Quality Change of Cinnamon Soil Cultivated Land and Its Effect on Soil Productivity
CHEN YanHua1,2, WANG Le1, ZHANG ShuXiang,1, GUO Ning3, MA ChangBao4, LI ChunHua,1, XU MingGang1, ZOU GuoYuan21 Institute of Agricultural Resource and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081 2 Institute of Plant Nutrition and Resources, Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Beijing 100097 3 Beijing Soil Fertilizer Extension Service Station, Beijing 100029 4 Center of Arable Land Quality Monitoring and Protection, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100125
Abstract 【Objective】The quality of cultivated land is a key factor affecting soil productivity, which serves also as scientific basis for rational fertilization. Cinnamon soil is the main soil type at the production area of wheat and corn in China. This study examined the current status of cultivated land quality and the evolution characteristics of cinnamon soil during the past 31 years (1988-2018). Though considering the evolution of fertilizer application rate, their influence on productivity was studied, and the guidance for reducing fertilizer input and increasing efficiency in cinnamon soil area was proposed.【Method】Using the data of 103 long-term (31 years) location test points in China, the evolution of cinnamon soil cultivated land quality was analyzed by combining physical and chemical indexes. The factors influencing the yield were compared through the redundancy analysis (RDA). Based on these results, reasonable suggestions were put forward to reduce fertilizer input and increase efficiency in cinnamon soil area.【Result】(1) The present situation and evolution of soil physical and chemical properties in cinnamon soil area were shown in the study. Specifically, the average values of organic matter content, available phosphorus and available potassium in 2018 were 17.9 g·kg -1, 29.2 mg·kg -1-and 164 mg·kg -1, respectively, which represented an increase of 21.2%, 200.9% and 52.0% during 31years, respectively. The average values of total nitrogen and slow available potassium in 2018 were 1.1 g·kg -1 and 945 mg·kg -1, respectively, which remained relatively stable during the monitoring period. The contents of soil secondary elements and micronutrient elements and heavy metals were in an acceptable range. The pH was reduced by 0.3 unit. Topsoil thickness was 21.9 cm and bulk density was 1.33 g·cm -3, which belonged to the middle level. (2) The fertilizer application rate in cinnamon soil area was 730.2 kg·hm -2 in 2018. The proportion of N (N):P (P2O5):K (K2O) was about 2:1:1, and the proportion of chemical fertilizer to organic fertilizer was about 3.45:1. The nitrogen fertilizer application rate was 378.9 kg·hm -2, which was stable during the past 31 years. The application rate of phosphate and potassium fertilizer decreased by 24.1% and 50.8%, respectively. (3) The wheat yield showed an upward trend during 31 years, and the maximum reached 6 651 kg·hm -2 at the end of monitoring, which was 27.6% higher than the value at the initial stage. The corn yield was stable, reaching 8 851 kg·hm -2 at the end of monitoring. The contribution rate of soil fertility in wheat season and corn season was 49.0% and 59.6%, respectively. The yield was influenced by soil physical factors, including the thickness of plough layer (which could explain the wheat production for 2.7%, denoted as explanation rate), bulk density (explanation rates of wheat and corn productions for 1.2% and 1.5%, respectively) and chemical index, such as organic matter explanation rates of wheat and corn productions for 2% and 1.7%, respectively, and available phosphorus (explanation rate of corn for 3.6%). The explanation rates of potassium fertilizer were the highest for wheat and corn productions, which reached 5.6% and 6%, respectively. The explanation rates of phosphorus fertilizer for wheat yield (1.3%) and of nitrogen fertilizer for corn yield (1.3%) were also relatively high.【Conclusion】The cultivated land quality in cinnamon soil area has been improved in 31 years, but the overall fertility was low and the physical properties were in middle level. Considering the impact of land quality on productivity, different fertilization schemes needed to be formulated for wheat and corn. Both of which needed to increase the input of potassium fertilizers, and focused on ensuring the supply of phosphorus fertilizers for wheat and nitrogen fertilizers for corn. Physical indicators needed to be highly concerned. The topsoil thickness and bulk density were at a medium level, but there was no need to continue to optimize, and maintaining the status quo was more conductive to obtaining high yield. Keywords:cinnamon soil;cultivated land quality;soil physical properties;soil chemical properties;crop yield
PDF (1016KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 陈延华, 王乐, 张淑香, 郭宁, 马常宝, 李春花, 徐明岗, 邹国元. 我国褐土耕地质量的演变及对生产力的影响[J]. 中国农业科学, 2019, 52(24): 4540-4554 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.24.009 CHEN YanHua, WANG Le, ZHANG ShuXiang, GUO Ning, MA ChangBao, LI ChunHua, XU MingGang, ZOU GuoYuan. Quality Change of Cinnamon Soil Cultivated Land and Its Effect on Soil Productivity[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2019, 52(24): 4540-4554 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.24.009
箱式图内,中间实线代表中位数,空心圆圈代表平均值,箱子下边缘线和上边缘线分别代表下四分位数和上四分位数,星号代表异常值。不同小写字母表示不同监测时期差异显著(P<0.05)。下同。A列为各肥力指标2018年的现状,即各区间监测点的比例,B列为各肥力指标的演变 Fig. 1Content and evolution of conventional fertility indexes
Solid line in box represents the median, the hollow circle represents the average value, the bottom edge line and the upper edge line represent the lower quartile and the upper quartile respectively, and the asterisk represents the abnormal value. Lowercase indicates the difference significance among different monitoring periods at the 0.05 level. The following is the same as this. A is listed as the present situation of each fertility index in 2018, which is the proportion of monitoring points in each interval, and B is listed as the evolution of each fertility index
NF:氮肥用量,PF:磷肥用量,KF:钾肥用量,TST:土壤耕层厚度,BD:土壤容重,pH:土壤酸碱度,SOM:土壤有机质,Olsen-P:土壤有效磷,AK:土壤速效钾,SAK :土壤缓效钾。数字1代表小麦产量的影响因素,数字2代表玉米产量的影响因素 Fig. 6RDA analysis of the relationship between cultivated land quality crop yield,fertilizer application and crop yield
NF, PF and KF represent N P K fertilizer application rate respectively. TST: Topsoil thickness, BD: Bulk density, SOM: Soil organic matter, Olsen-P: Soil available P, AK: Soil available K, SAK: Soil slow available K. 1 and 2 on the back of the index represent the effect of the influencing factors on the wheat yield and the corn yield respectively
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