

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-26

李超1, 李文峰,2, 赵耀2, 尚敬敏21 云南省气象台,昆明 650034
2 云南省农业大数据工程技术研究中心,昆明 650201

A Method of Ecological Suitability Evaluation and Its Application for Maize Planted in Mountain Farmland Based on GIS (Case Study: Xundian County)

LI Chao1, LI WenFeng,2, ZHAO Yao2, SHANG JingMin2 1 Yunnan Meteorological Observatory, Kunming 650034
2 Engineering Technical Research Centre of Agricultural Big-data in Yunnan, Kunming 650201

通讯作者: 李文峰,E-mail: liwf83@126.com


作者简介 About authors

目的 作物适宜性评价是进行生产区划的重要手段,本研究拟基于气象、土壤、地形数据,构建适宜山地环境的玉米生态适宜性评价模型和方法。方法 在文献系统分析的基础上,遴选18个生态指标构成玉米生态适宜性评价指标体系,气候适宜性评价模型采用作物模型法构建,考虑了玉米生育期和生态效应,其他指标采用隶属度函数法分数值型和概念型分别构建。各因子权重采用专家打分和层次分析法确定,综合权重和适宜性函数构建玉米气候、土壤养分、立地条件、土地管理适宜性评价模型及综合生态适宜性评价模型。评价的数据通过空间分析获得。针对山区耕地的立体分布特点,运用ArcGIS工具综合耕地利用、土壤类型、行政区划划分评价单元,经GIS的插值处理、统计分析,获得各评价单元18个评价指标基础数据,进而运用评价模型对各评价单元进行分类评价和综合生态适宜性评价结果 该方法应用于云南省寻甸县,全县耕地共划分为8 415个评价单元,其气候、土壤养分、立地条件、土地管理4个方面适宜以上的面积分别占比58%、86%、42%、90%。生态适宜性综合评价中,高度适宜区和适宜区的面积占比分别为35.4%、50.6%,主要分布在中-东南部低中山丘陵区,中北部金沙江河谷,西部河谷槽区也有小范围的分布;勉强适宜区、不适宜区面积占9.4%和4.6%,主要零星分布在中部以西地区,而在西北部相对集中。结论 评价方法考虑了玉米生育期和山区耕地立体分布特点,研究区适宜性区划呈碎片状分布,分布情况与区域生产情况基本相符,气候和立地条件是影响研究区玉米生态适宜性的主要因素。
关键词: GIS;玉米;生态适宜性;评价;寻甸县

【Objective】 Crop suitability evaluation is an important means for production zoning. This paper developed a new evaluation model of the ecological suitability for maize planted in mountain farmland, according to climatic, soil and topography condition. 【Method】 An evaluation index system of maize ecological suitability were selected after a systematic and comparative analysis of literature reviews, and 18 eco-environment factors were involved in the system. A climate model was established by the method of agricultural modeling based on the climatic conditions of maize growth period and ecological efficiency. The membership function method was used to calculate the suitability index for numerical and conceptual indicator variables, respectively. Expert scoring and analytic hierarchy process were used to determine the weight of each factor. Combining the weights and evaluation function, a new evaluation model was constructed to evaluate the suitability of climate, soil nutrient, site conditions, land management, and comprehensive ecological suitability. According the stereoscopic character of mountain farmland, evaluation units were divided by land using, soil type, and administrative division. The values of 18 indicators were calculated by GIS spatial analysis and attached into evaluation unites. Using the evaluation model and spatial data, the maize ecological suitability was evaluated for each class respectively or comprehensively. 【Result】 This method was used to evaluate maize ecological suitability in Xundian county, where the cultivated land was divided into 8 415 evaluation units. The suitable and high suitable area in climatic condition, soil nutrient, site condition, land management accounted for 58%, 86%, 42%, and 90%, respectively. The suitable and higher suitable area of maize planting accounted for 50.6% and 35.4%, respectively, which mainly distributed in the middle-southeast low-middle hilly area, and some in the central and northern Jinsha River valleys and western valley trough areas. The barely suitable and unsuitable area accounted for 9.4% and 4.6%, which mainly distributed in the northwest and some in the west of the central part. 【Conclusion】 This method was able to response the climatic difference during maize growth period and the stereoscopic character of mountain farmland. The suitability area distributed as fragments. The results were consistent with the regional situation basically. The climate and terrain were primary limit factors for the ecological suitability of maize in the region.
Keywords:GIS;maize;ecological suitability;evaluation;Xundian county

PDF (2863KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文
李超, 李文峰, 赵耀, 尚敬敏. 基于GIS的云南山区玉米生态适宜性评价方法与应用[J]. 中国农业科学, 2019, 52(3): 445-454 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.03.005
LI Chao, LI WenFeng, ZHAO Yao, SHANG JingMin. A Method of Ecological Suitability Evaluation and Its Application for Maize Planted in Mountain Farmland Based on GIS (Case Study: Xundian County)[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2019, 52(3): 445-454 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.03.005

0 引言

【研究意义】玉米是云南省种植面积最大的粮食作物,种植面积占云南省旱耕地面积的56%。由于受气候、地形、生产水平等条件影响,云南省玉米单产水平的区域差异大,总体水平不高。因此对玉米种植适宜性进行评价,对指导云南山区、半山区作物种植,优化产业布局具有重要意义。【前人研究进展】作物适宜性评价是进行生产区划的重要手段,广泛应用于农业领域。近年随着研究的深入,作物适宜性评价对象由基本粮油作物扩展到具有地方特色的名特优作物和绿色农产品[1,2,3]。随着计算机技术和“3S”技术的快速发展,基于GIS 技术的适宜性分析方法也逐渐成为主流[4,5,6]。GIS能将空间数据与非空间数据整合,将适宜性评价中的空间环境因子(土壤、气候、坡度、灌溉等)融合并生成数据层,通过栅格或矢量叠加计算,为决策者提供直观线性的量化结果[7,8]。其中对栅格评价单元,按照指标权重进行加权评分成为适宜性评价的常用方法[9],而指标的选取及量化是关键。人工神经网络[10,11]能够容纳不确定性、模糊性和部分真实;模糊数学[12,13]可保留隶属度的完整信息,但又认可数据的不精确性。因此随着研究深入,出现了将GIS与人工神经网络、模糊数学、遗传算法[10]、空间聚类[14]、物元模型[15]等方法结合,对作物进行适宜性评价。这些方法能够对描述型的概念性因子进行量化,精确整合地理数据与主观决策分析因子。前人应用上述方法对云南山地玉米进行了生态区划研究,认为云南玉米生态类型可分为滇东北北亚热带玉米带、滇西北北亚热带玉米带、滇中中亚热带玉米带和滇南南亚热带玉米带[16]。由于云南山多地少,在不同尺度的气候垂直分异作用下,地带性气候被地形气候代替,因此低纬高原气候下满足玉米生育期的各项气象指标与联合国粮农组织推荐的有差异[17]。【本研究切入点】以往玉米的适宜性评价更多偏重于气候适宜性的分析[18],多因素(土壤、地形、耕种措施等)综合分析和评价研究较少,而气候评价又多用气象因子简单加权平均,对玉米生育期和生态效应的考虑不足;玉米是模拟研究最成熟的作物之一,将作物模型方法引入其生态评价可提高模型的机理性和广适性。目前在土地和土壤适宜性评价中,已有对华北、黄淮平原和东北地区的研究[18,19],但对山区地形土壤的立体分布特点的针对性研究尚不足。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究将结合玉米生理生态的研究,采用作物模型、层次分析等方法,综合气候-土壤-地形-土地管理4个方面,构建更为科学的玉米生态适宜性评价模型,并应用评价模型、GIS空间分析和地统计分析技术,探索适用于云南山区耕地特点的玉米生态适宜性评价方法。

1 材料与方法

1.1 研究区概况

寻甸县位于东经102°41′—103°33′,北纬25°20′—26°01′,区域面积3 966 km2,属乌蒙山系。山区、高寒山区占总面积的87.5%,有大小不等的坝子80多个,坝子和河谷槽区的总面积约13 400 hm2,占总耕地面积的30%左右,是水稻和玉米的主要产区。寻甸县年均温14.5℃,年降水1 038.1 mm,玉米年均产量2 788.5 kg·hm-2

1.2 数据来源与处理

气象数据包括2015—2017年的逐日平均温度、逐日日照时数、日降水量(云南省寻甸县43个气象观测点数据);基础空间数据包括1﹕50 000寻甸县的行政区划图、土壤类型分布图、土地利用现状图、高程点数据、地貌类型图、排涝图、灌溉图、面状水系等;土壤属性数据包括1 146个采样点的土壤质地、pH、有机质含量、有效磷含量、速效钾含量、碱解氮含量等(2008年全国测土配方施肥数据)。

本研究使用ArcGIS将土地利用现状、土壤类型、行政区划进行叠加分析,提取耕地利用类型,获得8 415个不规则图斑作为评价单元。将研究区采样点的数值型评价指标进行空间插值分析,转化为栅格数据;将概念型的评价指标由矢量转换为栅格数据,最后通过栅格的统计分析获得各评价单元各指标的数值。

1.3 评价指标体系的构建

本研究通过Web of Science和 CNKI数据库检索2008—2018年间关于玉米种植适宜性评价方面的中英文文献,并从41篇英文、33篇中文中遴选和抽取23篇文献,获得37个评价指标。37个评价指标包含了中国农业部全国农业技术推广中心提供的耕地地力评价指标体系,涉及气象、土壤养分、立地条件和土地管理4大类。图1列出了其中频度最高的20个指标,后经11位专家结合云南实际情况对37个指标进行遴选、评价和打分,采用德尔菲法对打分情况进行统计分析,最终确定了18个评价指标构建的评价指标体系(表1)。



Fig. 1Commonly-used indexes and usage frequency for evaluation of maize ecological suitability

Table 1
Table 1Indexes and their weights for evaluation of maize ecological suitability
Target layer
Rule layer
Index layer
生态适宜性评价指标Evaluation index system of ecological suitability气候条件
Climate condition, U1
0.451日平均气温Daily average temperature, U11 (℃)0.069
≥10℃积温≥10℃ accumulated temperature, U12 (℃)0.188
降水量Precipitation, U13 (mm)0.116
日照时数Sunshine hours, U14 (h)0.082
土壤肥力Soil nutrient, U20.146有机质Organic matter, U21 (g·kg-1)0.057
有效磷Available P, U22 (mg·kg-1)0.024
速效钾Available K, U23 (mg·kg-1)0.025
碱解氮 Available N, U24 (mg·kg-1)0.017
立地条件Site condition, U30.168pH, U310.035
土壤质地Soil texture, U320.017
坡度Slope, U33 (°)0.014
坡向Aspect, U340.008
海拔Altitude, U35 (m)0.043
地貌类型Topographic type, U360.017
耕层厚度Tillage depth, U37 (cm)0.034
成土母质Parent material, U380.016
Land management, U4
0.235灌溉能力Irrigation, U410.113
排涝能力Drainage, U42 (t·km-2)0.125


1.4 单要素适宜性评价模型







Table 2
Table 2Membership function for numeric factors
Evaluation index
Function type
Membership function
Standard value
Limit value
有机质Organic matter戒上型Upper limitY=1/[1+0.006889×(ui–c)2][21,24,27]3010
有效磷Available P戒上型Upper limitY=1/[1+0.00653×(ui–c)2][21,24,27]403
速效钾Available K戒上型Upper limitY=1/[1+0.000064×(ui–c)2][21,24,27]20030
碱解氮Available N戒上型Upper limitY=1/[1+0.001335×(ui–c)2][21,24,27]15030
耕层厚度Tillage depth戒上型Upper limitY=1/[1+0.00745×(ui–c)2][28,29]4022
坡度Slope戒下型Lower limitY=1/[1+0.00496×(ui–c)2][28,29]2.8415
pH峰值型PeakerY=1/[1+0.265×(ui–c)2] [21,24,27]5.744.5/8.5
ui为样本实测值 ui is the sample practical measurement value



Table 3
Table 3Membership function for conceptual factors
Evaluation index
Expert evaluation value
Parent material
指标Index5, 6, 8973, 41, 2
Southeast, East
Soil texture
Medium loam soil
Light soil
Clay loam soil
Sandy loam soil
Topographic type
The numbers of parent material description: 1-Tluvial, 2-Basic crystal salt eluvium, 3-Sandstone eluvium, 4-Fair sandstone eluvium, 5-Alluvium, 6-Non-lime resistance alluvium soil, 7-Old alluvial parent material, 8-Lake deposit, 9-Laterite parent material; The numbers of topographic type description:1-Lake deposit lower beach, 2-Falt diluvial lower platform, 3-Fluctuation diluvial lower platform, 4-Fluctuation diluvial upper platform, 5-Lower terraces of rivers, 6-Fluctuation erosion denudation lower platform, 7-Fluctuation erosion denudation upper platform, 8-Flat upper terraces of river, 9-Flat lake deposit upper platform, 10-Flat lake erosion upper platform, 11-Fluctuation lake deposit upper platform, 12- Fluctuation lake erosion upper platform, 13-Fluctuation river upper platform, 14-Low mountain, 15-Middle mountain, 16-High mountain


1.5 生态适宜性评价模型



2 结果

根据模型计算出的气候条件、土壤养分、立地条件、土地管理和综合评价结果。利用自然断点法[30](natural breaks)将寻甸县划分为玉米种植的高适宜区、适宜区、勉强适宜区和不适宜区4个等级(图2—3)。根据GIS统计分析显示,综合评价的适宜与高适宜区域占总面积的86%,其中高适宜区占35.4%,主要分布在中-东南部低中山丘陵区,包括金锁乡、仁德镇、柯渡镇、功山镇、河口镇,中北部金沙江河谷,西部河谷槽区(金源乡、鸡街镇、六哨乡、羊街镇)也有小范围的分布。适宜区占50.6%,主要分布在联合乡、风和镇、倘甸镇、六哨乡、金所乡和甸沙乡。勉强适宜区和不适宜区占总面积14%,在中部以西地区有零星不成片分布,而在西北部相对集中。

分类评价显示土壤养分和土地管理两类评价中80%以上为适宜或高度适宜区(图2—3),而气候和立地条件中的适宜、高适宜区占比较低,分别为58%和42%。气候条件适宜区和高适宜区平均海拔为2 158 m;不适宜区主要分布在东、西部,平均海拔为2 052 m。立地条件不适宜区主要分布在中部以东地区。土壤养分不适宜区集中分布在西北到东南一线上。土地管理几乎没有不适宜区域。



Fig. 2Distribution of maize ecological suitability in Xundian



Fig. 3Area percentage of every maize ecological suitability grade in Xundian

3 讨论


现有研究划分评价单元的方法主要有不同图层叠加形成的图斑作为评价单元、地形-母质-土壤单元(即 SOTER 单元)作为评价单元和在GIS的支持下以不同精度的地理网格作为评价单元。云南山多地少,耕地资源相当匮乏且分散零星,若采取宏观、集中连片的适宜性评价方法和简单的栅格插值计算,评价结果与实际偏差很大,缺乏用地区域的空间细化信息。本研究将栅格插值与图斑计算结合起来,用多个图层相互叠加的图斑作为评价单元,保证每一个图版(评价单元)有唯一的多个字段的属性值,克服了土地利用类型性质上的不均一性和土壤类型地域边界上的不一致性,不仅便于表达土壤空间分布与特性的空间关系,并能将空间数据和属性数据、栅格数据与矢量数据紧密集成,保持信息的一致性。根据每个图版的地类、土壤属性、种植玉米的适宜性评价值,因地制宜,可精确地指导不同地块的玉米种植技术和人为影响措施。



4 结论


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DOI:10.1016/j.compag.2013.02.003URL [本文引用: 1]
Agricultural land suitability evaluation for crop production is a process that requires specialized geoenvironmental information and the expertise of a computer scientist to analyze and interpret the information. This paper presents ALSE, an intelligent system for assessing land suitability for different types of crops in tropical and subtropical regions (e.g. mango, banana, papaya, citrus, and guava) based on geoenvironmental factors that automates the process of evaluation and illustrates the results on an attribute table. Its main features include support of GIS capabilities on the digital map of an area with the FAO-SYS framework model with some necessary modifications to suit the local environmental conditions for land evaluation, and the support of expert knowledge through on spatial tools to derive criteria weights with their relative importance. A dynamic program for calculation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a weighting matrix is provided. Expertise and knowledge help ensure that ALSE databases represent realistic, practicable and functional systems. It is useful for decision makers to determine the quality of land for agricultural uses and is intended as a decision and planning support. Responsibility for any decisions based partly or wholly on the output of ALSE rests with the decision maker. ALSE ensures that the results are interpreted correctly within the relevant context, and contributes by maximizing land-use planning and decision support. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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