
Effects of Coupling of Irrigation and Nitrogen Application as well as Planting Density on Photosynthesis and Dry Matter Accumulation Characteristics of Maize in Oasis Irrigated Areas
WEI TingBang1, CHAI Qiang
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魏廷邦, 柴强, 王伟民, 王军强. 水氮耦合及种植密度对绿洲灌区玉米光合作用和 干物质积累特征的调控效应[J]. 中国农业科学, 2019, 52(3): 428-444 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.03.004
WEI TingBang, CHAI Qiang, WANG WeiMin, WANG JunQiang.
0 引言
【研究意义】水和肥已成为影响粮食生产的两大关键元素,水、肥协调供应对提高作物产量及综合利用价值意义重大[1]。大量研究表明,作物干物质积累量的95%左右是来自于光合作用生产的有机物,光合速率的高低是作物产量形成的基础[2,3],作物的光合作用、干物质积累特征还与土壤水分、养分的供应能力密切相关[4,5]。种植密度的改变可有效改善作物对水、肥资源的利用状况,是作物增产的重要途径之一[6,7]。由于不同种植区内适用的水肥配比、栽培密度、种植模式及环境条件差异较大,在资源性缺水地域,针对性研发密植条件下相应的水肥耦合制度,对解决区域性水资源危机和挖掘玉米增产潜力具有十分重要的意义。【前人研究进展】目前,国内外****关于水、肥及互作效应对密植作物群体光合特性、干物质积累特征及产量形成过程均有报道。张旺锋等[8]和李广浩等[9]研究表明,作物的产量与叶片的光合速率紧密相关,提高并保持生育后期较高的叶片净光合速率、叶绿素含量,对获得高产十分重要。张秋英等[10]和JIM [11]发现,光合速率的变化趋势与土壤水分和氮素营养的供应多少密切相关,在轻度水分胁迫条件下会降低叶片的光合作用,直接影响生育后期光合产物向籽粒中的转移。但王帅等[12]研究发现,及时追施氮肥可增大玉米生育期叶片的净光合速率、蒸腾速率和叶绿素(SPAD)值,提高叶肉细胞同化CO2的能力,充分发挥干物质生产潜力,增大生育后期干物质积累速率和籽粒灌浆速率,促进生育后期有机物积累,利于增加粒重[13,14]。增施氮肥、磷肥、钾肥可显著增强玉米生育期的光合作用,提高单位面积的干物质积累量和积累速率[15]。李玉英等[16]和王宜伦等[17]发现,生育中后期追施氮肥可显著增大玉米的净光合速率,开花期及时追施氮肥能够显著缩短最大干物质增长速率出现的时间,显著提高干物质最大增长速率和干物质积累量。郭丽等[18]研究发现,在水肥一体化滴管条件下,增施氮肥增产效果显著,但随着施氮量的增加,氮肥农学效率、氮肥生产效率和氮肥利用效率显著降低。马国胜等[19]和张吉旺等[20]研究表明,玉米的净光合速率和干物质积累速率随着种植密度的增加,呈现先增加后减少或持续增加的变化趋势,群体干物质积累量和产量随着密度的增加显著增加,但超过一定密度范围时,叶片衰老加速,进而造成玉米产量降低。肖继兵等[21]研究表明,适当提高种植密度是提升高粱产量的关键,是实现作物群体结构和植株个体功能协同增益和产量提高的重要途径。因此,合理的种植密度是作物充分利用光热资源构建良好群体结构,改善群体内部通风和光照条件,优化群体光合生理指标的基础,而恰当的土壤水分和氮肥施用量则是作物利用适宜种植密度充分发挥群体优势进行光合生产的营养物质保障[22]。在作物生产中,水、肥、密度三者之间需要高度协调配合,才有利于优化作物群体结构,提高生育期的光合作用,进一步促进干物质积累和产量增加[23,24]。【本研究切入点】近年来,资源性缺水及传统水肥管理方式,使得单位耕地产出率降低、生态环境恶化等问题日益显现,开展密植条件下高效节水、节肥理论与技术研究已成为栽培领域的新型方向。随着现代滴灌技术广泛的应用,将滴灌、施氮集成应用在同一种植模式中[25],使得玉米生长发育水氮需求与土壤水氮供给之间的时空吻合度得以大幅度提高,可促进作物显著增产[26]。目前,在资源匮乏的条件下,关于不同水肥组合模式对密植玉米光合作用、干物质积累及产量形成特征的协同调控增产机理还鲜见报道。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究通过适度调控玉米种植密度,量化灌水量、施氮量及种植密度三者间的互作效应对密植玉米光合作用、干物质积累特征的响应机理,阐明密植玉米光合生理、干物质积累特征的互利增产机理,以期为提升绿洲灌区密植玉米高产、高效水肥管理提供技术支撑。1 材料与方法
1.1 试验区概况
本试验于2016年4月至2017年10月,在甘肃省武威市凉州区黄羊镇绿洲农业试验站进行。试验站位于河西走廊东端(37°95′ N,102°63′ E),平均海拨1 506 m,年平均气温约7.2℃,年平均降水量约156 mm,年平均蒸发量约2 400 mm,年降水分布不均,主要集中在5—9月份。试验区以厚层灌漠土为主,容重1.61 g·cm-3,0—30 cm土层全氮0.59 g·kg-1、全磷1.48 g·kg-1、有机质14.67 g·kg-1。玉米为该区主栽作物,种植密度为7.5×104株/hm2,显著低于高产农田水平。2016—2017年度试验区3—9月降水量及日平均温度变化如图1所示。图1

Fig. 1Dynamics of precipitation and daily mean temperature in the experimental station from March to September in 2016-2017
1.2 试验材料
选用密植性品种先玉335为供试材料。2016年4月20日播种,9月22日收获,2017年4月23日播种,9月26日收获。氮肥施用(N 46.6%)尿素,磷肥施用(P2O514%)过磷酸钙,覆膜采用武威市泽瑞嘉农资有限责任公司生产的农用透明地膜(宽140 cm、厚0.08 mm)。1.3 试验设计
本研究采用裂裂区设计,以灌水水平做主区,施氮水平为裂区,种植密度为裂裂区。设置常规灌水(W1,4 050 m3·hm-2),生育期灌水减量20%(W2,3 720 m3·hm-2)2种灌水水平;设置0(N0,对照)、300 kg·hm-2(N1)和450 kg·hm-2(N2)3种施氮水平;设置低密度(D1,75 000株/hm2),中密度(D2,97 500株/hm2),高密度(D3,120 000株/hm2)3种种植密度。试验共设置18个处理,每个处理3次重复,各小区随机排列,小区面积为40 m2(5 m×8 m)。玉米覆膜平作,等行距种植,行距40 cm,通过株距来调控种植密度,D1、D2、D3株距分别为33、26、21 cm。氮肥施用尿素(N 46.6%),按基肥﹕大喇叭口期追肥﹕灌浆期追肥= 3﹕6﹕1分施,磷肥基施过磷酸钙(P2O5 14%)225 kg·hm-2,小区间筑埂,以防串水漏肥。W1、W2冬储灌量均为1 200 m3·hm-2,其中常规灌水(W1)生育期灌水量总计4 050 m3·hm-2,按拔节期、大喇叭口期、抽雄吐丝期、开花期、灌浆期分别灌水900、750、900、750、750 m3·hm-2;生育期灌水减量20%(W2)灌水量总计3 720 m3·hm-2,按拔节期、大喇叭口期、抽雄吐丝期、开花期、灌浆期分别灌水720、750、900、750、600 m3·hm-2。所有处理均为膜下滴灌,采用精确度为0.001 m3的水表(宁波市佳佳美水表有限公司生产)控制灌水量。
1.4 测定项目与方法
1.4.1 净光合速率(Pn) 使用Li-6400型光合测定仪(美国Li-COR公司生产),玉米拔节以后,在各小区中间位置随机选取3株玉米,每隔15 d,选择晴朗天气,于上午9:00—11:30进行测定,结果取平均值[21]。1.4.2 干物质积累量 玉米出苗以后,在每小区中间部位每隔15 d随机选取玉米5株(苗期选取10株),分器官称鲜重后,于105℃下杀青15—30 min,80℃下烘干至恒重,计算干物质积累量[25]。
采用Logistic方程y = k/(1+ea - rt)拟合玉米生育期
1.4.3 水分利用效率(water use efficiency,WUE) WUE = Y/ET。式中,Y 为作物籽粒产量,ET为作物全生育期内总耗水量[23]。
1.4.4 氮肥利用率(nitrogen fertilizer use rate,NUR) NUR(%)=(施氮区地上部吸氮量-空白区地上部吸氮量)/施氮量×100%。
1.4.5 产量 玉米完全成熟后,收获每小区玉米计产量。另在小区中间部位连续取20株玉米,风干后考种,测定穗行数、行粒数、千粒重等产量性状。
1.5 数据处理与分析
采用Microsoft Excel 2007和SPSS 17.0软件进行数据整理、方差分析、相关分析、回归分析以及拟合回归方程。2 结果
2.1 不同处理对玉米光合作用的影响

Fig. 2The net photosynthetic rate dynamic of maize under different treatments
2.2 不同处理对玉米群体干物质积累特征的影响
2.2.1 不同处理玉米群体干物质积累动态 施氮量和种植密度对玉米收获期干物质积累量影响显著(P<0.05),种植密度和灌水量间、种植密度和施氮量间、灌水量和施氮量间对玉米收获期干物质积累量互作效应显著(P<0.05),但灌水量、施氮量和种植密度三因素间互作效应不显著(P>0.05)。收获期2年平均干物质积累量比较(图3),在相同灌水和施氮水平下,高密度处理干物质积累量优于中密度和低密度处理,其中W1N2D3处理干物质积累量较W1N2D2、W1N2D1处理分别提高5.78%和14.11%,W1N1D3处理较W1N1D2、W1N1D1处理分别提高9.34%和14.21%;W2N2D3处理较W2N2D2、W2N2D1处理分别提高4.27%和10.59%,W2N1D3处理较W2N1D2、W2N1D1处理分别提高12.57%和26.81%。

Fig. 3The dry matter accumulation dynamic of maize under different treatments
2.2.2 不同处理玉米群体干物质积累速率变化 2年平均干物质积累速率(图4)表明,不同灌水处理的干物质积累速率在拔节期至开花期差异不显著,在开花期至成熟期,平均干物质积累速率随着施氮量的增加而显著增加,高密度和中密度处理的干物质积累速率与低密度相比较差异显著。

Fig. 4The dry matter accumulation rate dynamics of maize under different treatments
Table 1
Table 1
年份 Year | 处理 Treatment | 渐增期Early stage | 快增期Fast stage | 缓增期Late stage | |||
持续时间 Duration (d) | 平均积累速率 Average accumulate rate (kg·hm-2·d-1) | 持续时间 Duration (d) | 平均积累速率 Average accumulate rate (kg·hm-2·d-1) | 持续时间 Duration (d) | 平均积累速率 Average accumulate rate (kg·hm-2·d-1) | ||
2016 | W1N0D1 | 66.50b | 76.13c | 32.12b | 430.64q | 46.37o | 85.34o |
W1N0D2 | 64.77c | 88.41bc | 33.76b | 463.38p | 46.45n | 116.33c | |
W1N0D3 | 62.79d | 92.21b | 30.62b | 516.46l | 51.58f | 95.32j | |
W1N1D1 | 65.81bc | 100.75ab | 35.12b | 515.82m | 44.06q | 100.53g | |
W1N1D2 | 65.45bc | 104.36a | 32.12b | 636.67f | 47.43m | 108.41e | |
W1N1D3 | 61.26de | 111.59a | 32.52b | 677.32d | 51.22g | 121.62b | |
W1N2D1 | 64.07cd | 102.04ab | 30.98b | 576.42i | 49.94k | 70.29r | |
W1N2D2 | 61.33de | 109.84a | 28.32b | 649.74e | 55.35c | 86.39m | |
W1N2D3 | 60.35e | 112.02a | 24.16b | 742.14b | 60.48a | 88.13l | |
W2N0D1 | 68.69a | 76.62c | 37.63b | 382.14r | 38.68r | 70.88q | |
W2N0D2 | 68.79a | 78.78c | 30.98b | 477.79o | 45.22p | 86.16n | |
W2N0D3 | 66.24bc | 86.11bc | 30.98b | 502.83n | 47.77l | 100.07h | |
W2N1D1 | 64.33cd | 91.13b | 29.93b | 535.09k | 50.74i | 81.52p | |
W2N1D2 | 62.26de | 107.24a | 32.52b | 560.97j | 50.22j | 110.54d | |
W2N1D3 | 61.19d | 110.04a | 32.12b | 624.83h | 51.68e | 130.56a | |
W2N2D1 | 65.97bc | 102.18ab | 28.94b | 636.24g | 50.08h | 88.83k | |
W2N2D2 | 62.71d | 112.37a | 28.32b | 679.77c | 53.96d | 99.16i | |
W2N2D3 | 61.44de | 118.15ab | 25.82a | 768.09a | 57.74b | 105.34f | |
2017 | W1N0D1 | 66.85a | 97.26n | 30.27b | 586.77m | 27.87o | 29.41h |
W1N0D2 | 82.73a | 87.73o | 37.09ab | 534.56p | 25.17q | 42.23c | |
W1N0D3 | 73.48a | 114.04h | 41.15a | 556.33n | 30.36k | 45.06b | |
W1N1D1 | 76.95a | 107.41i | 33.46ab | 674.74i | 34.58i | 34.72f | |
W1N1D2 | 81.21a | 106.13k | 35.12ab | 670.54j | 28.66n | 58.69a | |
W1N1D3 | 78.71a | 115.14g | 35.59ab | 695.58h | 30.71j | 40.03d | |
W1N2D1 | 73.42a | 121.35e | 34.52ab | 705.13e | 37.05g | 21.12l | |
W1N2D2 | 77.34a | 133.04c | 40.21a | 699.08g | 27.44p | 5.75o | |
W1N2D3 | 75.55a | 139.23a | 39.31ab | 731.05d | 40.13d | 13.03n | |
W2N0D1 | 74.97a | 75.99q | 35.59ab | 437.31r | 34.43i | 27.87i | |
W2N0D2 | 76.51a | 85.37p | 33.64ab | 530.42q | 34.86h | 33.83g | |
W2N0D3 | 71.01a | 102.82l | 36.58ab | 545.18o | 37.42f | 23.93k | |
W2N1D1 | 80.54a | 97.67m | 35.21b | 610.42l | 29.24l | 19.41m | |
W2N1D2 | 79.74a | 106.59j | 36.08ab | 643.61k | 29.18m | 28.27i | |
W2N1D3 | 71.57a | 123.82d | 33.01ab | 733.65c | 40.42c | 41.92c | |
W2N2D1 | 71.51a | 120.96f | 33.77ab | 699.91f | 39.72e | 25.64j | |
W2N2D2 | 67.97a | 139.22a | 34.16ab | 756.88b | 42.86b | 38.81e | |
W2N2D3 | 71.68b | 134.41b | 30.98b | 849.51a | 45.33a | 44.42b |
2.2.3 Logistic方程拟合不同处理玉米干物质最大增长速率及其出现的天数 不同处理干物质积累速率Logistic方程及干物质最大增长速率出现的天数计算参考魏廷邦等[25]方法。如表2所示,灌水量、施氮量和种植密度对玉米干物质最大增长速率出现的天数影响显著(P<0.05),灌水量与施氮量、施氮量与种植密度间对玉米干物质最大增长速率的互作效应显著(P<0.05),但灌水量、施氮量和种植密度三因素间的互作效应不显著(P>0.05)。
Table 2
表2不同处理玉米干物质积累速率的Logistic 方程回归分析
Table 2
年份 Year | 处理 Treatment | 回归方程 Regression equation | R2 | 最大增长速率 出现天数 The days of MIR (d) | 最大增长速率 Maximum increase rate (kg·d-1·hm-2) |
2016 | W1N0D1 | Y = 23959.28 / (1 + e6.77 - 0.082 t) | 0.993 | 82.56c | 491.16b |
W1N0D2 | Y = 27102.43 / (1 + e6.370 - 0.078 t) | 0.998 | 81.66c | 528.49b | |
W1N0D3 | Y = 27397.08 / (1 + e6.717 - 0.086 t) | 0.994 | 78.10gh | 589.03ab | |
W1N1D1 | Y = 31376.54 / (1 + e6.253 - 0.075 t) | 0.996 | 83.37c | 588.31ab | |
W1N1D2 | Y = 35421.91 / (1 + e6.684 - 0.082 t) | 0.991 | 81.51d | 726.14ab | |
W1N1D3 | Y = 38148.18 / (1 + e6.279 - 0.081 t) | 0.995 | 77.51h | 772.50ab | |
W1N2D1 | Y = 30937.64 / (1 + e6.763 - 0.085 t) | 0.989 | 79.56f | 657.42ab | |
W1N2D2 | Y = 31873.15 / (1 + e7.020 - 0.093 t) | 0.987 | 75.48i | 741.05a | |
W1N2D3 | Y = 33991.32 / (1 + e7.895 - 0.109 t) | 0.996 | 78.43g | 926.26ab | |
W2N0D1 | Y = 24905.35 / (1 + e6.125 - 0.07 t) | 0.998 | 87.50a | 435.84b | |
W2N0D2 | Y = 25644.27 / (1 + e7.164 - 0.085 t) | 0.989 | 84.28b | 544.94ab | |
W2N0D3 | Y = 26987.54 / (1 + e6.947 - 0.085 t) | 0.994 | 81.72d | 573.48ab | |
W2N1D1 | Y = 27740.45 / (1 + e6.978 - 0.088 t) | 0.992 | 79.29f | 610.29ab | |
W2N1D2 | Y = 31595.12 / (1 + e6.360 - 0.081 t) | 0.996 | 78.52g | 639.80ab | |
W2N1D3 | Y = 34762.66 / (1 + e6.335 - 0.082 t) | 0.998 | 77.25h | 712.63ab | |
W2N2D1 | Y = 31896.55 / (1 + e7.320 - 0.091 t) | 0.983 | 80.44e | 725.64ab | |
W2N2D2 | Y = 33346.21 / (1 + e7.149 - 0.093 t) | 0.987 | 76.87h | 775.29a | |
W2N2D3 | Y = 34354.051/ (1 + e7.584 - 0.102 t) | 0.991 | 74.35j | 876.02ab | |
2017 | W1N0D1 | Y = 30769.12 / (1 + e7.133 - 0.087 t) | 0.906 | 81.98r | 669.22m |
W1N0D2 | Y = 34348.66 / (1 + e7.191 - 0.071 t) | 0.949 | 101.28a | 609.68p | |
W1N0D3 | Y = 39656.88 / (1 + e6.020 - 0.064 t) | 0.967 | 94.06h | 634.51n | |
W1N1D1 | Y = 39113.70 / (1 + e7.373 - 0.079 t) | 0.970 | 93.68i | 769.56i | |
W1N1D2 | Y = 40787.85 / (1 + e7.408 - 0.075 t) | 0.968 | 98.77b | 764.77j | |
W1N1D3 | Y = 42882.84 / (1 + e7.141 - 0.074 t) | 0.976 | 96.50f | 793.33h | |
W1N2D1 | Y = 42160.80 / (1 + e6.919 - 0.076 t) | 0.959 | 90.68l | 804.22e | |
W1N2D2 | Y = 45691.69 / (1 + e6.383 - 0.066 t) | 0.948 | 97.45e | 797.32g | |
W1N2D3 | Y = 47778.52 / (1 + e6.379 - 0.067 t) | 0.954 | 95.21g | 833.79d | |
W2N0D1 | Y = 26960.35 / (1 + e6.865 - 0.074 t) | 0.940 | 92.77k | 498.76r | |
W2N0D2 | Y = 30904.47 / (1 + e7.307 - 0.078 t) | 0.971 | 93.32j | 604.95q | |
W2N0D3 | Y = 34544.28 / (1 + e6.429 - 0.072 t) | 0.969 | 89.29m | 621.79o | |
W2N1D1 | Y = 37229.95 / (1 + e7.342 - 0.075 t) | 0.964 | 98.15c | 696.20l | |
W2N1D2 | Y = 40222.45 / (1 + e7.138 - 0.073 t) | 0.943 | 97.78d | 734.06k | |
W2N1D3 | Y = 41942.52 / (1 + e7.029 - 0.080 t) | 0.948 | 88.08o | 836.75c | |
W2N2D1 | Y = 40936.35 / (1 + e6.895 - 0.078 t) | 0.973 | 88.39n | 798.25f | |
W2N2D2 | Y = 44785.55 / (1 + e6.558 - 0.077 t) | 0.950 | 85.05p | 863.24b | |
W2N2D3 | Y = 45594.61 / (1 + e7.410 - 0.085 t) | 0.941 | 83.17q | 968.88a | |
显著性(P值)Significance (P value) | |||||
灌水水平W | — | — | * | NS | |
施氮水平N | — | — | * | * | |
种植密度D | — | — | * | * | |
灌水水平×施氮水平W×N | — | — | * | * | |
灌水水平×种植密度W×D | — | — | * | * | |
施氮水平×种植密度N×D | — | — | * | NS | |
灌水水平×施氮水平×种植密度W×N×D | — | — | * | NS |
从2年平均结果看,在相同灌水和施氮水平下,W1N2D3、W1N2D2处理的干物质最大增长速率分别较W1N2D1提高20.42%和5.25%,W1N2D3处理的干物质最大增长速率出现天数较W1N2D1提前3.3 d,W2N2D3、W2N2D2处理的干物质最大增长速率分别较W2N2D1提高21.07%和7.52%,W2N2D3、W2N2D2处理的干物质最大增长速率出现天数分别较W2N2D1提前6.7 d和4.1 d。在相同灌水和种植密度下,W2N2D3处理干物质最大增长速率分别较W2N1D3、W2N0D3提高19.07%和54.35%,W2N2D3处理的干物质最大增长速率出现天数分别较W2N1D3、W2N0D3提前3.9 d和6.8 d。说明减量20%灌水与高施氮耦合能够显著增大中密度处理的干物质积累速率,维持生育后期干物质积累高峰期,增大干物质积累量。
2.3 水氮耦合条件下不同种植密度玉米的产量、水分利用效率及氮肥利用率的综合表现
如表3所示,施氮量和种植密度对玉米产量、水分利用效率和氮肥利用率影响显著(P<0.05),但灌水水平对产量影响不显著(P>0.05)。灌水水平与施氮水平、施氮水平与种植密度对产量、水分利用效率和氮肥利用率互作效应显著(P<0.05),灌水水平、施氮水平和种植密度对产量、水分利用效率和氮肥利用率互作效应显著(P<0.05)。Table 3
Table 3
年份 Year | 处理 Treatment | 产量 Grain yield | 水分利用效率 WUE | 氮肥利用率 Nitrogen utilization efficiency |
2016 | W1N0D1 | 8015.63c | 12.18d | — |
W1N0D2 | 8599.57c | 12.70d | — | |
W1N0D3 | 8406.93c | 12.38d | — | |
W1N1D1 | 12211.91b | 17.83b | 13.10d | |
W1N1D2 | 10725.40b | 19.81a | 15.33c | |
W1N1D3 | 11008.27b | 15.81bc | 19.30a | |
W1N2D1 | 12037.13b | 17.19bc | 17.52f | |
W1N2D2 | 11273.53b | 18.68ab | 20.64e | |
W1N2D3 | 11403.40c | 16.99bc | 24.36bc | |
W2N0D1 | 8093.53c | 12.66d | — | |
W2N0D2 | 8247.37c | 12.69d | — | |
W2N0D3 | 7948.39b | 12.19d | — | |
W2N1D1 | 10471.90b | 15.55c | 12.62c | |
W2N1D2 | 12170.47b | 17.80b | 13.92bc | |
W2N1D3 | 11161.16b | 16.10bc | 17.84b | |
W2N2D1 | 11238.43b | 16.40bc | 20.85f | |
W2N2D2 | 13871.22a | 18.99ab | 22.28ef | |
W2N2D3 | 11078.11b | 15.69c | 23.18d | |
2017 | W1N0D1 | 7159.1c | 11.42ef | — |
W1N0D2 | 7605.8c | 10.74f | — | |
W1N0D3 | 7674.9c | 12.46ef | — | |
W1N1D1 | 9971.6cb | 20.40b | 19.29c | |
W1N1D2 | 11329.5ab | 20.65a | 27.55a | |
W1N1D3 | 11792.6ab | 16.02d | 23.47b | |
W1N2D1 | 10514.2b | 17.26d | 18.86c | |
W1N2D2 | 12297.8ab | 19.63c | 24.18a | |
W1N2D3 | 11930.0ab | 16.10d | 21.59bc | |
W2N0D1 | 7729.6c | 12.14ef | — | |
W2N0D2 | 8063.5c | 13.21e | — | |
W2N0D3 | 7708.6c | 12.07ef | — | |
W2N1D1 | 9633.7cb | 15.31d | 16.62c | |
W2N1D2 | 11880.5ab | 17.95cd | 27.33a | |
W2N1D3 | 12154.3ab | 16.09d | 20.83bc | |
W2N2D1 | 10956.1b | 17.08d | 17.42c | |
W2N2D2 | 13699.3a | 18.29cd | 27.42a | |
W2N2D3 | 10271.2cb | 15.80d | 20.48bc | |
显著性(P值)Significance (P value) | ||||
灌水水平W | NS | * | * | |
施氮水平N | * | * | * | |
种植密度D | * | * | * | |
灌水水平×施氮水平W×N | * | * | * | |
灌水水平×种植密度W×D | * | NS | * | |
施氮水平×种植密度N×D | * | * | * | |
灌水水平×施氮水平×种植密度W×N×D | * | * | * |
2.4 水氮耦合条件下不同密度玉米主要指标间的相关性分析
在玉米密植条件下,水肥耦合通过直接调控玉米生育期内的光合速率和干物质积累速率,从而优化玉米的干物质积累量、水分利用效率,最终通过各指标的综合效应来影响产量。光合速率、干物质积累量、干物质积累最大增长速率和水分利用效率(WUE)与籽粒产量之间的相关关系如表4所示。Table 4
Table 4
指标 Item | 光合速率 Pn | 干物质积累量 Dry matter accumulation | 干物质积累最大增长速率 Maximum increase rate | 水分利用效率 WUE | 籽粒产量 Grain yield |
光合速率Pn | 1 | -0.5 | 0.647** | 0.919** | 0.855** |
干物质积累量 Dry matter accumulation | 1 | -0.2208 | -0.259 | 0.178* | |
干物质积累最大增长速率 Maximum increase rate | 1 | 0.641** | 0.669** | ||
水分利用效率WUE | 1 | 0.898** | |||
籽粒产量Grain yield Grain Yield | 1 |
3 讨论
3.1 水氮耦合及种植密度与玉米光合特性、干物质积累特征的关系
研究表明,光合作用是农作物生物产量形成的物质基础,其功能效率的高低直接影响籽粒产量的高低[27]。在作物的各生育时期,通过膜下滴灌、水肥一体化、交替灌溉、增施氮肥以及增加种植密度等一系列农艺措施优化作物的光合特性和干物质积累过程是获得高产的重要方式之一[28,29]。灌水量、施氮量和种植密度对作物光合产物的影响是多方面的。曹倩等[30]、张银锁等[31]研究发现,水分胁迫下作物的光合速率及干物质积累量显著降低,但及时增加灌溉量能够显著提高夏玉米的光合速率、产量及WUE。魏廷邦等[25]研究发现,在灌水量和施氮总量不变的情况下,玉米拔节期氮肥后移20%(拔节肥10%+花粒肥30%)可延长拔节期至灌浆期玉米干物质积累持续期,利于提高产量和收获指数。马国胜等[19]研究发现,种植密度能够显著影响玉米生育期内叶片的光合速率和干物质积累速率,在低密度条件下,干物质积累速率随种植密度的增加而显著增大,但当种植密度增大到一定峰值后,干物质积累增长速度呈下降趋势。本研究结果表明,通过玉米关键生育时期减量20%灌水与高施氮耦合能够显著增大密植玉米光合作用、干物质最大增长速率和干物质积累量。在生育期减量20%灌水和高施氮条件下,中密度处理的全生育期净光合速率较低密度和高密度处理分别提高17.31%和11.43%,高密度和中密度处理的干物质最大增长速率较低密度处理分别提高21.07%和7.52%,高密度处理的干物质积累量较中密度、低密度处理分别提高4.27%和10.59%,且光合速率(0.855**)与籽粒产量呈显著正相关关系。在正常生长条件下,生育期限量供水对玉米光合特性和干物质积累特征的影响大于施用氮肥的作用,但通过种植密度的改变能够调控玉米各生育时期的光合作用和干物质积累特征,恰当比例的水肥互作能够显著促进密植玉米生育期地上部分的生长,利于光合产物的积累,为生育后期增加粒重奠定基础。本研究还发现,在减量20%灌水条件下,中密度高施氮处理的玉米全生育期净光合速率较中施氮、不施氮处理分别提高7.34%和49.54%,高密度高施氮处理的干物质最大增长速率及其出现天数分别较中施氮、不施氮处理提高19.07%、54.35%和提前3.9 d和6.8 d,中密度高施氮处理的干物质积累量较中施氮、不施氮处理分别提高11.63%和44.53%。说明生育期减量20%灌水与高施氮水平的组合为最优水肥耦合模式,生育期适量减少灌水量的条件下,增施氮肥可显著提高密植玉米生育后期叶片的光合能力,保持生育后期较高的干物质积累速率,增大干物质积累量和玉米产量,对提高密植作物的抗旱性及产量具有积极意义。水氮配施可显著提高密植玉米的光合生理活性,其主要原因是水分对生育期叶片的生理活性具有重要影响,适量增加灌水使得玉米生育前期穗位叶的光合速率、蒸腾速率显著增大,可有效延缓穗位叶叶绿素值降低的幅度,水分供应不足时,及时追施氮肥可显著增大叶片的SPAD值和气孔导度,增强生育期的净光合速率,显著促进光合产物积累和转移[32,33]。另有****研究认为,适量增施氮肥可显著改善定量灌水条件下叶片中叶肉细胞的生理活性,有利于增加叶片中RuBP羧化酶活性,提高水分亏缺条件下叶片抗氧化酶和保护酶系的活性与含量[34],减缓叶片中SPAD值的降低幅度,延长生育后期叶片光合生理功能的持续期[35],协调根系与水、肥间的关系,提高其对干旱环境的适应能力,增大生育期干物质积累速率,使得籽粒“库”对有机物质的竞争能力增强,提高成熟期干物质积累量和粒重[36,37]。
3.2 水氮耦合及种植密度对玉米产量、水分利用效率及氮肥利用率的影响
4 结论
生育期减量20%灌水与高施氮耦合可显著增大密植玉米生育期的净光合速率,提高干物质最大增长速率,提前干物质最大增长速率出现的天数,提高水分利用效率和氮肥利用率,优化干物质积累特征,最终实现玉米高产。因此,在河西绿洲灌区,采用生育期减量20%灌水(3 720 m3·hm-2)、施氮量450 kg·hm-2、中密度97 500株/hm2组合的最优栽培模式,可为发掘该区密植条件下玉米高产、高效栽培提供技术指导。参考文献 原文顺序
DOI:10.1126/science.1185383URL [本文引用: 1]

Continuing population and consumption growth will mean that the global demand for food will increase for at least another 40 years. Growing competition for land, water, and energy, in addition to the overexploitation of fisheries, will affect our ability to produce food, as will the urgent requirement to reduce the impact of the food system on the environment. The effects of climate change are a further threat. But the world can produce more food and can ensure that it is used more efficiently and equitably. A multifaceted and linked global strategy is needed to ensure sustainable and equitable food security, different components of which are explored here.2010 American Association for the Advancement for Science. All Rights Reserved.
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Water scarcity, water pollution, and water-related waste threaten humanity globally, largely due to the limited supply of freshwater on the planet, the unbalanced distribution of water resources, and the excessive consumption of water from the growing population and its economic development. China is facing severe water shortages; the northern part of the country has an average freshwater availability of 76002cubic meter per capita per year, 25% below the internationally accepted threshold for water scarcity. Agriculture in northwest China relies on annual precipitation of 50–50002mm, 70% of which occurs from July to September, and annual evaporation from 1500 to 260002mm. In the Hexi Corridor regions where annual precipitation is below 15002mm, farming largely depends on irrigation with water from Qilian Mountain snowmelt. However, permanent snow on the mountain has moved upwards at a rate of 0.2–1.002m annually, and groundwater in the valley has declined at a rate of 0.5–1.802m02year 611 . Consequently, some natural oases, along the old Silk Road, have shrunk or disappeared and wells have dried up. At the meantime, some farms use irrigation water at a rate as high as 11,00002m 3 02ha 611 , much greater than crop water requirements for high yield. In recent years, many innovative research projects have dealt with the water issue in arid and semiarid northwestern China. In this chapter, we summarize some key water-saving technologies developed from some of these recently completed research projects, and discuss integrated and innovative approaches for the development of water-saving agricultural systems. Our goal is to encourage the use of innovative water-saving technologies to reduce agricultural water use, increase crop water-use efficiency, and improve agricultural productivity.
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Nature is the international weekly journal of science: a magazine style journal that publishes full-length research papers in all disciplines of science, as well as News and Views, reviews, news, features, commentaries, web focuses and more, covering all branches of science and how science impacts upon all aspects of society and life.
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DOI:10.1016/j.plaphy.2004.12.009URLPMID:15820668 [本文引用: 1]

The stability of chlorophyll–protein complexes of photosystem I (PSI) and photosystem II (PSII) was investigated by chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence spectroscopy, absorption spectra and native green gel separation system during flag leaf senescence of two rice varieties (IIyou 129 and Shanyou 63) grown under outdoor conditions. During leaf senescence, photosynthetic CO 2 assimilation rate, carboxylase activity of Rubisco, chlorophyll and carotenoids contents, and the chlorophyll a/ b ratio decreased significantly. The 7702K Chl fluorescence emission spectra of thylakoid membranes from mature leaves had two peaks at around 685 and 73502nm emitting mainly from PSII and PSI, respectively. The total Chl fluorescence yields of PSI and PSII decreased significantly with senescence progressing. However, the decrease in the Chl fluorescence yield of PSI was greater than in the yield of PSII, suggesting that the rate of degradation in chlorophyll–protein complexes of PSI was greater than in chlorophyll–protein complexes of PSII. The fluorescence yields for all chlorophyll–protein complexes decreased significantly with leaf senescence in two rice varieties but the extents of their decrease were significantly different. The greatest decrease in the Chl fluorescence yield was in PSI core, followed by LHCI, CP47, CP43, and LHCII. These results indicate that the rate of degradation for each chlorophyll–protein complex was different and the order for the stability of chlorophyll–protein complexes during leaf senescence was: LHCII > CP43 > CP47 > LHCI > PSI core, which was partly supported by the green gel electrophoresis of the chlorophyll–protein complexes.
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DOI:10.3321/j.issn:0496-3490.2002.01.021URL [本文引用: 1]

作物生产的最主要的过程就是光合产物的积累、分配、转移及最终经济产量的形成。为研究环境条件和栽培管理对这一过程的动态影响 ,1998至 1999年 2年共进行了 19个处理的田间试验 ,系统地测定了不同播期、不同密度、不同施肥、灌溉水平以及不同含盐量的灌溉水质下 ,包括地下部分的夏玉米各器官干物质动态。本文以有效积温表示的相对发育期为时间变量 ,分析了各处理下干物质积累、分配和转移的动态变化 ,并比较了最终产量水平及收获指数。在计算同化物分配和转移系数时考虑了活体维持呼吸的消耗
DOI:10.3321/j.issn:0496-3490.2002.01.021URL [本文引用: 1]

作物生产的最主要的过程就是光合产物的积累、分配、转移及最终经济产量的形成。为研究环境条件和栽培管理对这一过程的动态影响 ,1998至 1999年 2年共进行了 19个处理的田间试验 ,系统地测定了不同播期、不同密度、不同施肥、灌溉水平以及不同含盐量的灌溉水质下 ,包括地下部分的夏玉米各器官干物质动态。本文以有效积温表示的相对发育期为时间变量 ,分析了各处理下干物质积累、分配和转移的动态变化 ,并比较了最终产量水平及收获指数。在计算同化物分配和转移系数时考虑了活体维持呼吸的消耗
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[Objective] The aim was to study on effects of N fertilizer on yield, N absorption and utilization of different cultivars of super high-yielding summer maize, in order to provide reference for reasonable N fertilization in accordance with different cultivars. [Method] Field experiment was conducted to study on effects of different N fertilizers on yield, N absorption and use efficiency of Zhengdan 958 and Xundan 20, in order to learn the effect differences at different N fertilizer levels. [Result] After N was applied, yields of the two summer maize increased significantly. Zhengdan 958 achieved the highest in yield and proceeds at 12 051.18 kg/hm2 and 1 722.40 yuan/hm2, respectively in low N level. In contrast, Xundan 20 achieved the highest at 13 166.00 kg/hm2 and 1 343.92 yuan/hm2 in the above two aspects in high N level. Compared with Zhengdan 958, Xundan 20 increased by 9.90%, 5.20% and 12.00% in N levels of 0, 240, and 450 kg/hm2, respectively. When N fertilizers were applied, protein yield of Xundan 20 was significantly higher than that of Zhengdan 958, so that higher N fertilizers contributed higher protein yield for Xundan 20. In high N level, N efficiency, N-fertilizer utilization and partial productivity of Xundan 20 were significantly higher than that of Zhengdan 958. [Conclusion] Lower N-fertilizer was suitable for Zhengdan 958 and Xundan 20 would get a good harvest if more N-fertilizers were applied. The results provided references for reasonable N fertilization.
DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2005.07.011URL [本文引用: 1]

Establishing and implementing management practices that limit N leaching from agricultural and horticultural land is a priority internationally. Movement of N through soil to surface and ground waters can degrade aquatic systems and compromise water used for drinking, industry and recreation. Reported annual rates of N leaching from turfgrass range from 0 to 160 kg N ha year, representing up to 30% of applied N. Irrigation rate, fertiliser regime and turfgrass growth phase influence the amounts of N leached. Nitrogen losses tend to be low ( year. Efficient irrigation management is critical for efficient N use. Irrigation scheduling that does not cause water to move beyond the active rooting zone decreases the amount of N leached from established turfgrass, without being detrimental to, and in some instances enhancing, turfgrass growth and quality. Applying N fertilisers at rates and frequencies that match N requirements decreases N leaching from established turfgrass. Soil disturbance, such as during preparation of areas for planting turfgrass, can increase N leaching. Therefore, the main strategies for minimising N leaching from turfgrass are (i) optimise irrigation regimes, and (ii) ensure N is applied at rates and frequencies that match turfgrass demand. These strategies are particularly important during turfgrass establishment. Further work is required on turfgrass-soil N cycling and partitioning of N applied to turfgrass. Research needs to be conducted for a broad range of turfgrass species, turfgrass ages, soil types and climates.
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DOI:10.1016/S0378-4290(03)00002-9URL [本文引用: 1]

Maize crop management involves decision making on several cultural practices aimed to maximize grain yield, like plant population and row spacing. These practices affect the light environment perceived by plants and the post-flowering source–sink ratio, but there is scarce information on the way they influence plant leaf senescence. The objectives of our research were to: (i) characterize the development of leaf area senescence for contrasting canopy architectures (i.e. plant population×row spacing), and (ii) analyze the response of leaf senescence to changes in the light environment and the post-flowering source–sink ratio. Field experiments were conducted in Argentina between 1997/1998 and 2000/2001. Four hybrids were grown at a wide range of plant populations (3, 9, 10 and 12 plants m 612), row spacings (0.35, 0.7 and 1 m) and pollination treatments (natural and restricted pollination). Senescence development was well described ( r 2=0.61–0.99, P<0.05) as a bilinear process, starting always at around 500 °C day (base temperature of 8 °C) before silking. Senescence progressed at a lower rate during the first phase of the process than during the second one (651.4 vs. 655.5 cm 2 per plant per °C per day). The second phase always started between silking and 400 °C day after silking. Increased plant population increased senescence rate during the whole plant cycle, but never affected the ontogenic stage when senescence was initiated or accelerated in all hybrids. Increased plant population promoted: (i) an enhanced light attenuation within the canopy ( k coefficient=0.43, 0.55, 0.53 and 0.65 for 3, 9, 10 and 12 plants m 612, respectively), (ii) an augmented post-flowering source–sink ratio (11.6 cm 2 of green plant leaf area per kernel at 9 and 12 plants m 612 compared to 8.3 cm 2 per kernel at 3 plants m 612), and (iii) a decreased grain protein concentration. Senescence was reduced by kernel set restrictions that enhanced post-flowering assimilate availability, indicating the process was accelerated by assimilate starvation at high plant populations independently of the green leaf area established per growing kernel. Row spacing altered light quality (red:far-red ratio) perceived at the lowermost leaf stratum at the highest plant populations, but had no effect on senescence development. Senescence during grain filling was related to the local light quantity perceived by leaves and to N availability for actively growing kernels. Although senesced leaf area was influenced by crop growing conditions, senescence initiation and the onset of increased senescence rate were not.
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DOI:10.1093/aob/mci244URLPMID:16103036 [本文引用: 1]

61 Background and Aims New maize (Zea mays) hybrids outperformed old ones even at reduced N rates. Understanding the mechanisms of the differences in performance between newer and older hybrids under N deficiency could provide avenues for breeding maize cultivars with large yield under N deficiency, and reduce environmental pollution caused by N fertilizers. 61 Methods N deficiency effects on grain weight, plant weight, harvest index, leaf area and photosynthetic traits were studied in the field for six maize hybrids released during the past 50 years to compare their tolerance and to explore their physiological mechanisms. 61 Key Results N deficiency decreased grain yield and plant weight in all hybrids, especially in the older hybrids. However, there was no significant difference in harvest index, rate of light-saturated photosynthesis (P sa t) 20 d before flowering, leaf area or plant weight at flowering between the N-deficient and control plants of all hybrids. Dry matter production after flowering of the N-deficient plants was significantly lower than that of the control plants in all hybrids, especially in the older hybrids, and was mostly due to differences in the rate of decrease in photosynthetic capacity during this stage. The lower Psat of the older hybrids was not due to stomatal limitation, as there was no significant difference in stomatal conductance (gs) and intercellular CO60 concentration (Ci) between the hybrids. N deficiency accelerated senescence, i.e. decreased chlorophyll and soluble protein contents, after anthesis more for the earlier released hybrids than for the later ones. N deficiency decreased phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPCase) activity significantly more in older hybrids than newer hybrids, and affected the maximal efficiency of PSII photochemistry (Fv/Fm) only in the old hybrids and at the late stage. 61 Conclusions Compared with older (earlier released) hybrids, newer (later released) hybrids maintained greater plant and grain weight under N deficiency because their photosynthetic capacity decreased more slowly after anthesis, associated with smaller non-stomatal limitations due to maintenance of PEPCase activity, and chlorophyll and soluble protein content.