重要期刊《Field Crops Research》出版了“Yield Gap(产量差)”研究专刊(2013),阐述研究的重点在于定量揭示产量差幅度和空间变异特征,分析其主要限制因子以及缩小产量差的栽培管理措施。以玉米为例,发达国家由于栽培管理水平相对较高,玉米产量提升空间较小,如美国内布拉斯加州玉米产量的提升幅度仅为11%[8],而在发展中国家玉米的产量提升幅度高达60%—70%[9];在非洲的热带玉米种植区,由于栽培管理条件较差、养分严重缺乏、水分胁迫以及病虫害的影响,玉米产量的提升潜力高达80%以上[6]。中国****定量了玉米生产体系产量潜力及产量差的区域特征,确定了影响作物实际产量和生产潜力之间产量差的资源制约因子及限制程度[10,11,12]

国内外****对作物产量差的限制因子也进行了大量研究,对美国玉米产量增加的原因分析表明,自20世纪30年代以来,美国玉米产量增长的50%—60%归功于玉米杂种优势的利用,而40%—50%归功于农田管理、肥料和栽培技术的提高,如施肥量、灌溉量、播种密度的增加和机械化程度的提高等[13]。针对主要作物产量提升的研究表明,通过改善养分管理和增加灌溉量,大部分农作物产量可增加45%—70%[14]。但总体而言,产量差限制因素解析比较复杂,各种方法都存在不同的缺陷,在解析产量差限制因素时,应将田间试验方法、数理统计方法和作物生长模型相结合,充分利用作物生长模型的优势解析不同要素对作物产量的限制程度。利用APSIM模型对东北春玉米的研究认为,农学因素是限制当地玉米产量提升的主要因素,通过改善农学因素如提高栽培管理措施、改善土壤条件和更换高产品种可有效缩小产量差达40%[15];通过Hybrid-Maize 模型对内蒙古地区产量差分析表明,该区域较大的产量差主要是因为栽培管理措施不当,缩小产量差可通过栽培技术改良、技术简化和技术入户来逐步实现[16]。CHEN等[17]在《Nature》上发文,指出中国农户玉米、氮肥利用率远低于高产高效体系,土壤-作物系统综合管理氮肥偏生产力(1 kg氮肥生产的籽粒)达56—59 kg N·kg-1

中国****还对不同生产模式下的氮肥和水分利用效率等进行了定量化分析,提出土壤-作物综合管理策略提升资源效率的潜力,氮肥生产效率从1 kg氮肥生产26 kg粮食增加到57 kg,同时实现了作物高产与资源高效的目标[18]。密植条件下,产量增益主要是由于综合措施对春玉米耐密性的优化及群体资源效率的提升[19],高产高效管理模式能够在缩小玉米产量差距10%—20%的同时提高水氮利用效率50%以上,综合栽培管理是实现产量与水氮利用效率协同提升的有效途径[20,21];秸秆还田方式通过调控耕层土壤养分周转,对春玉米稳产和改善水氮利用效率具有重要作用[22]。冠根协同管理模式下春玉米产量增加主要归因于根系生长增强,促进了根系和冠层之间的水分和养分运输,很大程度上减少高密度下植株间的竞争,这可能是未来东北地区玉米可持续发展的关键途径[23]


《中国农业科学》以“综合农艺管理与春玉米缩差增效”专题形式刊发6篇文章,其中,“主要栽培措施对北方春玉米产量贡献的定量评估”一文明确了当前生产中5项主要栽培措施对春玉米产量贡献的优先序为种植密度、养分管理、品种耐密性、防病(兼化控)、耕作方式,定量了其对产量的贡献率,指出产量和资源效率协同提高15%—20%的技术途径[24]。“不同栽培技术因子对雨养春玉米产量与氮素效率差异的影响”一文探明了吉林省玉米主产区种植密度、耕作方式、氮素管理、品种在普通农户、高产高效和超高产3个产量水平中对产量与氮素效率贡献的大小、优先序以及技术因子的协同效应,明确了农户水平下氮素管理对产量的贡献率居首位,高产水平下种植密度和土壤耕作对产量贡献较大[25]。“优化栽培措施对春玉米密植群体冠层结构及产量形成的调控效应”一文阐述了4种春玉米密植群体优化栽培模式下的冠层结构特征、冠层调控机制及对产量提高的贡献,发现冠根综合优化模式增产主要是因为增加了密植群体中下部光能截获和光合碳代谢能力、促进了花后冠层物质生产及籽粒灌浆所致[26]。“不同株型玉米冠层光氮分布、衰老特征及光能利用对增密的响应”发现紧凑株型玉米密植时能较好协同优化冠层光氮空间分布、延缓群体冠层花后中下层叶片衰老、促进群体花后干物质和氮素积累,实现缩差增效[27]。“耕作和秸秆还田方式对东北春玉米吐丝期根系特征及产量的影响”进一步证明,在辽宁省,秸秆条带翻耕还田方式促进了作物根系形态发育及耕层空间分布、增加了干物质积累并优化了成熟期干物质向果穗的分配,有利于获得高产[28]。“化学调控和氮肥对高密度下春玉米光热水利用效率和产量的影响”一文解析了高密度下化学调控和氮肥对玉米光合特性、籽粒灌浆及光热水利用效率的影响,确定了高密度条件下200 kg·hm-2施氮量和七叶期化控显著改善了玉米的光合特性,促进了光热水利用效率和产量协同提高[29]。上述论文丰富和发展了玉米产量差与效率差研究的相关理论与实践,希望这些研究能为推动我国春玉米丰产增效协同发展提供有益的借鉴。

参考文献 原文顺序

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杨晓光, 刘志娟. 作物产量差研究进展
中国农业科学, 2014,47(14):2731-2741.

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Demand for food is quickly rising with increases in population and living standards. In the past few decades, crop yields increased rapidly due to the utilization of rice seedlings and mulching technologies, improvement of managements such as irrigation and fertilizer, new varieties selections and technology improvements. However, yields in farmer fields are much lower than potential yields, which have been widespread in the world's agricultural production. Therefore, closing the gap between current and potential yields is important to increase the crop yield and make sure the food security. In this study, the definition, research method, and the main results of yield gaps were reviewed. Furthermore, some prospects of yield gaps in the future were made, which will provide reference for further research on yield gaps. Until now there are many different definitions to yield gap, however, in general the maximum yield is the potential yield, and total yield gap is the difference between actual and potential yield. The yield gap caused by a variety of factors, including no-transferable technology and environment constraints, biological constraints (variety, diseases and insects, etc.), and socio-economic constraints (cost and returns, policy, knowledge, and tradition, etc.). In order to analyze the yield gap in detail, scholars divided the yield gap into different levels according to their objectives. There are two kinds of research methods for yield gap, the survey and statistical analysis methods, and crop simulation models method. The survey and statistical analysis methods have a simple concept and easy to be operated, but requires sufficient experiment data, which the cost is higher and the duration is longer; the crop simulation models method can design more scenarios using the computer, but can not quantify all of the management accurately. Therefore, in the yield gap researches, we should combine the statistical methods, crop simulation models and remote sensing technology should be combined for taking the advantages of each method. A comparison of the crop yield gap around the world indicates that for the developed countries, potential ascension of crop production is smaller due to the relatively higher levels of cultivation management. There are many studies on the yield gaps for crops around the world, which provide a scientific basis for enhancing the crop yield and closing the yield gap. However, there are large differences between their results because of different methods used. Due to the limitations of data and methods, most researches have been focused on the constraints of climate, soil, variety, and cultivation management factors on the yield in agricultural production, but ignored the wishes of farmers, policy and economic factors. Therefore, a subsequent study of crop yield gap should quantify the potential yield of the main crops in each region, and identify the constraints of climate, soil, variety, cultivation management, and socio-economic factors on the yield in agricultural production.
YANG X G, LIU Z J. Advances in research on crop yield gaps
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2014,47(14):2731-2741. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.14.004URL [本文引用: 1]
Demand for food is quickly rising with increases in population and living standards. In the past few decades, crop yields increased rapidly due to the utilization of rice seedlings and mulching technologies, improvement of managements such as irrigation and fertilizer, new varieties selections and technology improvements. However, yields in farmer fields are much lower than potential yields, which have been widespread in the world's agricultural production. Therefore, closing the gap between current and potential yields is important to increase the crop yield and make sure the food security. In this study, the definition, research method, and the main results of yield gaps were reviewed. Furthermore, some prospects of yield gaps in the future were made, which will provide reference for further research on yield gaps. Until now there are many different definitions to yield gap, however, in general the maximum yield is the potential yield, and total yield gap is the difference between actual and potential yield. The yield gap caused by a variety of factors, including no-transferable technology and environment constraints, biological constraints (variety, diseases and insects, etc.), and socio-economic constraints (cost and returns, policy, knowledge, and tradition, etc.). In order to analyze the yield gap in detail, scholars divided the yield gap into different levels according to their objectives. There are two kinds of research methods for yield gap, the survey and statistical analysis methods, and crop simulation models method. The survey and statistical analysis methods have a simple concept and easy to be operated, but requires sufficient experiment data, which the cost is higher and the duration is longer; the crop simulation models method can design more scenarios using the computer, but can not quantify all of the management accurately. Therefore, in the yield gap researches, we should combine the statistical methods, crop simulation models and remote sensing technology should be combined for taking the advantages of each method. A comparison of the crop yield gap around the world indicates that for the developed countries, potential ascension of crop production is smaller due to the relatively higher levels of cultivation management. There are many studies on the yield gaps for crops around the world, which provide a scientific basis for enhancing the crop yield and closing the yield gap. However, there are large differences between their results because of different methods used. Due to the limitations of data and methods, most researches have been focused on the constraints of climate, soil, variety, and cultivation management factors on the yield in agricultural production, but ignored the wishes of farmers, policy and economic factors. Therefore, a subsequent study of crop yield gap should quantify the potential yield of the main crops in each region, and identify the constraints of climate, soil, variety, cultivation management, and socio-economic factors on the yield in agricultural production.

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李少昆, 王崇桃. 玉米生产技术创新·扩散. 北京: 科学出版社, 2010.
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GRASSINI P, THORBURN J, BURR C, CASSMAN K G. High-yield irrigated maize in the Western U.S. Corn Belt: I. On-farm yield, yield potential, and impact of agronomic practices
Field Crops Research, 2011,120:142-150.

DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2010.09.012URL [本文引用: 1]
Quantifying the exploitable gap between average farmer yields and yield potential (Y(P)) is essential to prioritize research and formulate policies for food security at national and international levels. While irrigated maize accounts for 58% of total annual maize production in the Western U.S. Corn Belt, current yield gap in these systems has not been quantified. Our objectives were to quantify Y(P), yield gaps, and the impact of agronomic practices on both parameters in irrigated maize systems of central Nebraska. The analysis was based on a 3-y database with field-specific values for yield, applied irrigation, and N fertilizer rate (n = 777). Y(P) was estimated using a maize simulation model in combination with actual and interpolated weather records and detailed data on crop management collected from a subset of fields (n = 123). Yield gaps were estimated as the difference between actual yields and simulated Y(P) for each field-year observation. Long-term simulation analysis was performed to evaluate the sensitivity of Y(P) to changes in selected management practices. Results showed that current irrigated maize systems are operating near the Y(P) ceiling. Average actual yield ranged from 12.5 to 13.6 Mg ha(-1) across years. Mean N fertilizer efficiency (kg grain per kg applied N) was 23% greater than average efficiency in the USA. Rotation, tillage system, sowing date, and plant population density were the most sensitive factors affecting actual yields. Average yield gap was 11% of simulated Y(P) (14.9 Mg ha-1). Time trends in average farm yields from 1970 to 2008 show that yields have not increased during the past 8 years. Average yield during this period represented 80% of Y(P) ceiling estimated for this region based on current crop management practices. Simulation analysis showed that Y(P) can be increased by higher plant population densities and by hybrids with longer maturity. Adoption of these practices, however, may be constrained by other factors such as difficulty in planting and harvest operations due to wet weather and snow, additional seed and grain drying costs, and greater risk of frost and lodging. Two key points can be made: (i) irrigated maize producers in this region are operating close to the Y(P) ceiling and achieve high levels of N use efficiency and (ii) small increases in yield (<13%) can be achieved through fine tuning current management practices that require increased production costs and higher risk. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V.

PINGALI P L, PANDEY S. Meeting World Maize Needs: Technological Opportunities and Priorities for the Public Sector
CIMMYT, Mexico, 2001: 1-24.

[本文引用: 1]

LIANG W L, CARBERRY P, WANG G Y, LU R H. Quantifying the yield gap in wheat-maize cropping systems of the Hebei Plain, China
Field Crops Research, 2011,124(2):180-185.

DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2011.07.010URL [本文引用: 1]
Wheat-maize double cropping is the most important cropping system on the Hebei Plain and is one of the most important cropping systems in China. In a scenario of greater food demand, and increasing water and rural labour scarcity, it is critical that the annual productivity of the system is improved in water-energy-cost efficient and low carbon ways. Based on farm surveys, this paper benchmarked the performance of wheat-maize double crops on the Hebei Plain during the 2004-2005 season. These farm yields were assessed both against experimental yields collected from on-farm maximum yield trials conducted during the same 2004-2005 season and relative to simulated estimates of the climate-driven potential productivity of the region.
The survey of 362 farms in six counties of the Hebei Plain during the 2004-2005 season found wheat yields ranging from 3375 kg ha(-1) to 9000 kg ha(-1) with an overall average yield of 6556 kg ha(-1). Maize yields averaged 7549 kg ha(-1) and ranged from 3375 kg ha(-1) to 11,250 kg ha(-1). The aggregate production for the wheat-maize double crops grown in the 2004-2005 season averaged 14,105 kg ha(-1) across the six counties. This was 72% of the average production (19,586 kg ha(-1)) recorded from on-farm trials conducted in each of the six counties and 60% of the simulated average production potential (24,147 kg ha(-1)) for the Hebei Plain in the 2004-2005 season. Thus, the annual productivity of the current cropping system could be increased with currently available technologies by 28%, while a yield increase of 42% is possible if farm yields approach the simulated yield potential.
Based on farmer interviews and field observations, a number of real and perceived reasons for the current yield gaps in farmers' fields were recognised. For instance, irrigation at stem-elongation of wheat is a current recommendation, yet only a proportion of the surveyed farmers were able to follow this strategy due to lack of access to shared irrigation facilities. Improving the region's infrastructure to enable more timely irrigation of crops will be a necessary prerequisite to improved productivity.
The results from the farm surveys and on-farm trials indicate that, with current recommended practices, farmers can improve their annual farm productivity and close the current yield gaps. However, the survey identified that increasing system performance and efficiency will require a focus on both agronomic and socio-economic issues. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V.

李克南, 杨晓光, 刘园, 荀欣, 刘志娟, 王静, 吕硕, 王恩利. 华北地区冬小麦产量潜力分布特征及其影响因素
作物学报, 2012,38(8):1483-1493.

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Acta Agronomic Sinica, 2012,38(8):1483-1493. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2012.01483URL [本文引用: 1]

MENG Q F, HOU P, WU L, CHEN X P, CUI Z L, ZHANG F S. Understanding production potentials and yield gaps in intensive maize production in China
Field Crops Research, 2013,143(1):91-97.

DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2012.09.023URL [本文引用: 1]

EGLI D B. Comparison of corn and soybean yields in the United States: Historical trends and future prospects
Agronomy Journal, 2008,100:79-88.

[本文引用: 1]

Nature, 2011,478:337-342.

DOI:10.1038/nature10452URLPMID:21993620 [本文引用: 1]
Increasing population and consumption are placing unprecedented demands on agriculture and natural resources. Today, approximately a billion people are chronically malnourished while our agricultural systems are concurrently degrading land, water, biodiversity and climate on a global scale. To meet the world's future food security and sustainability needs, food production must grow substantially while, at the same time, agriculture's environmental footprint must shrink dramatically. Here we analyse solutions to this dilemma, showing that tremendous progress could be made by halting agricultural expansion, closing 'yield gaps' on underperforming lands, increasing cropping efficiency, shifting diets and reducing waste. Together, these strategies could double food production while greatly reducing the environmental impacts of agriculture.

刘志娟, 杨晓光, 吕硕, 王静, LIN X M. 东北三省春玉米产量差时空分布特征
中国农业科学, 2017,50(9):1606-1616.

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.09.006URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 As the population increase, climate change and the environmental issues become increasingly prominent, food production and food security issues have attracted extensive attention. However, at present, the yields of crops are much lower than potential yields, therefore, how to produce enough food on limited land resources has become the major agricultural problem in China. Northeast China (NEC) is one of the most important maize production areas in China, where the maize output accounts for about 29% of the nation’s production. Therefore, increasing maize yield has undoubtedly played a vital role in securing food production in China. 【Method】 The yield gap between the potential yield and actual farmers’ yields of maize in Northeast China was studied on the basis of meteorological data, agro-meteorological observations, and agricultural statistical data during the period from 1961 to 2010, and by using the Agricultural Production System Simulation Model (APSIM-maize) and statistical method, which will provide a scientific basis for the ascension of crop production in NEC. 【Result】 The yield gap between potential and actual farmers’ yields (total yield gap) of spring maize decreased with increasing latitudes and longitudes (P<0.01). Among locations, this yield gap ranged from 4.8 t·hm-2 to 11.9 t·hm-2. The yield gaps between potential and attainable yields (yield gap 1), attainable and potential farmers’ yields (yield gap 2) showed a decreasing trend with increasing longitudes, showed a negative relationship with precipitation during the growing season. Among locations, mean yield gap 1 ranged from 0.06 t·hm-2 to 3.2 t·hm-2. And mean yield gap 2 ranged from 1.7 t·hm-2 to 8.0 t·hm-2, mainly due to the effects of management practices. The mean weighted yield gap between potential and actual farmers’ yields was 64% of the potential yield of spring maize. Moreover, 8%, 40%, and 16% reductions in potential yields were due to non-controllable factors, agronomic factors, and socioeconomic factors, respectively. During the past five decades, the yield gap of these four levels all showed a decreasing trend, total yield gap and yield gap 3 decreased by 1.55 t·hm-2, and 1.40 t·hm-2 per decade (P<0.01) in NEC, However, yield gap 1 and 2 showed no significant trend. 【Conclusion】 It was concluded that the yield gap between potential and actual farmers’ yields of spring maize decreased with increasing latitudes and longitudes, moreover, agronomic factors are the main constraints limiting maize yield in NEC, the yield gap could be deeply reduced by 40% by improving agronomic factors, including local management practices, soil conditions, and high-yielding varieties.
LIU Z J, YANG X G, S, WANG J, LIN X M. Spatial-temporal variations of yield gaps of spring maize in Northeast China
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2017,50(9):1606-1616. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.09.006URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 As the population increase, climate change and the environmental issues become increasingly prominent, food production and food security issues have attracted extensive attention. However, at present, the yields of crops are much lower than potential yields, therefore, how to produce enough food on limited land resources has become the major agricultural problem in China. Northeast China (NEC) is one of the most important maize production areas in China, where the maize output accounts for about 29% of the nation’s production. Therefore, increasing maize yield has undoubtedly played a vital role in securing food production in China. 【Method】 The yield gap between the potential yield and actual farmers’ yields of maize in Northeast China was studied on the basis of meteorological data, agro-meteorological observations, and agricultural statistical data during the period from 1961 to 2010, and by using the Agricultural Production System Simulation Model (APSIM-maize) and statistical method, which will provide a scientific basis for the ascension of crop production in NEC. 【Result】 The yield gap between potential and actual farmers’ yields (total yield gap) of spring maize decreased with increasing latitudes and longitudes (P<0.01). Among locations, this yield gap ranged from 4.8 t·hm-2 to 11.9 t·hm-2. The yield gaps between potential and attainable yields (yield gap 1), attainable and potential farmers’ yields (yield gap 2) showed a decreasing trend with increasing longitudes, showed a negative relationship with precipitation during the growing season. Among locations, mean yield gap 1 ranged from 0.06 t·hm-2 to 3.2 t·hm-2. And mean yield gap 2 ranged from 1.7 t·hm-2 to 8.0 t·hm-2, mainly due to the effects of management practices. The mean weighted yield gap between potential and actual farmers’ yields was 64% of the potential yield of spring maize. Moreover, 8%, 40%, and 16% reductions in potential yields were due to non-controllable factors, agronomic factors, and socioeconomic factors, respectively. During the past five decades, the yield gap of these four levels all showed a decreasing trend, total yield gap and yield gap 3 decreased by 1.55 t·hm-2, and 1.40 t·hm-2 per decade (P<0.01) in NEC, However, yield gap 1 and 2 showed no significant trend. 【Conclusion】 It was concluded that the yield gap between potential and actual farmers’ yields of spring maize decreased with increasing latitudes and longitudes, moreover, agronomic factors are the main constraints limiting maize yield in NEC, the yield gap could be deeply reduced by 40% by improving agronomic factors, including local management practices, soil conditions, and high-yielding varieties.

李雅剑, 王志刚, 高聚林, 孙继颖, 于晓芳, 胡树平, 余少波, 梁红伟, 裴宽. 基于密度联网试验和Hybrid-Maize 模型的内蒙古玉米产量差和生产潜力评估
中国生态农业学报, 2016,24(7):935-943.

URL [本文引用: 1]
Exploitation of yield gaps in current maize production was needed for increasing grain yields to meet future food requirements. The quantification of yield gap and production potential by scientific method was critical for rational planning of production and development of maize industry in Inner Mongolia. This study combined cultivar and density network test data with Hybrid-Maize model simulation, and used data of recorded the highest yield since 2006, the average yield of the farmers in different ecological regions in Inner Mongolia to analyze the yield gap and production potential of Inner Mongolia and its six ecological regions. Based on the modeled yield potential, the highest recorded yield, experimental yield and farmers’ yield generally increased from the east to the west of Inner Mongolia. Maize yield potential in Inner Mongolia was 14.9 thm-2, with the highest recorded yield of 14.4 thm-2 and experimental yield of 11.1 thm-2. Farmers’ yield reached 49% of the modeled yield potential, 51% of the highest recorded yield and 66% of the experimental yield. Yield gap based on the modeled yield potential (YGM), the highest recorded yield (YGR) and experimental yield (YGE) was 7.5 thm-2, 7.0 thm-2 and 3.8 thm-2, respectively. Based on YGE, the short-term production potential in Inner Mongolia was 3 525.2×104 tons (which was 1.6 times of the current maize production) and the short-term production gap was 1 191.9×104 tons. In the short-term, the four eastern regions (including Hulunber, Xing’an, Tongliao and Chifeng) contributed 61% to the production potential of the whole Inner Mongolia, while the western regions (including Hohhot and Bayannur) contributed only 16%. The main factor of high YGE was inefficient cultivation management practice. To address this challenge, the countermeasures were recommended, such as comprehensive improvement of cultivation management practices, simplification of agronomic techniques easily adopted by farmers, for to gradually narrow YGE.
LI Y J, WANG Z G, GAO J L, SUN J Y, YU X F, HU S P, YU S B, LIANG H W, PEI K. Understanding yield gap and production potential based on networked variety-density tests and Hybrid-Maize model in maize production areas of Inner Mongolia
Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2016,24(7):935-943. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 1]
Exploitation of yield gaps in current maize production was needed for increasing grain yields to meet future food requirements. The quantification of yield gap and production potential by scientific method was critical for rational planning of production and development of maize industry in Inner Mongolia. This study combined cultivar and density network test data with Hybrid-Maize model simulation, and used data of recorded the highest yield since 2006, the average yield of the farmers in different ecological regions in Inner Mongolia to analyze the yield gap and production potential of Inner Mongolia and its six ecological regions. Based on the modeled yield potential, the highest recorded yield, experimental yield and farmers’ yield generally increased from the east to the west of Inner Mongolia. Maize yield potential in Inner Mongolia was 14.9 thm-2, with the highest recorded yield of 14.4 thm-2 and experimental yield of 11.1 thm-2. Farmers’ yield reached 49% of the modeled yield potential, 51% of the highest recorded yield and 66% of the experimental yield. Yield gap based on the modeled yield potential (YGM), the highest recorded yield (YGR) and experimental yield (YGE) was 7.5 thm-2, 7.0 thm-2 and 3.8 thm-2, respectively. Based on YGE, the short-term production potential in Inner Mongolia was 3 525.2×104 tons (which was 1.6 times of the current maize production) and the short-term production gap was 1 191.9×104 tons. In the short-term, the four eastern regions (including Hulunber, Xing’an, Tongliao and Chifeng) contributed 61% to the production potential of the whole Inner Mongolia, while the western regions (including Hohhot and Bayannur) contributed only 16%. The main factor of high YGE was inefficient cultivation management practice. To address this challenge, the countermeasures were recommended, such as comprehensive improvement of cultivation management practices, simplification of agronomic techniques easily adopted by farmers, for to gradually narrow YGE.

Nature, 2014,514(7523):486-489.

URLPMID:25186728 [本文引用: 1]

CHEN X P, CUI Z L, VITOUSEK P M, CASSMAN K G, MATSON P A, BAI J S, MENG Q F, HOU P, YUE S C, ROMHELD V, ZHANG F S. Integrated soil-crop system management for food security
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2011,108(16):6399-6404.

DOI:10.1073/pnas.1101419108URL [本文引用: 1]
China and other rapidly developing economies face the dual challenge of substantially increasing yields of cereal grains while at the same time reducing the very substantial environmental impacts of intensive agriculture. We used a model-driven integrated soil-crop system management approach to develop a maize production system that achieved mean maize yields of 13.0 t ha(-1) on 66 on-farm experimental plots-nearly twice the yield of current farmers' practices-with no increase in N fertilizer use. Such integrated soil-crop system management systems represent a priority for agricultural research and implementation, especially in rapidly growing economies.

朴琳, 任红, 展茗, 曹凑贵, 齐华, 赵明, 李从锋. 栽培措施及其互作对北方春玉米产量及耐密性的调控作用
中国农业科学, 2017,50(11):1982-1994.

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.11.004URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】The purpose of this study was to investigate the regulating effect of cultivation measures and their interactions on grain yield and density resistance of spring maize hybrids, and its contribution to increase of grain yield.【Method】Maize cultivar “Zhongdan 909” was used as experimental materials in 2013 and 2014, which exhibited high yield in the high plant population. From 45 000 plants/hm2 to 10 5000 plants/hm2, five plant population treatments were designed. Subsoiling (S), wide-narrow planting (W) and chemical regulator (C) as cultivation measures, and composed different cultivation modes by split-split-plot design. Path analysis, factor regression and ANOVA analysis of different cultivation modes based on the yield, and using stepwise regression to analyze the efficiency of resource utilization factors under different cultivation modes, combined with the meteorological data. 【Result】The chemical regulator (C) had a significantly positive effect on yield in the integrated measures mode (contribution rate, 27%-41%), which the effect rests with the plant density increasing by 11 700 plants/hm2 under only chemical regulator treatment; wide-narrow planting (W) showed obvious different effects among the treatments. However, the effect of subsoiling (S) on yield displayed priority to indirect effect (contribution rate, 24%-37%), nevertheless, subsoiling plus wide-narrow planting compared with tradition mode (RU) could increase yield by 11.28%. The yield improvement of multiple measures interaction was much higher than those of double measures interaction and a single measure. Compared with traditional mode, multiple measures, double measures and a single measure increased yield by 31.27%, 15.57% and 7.96%, respectively, in a normal year (2013); and increase yield by 15.02%, 11.32% and 5.65%, respectively, in a drought year (2014). The yield increasing was mainly due to the increased population density, and coordinated regulation among radiation use efficiency (RUE), growth degree days use efficiency (GUE) and nitrogen partial factor productivity, then achieved the high yield and high efficiency under integrated measures. 【Conclusion】The yield improvement of multiple measure interaction mode (SWC) was the highest, compared to the traditional mode, the multiple measures could increase plant density by 62 700 plants/hm2 and obtain yield improvement by 11.91%, which the improvement was mainly attributed to the optimized population density under multiple measures interaction and regulating effect from integrated measures on resources utilization efficiency of intensive spring maize.
PIAO L, REN H, ZHAN M, CAO C G, QI H, ZHAO M, LI C F. Effect of cultivation measures and their interactions on grain yield and density resistance of spring maize
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2017,50(11):1982-1994. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.11.004URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】The purpose of this study was to investigate the regulating effect of cultivation measures and their interactions on grain yield and density resistance of spring maize hybrids, and its contribution to increase of grain yield.【Method】Maize cultivar “Zhongdan 909” was used as experimental materials in 2013 and 2014, which exhibited high yield in the high plant population. From 45 000 plants/hm2 to 10 5000 plants/hm2, five plant population treatments were designed. Subsoiling (S), wide-narrow planting (W) and chemical regulator (C) as cultivation measures, and composed different cultivation modes by split-split-plot design. Path analysis, factor regression and ANOVA analysis of different cultivation modes based on the yield, and using stepwise regression to analyze the efficiency of resource utilization factors under different cultivation modes, combined with the meteorological data. 【Result】The chemical regulator (C) had a significantly positive effect on yield in the integrated measures mode (contribution rate, 27%-41%), which the effect rests with the plant density increasing by 11 700 plants/hm2 under only chemical regulator treatment; wide-narrow planting (W) showed obvious different effects among the treatments. However, the effect of subsoiling (S) on yield displayed priority to indirect effect (contribution rate, 24%-37%), nevertheless, subsoiling plus wide-narrow planting compared with tradition mode (RU) could increase yield by 11.28%. The yield improvement of multiple measures interaction was much higher than those of double measures interaction and a single measure. Compared with traditional mode, multiple measures, double measures and a single measure increased yield by 31.27%, 15.57% and 7.96%, respectively, in a normal year (2013); and increase yield by 15.02%, 11.32% and 5.65%, respectively, in a drought year (2014). The yield increasing was mainly due to the increased population density, and coordinated regulation among radiation use efficiency (RUE), growth degree days use efficiency (GUE) and nitrogen partial factor productivity, then achieved the high yield and high efficiency under integrated measures. 【Conclusion】The yield improvement of multiple measure interaction mode (SWC) was the highest, compared to the traditional mode, the multiple measures could increase plant density by 62 700 plants/hm2 and obtain yield improvement by 11.91%, which the improvement was mainly attributed to the optimized population density under multiple measures interaction and regulating effect from integrated measures on resources utilization efficiency of intensive spring maize.

王洪章, 刘鹏, 贾绪存, 李静, 任昊, 董树亭, 张吉旺, 赵斌. 不同栽培管理条件下夏玉米产量与肥料利用效率的差异解析
作物学报, 2019,45(10):1544-1553.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.93002URL [本文引用: 1]
于2017—2018年在泰安、淄博和烟台, 根据生产调研和各地夏玉米高产经验, 在同一地块综合设置了超高产栽培、高产高效栽培和农户栽培3种栽培模式, 分别模拟超高产生产水平(SH)、高产高效生产水平(HH)和农户生产水平(FP) 3个层次。并分别设置不施氮(SHN0、HHN0、FPN0)、不施磷(SHP0、HHP0、FPP0)和不施钾(SHK0、HHK0、FPK0)的肥料空白处理。定量分析不同产量层次之间产量差及肥料利用效率差, 探究产量差和效率差的影响因素及缩差增效途径。结果显示, 当前山东省夏玉米SH、HH和FP的籽粒产量分别实现了光温潜力产量的68.13%、63.71%、53.22%。随着产量差距的增大, 肥料利用效率降低。FP的N、P、K肥料利用效率分别为4.23、5.83、4.94 kg kg -1, SH的分别为3.84、4.64、2.97 kg kg -1。通过优化栽培措施后, 高产高效管理模式能够较FP籽粒产量提升10.49%, N、P、K的肥料利用效率分别提高67.07%、101.35%、57.65%, 是实现产量与肥料利用效率协同提升的有效技术途径。对各产量水平进行产量性能分析发现, 随着产量水平的提高, 平均叶面积指数和单位面积穗数明显提高, 而穗粒数、平均净同化率和粒重则有所下降。随着产量水平的提高, 吐丝后干物质和N、P、K元素积累比例有增加的趋势。因此, 在保持现有功能性参数不降低情况下, 优化结构性参数是当前产量与资源利用效率协同提升的有效措施, 今后高产高效应更加注重生育后期群体结构性能的优化。
WANG H Z, LIU P, JIA X C, LI J, REN H, DONG S T, ZHANG J W, ZHAO B. Analysis of differences in summer maize yield and fertilizer use efficiency under different cultivation managements
Acta Agronomic Sinica, 2019,45(10):1544-1553. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.93002URL [本文引用: 1]
于2017—2018年在泰安、淄博和烟台, 根据生产调研和各地夏玉米高产经验, 在同一地块综合设置了超高产栽培、高产高效栽培和农户栽培3种栽培模式, 分别模拟超高产生产水平(SH)、高产高效生产水平(HH)和农户生产水平(FP) 3个层次。并分别设置不施氮(SHN0、HHN0、FPN0)、不施磷(SHP0、HHP0、FPP0)和不施钾(SHK0、HHK0、FPK0)的肥料空白处理。定量分析不同产量层次之间产量差及肥料利用效率差, 探究产量差和效率差的影响因素及缩差增效途径。结果显示, 当前山东省夏玉米SH、HH和FP的籽粒产量分别实现了光温潜力产量的68.13%、63.71%、53.22%。随着产量差距的增大, 肥料利用效率降低。FP的N、P、K肥料利用效率分别为4.23、5.83、4.94 kg kg -1, SH的分别为3.84、4.64、2.97 kg kg -1。通过优化栽培措施后, 高产高效管理模式能够较FP籽粒产量提升10.49%, N、P、K的肥料利用效率分别提高67.07%、101.35%、57.65%, 是实现产量与肥料利用效率协同提升的有效技术途径。对各产量水平进行产量性能分析发现, 随着产量水平的提高, 平均叶面积指数和单位面积穗数明显提高, 而穗粒数、平均净同化率和粒重则有所下降。随着产量水平的提高, 吐丝后干物质和N、P、K元素积累比例有增加的趋势。因此, 在保持现有功能性参数不降低情况下, 优化结构性参数是当前产量与资源利用效率协同提升的有效措施, 今后高产高效应更加注重生育后期群体结构性能的优化。

张仁和, 胡富亮, 杨晓钦, 高杰, 郝引川, 张兴华, 薛吉全. 不同栽培模式对旱地春玉米光合特性和水分利用率的影响
作物学报, 2013,39(9):1619-1627.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.01619URL [本文引用: 1]
明确旱地春玉米高产与水分高效协调的栽培技术及其生理原因,对提高水分限制条件下玉米水分利用效率及玉米可持续生产具有重要意义。本文以郑单958为材料,于2010年和2011年在陕西长武进行大田试验,设置当地农户栽培(对照)、高产高效栽培、超高产栽培和再高产高效栽培等4种栽培模式,比较了其对春玉米光合特性和水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,当地农户栽培、高产高效栽培、超高产栽培和再高产高效栽培产量平均达7.7、9.2、11.7和10.6 t hm-2,高产模式较对照产量分别提高20.1%、52.9%和37.7%,水分利用效率分别提高27.8%、60.9%和45.1%。与当地农户栽培相比,高产高效栽培、超高产栽培和再高产高效栽培提高了花后叶片净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和单叶水分利用效率(WUEL);相对电子传递速率(ETR)、PSII实际量子产额(ΦPSII)和光化学猝灭(qP);延缓了叶片衰老;花后干物质积累量分别增加29.0%、82.3%和56.1%。结果说明通过地膜覆盖、增加密度和氮肥运筹等关键栽培技术的集成与优化,可实现旱地春玉米高产与水分高效30%以上的目标;其增产增效的主要原因在于显著增强玉米花后叶片光捕获能力与光化学效率,延缓叶片早衰,促进花后干物质积累及其对籽粒的贡献率。
ZHANG R H, HU F L, YANG X Q, GAO J, HAO Y C, ZHANG X H, XUE J Q. Effects of different cultivation patterns on photosynthetic characteristics and water use efficiency in dryland spring maize
Acta Agronomic Sinica, 2013,39(9):1619-1627. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.01619URL [本文引用: 1]
明确旱地春玉米高产与水分高效协调的栽培技术及其生理原因,对提高水分限制条件下玉米水分利用效率及玉米可持续生产具有重要意义。本文以郑单958为材料,于2010年和2011年在陕西长武进行大田试验,设置当地农户栽培(对照)、高产高效栽培、超高产栽培和再高产高效栽培等4种栽培模式,比较了其对春玉米光合特性和水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,当地农户栽培、高产高效栽培、超高产栽培和再高产高效栽培产量平均达7.7、9.2、11.7和10.6 t hm-2,高产模式较对照产量分别提高20.1%、52.9%和37.7%,水分利用效率分别提高27.8%、60.9%和45.1%。与当地农户栽培相比,高产高效栽培、超高产栽培和再高产高效栽培提高了花后叶片净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和单叶水分利用效率(WUEL);相对电子传递速率(ETR)、PSII实际量子产额(ΦPSII)和光化学猝灭(qP);延缓了叶片衰老;花后干物质积累量分别增加29.0%、82.3%和56.1%。结果说明通过地膜覆盖、增加密度和氮肥运筹等关键栽培技术的集成与优化,可实现旱地春玉米高产与水分高效30%以上的目标;其增产增效的主要原因在于显著增强玉米花后叶片光捕获能力与光化学效率,延缓叶片早衰,促进花后干物质积累及其对籽粒的贡献率。

SUI P X, TIAN P, LIAN H L, WANG Z Y, MA Z Q, QI H, MEI N, SUN Y, WANG Y Y, SU Y H, MENG G X, JIANG Y. Straw incorporation management affects maize grain yield through regulating nitrogen uptake, water use efficiency, and root distribution
Agronomy, 2020,10:324.

DOI:10.3390/agronomy10030324URL [本文引用: 1]

PIAO L, LI M, XIAO J L, GU W R, ZHAN M, CAO C G, ZHAO M, LI C F. Effects of soil tillage and canopy optimization on grain yield, root growth, and water use efficiency of rainfed maize in Northeast China
Agronomy, 2019,9:336.

DOI:10.3390/agronomy9060336URL [本文引用: 1]

杨哲, 于胜男, 高聚林, 田甜, 孙继颖, 魏淑丽, 胡树平, 李荣发, 李从锋, 王志刚. 主要栽培措施对北方春玉米产量贡献的定量评估
中国农业科学, 2020,53(15):3024-3035.

[本文引用: 1]

YANG Z, YU S N, GAO J L, TIAN T, SUN J Y, WEI S L, HU S P, LI R F, LI C F, WANG Z G. Quantitative evaluation of the contribution of main management factors to grain yield of spring maize in North China
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2020,53(15):3024-3035. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

曹玉军, 姚凡云, 王丹, 吕艳杰, 刘小丹, 王立春, 王永军, 李从锋. 不同栽培技术因子对雨养春玉米产量与氮素效率差异的影响
中国农业科学, 2020,53(15):3036-3047.

[本文引用: 1]

CAO Y J, YAO F Y, WANG D, Lü Y J, LIU X D, WANG L C, WANG Y J, LI C F. Effects of different agronomy factors on yield gap and nitrogen efficiency gap of spring maize under rain-fed conditions
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2020,53(15):3036-3047. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

朴琳, 李波, 陈喜昌, 丁在松, 张宇, 赵明, 李从锋. 优化栽培措施对春玉米密植群体冠层结构及产量形成的调控效应
中国农业科学, 2020,53(15):3048-3058.

[本文引用: 1]

PIAO L, LI B, CHEN X C, DING Z S, ZHANG Y, ZHAO M, LI C F. Regulation effects of improved cultivation measures on canopy structure and yield formation of dense spring maize population
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2020,53(15):3048-3058. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

柏延文, 张宏军, 朱亚利, 郑学慧, 杨梅, 李从锋, 张仁和. 不同株型玉米冠层光氮分布、衰老特征及光能利用对增密的响应
中国农业科学, 2020,53(15):3059-3070.

[本文引用: 1]

BAI Y W, ZHANG H J, ZHU Y L, ZHENG X H, YANG M, LI C F, ZHANG R H. Responses of canopy radiation and nitrogen distribution, leaf senescence and radiation use efficiency on increased planting density of different variety types of maize
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2020,53(15):3059-3070. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

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Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2020,53(15):3083-3094. (in Chinese)

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