Research Progress and Prospect of Life Cycle Assessment in Animal Husbandry
JIANG MingHong1, LIU XinChao2,3, TANG HuaJun2, XIN XiaoPing2, CHEN JiQuan4, DONG Gang2,5, WU RuQun4, SHAO ChangLiang,21 College of Primary Education, Hulunbuir University, Hulunbuir 021008, Inner Mongolia, China 2 Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China 3 Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural & Animal Husbandry Sciences, Hohhot 010031, China 4 Center for Global Change and Earth Observations, Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA 5 School of Life Science, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, China
Abstract Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a generally accepted method to evaluate the overall environmental burden and production efficiency during the entire life cycle of a product, which is widely used for production management structure optimization in the enterprises and policy formulation in governments. In recent years, for food safety and environmental protection considerations, more and more studies emphasize that the LCA method should be used in animal husbandry to comprehensively assess the environmental burden and resources consumption during the animal-source food production. In China, LCA research and application of animal husbandry are rare, especially in the northern grassland pastoral area, which are the main livestock produce region, and no LCA research on the local livestock production system has been carried out. This paper reviewed the framework and research status of livestock production LCA methods on the main sections and processes, including (1) the goal and scope definition of livestock husbandry LCA; (2) life cycle inventory (LCI); and (3) life cycle impact assessment (LCIA). Through review the domestic and foreign LCA literatures on animal husbandry production, we noticed that the frame and methodology of animal husbandry LCA had been constructed well in developed country. It had an importance instructing significance for the research and practical application of Chinese animal husbandry LCA. However, we also needed to recognize that due to the differences in the specific situations of the livestock industry between domestic and foreign country, foreign LCA experience should not be applied directly in China. First of all, in the northern pastoral areas of China, family farm is the main production system mode of local livestock production, unclear boundaries between herdsmen's life needs and livestock production inputs exist in this system, therefore, it is difficult to apply the foreign experiences directly. Secondly, it is really a challenge to collect the data required for livestock husbandry LCA, which is the biggest restrictive factor of LCA application in livestock production in China. Third, compared with the animal husbandry developed countries, such as European countries, the United States and Australia, due to the gaps in livestock production technology and management methods, the livestock production in the northern pastoral areas of China is affected more by natural factors, such as precipitation, and various marketing factors, including the market supplies and demands. This is also an important issue that must be considered in the research and application of animal husbandry LCA in China. In order to widely practice Chinese livestock husbandry LCA, the following aspects should be improved: (1) the investigation about material input and output of livestock husbandry production in the northern pastoral areas of China should be carried out to collect necessary data; (2) the Chinese animal husbandry LCA database should be established in order to improve the accuracy of livestock husbandry LCA; and (3) we should strengthen the interdisciplinary study to clarify the natural and social driving factors in the development of animal husbandry, and to provide data reference and technology support for the sustainable development of animal husbandry in the northern pastoral areas of China. Keywords:life cycle assessment;northern grassland pastoral area;animal husbandry;livestock production system;resource consumption;environmental impact assessment
PDF (508KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 姜明红, 刘欣超, 唐华俊, 辛晓平, 陈吉泉, 董刚, 吴汝群, 邵长亮. 生命周期评价在畜牧生产中的应用研究现状及展望[J]. 中国农业科学, 2019, 52(9): 1635-1645 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.09.014 JIANG MingHong, LIU XinChao, TANG HuaJun, XIN XiaoPing, CHEN JiQuan, DONG Gang, WU RuQun, SHAO ChangLiang. Research Progress and Prospect of Life Cycle Assessment in Animal Husbandry[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2019, 52(9): 1635-1645 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.09.014
总体而言,LCA评价范围的界定也就是系统边界设置的越完整,对于环境影响和资源消耗的评价结果就越准确[43,44]。理想的情况下,LCA分析的系统边界应包含与产品相关的所有方面,完全意义上实现“从摇篮到坟墓(from cradle to grave)”即从原材料获取到产品生产、使用、废弃物处理、再循环和最终废弃处置的全生命周期评价[1]。然而对于大部分农畜产品LCA,受限于数据可获取性等客观条件,都将评价重点放在从原材料生产获取开始直到畜牧产品从农场售出为止这一阶段的生产环节和过程上,以限制LCA研究的复杂性,相应的系统边界被称为“从摇篮到农场大门(from cradle to farm gate)”[4,45-46]。图2展示的是作者归纳的我国草原畜牧生产系统从摇篮到农场大门这一系统边界所包含的主要生产环节对应的物料投入和资源环境影响。但是也有一些LCA评价在条件允许的情况下,将系统边界扩展到农场大门以外,实现从摇篮到坟墓的完整生命周期的评价[1]。例如,HELLER等[47]在关于美国有机乳制品产业碳排放的LCA评价研究中,利用有机乳制品企业产品追溯数据完整的特点对有机乳制品产业中从饲料生产一直到产品被使用后废物处理的完整生命周期的碳排放进行了估算。
Fig. 2System boundary of animal husbandry LCA(from cradle to farm gate)
选择功能单位的目的就是将LCA所评价畜牧生产系统的主要功能与系统产生的环境影响联系起来。一般而言,LCA评价选择畜牧产品生产也就是系统的经济功能作为主要研究角度,因而将环境影响或资源消耗分摊到产品上进行描述,作为度量单位的产品就被称为LCA评价的功能单位,如肉牛或肉羊生产系统往往采用每千克活体重或胴体重作为功能单位[36,38,41],乳制品生产系统则常用每公斤/公升牛奶或脂肪和蛋白质校正乳作为功能单位[21,48]。在实际应用中还需要根据生产系统的特点来设定功能单位,例如HELLE等[47]在有机乳制品LCA中把功能单位定义为一升装的商品液态牛奶;而MCAULIFFE等[33]和MOREL等[49]等在关于肉牛生产系统的LCA评价中,考虑到育肥肉牛的生产,将功能单位设置为活体重的增长量(kg of live weight gain或live weight produced)。
E=R×(I-A)-1×p Ri=ci/xi 式中,E为为产品 p 引起的各部门环境负担向量,R为对角矩阵,其对角元素Ri是部门i单位货币产出的环境负担,(I-A)-1为列昂惕夫逆矩阵,反映了经济的中间投入产出结构以及生产技术水平,I为单位矩阵,A为直接消耗系数矩阵,p为产品列向量,ci为部门i的环境负担,xi为部门i的总产出。
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