A Method of Ecological Suitability Evaluation and Its Application for Maize Planted in Mountain Farmland Based on GIS (Case Study: Xundian County)
LI Chao1, LI WenFeng,2, ZHAO Yao2, SHANG JingMin21 Yunnan Meteorological Observatory, Kunming 650034 2 Engineering Technical Research Centre of Agricultural Big-data in Yunnan, Kunming 650201
Abstract 【Objective】 Crop suitability evaluation is an important means for production zoning. This paper developed a new evaluation model of the ecological suitability for maize planted in mountain farmland, according to climatic, soil and topography condition. 【Method】 An evaluation index system of maize ecological suitability were selected after a systematic and comparative analysis of literature reviews, and 18 eco-environment factors were involved in the system. A climate model was established by the method of agricultural modeling based on the climatic conditions of maize growth period and ecological efficiency. The membership function method was used to calculate the suitability index for numerical and conceptual indicator variables, respectively. Expert scoring and analytic hierarchy process were used to determine the weight of each factor. Combining the weights and evaluation function, a new evaluation model was constructed to evaluate the suitability of climate, soil nutrient, site conditions, land management, and comprehensive ecological suitability. According the stereoscopic character of mountain farmland, evaluation units were divided by land using, soil type, and administrative division. The values of 18 indicators were calculated by GIS spatial analysis and attached into evaluation unites. Using the evaluation model and spatial data, the maize ecological suitability was evaluated for each class respectively or comprehensively. 【Result】 This method was used to evaluate maize ecological suitability in Xundian county, where the cultivated land was divided into 8 415 evaluation units. The suitable and high suitable area in climatic condition, soil nutrient, site condition, land management accounted for 58%, 86%, 42%, and 90%, respectively. The suitable and higher suitable area of maize planting accounted for 50.6% and 35.4%, respectively, which mainly distributed in the middle-southeast low-middle hilly area, and some in the central and northern Jinsha River valleys and western valley trough areas. The barely suitable and unsuitable area accounted for 9.4% and 4.6%, which mainly distributed in the northwest and some in the west of the central part. 【Conclusion】 This method was able to response the climatic difference during maize growth period and the stereoscopic character of mountain farmland. The suitability area distributed as fragments. The results were consistent with the regional situation basically. The climate and terrain were primary limit factors for the ecological suitability of maize in the region. Keywords:GIS;maize;ecological suitability;evaluation;Xundian county
PDF (2863KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 李超, 李文峰, 赵耀, 尚敬敏. 基于GIS的云南山区玉米生态适宜性评价方法与应用[J]. 中国农业科学, 2019, 52(3): 445-454 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.03.005 LI Chao, LI WenFeng, ZHAO Yao, SHANG JingMin. A Method of Ecological Suitability Evaluation and Its Application for Maize Planted in Mountain Farmland Based on GIS (Case Study: Xundian County)[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2019, 52(3): 445-454 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.03.005
本研究通过Web of Science和 CNKI数据库检索2008—2018年间关于玉米种植适宜性评价方面的中英文文献,并从41篇英文、33篇中文中遴选和抽取23篇文献,获得37个评价指标。37个评价指标包含了中国农业部全国农业技术推广中心提供的耕地地力评价指标体系,涉及气象、土壤养分、立地条件和土地管理4大类。图1列出了其中频度最高的20个指标,后经11位专家结合云南实际情况对37个指标进行遴选、评价和打分,采用德尔菲法对打分情况进行统计分析,最终确定了18个评价指标构建的评价指标体系(表1)。
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